cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com€¦ · Web viewHudson’s Bay Company. Northwest Company. How did it start?...

maddy Pitch Organizer Part 1: 1) Complete the chart below (Horizons – Chapter 4 – pages 126-128): Hudson’s Bay Company Northwest Company How did it start? The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was founded in 1670. Claiming the land surrounding Hudson Bay for England, Charles II also gave the HBC a royal charter, granting exclusive trading rights in all lands drained by rivers flowing into Hudson Bay. This territory, called Rupert’s Land, The HBC built trading posts at the mouths of rivers, on the shore of Hudson Bay. First Nations traders travelled long distances By the mid-1700s, fur traders from New France (which later became Lower Canada) had established trading posts along rivers in the Northwest. French traders could now go deeper inland and make new contacts. Where does it operate? Surrounding Hudson bay, Rupert’s land (London) mouths of rivers along rivers in the Northwest (Montreal) What was it like working for the company? Would wait for the Aboriginals to bring furs to the forts so their life was quite boring, especially during the winter months. More enjoyable because they moved around. Had to go through tough journeys on rivers and portage often What are the Stayed by the bay Set up trading posts

Transcript of cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com€¦ · Web viewHudson’s Bay Company. Northwest Company. How did it start?...

Page 1: cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com€¦ · Web viewHudson’s Bay Company. Northwest Company. How did it start? The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was founded in 1670. Claiming the land surrounding


Pitch Organizer

Part 1:

1) Complete the chart below (Horizons – Chapter 4 – pages 126-128):

Hudson’s Bay Company Northwest CompanyHow did it start? The Hudson’s Bay Company

(HBC) was founded in 1670. Claiming the land surrounding Hudson Bay for England, Charles II also gave the HBC a royal charter, granting exclusive trading rights in all lands drained by rivers flowing into Hudson Bay. This territory, called Rupert’s Land, The HBC built trading posts at the mouths of rivers, on the shore of Hudson Bay. First Nations traders travelled long distances

By the mid-1700s, fur traders from New France (which later became Lower Canada) had established trading posts along rivers in the Northwest. French traders could now go deeper inland and make new contacts.

Where does it operate? Surrounding Hudson bay, Rupert’s land (London) mouths of rivers

along rivers in the Northwest (Montreal)

What was it like working for the company?

Would wait for the Aboriginals to bring furs to the forts so their life was quite boring, especially during the winter months.

More enjoyable because they moved around. Had to go through tough journeys on rivers and portage often

What are the advantages this company had over the other?Explain why these are advantages

Stayed by the bay and would barley ever bargain or trade alcohol

Set up trading posts along the major rivers in the northwest, would bargain

Easier for first Nations to reach these forts to trade since they were close to major places, known as they more popular trading post

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published,

http://archive.org/stream/cihm_26409#page/n53/mode/2up By: Ballantyne R. M. (Robert Michael)

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URL)Quote/Image: “Imagine an immense extent of country, many hundred miles broad and

many hundred miles long, covered with dense forests, expanded lakes, broad rivers, wide prairies, swamps, and mighty mountains; and all in a state of primeval simplicity—undefaced by the axe of civilized man and untenanted by aught save a few roving hordes o d Indians and myriads of wild animals. Imagine amid this wilderness a number of small squares, each enclosed by half a dozen wood houses and about a dozen men, and between each of these establishments a space of forest varying from fifty to three hundred miles in length; and you will have a pretty correct idea of the Hudson’s Bay Companies territories and the distance between their forts.”

Interpretation: That there was a lot of space between each fort, that space being forest and uninhabited land. This quote tells us that the forts were far apart so it would be harder to trade with them if the voyager had to go to them.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

The plot could be that some new voyagers have to go trade with the Hudson’s Bay Company and have trouble finding a fort through the vast forests and the forts being so far apart.

2) What do Voyageurs do and what was their life like (Horizons – Chapter 4 – page 120)?

The voyageurs were the ones transporting furs by canoe during the fur trade years. Voyageur is a French word, meaning "traveler" they were the ones travelling to trade the furs. They h ad to go through tough and long journeys on rivers and portage often.

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)


Author: Frances Simpson

Quote/Image: "Made several Portages over smooth rocks of Granite, some of which, were troublesome, and dangerous to pass, owing to the rain of the former night, having made them very slippery.”

Interpretation: As we had learned they had to portage often to get over land which meant they had to carry the boat. This quote from a primary source confirms that this was true and that they did have struggles along the way.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

Maybe the character has to go on a voyage and has to portage several times with the rest of his group. They go over rocks and have trouble staying up since there was a storm the night before and the ground was wet. Some of their supplies could fall out of the boat and be lost or damaged because of them falling.

3) Complete the chart (Horizons – Chapter 4 – page 132):

How did Aboriginals contribute to the fur trade?

They trapped the furs and showed Europeans how to build canoes fit for the environment taught aboriginals about

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snowshoeing, mail delivery for HBC, taught skills to Europeans, the foundation to the Europeans

How did the fur trade affect Aboriginals?

Changed their way of life, fur trade made it into a profit type of life, before day spent to get food then it was to travel to trade furs for food (profit and business) they were changed to the Europeans system of living. Fur trade made Alcohol introduced to aboriginal’s life

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Title: Letters From Hudson’s BayAuthor: Thomas McCliesh Year: 1965

Quote/Image: All those Indians that have traded with the French, nay all the Indians in general, desire that they may have such short guns as the French trades, they being handy and light for travelling in the woods;

Interpretation: This quote shows that the Aboriginals and the English rely on each other to survive. Without one of these parties the other would not live the way they did. The aboriginal’s are here to thanks for a lot of the fur trade and the ways they did business.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A character from The English and one from the Aboriginals could trade and realize that they couldn’t do it without each other.

4) In what ways were Aboriginal women vital to the fur trade? (Horizons – Chapter 4 – page 134)?

They acted as guides, married to NWC fur traders, they also made traps, snowshoes, moccasins pemmican bags out of buffalo hides making pemmican and gathered food. They married for business to different woman in different places so they have a guide wherever they go. Without woman the travelers wouldn’t survive because they wouldn’t have a guide and no one to make things for them.

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Samuel Hearnehttps://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/bchan/files/2016/11/Samuel-Hearne-95-283vnz5.pdf&hl=en


“Her leisure hours had been employed in twisting the inner rind of willows into small lines, of which she intended to make a fishing net.”


Aboriginal woman had a huge effect on the fur trade because of what they made and helped with. In his quote it states that even if her leisure hours she was still working to make supplies for the men who did the hard labor.

How might My main character could meet a woman and marry her and realize how much

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this affect a character or a plot?

she does to help the men.

5) Describe the Metis and their society. How did they contribute to the fur trade? (Horizons – Chapter 4 – pages 138-140)?

Metis was a product of the fur trade because of the travelers would marry women from all over. Then the children became mixed (metis) they did buffalo hunt because it was essential to their way of life. They were Buffalo runners

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)


Author: JJ HargraveTitle: Red RiverYear: 1871

Quote/Image: The autumn hunters start during the month of August, and remain on the prairie until the end of October, or early in November, when they usually return bringing the fresh or “green meat,” preserved at that late season by the extreme cold. Those hunters, of whom there are many who remain on the Plains during the whole winter, employ themselves in trapping the fur-bearing animals, and hunting the buffalo for their robes.

Interpretation: The Metis job was to Hunt Buffalo and as seen in this quote they had long and hard jobs. They worked through the winter.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

The character could be a metis and experience what the metis did in this time period.

6) Use the space below to start brainstorming a sequence of events that incorporates all of the above into a story. Think about how one character may encounter or interact with all of the above.

A voyager who works for the North West Company that is going on his first voyage to trade with thee Hudson’s Bay company. Has to portage and loses things along the way and the food falls out so has to trade pemmican from the metis. Has trouble finding a Hudson’s Bay trading post since they are so far apart.

7) Create a sketch or find images that illustrates at least one aspect in #6:

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(voyagers portaging)

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Part 2:

1) Describe the push and pull factors of Irish immigration to Canada in the 1800s:

Push Factors (In Ireland) Pull Factors (Canada)- absentee landlords - potato famine and poverty- discrimination by race

- living conditions- nicer and welcoming- food and shelter- landlords would pay

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Title: Here and ThereDate: 1848Author:


Interpretation: Here = Ireland – conditions in Ireland were bad the push factors were they had no food or home, not healthyThere = Canada – looks like the ideal life, food, home, healthy

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A character that lives in Ireland can be pushed out by these reasons and pulled by the draws of life in Canada.

2) Describe the conditions on board coffin ships (Horizons – Chapter 2 – pages 57-58):

Bad conditions, people get sick, chaotic and hectic. Bad for the lower classes

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published,


Page 7: cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com€¦ · Web viewHudson’s Bay Company. Northwest Company. How did it start? The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was founded in 1670. Claiming the land surrounding

URL)Quote/Image: As the boy who was unable to attend the muster still continued ill, and

was reported to be feverish, the mistress and I reviewed the medicine chest. We found it to contain a jar of castor oil, Epsom salts, laudanum, hartshorn, etc; also a book of directions.

Interpretation: This quote from a wealthier person on a coffin ship explains that people actually do get very ill on these ships. Since he is a higher class he is just explaining what he saw so it is likely he is educated and we are getting the actual picture of what it’s like.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A poor family could have to be pushed out of Ireland 111because of many reasons and be asking this coffin boat but one people could get really sick like they did.

3) In what ways were the Irish accepted or not accepted in Canada?

Accepted Not AcceptedReligion (catholic)- upper Canada liked the catholic - lower Canada liked protestants

Don’t speak the languageReligion- lower Canada didn’t accept catholic- upper Canada didn’t accept protestants

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

The Canadian Press and the Great Irish Famine: The Famine as an Irish, Canadian & Imperial, Global Issue

Quote/Image: “They will be relied upon to present and discuss the amount of financial and moral support shown by Canada towards the starving Irish”

Interpretation: In this quote from someone living in this time period it says how welcoming Canada was to the Irish. How they gave moral and financial support to them. In the most part they were very accepting and kind and this quote doesn’t really say how they weren’t accepted.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A character in a plot could move to Canada and see how welcoming they are and he could be accepted.

4) Use the space below to start brainstorming a sequence of events that incorporates all of the above into a story. Think about how one character may encounter or interact with all of the above.

Someone from Ireland would want to move to Canada because of the freedom here and the differences

5) Create a sketch or find images that illustrates at least one aspect in #4:

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(Irish chaotic coffin ship coming to Canada)

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Part 3:

1) Describe the push and pull factors of American slaves immigrating to Canada in the 1800s (Horizons – Chapter 2 – pages 60):

Push Factors (In America) Pull Factors (Canada)- slavery- no freedom- were products - abused

- No slavery- most African Americans were living as free people- about freedom

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Interview with “Fountain Hughes”

Quote/Image: Well, I belonged to, uh, B., when I was a slave. My mother belonged to B. But my, uh, but, uh, we, uh, was all slave children

Interpretation: Fountain Hughes was an actual black slave in America and In this interview with him the person asked who did he work for and he responded with “I belonged to” talking like he was property and like we learned these slaves were treated like objects and product as they were sold and owned

How might this affect a character or a plot?

The character in a plot could not know anything else other than being a slave and when he does get free he doesn’t know what to do with his freedom because he is used to being owned and used as property

2) Describe how slaves made it to Canada/free states (Horizons – Chapter 2 – pages 60-61):

Through the underground railroads and people would hide them to help them escape (conductors would shelter and help hide the slaves) people would hide and then go off to finish the journey, a series of secret routes that slaves would take to escape and some Canadians were supporting freedom and helping slaves

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

The life of “Henry Box Brown”

Quote/Image: I had not been many hours at my work, when I was informed that my wife and children were taken from their home, sent to the auction mart and sold, and then lay in prison ready to start away the next day for North Carolina with the man who had purchased them. I cannot express, in language, what were my feelings on this occasion.

Interpretation: In this quote the Man says his wife and kids were taken from

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their home and sold like property another example that these black slaves were treated horribly and like object not humans and also showing that these black people were discriminated against just because of their race

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A character in a plot could have been taken from his home and sold to someone and be treated as an object

3) What was the Fugitive Slave Act and how did that affect the Underground Railroad?

The fugitive slave act was a law that ensured if there is a slave that escaped the slave hunters could hunt them down and they would be returned to the owners, the slaves also would sometimes be hung or beaten if they were caught running away. The Slave act allowed capturing of slaves. Even if there were people who would help the fugitive slaves, those people would get in trouble.

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Interview with “Fountain Hughes”

Quote/Image: Hermond Norwood: Which had you rather be Uncle Fountain?Fountain Hughes: Me? Which I'd rather be? You know what I'd rather do? If I thought, had any idea, that I'd ever be a slave again, I'd take a gun and just end it all right away.

Interpretation: Fountain Hughes, a former slave said that if he had known he would have to live life as a slave again he would rather end his own life. This just confirms how bad these slaves were treated and how they would rather kill themselves that to do it over again is saying a lot.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

The character could meet a slave that ran away and help him after realizing how bad the conditions of being a slave were.

4) In what ways were the Black immigrants accepted or not accepted in Canada?

Accepted Not Accepted- wanted to stop discrimination- let them get a job and house- schools didn’t discriminate- Canadians would help slave families with finances to start off

- race (black and white)- was still discriminating against black slaves- didn’t want mixed race- still believers of black slaves and that they would be treated worse

Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above

Source:(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Interview with Fountain Hughes

Quote/Image: You know how they turn cattle out in a pasture? Well after

Page 11: cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com€¦ · Web viewHudson’s Bay Company. Northwest Company. How did it start? The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was founded in 1670. Claiming the land surrounding

freedom, you know, colored people didn't have nothing. Colored people didn't have no beds when they was slaves. We always slept on the floor

Interpretation: In this quote from Fountain Hughes, a former slave he is saying that colored people (black people) weren’t given beds and they weren’t given anything. It doesn’t say if white people were treated the same but the way he says it, it sounds like it was just he people of color. In America these black slaves were not treated equally and definitely not excepted.

How might this affect a character or a plot?

A character could be a black slave and want to escape America and head to Canada because of how he is treated.

5) Use the space below to start brainstorming a sequence of events that incorporates all of the above into a story. Think about how one character may encounter or interact with all of the above.

Someone from Ireland would be wanting to move to Canada and so would an African American slave and their stories would connect at the end from two different to one

6) Create a sketch or find images that illustrates at least one aspect in #4:

(slaves being caught)

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Part 4: Video Discussion

1) What modern day events share some parallels with the fur trade? Explain the similarities.Getting the cobalt was like how the fur trade was like because of the raw minerals

2) How vital were Aboriginals to the fur trade? Who is more significant to the creation of our Canada today, the Aboriginals or the European fur traders?

3) Are push (from anywhere) and pull factors (to Canada) generally the same today as it was in the 1800s? Explain why or why not with reference to the Great Migration and the Underground Railroad.

4) Is Canada more accepting of immigrants today than it was in the 1800s? Explain how you know with reference to the Great Migration and the Underground Railroad.

5) How did the fur trade and immigration in the 1800s contribute to our identity today?

Part 5 – getting the story for your pitch

Discuss the following with your partner:

1) Create an overall goal (theme) for your main character that drives the movie/game idea.

eg: revenge, love, freedom, learning a valuable lesson, finding the truth, proving yourself, etc.

(finding your purpose and worth in the end)

2) How could the goal of your character end up with her/him interacting with all 3 settings (fur trade, slave states, Ireland)? What would be the sequence? Where will the story start and end?they will be slaves and they will interact with the voyagers and trade along the way to bribe then to help find his wife. That got sent back. Doesn’t care about life just finding his wife.

3) What conflicts will get in the way of your character achieving her/his goal? Where will these happen? Could the historical research you’ve done provide any conflicts?

4) How does your character achieve his/her goal? Escapes from slavery

5) How can you make the ending exciting and impactful?Meet at the end (super dramatic)

6) How can you incorporate all the checklist items into the story to make it plausible or realistic?We can incorporate all the checklist items by having two characters that we will follow so they can each meet different people and experience different things themselves, by having two slaves it helps because they can meet double the people and can experience more

Part 6 – what to present:

1) Hook your audience with the concept of the film/game – what makes it special?2) Give the general plot:

a. Intro - How does the film/game start? How is your character’s goal set up?

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b. Rising Action – What conflicts get in the way of your character achieving his/her goal?c. Climax – How does the goal get achieved (or not)?d. Falling Action/ Conclusion – How will you wrap up the film/game?

3) Explain how each checklist term will be incorporated into your film/game. a. Provide images to help clarify your descriptionb. Explain why you’ve incorporated the term the way you did (reference your primary

evidence)4) Conclude with reminding the audience what is special about your idea.

*Remember, SELL your idea to the audience.