Correct House Chevy Chase pc - Library of...

TWELVE THE WASHINGTON HERALD OOT01lE1t16 1907 PAGE s I The Mans Store Official Weather ReportFair One of those nobby tan or black topcoats were featuring at 1375 would feel mighty comfortable crisp evenings Stylish hats all shapes 1go worth Adlers gloves wortk 150 at 119 Moneys Worth or Money SfCL D KAUFMAN 100507 Pa Ave J The Correct to Broil a the Gas Range The liirst step in broiling is to have the oven heated about ten minutes If steak is in a cold oven it will be tough flavored and will rot brown Put the steak in an or dinary folding wire broiler over the broiling pan as this keeps it in shape and enables it to be readily without the use of ar Leave the broi1ing oven door four or five inch aU the time the is cooking Broiling is better done in a well ventilated oven besides you can then watch it closely and keep it from burning The thinner a steak the it should be placed to the flame If one inch or in thickness put as close as possible without If thicker oQe and onehalf inches or more place it three or four inches from the flame Sear the meat quickly on both sides then it to broil from four to six minutes on each side If the steak is very thick give it about ten minutes on each side Do not add seasoning until to t no hither brewing standard than that constantly in producing HeurichsMaerzen SENATE and LAGER the beers for all who appreciate the FINEST 2 doz Mncrzen or 1 2 150 bottle rebnte in u destred CHR HEURICH BREWING CO thhse cool 215o Je v Way s ear in placed poorly turned fork open meat closer less touching r allow ready serve 4- t PurityCleanlinesaExcallonce- HERES maintained Senate doxLuger 50e- G7Ddivered ui lettered wagons wn- I > = TALK Passenger Agents Open Con vention in New MANY DELEGATES PRESENT ConenilssIoner Nest or tile GltyPreshlent Fin or Southern Attitude Toward the TransportatIon Companies ore than 125 members or the American of General Passenger and TIcket Agents assembled In tho red room of the New Willard Hotel yterdAY for the annual convention or the organization The delegates present rep all of the larger clUes through out the United States CAnada and Mexico Two sessions were held yesterday one In the morning which was devoted to the general business ot the and which was addressed by District Commis- sioner L West and President W Finley or the Southern and a second In the afternoon at which prominent members of the addresses on subjects Interest to the delegates CommlssJoner in his address the railroad men to and accorded them the hospitality of the He then spoke ot the beauty ot the Capital Its ntages for con vontions the form of government ot the District of Columbia and dealt at length upon the lmportanCh ot assocIAtion assembled He was followed President FinleY who denounced the demands made upon the railroad to improve their fAeUtties on n sale for the outlay of millions of dollars and at the same time to per form theIr service for the public at greatly reduced rates then took up the question of government ownership or and said that though the railroads were properly subject to regulations such would have to be conducted on sound prIncIples At the afternoon meeting reports were reAd by committees and were delivered members or the association relating to railroad affairs The last session of the convention whIch will adjourn today will be Mid at the Now this morning at 1O oclock Toronto Canada was selected the place or next convention SOME PERSONAL NOTES R H Wallace of the Fria His home lit New York B N who le geaarnl passenger agent or the Baltimore Ohio lives la Ctttep Orlando TaYlor Is ger agent of the Fan River lAss and at vice premdent of tIN UIOCItioft D B Martin of the Baltimore and Ohio one the most prominent railroad men here by his wife W J Black Chicago trailie or the Fe System lines Is well known men H hottt C Burt secretary ot the MIOda ties Is the prominent at the WitIaTCI Mr Burt the general of the Boston Maine Railroad C L Stone manager of the Missouri Pacific and now of the American Association of and TIcket Is stopping at the WmlUd Mr Stone hails from St Louis and le one of the most popular of the delegates He rettre as or the DECISION IN HANDEOOK CASE Court to Answer lotion in Goodaere Indictment Barnard tomorrow will his decision on the motion argu meat which was made MOnday by Attor neys Davis Cautngton and Behrend upon behalf of the defendAnt and by DistrIct Baker upon behalf ot the SCern ment to quash the Indictment returned against George L Goodacre charged with having violated the antIgambUrg laws or the DIstrict by conducting a book In the event that Justice Barnard denies the motion it Is thought that the trial may begin this week COMPLETE DISTRICT ESTIMATES Commissioners to Ask for Appro priation or The Commissioners have practically completed theIr estimates for the District of Columbia and they will probably be forwarded to the Secretary of the Thursday or FrIday of this week The total will reach It Is understood the appropriation by the school board has been by the Commissioners while Is asked for hlghpreaure water service for the Regulation of Autos A regulation governing the movement of the sightseeIng automobiles of the city has been drafted by the corporation coun sel and submitted to the different com- panies for suggestions The stopping of large automobiles at places other titan regular offices or termInals is deemed necessary 10000 Palms at 20 Cents Each Kramers 916 F street northwest- i L I SPECIAL FOR TODAY Gold SprIng Rimless S 1 Eyeglasses fitted with the best per I 5 cop i c lenses with case and for F Street Corner 9th Lock for the SIr Clock I THE OF PURE WHIShY- I favor for Its quality hnd medicinal value Bottle 1i- cGHAS KRAEMER QiAILROADS Wi far- t Extends Ifosp- itality ley Railway Criti- cises Public Association fiftysecond resented association Henry W Railway ne aseoclatlon de- li o red of West wel- comed Washington city National a the by calling He railroads gov- ernment regulations business several ad- dresses by Willard as holding years Ia general passenger agent is Austin sad general pres- ent passenger traffic manager sad of le- secompanted of passenger manager Snnita amongrallroad a genial Af oneeof Agures Is pus- enger agent and passenger tralhc president Passenger Agents president association today Justice an- nounce Attorney hand 413000000 Treas- ury nearly b1L600 asked almost un- touched iooo a city i i c complete guard Selingers HOME lION TON A whisk that has won superior 73s7enstnw a t Phoned 2738 CALLED TO BOSTON George KinK I ares te EpiSCOpal hC1me the Peoples temple Eprccrpal Church In OPPOSE THERAZING OF TREES Would Not Sacrifice Shade for the Grant Monument I Dr Bristol Joins with Govern Official in PIta Against Proposed Action By aU means spare the trees said Rev Dr Frank Bristol pastor or the Metropoiitart M E Church where Proof dent McKinley used to worship on the reported Intention on the pArt of the to raze a number ot trees among which are some of historIcal significance In order to make room for the Grant menoiial monument Washiugtons main attractiveness would be without the continued Dr Brsttol an easy matter to produce monuments but it far more dIfficult to successfully grow trees which are not only an ornament to the but which render Important servIce by the partllcatlon of the An oftlclal at the Agricultural Depart Mont whose sole duty It Is to studY trees and culture said tree uprooted or is so much oxygen taken from the people Trees contribute to tile eon serration of the public health while mon bI dont or aU the public mast be looked after After that monuments may be considered It The Northeast Citizens Association In a resolution approving the actions of Conrad H Syme the attorney who to the civil courts far a order against Ute Grant Monument showed In no on the destruction of the trees Syme WM also commended for his attitude and the cooperation on the part of the association offered to him The resolution goes on tb say that the disposition of the monument com ml8aion to destroy the trees Is with alarm and that It exhibits spirit of vandalism having no place lu century The Clirysnntliemunis Are Beautiful Jut at the zenith of their beauty at 1214 F See them LOCAL MENTION ICXCURSIOSS TODAY To Fat Monroe Nwfolk News and SouthNorfolk and WuiaDgton ntht are la the at day steamer dlaftJ 8 to m To Xoat VeramSteamer llaedesar daily M and p Mo from SeTenth street wharf ltoc creek Zoological Park Chevy Chak and K Cars from Fifteenth street and New York eMI fifteen minutes To steamer lAcklwtnn every hour and a huff frost 6 L m to 6 Po The UnI Donalll UcLenn Cake wm be served at luncheon today at the of the Fox st Purblllmn R Superior Rye Ripe with age and of the mellowest de velopment A whisky of medicinal value Cannon 15 7th St Phone N SPS GraIn Georgia Pine Flooring U to 24 feet perfectly seasoned H N Taplin 1w7 F nw Cans Cocoa 20c hIb cakes chocolate lsc k cakes mIlk chocolate li11e lOe cakes J T D Pyles Stores Sisters Will Go West One of the Sisters ot ProvIdence and some of the students at the new Imma culata Convent In Tennallytown Includ Ing Misses longla Freeman Clementia and Lucy Russell daughter of Mr Russell the Department of Justice will leave Washington FrIday to take part In the centennial celebration ot the founding of the order at St Marysof theWoods near Terre Haute Ind Fegnn nye Is purest best medicinal whisky on the market Physicians recommend It Phone Main ros2Joseph P 40- 6tth st nwfor full qt delivered Hungarian Orchestra nt Park Hotel Summer Garden Rathskeller N Y ave and llth st F Endres Prop 61 n Gallon for Rehln ers Ice Cream And it Is guaranteed under the Puretood Law Serial No lS6S7 235 G st nw Anything to Sell by Auction r Include It In Saturdays sale at Wesch lers 91O Pa ave nw You will be pleased with results Prompt returns Transparent heads Pump kIn Ilgures and fruit figures for Hal loween James Poulos Bro 908 7th nw Table tIHote Dinner Lunches Park Hotel Winter Garden N Y ave and 11th st Hungarian Orchestra during lunch dinner and supper Music at Ilorveys Evenings from 8 to mIdnight Do Your Carpet Clennhig Reasonable prices E P Co successors to Thorp Carpet Co Maine ave sw Phone Xlc or Dinner 15c The New 1301 G be open on SundaYShereafter from 1 p m to mIdnIght Georgia Flue 3x12 Joists U to 30 Feet thoroughly seasoned H N Taplin lto7 F st nw The Ite W Who Gecrgetown 3fethohst Churrlr to pa tar of Mrtbuuhst Boston Mast Rev ni nt M au- thorities gone trees Its is city most atmosphere their very destroyed healthgiving First health ap- pealed restrain lug Commission uncertain manner Its views Mr was yfewed a this Gudes Nrsport all- s atom every erentng ear 030 zed at le- a 2Oil Bridge every AlexandriaFerry m Sign 72417th Wm st Wilbur 3iLb 7 4e Mate df ranrillc the a 1 Gypsy 118- 2Iumpkins 7c a- la carte Have Vs Cleaning 485 A Randolph s tnw- Harveys Restaurant Will REV MR KING GOES TO BOSTON PuNtor Accepts cnn nUll Successor The George W pastor or- Dumbltrton Methodist Episcopal Church Georgetown will leave hero the latter part or the month to assume the pastorate or the Peoples Temple Church In Boston MASS At n special meeting the official board of the church a can to the Rev James Madison Swadenet of Kokomo Ind A telegram was received from him last night In which he saId he would the call and como to Washington as soon as possible Dr King will preach his farewell sermon Sunday 27 and will ass nie his new pastorate In Boston the first Sunday in November COMMISSION BUSINESS ILLEGAL Evidence Though or In Square Sealer of Weights and Measures C lIaskell has Iliad his report relative to the hearing granted to E B Lafferty through his attorney A A Birney In regard to the legality of nonproducers disposing of produce on Ha market or the commission basis An opinion on the subject submitted by Corporation BlaIr at the solicitation ot Mr Lafferty held that it was illegal to do a commission business on the market square but in vIew or the fact that Mr Haskell had no knowledge ot any business havIng been transacted on the squAre which would constitute commission business and ho was In some doubt about the opinion being to the case In question he hIs to the Commissioners that no action be taken on the matter until definite evidence of some Illegal transac tion be brought to his attention COURT AWARDS 1 FOR INSULT Dr Vaughan Wins Verdict Against Railroad Company Ejected front Station While for DaughterSntl- aScd with Decision The sum ot damages with WAS awarded to Dr George T by a jury tn uit Court No Justice XMk1lftg against the Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington Railroad Com pany The trial of the case lasted for more than a week Dr Vaughan claimed to have been forc Ibly eJected from the SIxth street station by employes of the railroad company without provocation Front the evidence It appeared that no went to the station to meet his daughter and while In the watt I I room approached by an employe who asked him what he wu doing In the station Dr Vaughan claimed that the mans manner was so Insulting that he declined to answer him and a few later the same empooyo him by a police man and question WU repeated He told them that he waIting for a train but declined to go into further whereupon he was seised and upon the point of being forcibly elected he went out his own Attorneys Conrad H Syme Charles F Carus and HenrY H who ap peared for Dr Vauvan did not attempt to that tM latter suffered physical Injury but both the Attorneys and the doctor expressed their satisfac at the verdict of tile They state that the right of a citizen to- be In the railroad station wltMut being subjected to croaexamtnatlon as to what he Is doing there wu vindicated by the Jury and that the verdict of one dollar and settles the question to the rights of the public In the DECISION ON FIRE ESCAPES Boarding Houscs ot Three Stories or Under Are Exempt That houses of three or under do sot have to have lire escapes Sa the of Corporation Counsel E- lL Thomas rendered to the Commission ers of the ot Columbia The arose In the cue of Mrs Cr C Rogers who Is the owner of a pseudohotel at North Capitol and C streets and leased to Mrs G W Holmes Though nominally hotel the Plaza is In a plain everyday of the and Mrs Rogers when served with notIce that she must comply with the DIstrict regulation regarding tire appealed to the Commissioners stating that the Idea or converting the Plaza Into- a hotel had been abandoned on account ot the tact considerable expenditure In fact more than was warranted would be In complying wIth the lire escape regulations The slgnboard which had been graced by the Inscription the Plaza Hotel was removed on Septem ber 11 with the purpose of avoiding any mIsunderstanding In his opinion as regards the status of boarding houses on the fireescape ques tion and was solicited by the On the receipt ot Mrs Rogers appeal the corporation counsel holds that any decision in the matter must rest on proper or improper ot the several terms tenement house flat or apartment house to cover boarding Petition for Asphalt Paving A petition has been filed with tIre en gineer department of the DistrICt by holders on Seventh street be tween and 0 streets for the paving of that street with asphalt A similar was filed some years ago but no action has been taken Methodist Named Rev King Aenue Metho- dist issued ac apt October ho Transac- tions W Square Assistant Attorney a as ap- plicable recommended 1- 1Pliyslelun Was lVai1ing Jurys II costs Vaughan OIr t An- derson was min- utes again ap- proached accompanied the was cx- planatlons was when of ac- cord Oiaosk show had any tim a jury a costa as premises boarding stories decision District question a reality boarding- house transientaccommodation va- riety a escapes that a necessary incidentally which Commissioners applica- tion houses property K pe- tition yet Dining Room Tables This Massive Golden Oak Table f18 25 size with heavy carv eel legs only The one here illustrated is well worth an inspec tion Quality considered the price is exceptionally low Come and inspect our stock of these It is the largest and mos have ever han dled Patrons of this store re- assured courteous atten tion and fair When in doubt Buy of House Herrmann Seventh and I Eye Sts Buy Coal Now Bet is the cheapest but the cheapest is not always the bestWe guarantee perFect satisfaction Johnson Bros 1312 F St store city IJ J Mayers 1227 slid 1229 G St FLliNbWNGS EXCLUSIVELY BEAUTIFUL NEW FURNITURE From Standard Manufacturers AT AUCTION TODA Y Commencing 1030 oclock Seats provided Special sale or Fri day IS They Ill lJe- ou exhibition nIl day Thursday Come In then and them Private Branch Exchange Connect ing All Offices Maln 4270 Maury Dove Company INCORPORATED COAL I PRINCIPAL OFFICE F and SPECIAL attention devoted to peeps raUoo of roil delivered to private reel deuces Our STRICTLY ONE Coals booght exclusive contracts enable us to to our Exten- sion aixtoot compre- hensive we treatment- s NW Phone M29 NW- No other like it in the NEW New hugs October see ii I2thSIs1N1W1 COL- LiEIIY nude guarantee per- fect satisfaction aaemera 7 Great Auction Sale Berwyn Lots Thursday Oct 24 Free Transportation Free Lunch Music c Watch for Big Ad Greater Washington Realty Corpn 611 Colorado Building I 1 44 4 It Pays to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed I Quality in Furniture It our chief aim to show only such good qualities of as we can unqualifiedly guarantee and secondly to price such articles cheaper than like qualities can be sold at any store for cash or on credit HAVE YOUR PURCHASES CHARGED This ft2 7 II Dresser w J Fine Solid Oak or Ma hoganYfinish Dresser like this illus tration heat Grand Rapids construc- tion large French plateglass carved standards serpentine front four drawers French and highly polished 25 Princess l18 95 Dressers FIne Oak and Mahogany finish ers Princess French plateglass mirrors two drawers brass trImmings French legs and highly polished 3775 Toona Mahogany fIl2S 48 Dressers I fine Toona Mahogany Dress frs havE ovalshaped French plate glass mirrors standards full HPrJfntinp front four drawers glass knobs French legs and are highly polished Chase I 360 FEET ELEVATION CHOICE LOTS 25c to 38c Per Foot Chevy Chase D C A Residence Park A home site where the high grade of improvements delightful and ideal location natural shade sun shine air and of access are attracting the very best lass of homebuildersmtln and women who appreciate the value of rigid building restrictions and the great possibilities for comfortable convenient and artistic homes It is an opportunity for investment you simply cannot afford to Washingtons great and rapid growth and the choiceness of this property absolutely guar antee a rapid and steady advance in value it acquainted with its charms and worth then ask yourself whether you can afford to delay hour in securing your lot I It is only 30 minutes from U S Treasury Capital Traction service One carfaresix tickets for 25c Grano lithic sidewalks macadamized streets sewer water and electric light Select your lot now and you can have your home early in the spring We furnish certificate of title free to first purchasers and give special discounts to those who agree to build within three months Chevy Chase D C is the most oqenient and most attrac tive suburb of Washington It is tight ip the path of the greatest growth of the and to increase steadily Our representative meet you on any week day or Sunday Call write or phone for plats and full particulars Thomas J Fisher Co INCORPORATBDt 1 1414 F STREET N W Phone M 3398 BRANCH OFFICE CHEWY CHASE D C I 171JGTft1- e a mer- chandise Hand- some e Quartered mir- rors swell legs i Quartered M beveled e tat s- c 5 r Fery carved i swell Chevy pc r r Private ease overlook Sec today et another i r suburban city valued are bound r Will tfl property 1 t = I 1 RANDLE HIGHLANDS I CAPITOL Of US lligblands Is the same distAnCe from the as Dupont Circle The U S Ht ty all records In telling lots In to Us ouon record in lOOT purchasers made 160 cent profit last op- portUnities this yearlots 4i5 to monthly Send for plat and prices and free automobile to see property Go out and see the city spread U S COMPANY Central National of I formerly occupied by Central National Dank Pa are nw We quote WHOLESALE Prices at Retail PICTURE ORDER REGILDING OF OLD FRAMES A SPECIALTY GlAd to Submit at Ttme We Particularly Solicit Particular W NIEPOLD SON 910 E Street re W Largest WHITE HOUSE Itandie Capitol Company 1476 break 3Iany 1800on REALTY Bank Buldinr I fives 7th b FRAMES TO Estimates Any lVcr- kJ The uornhnyt Circulation A FUEL OF MUCH MERIT oke is as for use in It is and a quick good g 4t D CoIp 1P1tftftd31 40 Coke JIJifmd2- S UUMeI Coke I lru5bed Bushels C11IMui WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO 413 Tenth St U If you believe in pure III air and cleanliness 1 USE ELECTRIC LIGHT POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER CO 213 14th st W W iK recommended the beat fuel kitehen mre Makes and tire Well su y you Bush a Cote ddivered Lek Larges R rushed delivered n i0 Bushels Coke ietirerrd15Gt- o dheered S6 9 Vi- WfiN YL4 N t 6rSLSR1lNtMV5i4ad i >>

Transcript of Correct House Chevy Chase pc - Library of...

Page 1: Correct House Chevy Chase pc - Library of the broiling pan as this keeps it in shape and enables it


I The Mans StoreOfficial Weather ReportFair

One of those nobby tan or blacktopcoats were featuring at 1375would feel mighty comfortable

crisp eveningsStylish hats all shapes 1go

worthAdlers gloves wortk 150 at

119Moneys Worth or Money SfCL

D KAUFMAN100507 Pa Ave


The Correct

to Broil


the Gas RangeThe liirst step in broiling

is to have the oven heated

about ten minutes Ifsteak is in a cold

oven it will be tough

flavored and will

rot brown

Put the steak in an ordinary folding wire broiler

over the broiling pan as

this keeps it in shape and

enables it to be readily

without the use of


Leave the broi1ing oven

door four or five

inch aU the time the

is cooking Broiling

is better done in a well

ventilated oven besides

you can then watch itclosely and keep it from


The thinner a steak the

it should be placed

to the flame If one inchor in thickness put as

close as possible without

If thicker oQe

and onehalf inches or

more place it three orfour inches from the flame

Sear the meat quickly on

both sides then it to

broil from four to six

minutes on each side Ifthe steak is very thick

give it about ten minutes

on each side

Do not add seasoning

until to


no hither brewingstandard than that constantly

in producing

HeurichsMaerzenSENATE and LAGER thebeers for all who appreciate theFINEST

2 doz Mncrzen or 12 150 bottle rebnte

in u destred


thhse cool




Waysear in










r allow

ready serve





SenatedoxLuger 50e-

G7Ddivered ui lettered wagons






Passenger Agents Open Con

vention in New


ConenilssIoner Nestor tile GltyPreshlent Fin

or SouthernAttitude Toward the

TransportatIon Companies

ore than 125 members or the Americanof General Passenger and

TIcket Agents assembled In tho red roomof the New Willard Hotel yterdAY forthe annual convention or theorganization The delegates present rep

all of the larger clUes throughout the United States CAnada andMexico

Two sessions were held yesterday oneIn the morning which was devoted to thegeneral business ot the andwhich was addressed by District Commis-sioner L West and PresidentW Finley or the Southern anda second In the afternoon at whichprominent members of the

addresses on subjects Interestto the delegates

CommlssJoner in his addressthe railroad men to

and accorded them the hospitality of theHe then spoke ot the beauty ot the

Capital Its ntages for convontions the form of government ot theDistrict of Columbia and dealt at lengthupon the lmportanCh ot assocIAtionassembled

He was followed President FinleYwho denounced the demands made uponthe railroad to improve their fAeUtties onn sale for the outlay of millionsof dollars and at the same time to perform theIr service for the public atgreatly reduced rates then took upthe question of government ownership or

and said that though therailroads were properly subject to

regulations suchwould have to be conducted on sound

prIncIplesAt the afternoon meeting reports were

reAd by committees andwere delivered members or the

association relating to railroad affairsThe last session of the convention

whIch will adjourn today will be Mid atthe Now this morning at 1O

oclockToronto Canada was selected the

place or next convention


R H Wallaceof the Fria His home lit New


B N who le geaarnl passengeragent or the Baltimore Ohio livesla Ctttep

Orlando TaYlor Is geragent of the Fan River lAss and at

vice premdent of tIN UIOCItioft

D B Martinof the Baltimore and Ohio onethe most prominent railroad men here

by his wife

W J Black Chicagotrailie or the Fe Systemlines Is well known menH hottt

C Burt secretary ot the MIOdaties Is the prominent atthe WitIaTCI Mr Burt the general

of the Boston MaineRailroad

C L Stone managerof the Missouri Pacific and nowof the American Association ofand TIcket Is stopping at theWmlUd Mr Stone hails from St Louisand le one of the most popular of thedelegates He rettre as or the


Court to Answer lotion in GoodaereIndictment

Barnard tomorrow willhis decision on the motion argu

meat which was made MOnday by Attorneys Davis Cautngton and Behrend uponbehalf of the defendAnt and by DistrIct

Baker upon behalf ot the SCernment to quash the Indictment returnedagainst George L Goodacre charged withhaving violated the antIgambUrg laws orthe DIstrict by conducting a bookIn the event that Justice Barnard deniesthe motion it Is thought that the trialmay begin this week


Commissioners to Ask for Appropriation or

The Commissioners have practicallycompleted theIr estimates for the Districtof Columbia and they will probably beforwarded to the Secretary of the

Thursday or FrIday of this weekThe total will reach

It Is understood the appropriationby the school board has been

by the Commissioners whileIs asked for hlghpreaure water

service for the

Regulation of AutosA regulation governing the movement of

the sightseeIng automobiles of the cityhas been drafted by the corporation counsel and submitted to the different com-panies for suggestions The stopping oflarge automobiles at places other titanregular offices or termInals is deemednecessary

10000 Palms at 20 Cents EachKramers 916 F street northwest-

iL I


S1Eyeglasses fitted withthe best per I 5 cop i clenses withcase and for

F StreetCorner 9th

Lock for the SIr Clock



favor for Itsquality hnd medicinalvalue

Bottle 1i-



Wi far-t

Extends Ifosp-italityley Railway Criti-

cises Public





Henry WRailway

neaseoclatlon de-

li o red of

West wel-comed Washington

cityNational a






ernment regulations


several ad-dresses by


asholding years

Ia general passengeragent is




passenger traffic managersad of



of passengermanager Snnita

amongrallroada genial


oneeof AguresIs pus-

enger agent and

passenger tralhcpresident


presidentassociation today

Justice an-






nearly b1L600

askedalmost un-

touchediooo a


i ic




lION TONA whisk that has won


73s7enstnwa t Phoned 2738


George KinKI ares te EpiSCOpal

hC1me the Peoples templeEprccrpal Church In


Would Not Sacrifice Shade for theGrant Monument

IDr Bristol Joins with Govern

Official in PIta AgainstProposed Action

By aU means spare the trees saidRev Dr Frank Bristol pastor or theMetropoiitart M E Church where Proofdent McKinley used to worship on thereported Intention on the pArt of the

to raze a number ot trees amongwhich are some of historIcal significanceIn order to make room for the Grantmenoiial monument

Washiugtons main attractiveness wouldbe without the continued DrBrsttol an easy matter to producemonuments but it far more dIfficult tosuccessfully grow trees which are notonly an ornament to the but whichrender Important servIce by thepartllcatlon of the

An oftlclal at the Agricultural DepartMont whose sole duty It Is to studY treesand culture said

tree uprooted or isso much oxygen taken fromthe people Trees contribute to tile eonserration of the public health while mon

bI dont or aU the public

mast be looked after After thatmonuments may be considered It

The Northeast Citizens Association Ina resolution approving the actions ofConrad H Syme the attorney who

to the civil courts far aorder against Ute Grant Monument

showed In noon the destruction of

the treesSyme WM also commended for

his attitude and the cooperation on thepart of the association offered tohim The resolution goes on tb say thatthe disposition of the monument comml8aion to destroy the trees Iswith alarm and that It exhibits spiritof vandalism having no place lucentury

The Clirysnntliemunis Are BeautifulJut at the zenith of their beauty at

1214 F See them


ICXCURSIOSS TODAYTo Fat Monroe Nwfolk News and

SouthNorfolk and WuiaDgton nthtare la the at daysteamer dlaftJ 8 to m

To Xoat VeramSteamer llaedesar dailyM and p Mo from SeTenth street wharf

ltoc creek Zoological Park ChevyChak and K Cars from Fifteenth streetand New York eMI fifteen minutes

To steamer lAcklwtnn everyhour and a huff frost 6 L m to 6 Po

The UnI Donalll UcLenn Cakewm be served at luncheon today at the

of the Fox st

Purblllmn R Superior RyeRipe with age and of the mellowest de

velopment A whisky of medicinal valueCannon 15 7th St Phone N SPS

GraIn Georgia Pine Flooring U to 24feet perfectly seasoned H N Taplin1w7 F nw

Cans Cocoa 20chIb cakes chocolate lsc k cakes mIlkchocolate li11e lOe cakes J T DPyles Stores

Sisters Will Go WestOne of the Sisters ot ProvIdence and

some of the students at the new Immaculata Convent In Tennallytown IncludIng Misses longla Freeman Clementia

and Lucy Russell daughter of MrRussell the Department of Justicewill leave Washington FrIday to takepart In the centennial celebration ot thefounding of the order at St MarysoftheWoods near Terre Haute Ind

Fegnn nyeIs purest best medicinal whiskyon the market Physicians recommend ItPhone Main ros2Joseph P 40-

6tth st nwfor full qt delivered

Hungarian Orchestra nt ParkHotel Summer Garden Rathskeller NY ave and llth st F Endres Prop

61 n Gallon for Rehln ers Ice CreamAnd it Is guaranteed under the PuretoodLaw Serial No lS6S7 235 G st nw

Anything to Sell by Auction rInclude It In Saturdays sale at Wesch

lers 91O Pa ave nw You will be pleasedwith results Prompt returns

Transparent heads PumpkIn Ilgures and fruit figures for Halloween James Poulos Bro 908 7th nw

Table tIHote Dinner LunchesPark Hotel Winter Garden N Y

ave and 11th st Hungarian Orchestraduring lunch dinner and supper

Music at IlorveysEvenings from 8 to mIdnight

Do Your Carpet ClennhigReasonable prices E P Co

successors to Thorp Carpet CoMaine ave sw Phone

Xlc or Dinner 15cThe New 1301 G

be open on SundaYShereafter from1 p m to mIdnIght

Georgia Flue 3x12 Joists U to 30 Feetthoroughly seasoned H N Taplin lto7F st nw

The Ite WWho Gecrgetown 3fethohst

Churrlr to pa tar ofMrtbuuhst Boston Mast





gone treesIts




theirvery destroyed




pealed restrainlugCommission uncertainmanner Its views






Nrsport all-s atomevery erentng ear 030 zed


a 2OilBridge



Sign 72417th



Wilbur 3iLb7 4e



a 1




7c a-

la carte

Have Vs


ARandolph s tnw-

Harveys RestaurantWill


PuNtor Accepts cnn nUllSuccessor

The George W pastor or-

Dumbltrton Methodist EpiscopalChurch Georgetown will leave hero thelatter part or the month to assume thepastorate or the Peoples Temple

Church In Boston MASS

At n special meeting the official boardof the church a can to the RevJames Madison Swadenet of KokomoInd A telegram was received from himlast night In which he saId he would

the call and como to Washingtonas soon as possible Dr King will preachhis farewell sermon Sunday 27

and will ass nie his new pastorate InBoston the first Sunday in November


Evidence Though orIn Square

Sealer of Weights and Measures ClIaskell has Iliad his report relative tothe hearing granted to E B Laffertythrough his attorney A A Birney Inregard to the legality of nonproducersdisposing of produce on Ha marketor the commission basis

An opinion on the subject submitted byCorporation BlaIr at

the solicitation ot Mr Lafferty held thatit was illegal to do a commission businesson the market square but in vIew or thefact that Mr Haskell had no knowledgeot any business havIng been transactedon the squAre which would constitutecommission business and ho was Insome doubt about the opinion being

to the case In question he hIsto the Commissioners that

no action be taken on the matter untildefinite evidence of some Illegal transaction be brought to his attention


Dr Vaughan Wins Verdict AgainstRailroad Company

Ejected front StationWhile for DaughterSntl-

aScd with Decision

The sum ot damages with WAS

awarded to Dr George T by ajury tn uit Court No Justice

XMk1lftg against the PhiladelphiaBaltimore and Washington Railroad Company The trial of the case lasted formore than a week

Dr Vaughan claimed to have been forcIbly eJected from the SIxth street stationby employes of the railroad companywithout provocation Front the evidenceIt appeared that no went to the station tomeet his daughter and while In the wattI I room approached by an employewho asked him what he wu doing In thestation Dr Vaughan claimed that themans manner was so Insulting that hedeclined to answer him and a few

later the same empooyo

him by a policeman and question WU repeated

He told them that he waIting for atrain but declined to go into further

whereupon he was seised andupon the point of being forcibly

elected he went out his own

Attorneys Conrad H Syme Charles FCarus and HenrY H who appeared for Dr Vauvan did not attemptto that tM latter sufferedphysical Injury but both the Attorneysand the doctor expressed their satisfac

at the verdict of tileThey state that the right of a citizen to-

be In the railroad station wltMut beingsubjected to croaexamtnatlon as towhat he Is doing there wu vindicated bythe Jury and that the verdict of one dollarand settles the question to therights of the public In the


Boarding Houscs ot Three Stories orUnder Are Exempt

That houses of three orunder do sot have to have lire escapesSa the of Corporation Counsel E-

lL Thomas rendered to the Commissioners of the ot Columbia

The arose In the cue of MrsCr C Rogers who Is the owner of apseudohotel at North Capitol and Cstreets and leased to Mrs G W HolmesThough nominally hotel the Plaza isIn a plain everyday

of theand Mrs Rogers when served with

notIce that she must comply with theDIstrict regulation regarding tireappealed to the Commissioners statingthat the Idea or converting the Plaza Into-a hotel had been abandoned on accountot the tact considerable expenditureIn fact more than was warranted wouldbe In complying wIth the lireescape regulations The slgnboard whichhad been graced by the Inscription thePlaza Hotel was removed on September 11 with the purpose ofavoiding any mIsunderstanding

In his opinion as regards the status ofboarding houses on the fireescape question and was solicited by the

On the receipt ot MrsRogers appeal the corporation counselholds that any decision in the mattermust rest on proper or improper

ot the several terms tenementhouse flat or apartment house tocover boarding

Petition for Asphalt PavingA petition has been filed with tIre en

gineer department of the DistrICt byholders on Seventh street be

tween and 0 streets for the paving ofthat street with asphalt A similar

was filed some years ago but noaction has been taken


Rev KingAenue






ho Transac-tions



Assistant Attorney




1Pliyslelun WaslVai1ing


II costsVaughan

OIr t An-



min-utes again ap-

proached accompaniedthe



when of ac-cord


show had any

tim a jury


costa aspremises

boarding stories



areality boarding-

house transientaccommodation va-rietya


that a










This Massive Golden OakTable f18 25size with heavy carv

eel legs only

The one here illustratedis well worth an inspection Quality consideredthe price is exceptionallylow

Come and inspect ourstock of these It is thelargest and mos

have ever handled

Patrons of this store re-

assured courteous attention and fair

When in doubtBuy of

House HerrmannSeventh and I Eye Sts

Buy CoalNow

Bet is the cheapest but thecheapest is not always the

bestWeguarantee perFect


Johnson Bros1312 F St

store city


Mayers1227 slid 1229 G St



FURNITUREFrom Standard Manufacturers


Commencing 1030 oclockSeats provided

Special sale or Friday IS They Ill lJe-

ou exhibition nIl day ThursdayCome In then and them

Private Branch Exchange Connecting All Offices Maln 4270

Maury Dove CompanyINCORPORATED


F and

SPECIAL attention devoted to peepsraUoo of roil delivered to private reeldeuces Our STRICTLY ONE

Coals booght exclusivecontracts enable us to

to our

Exten-sion aixtoot

compre-hensive we



Phone M29 NW-

No other like it in the


New hugsOctober





LiEIIY nudeguarantee per-

fect satisfaction aaemera


GreatAuction Sale

Berwyn LotsThursday Oct 24

Free TransportationFree Lunch Music c

Watch for Big AdGreater Washington Realty Corpn

611 Colorado BuildingI




It Pays to Deal Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed


Quality in FurnitureIt our chief aim to show only such good qualities of

as we can unqualifiedly guarantee and secondly to pricesuch articles cheaper than like qualities can be sold at any storefor cash or on credit


This ft2 7 IIDresser w J

Fine Solid Oak or MahoganYfinish Dresser like this illustration heat Grand Rapids construc-tion large French plateglass

carved standards serpentinefront four drawers French

and highly polished

25 Princess l18 95DressersFIne Oak and Mahogany

finish ers PrincessFrench plateglass mirrors

two drawers brass trImmings Frenchlegs and highly polished

3775 ToonaMahogany fIl2S 48Dressers

I fine Toona Mahogany Dressfrs havE ovalshaped French plateglass mirrors standards fullHPrJfntinp front four drawersglass knobs French legs and arehighly polished



CHOICE LOTS25c to 38c Per Foot

Chevy Chase D CA Residence Park A home site where the high grade

of improvements delightful and ideal location natural shade sunshine air and of access are attracting the very best lass of

homebuildersmtln and women who appreciate the value of rigidbuilding restrictions and the great possibilities for comfortableconvenient and artistic homes It is an opportunity for investmentyou simply cannot afford to Washingtons great andrapid growth and the choiceness of this property absolutely guarantee a rapid and steady advance in value itacquainted with its charms and worth then ask yourself whetheryou can afford to delay hour in securing your lot

I It is only 30 minutes from U S Treasury CapitalTraction service One carfaresix tickets for 25c Granolithic sidewalks macadamized streets sewer water andelectric light

Select your lot now and you can have your homeearly in the spring

We furnish certificate of title free to first purchasersand give special discounts to those who agree to buildwithin three months

Chevy Chase D C is the most oqenient and most attractive suburb of Washington It is tight ip the path of thegreatest growth of the and to increasesteadily

Our representative meet you on any weekday or Sunday

Call write or phone for plats and full particulars




Phone M 3398



171JGTft1-e a


Hand-some e





beveled e tat s-c




carved iswell







Sec today et





city valued are bound r

Will tfl property







lligblands Is the same distAnCe fromthe as Dupont Circle The U SHt ty all records In tellinglots In to

Us ouon record in lOOT purchasersmade 160 cent profit last op-portUnities this yearlots 4i5 tomonthly Send for plat and pricesand free automobile to see property Go outand see the city spread


Central National of

I formerly occupied by CentralNational Dank Pa are nw

We quote WHOLESALE Prices at Retail


GlAd to Submit at TtmeWe Particularly Solicit Particular

W NIEPOLD SON910 E Street re W





break 3Iany


REALTYBank Buldinr

I fives7th b


Estimates AnylVcr-


The uornhnyt Circulation


MUCH MERIToke is as for

use in It is anda quick good

g4t D CoIp 1P1tftftd3140 Coke JIJifmd2-S UUMeI Coke


Bushels C11IMui


413 Tenth St U

If you believe in pureIIIair and cleanliness




213 14th st W W


recommended the beat fuelkitehenmre Makes and tire

Well su y youBush a Cote ddiveredLek LargesR

rushed delivered ni0 Bushels Coke ietirerrd15Gt-o dheered S6 9


WfiN YL4 N t6rSLSR1lNtMV5i4ad

