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SENIOR SCOOP USD 243 Lebo-Waverly November 2, 2018 ******************************************************************* ************************************ College Entrance Exams: ACT: test of choice in the mid-west SAT: test of choice on the East Coast and the West Coast and colleges with highly selective admissions policies Register online at (ACT) or (SAT). You will have to pay by credit card if registering online. Registering online is the preferred method for both tests. ACT TESTING DATES (LHS will host the December and April test dates. BHS will host all testing dates except the July one!) TEST DATE DEADLINE LATE DEADLINE December 8, 2018 TODAY!!! November 19, 2018 February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019 January 18, 2019 April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019 March 25, 2019 June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 20, 2019 July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 24, 2019 ACT without writing — $55.50 ACT with writing— $67.00 Register online at . LHS School Code: 171-710 WHS School Code: 173- 090 See Mrs. Newton if you think you might qualify for a fee waiver or extended time testing! ************************************************************************* **************

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USD 243 Lebo-Waverly November 2, 2018

*******************************************************************************************************College Entrance Exams:

ACT: test of choice in the mid-west

SAT: test of choice on the East Coast and the West Coast and colleges with highly selective admissions policies

Register online at (ACT) or (SAT). You will have to pay by credit card if registering online. Registering online is the preferred method for both tests.

ACT TESTING DATES (LHS will host the December and April test dates. BHS will host all testing dates except the July one!)

TEST DATE DEADLINE LATE DEADLINE December 8, 2018 TODAY!!! November 19, 2018February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019 January 18, 2019April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019 March 25, 2019June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 20, 2019July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 24, 2019

ACT without writing — $55.50 ACT with writing—$67.00

Register online at

LHS School Code:  171-710 WHS School Code:  173-090

See Mrs. Newton if you think you might qualify for a fee waiver or extended time testing!***************************************************************************************The best way to prepare is to study, study, study, and read, read, read! Keep studying in your English, math, science, and social studies courses, but don’t neglect the others! Do some prep work before taking the test. Doing something is better than doing nothing at all!



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POTENTIAL COLLEGE ATHLETES:NCAA: register with NCAA at Your ACT score must come directly from ACT even though it is part of your high school transcript. Please use code 9999 when you register to take the ACT.

NAIA: register with NAIA at Your ACT score must come directly from ACT even though it is part of your high school transcript. Please use code 9876 when you register to take the ACT.


Preparing for the ACT, a booklet that contains a full-length ACT test along with answer sheet and test-taking strategies is available for download at It is available in the BHS Guidance Office as well!


Males, don’t forget to register with Selective Services within 30 days of your 18th birthday!Three ways to do so: 1) Send in postcard you can get at the post office, 2) request it when you complete the FAFSA, or 3) register online at! Failure to do so could cost you federal financial aid!


ACT POWER PREP COURSEWHO: any student planning to take the ACT this school yearWHEN: November 16, 2018, 8:30 am – 12:45 pm; pizza will be servedWHERE: Waverly High SchoolCOST: $50 ($45 to the ACT PowerPrep Company who is providing the course and $5 for the pizza lunch)REGISTER by NOVEMBER 9th at: *You can turn completed registration forms and payment into the LHS OR WHS office.***************************************************************************************

MONTHLY PLANNER . . . for the Rest of Your High School LifeBy Dr. Randall Hanson,

NOVEMBER**Finalize drafts of your college essays, but only after numerous edits, rewrites, and reviews by people you

trust**Complete college applications and put packets in the mail **Request key financial aid and scholarship information from your list of colleges **Stay focused on grades


SENIOR REMINDERS:**Males – you have to register with Selective Services within 30 days of your 18th birthday. Failure to do so

could result in your not being awarded any federal financial aid. To register, go to, or you can check the box when you submit the FAFSA next spring.

**Keep applying for any and all scholarships you are eligible for! **NCAA athletes – be sure to register at! You will receive an e-mail detailing

what to do after you have registered!**NAIA athletes – be sure to register at!


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What should students focus on when presenting volunteer work in scholarship applications? Be clear and specific. General reflections on why community service is important are not what scholarship sponsors and selection committees are looking for – we want to know specific details about how and why you participated in a specific activity.

Do most scholarship programs emphasize community involvement in some capacity?To some extent, whether it is actual service or involvement in extracurricular activities or employment.

Is it more common for programs to focus heavily on academic performances?Pure academic performance as the main scholarship criteria is becoming less and less common. With the vast number of college preparatory schools, it has become more difficult for students to distinguish themselves by grades and test scores alone. Additionally, grades can be highly subjective.

Are there types of service recognized more highly than others by scholarship providers?Voluntary, self-initiated community service always looks better on an application than volunteering at the local hospital or business where a parent is employed or simply being a member of a club that works in the community. If service is mandatory, due to either a court order or school requirement that a student must complete a certain number of service hours, showing that you’ve gone above and beyond what was necessary is essential.

What would be an average level of volunteer community service?The average is around 100 hours for a high school senior. It often encompasses work at their school in roles such as a teacher’s assistant or at church as a youth leader or part of a music group.

Can you offer any additional insight on the important milestones for students this time of year with regards to scholarship applications?If you haven’t done any community service, start now. If you are already involved, don’t quit. Not only is it important for the community to have volunteers, it rarely bodes well when it seems the only reason you were involved was to have something to list on your scholarship or college application.


NORTH CENTRAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE, Beloit, Kansas Upcoming Visit DaysFebruary 20th: Transportation Spotlight DayFebruary 22nd: Health Spotlight DayFebruary 26th: Construction Spotlight DayFebruary 28th: Business and Technology Spotlight DayApril 12th: Blue and Green DayJune 12th – 14th: Orientation DayRegister for any event at!


COLUMBIA COLLEGE VISIT EVENTS, Columbia, MissouriSaturday Showcase: February 16th, July 20th

Nursing Pulse: March 14th

Scholarship Days: January 12th and 26th

Register for any of these days at

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KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTHEAST KANSAS WILDCAT WEEKWHY: learn about admission, scholarships, financial assistance and much more! Many of the academic colleges will be represented.COST: noneThere will be a drawing for a $250 textbook scholarship for a lucky senior or transfer student in attendance!RSVP at; walk-ins will be accepted.LOCATIONS:November 6th: Ottawa – Smoked Creations, 6:00 – 7:30 pmNovember 7th: PSU – Memorial Auditorium, 6:00 – 7:30 pmNovember 8th: Emporia – Emporia Fitness, 6:00 – 7:30 pm



EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY – EARLY BIRD SCHOLARSHIPAMOUNT: four $1,000 scholarships awarded via a drawingYou have to apply for admission and be accepted by DECEMBER 1st to be entered into the drawing!


ALLEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE PAYMENT PLAN FOR SPRING 2019If you are planning to take ACC classes this spring and you would like to enroll in the Nelnet/FACTS Payment Plan, it will be available on November 6th. If you enroll in the payment plan by November 16th, you can do so with no money down and be allowed to make 5 payments. More information is available at There is a $35.00 fee to participate in the payment plan.

Last day to enroll online Required down payment Number of payments Months of paymentsNovember 16, 2018 None 5 November - MarchDecember 9, 2018 20% 4 December – MarchJanuary 10, 2019 35% 3 January - MarchJanuary 20, 2019 50% 2 February - March


UNIVERSITY TUTOR’S SCHOLARSHIP CONTESTAMOUNT: $1,000University Tutor holds a monthly $1,000 college scholarship contest where students write a short essay in response to a monthly prompt. The submitted essays are reviewed by University Tutor staff at the end of the month and one winner is chosen to receive the $1,000 college scholarship. Interested students can enter the contest here: November’s essay topic: Describe a time you helped a fellow student in school. What inspired you to help them, and what did you learn from this experience?DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30, 2018


DRIVE2LIFE CONTESTAMOUNT: one $1,000 winner and two $500 winnersTraffic crashes are the leading cause of teen death in America. Create a storyboard or script for a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) to show what teens can do to prevent drowsy driving.Details are available at

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SL2_V1///&ym_MID=1505052&ym_rid=7769867.DEADLINE: must be postmarked by FEBRUARY 4, 2019


WASHBURN UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE SCHOLARSHIPSAMOUNT: up to $2,000CRITERIA:must have cumulative GPA of 3.0 or highermust have ACT composite score of 24 or higherBENEFITS: Grow in personal leadership awareness and developmentBe connected to an active network of leadersEarn a Leadership Studies Minor or CertificateAdditional information and an online application are available at NOVEMBER 30, 2018


NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS of the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONScholarship information can be found at categories are as follows:General ScholarshipsPolitical Science, History, Government, and EconomicsMedical and NursingSpecific CategoriesAmerican IndianDEADLINE: FEBRUARY 15, 2019


FIRE FREE SPEECH ESSAY CONTESTAMOUNT: $500 - $10,000High school juniors and seniors are invited to participate by writing an essay between 800 – 1000 words on the following topic: why free speech is so important to higher education, and why censorship undermines the ideals of liberal education and a free society.Details are available at DECEMBER 31, 2018


ACACIA FRATERNITY SCHOLARSHIP, KSU CHAPTERAMOUNT: $500 - $1,000MALES ONLY! MUST BE PLANNING TO ATTEND KSU IN FALL, 2019You do not have to pledge the fraternity to be offered this scholarship.The application can be found and submitted online at DECEMBER 17, 2018


DOLMAN LAW GROUP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP VIDEO ESSAY CONTESTAMOUNT: $1,100Must be planning to attend a post-secondary school during the 2019-2020 school year

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In order to participate in the essay contest, applicants must present a 2-minute video essay discussing the following issue: Explaining, Preventing, and Pursuing Discrimination in the Workplace.Many times, people in the workplace suffer from harassment, retaliation, and illegal discrimination. This can lead to depression, anxiety, lost wages, and even job loss. What ways can employees and their employers work together to provide a safe, fun, and discrimination-free working environment?Details are available at DECEMBER 29, 2018, 10 am, CST


2019 SBO ESSAY CONTEST (School Band and Orchestra)AMOUNT: five awards of $1,000 for grades 9 - 12Submit a 250-word essay on this topic: What role has your music program played in bringing you closer to your school mates, friends and the community at large?Details and application are available at DECEMBER 31, 2018


BACHUS & SHANKER ESSAY SCHOLARSHIPAMOUNT: $2,000* Must be a graduating senior who plans to attend a four-year college or university* Submit an 800-word essay on the following topic about your opinion on the importance and efficacy of the 7th Amendment and how it affects your life. Consideration for the entirety of the Amendment (rather than the well-known nutshell explanation of the right to trial by jury) is encouraged. DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30, 2018


KSDE ASSOCATION OF EDUCATIONAL OFFICE PROFESSIONALSMARGARET VAN HORN SCHOLARSHIPAMOUNT: $300* must plan to pursue a degree in education or a business-related field* must attend a post-secondary institution in KanasThe application has been sent to you separately in an email so you can type directly on it.DEADLINE: JANUARY 17, 2019


ZIP RECRUITER SCHOLARSHIPAMOUNT: $3,000Write a 250-word follow up email you would send after a job interviewYou must be at least 18 years oldDetails are available at DECEMBER 31, 2018


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