COSMO’12 Beijing Rocky Kolb The University of Chicago.

Concluding Remarks COSMO’12 Beijing Rocky Kolb The

Transcript of COSMO’12 Beijing Rocky Kolb The University of Chicago.

Concluding Remarks

COSMO’12 Beijing

Rocky Kolb The University of Chicago

Precision Cosmology LCDMD


















Beyond the Standard Model Physics

Precision Cosmology LCDM

Precision does not guarantee accuracy

Precision Cosmology

A precision cosmological model that agreed with observations for 1300 years!Earth





We have to discover how dark matter, dark energy, inflation, baryon asymmetry is grounded in physical law.

Dark Matter

(At Least) 75 Years of Dark MatterOpik 1915Kapteyn 1922Jeans 1922Oort 1932

Zwicky 1937 75 Years Ago Dark Matter Coma (M/L) ~ 500

Babcock 1939 73 Years Ago Dark Matter in M31 (M/L) ~ 60

Rubin & Ford 1969 43 Years Ago Dark Matter in M31 (M/L) ~ 60

Cowsik & McClelland 1972 40 Years Ago 1st WIMP Candidate (light n )

Lee & Weinberg 1977 35 Years AgoPrototype WIMP (heavy n )

Stecker 1977 35 Years Ago Indirect Detection (WIMP annih.)

Goldberg 1983 29 Years AgoPhotino (SUSY WIMP)Ellis, Hagelin, et al. 1983 29 Years AgoNeutralino (SUSY WIMP)

Goodman & Witten 1985 27 Years Ago Direct Detection Possible

Ahlen et al. 1987 25 Years Ago First Direct Detection Limits

Stellar motions to galactic plane dark matter in the local solar neighborhood: (M/L) ~ 2 to 3

Interaction Strength

only gravitational: wimpzillas

strongly interacting: B balls

thermal relics or decay of oroscillation from thermal relics


Particle Dark Matter Taxonomy• neutrinos (hot)

• sterile neutrinos, gravitinos (warm)

• Lightest supersymmetric particle (cold)

• Lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (cold)

• Bose-Einstein condensates

• axions, axion clusters

• solitons (Q-balls, B-balls, …)

• supermassive wimpzillas from inflation


10-22 eV (10-56 g) Bose-Einstein

10-8 Mʘ (10+25 g) axion clusters

coherentstate of ascalar field



e ab




M / T

equilibrium e-M / Tequilibrium e-M / Tequilibrium e-M / Tequilibrium e-M / T

101 102 103110-20





increasing sA

decreasing W

Cold Thermal Relics*

* An object of particular veneration.




… often used to give an impression of great and unusual value in a trivial context …

The WIMP “Miracle”

Cold thermal relic: weak scale cross section (and mass?)(1 GeV − 1 TeV ) WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle)

WIMPs are BSM, but not far BSM

mir·a·cle \ˈmir-i-kəl \ noun

1 : an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

Low-mass region:either unexplained backgrounds in DAMA, CoGeNT, and CRESST-II, … or… other experiments do not understand low recoil energy calibration, … or… can’t compare different experiments(velocity, fn ≠ fn, …)

High-mass region:Reaching shades of grey of the CMSSM iceberg, just as heat from LHC melts it!

Direct Detection

The Past Is Prelude to the Future

Vuk Mandic via Blas Cabrera

order of magnitude every 5 years!

Indirect Signals Have Come (and Gone?)Chang et al, 2008

Han et al. (2011)Hooper & Goodenough 2010

Fermi/GLAST Line

Weniger 1204.2797

(3.3s w/ look elsewhere)

Finkbeiner & Su 1207.7060

129 GeVc + c g + g

111 GeVc + c g + Z

About 3s

Six stacked galaxy clusters: signal at 3.2sHektor, Raidal, Tempel 1207.4466

Fermi/GLAST Line(s)No results yet from dwarf stacking Geringger-Saneth, & Koushiappas 1206.0796

WIMP Production at the LHC

Maverick WIMP

• WIMP is a loner

• Use effective field theory,e.g.: 4-Fermi interaction

• WIMP only new species

• Clearer relationship between

sA , sS , and sP

Social WIMP

• WIMP part of a social network

• Motivated model framework,e.g., low-energy SUSY, UED, ...

• Many new particles/parameters

• Unclear relationships between sA , sS , and sP

LHC: Is WIMP Social or Maverick Species

gluinos, squarks, charginos will be discovered before neutralinos


LHC chewing away at allowed region

• Analysis s-model dependent

• Can s-wiggle out

• But it is getting harder

• Don’t throw in towel-ino

• “SUSY is alive and well” ……but not as well as it once was…

Also CDF:1203.0742

Maverick Limits from LHC

• Direct detectors, indirect detectors, & colliders race for discovery

• Suppose by 2020 have credible signals from all three (three miracles)?

• Three miracles WIMP sainthood ?

• How will we know they are all seeing the same phenomenon?

• When can we say we have made darkness visible?

The Decade of the WIMP• WIMP coincidence or causation (it ain’t a miracle)?

• Situation now is muddled

• Ten years from now the WIMP hypothesis will have either:convincing evidence or near-death experience

The Acceleration of the Universe, H(z)

Taking Sides!Can’t hide from the data – LCDM too good to ignore

– SNe– Subtraction: 1.0 - 0.3 = 0.7– Baryon acoustic oscillations– Galaxy clusters– Weak lensing– …

H(z) not given by

Einstein–de Sitter

G00 (FLRW) 8 G T00(matter)

Modify left-hand side of Einstein equations (DG00)

3. Beyond Einstein (modified gravity)

4. (Just) Einstein (back reaction of inhomogeneities)

Modify right-hand side of Einstein equations (DT00)

1. Constant (“just” a cosmoillogical constant)

2. Not constant (dynamics described by a scalar field)

The Nature of the Higgs• No single decay mode can tell us everything: use multiple decay modes

Different decay modes have different strengths and weaknessesDifferent systematic uncertainties in different decay modesDifferent decay modes sensitive to new physics in different ways

The Nature of Dark Energy• No single technique can tell us everything: use multiple techniques

Different techniques have different strengths and weaknessesDifferent systematic uncertainties in different techniquesDifferent techniques sensitive to new physics in different ways

w0 or wa



Weak Lensing

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

Redshift Space Distortions



You are an amplified quantum fluctuation


“ … production of matter, merely by expansion,… Alarmed by these prospects, I have examined the matter in more detail.”


“ … There will be a mutual adulteration of [particles] in the course of time, giving rise to … the ‘alarming phenomenon’.”

Disturbing the Quantum Vacuum

Erwin Schrödinger, Physica 6, 899 (1939)The Proper Vibrations of the Expanding Universe

Creation of a single pair of particles somewhere

in our Hubble volume VH = (c H0)-3 = 1013


in the next Hubble time tH = H0-1 = 1010 years

with a Hubble energy EH = H0 = 10-33 eVAlarming?

Disturbing the Quantum Vacuum

Erwin Schrödinger, Physica 6, 899 (1939)The Proper Vibrations of the Expanding Universe

Disturbing the Quantum Vacuum


of space

Schrödinger’s alarming phenomenon (1939)

Expanding Universe Temperature & density fluctuations

Expanding Universe Creation of Gravitons

Disturbing the Quantum Vacuum


of space



Schrödinger’s alarming phenomenon (1939)

Most Fundamental Question

1. Is inflation eternal? Is there a multiverse?

Does inflation do what it was invented to do?

• What will Planck tell us about spectral index (n)?

• Search for gravitational waves from B-mode polarization


• Search for non-gaussianity ( fNL ).

• Theory developments: effective field theory approach.

• Who is the inflaton … superstrings inflaton ?

Next Most Fundamental Question

2. What if exact Harrison-Zel’dovich perturbation spectrum?

scalar spectral index exactly unityno gravitational wavesexactly gaussian perturbations only curvature perturbations

Harrison Zel’dovich

Inflation & Superstrings Are a Match

Make perturbations?

Lonely 33-year-old scalar field (inflaton) seeks a fundamental theory in which to be embedded.

Strings attached?

Mature 38-year-old idea (superstrings) seeks a partner to develop some physical observables.

Very high degree of compatibility

“Until cosmology and particle physics can be brought together in the same context, there is not much hope for real progress in cosmology.”

— N. Bohr, 1939

Philip Morrison, Private Communication, ca. 1984

The COSMO Spirit

Concluding Remarks

COSMO’12 Beijing

Rocky Kolb The University of Chicago