covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts....

April 2020

Transcript of covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts....

Page 1: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

Apri l 2020


At -Home Workouts

For  Covid - 19

Page 2: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

Hi, we're Patand TazBarber



We work with a lot of gyms and affiliatesaround the world, and many of them aretemporarily closing their doors to protecttheir people from the spread of Covid-19.Though the situation is frightening anduncertain, we want to focus on what we cancontrol: how well we show up and serve ourcommunities.  We'll be releasing 6 at-home workouts a weekthat you can pass along to your people. Youdon't have to be a member of Warmup &Workout to get these workouts. 

If we're going to get through this, we need tobe generous, share information openly andfreely, and help when we can.  When we asked ourselves how we couldcontribute to a larger community we love somuch, free programming was the best thingwe could come up with.  If you have other ideas, please let us know!Email: [email protected] We're in this together, Pat and Taz

Page 3: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

At-Home Workouts We’re giving you 6 workouts a week that you can turn around and deliver to your people. 


These will be bodyweight or low load (laundry detergent jug, or random things you can find 

around the house that make sense), and will include movement demonstration videos to make 

things easier on you and your people. 


Delivery As professionals whose livelihoods are centered around health and wellness, we have a duty 

to show up and serve our communities to the absolute best of our ability right now. People 

need our support and guidance. The more you make people feel like you’re taking care of them 

during this time, the better. 


Which is why we’re suggesting that you go above and beyond the typical platform delivery, like 

pushing workouts to your people via Wodify, BTWB, SugarWod, etc. 


Make the delivery more personal. 


You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your 

members and assigning them to a coach. That coach is responsible for sending members the 

workout, movement demonstration videos, and personalizing the goals, subs, etc. 


You can also lead Zoom group workouts and make use of the Gallery View video layout. Some 

people might be hesitant to join Zoom classes because they don’t want you to see their messy 

living room. Teach people how to blackout their screen, mute/unmute, and so on. Educate to 

relieve some of the anxiety and awkwardness that might be preventing them from showing up. 


Some affiliates have integrated Zoom with Facebook so the Zoom calls are automatically 

published to Facebook Live. What coaches are noticing is that some people don’t want to show 

up for a Zoom call but when a video is pushed to Facebook Live and they can watch it on their 

phone, they see how much fun everyone is having, and they’re more likely to get involved. 

Basically, it lowers the barrier to entry. Here’s how to sync the two platforms: Streaming a 

Zoom Meeting on Facebook Live 


If you’re hosting Zoom classes already and you’ve been let down by how many people are 

showing up, reach out to your members who’ve been MIA. Covid-19 was sudden and it’s been 

really confusing. Many people thought it would just sorta pass in a week or two. They had the 

mindset of, “Oh, I’ll just take a week off and relax.” But this isn’t a vacation. On the flipside, 

maybe they’ve been busier than normal. Schedules and routines have been erased in just a few 

weeks. The truth is, we don’t know how long it will last. So, reach out to your people and see 

how they’re doing, invite them to a Zoom class (maybe even send them a recording to lower 

the barrier to entry) and give them the nudge to get moving again. 1 

Page 4: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach


Workout 13  


5 Kick-sits 

5 Split Leg Good-mornings 

* Add 5 reps each round 

AMRAP 10 min. 


* Switch legs every 5 reps of split GM. 



As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes. 



Kick-sits: Rather than jumping into each position, walk hands there. Could also modify to a 

supine hold with alternating leg lifts. 


Split-leg Good-mornings: Bend the knees to allow for maximal range whilst still keeping a 

tight midline/back position. Use load if possible. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

5-10 reps Ninja Flow 


+ 5 Bootstrap Squats + 10 Cossack Squats. 


Then, perform: 


3-5 reps Kick-sit 

5-10 reps Split-leg Good-mornings 


Workout (10 min.)  



Page 5: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

Workout 14  


100 Fast Feet 

400 m Run 

25 Lying Wall Hands-to-toes 

3 Rounds 


Scoring Time to complete the workout 


Scaling Fast Feet: Perform 75 Double-unders instead if you have a rope. 


Lying Wall Hands-to-toes: Scale to a regular Sit-up if needed. 


Warm-up (10-15 min.) 100-m Run 

10 Good-morning to squat 

2 rounds 


Jump rope barefoot for 2-3 min. 

* Omit jump rope and just bounce for Unloaded. 


Then, spend time on Ankle and Foot Drills.  

Then, perform: 

20 sec. Hollow Hold 

10 sec. Rest 

2 rounds 


20 sec. Strict Sit-ups 

10 sec. Rest 

2 rounds 


20 sec. Lying Wall Hands-to-toes 

10 sec. Rest 

2 rounds 


Workout (15-20 min.) 3 

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Workout 15  


20 Object Step-ups  

40 Mountain Climbers 

20 Walking lunges 

40 Mountain Climbers 

30 Air Squat 

2-3 Rounds 



Time to complete the workout 



Object Step-ups: Scale the height of the object. Can’t find an object, step over something.  

* Use a load here if possible. 


Mountain Climbers: Scale the ROM as needed. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

Play Jumping jack game to get warm! 


Then, perform: 

20 Mountain climbers 

10 Stationary step-ups  

10 Walking lunges 

10 Step-ups  

20 Mountain climbers 


Workout (5-10 min.)  


Workout 16  


45 ft. Bear Crawl 

45 Object Jumps 4 

Page 7: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

45 sec. Handstand Hold 

45 Push-ups 

45 Jump to touch target 

AMRAP 30 min. 



As many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes. 



Bear Crawl: modify to on the spot bear crawls. 

* Modify Bear Crawl to 45 Object Swings or Good-mornings if possible. 


Object jumps: reduce the height as needed. Scale to Step-ups if they didn’t perform them 

yesterday. If they did, omit the movement completely. 


Handstand hold: Modify to walk up the wall as far as possible, or to a Pike Plank Hold. 


Jump to touch target: Modify the jump as needed.  

* Make the target (on a wall, above their head on a low roof...) at least one-two hand distance 

away, so they need to at least clear the floor when they jump. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

25 ft. Bear Crawl forward + Bear Crawl Backward (do on spot if no room) 

5 Inchworm + Push-up 

5-10 Air squat to jumping jack 

5 Half handstands — Scale to attempts or plank get down/ups 

25 ft. Bear Crawl forward + Bear Crawl Backward (do on spot if no room) 


Then, go through each movement and perform 5-7 reps of each: 


Handstand hold 


Jump to target 

 Workout (30 min.) 5 

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Workout 17  



4-point Heel Taps 


Cossack Squats 


For the 4-point heel taps, they use two objects to tap over. They start with their first tap on the 

far side of the first object, then tap to the left over the two objects, then back again to the start 

(right). Those 4 points = 1 rep. 


For the Cossack Squats 1 rep = 1 squat left + 1 squat right. 



Time to complete the workout. 



4-Point heel taps: Scale the height of the objects to suit their ability. The higher the object, the 

harder the movement. Scale further to floor taps on the spot with support from hands as 



Burpees: Scale to a Kick-back if needed. 


Cossack squats: If ROM is limited, have them perform single leg deadlifts instead. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

10 Good-mornings 

30 sec Plank Hold 

10 Alt. Single leg deadlifts 

10 Alt. Cossack Squats 

10 Plank Shoulder taps 

2 Rounds 



Tabata Hollow hold/dead bug — Scale to knees bent 

20 sec. on/10 sec. Dead bug 6 

Page 9: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

Then, perform: 


2 x 4-point heel taps 

4 x 6-point burpee (pause at each point of burpee) 

6 Alt. Cossack Squats 


Workout (10-15 min.)  


Workout 18  


20 Squat to Jumping Jack 

10 Inchworms 

10 Object Dips 

Rest 1 min 

3 Rounds 



Time to complete the workout. 



Squat to jumping jack: Omit the jump if needed 


Inchworms: perform half ROM if people have trouble going the whole way. Double the reps if 

this is the case. 


Ring/Object Dips: Make it easier by using the feet as support as needed. Make harder by 

elevating the feet. 


Warm-up (15-20 min.)  

Bear Crawl 

Lizard — Stay low to ground and use same arm/leg to move forward 

Duck walk 

Crab Walk 

Ape Walk 

Frog Jumps 

1-2 rounds 7 

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10 Lying down prone letters drill 

10 Alt. Dynamic plane crash victim  

10 Wall Slides 

1-2 Rounds 


Workout (15 min.)  


Workout 19  


8 Rotational Planks 

8 Strict Handstand Pushups 

16 Speed Skaters 

Run 800 m 

Every 10 min. perform 

3 Rounds 




Complete workout within timeframe. 



Rotational Planks: Scale to holding 20 sec. Right Plank/20 sec. Left Plank 


Strict HSPU: Scale to regular kipping, then scale further to Pike HSPU. (elevate the feet for 

further challenge) 


Speed Skaters: Scale to Up and Over the Fence + Air Squat 


Run: Scale the distance as needed. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

OTB Whole Body Complex 


10 Alt. Supine Plank Leg Raises 

10 Sit-up to Pike 8 

Page 11: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach

10 Sit-up to Straddle 

5 Inchworm into Down Dog into Cobra 

2-3 rounds 


Run 200 m 

8 Speed skaters 

6 Strict handstand push-up lowers 

8 Rotational planks 

6 Strict HSPU — Or use workout modification here. 

Run 200 m — Faster than before. 


Workout (30 min.)  


Workout 20  



3 point Squat 

Broad Jump 

Deficit Push-up 


* 3 point squat 1 rep =  

1 right Lateral Squat 

1 Air Squat 

1 left Lateral Squat 



Time to complete the workout 



3 Point squat: Scale to regular air squat as needed. 


Broad jump: Scale to on the spot high knee skips, or to hamstring sliders instead. 


Deficit Push-up: Scale to regular push-up, or kneeling push-ups. 


Warm-up (15-20 min.)  

Quick Warm-up (set up an over/under station with stick/chair) 9 

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Have them perform: 


4 Step-over/crawl under 

8 Air squats 

4 Burpee, hop over 

8 Split stance rock to tall split stance kneel 

4 Over-unders — Scale to step-over if needed. 


Push-up Challenge 


Diamond Push-ups 

10 x 33% of Max Reps (if your max set of push-ups is 10 reps, your sets will be 3) 


- Place hands in a triangle position — TRICEPS! 

- Fingers should be touching, but scale by moving hands outwards. 

- Rest 30 sec. between sets. 


Perform 3 x 3 point squats 


Then, perform: 3 x Broad Jump for distance 

* In between each attempt, perform 3-5 deficit push-ups, or their workout modification 


Workout (15 min.)  


Workout 21  


2 min. Candlesticks 

2 min. Wall Climbs 

2 min. High Knees 

2 min. Couch Anchored Sit-ups 

2 Rounds 



Total reps performed for all 4 movements. 


Scaling 10 

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Candlesticks: Create some height for under the body (not feet), so there is less distance to 

travel. Or, scale to bent knee dragon flags. 


Wall Climbs: Scale the distance you walk up the wall. Or, scale further to get down-ups.  

High Knees: Scale to Lunges on the spot. 


Anchored Sit-ups: Scale to regular sit-ups. 


Warm-up (15 min.)  

Alt. Warrior Stretch for 1 min.  

10 Long Lunge Sequences 

Air Squat for 1 min.  

10 T-spine rotation and shoulder rolls 

2 Rounds 




Wall climbs 



High knees 



Workout (16 min.)  


Workout 22  


Part 1: 

2-4-6-8-10...until you can't perform unbroken sets. 

Single-leg Squat (Pistol) 

* Rest between as needed. NFT 


Part 2: 

6 Reverse Lunges 

4 Pistols 

AMRAP 2 min. 

Rest 1 min. 

3 Rounds 11 

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Part 1: Total reps performed 

Part 2: As many rounds and reps as possible in 2 min. X 3 (add all rounds and reps together) 



Single-leg Squats: Use any of these progressions/scales HERE and HERE you think 



Step-ups: Find a HIGH object to step onto today. Scale the height as needed. Use a load if 



Warm-up (10 min.)  

OTB Lower Body Complex 


10 Single leg glute bridge 

10 Alt. lateral step-overs 

6 Alt. groiners 

6 Alt. pigeon stretches 

2-3 rounds 


2 x 4 Alt. Pistols (or your scale of choice.) 


Workout (25 min.)  


Workout 23  


8 Burpee jump to target 

16 Plank Shoulder Taps 

4 Rounds 

* Every 2 min. perform 20 Jumping jacks 


* Use a target that is at least two hands distance away from reach. 


Scoring 12 

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Time to complete the workout. 



Burpee jump to target: Omit the high jump to the target. Scale further to a Kick-back if needed. 


Plank shoulder taps: Scale to a kneeling version. 


Jumping jacks: if for some reason, you can’t perform these, scale to 5-10 Inchworms instead. 



Dynamic Mobility - down 25 ft. or 10 on the spot reps works. 


Bear Crawls 

Sumo Squat + Air Squat 

Tall Duck Walks 

Walking Bird Peckers 

Zombie Inchworms 




20 sec. Burpee to target jumps 

10 sec. Plank shoulder taps 

10 sec. Rest 

3 sets 


Workout (5-10 min.)  


Workout 24  


10 Pike/Floor round the worlds 

20 Air Squats 

25 ft. Crab Walk 

5 Rounds 



Time to complete the workout 13 

Page 16: covid 19 march 2020 - Warmup And Workout · You can do this by texting your members the workouts. We recommend splitting up your members and assigning them to a coach. That coach


Pike/Floor around the worlds: Scale to 20 V-ups, or bent knee v-ups 


Crab Walk: Scale to 10 lying hip extensions per round. 


Warm-up (10 min.)  

Deck of Cards Warm-up 


Take a deck of Cards, turn over 3-4 cards at a time.  

The following suits denote the following movements; 

Hearts = Sit-ups 

Spades = Pike Push-up 

Diamonds = Mountain Climbers 

Clubs = Pulsing Air Squats 

Joker = Run 200 m 

* The number on the cards = the reps you perform of each movement. Face card = 10 reps. 


Workout (10-15 min.) 14 

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Resources forCovid-19




When we put out a new PDF, we'llrefresh this list to keep you up to dateon the latest resources for gyms:

Zoom 101 for Gyms and Coaches

We'll also regularly update our socialmedia accounts as developmentsoccur:

WUWO's Instagram

WUWO's Facebook

Active Life RX Weekly Zoom CallEvery Wednesday, 4:30pm Eastern

PSA for Home Gym Training

Replay of Last Week's Call

OptimizeMe Nutrition: The #800GChallenge