Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs....


Transcript of Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs....

Page 1: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

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Page 2: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

H O W   C O U L D   I   H A V E   B E E N   S OB L I N D ?

What did Baba consider the greatest sin?

What questions come to Amir now?

How does this change Amir's vision of his father?

Explain how he must atone for his father's sin too.

"Not yet too old to start doing my own fighting."

What will Amir do now?

Page 3: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

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Page 4: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

A G A I N ,   T H E   C A R   S I C K N E S S

Describe Farid. What do you think of him? Why?

"You've always been a tourist here."

Who is Wahid? Describe him and his family.

Which character is skeptical of Amir? Why?

Describe Amir's nightmare. Why is it important?

"I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier."

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Page 6: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

K A B U L   I S   N O T   T H E   W A Y   Y O UR E M E M B E R   I T .

Describe Afghanistan now. 

Which details stand out to Amir? Why?

Amir doesn't know how to fly under the radar...

"They only let you be this happy if they're preparing

to take something from you."

Page 7: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

W E   F O U N D   T H E   N E WO R P H A N A G E

Describe Zaman. 

What are conditions at the orphanage like?

"You may well be too late."

"I thought of the street fights we'd get into as kids."

Does your opinion of Farid change here?

Broken glasses - is this at all like The Chosen?

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Page 9: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

H E ' S   S E L L I N G   H I S   L E G ?

Describe the details that shock Amir in Kabul.

What does Amir remember when he sees Baba's house?

How does the house look? Why does this matter?

How is the tree? Why does this matter?

What is Amir and Farid's hotel like? What does it cost?

What do they do before they sleep? Significance?

Describe the soccer game's halftime show. Significance?

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Page 11: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

Y O U ' R E   G U T L E S S .   I T ' S   H O W   Y O UW E R E   M A D E .

Describe the Talib. Be specific!

Could you tell he was Assef? Why/why not?

Describe Sohrab's appearance.

Why is Assef keeping Sohrab? 

Amir's chance for redemption - does he take it?

Page 12: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I ' M   I N   M Y   E L E M E N T .

Does it surprise you that Assef joined the Taliban?

Why do they fight?

Describe the fight.

In what ways is Sohrab a reflection of his father?

"They'll have to call you one-eyed Assef."

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Page 14: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I   F A D E   O U T .

Where is Amir when this chapter opens?

How is he doing? Physically? Mentally?

"He's me. I am wrestling the bear."

"The worst laceration was on your upper lip."

Where is Rahim Khan?

Where is Sohrab staying? How is he doing?

Page 15: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I   H A D   D E L A Y E D   R E A D I N G   I T   A SL O N G   A S   P O S S I B L E .

What does Rahim Khan's letter reveal?

"Your father, like you, was a tortured soul."

There's that theme of redemption again.

Will Amir make something good out of his remorse?

Page 16: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I   D O N ' T   T H I N K   Y O U ' L L   B E   S A F EH E R E   F O R   L O N G .

Does it surprise you that Farid is this helpful?

"For you a thousand times over."

"He was his father in so many ways."

"You were the best friend he ever had."

What does this dream about Assef reveal?

Is Amir unhappy with his plans? How can you tell?

Page 17: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

T H E R E   N E V E R   W A S   A   T H O M A SA N D   B E T T Y   C A L D W E L L .

Why did Rahim Khan lie? What must he hope?

Can Farid take care of Sohrab? Explain.

Is there anywhere for him to stay in Peshawar?

What do you think Amir will do?

What does Amir dream about on his way to Islamabad?

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Page 19: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

B O Y S ,   T H E Y   L I K E   T O   R U NA R O U N D .

Where does Sohrab go while Amir sleeps?

"You people are a little reckless."

What gift does Amir give Sohrab? Why? Significance?

Why does Sohrab cry outside the mosque?

How does Amir comfort him? Is he successful?

"Would you like to come live in America?"

Page 20: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

Y O U R   F A T H E R   A N D   I   W E R EB R O T H E R S .

Why does Amir share this with Sohrab?

How does Sohrab react?

What are Sohrab's fears regarding going to America?

Is Amir making too many promises?

"Then I did what I hadn't done in 15 years of marriage."

Who is Raymond Andrews? 

There are a lot of mistaken first impressions in this novel.

Page 21: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

S O   Y O U ' R E   F A M I L I A R   W I T H   M YS I T U A T I O N ?

Who is Omar Faisal?

Does he try to help?

What does he suggest? 

What does Sohrab think?

What does Soraya's surprise call reveal?

What happens to Sohrab at the end of the chapter?

Were you able to stop reading? Did you start 25?

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Page 23: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

T H E   W O N ' T   L E T   M E   I N .

How is Sohrab? How is Amir? Is his guilt back?

Why does Amir pray? What does he ask for?

Describe the change in Sohrab.

Should Amir have kept Faisal's suggestion from him?

What does Amir do to comfort Sohrab?

What does Sohrab want?

Page 24: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I N   T H E   E N D ,   S O H R A B   N E V E RA C C E P T E D   M Y   O F F E R .

How does Sohrab end up in America?

Why does Amir share his experience at the video store?

How does Soraya react to Sohrab's silence?

Did you love Amir's response to General Taheri?

What happens in America, and then in Afghanistan?

Page 25: Copy of the kite runner - English with Mrs. COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND? What did Baba consider the greatest

I T   W A S   O N L Y   A   S M I L E .

The novel ends in Spring (Spring = rebirth, renewal).

It's a picnic (Meals = communion)

It's raining (Rain = baptism, rebirth, purification)

They fly kites (flying = freedom)

And, of course, that smile.