
Correlation And Regression Created By :- Shrayas.s Wesley.V Tahir hussain Qureshi

Transcript of Correlation

Page 1: Correlation

Correlation And Regression

Created By :-Shrayas.sWesley.V

Tahir hussain Qureshi

Page 2: Correlation


• When we have data on only one variable we can find arithmetic mean , median , mode or variance of the variable.

• By saying that marks scored by students at s.s.c. and h.s.c. are related is not sufficient to measure degree of relationship.

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To measure the degree of relationship we have following measure:

1. Scatter diagram method2. Co-variance method3. Karl-pearson’s coefficient of

correlation4. Spearman’s rank correlation


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Scatter Diagram

• A scatter diagram is used for analyzing relationships between two variables graphically . One variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the other is plotted on the vertical axis.

• Types of Scatter diagram :1. Perfect positive correlation 2. Positive correlation3. Negative correlation4. Perfect negative correlation

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Perfect Positive correlation

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Positive correlation

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Negative correlation

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Perfect negative correlation

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Covariance method

• If(x1,y1),(x2,y2),........(xn,yn) are n observation on bivariate data then covariance between two variables is defined as

Using covariance the realtion between x and y is interpreted as under.if cov(x,y)<0 then there is negative correlation between x and y. If cov(x,y)=0 then there is no linear relationship nbetween x and y. If cov(x,y)>0 then there is positive correlation between x and y.

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• If (xi,yi),i=1,2,....n are n pairs of observations on bivariate data then Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between x and y is given by:

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Spearman’s rank correlation

• If (xi,yi),i=1,2,....n are n observation in bivariate data and Rx denotes the rank of X observation and Ry denotes the rank of Y observations then define d=Rx-Ry.

• Rank correlation coefficient between x and y is

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• Regression gives the functional relationship between two variables

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Regression means estimate value of one variable when value of other correlated variable are known.

Thus to estimate y, for given x, y is dependent and x is independent

variable. whereas to estimate x for given y, x is dependent and y is independent


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Accordingly we have two regression equation :

1)Regression equation of y on x 2) Regression equation of x on y

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Regression equation of y on x

Here y is dependent variable and x is independent variable.

And we denote By :-

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Regression equation of x on y :-

Here y is dependent variable and x is independent variable.

And we denote By :-

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