Cornell Notetaking!!

Cornell Notetaking!! • Woohoo!! Yay!! Okay, not so much. But it will help you make better grades and allow you to not write as much. This is a good thing • Cornell Notes help you PICK OUT ONLY IMPORTANT INFO and SUMMARIZE (pick out the main idea) • (pass out notes) I’m going to teach how to take notes as we learn about regions.


Cornell Notetaking!!. Woohoo!! Yay!! Okay, not so much. But it will help you make better grades and allow you to not write as much. This is a good thing  Cornell Notes help you PICK OUT ONLY IMPORTANT INFO and SUMMARIZE (pick out the main idea) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Cornell Notetaking!!

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Cornell Notetaking!!

• Woohoo!! Yay!! Okay, not so much. But it will help you make better grades and allow you to not write as much. This is a good thing

• Cornell Notes help you PICK OUT ONLY IMPORTANT INFO and SUMMARIZE (pick out the main idea)

• (pass out notes) I’m going to teach how to take notes as we learn about regions.

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• Right hand 2/3 of paper• Bullets or outline form• Do not write every word!• Learn to pick out what’s important…we will do

this together today

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• left hand 1/3 of paper

• Vocabulary, questions, reactions, connections, significance, inference (What conclusions can I draw??? Of what does this remind me?)

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Short and sweet, like a text message !!! How would you write the information in these notes to send in a text???

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Different Types of Regions

Formal, Functional, andPerceptual

This is your title of your notes!!!

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I. Formal Region I. Formal Region --Areas in which certain--Areas in which certaincharacteristics are foundcharacteristics are foundthroughout the areathroughout the area--EXAMPLES: Countries, states, cities --EXAMPLES: Countries, states, cities (Omaha)(Omaha)II. Functional Region II. Functional Region --A central place --A central place and theand thesurrounding places affected by itsurrounding places affected by it--EXAMPLE: The Omaha metro--EXAMPLE: The Omaha metroregion (includes Bellevue,region (includes Bellevue,Papillion, Elkhorn, etc.)Papillion, Elkhorn, etc.)III. Perceptual Region III. Perceptual Region --Area defined by --Area defined by people’s feelings and attitudespeople’s feelings and attitudes--EXAMPLE: “The Midwest”--EXAMPLE: “The Midwest”

The underlined words are the three main sections of your notes.

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Formal Regions = Areas inwhich certain characteristicsare found throughout the area•Formal Regions such ascountries, states, andcities all share the samelaws, government, etc.•Would you know if youstepped in or out of Houston,Texas?

In the “connections” part of your notes, put some examples.

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Functional Regions = A centralplace and the surroundingplaces affected by it….I-45 corrider; Dallas metroplex•The City of Houston is well defined,but other placesare affected by Houston, too.•Can you name some ofthe other places in the“Houston metro region”?

In the “connections part of your notes, Ask a question about other functional regions.

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• Perceptual Region = Areadefined by people’s feelingsand attitudes• Where is “The Midwest”?• Is Nebraskain theMidwest?• Is TEXAS inthe Midwest?• Depends oneach person’sfeelings orattitudes.

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In the connections part of your notes, ask, “What do people perceive when they think of Texas? Why?”

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Let’s Test Ourselves Over Regions:When the region on the left pops up, you decide if

it isFormal, Functional, or Perceptual

formal = measurable data/bordersfunctional=business connectionsperceptual=stereotype/feelings

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ACTIVITY!! ACTIVITY!!Partner Interview and Quickwrite

•1. Pick a partner. Each of you write the following on a piece of paper: What is a stereotype? GUESS what your partners favorite type of music is and write it down. •2. Ask your partner what is REALLY their favorite type of music. Did you stereotype them? How did you perceive them?•3. Pick a city in the world. What is stereotypical about that city? What do people "perceive" about it? Discuss it and write your answers. •4. Try New York City. What do you perceive about it?