Corporate Identity Final Guidelines

Corporate Identity Final Guidelines (Version 4, January 2011) For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Transcript of Corporate Identity Final Guidelines

Corporate Identity

Final Guidelines(Version 4, January 2011)

For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.


Exclusion zones, minimum sizes and placement

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Exclusion zones, minimum sizes and placement

For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Using the logo

Purpose and valuesPublic Health Wales provides an expert public health resource. Our purpose is to give people power to protect and improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequities by informing, advising and speaking up for them.

We aim to lead by example. In all our actions, whether with colleagues, stakeholders or partners, we will seek to be professional, persuasive, open, reflective and responsive.

Why have a corporate identity?The reorganisation of public health services in Wales offers the chance to create an overall corporate identity. The new logo has been designed in line with the new health board logos, using the same typeface and colours. It emphasises the new integrated NHS in Wales.

How to use the corporate identity in Welsh and EnglishPublic Health Wales is committed to maintaining a bilingual corporate identity. Guidance on using the logo bilingually can be found in this document. The Welsh Language Scheme for Public Health Wales is accessible via the website at:$file/Public%20Health%20Wales%206.13%20-%20Welsh%20Language%20Scheme%20(English).doc?OpenElement

When to use the logo?The logo should be used on any communication undertaken by Public Health Wales. Whilst the logos for the individual screening programmes and other programmes with a specific public audience have been retained, the Public Health Wales logo should be used in conjunction with them. Guidance on hierarchy and positioning can be found in this document.

Where to use the logo?• Printed material (eg documents, reports, publications)• Correspondence (eg letters, circulars)• Main external signs (ie, wherever the name or logo of

the organisation appears)• Any other appropriate communications tools

(eg advertising)

NHS Wales together with the Public Health Wales titleThe NHS Wales logo should always appear to the left of the Public Health Wales title, and the two should always appear together and never separated.

4For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Fonts (for designers to use)

Recommended typefaces for designers to use is the Frutiger Family of fonts. The full range ofFrutiger can be used, but please note that there should be a 12pt minimum size of font on alldocuments and where possible the font should not be used smaller than this. Attention shouldbe paid to individuals’ rights to request information in a larger font size than 12pt, especially in obvious cases such as for visually impaired people.


Fonts (for designers to use)

Recommended typefaces for designers to use is the Frutiger Family of fonts. The full range of Frutiger can be used, but please note that there should be a 12pt minimum size of font on all documents and where possible the font should not be used smaller than this. Attention should be paid to meeting patients’ rights to request information in a larger font size than 12pt when requested, especially in obvious cases such as for visually impaired people.

55 Frutiger Roman56 Frutiger Italic45 Frutiger Light46 Frutiger Light Italic65 Frutiger Bold66 Frutiger Bold Italic57 Frutiger Condensed47 Frutiger Light Condensed


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z



a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


this is the minimum size of font (12pt)

5For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Fonts (for health officials using PC computers)

As most PC computers do not have the professional fonts used by designers, the recommendedtypefaces for people who are not designers to use is Verdana as most PCs have this font on theirsystem. There should be a 12pt minimum size of font on all documents and where possible the fontshould not be used smaller than this size. Attention should be paid to meeting individuals’ rights to requestinformation in a larger font size than 12pt, especially in obvious cases such as for visually impaired people.

If you do not have Verdana, please choose a clear font that is a sans serif font similar to Verdana(an example of a serif font is Times). Another font to use if you don’t have Verdana might be Arial.


Fonts (for health officials using PC computers)

As most PC computers do not have the professional fonts used by designers the recommended typefaces for people who are not designers to use is Verdana as most PCs have this font on their system. There should be a 12pt minimum size of font on all documents and where possible the font should not be used smaller than this size. Attention should be paid to meeting patients’ rights to request information in a larger font size than 12pt when requested, especially in obvious cases such as for visuallyimpaired people.

Verdana RegularVerdana ItalicVerdana BoldVerdana Bold Italic


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


IF you do not have Verdana please choose a clear font that is san serif font similar to Verdana.(e.g of serif font is Times). Another font to use if you don’t have Verdana might be Arial.


Colour versions of the logo

For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Full colour logo Single colour logo

Reversed out logo examples

Full colour logoThe Public Health Wales logo should, wherever possible, be reproduced in full colour.

Pantone: 534 (blue)Pantone: 465 (gold)

Single colour logosSometimes it is not practical for the logo to appear in full colour.In these circumstances the colour to be used should be:

Pantone: 534 (blue), orBlackOr reversed out (white) on a colourRemember, a reversed out logo works best on a dark background.

The logo should NOT be reproduced in any other colours than recommended colours above.Please see the below examples:

7For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Exclusion zones, minimum sizes and placement

The exclusion zoneThis is the clear area around the logo where nothing else should appear. This will help to ensure clarity and improve the impact of the logo. The clear space (x) surrounding the Public Health Wales logo will vary proportionally, and is half the height of the logo used. In the sample below, it shows the clear area of the minimum logo size.

The logo and Public Health Wales titlesThe NHS in Wales logo should always be on the left and the Public Health Wales title should be on the right separated by the single line. The two should always appear together and not be separated.

PlacementThe logo should be used consistently and correctly. Please make sure you read through the logo guidelines. Placement of the logo should consider the guidelines and when placed with other logos it should be proportional in size to the logo it appears next to.

The placement of the logo can be placed either top right, top left, or bottom left, bottom right of a document.



(x) (x)

Minimum height = 16mm

Exclusion zone around the logo at this size is(x) = 8mmaround each side of logo

8For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Using the NHS Wales logo

When to use the NHS Wales logo on its ownThe NHS Wales logo will be used on its own incommunications undertaken by NHS Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government communications teams.

Where to use the logo• Printed material (e.g. documents, reports,

publications, service guidelines, service standards)• Correspondence (e.g. letters, circulars)• Any other appropriate communications tools

(e.g. advertising)• Digital communications (e.g. website)

NHS Wales logo together with the Welsh AssemblyGovernment logo• When used alongside the Welsh Assembly

Government corporate identity on printed documents, the NHS Wales logo should appear at the bottom right and Welsh Assembly Government logo at the top right.

Design Guidelines for the NHS Wales logoThe guidelines for the NHS Wales logo when used on its own are the same as those for the Public Health Wales logo and Health Board versions minus their text, and the guidelines on the previous pages should be considered when it is used.

Who should use the logo• Further guidance on use of the NHS Wales logo can be

obtained from

Sharon WilliamsTel: 029 2080 1446 orEmail: [email protected]

9For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Local Health Board Logo Versions

Note: these can be used in the colours mentioned on page 6

10For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Health Boards

Aneurin Bevan Health Board


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Fro

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Hywel Dda Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda Health Board

Hywel Dda Health BoardCwm Taf Health Board


Cwm Taf Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Cwm Taf Health Board

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board


Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board

Powys Teaching Health Board


Powys Teaching Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys

Powys Teaching Health Board


Aneurin Bevan Health Board

Bwrdd Iechyd Aneurin Bevan Health Board


Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Health Boards

11For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Sample Usage

Note: these can be used in the colours mentioned on page 6

12For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Sample usage: Stationery

Letterhead – Standard

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru1 Cwrt Charnwood, Parc NantgarwCaerdydd CF15 7QZ

Public Health Wales1 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Ffôn/Tel: 01443 824160 · Ffacs/Fax: 01443 824161Gwefan/Web:

Gyda ChyfarchionWith Compliments

Gyda ChyfarchionWith Compliments

Gyda ChyfarchionWith Compliments

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru1 Cwrt Charnwood, Parc NantgarwCaerdydd CF15 7QZ

Public Health Wales1 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Ffôn/Tel: 01443 824160 · Ffacs/Fax: 01443 824161Gwefan/Web:

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru1 Cwrt Charnwood, Parc NantgarwCaerdydd CF15 7QZ

Public Health Wales1 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Ffôn/Tel: 01443 824160 · Ffacs/Fax: 01443 824161Gwefan/Web:

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru1 Cwrt Charnwood, Parc NantgarwCaerdydd CF15 7QZ

Public Health Wales1 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Ffôn/Tel: 01443 824160 · Ffacs/Fax: 01443 824161Gwefan/Web:

Compliment Slip – StandardFax Sheet – Standard

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru1 Cwrt Charnwood, Parc NantgarwCaerdydd CF15 7QZ

Public Health Wales1 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Ffôn/Tel: 01443 824160 · Ffacs/Fax: 01443 824161Gwefan/Web: www.iechydcyhoedduscymru.orgwww.publichealthwales.orgFfacs / Facsimile

I sylw / For the attention of:

Adran / Department:

Rhif ffacs / Fax no:

Dyddiad / Date:

Nifer y tudalennau / No of pages:

Oddi wrth / From:

Os na fydd un o’r tudalennau hyn yn glir, a fyddech chi cystal â’n hysbysu cyn gynted â phosibl ar y rhif ffacs uchod.

If any of these pages are not received satisfactorily, please advise as soon as possible on the above fax number.

Rhybudd Preifat a Chyfrinachol: Mae’r ffacs hwn yn hynod gyfrinachol ac wedi’i fwriadu ar gyfer y person neu’r sefydliad a nodir uchod yn unig. Mae’n bosibl ei fod yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freintiol a chyfrinachol ac os nad chi a ddylai ei dderbyn, ni ddylech ei gopio, ei rannu na gwneud unrhyw beth ynglyn ag ef.

Private and Confidentiality Notice: This facsimile transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it.

Neges / MessageBusiness Card – Standard

A. N. OtherHead of Communications

Public Health Wales, 1 Charnwood Court Heol Billingsley, Parc Nantgarw, Cardiff CF15 7QZ

Mobile: (07777) 777777Email: [email protected] Web:

A. N. OtherPennaeth Cyfathrebu

Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, 1 Charnwood Court Heol Billingsley, Parc Nantgarw, Caerdydd CF15 7QZ

Symudol: (07777) 777777Ebost: [email protected] Gwefan:

13For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Sample usage: Division Stationery

Letterhead – Screening Division

Adran Sgrinio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru18 Ffordd yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, Caerdydd CF11 9LJ

Screening DivisionPublic Health Wales18 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2078 7901 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2078 7800Gwefan/Web:

Gyda ChyfarchionWith Compliments

Adran Sgrinio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru18 Ffordd yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, Caerdydd CF11 9LJ

Screening DivisionPublic Health Wales18 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2078 7901 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2078 7800Gwefan/Web:

Letterhead – Screening DivisionFax Sheet – Screening Division

Adran SgrinioIechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru18 Ffordd yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, Caerdydd CF11 9LJ

Screening DivisionPublic Health Wales18 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2078 7901 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2078 7800Gwefan/Web: Ffacs / Facsimile

I sylw / For the attention of:

Adran / Department:

Rhif ffacs / Fax no:

Dyddiad / Date:

Nifer y tudalennau / No of pages:

Oddi wrth / From:

Neges / Message

Os na fydd un o’r tudalennau hyn yn glir, a fyddech chi cystal â’n hysbysu cyn gynted â phosibl ar y rhif ffacs uchod.

If any of these pages are not received satisfactorily, please advise as soon as possible on the above fax number.

Rhybudd Preifat a Chyfrinachol: Mae’r ffacs hwn yn hynod gyfrinachol ac wedi’i fwriadu ar gyfer y person neu’r sefydliad a nodir uchod yn unig. Mae’n bosibl ei fod yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freintiol a chyfrinachol ac os nad chi a ddylai ei dderbyn, ni ddylech ei gopio, ei rannu na gwneud unrhyw beth ynglyn ag ef.

Private and Confi dentiality Notice: This facsimile transmission is strictly confi dential and intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confi dential information and if you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it.

14For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.


Sample usage: Service/Team/Programme Stationery

Letterhead – Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance Unit

Uned Arolygiaeth a Gwybodaeth Cancr Cymru Iechyd Cyhoeddus CymruLlawr 13, Ty Brunel, 2 Ffordd Fitzalan, Caerdydd CF24 0HA

Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance UnitPublic Health WalesFloor 13, Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff CF24 0HA

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2037 3500 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2050 2121Gwefan/Web:

Gyda ChyfarchionWith Compliments

Uned Arolygiaeth a Gwybodaeth Cancr Cymru Iechyd Cyhoeddus CymruLlawr 13, Ty Brunel, 2 Ffordd Fitzalan, Caerdydd CF24 0HA

Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance UnitPublic Health WalesFloor 13, Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff CF24 0HA

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2037 3500 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2050 2121Gwefan/Web:

Compliment Slip – Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance Unit

Fax Sheet – Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance Unit

Uned Arolygiaeth a Gwybodaeth Cancr CymruIechyd Cyhoeddus CymruLlawr 13, Ty Brunel, 2 Ffordd Fitzalan, Caerdydd CF24 0HA

Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance UnitPublic Health WalesFloor 13, Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Road, Cardiff CF24 0HA

Ffôn/Tel: (029) 2037 3500 · Ffacs/Fax: (029) 2050 2121Gwefan/Web:

Ffacs / Facsimile

I sylw / For the attention of:

Adran / Department:

Rhif ffacs / Fax no:

Dyddiad / Date:

Nifer y tudalennau / No of pages:

Oddi wrth / From:

Neges / Message

Os na fydd un o’r tudalennau hyn yn glir, a fyddech chi cystal â’n hysbysu cyn gynted â phosibl ar y rhif ffacs uchod.

If any of these pages are not received satisfactorily, please advise as soon as possible on the above fax number.

Rhybudd Preifat a Chyfrinachol: Mae’r ffacs hwn yn hynod gyfrinachol ac wedi’i fwriadu ar gyfer y person neu’r sefydliad a nodir uchod yn unig. Mae’n bosibl ei fod yn cynnwys gwybodaeth freintiol a chyfrinachol ac os nad chi a ddylai ei dderbyn, ni ddylech ei gopio, ei rannu na gwneud unrhyw beth ynglyn ag ef.

Private and Confi dentiality Notice: This facsimile transmission is strictly confi dential and intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confi dential information and if you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it.

15For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.


Sample Usage: Logo Placement on Branded Print

Bowel Screening ExplainedWhat you need to know about the bowel screening programme in Wales.

“Don’t die ofembarrassment”

National Public HealthService for Wales

Gwasanaeth lechyd CyhoeddusCenedlaethol Cymru

Steps to help you quit!

National Public HealthService for Wales

Gwasanaeth lechyd CyhoeddusCenedlaethol Cymru

Steps to help you quit!

The Public Health Wales logo should be prominent on branded print.

16For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Sample usage: Signs


Guidance for signsPlease see suggested layout for signs on this page – it is for illustrative purposes only. The sign should feature the Public Health Wales logo in a prominent manner and it should be on a white background.

Project1 14/1/10 09:45 Page 1

MicrobiolegMicrobiologyExample of external sign

Example of internal sign

17For any queries, using the Public Health Wales logo, please contact the Communications team on (029) 2034 8755.

Sample usage: Powerpoint Presentations


Insert name of presentation on MasterSlide

Insert Title here

Insert Date here

Presenter:Insert name of presentation on MasterSlide


• Text

Sample Cover Sample Page