Course evaluation summary canada bay

COURSE FEEDBACK Module: Intro. to Urban Design + Placemaking (two day) Client: City of Canada Bay, NSW Location: Drummoyne Pavilion Date: 12-13 September 2012 Participants: 19 Feedback participation: 14/19 (74%) Facilitator: Andrew Hammonds George Street, North Strathfield, Sydney, NSW, AUS


We have collated the feedback we received on the Urban Design and Placemaking Course we gave in Sydney. This is a summary of the overwhelmingly positive feedback. It includes a snap shot of the verbatim comments provided by course participants.

Transcript of Course evaluation summary canada bay

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▸ Module: Intro. to Urban Design + Placemaking (two day)

▸ Client: City of Canada Bay, NSW

▸ Location: Drummoyne Pavilion

▸ Date: 12-13 September 2012

▸ Participants: 19

▸ Feedback participation: 14/19 (74%)

▸ Facilitator: Andrew Hammonds


George Street, North Strathfield, Sydney, NSW, AUS

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▸ Planning

▸ Project management

▸ Place management

▸ Community development

▸ Community facility coordination

▸ Economic development

▸ Facility management

▸ Information management

▸ Engineering

▸ Communications and public relations

Practical Examples - Lyons Rd, Drummoyne, Sydney, NSW, AUS

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▸ The average score for the quality of the program was 9 out of 10.

▸ The average score for the quality of the presenter was 9.5 out of 10.

Expert Interviews - UDIA Placemaking Conference, Brisbane 2012

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Place Audit - 2 Day Course, Sydney, NSW, AUS


▸ 100% of participants said the course met or exceeded their expectations

▸ 100% of participants said the course content was good to excellent

▸ 71% said course content was excellent

▸ 100% of participants found the course relevant to their job

▸ 100% of participants would recommend the course to others

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▸ “Enjoyed planner perspectives”.

▸ “I will look at space use differently, will use the tools in my job at the library”.

▸ “This course has opened me up to new ideas. I would recommend the course, it is good for all levels, from experienced planners to community workers.”

▸ “Excellent variety and concepts to provide for further investigation and training as well as, useful for immediate use.”

Group Discussion - Darwin Course April 2012, NT, AUS (Photo:Jan Kinsella)


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▸ “I found that the use of real life examples conveyed the topic very well and helped in understanding.”

▸ “Content was well presented with good examples and illustrations.”

▸ “Excellent examples of how to 'sell' place making and urban design to stakeholders (internal and external).”

▸ “I liked the interactive maps and photos to explain ideas and examples.”

▸ “It is good to learn from other examples what did and didn't work.”

Sydney Course, Canada Bay, Sydney, NSW, AUS


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▸ “Fantastic course - finally a connection between the process of place making from concept to long term sustainable management.”

▸ “Great presenter; simple language. Simple, logical language accompanied by relevant visuals.”

▸ “Excellent variety and concepts to provide for further investigation and training as well as, useful for immediate use”.

▸ “Engaging and exciting.”

▸ “Lots of different techniques. Involved everyone.”

▸ “A very accessible course.”

▸ “A very slick presentation.”Group Work - Sydney Course, Canada Bay, Sydney, NSW, AUS


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▸ “Found the content very relevant, although cultural and demographic differences in areas wasn't mentioned extensively.”

▸ “More local and small examples would have been more helpful.”

▸ “Financial implications were not discussed much.”


Place Presentations - 2 Day Course, Canada Bay, Sydney, NSW, AUS

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▸ Placefocus: training and information on urban design and placemaking

▸ “We are passionate about creating places for people”


▸ Andrew Hammonds (0407466615)

[email protected]

▸ Follow us on twitter, Facebook  and Instagram (Placefocus)

▸ Connect on Linkedin or watch our PPT's on Slideshare


Empathy Map - Sydney Course, Canada Bay, Sydney, NSW, AUS