Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

continued on page 4..... continued on page 8..... continued on page 5..... Elvis Spotted in Camas County The theme of this year’s Camas County Fair has renewed the belief that the King of Rock n’Roll is alive and well. 4-H groups, businesses, and everyone in between are busy “Getting their Elvis on” for this week festivities, starting with the 4-H Rabbit Show tomorrow morning (July 31st) at 9:00 a.m. on the school lawn. To- morrow is also Bike Parade (5:45) and the Free Carnival in the Park. On Friday (August 1st) the 4-H Dog Show will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the day will end with the Community Potluck Picnic at 6:00 p.m. Along with the 4-H Livestock Show (Sat- urday morning at 8 a.m.), the Park will be home to the Cancer Society Silent Auction (ends at 3:30 p.m.) and a volleyball tour- nament, as well as food and craft vendors. If you have an entry for this year’s parade, line up and check in at the football field (west side of town) at 12:30. The parade begins at 1:00 p.m. with Grand Marshals, Fred & Lillian Marolf, leading the way. Attracted by the snow (for snowmobile racing) the Marolf family moved to Fair- field in 1971 where Fred work numerous jobs including the Highway Department, auctioneering, logging, and real estate. Lil- lian has cooked nearly everything from do- nuts to pizza, hamburgers to ice cream. She was also instrumental in getting the Senior Center started in downtown Fairfield. Hazardous Foods on Facebook Press Release It was recently brought to the attention of South Cen- tral Public Health District (SCPHD) that some “buy & sell” users on Facebook are selling foods that may fall under the definition of a “potentially-hazardous- food” (PHF). PHF means foods that can support the growth of pathogenic or- ganisms. Some examples of PHFs include: · Cooked or smoked meats (chicken, beef, pork) · Ceviche or cooked pasta dishes · Cut melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew) · Cold cuts (sandwich meats) · Soft cheeses (cream cheese, feta) The Idaho Food Code (IFC) requires a person that prepares PHFs for sale to the public to do so in a permitted food establish- ment and be inspected. IFC 8-301.11 states “a person may not operate a food es- tablishment without a valid permit to operate issued by the regulatory authority.” In addition, IFC defines a The 2nd Annual Basque Heritage Day will be held this Saturday, August 2nd, at the Lincoln County Fair- grounds in Shoshone, Ida- ho. Activities begin at 11 a.m. and include displays of Sheep Camps, Basque Family history, authentic food and vendors. At 12 noon, Idaho Hu- manities Council Speaker, David Lachiondo, will dis- cuss the Basques and the Spanish Civil War. Dave Lachiondo is the son and grandson of Basque im- migrants to Idaho. Born in 1947, he is career educator who has served as a teacher, guidance counselor, school and district administrator in Idaho’s public and paro- chial schools. Mr. Lachiondo has served as an Adjunct Professor of Education for the Univer- sity of Idaho as well as a Special Lecturer of Basque Studies at Boise State University. He is presently the Director of the Basque Studies Program at Boise State. Beginning at 2 p.m. Brent Barras with Canyon Stu- dios will be showing the documentary Basques in the West. The documen- tary tells the story of people often overlooked in West- ern History, and features Basques living in Idaho, 2nd Annual Basque Heritage Day Volume 38 ~ Number 31 News from the Heart of Idaho Camas • Lincoln • Gooding ,2014 July 30 NEWS The Courier


July 30, 2014 Edition

Transcript of Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

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continued on page 4.....

continued on page 8.....continued on page 5.....

Elvis Spotted in Camas County The theme of this year’s Camas County Fair has renewed the belief that the King of Rock n’Roll is alive and well. 4-H groups, businesses, and everyone in between are busy “Getting their Elvis on” for this week festivities, starting with the 4-H Rabbit Show tomorrow morning (July 31st) at 9:00 a.m. on the school lawn. To-morrow is also Bike Parade (5:45) and the Free Carnival in the Park. On Friday (August 1st) the 4-H Dog Show will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the day will end with the Community Potluck Picnic at 6:00 p.m. Along with the 4-H Livestock Show (Sat-urday morning at 8 a.m.), the Park will be home to the Cancer Society Silent Auction (ends at 3:30 p.m.) and a volleyball tour-nament, as well as food and craft vendors. If you have an entry for this year’s parade, line up and check in at the football field (west side of town) at 12:30. The parade begins at 1:00 p.m. with Grand Marshals,

Fred & Lillian Marolf, leading the way. Attracted by the snow (for snowmobile racing) the Marolf family moved to Fair-field in 1971 where Fred work numerous jobs including the Highway Department, auctioneering, logging, and real estate. Lil-lian has cooked nearly everything from do-nuts to pizza, hamburgers to ice cream. She was also instrumental in getting the Senior Center started in downtown Fairfield.

Hazardous Foods

on FacebookPress Release ItwasrecentlybroughttotheattentionofSouthCen-tral Public Health District(SCPHD) that some “buy& sell” users on Facebookare selling foods that mayfallunder thedefinitionofa “potentially-hazardous-food” (PHF). PHF meansfoods that can support thegrowth of pathogenic or-ganisms.SomeexamplesofPHFsinclude:· Cookedorsmokedmeats (chicken,beef,pork)· Cevicheorcookedpasta dishes· Cutmelons(watermelon, cantaloupe,honeydew)· Coldcuts (sandwichmeats)· Softcheeses (creamcheese,feta) The Idaho Food Code(IFC) requires a personthatpreparesPHFsforsaleto thepublic todo so inapermitted food establish-mentandbeinspected.IFC8-301.11 states “a personmaynotoperateafoodes-tablishmentwithoutavalidpermittooperateissuedbythe regulatory authority.”In addition, IFC defines a

The 2nd Annual Basque Heritage Day will be held this Saturday, August 2nd, at the Lincoln County Fair-grounds in Shoshone, Ida-ho. Activities begin at 11 a.m. and include displays of Sheep Camps, Basque Family history, authentic food and vendors. At 12 noon, Idaho Hu-manities Council Speaker, David Lachiondo, will dis-cuss the Basques and the

Spanish Civil War. Dave Lachiondo is the son and grandson of Basque im-migrants to Idaho. Born in 1947, he is career educator who has served as a teacher, guidance counselor, school and district administrator in Idaho’s public and paro-chial schools. Mr. Lachiondo has served as an Adjunct Professor of Education for the Univer-sity of Idaho as well as a Special Lecturer of Basque

Studies at Boise State University. He is presently the Director of the Basque Studies Program at Boise State. Beginning at 2 p.m. Brent Barras with Canyon Stu-dios will be showing the documentary Basques in the West. The documen-tary tells the story of people often overlooked in West-ern History, and features Basques living in Idaho,

2nd Annual Basque Heritage Day

Volume 38 ~ Number 31

News from the Heart of IdahoCamas • Lincoln • Gooding


NewsThe Courier

Page 2: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

Notices of Upcoming Events & MeetingsHELP! You can help your Volunteers: WENEEDYOURJUNKCARS.TheFireDepartmentandEMT’shavemovedtheirextricationclassAugust9th,andtheyneedvehiclestopracticeon-crashedornot.Theywillpickupandhaulthemoffaftertheclass.Ifyouhaveavehicleyouwouldliketodonateforthistrainingopportu-nity,theywillprovideyouwithadonationreceiptforyourtaxpurposes.Todonateavehicleorifyouareinterestedinparticipatinginthistrainingorvolunteering,pleasecontactLesiaKnowlton@[email protected] County MuseumwillbeOPENthisSaturday,August2ndfortheCamasCountyFair-11to4.

Camas Farmers Market! TheFairfieldmarket isopneeveryFridayat theSteamEngineParkfromnoontiltheygohome.Dropby.Pickupsomeplantsorhoneyorwhateverelsemightbeavailable.Supportyourfarmersmarket.

Calling all Knit, Crochet and Fiber enthusiasts! ComemeetwithuseveryMonday,startingAugust11thfrom6to7:30p.m.intheCamasLibrarymeetingroom.Bring your own projects to work on! New to knitting? Want to learn?We’llgetyoustarted.Ifit’sbeenawhile,comeandrefreshyourskills!Share your skills! Make new friends!IfyouhaveanyquestionspleasecallMarypatat764-2564orPamat707-484-4197

Wendell Library Used Bookstore: Newusedbooksand rummage sale itemsaddedeveryweek.Donationsofbooks,CD’s,DVD’s,andothergoodcleanitemsarewelcome.OpeneveryFridayfrom1to4

Salvage Fishing on Big Wood & Richfield Canal F&G Director Virgil Moore has signed an order allowing salvage of fish on the Big Wood River downstream from the old railroad trestle (approximately 1.25 miles down-stream from Magic Dam), and the Richfield Canal from the canal diversion downstream to the Gooding County line, and on the Richfield and Lincoln Canal Systems. In these areas, fish may be taken by any method except firearms, explosives, chemicals or electric current from July 20 to November 1, 2014. All bag, possession and size limits are also removed in these areas. Anyone wishing to take fish must have a valid Idaho fishing license. General rules still apply between Magic Dam and the old railroad trestle.

Larsen Family Needs Your

Help Earlier this year in Feb-ruary, Tanya Larsen of Gooding experienced the worst headache of her life. “I literally thought I was go-ing to have a heart attack.” Since then she has suf-fered daily symptoms of diz-ziness, fatigue, exhaustion,

confusion, weight gain, upset stomach, light sensitivity, temperature sensitivity, and a complete loss of desire to do anything that she once found enjoyable. The problem: a slow bleeding tumor on her pituitary gland which has damaged the muscles that control vision. If it is not removed, she will lose her eyesight entirely, and it could kill her. While surgery will not repair the muscle damage, it should eliminate all of the other symptoms. After meeting her $2500 health insurance deductible, her family sighed a breath of relief and started to prepare for the surgery. Then in May, Tanya received a cancella-tion notice of her health insurance due to non compliance with “Affordable Care Act” regulations. They were able to obtain new insurance, but now they are faced with an-other $2500 deductible. Besides the financial struggle, all of this has taken a toll on the Larsen’s three boys. It is extremely hard for Tanya to interact with her children. “I used to read them stories daily. I haven’t done this since March,” she said. “Our middle son was in kindergarten when I was diagnosed. I wanted to help him with his schooling, but it just hurt too bad.” To meet the new deductible and other expenses as-sociated the surgery, the Larsen family has set up a fundraising campaign at Just type in “Gooding, Idaho” or “83330” and her cam-paign will be right on top. Tanya’s main concern is her family. “I just need this surgery so I can be a mother to my children! So I can be a wife to my husband [Chris] and take care of them.”

Send your News & Articles [email protected] or call 764-3322

� July 30, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 3: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

Now Serving BREAKFASTThur-Sun ~ 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

764-2580Hwy 20 & Soldier Road in Fairfield

Lunch & Dinner 7 days-a-week

Bee & Bee’s

…all manner of thingsTools, Furniture, Books, & Whatever Useable Antiques & Vintage Things

34� Main St., Suite #4 on Third Ave East in GoodingCall or text B. Fredericksen @ �08-539-9�5�

Hours: Usually M-F 10 to 5. Call before you head in

Camas Library FoundationMembership Drive/Raffle

The Camas County Library Foundation Board of Directors would like to remind members that Annual Memberships can be renewed during the fair on Sat-urday August 2nd. A booth will be set up next to the library with many wonderful raffle items on display. When you renew your annual membership for $50 you will receive 10 free raffle tickets. Lifetime Members please stop by to get your 5 free tickets. The list of items for the drawing has expanded to in-clude an eye catching pink fishing pole, varied items from NW Equipment, Cesco, and Cat, a chocolate basket, a gift certificate from Jim Dandy’s and Breyer horses. We have so many great things with the star item being a Stihl chainsaw. Tickets go on sale at 11 a.m. and the drawing takes place as soon as the parade is over. Regular ticket price is $5.00 a piece or 5 tickets for $20.00. All proceeds will go to help the library. Stop by the library if you would like to buy tickets or renew memberships early.

Dine-In or Take-Out

Pizza & PastaDowntownFairfield



Fair Lunch SpecialsThursday thru Saturday - Open for Lunch

Camas County’s Giant Cal-zones, Taco Salads, and Pizza By-the-Slice

Ya’ll come on in where it’s Cool.Take a break from the Heat, & listen to Elvis Tunes.

and don’t forget... Saturday Night

the Street Dance on Main Street

U-PICK GARDEN! The Gooding Soil Conservation District will be opening up their U-Pick garden soon! Watch for a banner in front of the USDA building at 820 Main Street in Gooding - it will indicate the days you can pick! The picking area will be clearly marked off with an or-ange mesh fence. The designated time is 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the days the banner is hanging up. They have zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, beans, eggplant, acorn and peppers. All the plants have been raised by seed and many of them were started by the Gooding 5th grade students. Gooding SCD hopes you will take the opportunity to pick some great food. It’s all for you - the Community. Many community members that have their own plots and FFA students have corn that they will sell at the farmers market. So please, don’t pick beyond the fenced in area! If you have questions about the Community Garden or U-Pick Garden, please feel free to call Barbara or Linda at 208-934-8481 ext 100.

July 30, �014 3...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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...Camas County Fair continued

Simpson’s Wilderness Water Bill Signed into Law

Press Release Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act will authorize water diversions that pre-date Idaho wilderness laws. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson expressed great satisfaction at the news that H.R. 876, the Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act, which he authored, has been signed into law. Simpson first introduced the legislation in 2009, and today it was signed by the president. The Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protec-tion Act corrects a long-standing oversight in law by authorizing a number of water diversions within the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness Area and the Selway-Bitteroot Wilderness Area in Idaho which existed before the wilderness was created. The new law will enable landowners to do the necessary maintenance and repairs on these diversions. “I’m so pleased that the Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act has finally been signed into law,” said Simpson. “I introduced this bill five years ago when the Forest Service discovered that it didn’t have the authority to permit repairs on an historic water diversion in the Frank Church. When we looked into the issue, we learned that a number of pre-existing diversions had been overlooked when the wilderness areas were created. Any one of these diversions could need repairs to maintain integrity and protect the surrounded ecosystem. With enact-ment of this bill, the necessary maintenance and re-pairs can now be done.”

death & service noticesFreddie E. Harkes, 73, a resident of Wendell, passed away Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at North Canyon Med-ical Center in Gooding. A memorial service will be held at 10:00 am, on Saturday, July 26, 2014 at Demaray Funeral Service – Wendell Chapel. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Demaray Funeral Ser-vice – Wendell Chapel.

Christa Tuchton, 75, a resident of Gooding, passed away Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at North Canyon Medical Center in Gooding. No local services are planned. Ar-rangements are under the care and direction of Dema-ray Funeral Service – Gooding Chapel.

VFW Re-Roofing Project The War Memorial Hall in Gooding is in serious need of re-roofing. The VFW Post 3078 currently has about $5000 for this project, but they need another $17,000 to complete the project. Besides being the meeting place for the VFW, the American Legion Post 30, and the Legion Auxiliary, the Hall is used by the community for blood drawings, exercise classes, a place to vote, as well as other special community events. The VFW Post 3078 is a 501 C-19 non-profit organiza-tion, and as such, any and all donations are tax deductable. Please make your donation checks payable to: VFW Post 3078 with a memo line of “Re-roofing Project” and mail to: Donald K. Larson, Hall Finance Officer, 1105 California Street, Gooding, ID 83330 (Phone 934-4887). A receipt will be provided to you. This is a project they would like to complete before the winter weather arrives. So, any monetary support you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Through all of this and raising six kids, Mr. & Mrs. Ma-rolf have volunteered countless years with the fire depart-ment, search & rescue, and the 4-H program (no livestock auction would be complete without Fred in the ring). Be sure to give them a whoop and holler. Saturday evening starting at 6:00 p.m. enjoy the Main Street Bull Riding and Street dance. You can watch the battle of man and beast for free, but be sure to support the downtown vendors and restaurants. The American Legion will be serving breakfast on Sun-day morning from 8 to 11 at the Legion Hall. From 10:30 to noon, the Lighthouse Church will provide music and inspiration at Church in the Park (bring a chair or a blan-ket to sit on). Johnny U & Company will wrap-up the fair events on Sunday afternoon with music and a free raffle.

Honoring our Veterans Please help the Fairfield American Legion purchase bronze markers to place on the graves of our deceased veterans. They need 65 markers at a cost of about $45 per marker. Donate at Valley Service or to the Memorial Fund at the U.S. Bank in Fairfield. If you have any questions please contact Ron Chap-man, Commander, Post #19, at 208-764-2223.

4 July 30, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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Oregon, California, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, New Mexico and Nevada. Stop by the Shoshone Cemetery to remember the Basque loved ones. The gravesites will be decorated with Basques flags. For more information about Basque Heritage Day contact Kathy Oneida at 886-2648 or Rachel Oneida

...Basque Heritage Day continued

401 Camas Avenue West



OPEN: Mon & Wed - 9 to 2 / Thur. 8 to 2:30 / Fri. 9 to 2

For Al l your Insurance Needs

C o m e S e e J u l i e B u r t o n a t 3 0 9 M a i n S t r e e t / G o o d i n gOFFICE HOURS:Mon-Fri: 9 am to 5 pm

After hours by Apointment

(208) 934-8037Fax: (208) 934-8032

North Canyon Medical Center Takes New Direction

With Hospital Philanthropy Since 1984, North Canyon Medical Center (previous-ly Gooding County Memorial Hospital) and the North Canyon Medical Center Foundation though separate and independent entities, have collaborated on many projects to fund healthcare initiatives in Gooding County. While this relationship has had benefits, NCMC has chosen a new path for hospital philanthropy. On June 24, 2014 the NCMC Board of Directors voted to develop, like many other community hospitals, an in-ternal hospital philanthropy program that falls under its not-for-profit status and to dissolve its relationship with the external foundation, previously known as NCMC Foundation. “Having worked alongside the indepen-dent foundation on fundraising efforts for many years, we have come to recognize that having an independent group raising money on behalf of the hospital was not our most effective option. The independent foundation has utilized the hospital’s name yet the Hospital had no role in governing their actions,” stated NCMC CEO Tim Powers. “Even though the external foundation has had no formal or legal ties to the hospital, the members have worked diligently to raise money to improve patient care. We are so grateful for their hard work and wish them the best of luck as they continue on their path of philan-thropy,” he stated. The hospital’s internal philanthropy program, Friends of North Canyon Medical Center will follow current best practices in healthcare philanthropy, including estate planning, major gifts, a grateful patient program, as well as general and memorial donations, and will continue co-ordinating the Tough Enough to Wear Pink event. The Friends of NCMC philanthropy program will operate as a department of NCMC, a 501(c)(3) charitable organiza-tion that must meet strict standards regulated by the Inter-nal Revenue Service to maintain that status. The interim director of the program will be Whitney Wines-Johnson.

Wood River Engine Service30+YearsExperience8to5M-F~934-49921244thAvenueEast

AllMachineShopServicesCompetitivePartPricesAllMakes&Models~Domestic,Foreign,InFrame&OverhaulKits Commercial

July 30, �014 5...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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Shoshone Richfield886–2369(218NRailSt.W) 487–2722130SMainStreet


-----------------------Thursday, July 24 (Rich) Egg Salad Sand & Apple PieFriday, July 25 (Sho) Roast Pork & Birthday CakeMonday, July 28 (Rich) Cook’s Choice &Birthday CakeTuesday, July 29 (Sho) Chicken Ala King & BiscuitsWed, July 30 (Sho) Cook’s Choice



------------------Thursday, July 24 Spaghetti & Garlic BreadMonday, July 28 Tater Tot CasseroleTuesday, July 29 Chow Mein & Rice w/ CookiesWednesday, July 30 Salad Bar & Cinnamon Rolls



--------------------------Friday, July 25th Swiss Steak & Mashed PotatoesTuesday, July 29 Chicken Caesar WrapsWednesday, July 30 Sweet & Sour Pork w/Egg Rolls

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity lender, provider and employer.





Jams&Jellies,Jewelry,andnoveltiesBreakfast and Lunch served all day


Gooding County Historical Society The Gooding County Fair is fast approaching! Each year during the Gooding County Fair & Rodeo (Au-gust 11th thru 16th) the Historical Society has accept-ed the responsibility of working the Antique Division by checking in the artifacts to be displayed, getting an independent judge for the judging of the artifacts, and arranging the artifacts for display, all before the exhibit opens to the public on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. Volunteers are needed to “sit” at the fair in 2 hour shifts for Thursday, August 14th. Volunteers don’t have to be Society members to watch over the antiques. Two other groups sharing the same building will have people to watch things on Friday and Saturday. If you would like to participate this year and be a “Sitter” or would like more information, please contact Louie Bay, Vice President of the GCHS at the Museum at 934-5318 or at 536-6575. Antiques will only be accepted on Monday, Au-gust 11th, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Gooding Fair-grounds. If you have several entries, PLEASE BRING SOME SMALL RETURN MAILING LABELS WITH YOUR NAME ON THEM TO PUT ON THE ENTRY TAGS. That will save you from writing your name so many times, and it will help the registration process. Judging will take place on Tuesday, August 12th. This year there will be a special award for the Best Antique that represents the Military category. This co-incides with the theme at the Museum. Also, an award for the Best of Fair Theme “Denim Jeans and Blue Rib-bon Dreams” will be awarded. The Society is planning another great raffle for the fair, so stop by for an opportunity to win some neat prizes. Items will be for sale out of the Museum gift shop as well, including the popular Gooding County Centennial Cookbook.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Work will begin soon on the cement foundation for the Thorn Creek School. Community donations have raised enough money to start the School House Proj-ect, and after the foundation is in place they will be submitting grants for some of the school interior and exterior repairs. On Saturday, August 9th, there will be a book signing at the Museum with author Cate James, author of the new book “Hoof Prints and Sky” from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information sign on to The museum will be closed during fair week.

� July 30, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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UniversityInnComeEnjoyaNightOff HBO



RoomsStartingat $2900



601 Main StreetGooding


Steve's Quick Service

Serving Camas, Lincoln & Gooding Counties



Glanbia Scholarship WinnersFor the School Year 2014-2015

GlanbiawouldliketocongratulatethefollowingGlan-bia Scholarship recipients for 2014-2015. The SelectionCommittee chose ten students based on their academicrecord,essay,extra-curricularactivities,workexperience,andleadershipskills.Eachwillreceivea$1,000scholar-shiptocontinuetheireducation. AreastudentswhoreceivedaPatron&EmployeeSchol-arshipare:

Brooke Fitzgerald, daugh-ter of Andrew and MicheleFitzgerald fromShoshone, Ida-ho, graduatedwith a4.0GPAfromTwinFallsHighSchoolin2014. There, she participatedin theater, NHS, speech anddebate, the school newspaper,GSA, and all-star cheerlead-ing.BrookewillattendHamp-shireCollege inAmherst,MAthisfalltostudyPsychologyandNeuroscience.

Kolton Hubert of Dietrich,Idaho has lived on a familydairy farm his entire life andplans to pursue an educationat the College of SouthernIdaho to study Animal Sci-ence.Hehasalwayslovedag-riculture and is excited tobeabletocontributetotheagri-cultureofhiscommunity.

Arie John Roeloffs,sonofArieandCoraleeRoeloffsofSouth-field Dairy in Wendell, Idaho,graduated from Wendell HighSchoolwithaGPAof3.66.Heplans to attend Dordt CollegeinSiouxCenter,Iowatomajorin Agricultural-Business. Aftercollege,hehopestocontinuein


“We here at Glanbia congratulate all of our scholarship applicants on their achievements and wish them the best of luck toward their future success.”

July 30, �014 �...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

Page 8: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

Late NightRegistration

at CSI CSI’s Taylor/Student Union buildings will be open until 10 p.m. on Thursday, July 31st, with academic and technical program advi-sors, career counseling, and financial aid assis-tance. The bookstore and testing center will also be open. Free food will be available. For students who have kids, free bounce houses and supervised activities will be available in order to allow mom and dad to focus on finding an-swers to questions and getting registered. For more information, call 733-9554.

food establishment as “an operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends, or otherwise provides food for human consumption.” “The purpose of the food code is to safeguard public health and provide to consumers food that is safe, unadulterated, and honestly presented.” says Josh Jensen, SCPHD Food Program Coordinator. “With that in mind, we invite individuals to contact our Environ-mental Health Specialists in order to help determine whether their product is considered PHF and if they would be required to obtain a food establishment permit from SCPHD.” For more information on food safety and food establishment permits visit the SCPHD website or contact Josh Jensen 208-737-5915.

Master Gardener Program The Idaho Extension office is offer a five-week Master Garden-er Program beginning August 15th. Classes will take place at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden in Ketchum, Idaho, on Fridays (5 to 8 p.m.) and Saturdays (9 to 12 noon). Cost for the program is $225 per person and $300 per household couple. For more information, contact Tony McCammon at the Twin Falls County Extension Office: (208) 734-9590 or [email protected]. Registration open until August 8, 2014. Class size limited.

Beneficial BugsMonday, August 18, 2014

10:00 am to 1:00 pmRock Creek Park in Twin Falls

$5 per child(this class is for ages 5 & up)

*Observe Pollinators* Create a Solitary Bee House

*Hold a Beneficial Insect*Ant Lion Farms

*Walk a Drone Bee*Learn the Bee Waddle Dance

a Light Educational Lunchwill be provided

Must Pre-Register(208) 734-9590

sponsored byMagic Valley Master Gardeners

...Hazardous Foods continued

8 July 30, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 9: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGThere will be a public hearing at �:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, �014 at WMFD Station � (West Magic Road). A copy of the pro-posed budget is available for inspection at West Magic Resort during business hours.


For the Fiscal Year �014-�015Estimated Revenue $15,336.00Estimated Expenditures Major Equipment, Replacement/Repairs �000.00 Clothing, New/Replacement �00.00 Fire Building Maintenance 1�00.00 OfficeSupplies/Publications 800.00 Legal Publications 400.00 Utilities 3�00.00 Fire Truck Fuel/Maintenance 1800.00 Fire Hydrant Maintenance/Install 350.00 Insurance 1�4�.00 Training 1000.00 Wages & Miscellaneous 1�00.00 Radios 1040.00 Total $15,336.00

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPUBIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Commis-sioners of the Dietrich Fire District. The Public Hearing of the ProposedBudgetofsaidDistrictforthefiscalyear2014-2015willbe held August 13th, �014 at �:30 p.m. at the Dietrich Fire Station, 45 N. Lincoln Street, Dietrich, Idaho.

BUDGET �014-�015ESTIMATED INCOME: COUNTY TAXES $��,000.00 TOTAL $��,000.00


Pam Conant, Dietrich Fire District Secretarypublished on July 30th and August 4th


T0 THE WEST MAGIC FIRE DISTRICTNotice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners for Camas County intends to transfer the real property legally de-scribed as: Lot4ofMagicRanchSubdivisionNo.1asthesameisofficiallyplatted in theofficeof theCountyRecorder,CountyofCamas,State of Idaho, and as evidenced by Plat Instrument No. ��003, recorded April 1, �003, records of Camas County, Idaho, to the West Magic Fire District without consideration pursuant to Idaho Code §��-�3��, withholding the water right (#3�-�05��). The Board of County Commissioners will meet to ratify this mat-ter in open meeting on August 11, �014. The Fire District will meet to ratify this matter in open meeting on August 5, �014, at �:30 p.m. at Fire Station #�, 319 W. Magic Road.

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGProposed Budget for Camas County Cemetery District

There will be a public hearing at �:00 p.m. on Thursday, August �, �014, at the Sandwiched Inn. A copy of the proposed budget is available for inspection at the Sandwiched Inn during business hours.

Camas County Proposed Cemetery Budget 2014-2015 Estimated Revenue $ 14,350.00 Estimated Expenditures OfficeSupplies $50.00 Legal Publication $ 150.00 Insurance $ 450.00 Maintenance Contract $ �,000.00 Surveying $ 5,000.00 Manitenance Materials $ �,500.00 Miscellaneous $ �00.00 Total Expense $ 14,350.00

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal NoticesPublic Announcement of Blaine CountyMagistrate Judge Applicants

The Fifth Judicial District Magistrates Commission will be meeting to review attorney applicants for the position of Blaine County Magistrate to replace Honorable R. Ted Israel who will be retiring effective December 31, 2014. Eight applications have been received for the position of Blaine County Magistrate according to Linda Wright, Fifth District Trial Court Administrator.

The applicants are: Samuel Beus, Twin Falls, ID Bradley Chinn, Hailey, ID Mike Felton, Jr., Buhl, ID Jennifer Haemmerle, Hailey, ID Randolph Neal, Idaho Falls, ID Lary Sisson, Middleton, ID Jay Sturgell, Coeur d’Alene, ID Ned Williamson, Hailey, ID

Questionnaires for public comment may be obtained from the Trial Court Administrator’s office, Theron Ward Judicial Building, 427 Shoshone Street N., Twin Falls, (208) 736-4085; the Blaine County Clerk’s of-fice, 201 2nd Ave S, Ste. 106, Hailey; or online at Comments should be returned to the Trial Court Ad-ministrator’s office, P.O. Box 126, Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0126, no later than August 15, 2014..

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

July 30, �014 9...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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ThisWeek’sSudokuPuzzleAnswersPuzzle#1 Puzzle#2

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

T.S. No. 1�48��8-3� Parcel No. rpf0050004018ba NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE On September 03, �014, at the hour of �:00pm, of said day, at On the front steps of the camas county courthouse 501,SoldierRoad,Fairfield,Idaho,FirstAmericanTitleInsuranceCompany, as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bid-der, for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a State or National Bank, a check drawn by a State or Federal Credit Union, or a check drawn by a State or Federal Savings and Loan Association, Savings Associa-tion, or Savings Bank, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Camas, state of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: The east �� feet of lots 18, 19,20,21, and22, inblock4of fairfield townsite,Camascounty,idaho,asthesameisshownontheofficialplatthereforelocatedintheofficeofthecountyrecorderofsaidcounty.Commonlyknownas101AlturasAvenueWestFairfield Id 83327.Saidsalewillbemade without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by Rodney Shane Harris An Unmarried Man as Grantor, toGoodingTitleandEscrow,asTrustee, for thebenefitandsecu-rity of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., (“mers”) As Nominee For The Mortgage Co-op, A Utah Corporation, Its Suc-cessorsandAssignsasBeneficiary,recordedFebruary17,2005,asInstrument No. �8���, Mortgage records of Camas County, Idaho. THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 45-150�(4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RE-SPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION. The default for which this sale is to be made is: Failure to pay the monthly payment due august 1, �009 of principal, interest and impounds and subsequent install-ments due thereafter; plus late charges; together with all subsequent sumsadvancedbybeneficiarypursuanttothetermsandconditionsof said deed of trust. The estimated balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said deed of trust is $114,���.08, including interest, costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obli-gation thereunder or in this sale, and trustee’s fees and/or reasonable attorney’s fees as authorized in the promissory note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust. First American Title Insurance Com-pany C/o Cal-western Reconveyance Llc P.O. Box ��004 El Cajon Ca 9�0��-9004 (800)54�-1531 Dated: May 08, �014 Signature/By First American Title Insurance Company. DLPP-43�994published on �/1�, �/�3, �/30 & 08/0�, �014


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: on Tuesday, the 5th day of August, �014 at �:10 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Camas County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Courthouse Annex located at 51� Soldier Rd, Fairfield,Idaho,toconsidertheapprovalofasubdivisionordinancefor the County of Camas, in accordance with §§ ��-�509, 50-1301 et seq, and ��-�513, Idaho Code. The purpose of this hearing is for the public as well as the Planning and Zoning Commissioners to consider the enactment of a new subdivision ordinance repealing its predecessor Ordinance Number 15�. A copy of the proposed text is available at no charge at the Camas County Courthouse Annex and at the public hearing. A general summary of the proposed subdivision ordinance is as follows: Section 1 General Provisions Section2 Definitions Section 3 Standards of Review Section 4 Applicability and Exemptions Section 5 Subdivision Review Process Section � Procedures for Minor Subdivisions Section � Compliance with Zoning Requirements Section 8 Improvements Required Section 9 Mitigation of Development Impacts Section 10 Processing and Review Fees Section 11 Condition-Based Exceptions Section 1� Commencement of Construction Section 13 Final Plat Approval-Surety Section 14 Surveys Section 15 Enforcement and Penalties Section 1� Special Development Subdivisions A. Purpose B. Hillside Subdivision C. Planned Unit and Condominium Subdivisions D. Mobile Home Subdivision E. Large Scale Development Subdivisions F. Cemetery Subdivisions G. Subdivision within a Flood Plain H. Subdivisions within an Area of Critical Concern I. Subdivisions of High Density (R-4) J. Condominiums K. Townhouses L. Phased Development Projects Section 1� Vacations and Dedications Section 18 Variances Section 19 Lot Line Adjustments Section �0 Lot Splits

Written comments will be received by the Planning & Zoning Ad-ministrator until July 31, �014. Testimony at the hearing may be limitedtofiveminutes.Servicesforpersonswithdisabilitiesmaybemade available by calling the Planning & Zoning Administrator at ��4-�04� three days in advance of the hearings.

Dwight H. ButlinCamas County Planning & Zoning Administrator

published on 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30, 2014

10 July 30, �014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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Services►I’m a mobile mechanic withover �0 years experience. I will come to your location, and the customer is responsible for pur-chasing all parts prior to the work being done. I have reasonable rates and will consider all trades for labor. Diagnosis is free or at low cost depending on your lo-cation. If interested, call out text Robert at �08-481-0893. Thanks. There is a $�0 fuel charge for anythingoutsideofRichfield.►Dental-Vision-Health: 3 inOne Policy with Premiums start-ing at $�9. All Ages/Individual/Families/Groups. Call or email Desiree’ DeGiorgio Agency Owner/Broker: �08-340-0544 or [email protected]►Custom wood spliting. $35per hour on weekends. Call 358-1103.►NeedYardWork Done? CallBoyd Stevens at 934-5�88. Lawn mowing, weed eating, leaves raked. Weekly rate available.► Hollenbeck Construction. New construction & remodels. Specializinginfinishexcellencewith great value. Licenced & Bonded. Call 481-0320.►PATCH,MEND, SEW. I Re-place Broken Zippers of all kinds. Patch Levis, coveralls,etc.Hem Levis, pants, dresses, sheets, etc. Have “NEW” drop in Gooding, must call for information. Call Kathy in Hagerman 83�-����.►Lookingforscrapmetal.CallThomas Davis at ��4-�484.

For Sale►Pick-uptrailerwithaluminumshell. Good tires and lights. Call 487-2786(Richfield)►I have 7 baby turkeys. Theseare wild turkey babies. About � weeks old. Perfect health. Both parents on my place. Beauti-ful Birds. The babies are very friendly. I’d like to sell all � at the same time. Might trade for something of value. Take them all for $�0. 404-4399.►ForSale:1977Chevy3/4TonVan. 8 person, good condition, runs fantastic. $500 Call 481-�01�►For Sale: 2002 Hyndai Santefe. Need some break work. $1800.00. For more information call Trinh Webb at �31 40��.►Multiple PS3 games for sale.Call for list. Also, one washer $�5. Call ��4-�91�, ask for Brad►Trees for Sale: 5 to 7 foot...white birch, small water birch, smallevergreens(alpinefir,Nor-way & Engleman spruce, plus bristle cone pine). Also, 4 to 5 foot mountain ash. Most in pots. Call764-2410inFairfield.►FreshFarmEggs-$3perdz.Call ��4-�13� or ��4-��49.►Firewood for Sale: Mix-spe-cies, full length logs delivered by truck, approx 15 cord. Also, rough-sawn lumber, any size. Call �08-9�1-�493.►ForSale:HandmadeFirestart-ersforyourcampfire,orBBQ.$5for 1� sticks. Call �08-�1�-5010.

For Rent►4192ndW,3bed2bathCallfor details ��4-�519 or �31-05��.►House for rent. Fairfield.�BR/1Bath. WD hookup. Pro-pane heat. � Woodstoves. Cedar sauna. Fenced yard. $�00/mo. Plus elec./water/sewer garbage. References/ background check. 1st/last/Security/Pets$. �08-��0-94�4 or �08-�88-�3��

Wanted►Needajob.Ilikefeedingcows,pivots, and driving loaders. Bil-ligual Spanish and English. I can start right away in the area of Wendell, Gooding, Jerome, or Hagerman. Call �08-53�-995�.►Farm Ground wanted to buy intheFairfieldarea.Pleaseleaveyour contact information at ��4-33�� along with a brief discrip-tion of the property.

FREEI have two beautiful Roost-ers that are free for the taking. They are good flock protectorsand they are always on the job!! Please call �08-31�-����

Ag ProductsFernandes Custom Feeds is now open for business with State Registered, formulated calf grain. Calf Starter: 19% protein, 8.5% molasses, Rumensin. Calf Grower: 1�% protein, �.5% mo-lasses, Rumensin. By the pound or by the ton. � miles south and 1/4 mile east of Wendell. Call Ron for prices - �08-5�1-1��3.

•Classified Ads•

BUTTERCUP MOUNTAIN GROWERSSummer Clearance Items for Sale

Ornamental Grasses:1 gal. Hair grass - $2.00 each2 gal. Reed Grass - $3.00 ea.

2 gal. Yellow Day Lilly’s - $5.00 ea.We also have Shrubs, Vines & Perennials for sale

Visit the greenhouses on Monday & Wednesday mornings218 Willow Creek Road ~ 961-0426

Employment►Cook Wanted: The Camas County Senior & Community Center is now accepting appli-cations for a Part-time Cook. If interested, stop by the Center at 1�9 Willow Ave West.►Branch Office Administra-tor - Trainee: You’ll support the Financial Advisor and contribute tothesuccessoftheoffice.Dutiesinclude various client service, mar-keting, and administrative func-tions. Applicants must have ex-cellent organization skills and the ability to work well independently. Come see why Edward Jones is one of the “Best Companies To Work For”. To be considered for this position apply online at Or, send your resume and salary require-ments to: Edward Jones 44� Main Street Gooding, ID 83330 Equal Opportunity Employer

Classified Ads

July 30, �014 11...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

Page 12: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 31

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The law gives pedestrians the right-of-way, but makes

no provision for flowers.

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