Corticosteroids in Tuberculous Meningitis

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  • 7/27/2019 Corticosteroids in Tuberculous Meningitis


    Corticosteroids inTuberculous Meningitis

    Nurdjaman NurimabaDept. of Neurology Hasan Sadikin Hospital

    Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran

  • 7/27/2019 Corticosteroids in Tuberculous Meningitis



    Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM) is an inflammation

    of the Meninges.

    Covering the brain and spinal cord

    Caused by infectionMycobacterium tuberculosis

    Condition usually present headache, fever,

    convulsion Confirmation by microscopic and culture of the

    spinal fluids

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    Each year around 80.000 people contact TBM

    28.000 of those die and a further 12.000 are

    left with severe disability

    TBM is a global problem, it is particularly

    prevalent in developing world

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    Monotherapy with Streptomicyn reduce the case

    fatality rate to 63% (Parson 1988)

    Combination (Isoniazid, Rifampicin and

    Pyrazinamide) fatality rate varying from 20% to

    32% with permanent neurological deficit 5% to40% (Jacob, 1990; Alarcon, 1990; Ramchandran,


    Doctors have used corticosteroids for TBM since

    the 1950s but their role remains controversial

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    The corticosteroids used in different

    study were :

    Dexamethasone (OToole 1969, Girgis 1991,

    Kumarvelu 1994, Lardizabal 1998, Thwaites

    GE et al 2004)

    Prednisolone (Chotmongkol 1996, Schoeman1997)

  • 7/27/2019 Corticosteroids in Tuberculous Meningitis


    Steroids may :

    Decreased inflammation, especially in

    arachnoid space

    Reduced cerebral and spinal cord oedema(Parson 1988, Feldman 1958)

    Reduced inflammation of small blood vessels

    and therefore reduce damage from blood flow

    slowing to the underlying brain tissue

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    On the other hand, it is possible that steroids may

    harm for patients :Suppress the immune response to Mycobacteria,

    making the systemic effect worse

    Reduced inflammation of the meningen, reducing drug

    penetration into the subarachnoid space

    In study reported Gastrointestinal hemorrhage (5

    episodes), Glycosuria (1 episodes), infection (2

    episodes) and hypothermia ( 5 episodes ) in 11 patientsreceiving dexamethasone (OToole 1969)

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    Reaction to steroid use among 25 patients

    were (Lardizabal 1998) :Cushingoid features (20)

    Increased appetite (15)Dermatoses (6)

    Psychoses (1)

    Gastrointestinal bleeding (1)

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    Adverse Events (Thwaites GE et al, 2004) :

    Significantly were reported in placebo group than indexamethasone group (214 of 271 vs 186 of 274) p