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    Hari Om

    Implication of learning'sFrom Ramayana and


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    globalind bank

    Vision statement :- To be always on the top whenit comes to Customer satisfaction

    Mission:- To make People happy.

    CEO :- Mr. Siddhartha Mallya.

    Long term goal:- To be the first choice of everypotential investor.

    Company details:- Headquarters in Mumbai

    Product: Banking solutions (loans and deposit)

    Investment product: (Mutual funds, Sharemarket investments)


    Insurance, etc

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    Click to edit Master subtitle style


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    The Rig Veda

    Rigveda-Samhita is the oldest and has a preeminentplace in the Vedic literature.

    Deities like Agni, Indra, Varuna, and others.

    Philosophical speculations like the origin of theuniverse and the real nature of human beings.

    Marriage, wars of kings, eulogy of generosity.

    These deities are assigned to the 3 regions of theearth (prthvi), heavens (dyaus) and the intermediaryspace (antariksa).

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    1. krishna 2. Sukla

    Meaning the Black and the White.

    Sukla-yajurveda samhita also known as vajsaneyi-samhita issaid to have been collected and edited by the famous sageyajnavalkya.

    Isovasyopanisad and Brhadaranyakopanisad are theUpanishads of this veda.

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    Sa means Rk, a Mantra of the Rgveda, Ama meansvarious kinds of musical notes.

    Hence a Saman is a Mantra of the Rgveda-samhitaset to music.

    All such mantras of the Rgveda which are useful tothe Udgatr-priest, have been brought together in thiswork.

    Unlike the Mantras of the other 3 Vedas, the Mantrasof the Samaveda, known simply as Samans, have 7Svaras or musical scales, identical with the 7 scales ofclassical music.

    It can thus be inferred that the origin of Indian

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    Also known as Brahmaveda, since it is assigned to theBrahma-priest.

    It deals more with the things here are now, than thehereafter, and with the sacrifices which are means to them.

    Major part of this Veda is concerned with diseases and their

    cure, rites for prolonging life, rites for fulfilling ones desires,building construction, trade and commerce, state craft,penances and propitiatory rites, as also black magic, thoughhigh philosophical ideas much nearer to those of theUpanishads.

    This Veda designates God the Absolute not only as Brahman

    but also by some interesting names like Skambha, Ucchistaand Vratya.

    This Veda also refers to heaven and hell, as also virtue andsin. The qualities like satya (truth), diksa (discipline) andtapas (austerity) that help man to attain perfection

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    Valmiki Ramayana andTransformational



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    This PPT explores andexplains thetransformationalleadership style

    demonstrated by Sri Rama.

    Transformationalleadership consisting four

    dimensions (4Is) namely;Inspirational Motivation(IM), Idealized Influenced(II),Intellectual

    Stimulation (IS) andIndividualized

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    Valmiki Ramayana, in the Sanskrit literature isknown as Adikavya or the first poem and SriValmiki Muni is known as Adikavi or the firstpoet

    Valmiki Ramayana offers many lessons invarious fields by great personalities, Sri Ramaexhibited great leadership qualities, which has

    transformed and continues to transform millionsof people even today.

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    The Four (4) Dimensionsof Transformational


    Idealized Influence (II) - the people ofAyodhya were full of loyalty and adoration to Sri

    Rama, which resulted them to follow him (SriRama) and to request Sri Rama to return totheir kingdom (Ayodhya).

    Intellectual Stimulation (IS) - The intellectualstimulation provided by Sri Rama forcedBharata to think and rethink some of the ideasthat he never questioned before.

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    Inspirational Motivation (IM) - Hanumancrossed the ocean to Lanka and found Sita. SriRama also exhibited inspirational motivationto the vanaras in the construction of the bridgeto Lanka.

    Individualized Consideration (IC) - it is myvow to provide shelter and protection to anyliving entity from fear, even if Ravana comes forprotection, he (Sri Rama) will give protection.(Sakrudeva prapannaya tavasmiti cha yachate;Abhayam sarva bhutrbhyo dadamyetadh vratammama).

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    Objectives of the ppt

    Ramayana has a lot to offer to management andleadership, however there is a lack of awarenessof the message and lessons from Ramayana in

    leadership in this 21st century.

    The transformational leadership exhibited bySri Rama is a model and a guideline for every

    leader at any levels of organization, society andcountry.

    T it f

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    Traits of aTransformational Leader

    1. Transformational leaders are visionaries -Sri Rama created future vision for Ayodhya andthe vision was clearly communicated to thepeople of Ayodhya before leaving to the forest.

    2. Transformational leaders are changeagents - Sri Rama changed the kingship ofKiskhinda from Vali to Sugriva and the kingshipof Lanka.

    3. Transformational leaders - arecourageous people. Sri Rama was firm andbrave to take all the risk to protect the words his

    father (King Dasaratha) gave to Kaikeyi

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    4. Transformational leadersbelieve inpeople - Sri Rama had complete trust and beliefin Sugriva to recover Sita.

    5. Transformational leaders are value driven- Sri Rama, never deviated or deviates from the

    words he had and has given.

    6. Transformational leaders are life longlearners - Sri Rama, a perfect example of life oflearner.

    7. Transformational leaders have the abilityto deal with complexity, ambiguity anduncertainty - Sri Rama had to make the painful

    decision to banish Sita from Ayodhya.

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    Learning specifically from the major events gonethrough in the Mahabharat

    1. Work on your weakness n turn it into your strength:

    In the exile panadavas turned their attention toimprove their weakness.. ARJUN, set out on the mission

    to acquire the divyayastra, BHIMA, met HANUMANJI n getthe blessing of enhanced strength, YUDHISHTER,acquired teachings from various rishis n learned to playthe game of dice..

    2. Build strong social relationships:

    PANDAVAS were having no power of their own butthey were having the power of their allies..they havePANCHALA thru marriage with draupadi, DWARKA thrumarriage of arjun and subhadra. MATSYA thru marriageof abhimanyu and uttara, RAKSHASAS through marriage

    of bhim and hidimba.

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    3. Sharing responsibilities make the work effectively nefficiently done:

    Pandavas had authorised 7 commanders ..they were:VIRAT(king of matsya), SATYAKI(from dwarka), SHIKHANDI(frompanchala), SAHADEVA(king of magadh), RUPAD(king ofpanachala), DHRSHTAKETU(king of chedi)..DHRSHTADYUM-commander in chief, ARJUN-supreme commander, LORDKRISHNA-arjuns charioteer..

    4. Action should be taken in the favour of team not in dindividual favour:

    ABHIMANYU was only 16yrs old but still for his team interestmeans the winning of pandavas he went into the CHAKRAVUH inthe absence of his father. moreover he knew to enter into it butwas unknown to get out of it. still he had accepted the suicidemission to get his team win..

    5. The upper level management must know the groundrealities of lower level:

    Pandavas spent the greater part of their lives in poverty:childhood in himalayas,1 yr of their exile with poor people, thru

    which they had been in contact with the various strata of peoplewhich definitely make them more realistic n appropriate in ruling

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    6. There must also be team spirit shouldalways be enlighten:

    All the 5pandavas were look in all themselves as one

    team..they work for the team..none was interested inindividual motives..there was no chaos among themunlike the Kauravas..

    7. Management should be distributed in such amanner that the right person should get the right job:

    Pandavas were working for the common goal buteach respective had assigned to target the specificopponent as they know that only that person will be ableto win over due to his supernatural power.

    e.g: arjun was assigned to target karna, bhim to

    duryodhan n his brothers, sehdev to shakuni n his sonsetc..

    8. There should be no discrimination between manand women both are equally important inwinning stratigies of an organization

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