Course: Business Economics - About...

AC 4/3/2014 Item No. 4.40 University of Mumbai Revised Syllabus for T.Y.B.Com Program: B.Com Course: Business Economics (Compulsory) Semester V and VI (As Per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from 20142015)

Transcript of Course: Business Economics - About...

AC 4/3/2014

Item No. 4.40

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus for T.Y.B.Com

Program: B.Com

Course: Business Economics


Semester V and VI

(As Per Credit Based Semester and Grading System

with effect from 2014–2015)

Syllabus:T.Y.Bcom – Compulsory Paper - Subject: Business Economics

w.e.f. 2014-15

Semester V

(Three lectures per week)

Module I – Public Finance - I

Concept of Public Finance: Meaning, Scope and Functions, Distinction between Public and

Private Finance- Modern Trends in Public Finance: Sound Finance v/s Functional Finance,

Redistribute Taxation, Anti Inflationary Taxation- Principles of Maximum Social Advantage:

Dalton & Musgrave versions

ModuleII – Public Finance - II

Public Revenue : Sources of Revenue (Tax & Non – Tax Revenue) – Merits and Demerits of

Direct & Indirect Tax- Public Expenditure: Classification and Causes of increase in Public

Expenditure - Public Debt :Types, Burden and Management - Concepts of deficit- FRBM Act

2003 - Fiscal Federalism: Concept& Key Issues

Module III – Financial Markets

Money Markets – Components - Features of Indian Money Market – Money Market Reforms in

India since 1991.

Capital Market – Meaning, Role, Structure and Reforms in India since 1991.


Hajela T. N. – “Money, Banking & Public Finance”, 8th Edition, 2009, ANE Books Publications

Benson KunjuKunju – “Financial Market and Financial Services in India”, First Edition, July, 2012,

New Century Publication.

Mishra S. K. &Puri V. K. – “Indian Economy”, 31st Edition, 2013, Himalaya Publication House.

Subject – Business Economics

Semester – VI

(Three lectures per week)

Module I – International Trade

Theories of International Trade: Comparative Cost Theory ,Hecksher Ohlin Theory, Terms of

Trade: Meaning & Types – Gains from Trade (with offer curves)

ModuleII – Balance of Payment and WTO

Concept & Structure of BOP, Causes of disequilibrium, Measures to correct disequilibrium in

BOP-India’s BOP position since 1991- WTO Agreements with reference to TRIPS, TRIMS and


Module III – Foreign Exchange Market

Concept of Foreign exchange Rate: Spot and Forward, Foreign exchange market: Functions &

Dealers- Arbitrage and speculation- Equilibrium Exchange Rate Determination –Purchasing

Power Parity theory-RBI’s intervention in foreign exchange rate management since 1991



Dominic Salvatore – “International Economics”, 8th Edition, 2009, John Wiley & Sons.

Mithani D. M. – “Money, Banking, International Trade and Public Finance”, 16th Edition, 2010,

Himalaya Publication House.

Jhingan M. L. – “International Economics” 6th Edition, 2007, Vrinda Publication.

Bo Sodersten – “International Economics”, 3rd Edition, 2004, MacMilan Publication.

HajelaT. N. – “Money, Banking and International Trade, 8th Edition, 2009, ANE Books




The Internal Examination will be for 40 marks and is split into –

1. One test for 20 marks containing objective questions.

2. 10 marks for project or assignment

3. 05 marks for over all conduct and 05 marks for active participation


Question Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination.

There will be four questions in all. All the questions are COMPULSORY and will have internal

choice. (Total marks: 60).

Q1. Module I

Three questions: A, B, C. Attempt any two – (Total marks 15)

Q2. Module II

Three questions: A, B, C. Attempt any two – (Total marks 15)

Q3. Module III

Three questions: A, B, C. Attempt any two – (Total marks 15)

Q4. Objective questions: (Total 15 Marks)

a) True or false, with reasons (8 marks): Two statements from each module for 02 marks

each. Total 06 statements. Attempt any 04 (4X2=8).

b) Multiple Choice Questions (7 marks): Three questions from each module for 01

markeach. Total 09 questions. Attempt any 07 (7X1=7).



AC 7/6/2013 Item no. 4.28 T.Y.B.COM (Computer Systems and Applications) Semester wise Syllabus w.e.f. 2013-14 onwards

SYLLABUS – SEMESTER V Unit I Data Communication, Networking and Internet (18 L) (a) Data Communication Component, Data representation, Distributed processing. (Concepts only) (b) Network Basics and Infrastructure i) Definition, Types (LAN, MAN, WAN) Advantages. ii) Network Structures – Server Based, Client server, Peer to Peer. iii) Topologies – Star, Bus, Ring. iv) Network Media, Wired and Wireless. v) Network Hardware: Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers. vi) Network Protocols – TCP/IP, OSI Model. (c) Internet i) Definition, Types of connections, sharing internet connection. ii) Services on net- WWW, Email-Blogs. iii) IP addresses, Domain names, URLs. iv) Searching Directories, Search engines, Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT),

Advanced search, Meta Search Engines. v) Email – POP/SMTP accounts in Email, Different parts of an Email address.

Receiving and sending emails with attachments by scanning attachments for viruses.

Unit II Database and SQL (18 Lectures) a) Introduction : To Databases, Relational and Non-relational database system

MySQL as a Non-procedural Language. View of data. b) SQL Basics : Statements (Schema Statements, Data statements, Transaction

statements, names (table & column names), data types (Char, Varchar, Text, Mediumtext, Longtext, Smallint, Bigint, Boolean, Decimal, Float, Double, Date, Date Time, Timestamp, Year, Time, Creating Database, inserting data, Updating data, Deleting data, expressions, built-in-functions, missing data(NULL and NOT NULL DEFAULT values) CREATE,USE, ALTER (Add, Remove, Change columns), RENAME, SHOW, DESCRIBE (CREATE TABLE, COLUMNS, STATUS and DATABASES only) and DROP (TABLE, COLUMN, DATABASES statements), PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY (One and more columns) Simple Validity checking using CONSTRAINTS.

c) Simple queries: The SELECT statement (From, Where, Group By, Having, Order By, Distinct, Filtering Data by using conditions. Simple and complex conditions using logical, arithmetic and relational operators (=, !,=, <, >, <>, AND, OR, NOT, LIKE, BETWEEN).

d) Multi-table queries: Simple joins (INNER JOIN), SQL considerations for multi table queries (table aliases, qualified column names, all column selections self joins).

e) Nested Queries (Only up to two levels) : Using sub queries, sub query search conditions, sub queries & joins, nested sub queries, correlated sub queries, sub queries in the HAVING clause.

Simple Transaction illustrating START, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK.


Unit III Spreadsheet ( 9 Lectures) a) Creating and Navigating worksheets and adding information to worksheets i) Types of data, entering different types of data such as texts, numbers, dates,

functions. ii) Quick way to add data Auto complete, Autocorrect, Auto fill, Auto fit. Undo and

Redo. iii) Moving data, contiguous and non contiguous selections, Selecting with keyboard.

Cut-Copy, Paste. Adding and moving columns or rows. Inserting columns and rows.

iv) Find and replace values. Spell check. v) Formatting cells, Numbers, Date, Times, Font, Colors, Borders, Fills. b) Multiple Spreadsheets i) Adding, removing, hiding and renaming worksheets. ii) Add headers/Footers to a Workbook. Page breaks, preview. iii) Creating formulas, inserting functions, cell references, Absolute, Relative (within

a worksheet, other worksheets and other workbooks). c) Functions i) Financial functions: FV, PV, PMT, PPMT, IPMT, NPER, RATE, NPV, IRR ii) Mathematical and statistical functions. ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, ROUNDUP,

CEILING, FLOOR, INT, MAX, MIN, MOD, SQRT, ABS, AVERAGE d) Data Analysis i) Sorting, Subtotal. ii) Pivot Tables- Building Pivot Tables, Pivot Table regions, Rearranging Pivot Table. SYLLABUS – SEMESTER VI Unit I E - Commerce (18 Lectures) (a) Definition of E-commerce (b) Features of E-commerce (c) Types of E-commerce (B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P) (d) Business Models in E-commerce (Advertising, Subscription, Transaction Fee,

Sales Revenue, Affiliate Revenue) (e) Major B2C models (Portal, Etailer, Content Provider, Transaction Broker, Market

Creator, Service Provider, Community Provider). (f) E-Commerce Security: Integrity, Non repudiation, Authenticity, Confidentiality,

Privacy Availability. (g) Encryption: Definition, Digital Signatures, SSL. (h) Payment Systems: Digital Cash, Online stored value, Digital accumulating

balance payment, Digital credit accounts, digital checking. (i) How an Online credit card transaction works. SET protocol. (j) Limitation of E-commerce. (k) M-commerce (Definition and Features).


Unit II Introduction to C Programming (18 Lectures) a) Introduction : C-character set, reserved words, identifiers, C-data types, C-type

modifier, constants, variables, expressions, operators (unary, binary, relational, logical), C-assignment statements, operators precedence, concept of header files (stdio.h, math.h, conio.h only)

b) Simple programming concepts : Form of a C program, printf() (%d, %f, %c, %s, %lf, %ld), scanf(), gets(), getchar(), puts(), putchar(), getch(), getche(), putch(), pow(), sqr(), clrscr(), storage class specifies, Preprocessor directive #include<>

c) Control statements : If else, for, while, do while, switch, break, continue. d) Arrays : Concept of one dimensional array (character and integer), sorting array

of numbers, printing array of numbers. OR

Unit II Visual Basic (18 Lectures) a) Introduction to Visual Basic, Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI). Programming Language (Procedural, Object Oriented, Event Driven), Writing VB

Projects. The Visual Basic Environment, Finding and fixing errors [ Chapter 1 of 19]

b) Introduction to VB Controls Text boxes, Frames, Check boxes, Option button, Images, Setting a Border &

Styles. The Shape Control, The line Control, Working with multiple controls and

their properties, Designing the User Interface, Keyboard access keys, Default & Cancel property, tab order, Coding for controls using Text, Caption, Value property and Set Focus method [Chapter 2 of 19]

c) Variables, Constants, and Calculations Variable and Constant, Data Type (Boolean, Byte, String, Integer, Currency,

Single, Double, Date), Naming rules/conventions, Constants (Named & Intrinsic), Declaring variables, Scope of variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data. [ Chapter 3 of 19]

d) Decision and Condition Condition, Comparing numeric variables and constants, Comparing Strings,

Comparing Text Property of text box, Compound Conditions (And, Or, Not). If Statement, if then-else Statement, Nested If Statements, LCase and Ucase function, Using If statements with Option Buttons & Check Boxes. Msgbox (Message box) statement Input Validation : Is Numeric function. Planning the project. [Chapter 4 of 19].

e) Menus, Sub-procedures and Sub-functions, Defining/Creating and Modifiying a Menu, Using common dialog box, Creating a new sub–procedure, Passing Variables to procedures, Passing Argument By Val or By Ref, Writing a Function procedure [Chapter 5 of 19].

f) Lists, Loops and Printing List boxes and Combo Boxes, Do/ Loops, For/ Next loops, Functions : Msgbox

with multiple buttons, Strings. Sending information to the printer using Printer.Print, Printer.New Page, Printer.EndDoc methods. [Chapter 7 of 19].


Unit III Spreadsheet ( 9 Lectures) a) Multiple Spreadsheets i) Creating and using templates. ii) Creating and Linking Multiple Spreadsheets. iii) Using formulas and logical operators. iv) Creating and using named ranges. b) Functions i) Database Functions LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP ii) Conditional Logic functions IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF iii) String functions LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN, UPPER, LOWER, PROPER, TRIM. iv) Date functions TODAY, NOW, DATE, TIME, DAY, MONTH, YEAR, WEEKDAY,

DAYS360 c) Data Analysis i) Filter with customized condition. ii) The Graphical representation of data. Note : a) Theory 3 lectures per week. b) Practical batch size 20-25, 1 practical = 3 theory lectures per week. c) 10 Practical’s are to be completed in each semester. SEMESTER V

Topic Number of Practical’s Word processing 1 Spreadsheet 3 SQL 6

Minimum 6 practical’s are to be recorded in the journal in the Semester V [Minimum 4 on SQL, 2 on spreadsheet) SEMESTER VI

Topic Number of Practical’s Presentation skills 1 Spreadsheet 3 Introduction to C Programming/Visual Basic 6

Minimum 6 practical’s are to be recorded in the journal in the Semester VI [Minimum 4 on C/VB, 2 on spreadsheet) d) Scheme of Examination

Type Marks Duration Theory 60 2 hours

Practical 20 1 hour per batch of 10 Assignment & Presentation 10

Active Participation and Class conduct




Question No. Unit No. Marks Marks with Internal Option

Q.1. I 15 30 Q.2. II, III 15 25 Q.3. II, III 15 25 Q.4. Objective type based

on I,II and III 15 23


No. Topic Marks 1. Spreadsheet 3 2. SQL 7 3. Journal 5 4. Viva 5


No. Topic Marks 1. Spread sheet 3 2. Introduction to C/VB

Programing 7

3. Journal 5 4. Viva 5

e) Practical examination to be conducted 2 to 3 weeks before the theory examination. Marks out of 40 to be submitted to the University before commencement of theory examination.

f) Software Requirement : Suitable spread sheet application, MySQL, 5 or 5.1 version, C language and VB

[Visual studio] g) Hardware For a batch of 120 students minimum 10 computers with appropriate hardware

and software installed on each computer. During practical hours maximum two student may share one computer.

h) For in house computing facility fee of rupees 750/- be charged for each student per Semester in the existing fee structure against head of computer fee/computer practical.


References: Semester V Unit I Data Communication, Networking and Internet

1. Data Communication and Networking -Behrouz A Forouzan 2. Introduction to Computers – Peter Norton, Tata McGraw Hill

Unit II Database and SQL 3. Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri Navathe, Somayajulu, Gupta 4. Database Systems and Concepts - Henry F. Korth, Silberschatz, Sudarshan

McGraw Hill 5. DBMS - Date 6. The complete reference SQL - Vikram Vaswani TMH 7. The complete reference SQL - James R. Groff & Paul N. Weinberg TMG 8. Learning SQL - Alan Beaulieu O’REILLY. 9. Learning MySQL - Seyed M. M. and Hugh Williams, O’REILLY. 10. SQL a complete reference - Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon TMG.

Semester VI Unit I E – Commerce

11. E- Commerce - Kenneth Laudon, Carol Traver , Pearson Education 12. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce - Kalakota & Whinston 13. E- Commerce - Rajaraman 14. E- Commerce - Whitley 15. E- Commerce concepts and cases - Rao and Deshpande.

Unit II Introduction to C Programming 16. C programming - Schaum series 17. Let us C - Yashvant Kanitkar 18. C programming - Rajaraman

OR Unit II Visual Basic

19. Programming in VB 6.0 - Julia case Bradley, Anita C. Milspaugh, TMH 20. Visual Basic 6.0 Programming - Content Development Group, TMH 21. The Complete Reference to Visual Basic 6 - Noel Jerke, TMH 22. Visual Basic 6 Programming Black Book - Steven Holzner, Dreamtech Press.



Paper Pattern Semester V( 2013-14 onwards) Q 1. A) Attempt any one sub-question from a, b (Data Communication, Networking and Internet) a) (Long Answer) (8) b) (Long Answer) (8) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e (Data Communication, Networking and Internet)

d) (Long Answer) (7) e) (Long Answer) (7)

Q 2. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in MySQL a) MySQL (5) b) MySQL (5) c) MySQL (5) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e in Spreadsheet

d) Spreadsheet (5) e) Spreadsheet (5)

Q 3. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in MySQL a) MySQL (5) b) MySQL (5) c) MySQL (5) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e in Spreadsheet

d) Spreadsheet (5) e) Spreadsheet (5)

Q 4. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in Spreadsheet (True/False) (2) a) Spreadsheet

b) Spreadsheet c) Spreadsheet

B) Attempt any four sub-questions from d, e, f, g, h, i in MySQL (Multiple Choice) (4) d) MySQL

e) MySQL f) MySQL g) MySQL h) MySQL i) MySQL

C) Attempt any four sub-questions from j,k,l,m,n,o, in Data Communication, Networking and Internet (True/False) (4) j) Data Communication, Networking and Internet k) Data Communication, Networking and Internet l) Data Communication, Networking and Internet m) Data Communication, Networking and Internet n) Data Communication, Networking and Internet o) Data Communication, Networking and Internet


D) Attempt any five sub-questions from p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w in Data Communication, Networking and Internet (Multiple Choice) (5) p) Data Communication, Networking and Internet q) Data Communication, Networking and Internet r) Data Communication, Networking and Internet s) Data Communication, Networking and Internet t) Data Communication, Networking and Internet u) Data Communication, Networking and Internet v) Data Communication, Networking and Internet w) Data Communication, Networking and Internet


COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Paper Pattern Semester VI( 2013-14 onwards)

Q 1. A) Attempt any one sub-question from a, b (E-Commerce) a) (Long Answer) (8) b) (Long Answer) (8) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e (E-Commerce)

d) (Long Answer) (7) e) (Long Answer) (7)

Q 2. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in C Language a) C Language (5) b) C Language (5) c) C Language (5) OR A) Attempt any two sub-questions from x, y, z in Visual Basic x) Visual Basic (5) y) Visual Basic (5) z) Visual Basic (5) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e in Spreadsheet

d) Spreadsheet (5) e) Spreadsheet (5)

Q 3. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in C Language a) C Language (5) b) C Language (5) c) C Language (5) OR A) Attempt any two sub-questions from x, y, z in Visual Basic x) Visual Basic (5) y) Visual Basic (5) z) Visual Basic (5) B) Attempt any one sub-question from d, e in Spreadsheet

d) Spreadsheet (5) e) Spreadsheet (5)


Q 4. A) Attempt any two sub-questions from a, b, c in Spreadsheet (True/False) (2) a) Spreadsheet

b) Spreadsheet c) Spreadsheet

B) Attempt any four sub-questions from d, e, f, g, h, i in C Language (Multiple Choice) (4) d) C Language

e) C Language f) C Language g) C Language h) C Language i) C Language OR

B) Attempt any four sub-questions from d, e, f, g, h, i in Visual Basic (Multiple Choice) (4) d) Visual Basic

e) Visual Basic f) Visual Basic g) Visual Basic h) Visual Basic i) Visual Basic

C) Attempt any four sub-questions from j,k,l,m,n,o, in E-Commerce (True/False) (4)

j) E-Commerce k) E-Commerce l) E-Commerce m) E-Commerce n) E-Commerce o) E-Commerce D) Attempt any five sub-questions from p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w in E-Commerce (Multiple Choice) (5) p) E-Commerce q) E-Commerce r) E-Commerce s) E-Commerce t) E-Commerce u) E-Commerce v) E-Commerce w) E-Commerce


AC 29/4/13 

Item no. 4.110 




University of Mumbai



Course- COMMERCE – V


Credit Based Semester and Grading System

w.e.f. the Academic year 2013 - 2014





(Marketing) SEM-V

Module – I Introduction to Marketing: Lectures 10

Marketing-Nature, Importance and Scope. Concepts: Selling Concept, Marketing Concept and Societal

Concept. Role of Marketing Managers in Changing Marketing Environment.

Marketing Opportunity Analysis - Marketing Research and Marketing Information System(MIS) –

Concepts, nature and importance in marketing decisions.

Module – II Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation: Lectures 10

Consumer Behaviour- Nature and factors influencing it. Consumer’s buying decisions process. Market

Segmentation – Nature, importance and basis of segmentation. Niche Marketing; Customer Relationships

– Management(CRM)- Need & importance-Techniques of building CRM.

Module – III Marketing Mix: Lectures 15

Nature and importance. (A)Product Mix – Product Life Cycle(PLC) – Branding – Brand Selection- Brand

Extension- Brand Positioning and Brand Equity. (b)Price Mix-Factors influencing the price-Pricing

Methods.(c) Place Mix-Direct and Indirect Marketing-Factors influencing channel decisions- Managing

channel intermediaries. (Distribution Network) (d) Promotion Mix-elements-Role of Advertising,

Salesmanship and Public Relations in promotion-recent Promotion Tools used by Indian Companies.

Module – IV Recent Trends in Marketing: Lectures 10

(a) Service Marketing- Special features-Problems in marketing of services. (B) Rural Marketing-

Nature and Growth- Problems of Rural Marketing in India- Measures for effective Rural

Marketing. (C) Social Marketing (D) Green Marketing(E) Event Marketing (F) Internet Marketing

(G) Telemarketing (H) Retail Marketing.








Question Paper Pattern Class: T.Y.B.Com  Commerce – V 

(Marketing ) Marks: ‐ 60 Duration: ‐ 2 Hrs. 

Qus.1  Long answer type question on Module – I with Internal Option    15 

Qus.2  Answer any two out of Three on Module No. II & IV        15 

Qus.3  Answer any two out of Three on Module No. III         15 

Qus.4 Objective Type questions:‐ 

a) Multiple Choice question              05 

b) Say True or False                 05 

c) Match the following                05 





University of Mumbai





Credit Based Semester and Grading System

w.e.f. the Academic year 2013 - 2014






SEM-VI Module – I Introduction to Human Resource Management Lectures 12 Concept of HRM- its Nature, importance and Function – Role of HR Managers in the

changing Business Environment. (B) Human Resource Planning: Importance and steps in

HRP-Job Analysis-Meaning and Uses-Recruitment and its sources-Selection Procedure-

Employment Tests and interviews-their roles and types –importance of Placement and


Module – II Human Recourse Development(HRD) Lectures 12 Concept and Scope of HRD- Training and Development-Importance, Types and Methods-

Performance Appraisal-benefits, limitations, and techniques of appraisal. 360 Degree

Appraisal, Employee Retention-Compensation and Incentives-Performance related pay.

Module – III Human Relations: Lectures 11 Nature and importance of human relations-Leadership-Traits and Styles. Motivations-

Factors of motivation-Theories of motivations-Maslow’s Theory, Hertzberg’s Theory and

McGregor’s X & Y Theory. Employee Morale-Nature and Importance.

Grievances Handling and procedure.

Module – IV Current Issue in HRM: Lectures 10

a) Human Resource Accounting-Concept, advantage and limitations.

b) Human resource Audit-Objective and scope

c) Group Dynamics and team Building –nature and significance

d) Emotional Quotient and Mentoring-Meaning and importance

e) Career Planning and Development –Nature and importance-Need for Succession

f) Empowerment and Participation- Meaning and significance


g) Emerging challenges in HRM –managing workforce diversity-managing downsizing,


h) Safety and security management-importance

Question Paper Pattern Class: T.Y.B.Com  Commerce – VI 


Marks: ‐ 60 Duration: ‐ 2 Hrs. 

Qus.1  Long answer type question on Module – I with Internal Option    15 

Qus.2  Answer any two out of Three on Module No. II & IV        15 

Qus.3  Answer any two out of Three on Module No. III         15 

Qus.4 Objective Type questions:‐ 

a) Multiple Choice question              05 

b) Say True or False                 05 

c) Match the following                05 


AC 29/4/13 

Item no. 4.109 




University of Mumbai



Program- B.Com


Credit Based Semester and Grading System

w.e.f. the Academic year 2013 - 2014





Class: T.Y.B.Com Academic Year 2013 – 2014.

SEMESTER – V Subject: EXPORT MARKETING (Applied Component) - I

Module – I Introduction to Export Marketing: (9 Lec.)

Meaning and features of Export Marketing- Importance of Exports for a Nation and a Firm –Difference between Domestic Marketing and Export Marketing – Motivations for Export Marketing – Present problems faced by Indian Exporters –Trends in World Trade – The Sunrise Exports, Review of Services Export, Composition and direction of India’s Export Trade Since 2000 – Reasons for India’s poor share in World Trade.

Module – II International Marketing: (9 Lec.)

Meaning, Trade Barriers – Tariffs and Non-Tariffs –WTO and its implications on International Marketing with reference to Agreements : TRIPs, TRIMs, GATS, Agreements on Agriculture and its implications on Developing Nations- Regional Economic Groupings – Implications of Trade Blocs for International Marketing – Major Regional Economic Groupings – EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC – Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP)

Module – III Preliminaries for Starting Export Business: (9 Lec.)

Overseas Market Research – Identifying Foreign Markets – Factors for Selecting Foreign Markets – Product Planning Strategies for Exports – New Product Development Process – International Products Life Cycle – Methods of entry in Foreign Markets – Channels of Distribution in Export Markets – Warehousing and its necessity in Export Marketing – Product Promotion in Export Markets.

Module – IV Export Marketing and Promotional Organisations in India: (9 Lec.)

Export Marketing Organizations – Export Promotion Organisations – Export Promotion Councils – Commodity Boards – MPEDA –APEDA –FIEO – IIFT – National Council for Trade Information (NCTI) – ITPO –EIC –IIP –ICA-Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics – Directorate General of Foreign Trade – Chamber of Commerce – STPs –EOUs –SEZs- Sales in DTA – Incentives to Units of SEZs –Contribution of SEZs in India’s Exports.

Module –V Foreign Trade Policy (FTP): (9 Lec.)

Main Objectives – Highlights of FTP 2009-2014 - Special Focus Initiatives – Towns of Export Excellence – Eligibility criteria for Export Houses/ Star Export Houses / Trading Houses/ Star Trading Houses / Premier Trading Houses –Privileges of Export and Trading House Status Holders – Negative List of Exports.


A) Internal Assessment – 40% (40 Marks)  

1.  One periodical class tests  examination to be conducted in the  given semester                                                                                                           20 Marks 

2. One assignment based on curriculum to be assessed by the  teacher concerned                  10 Marks 

3.  Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries       05 Marks 4.  Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and  

articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing  related academic actives                05 Marks               Total       40 Marks 

B) Semester End Examination – 60% (60 Marks)  

Duration – These examinations shall be of 2 Hours duration.  Question Paper Pattern:‐ 1. There shall be four questions each of 15 marks. 2. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. 3. Question may be subdivided into sub‐questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks 

depend on the weightage of the topic.  C) Question Paper Pattern – I (With objective questions) 

Semester ‐ V Q‐1 – Module I & V 

    Q‐2 ‐ Module II     Q‐3 ‐ Module III & IV 

Q‐4 – Objective Questions (Module I to V) 
















University of Mumbai

* * * * *




Program- B.Com


Credit Based Semester and Grading System

w.e.f. the Academic year 2013 - 2014





SEMESTER – VI Subject: EXPORT MARKETING (Applied Component) – II Module – I Export Pricing: (9 Lec.)

Factors determining Export Price – Basic data required for Export Pricing decisions,

Marginal Cost Pricing – Export Pricing Strategies – Main Export Pricing Quotations –

Break Even Point – Simple problems on FOB Pricing.

Module – II Export Finance: (9 Lec.)

Meaning and types of Export Finance – Features of Pre-shipment and Post-shipment

Finance – Role of Commercial Banks, EXIM Bank, SIDBI and ECGC in Export

Finance – Forfeiting schemes of EXIM Bank methods of payment used in International

Trade – Terms of payment and factors determining payment terms – Letters of Credit –

Procedure of Opening L/C, Parties involved, Important types of L/C.

Module – III Export Procedure: (9 Lec.)

Stages in Export procedure – Excise clearance procedure – Role in Custom House

Agents (CHA) – Shipping and Customs formalities – Marine Insurance – Negotiation

of Export documents – Realization of Export Proceeds – ISO Certification – Procedure

for obtaining ISO certification.

Module – IV Export Documents: (9 Lec.)

Main documents used in Export Trade and their importance in Export Trade –

Commercial Invoice – Shipping Bill – Certificate of Origin – Consular Invoice –

Mate’s Receipt – Bill of Lading – GR Form.

Module – V Export Assistance and Incentives: (9 Lec.)

Main Export Incentives extended to Indian Exporters by the Indian Government – Duty

Drawback – EPCG Scheme – MDA – MAI –DEPB Scheme – Deemed Exports –

ASIDE – Other incentives available to Indian Exporters.


A) Internal Assessment – 40% (40 Marks)  

5.  One periodical class tests  examination to be conducted in the  given semester                                                                                                           20 Marks 

6. One assignment based on curriculum to be assessed by the  teacher concerned                  10 Marks 

7.  Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries       05 Marks 8.  Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and  

articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing  related academic actives                05 Marks               Total       40 Marks 

B) Semester End Examination – 60% (60 Marks)  

Duration – These examinations shall be of 2 Hours duration.  Question Paper Pattern:‐ 4. There shall be four questions each of 15 marks. 5. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. 6. Question may be subdivided into sub‐questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks 

depend on the weightage of the topic.  C) Question Paper Pattern – I (With objective questions) 

Semester ‐ VI Q‐1 – Module I & V Q‐2 ‐ Module II Q‐3 ‐ Module III &IV Q‐4 – Objective Questions (Module I to V) 


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