Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 ·...

· .................... ,', .. , .. , .. Academy of Continuing Education and Department of Prosthodontics College 0' Dental Sciences Davangere cordially Invite you to the Inaugural Cerenloni of the MILLENNIUM LECTURE SERIES Chief Guest Or. M. S. Goud President, Indian Prosthodontlc Society Guest of Honour Shrl 1. P. Vlshwaradhya Chairman, College of Dental Sdences oavangere Seedal Inyltm Dr. Asbjom Jokstad AssocIate Professor Faculty of Prosthodontics Oslo University, Norway Dr. M. L. Kulkaml Professor & Head Dept. of Pedlab1cs JJM Medical College Dr. S. M. lashl Prosthodntlst Pune Friday, 9th March 2001, 09.30 am Seminar Hall, College of Dental Sciences Dr. V. V. Reddy President, ACE-COOS Brlg.(or) K. Xavler Mathew Organizing Secretary 44444444444444444444444444444444 I

Transcript of Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 ·...

Page 1: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

· .................... ,', .. , .. , .. Academy of Continuing Education

and Department of Prosthodontics

College 0' Dental Sciences Davangere

cordially Invite you to the

Inaugural Cerenloni of the


Or. M. S. Goud President, Indian Prosthodontlc Society

Guest of Honour

Shrl 1. P. Vlshwaradhya Chairman, College of Dental Sdences oavangere

Seedal Inyltm

Dr. Asbjom Jokstad AssocIate Professor Faculty of Prosthodontics Oslo University, Norway

Dr. M. L. Kulkaml Professor & Head

Dept. of Pedlab1cs JJM Medical College

Dr. S. M. lashl Prosthodntlst


Friday, 9th March 2001, 09.30 am Seminar Hall, College of Dental Sciences

Dr. V. V. Su~ Reddy President, ACE-COOS

Brlg.(or) K. Xavler Mathew Organizing Secretary

44444444444444444444444444444444 I •

Page 2: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Choice of restorative


Asbjørn Jokstad

Institute of Clinical Dentistry

University of Oslo

Page 3: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate


•Choice of restorative material

•Is there such thing as a correct

therapy in prosthodontics?

•Bridging the gap. Dr A.K. Ray


•Clinical cases

•Cost considerations in prosthetic therapy

•Randomised Controlled Trials

and Oral Implants

•Clinical studies on GTR techniques,

are they science-based?

Page 4: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategy for choice

• Patient wishes

Page 5: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Example: posterior composite resins

Patienl Demand ~I =====================:::;_-J '~proved Appearanee ~I::::::::==========~ ______ ~ Reading Seienllllc I I Papers "

Visit by Sales Represenlatlv ..

AfI .. ndanc .. al Poslgraduale Meellng

Co<Tlpany A 'dverllslng M.I.rla.

RecommendAtion by ColI.agu.

Undergraduat .. Us ..

Sta It U ... In Dental Hosplt .. 1

*' Other Factors

o D





20 30 40

Nu~b .. r 01 Aespons ....

50 60

FIG 2 Factors influencing respondents decision to start using posterior composite materials .. • "'()ther factors" included: Curiosity; Anticipated strength of the (composite) material; Clinical prefer­ence for using composite materials.

Page 6: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Patient wishes….

Doctor of Dental Surgery?


Delivery of Dental Services?


Page 7: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategy for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

Page 8: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Advertisement- can

we believe in it?

N.Den",t",a!..1 _______ -"Miissnyheter Dental Scandinavia 99

Biokompatibla fyllnlngar, tandvardens framtid

DEFINITE Den innovafiva keramlkfyllnlngen I dlre"t appJlcerbara "apslar

av "ORMOCER" = ORganically CERamic. Fiirsta och enda biokompatlbla alternatlvf.

• Ilur kan keramikens hiigsta esletik uppnas rned DEfiNITE?

Kombinera ~ .


DeguSS8 •

Page 9: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Advertisement for the

composite HL 72. J

Nor Dent Assoc 1973.

Advertisement- can

we believe in it?

Page 10: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Advertisement- can we believe in it?

Adaptic. J

Nor Dent

Assoc 1974.

Page 11: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Information from producers

Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate profits - not to improve dental health.

Rule 2. The marketing departments decide which information should be given to the dental community - not the research and development departments.

Be sceptical towards information highlighting:– Physical properties versus clinical performance

• Relevance

• Relationship?

– Referal to “data on file”

– Use of obscure dental terminology

– Graphical misuse of data

Page 12: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Inverted transverse elasticity





Fantastic Product A Product B Product C Product D* Data on file

Page 13: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Solubility properties*

* according to o.o.t




Fantastic Product B Product B Product C Product D

Page 14: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Inverted transversal elastisticy









Fantastic Product A Product B Product C Product D

This test

does not


Value of axis



SD negate differences


Value y-axis begins at 0?

Maximized differences

3D effects

Page 15: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Inverted transverse elasticity





Fantastic Product A Product B Product C Product D* Data on file

Page 16: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Solubility properties*

* according to o.o.t




Fantastic Product B Product B Product C Product D

Value of axis

mg ?



= our own test

40% HCL?

Clinical relevance?

Page 17: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate




Advertisement- can

we believe in it?

s The first t rue alternative to amalgam

Nytt polyglasS fyllingsmateriale

solita\re® Tall"leg Br/lgl-,{ke O,.,.cll JICI 51",r/l:,-/lor Il'lles III pl'O/llere ~en .\001 e" god k'#f,iker so'" ",er cun gjerne [(erer IH'''' \flU!

k"u"yktf~r ug /crdlgh(-'It'f'.

TlI""/t'~t' om" Illr'ill"r mt'" l'Or t:1I1lJS 1u ""t' uf SolJlaltV t'" f/tk..t a "d,JJtt' .. 't\ er "ft.'!:"h,,' klC' fig gll' gtXIr korlt...JcrptJII11I.'" K on SiJ/t.,,{(1I/iIlIU,Tll ...... .,. ... U •• ,,· nU/llwJllcl/t'H ~fot~ IL1/Cr

er J,,'(. 1If .. '" Itn d poI,-"-1.: ug haY ~rl;·\lelle plItV"II"'l(f.,.m~<r ~'1:NI</ciJp4'r ,~I)ftf s::Jnr Itll¥tl"'IOlc( ~""k'c, dlll!,dc.

Lcgl! opp matcrh\\C\ 1

lr.,a' HcltD ~ed hjclp 0'" tl plunnUlfumell\ cHef eT' :smalgal1tft"tul L~¥i ,,,nit matenalc\ t "Ppt'u,,\t1\J\~ rornmeuc (\ l~ 2\

.. onlk'1l~" "lalcrWlclll\O\

Ul"lCl ,'I!i\¥,cn tned hje\p '" eI P",send< "kood<ns<n"~'" _UtiU'UllleOl (I' I@. 3.4), "Vnn­hgc- a'"~\g"n\_lUS.U'Ullltl\lCr

p,\ _~ortk",al mm med ham i {QI;bil'Ic/,'Is<

nU'd de ~\:Cl:r( j!mJl bordJ(.n1(m~lra~)QII4.U(. d

conl/)()"'(JOOf'­HO/lfot1elkl' at lu," slckn hrukl S"II1uire, cl (.1\.' Je (am1l'r'1IU(lUn~'mllt4:r""t'IU.


pr«\usenten ol'lllyscC tlo\ygItP.s fy'hnb~tcriak ~'l\tCf1orc c~tcl''\\.;C I)," kOIl"wppby.wng 01l


Features& Properties

Page 18: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategy for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

Page 19: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Metall Tooth colored

1963 Innes, Canada Dispersion amalgam (Dispersalloy)

1965 McLean, UK Al-porcelain

1969 Wilson & Smith, UK Glass-ionomer cem. (ASPA I)

1972 Mahler, USA Hi-Cu amalgam

1973 Asgar, USA Ternary amalgam (Tytin)

1976 Allen, USA Polymerisation with light

1978 McLean, England Cermet ionomer

1980 Lutz, Sveits Indirect inlays

1982 Nakabayashi, Japan Hybrid-layer in dentin (Clearfil)

1984 Mörmann, Sveits CAD-CAM concept (Cerec)

1987 Malament, USA Cast glass-ceram (Dicor)

1988 Sadoun, Frankrike Slip-infiltrate ceram (In-Ceram)

1989 Cast titanium

1990 Tokuriki, Japan Gallium-alloy

1990 G-C, Japan Resin modi. GIC (Fuji IILC)

1994 DeTrey, England Carboxylatemod.resin (Dyract)

1995 ADA/NIH, USA Colloid silver-alloy (Exp.)

1998 Degussa, Tyskland ”Ormocer”

1999 ”Ceromer” (Solitaire)

2000 ”Flowables”

Restorative materials in use

Page 20: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

"Tooth colored materials"

1. Glassionomer: metall-reinforced / conventional

2. Glassionomer modified with resin (RMGIC)

3. Composite resin with glassionomer (“compomer”)

4. Composite resin: macro-, micro-, hybrid, "flowable”

5. Composite resin, inlay: clinic / laboratory

6. Ceramic, inlay: sintered / cast / CAD-CAM

7. Polyglass/ceromer/crystal polymer/polymer ceramic

8. Ormocer - "flowable ceramic”

9. Doxadent - “ The ceramic restoration that forms directly in the tooth”

Page 21: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Alternatives in Class II

0 %

20 %

40 %

60 %

80 %

100 %




ay n

ew 2



ay R

ev. 2




UK 4


Publ H

lth n

ew 5


Publ H

lth rev

. 5.






1. CRA , USA 1995

2. Mjör et al., 1999

3. TIA, Göteborg, 1992

4. Burke et al., 1999

5. Vestfold THT., 2000

Page 22: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategies for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

• Dental faculties, procedures

Page 23: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate


Page 24: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Product concepts 1/2

Produsent Adhesiv Sement Restaureringsmateriale

3M Scotchbond MPScotchbond 1

3M Polymer CementOpal CementVitremer


Bisco All bond 2AelitebondOne-step

C&B CementChoiceDuo-link

Coltene-Whaledent A.R.T. BondOne Coat Bond

Duo Cement Brilliant D.I

Den-Mat TenureTenure quick



Dentsply Prime&BondPrime&Bond NTProbond

AdvanceColorlogicComspanMGC Lute CompositeEnforceDyract Cem

BiodentCaratCeramcoDicorFinesseMaxximPrisma AP.HTriad

ESPE EBS- multi CompoluteSono-CemKetac Cem

Pertac II

GC - G-Cera Porc.Ven.Bond.Syst.Fuji Plus

GC CosmotechG-Cera

Page 25: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Product concepts 2/2Produsent Adhesiv Sement RestaureringsmaterialeHereaus Kulzer Solid bond P & C 2bond2

TwinlookCharisma CSArtglass

Jeneric/Pentron Bond-1Conquest

Cement-It!Lute-It!Optec Universal Bond.System


Kerr Manufacturing Optibond FLOptibond solo

PorcelitePorcelite DCNexus

Herculite XRV Lab

Kuraray Clearfil Clearfil CR Inl.Cem.Panavia

Clearfil CR

Mirage (Chameleon) ABC EnhancedMirage Bond PlusWetbond

FLC VisionMirage Metal Resin Cement


Shofu Imperva Bond Imperva Dual Resin Cement Vintage value

Ultradent Permagen Permalute -

Vivadent/Ivoclar SyntacSyntac sprint

Dual CementProTec CemVariolink IIVariolink Ultra

Empress IIIPS EmpressSR-Isosit (Concept)TetricTargis-Vectris

VOCO Solobond PlusSolobond M



....................................................................................................................... ----~~~ ~&~~~---

Page 26: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategies for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

• Dental faculties, procedures

• Guidelines: e.g. from Health


Page 27: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Fissure sealants

Dental faculty, Oslo:


Tetric Flow

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Fissurforsegling kompositt

Page 28: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Deciduous teeth

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse I

primære molarer resinmodifisert


kompomer, kompositt Muligheten for fuktighets-

kontroll har betydning for


Klasse II

primære molarer resinmodifisert


kompomer, kompositt

Klasse III

primære insisiver resinmodifisert



Page 29: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Aproximal, anterior, small

1. choice

composite (microfill)

Silux Plus

Tetric Flow

Caries active patients:


Ketac Fil

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse III

permanente insisiver kompositt resinmodifisert glass-



Alternativene bør brukes

ved høy kariesaktivitet

Page 30: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

1. choice: composite (hybrid)

Filtek Z250

Tetric Ceram


Caries active patients:


Ketac Fil

Aproximal, anterior, largeHelsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse III

permanente insisiver kompositt resinmodifisert glass-



Alternativene bør brukes

ved høy kariesaktivitet

Page 31: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

1. choice: composite (hybrid):

Filtek Z250

Tetric Ceram


Can be combined with microfill composites


Silux Plus

Caries active patients:


Aproximal, edge

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse IV

kompositt skallfasett3)

, kroneterapi2)

2) Kroneterapi: Kroner lages av en støpelegering, støpelegering –keram (MK-krone), støpelegering-

polymermateriale (kombinasjonskrone) eller keram, og materialvalg gjøres ut fra estetikk og bittforhold.3)

Skalfasett lages i keram eller kompositt

Page 32: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Aproximal, posterior, small

1. choice: composite (hybrid)

Filtek Z250

Tetric Ceram


Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse II

premolar, liten fylling kompositt

molar, liten fylling kompositt amalgam, innlegg1)

1) Innlegg lages av en støpelegering, i keramisk materiale eller polymermateriale, og materialvalg gjøres ut

fra estetikk og bittforhold.

Page 33: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Aproximal, premolar, large

1. choice: composite (Hybrid)

Filtek Z250

Tetric Ceram



Ardent Futura NG-2



ceramic innlay

composite innlay

Tunnel prep w/ Fuji II/ Ketac Fil

and composite

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse II

premolar, stor fylling komposittamalgam, innlegg



1) Innlegg lages av en støpelegering, i keramisk materiale eller polymermateriale, og materialvalg gjøres ut

fra estetikk og bittforhold.2)

Kroneterapi: Kroner lages av en støpelegering, støpelegering –keram (MK-krone), støpelegering-

polymermateriale (kombinasjonskrone) eller keram, og materialvalg gjøres ut fra estetikk og bittforhold.

Page 34: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Aproximal, molar, large

1. choice:


Ardent Futura NG-2



Gold inlay

Ceramic inlay

Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse II

molar, stor fylling innlegg1) kroneterapi

2), amalgam,


Page 35: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Buccal/lingual, posterior

1. choice (kl. V):

Premolars: Glassionomer

Fuji II LC

Ketac Fil

molars: Glassionomer

Fuji II LC

Ketac Fil


Premolars: composite (microfylt)

Tetrik Flow

Silux Plus

molars: Amalgam

Ardent Futura NG-2


Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse V

resinmodifisert glass-


kompositt, glassionomer-

sement, kompomer

Page 36: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Occlusal, molar, large

1. choice: composite (hybrider)

Filtek Z250

Tetric Ceram


Helsedirektoratets veileder for bruk av tannrestaureringsmaterialer.

Tabellen er en anbefaling og utelukker ikke andre valg ved spesielle indikasjoner.

Standardmateriale representerer det materialet som det vil være mest ønskelig å bruke.

Lokalisasjon Standardmateriale Alternativer Kommentar

Klasse I

molar, stor fylling kompositt amalgam, innlegg1)

1) Innlegg lages av en støpelegering, i keramisk materiale eller polymermateriale, og materialvalg gjøres ut

fra estetikk og bittforhold.

Alternativ 1: Amalgam

Ardent Futura NG-2


Alternativ 2&3:

ceramics inlay

Gull inlay

Page 37: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategies for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

• Dental faculties, procedures

• Guidelines: e.g. Health authorities– Hidden agendas?

– Non-evidence based policies?

Political decisions have been made in

Norway, Sweden and Denmark to reduce

the use of amalgam

Page 38: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategies for choice

• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

• Dental faculties, procedures

• Guidelines: e.g. Health authorities• Clinical experience - sound judgement• Minimum tissue removal - biologic costs• Clinical evidence

– Contraindication?– Consequences of choice of material?

Page 39: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Clinical factors influencing treatment decisions



Page 40: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Strategies for choice• Patient wishes

• Advertisement

• Use what others use

• Dental faculties, procedures

• Guidelines: e.g. Health authorities

• Clinical experience - sound judgement– Minimum tissue removal, biological costs

• Patient preference

–Informed consent

Page 41: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

?• Esthetics - be young

and beautiful

The future of restorative dentistry

• Controlled release of anticariogenic or antibacterial components

• Synthetic enamel (recombinant DNA-technology)


Page 42: Correct choice of dental restorative materials. Lecture Restorative Davangere.pdf · 2018-02-02 · Information from producers Rule 1. Manufacturers’ role in this world is to generate

Doctor of Dental Surgery or

Delivery of Dental Services?


Patient confidenceProfession
