COMPANY PROFILE DOCUMENT Company Profile PREPARED BY Apsis Solutions Ltd. DATE November, 2013 APSIS SOLUTIONS BANGLADESH OFFICE: Apsis Solutions Ltd., Level 13, Bulu Ocean Tower 40, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Tel.: +88029895639, Fax: +88029895636 MALAYSIA OFFICE Apsis Solutions Sdn. Bhd., 23A (1 st Floor), Jalan SS2/55 47300 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Tel.: +6037873 6223, Fax: +6037873 6070 E-mail: [email protected], Web:




Company Profile


Apsis Solutions Ltd.


November, 2013

AAPPSSIISS SSOOLLUUTTIIOONNSS BANGLADESH OFFICE: Apsis Solutions Ltd., Level 13, Bulu Ocean Tower 40, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Tel.: +88029895639, Fax: +88029895636

MALAYSIA OFFICE Apsis Solutions Sdn. Bhd., 23A (1st Floor), Jalan SS2/55 47300 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Tel.: +6037873 6223, Fax: +6037873 6070

E-mail: [email protected], Web:

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11.. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN............................................................................................................................. 2

22.. AABBOOUUTT AAPPSSIISS ................................................................................................................................ 2

33.. BBOOAARRDD OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS && MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT TTEEAAMM ..................................................................... 3

44.. OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS AABBRROOAADD ................................................................................................................ 4

55.. MMIISSSSIIOONN && VVIISSIIOONN ........................................................................................................................ 5

66.. HHUUMMAANN RREESSOOUURRCCEESS ................................................................................................................... 6

77.. AARREEAASS OOFF IINNVVOOLLVVEEMMEENNTT ........................................................................................................... 6

88.. TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL SSKKIILLLLSS && EEXXPPEERRTTIISSEE ............................................................................................. 9

99.. SSOOLLUUTTIIOONN PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHYY ........................................................................................................... 10

1100.. PPRROODDUUCCTT OOFFFFEERRIINNGGSS .............................................................................................................. 11

1111.. SSOOMMEE RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS .................................................................................................................. 12

1122.. PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALL AAFFFFIILLIIAATTIIOONN ................................................................................................... 14

1133.. CCRROOSSSS FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNAALL AAFFFFIILLIIAATTIIOONN .......................................................................................... 15

1144.. PPRREESSEENNTT FFOOCCUUSS ........................................................................................................................ 15

1155.. FFOORRWWAARRDD VVIISSIIOONN ...................................................................................................................... 15

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11.. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN ICT industry in Bangladesh is relatively new in comparison to other business sectors. However, the unlimited potential of the ICT sector has commended inquisitive interests from all concerned. The impact of global hype of the ICT sector is clearly visible in Bangladesh as well. Apsis Solution has started its IT business in 2006 and implementing various type of software, middleware and BI products to its local & foreign clients and providing them a world class customer service. Apsis Solution has already set up their foreign office at Kualalampur in Malaysia, to extend its IT business in international arena.

22.. AABBOOUUTT AAPPSSIISS APSIS has been formed by a group of professionals having vivid experience and wide exposure in Information Technology. We are focusing exclusively in high quality and cost-effective software development and implementation services. APSIS is currently doing business in Government, Banks, NBFIs, MNCs, Large Corporate, Telecom and in the Media Sector. We are considered as one of the fastest growing and leading solution provider in wireless electronic data collaboration, order management, different mobility solution for telecom operators and various CRM and operational back bone software for Financial Institutions. People involved here are young qualified business graduates and qualified engineers from the renowned Institutions. It is a company where professionals from both technical and functional field group together with an objective of providing appropriate business solutions. It realizes the importance of functional knowledge and its impact in developing business solutions. We are advancing on a tremendous pace and with involvement of skilled and experienced people working in the organization. We want to establish ourselves as the best choice in Computing and Information Technology Services, Consultancy and Development by offering the full spectrum of services.

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33.. BBOOAARRDD OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS && MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT TTEEAAMM It is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of the following:


Started Career with AKTEL (one of the leading GSM Mobile Operator in Bangladesh now known as ROBI) in 1996. Last position held was Asst. Manager, Marketing-Communication. He also served Heidelberg Cement as Brand Manager & ONETEL as Head of Marketing & Sales. After serving 10-years with different MNCs & Large Corporate, he involved with IT business in 2006. He was the Director of Systems Solutions & Development Technologies. In 2010 he has initiated another IT business concern under the brand name of APSIS.

Mr. Mahtab has completed his school & college from Faujdarhat Cadet College (FCC) and graduated in Business Management from University of Delhi.

MMDD.. AABBDDUULLLLAAHH--AALL--BBAAKKII, Project Management & Implementation

Completed BSc. in Computer Science & Engineering from BUET in 2005.

Before joining APSIS, he had experience of design & implementation of Core Financial Application in 11 NBFIs of Bangladesh including Phoenix, IPDC, Prime Finance, Fareast etc as Deputy Manager under Systems Solutions and Development Technologies Ltd. He has also experience of implementing various Value Added Service in all the 6-Telecom Operators in Bangladesh. He was in charge of Software Development and Operation under Systems Solutions and Development Technologies Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia for 2 years. He successfully rolled out various Software as a Team Lead for British American Tobacco Malaysia, DiGi Telecom, and Celcom in Malaysia.


Completed BSc. in Computer Science & Engineering from BUET in 2006.

Before joining in APSIS Mr. Devashish worked in Software Development division of Systems Solutions and Development Technologies Ltd. for over 4-years in many important roles including Head of Software Development Department. Last position held was head of Development Department and also Solution Designer. He also worked with GoLive Group, Mumbai, India as a Senior Programmer. During his career he gathered experience in design and implementation of core financial system in major NBFIs in Bangladesh including IIDFC, IPDC, Phoenix. He has experience of design, development and implementation of Billing, IVR and SMS solutions in different telecommunication operator in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nepal and Bhutan. He was also in the role of Chief Solution Designer of the BBC Janala, an English Learning solution for BBC World Service Trust.

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44.. OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS AABBRROOAADD APSIS began its business operations as outsourcing solutions providing company in 2006. Our success and drive in the IT sector led us to soon establish a concern Apsis Solutions Ltd. in Bangladesh. Apsis Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is a wholly owned subsidiary company of APSIS in Malaysia. In addition to being the holding company, APSIS’s off shore development facilities in Bangladesh are utilized to develop software solution for APSIS Malaysia, while APSIS Malaysia being the product marketing, delivery, implementation and post live support platform. With the involvement of skilled and experienced people working in the organization, the companies jointly are involved in product marketing, delivery, implementation and post live support platform, various systems and solutions to different economic sectors.

APAC Operations

(in Malaysia)

Research &

Development Centre

(in Bangladesh)

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55.. MMIISSSSIIOONN && VVIISSIIOONN In Celestial Mechanics, an Apsis, plural asides is the point of greatest or least distance of the elliptical orbit of an object from its centre of attraction, which is generally the centre of mass of the system. The point of farthest excursion is called the Apoapsis or Apocentre and the point of closest approach is called Periapsis or Pericentre.

As an ellipse (like a circle) has no beginning and no end, we support the project from conceptualizing stage to implementing stage, thus, enabling us to provide you an end-to-end solution. OUR MISSION is to be the quality, high standard, reliable solution & service Provider Company in the ICT industry. OUR VISION is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction by delivering quality products and services at an affordable cost.

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66.. HHUUMMAANN RREESSOOUURRCCEESS Main Strength of APSIS lies in the mix of professionals, specialized and highly focused operation. Increasing customer’s awareness is the strength where it excels over its competitors. It can place itself as a combination of Technology and Finance skills - a potent capsule mixing vital technological insights with profound business and functional ingenuity. Our strength lies in our ability to blend current management practice and IT expertise into cost-effective Computer Aided Management Solutions, Products and Services. APSIS understands the need for skill transfer to client personnel. We have the experience on rapid application development, traditional Objective Orientated (OO) methodologies. The structure of our employees is as follows:

Total Number of Staffs : 23

Marketing & Sales : 3

Project Management : 2

Business Analyst : 1

Sr. Developer : 2

Jr. Developer : 7

Implementation & Support : 4

Others : 4

77.. AARREEAASS OOFF IINNVVOOLLVVEEMMEENNTT Main Strength of APSIS lies in the mix of professionals, specialized and highly focused operation. Increasing customer’s awareness is the strength where it excels over its competitors. Our strength lies in our ability to blend current management practice and IT expertise into cost-effective Computer Aided Management Solutions, Products and Services. APSIS understands the need for skill transfer to client personnel. Our offers cover the following major areas:


Beside the hardware and network solution; with design and development expertise in diverse platforms, best-of-breed tools and techniques, combined with industry best practices, APSIS offers scalable end-to-end application development and management solutions from requirement analysis to deployment and rollout. We are developing software, related to financial institutions, mobility solutions, garments- production management, commercial jobs, buying, accounting software for trading, manufacturing house and group of companies. APSIS’s services span the following application lifecycle stages:

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• APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT: Providing end-to-end development from requirement analysis to deployment and rollout. The application may be bespoke or a COTS based product.


Changing or enhancing software to meet changing or increasing business demands in the post-rollout phase of an application


Providing first, second, third line support and on-call support. On-call support further includes Gold (24x7), Silver and Bronze support.


Replacing, migrating and integrating legacy or bespoke systems with COTS products. • APPLICATION MANAGEMENT:

The application management layer cuts across all software engineering activities listed above. APSIS takes complete ownership of the outsourced suite of applications as per the agreed scope and manages the support. This typically involves transition management, project management, proactive risk and scope change management, quality management, SLA management etc.


• HIRING A DEDICATED TEAM Any customer can hire a team of programmers as their requirement from APSIS pool of resources. The general rate of the development as follow:

C#.Net/ Development USD 35/ Hour

Graphics Design and Static Web Design USD 25/ Hour

Business Analysis USD 40/ Hour

System Analysis USD 40/ Hour

Implementation Support USD 25/ Hour

Other works USD 30/ Hour

Payment mode may be monthly or quarterly based on the volume of the project. For any enquiry, you are requested to mail at [email protected].


For any outsourcing project (direct order from Client or from any partner), APSIS goes for detail business analysis and send an initial understanding (system study report/ business analysis report) document for client’s verification. After getting confirmation from client, APSIS goes for costing based on Total man-hour needed for the whole project (if needed including implementation and after deployment support). APSIS guarantees total satisfaction

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from client even if the clients’ requirements are modified and amended during the analysis phase and finally offers up to 50 man-hour (for software and dynamic web solution development) customization opportunity even after the delivery of the project. This software and web development project model always ensure reasonable cost, on-time delivery and also perfect after sales service support as agreed in the documents. Generally payment terms are 50% in advance (or may be after approval of the first design and initial layout/ prototype delivery) and rest 50% after successful delivery and implementation of the project. For long term project, it may be mutually negotiated by both the parties.


For ready software pricing, APSIS follows its standard set price and also offer Season’s promotional discount option sometimes. For any enquiry, you are requested to mail at [email protected]


Growth in the Solution Integration (SI) services market is fueled by the need for seamless business processes across an organization’s complete value chain of customers, partners, suppliers, and employees. APSIS's SI services enable clients to identify, develop, and implement the best-fit solutions which are equipped to meet their changing business requirements. APSIS provides total project management, right from architecture design, integration, system and interface development to migration backed by world-class methodologies, well-defined solution frameworks and extensive integration experience with tier-1 service providers.


APSIS has the expertise and experience to manage an enabling infrastructure and applications and run outsourced operations for large telecom operators smoothly. APSIS's Managed Services offerings cover the entire array of IT outsourcing services including networks, IT infrastructure, applications and business processes.


We do consult for the high-end technology implementing at clients site or implementation of new technology according to the clients requirement or upgrading, enhancement the existing facilities in the clients end with the new technology integrating with the existing one. APSIS offers a full range of consulting services to help analyze your business requirements for effective implementation of solutions. Our consulting services cover: • Strategy planning • Assessment • Procurement • Re-engineering solutions • Planning, audits, best practices etc.

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88.. TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL SSKKIILLLLSS && EEXXPPEERRTTIISSEE The development team of APSIS is equipped with proper human resources specialized in different system development tasks. The key areas are;


System analysis and design team combines both functional and technical analysts. We believe to develop a proper system of which functional analysis is equally important as technical analysis. Our system analysis and design team specializes in the software like Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose and Microsoft Visual Modeler.


For source code version control and multiple programmer interaction management we use Visual Source Safe as our source code control software.


We have database expertise ranging from ISAM or flat database systems like Microsoft Access, Visual FoxPro to robust commercial database engines like Oracle and Microsoft SQL. For web-database connectivity and cross-platform data management we also have specialized experience and expertise in My SQL database server.


Our web developers and designers are skilled in development with Microsoft Front Page, Macromedia Fireworks and Dream Weaver for web site design.


Our young and talented programmers have a wide range of experience in developing systems. Our programming skill involves:


VB, Visual C++, Java, VB for Application (VBA) and Microsoft .Net Platform.



Java Script, VB Scripts



Microsoft IIS and Apache OPERATING SYSTEMS:

Microsoft Platform and Linux/Unix

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99.. SSOOLLUUTTIIOONN PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHYY While some of the solutions are conceptualized and designed from the ground up by APSIS, some are a result of our customer’s requirements. All however are results to keep our nose to the ground and deliver what is of most value for the customer. Our solution ideas come from the constant feedback that we receive from our existing applications that are spread across many geographical locations. The underpinning of the APSIS solutions is:


A complete Business Operation and Support System that encompasses activities starting from Point of Sales to Financial Management. It obviates the need to buy expensive stand-alone systems.


Centralized/Distributed architecture to suit our clients business needs.


The key resources of APSIS has a proven expertise working with different Financial Institutions, Telecom RAHIMAFROOZs & other corporate enterprises in Bangladesh & abroad and follows best-in-class practices.


APSIS offers a cost advantage by providing an end-to-end solution and management expertise from a single interface.


The entire solution can be deployed within a very short time frame.


APSIS is committed to providing comprehensive product and system support, post deployment and operate the services. Apart from technical points APSIS is also responsible for managing the Services.

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BANKULATOR® – Financial Solution Suit. End-to-End OSS Solution

Loan Application Processing System (LAPS)

Credit Management Solution

Bond & Deposit Management Solution

Portfolio Management Solution

Treasury Management Solution

Debt Factoring Management Solution


Pre-paid & Post-paid Convergent Billing

Content Management Solution (CMS)

Dynamic Voice (IVR) Platform

E-Top Up Solution

Charging Gateway


WINGS - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

WINGS - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

WINGS – VAT & Production Management

Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM)

Order Management System

Mobility Solution

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1111.. SSOOMMEE RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS APSIS has several clients using its array of products. Our team members have the distinguished experience and association with different national and international organizations in different sectors. A brief list of some major projects is as follows:


Infrastructure & Industrial Finance Co. Ltd. (IIDFC)

Bankulator Integrated Investment Banking Software. Online CIB Module Integrated with Bangladesh Bank Asset Management HRM & Payroll Management

LankaBangla Finance Ltd. (LBFL)

Upgraded Interest Rate Module Some other supporting module

IPDC of Bangladesh Ltd.

Bankulator Integrated Investment Banking Software.

Uttara Finance and Investments Ltd.

Bankulator Integrated Investment Banking Software.

Premier Leasing & Finance Limited

Bankulator Integrated Investment Banking Software.


Uttara Bank Ltd.

Online CIB Module deployed at 263 Branch Integrated with Bangladesh Bank

Premier Bank Ltd.

Kaspersky Business Space Security with 550 User License

The City Bank Ltd.

Automation of GSD (General Service Division) Supply Chain & Requisition Management Legal division (ULIS) Automation Expense Tracking System (ETS)

Prime Bank Ltd.

Automation of GSD (General Service Division) Supply Chain & Requisition Management Legal division (ULIS) Automation Expense Tracking System (ETS)

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Talk&Tel (A local IPTSP)

Pre-paid & Post-paid: Convergent Billing

QUBEE (Augere Bangladesh)

Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall 300 Q-Load System

Unique Inoway Ltd. (A licensed IGW Operator)

Post-paid VOIP Billing Accounts, Fixed Asset & HRM

DiGi –Malaysia (A Telenor Concern)

Content Provider for Bangladeshi content

Celcom –Malaysia (A TM Concern)

Content Provider for Bangladeshi content


British American Tobacco, Malaysia

Web-based Supply Optimizing Systems for the Key Accounts


Loyalty Management Software

Ayurvedia Pharmacy (AP) Dacca Ltd.

Web-based Supply Optimizing Systems for the Key Accounts

Sales Management Stock/Inventory Management System Purchase & Production Management System

Rajbari Jute Mills Ltd.

Employee information Attendance (in/out) Payroll system

Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd.

IT Resource Outsourcing VAT & Production Management Software Travel Management Supply Chain Management


British American Tobacco Malaysia & Korea

Performance Tracker (Dashboard) Solution on Blackberry Handheld

Iconnect Ltd.


SMS Based Collection Management, Integrated with ROBI

iPay Freedom

Agent networked based service

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Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA)

GC Profiling PT Assessment WT Assessment Cadet Evaluation and Grading System

1122.. PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALL AAFFFFIILLIIAATTIIOONN APSIS is proudly affiliated with following local & internationally reputed companies & organizations:



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1133.. CCRROOSSSS FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNAALL AAFFFFIILLIIAATTIIOONN APSIS is having strategic association with the following organizations for their technical support, vast product range to collectively meet the complete spectrum of customer requirements, while simplifying the engagement model. They all blend together to make us a unique total solutions company. They are:

Nexus Communications & Power Solutions

Nexus Communication and Power Solutions (NCPS) is fast growing ICT service provider company in Bangladesh since its inception in 2005. A privately-held Bangladeshi-owned company operating in the power and environmental protection sector of the IT Industry. The company is involved in data center design and implementation (DC); disaster recovery site design (DRS): power protection; environmental protection, and monitoring systems, air conditioning, fire detection, and suppression, etc.

For more information, please visit

Since its inception ICS is one of the upcoming technology consulting farms. The team at ICS has hands on experience in implementing integrated solutions for small & medium enterprises in Bangladesh. With expertise in Business Process Management, Technology Management, User-Centered Design, and Staff Optimization, ICS provides technology-based business solutions that offer predictable ROI and efficiencies across a broad range of business functions and industries.

For more information, please visit

1144.. PPRREESSEENNTT FFOOCCUUSS APSIS has committed its resources currently towards development of business solution for the Financial Institutions, Telecom Operators & Enterprises of Bangladesh and Abroad. At the ultimate it aims to be the most sought after technology solution Provider Company for the above sectors.

1155.. FFOORRWWAARRDD VVIISSIIOONN Our forward vision is to strive to become an entity in technology based corporate solutions, capable of demanding unconditional response from the targeted niche. We also believe that for our scope of improvisation – sky is the limit and we are never satisfied with our level of achievements. We are growing and would always like to remain on the growing streak.