Cool - University of British Columbia


Transcript of Cool - University of British Columbia

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Page 2: Cool - University of British Columbia

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Volume 20, No. 2 -Summer, 1966


Stan Evans, BA'41, BEd'44, chairman

John L. Gray, BSA'39, past chairman

John Arnett

Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA'29 Mrs. G. B. Dickson, BA'60

Dr. J. Katz Hirnie Koshevoy, '32 Frank P. Levirs, BA'26, M A ' 3 I Gordon A. Thorn, BCorn'56, MBA(Md) Frank C. Walden, BA'49

Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of the University of British Columbia, Vancou- ver, Canada. Business and editorial offices: 252 Brock Hall, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Author- ized as second class mail by the Post Off ice Department, Ottawa, and for payment of post- age in cash.

The U.B.C. Alumni Chronicle is sent free of charqe t o alumni donating to the annual giving programme and 3 Universities Capital Fund. Non-donors may receive the magazine by pay- ing a subscription o f $3.00 a year.

Member American Alumni Council.

Next issue: special Golden Anniversary number













The Alumnus has a communications job

The Unrestful campus of 1965-66

Are our universities dying?

It's selective education for the elite

Project Africa-B.B.C. style!

1976-What does it hold for us?

Annual Meeting

Who's afraid of the brain-drain?

Our readers debate chancellor election coverage

News of the LJniversity

Alumni Association News

Up and doing

Our cover pictures tell part of the story of the so-called 'student unrest.' Is it new, is it different? Clive Cocking, edu- cation reporter for The Vancouver Sun, talked to a number of people and came up with some answers. See his article on page 6.

EDITOR Elizabeih B. Norcross, BA'56

BUSINESS MANAGER Tim Mollick-Kenyon, BA'51, BSW'53



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The Alumnus

Kenneth R. Martin, BCom'46 President,

UBC Alumni Association

has a Communications

T HE TRADITIONAL AND LOGICAL TIME to re-examine the aims and objectives of any organization comes with the in-

troduction of a new leadership group. It seems appropriate, therefore, as your new president, that I should devote this space to a re-statement of our end objective with an ex- planation of our organization and plans to achieve it.

The end objective is simple to define, perhaps not SO

simple to achieve. It is to aid in the constant improvement of The University of British Columbia. To the extent that such improvement can best be brought about by promoting the cause of higher education generally, then such promotion is our means-but where the need is strictly centered on UBC, then here is where we must expend our greatest effort.

Obviously, we must never forget our obligation to find funds for our University. If those of us who have benefited from our UBC do not demonstrate our concern in the most practical way, how can we expect concern from others?

But important as is this phase of our work-and it can never be over-stated-it alone cannot bring about the ultimate evcellence that we seek to foster. Every segment of our society must be encouraged to join with us in the promotion of the constant improvement we seek. For very often it seems that the message must be echoed by many different voices before it gets through to those responsible for action.

It follows that we, UBC's alumni, must continue to be an important medium through which we communicate the needs of our University to the public, and-equally im- portant-communicate to our University the concern and the attitudes of the public.


In structuring our organization to achieve these results we must not forget that the University combines adminis- tration, faculty and students, and we must seek methods to ensure that all components of the University have the opportunity of being heard and of hearing. If, in the process, we aid in the improvement of communication and understanding within the University structure, then we have achieved an additional benefit.

To carry out these objectives your executive will con- tinue to promote and expand the programs that result in increasing contact between the administration and the public and the faculty and the public. W e will seek closer contact with the students and with faculty, both as a method of demonstrating our interest and concern with their problems and as a method of achieving, through joint action, some of the improvement we all seek. W e must continue to maintain contact with our friends in the parliaments of Canada and our province to ensure a free Row of information about the needs of our University.

This program, well done, will be a heavy one. And it can only be well done with the full support of our mem- bers wherever they may be. For, acting as the medium of communication, our Association's ability to transmit can only be as strong as the total of its membership which is heard. 0


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Page 6: Cool - University of British Columbia

Student Unrest - is it real?

The Unrestful Campus

0 N MARCH 2ND THIS YEAR, in a UBC history-making move, graduate student Randy Enomoto filed notice

of his intention to run for chancellor in opposition to fish- ing industry leader John M. Buchanan.

In his campaign statement Enomoto said previous chan- cellors had obtained their posts as a result of prestige and social position rather than election. He said the situation “points to the general atrophy and absence of democracy in the university community.” Enomoto said he was for student representation in the university government.

This seemed to be the climactic manoeuvre in what is popularly called “student unrest.” Where did it all begin? How real is it?

In September 1964 a decision by the administration of the [Jniversity of California at Berkeley-taken without consultation with the students-to enforce regulations technically applicable on a 29 by %-foot strip of land at the entrance to the campus triggered a crisis unprecedented in that or any university’s history.

Since then other university campuses all over North America have been rocked by similar outbreaks-though to lesser extent-and the new catchphrase ‘student unrest,’ has come into being.

Now the phrase has been slapped on The University of British Columbia. Yet the events on the Point Grey cam- pus this past year pale somewhat in significance before those of Berkeley in 1964. Nonetheless they aroused con- cern in some quarters that UBC had an incipient Berkeley on its hands. These are the events:

October 27. Seven students forced the Alma Mater Society student council to reverse its stand and lead a rain-soaked march of close to 3,000 students on the Bay- shore Inn to protest increased tuition fees before a meeting of Canadian university presidents. The student council had proposed that a brief urging fees be frozen and gradually reduced be presented to the presidents. The radicals de- manded a march calling for immediate elimination of fees. Naming themselves the Ad Hoc March of Concern Com- mittee, the seven presented the AMS council with a legal petition calling for a referendum on the matter, which students passed 2,988 to 1,896.

January 22. About 250 students hissed and booed Presi- dent John B. Macdonald after he addressed a student- sponsored conference on higher education. He had spoken on student unrest and refused to answer questions follow-


of 1965-66

by Clive Cocking, BA‘62 (Sun Education reporter)

ing his speech, explaining that he had to leave for another appointment.

February 8. As a result of the student requests arising out of the January 22 uproar, Dr. Macdonald held a question and answer period with students in the Brock. For one hour and fifty minutes he tried to answer questions from the 600 students present.

At one point he charged that The Ubyssey was fostering unrest by printing distortions of the truth and outright lies about the university administration. Students in turn charged that the university government was not democratic in that they were not represented on the Senate or Board of Governors. Dr. Macdonald replied that it was not proper for students to be involved in running the University because it would interfere with their education.

February 9. Ubyssey editor Tom Wayman’s answer was that Macdonald’s accusations were unfounded as far as he was concerned because the ‘president did not mention one specific example.” He pointed out that criticism on both sides was justifiable, but added that Dr. Macdonald seemed unable to take criticism.

“We kind of think we must be touching nerves when he jumps that high,” Wayman said then.

About this time student council elections were held and a strong radical element emerged, the first election in which this had happened. Every candidate in the running proposed a campaign of civil disobedience if fees went up again the next year. Campaigning on a platform of ‘Screw the System,’ fourth-year arts student Gabor Mate came within 700 votes of winning the AMS presidency. He was protesting against the student council ‘establishment’ who were more interested in making contacts for later life than in promoting student interest. And an avowed radical and member of the Communist party of Canada, graduate student Charlie Boylan was elected first vice-president of the AMs.

Next came Randall Enomoto’s candidacy for the chancellorship.

April 4. The AMS student council for the first time endorsed candidates for Senate-two young Vancouver lawyers and two law students, Mike Hunter and Hugh Swayze. The council pointedly said it was making no endorsation in the chancellor election.

At the same time, the UBC Alumni Association executive threw their weight behind Buchanan in the chancellorship

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race. In the Spring Alumni Chronicle they ran a cover picture of Buchanan and a full-page editorial supporting him over Enomoto. They also sent out 21,441 copies of a leaflet containing the same material to graduates not on the Chronicle subscription list.

The move brought instant uproar from graduate and undergraduate quarters. A graduate student, Eric Ricker, took action to get up a petition censuring the Association for its action. -

May 4. Five members of the younger generation of alumni, four of them graduates of the ’ ~ O ’ S , the fifth, ,

class of ’56, filed their nomination papers for offices on the Alumni Association executive. This forced the first Associa- tion election in many years.

And that is how the fireworks for this academic year ended. Do these occurrences indicate growing student un- rest and alienation on the Berkeley scale? Opinion on this score differs. Most people close to the scene don’t feel the situation is serious enough to warrant the term ‘unrest.’

Says Enomoto, one of the leaders of the student radicals: “I think the term ‘unrest’ is misleading because, for one thing, it suggests a rupture or immediate dislocation sud- denly coming into evidence.’’ This he regards as unlikely.

Campus conservative elements dismiss ‘unrest’ as some- thing created by the mass media-on campus, The Ubyssey. “This nonsense about unrest on the campus is just that,” says Byron Hender, AMS past president. “There were very vocal elements on campus this year as there have been for years. But after Berkeley everybody has got kind of twitchy about these things. It’s greatly over-rated.”

Graduating class president Keith Brimacombe points out there is always a radical minority on campus. “In the five years I have been here,” he says, “every year there have been groups of people proposing ideas and actions that were radical, but I don’t think the number is increasing in greater proportion than the total number of students.”

Tom Wayman, who considers himself not a radical but sympathetic to the movement, says the phenomenon is not unrest but an “assumption of morality.”

But one thing everyone agrees on is that the events of the past are at least indicative of the different kind of student on campus today. “There’s just a whole new breed out here,” says UBC‘s Anglican chaplain, Rev. Alan Jackson.

They have an ethos considerably different from the rest of the community. They adhere to a basic philosophy that people count, they aren’t digits, and money doesn’t count. Middle class moral and economic values they find them- selves increasingly alienated from. Students tend to regard the middle class way of life-the pursuit of wealth, status and prestige-as empty. They see society as prepared to say one thing and do another. As a result, young people today suspect the integrity of adults and doubt the value of all authorities. They are questioning, re-examining everything afresh.

“Students are no longer prepared to agree that Daddy knows best,” says Mr. Jackson. “They suspect that adults are just structuring the world so that they (adults) are able to maintain control and keep things safe for themselves.”

This is most true of the so-called campus ‘radicals.’ More than any other group of students they are committed to this ethos. Where they differ from the bulk of their fellow students is that they see the potential for change in the world and have assumed an individual responsibility to

R a n d y E quest ions Association procedures.

n o m o t o A l u m n i


In October, a t a mass meeting in the Armouries, students met President Macdonald to protest the fee increase.


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The Unrestful Campus

work for it. And they want profound change, not just a patch-up job. They believe, says Boylan, “that the changes necessary in the University and society are root changes and must go right down to the roots of society.”

Who are these radicals? They are a very ill-defined, unstructured group, numbering no more than 100 ‘acti- vists.’ But because they are articulate, active and intelligent, they command an influence and following considerably larger. An example is the 3,000 students they got to rally around their banner for the March of Concern. They have been the sparks for much of the action on campus during the year.

Mainly artsmen, they are generally the brightest stu- dents on campus, numbering many honours and graduate students in their ranks. While many have left-wing political ties or inclinations, political groups as such appear to play no part in their campus action. They laugh at any sug- gestion of communist influence. Says Enomoto: “It would really be giving too much credit to communism to say that they are responsible for the development of consciousness in the student body today.”

The movement, however, does run on a lot of left-wing ideological fuel. But the radicals argue their concern is ethical, not ideological. Ideas of whatever political stripe are accepted or rejected on their merits.

Campus radicals generally move in the same circles, belonging to the same organizations, such as the Ad Hoc Committee for Student Action, the UBC Student Com- mittee to end the War in Viet Nam, the Student Com- mittee on Cuban Affairs, and the Academic Activities Committee. Most spend a good deal of time at the Advance Mattress Coffee-house at Tenth and Alma, a student co- operative effort.

Because of the diffuseness of the movement, it is almost impossible to arrive at a commonly-accepted program of reform. Their critical eyes range widely all over the socio- economic, political and international landscape. You name it, they want to reform it. At the drop of a placard they will enlarge on the abuses and injustices inherent in Canada’s parliamentary system, the relations between Eng- lish Canada and French Canada, the treatment of Indians, the economic structure, and U.S. policy in Viet Nam.

But, as events have shown, they have been most active this past year in university affairs. There is a simple reason: university is the environment they know best. Their efforts in this area, though, have not in any way diminished their interest in achieving fundamental changes in society as a whole.

“I think that students are more aware that if they can’t effect change in their immediate vicinity-which is the university-then they can have very little effect anywhere else,” says Enomoto. “This is just the place to begin.”

Adds Wayman: “One of the slogans in the March of Concern was ‘First the Bayshore, then the World,’ which is a joke really, but in a sense it is true.”

The major issues that concerned the radicals on campus this year were the inequality of educational opportunity and the lack of democracy in university and student government. In each of these areas there was a good deal of student interest and concern, but not enough to swing the whole campus into the radical camp. Only about one-third


of UBC’s total of 16,000 students seem to care enough to ‘put shoe leather to principle.’ The bulk of the students remain apathetic to these problems.

To AMS president Peter Braund this situation is quite natural. “If you’re going to see unrest it has to be on an issue that affects 100 per cent of the students to get even 40 per cent out,” he says. This, apparently, was true of the fee issue, but students don’t yet seem that concerned over the question of democracy in the university community.

But students are not uninterested in the problem. On the contrary, interest is widespread though not extremely strong except for the radicals. These latter are profoundly dissatisfied with the way UBC is developing and their lack of voice in how it should develop. Campus radicals see UBC becoming simply an adjunct of the business and industrial world-‘part of the knowledge industry’-turn- ing out graduates to fill their needs.

‘;I think what has happened to the University-possibly by its over-relevance to the demands of technological society-is that it has itself been transformed into a corporate institution and is being run by the administration purely as a business enterprise,” says Enomoto.

Active radicals argue that the University is being run by an ‘establishment’ which has little or no real contact with university life. The establishment is composed of business and professional men who are on the Board of Governors for fund-raising purposes and because of their social posi- tion. Decisions affecting students in the university com- munity are made by the Board in camera, with no consultation with students and no participation by them. “We have no choice about the conditions under which we live,” says Enomoto. The University is growing into an in- human bureaucracy, he claims, unresponsive to the real needs and wishes of the university community.

The University has grown so large that contact between students and faculty has been drastically reduced, giving campus life a cold impersonality. With some classes having

Question session in Brock H a l l last February.

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close to 600 students, the educational give-and-take which students desire is frustrated. Furthermore, the problem has been compounded by many faculty members indulging in private empire-building at the expense of teaching. Students are asking for a voice in university government with a view to changing this state of affairs.

What they don’t want is a paternalistic administration; they want democratic participation. They want to have representatives to discuss matters with the administration and so come to agreement on various university policies- rather than have these imposed from above. Quoting Eno- mot0 again: “To keep a population ignorant of the facts that affect their living conditions is authoritarian.”

While UBC students are strongly in favour of having representation they are split on where they should be represented. The radicals favour opening all posts- Chancellor, Senate, Board of Governors-to student rep- resentation. Most students appear to favour representation on the Senate, but doubt the wisdom of being on the Board.

AMS president Peter Braund is typical of the opposition to student representation on the Board of Governors and in the chancellorship. He says they don’t have sufficient experience to serve well in either position.

As Braund sees it, “In our university structure the chancellor does acquire funds from business sources, but if a student were chancellor this valuable asset would be lost unless he was an extremely capable and unique individual.”

Student representation on the Senate, however, is valid, he thinks. “The secrecy here could be reduced because of the student, and instead of having a crisis created suddenly because of the secrecy, the crisis could be worked out in stages.”

UBC faculty members share student discontent somewhat when it comes to lack of representation in university government. At present both the Senate and Board of Governors have strong membership from outside the uni- versity community, particularly from business and the professions. Many faculty members resent this and would like to see it changed. Some would like to see no business representation at all.

Dr. Walter Young, an assistant professor of political science, is one who holds this view. To him, the University is a community of scholars and to have heavy business representation on the Board of Governors and no academic representation is undemocratic.

“Why should businessmen from downtown, whose interest in the University may be and probably is peripheral, be elected to the Board?’ he asks.

“Should the province of British Columbia be governed by men appointed from the State of Washington-from outside the community? It’s the same thing. Why is it that at university it is felt democracy shouldn’t be allowed?’

Dr. John Norris, professor of history, said there should be faculty representation on the Board, ‘hot so much in order that decisions may be influenced in their favour but in order that the presence of two or three people of real knowledgeability on university matters may improve the quality of the decisions made.”

The recent Duff-Berdahl report on university govern- ment in Canada recommended increased representation for both faculty and students. Students, it said, should have one representative on the Board of Governors, not a student, but elected by students. The report also said

Weekend conference “Education and Beyond,” held in January, when a Berkeley professor and student as well as Dr. Macdonald were among the speakers.

students should have one or more student representatives on the Senate. For the faculty, it recommended they should have at least three members on the Board but that their representation should not exceed 25 per cent. The Senate should be more strictly composed of faculty mem- bers except for representatives from the Board of Governors and students.

The tide of student discontent that is sweeping North America seems to stem basically from the fact that the students themselves are a new generation, a generation that has lived through conditions which have uniquely conditioned them for the role they are now playing as social conscience. They have seen and felt the impact of the civil rights movement, the Kennedy administration vigour, the Peace Corps idealism, and the Berkeley out- break. Theirs is also a time of unprecedented affluence and leisure. And, of course, theirs is a time of university over- crowding which has given. rise to large classes and lack of contact with top-flight educators. All of these factors have influenced today’s students, raising their expectations, or dashing them, making thcm see there is need for radical change in the world.

Where will the situation lead, will it degenerate into another Berkeley? No one can tell at present. It would probably have worsened had there been another tuition fee increase this year. But, as one student said, “UBC got a stay of execution.”

UBC would be well advised to use that stay. It seems inevitable it will have to make some sort of accommoda- tion to give students a .voice in their community-the university community. At the same time, it will have to demonstrate willingness to listen to students and weigh their ideas. If not, it can only expect the gulf to widen, their relations to further deteriorate in mutual misunder- standing, suspicion and fear. Yes, fear. It is quite obvious that the administration fears the radicals will do irrepar- able harm to the university if allowed to attain their ambitions unchecked. But these fears are groundless. The students who come seeking change are coming, to quote One greater than they, ‘Not to destroy, but to fulfill.’ They seek only to fulfill the university’s true role as a community of scholars. 0


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”If you must innovate - try West Pakistan!”

Are Our Universities Dying?

ccI SHARE JOHN BUNYAN’S VIEW that there is a way to hell even from the gates of heaven. The seeds of decay are

always present.” So says John Gardner, writing in Alma Mater, the

magazine of the American Alumni Council. From the standpoint of renewal (he continues), the

gravest defects of the universities are certain rigidities of internal structure and the pervasive power of vested in- terest. It will not escape your notice that the two are in this case closely related.

Just as the virtues of the universities are not trivial, so these defects are by no means trifling. On the contrary, if we paid as much attention to the diseases of which institu- tions die as we do to those of which people die, these would be regarded as two of the deadliest. Even at their most virulent they will not produce an immediate decline in the

The author of this article, John H . Gardner, is Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare for the United States. He was appointed to this post by President Johnson last July. Prior to this he was president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching. The article is reprinted with the kind permission of Alms Mater magazine.

1 0

universities. That just isn’t in the cards. But if they tighten their grip historians of the year 2063 may record that at some time in the last half of the twentieth century the universities came to the end of their period of greatness, and began to live-very prosperously, to be sure-on their reputation, becoming complacently busy bureaucracies for the processing of the young.

Rules for the renewal of society may stand almost with- out alteration as rules for renewal of organizations within the society. So let us look at the universities and ask ourselves whether they are fitted to accomplish the kind of self-renewal the future demands. You could answer the question far better than I. But let me offer at least some tentative answers.

The first rule is that the ever-renewing society will respect the individual. No one can doubt that the universi-

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ties pass muster on this point. They do respect the individual. They do care about individuality. My only question is whether some of our larger universities have thought as deeply as they should about how the individual student may be spared the sensation of being an anonymous grain of sand.

The second rule is that the society capable of renewal will develop the full potentialities of its members. O n this point, one would expect the universities to have a good record, and they do. They care about the development of talent both in their students and in their faculty. It is one of their towering virtues.

The third rule is that the ever-renewing society will treasure its pluralism; and that pluralism will provide elbow-room for critics and dissenters. I don’t think any of you would argue that the universities have a shortage in this department.

The fourth rule is that the society designed for renewal will develop organizational forms that permit renewal. If we ask whether the universities are providing for their own continuous renewal the answer must be “Yes and no.” The continuous flow of students contributes to the renewal of these institutions. And today faculty members move on almost as rapidly ar do students. Such faculty mobility may be excessive today-but too much of it is better than too little of it. It does help to keep institutions young, though it may make presidents old beforc their time.

The extremely rapid expansion of the universities has also contributed to their renewal. On the negative side, one must mention the extraordinary rigidity of the departmental structure, and the deep-seated aversion of many faculty members to extensive innovations within the institution. Most faculty members are enthusiastic proponents of in- novation in the abstract; but the slogan carved over the mantelpiece at the faculty club reads “Innovate Away From Home.” If you must innovate, try West Pakistan!

The fifth rule is that the ever-renewing society must combat the rigidifying that stems from excessive attention to precedent, and the imprisonment of men by their pro- cedures. In my judgment, the universities are neither better nor worse than other institutions in our society on this score. They do not fall into meaningless traditions and routines any more frequently or less frequently than do others.

The sixth rule is that a society must have some means of cutting through the encircling web of vested interests that chokes off new growth in every field of endeavour. I am sorry to say that I believe the universities do have very serious difficulties on this score. Almost any proposal for major innovations in the universities today runs head-on into the opposition of powerful vested interests. And the problem is compounded by the fact that all of us who have grown up in the academic world are skilled in identifying our vested interests with the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, so that an attack on them is by definition subversive.

The seventh rule is that a vital society is made up of highly motivated individuals. On this score the universities are in excellent shape. Academic people are far more highly motivated than the ordinary citizen.

The final rule is that the ever-renewing society will have a measure of consensus as to the things that it values. Here again the academic world stands high. Even allowing for the pluralism and dissent that are such a vital part of

the academic environment, it is a world that does hold certain values in common and is willing to act in the service of those values.

Summing up, I would say that in matters pertaining to renewal, the universities have a number of outstanding virtues and one or two grave faults. Their strengths are high motivation, a shared commitment to certain values, a profound concern for the development of talent, and a healthy pluralism. These strengths are not just valuable; they are priceless. I’ve had personal experience with busi- ness corporations, government agencies, military services, and most of the other varied institutions of our society- and I can tell you that these strengths are rare. The extraordinary vigor and dynamism of the universities is surely due in large part to these attributes.

If I have been critical at points it is because I think the universities are sufficiently important to our future to deserve the most honest appraisals we can make of them. If they cannot renew themselves, the society cannot renew itself. Those of you in education are in a better position than anyone in the world to judge whether they are capable of renewal, and I have no doubt that your judg- ment would be in the affirmative. It won’t always be easy, but nothing that is worth doing ever is. 0

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It’s Selective Education for the Elite

by Colin H. Smith, BEd’58, MA‘60, and Gloria M. Smith, BA’49, BEd’58

L ITTLE JESSIE has come to register at one of Sarawak’s new secondary

schools. Escorted by her father she has walked ten miles through dense jungle to this high point in their lives. Jessie has qualified by virtue of being in the top 30% of primary school leavers and so she will get her tuition and books free and will be boarded for $3 a month. Her father is completely il- literate yet one can easily read on his face his delight that his clever young daughter has done so well.

That is the Sarawak story. In Nige- ria capable and promising students like Jessie would stand little chance of being admitted to a government secon- dary school. Here it costs at least sixty pounds a year to attend a residential secondary school, more than the an- nual earnings of the average Nigerian adult. Consequently the schools are overflowing with the sons of recent politicians and the well-connected. Perhaps this was one cause of the overthrow of the Nigerian government last January.

Why do we choose these two coun- tries for comparison? Simply because the two of us worked in secondary education in Sarawak for approxi- mately three years before being re- cruited in August 1964 by the Special Commonwealth Africa Aid Program as teaching advisers to go to Nigeria.

W e were both in Graduate Studies at UBC in 1960. Late that year we were invited by the External Aid Office to go to Borneo to run a government secondary school. At that time Sara- wak, with a population of 800,000 had three such institutions.

Our first assignment was to Kano- wit, a small jungle town ninety miles up the Rejang River in the south- centre of Sarawak, at that time a British colony. After one year we were asked to take over a new experimental secondary school that was being built. It was located at Bau, a small gold-

1 2

mining town about ten miles from the Indonesian border, in the extreme west of Sarawak. Its position during the period was critical because of Sukar- no’s policy of confrontation. All of us at Bau were on two hours’ notice to evacuate the place if the Indonesians broke through.

During these years the government embarked on a large-scale building program of secondary schools. There must be almost twenty of them now.

Land Dyak students, Bau Government Secondary School, Sarawak, Malaysia.

They called in a top-flight curriculum team from New Zealand to devise a curriculum for the junior secondary schools, and ours were the experimen- tal schools used to try out the new syllabuses. Gloria, a fulltime teaching- adviser of English and music, was asked to prepare the music syllabus, and later, to give the syllabus greater support, she was asked to prepare three song books entitled ‘Malaysia Sings.’ This, of course, was after the British Government had presented Sarawak to Malaysia as one of its new states, in October, 1963. Colin continued as principal of the experimental schools and taught some English and the history of south-east Asia.

In Africa Gloria has continued to be a teaching-adviser of English at Edo Government College in Benin City

while Col,in is at the Ministry of Education as Adult Education Adviser to mid-western Nigeria, with its popu- lation of 2,600,000.

Colin’s job is to establish General Certificate of Education courses for adults who were unable, for whatever reason, to continue their high school studies and who now wish to continue studying for academic credits. One happy event in all this has been the fact that the Canadian Government has offered to provide a two million dollar technical-comprehensive high school for 840 students on a co-educa- tional basis. In that school adults will be able to take evening academic classes as well as technical, commercial and home economics courses.

In both Sarawak and mid-western Nigeria the word is selective education for an elite, in striking contrast to British Columbia’s free secondary education for all. The difference is due to a severe shortage of teachers, of buildings and of funds. The training for leadership and the identification of an educated elite fit nicely into the pattern established by colonial Britain. The manner of selecting the elite, as we have pointed out, is vitally dif- ferent in the two countries.

While British Columbia provides ‘comprehensive’ education which al- lows her students to branch out freely to university, commercial or technical careers, in Sarawak and Nigeria secon- dary education leads almost exclu- sively to academic goals, and yet technical and vocational skills are the very ones most needed in those coun- tries. With no training given in those areas the students define an educated person as one who sits behind a big desk and name plate, wears a white shirt, and scorns to soil his hands with any form of manual labour.

Some attempt is being made to com- bat this attitude through routine work duties in the residential schools, and

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Senior students of Edo Government College, Benin City.

residential schools predominate in these countries where the traditional patterns of family life do not permit satisfactory home study conditions and where many students, indeed, come from remote areas where no schools exist.

In the boarding schools morale is generally very high. Students receive training in responsibility and leader- ship and they learn about community living. Their teachers live on the com- pound and supervise work groups in the fields, study halls, kitchens, dining-rooms and workshops, besides sponsoring sports and hikes.

A typical Sarawak or Nigerian boarding school would have its fish pond, chicken coops, pineapple fields, gardens, all requiring a great deal of attention. In looking after them the students acquire a sense of belonging that is delightful to behold. Their zest in play and work is seen in their en- thusiasm for playing the piano or studying seriously. They also have their frustrations, as when Bujang’s white shirt turned blue because he put too much blueing into his laundry tub. But just imagine a Grade 7 Canadian boy doing his own washing, starching, and ironing!

Students must take the responsibi- lity for cleaning classrooms, scrubbing dining tables, washing dishes, hanging

mosquito nets in the dormitories. In at least one Sarawak school it is con- sidered an honour to work with the school cooks.

With many Nigerian students, com- ing from affluent homes where ser- vants are cheap and the young patri- cians have learned to look down on manual labour, it is perhaps not sur- prising that Bornean students are much more willing to participate in compound duties than their Nigerian counterparts.

A heterogeneous teaching staff is good for both teachers and students alike. Varied international cultural ad- vantages accrue. Attitudes, insights and appreciations tending towards a wider and more mature sense of ‘com- munity’ are possible.

The concept of a United Nations type school is gaining wide popularity in developing countries. We have found that students in both Sarawak and the mid-western region of Nigeria can quite readily adapt to the differing accents of English Voluntary Service Overseas, Canadians, American Peace Corps, Indians, Australians, French- men, New Zealanders, Nigerians, Ma- lays, Chinese and Dyaks. By contrast it is disappointing to find that Cana- dian students often complain when confronted by but one ‘strange’ accent among their teachers.

Canadians are not merely ‘givers’ when they serve abroad; they are also ‘receivers’ in the new insights which they gain into the international stature and potential of their own country. How many Canadians are aware of the great international advantage of our being a bilingual country? Because of that fact we are able to send French-speaking teaching advisers to work in former French colonies such as the Congo, Chad and Cambodia, as well as English-speaking advisers to countries such as Montserrat, Rhode- sia and Sabah. Few other countries can do this.

Furthermore, Canada has a rich store of human resources among her other ethnic groups. For example, a Canadian teaching adviser of African origin is currently serving in Ghana under the External Aid Proyam, and a young Canadian woman graduate of Chinese origin is teaching in Sarawak under the Canadian University Ser- vices Overseas volunteer scheme, and there are Canadians of many other ethnic origins presently serving abroad as teachers under these plans.

Despite frustrations, service abroad is an enriching experience, ever ex- panding one’s understanding of the community of man. And all the little Jessies, like the one with whom we opened this story, are a part of our reward 0

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Gwelo College, Rhodesia, where African and Canadian teachers studied together for three weeks last summer.

Project Africa - B.B.C. Style by W . 1. Roper, BA‘32, M AI41

‘T EACHER HELPING TEACHER’ is the best way of summing up the Can-

adian teachers’ Project Africa, 1965. Last summer was the third in which teachers, under the sponsorship of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation and various provincial teachers’ organiza- tions, were sent to Africa to give a helping hand to their African counter- parts.

More formally stated, the aims of the Project were three-fold: to develop inter-personal relationships with Afri- can teachers; to help strengthen tea- chers’ organizations in African coun- tries; to teach our subject specialties, with the object of demonstrating new teaching methods.

In late July, 1965, the six of us who were sponsored by the British Colum- bia Teachers’ Federation and the nine- teen other Canadian teachers who had accepted assignments met in Ottawa for a two and a half day orientation course. W e were then split up into three groups, one bound for Kenya, one for Uganda, and the third, my group, for Rhodesia.

The important thing about this Project is that each of us had an Afri- can colleague or colleagues with whom

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we worked and shared our knowledge. Just as important for the Africans, perhaps, is that they felt they were treated as human beings-an attitude they do not always encounter.

Rhodesia’s up-to-date Salisbury, with its high rise office buildings and wide streets, gave us a few more days of orientation. Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of African Education we visited many types of schools for Africans, schools which ranged from the most primitive with dirt floors and mud walls to those with quite ade- quate physical plants.

We also had a little time for sight- seeing in the vicinity before going on to Gwelo, something over 100 miles from Salisbury, where the seven of us were to give a three-week course at the Gwelo Teacher Training College. This very modem complex where we were housed and fed was built mainly with American aid. It was good to meet there Mr. and Mrs. Stan Murphy of Saanich (BA‘40, BEd’49, and BA’48) and their family. Stan is on staff as a college professor under the sponsor- ship of the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa.

The regular Education students

were on vacation and the premises were all ours.

One hundred and twenty-five Afri- can teachers came to the college for our course, which gave us the warm feeling that through them we were probably aiding many hundreds, per- haps thousands, of African youngsters to cope with the modem world.

The African teachers were divided into three groups-headmasters; P.T.- H.’s (equivalent to our Grade X edu- cation plus two years of teacher train- ing); and P.T.L.’s, who have had the equivalent of our Grade VI11 plus two years of teacher training.

Along with three African counter- parts I taught my subject specialties of history and geography. Here I learned something. Perhaps you have thought, as I did, that ‘B.B.C.’ stands for British Broadcasting Corporation? Not so, one of my African teachers corrected me, it stands for Beautiful British Colum- bia!-Naturally, while teaching a fair amount about the geography of Ca- nada, I had not neglected B.C.

Others in our Canadian group taught science, mathematics and Eng- lish, always with African colleagues.

Each Canadian worked out for him-

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self what he believed would be most helpful to the Africans. The Science man, for instance, feeling that his African counterparts did not go out into the field enough, arranged a num- ber of field trips for his classes where they could study flora and fauna and geology ‘on the ground.’

I myself used some picture sets on Africa that were at the college, Jack- daw sets (which reproduce actual documents of the period under study), and film strips with accompanying booklets that I obtained from Salis- bury. For want of projectors not all African schools would be able to make use of the film strips.

Our African teacher students formed demonstration classes for us, and our African colleagues taught some of the lessons. My three taught one or two periods to my four, as I felt I must give full value for the short time I was in the country.

While I presented the lesson mate- rial that I would give secondary school students, naturally I spoke as to adults. The presentation varied from class to class. I spoke on one level to head- masters, on another to the P.T.L.’s.

W . J. Roper

The language of instruction was no problem. W e used English, speaking a little slowly as we had been advised, and the Africans seemed to find no difficulty.

Our working day started at 8:OO a.m. and ended at 4:OO p.m. with an hour and a half break at midday. In the evenings we showed films on Canada, on skiing and ice hockey, and on one memorable occasion the Africans ar- ranged a social occasion for us. They sang in their beautiful natural style

the songs of their own people inter- spersed with Negro spirituals-and then we all did the twist!

I have been asked if I think this assignment in Africa was a useful educational experience for the Cana- dians, and my answer to that is, Definitely. If nothing else we learned that if we think we have problems, our African counterparts have problems that are staggering. I remember one untrained young teacher in an ele- mentary school. She couldn’t take the necessary time out for teacher train- ing, to get qualified and improve her financial positim because she was bringing up some ten younger brothers and sisters.

Canada has reached out in a very worthwhile way, I feel, to Africa, but I feel also that our teaching time was not long enough. Probably our trip to Rhodesia was a pilot project and the ‘powers’ will find ways of extending the course. 0

The Learners are the Living

Life is learning. A man who stops learning just doesn’t know that he is dead. Perhaps the truest essence of community is learning together. Is not the democratic vision that of people locked in dialogue about the good of the community and the methods of achieving it? The education that pre- pares for such a life in such a com- munity is liberal education at its finest. It supplies the intellectual techniques and framework necessary to a life of learning and to a life of dialogue. It will free man from the chains of class, race, time, place, background, family and perhaps even his nation.

As we approach a world where lei- sure is more and more going to be the result of our affluence and our auto- mation, the big question seems to be, “What can we do with ourselves?” One tremendous answer is this, W E CAN LEARN. -Dr. Mark L. Koehler, in Campanile


The Humanities are the Key Les humanitks ont un pouvoir d’in- tbriorisation incontestable, et c’est par elles que notre nature, si profondkment menacbc dans son bquilibre, va retrou- ver ses formes blbmentaires et essentiel- les. I1 ne s’agit pas bien sQr, de re- tourner i la mdancolique “nature” de Jean-Jacques Rousseau; ce serait donner dans un romantisme dCsuet. I1 s’agit plutBt de n’ctre pas perdu dans la nou- velle beaut6 des structures de beton et d‘acier. Et c’est encore par Platon, Dante, ou Racine . . . qu’on a la meil- leure chance de se retrouver chez soi, dans nn monde oh on ne sera plus btranger i ce qu’on aura construit.

-Jean-Marc ChCnier in “Bulletin des Anciens.”

Study of Man is the Essential . . . Should it happen that because of immediate and pressing concerns with- in the university, when our thoughts are preoccupied by considerations such as the number of students, need for more space, need for more professors, should it happen that for all these practical reasons we were to neglect culture, the pursuit of culture for its own sake, we would lose our very reason for existing; with our downfall, humanity as a whole would be on the decline.

If in fact nothing is more practical than principles, in the same line, dis- interested studies, asserting the value of man in nature, scrutinizing every detail of his evolution, looking upon man, with his history and his spiritual nature as an object of science, such studies bring us back to the essentiaI and assert in their own way, but eloquently, that anything unrelated to man is not worthy of man’s considera- tion. Man exists for himself and for his God; to aim in another direction is to destroy man.

“Mgr. Irenke Lussiere, Rector, Uni- versity of Montreal.

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EN YEARS HENCE what can we expect in British Colum- ia. That was the question asked at the Alumni

Conference held in early March this year, and the speakers who were brought to the affair attempted to supply some answers, or at the least some educated guesses.

Dr. Joseph L. Fisher, president of Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C., Mr. Ronald S. Ritchie, Director, Imperial Oil, and Dr. Hugh L. Keenleyside, co-chairman, B.C. Hydro Authority, were the three main speakers. What they had to say, and the proceedings of the Conference generally, were of such importance that the material the Chronicle cannot cover in this issue it hopes to bring its readers in a subsequent issue.

In the pages immediately following there is a condensa- tion of Dr. Keenleyside’s address, of the panel discussion, and of Dr. Fisher’s recapitulation of the discussions that toot place in t!le various groups that had been set up.

“B.C. ’76” was organized jointly by the Alumni Associa- tion and the Extension Department of the University.

Mr. Ken Martin, chairman of the Conference, explained its objectives thusly:

“The alumni of the University decided that they had a responsibility in the field of continuing education, and in defining what that responsibility was, they came up with the objective of attempting something that had not been done before. Our committee decided that we could do nothing better, not for the alumni alone but for the community at large, than spend a little time looking ahead. The final result of our thinking is this Conference which will study the forces and ideas shaping our future, in particular what we may expect ten years hence.”

Dr. Fisher laid the groundwork by discussing ‘The Pro- pellants of Economic Growth‘ at the opening session on Friday evening. Mr. Ritchie, whose paper does not appear in this issue, and Dr. Keenleyside gave major addresses the next day.

Summing up his speech Dr. Fisher said: “Literally all countries of the world, certainly Canada and the United States, have established economic growth as one of the abiding objectives of national development. Very likely we make too much of it, and the less developed countries may be following along in the same mistaken pathway. But the fact remains, economic growth is the altar at which we worship.

“The meaning of economic growth and how it is measured, is worth pondering since nations, rightly or wrongly, are measuring their performance accordingly. I came to the conclusion that, for all its limitations, the simplest single measure of economic growth is gross national product or national income expressed in per capita terms. Then I moved on to identifying some nine propellants of economic growth that I regard as major


ones. These included education, technological advances, the scale of production and size of markets, the amount of work put into the economy, the capital and natural resources made available, the vigor of enterprise and management, the broad policies relating to economic development, and finally the general climate of thinking and aspiration within which it takes place.

“In Resources for the Future we have tried to look ahead a number of decades to see where the U.S. econo- mic machine might be carrying the American nation. The Gordon Commission and others have undertaken a similar task for Canada. For our two countries, given our tradi- tions and anticipating favourable policies, I see a continua- tion of fairly rapid economic growth extending to the end of this century and beyond.

Dr. J . L. Fisher Dr. H . L. Keenleyside

“The natural resources are available, education is im- proving all the time, technological advance continues rapidly, the labour force is growing in size and in skill, investments should prove adequate, and government and private leaders in the economic sphere should be up to the job-in short, the outlook is encouraging.

“This does not mean that there will be no problems; at times they will be sharp and difficult. But I do believe it is more reasonable to assume we shall be able to meet them at rising levels of effectiveness than that we shall collapse in front of them. A major war might come, of course, and in this case all bets would be off. Also continued pros- perity and growth of our two wealthy countries in a world which largely lives in poverty poses its own set of difficul- ties. But notwithstanding, I end on an optimistic note which I think will not be out of tune with thinking on British Columbia.” 0

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4 + + what does it hold for us? Dr. KeeHfeyside s a p

Human knowledge has increased more in the last two hundred years than it did in five thousand years before the middle of the eighteenth century.

The beliefs and ideas of people like John Wesley or General Wolfe or even Thomas Jefferson had more in common with those of the Pharoahs or the early Chinese than with those contemporary figures like Wilder Penfield or Alfred Einstein or Mao Tse Tung.

The dramatic fact today is that not only are changes in our knowledge and our way of life taking place with unexampled speed, but the rate of change is also accelerat- ing. Each decade we learn more than in the preceding century.

If it’s true that changes are taking place in our society with steadily increasing rapidity, there’s no reason to believe that this will stop. In consequence any person or any organization that wishes to meet the problems of the next decade should be giving most careful consideration to the probable character of these changes.

I suggest that within the next ten years the following are some of the changes likely to take place in the world and in Canada, and in British Columbia.

The world population will more than double. That of Canada will rise to over twenty-five million and that of British Columbia will rise from 1.8 million to nearly three. Life expectancy will rise to 75 for men and 80 for women.

There will be an astronomical station on the moon, and scientists will be sending cameras and other equipment close to planets like Mars and Venus for detailed observations.

Because our society will be marked by affluence and leisure without adequate education, and having in mind our recent experience, it is not improbable that the British Columbia divorce rate will rise by 507‘0, alcoholism will double, and suicides will treble.

The physical and potentative changes which will take place cannot supersede the necessity of value judgments. Nor do they take into account the most serious problems that humanity has created and has so far shown few signs of being able to solve.

Economic problems can be localized much more readily than problems of social welfare. Our forest products in- dustry for example, is a relatively specialized problem. On the other hand, juvenile delinquency in British Columbia is roughly the same as juvenile delinquency in New York or in London. Our hydro-electric prospects in B.C. are different from those in most other parts of the world, but the social effects of living in a war-oriented society are roughly the same in B.C. as in France or Japan.

Perhaps the most obvious problem that mankind must face in the years immediately ahead is that of survival

itself. The material, scientific, physical changes in the past two centuries have not been accompanied by any com- parable advance in ethical standards or community mora- lity. Today we place the appalling knowledge of how all life can be exterminated in the hands of a society which is still in large part morally delinquent. Any objective study of human history makes it very difficult indeed to believe that having this power we shall refrain from its use. Every hcman precedent seems to point in the opposite direction.

It’s not surprising that a small boy when recently asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, answered, “Alive!”

However, for planning purposes we must act on the assumption that we will survive the danger in which we, as a race, have placed ourselves. Indeed, the second great problem confronting us is the very antithesis of the first- that humanity’s numbers will expand beyond the resources both of physical essentials and of social intelligence.

The effects of the population problem are going to be a matter of increasing concern even to us in British Colum- bia. What happens in other parts of the world will have a direct bearing on the kind of life that we shall live in this province.

Related to the problem of numbers is the problem of worker occupation. The progress of the machine has now reached the point at whicl- 4,000 people are being super- seded by automation every day in the United States. This will increase rapidly in the next ten years. Soon, in the expanding economy of BriTish Columbia the work week will be reduced in spite of Ihe pressure to get many things done at the same time.

There will be a steadily decreasing need for unskilled workers. The only fields in which demands will expand will be in the highly skilled activities, including the pro- fessions, and in the service industries and trades.

The social results of these changes will be an enormous increase in the amount of leisure that most people will experience, and our major social problems will be asso- ciated with its use.

Now if these forecasts and this interpretation of how human society will fare in the next decade are basically correct, it seems to me that there are three broad but practical questions even for us favourably situated British Columbians. First, what can be done to reduce the possi- bility of annihilating war? Second, what can be done to reduce the threat and the evil effects of over-population? Third, what can be done to encourage socially beneficial rather than socially detrimental use of the enormous in- crease in the amount of leisure that will be commonly available.

As regards war, it is obvious that some kind of world- wide international authority must be created. In the mean-

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time it seems to me that we should do all we can to strengthen the United Nations and promote the educational work being done by the world federalists in similar organizations. An essential part of any progress toward the establishment of an effective world society would be a vast increase in the programs designed to make the material blessings presently available to one-quarter of the world available to the three-quarters who are now submerged in poverty, ignorance and disease.

Here is a form of what H. G. Wells once described as the race between education and catastrophy. In the problem of population, unless some unknown and improbable checks on population growth should intervene, we shall be faced in the lifetime of persons now living either with the necessity of deciding to persuade or force billions of people to practise some effective method of birth control, or with the selection of some technique of getting rid of the enormous numbers of people who have been allowed to be born into a world which cannot support them. It’s a simple choice between birth control and genocide.

Even here in Canada, which in this matter is for the moment one of the most fortunate lands, there’ll be many complex problems to face, most of them with a direct bearing on conditions in British Columbia. Are we going to open our doors to immigration from Oriental countries into Canada, and specifically British Columbia? How shall we meet the vast array of social difficulties that accompany over-crowding in our cities? What policy should we follow in relation to the conservation and rational use of our basic resources, above all, perhaps, of water?

However, this is only one of a dozen vital problems resulting from the growth of human numbers. Here in Vancouver our spawning growth is destroying one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. Vancouver may well become the largest city on the Pacific coast except, no doubt, for that other known as the city of the angels. But only the mountain tops and the sea will retain their beauty. Most of Stanley Park will be a black-topped parking lot. Perhaps when that time comes we may recall the warning of Ogden Nash:

I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree. In fact, unless the billboards fall, 1‘11 never see a tree at all.

Closely related to the growth of population is the prob- lem of how men and women, particularly young men and women, many of whom may never have had a job (and there is already a third generation of people in this condi- tion in some parts of North America)-how these people will adapt to a life in which the use of most of their time

will depend on their own inclinations. Formal education will probably be prolonged and

deepened, but this will not solve our problems, except in part. Many of our present generation cannot take full advantage of the limited training already provided, and could not be expected to derive benefits from formal instruction in a curriculum designed to increase know- ledge of the growing complexities of human society. The percentage of young people in this category is increasing and will probably increase more rapidly still in the future. Typically it is the improvident, the irresponsible and the intellectually limited in our society who produce the largest families. This tends to be a cumulative factor and its importance can hardly be over-emphasized.

These are the kind of problems that must be faced by us as individuals and by our society as a whole during the next generation. As the complexity of life develops, as the frequency and intimacy of human contacts increase, the importance of defining moral law and interpreting its impli- cations for personal and community relationships becomes more and more important and more and more difficult.

Ours is a great and dynamic country. Its history, when properly written, is a saga of high achievement and of exciting men and women. It has pioneered in many fields and has compiled a record of resource development and of social responsibility which, without hiding its many faults, is a story of which we can be proud. If any other country has accomplished more in a comparable time, it has never come to my attention.

Those of us who have the satisfactions and the advan- tages and the privileges of living in this beautiful, affluent, and on the whole generous, land, carry a great responsi- bility for trying to ensure that it is also a land in which justice and kindness and virtue become the common practice. 0

Dr. Keenleyside is challenged John Carson: I would like to ask Dr. Keenleyside if he wants to do some speculating, or advising, on what if any- thing, Canada should be doing in speeding up the redistri- bution of sharing of resources between ourselves, the one- quarter of the world that he described as being ‘haves,’ and the three-quarters that he described as ‘have nots.’ Keenleyside: Mr. Chairman, I think the aid problem ought to be divided into two aspects. First, the kind of thing that we were criticized for the other day-i.e. not giving enough in the way of emergency assistance in food. This is a temporary palliative that is necessary in some places today, is probably going to be very much more necessary in the next ten years. I think it is altogether probable that there will be a very widespread condition of famine in many parts of the world by the early ’70’s. The population growth related to the slower growth of food production is not likely to be overcome in that time. Now here I think we have been remiss. I don’t think we have been giving as much as we might well have done and as much as has been done proportionately in some other countries, includ- ing the United States, in the matter of emergency food relief.



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There is a great deal that has to be done in the under- developed countries themselves. This seems to me to be one of the cases in which we have yet to work out a technique which would combine a policy of enlightened self-interest on the part of the well-to-do countries with a much more determined effort and willingness to sacrifice by the rulers of the underdeveloped countries. Carson: Leaving aside the question of the responsibility of the people in the developing nations, I am wondering whether Dr. Keenleyside feels it would perhaps be good for Canada’s soul, and British Columbia’s in particular, to be making much greater sacrifices. Keenleyside: I think we should be making greater sacrifices in the immediate short term assistance. I think that we should be working through the United Nations, and through our government in an effort to develop a more effective technique for international aid in general. Mere increase in the amount of money that we contribute through the Colombo Plan or in some similar way is not, by itself, going to solve it. Carson: It seems to me that there is no advantage in im- proving our administrative abilities or in carrying out development programs in the economic field for their own sakes. The only valid objective in doing these things is that they will give us the opportunity to improve the general welfare of society.

and Dr. Fisher sums it all up T HE DISCUSSION GROUPS this afternoon which I have

sampled for ten minutes or so each have covered a very wide range of topics and viewpoints. I really don’t see how I can integrate these things and so I shall content myself with making some comments about them.

I was quite interested in joining the group that talked about industrial and resource development. Here is a subject of considerable importance that merits further debate, because, you know, it makes a difference to technical and vocational education and many other things, what kind of jobs and what kind of industrial operations you expect to grow relatively fast in British Columbia.

The discussion that Dr. Keenleyside opened up this morning about technological unemployment and its effects and the problems of coping with it, I found to be continued in a number of groups. I think the predominant view was that technological unemployment-that is, automation-and new machines and new techniques of production coming in and displacing workers, was likely to produce only temporary unemployment.

One man from industry said in one of the groups that the young man or woman coming out of the schools now into the labour market could look forward to a lifetime of about five different jobs or careers. Now, if it is going to be anything like this, then continuous education and retrain- ing every few years has got to become the accepted pattern of adult living. And here it seems to me is a truly major challenge for education in this university and in the others.

Another theme developed by Dr. Keenleyside was con- tinued in the different group discussions. That had to do with population trends. Here the interest seemed to be not so much the growth of population in British Columbia,

but a concern for population growth all over the world. This has at least two edges: if population grows rapidly elsewhere and incomes even more rapidly, then this is an inviting market for British Columbia industries. On the other hand, if population grows very rapidly elsewhere and incomes barely keep pace, or perhaps don’t even keep pace, then it is altogether likely that the problems in distant places like India and Central America and African coun- tries will become so acute, so much world problems, that they will become the problems of this province and of all the other more fortunate places.

In the Planning for Society group there was deep discus- sion of the connection or lack of connection between physical planning and social planning. There is-certainly in my own metropolitan area-far too little connection between the planning of social welfare programs and the physical planning, zoning and the location of structures and all the rest of it.

All through there has been a clear recognition, I would say almost unanimous recognition that British Columbia is not an island unto itself but a part of Canada, a part of this continent, and a part of the world. Now, whether the recognition of this fact that I find in the Conference gets translated into the programs of action of the business com- munity and labour unions and communities throughout the province, I don’t know. .But I can certainly echo back to you that the people in 1his Conference without a doubt look upon their province in these wider connections.

I would offer this in conclusion: you are dealing with the prospective for B.C. in 1976. This I think can be visualized under four or five headings.

First, the objectives that you have for your province and for your communities ten years ahead. These, I believe, run in terms of growth, of population, industry, jobs, transport. The only way to get bigger is to grow- not growth alone but qualitative improvement, in all areas.

Second, these objectives have to be set out and worked towards in a particular framework that is congenial to you, that comes out of your history. A part of the framework which is of increasing importance, I would judge, is a visualization of this protince as a part of Canada, as a part of the west coast, as a part of the North American continent, and indeed, the world.

Third, plans and programs, the mechanisms by which the more specific objectives are to be reached. Like the Americans to the South, you tend to be pragmatic about this.

Next, accomplishment. Objectives are fine, plans and programs can be nicely developed, but all to no account unless they can be driven through to completion. Here, of course, leadership is of the essence. If I had to pick out one thing that I think would be important here, it would be the element of leadership. I wish the universities, certainly in my country, would deliberately educate people more than they do for taking the leadership in business, in local government; leadership which means being willing to put it on the line, so to speak, to get something done.

I am sure the value of a seminar like this lies more in the mental workout than it does in the tangible accom- plishments that are made, in the grappling with issues and considering the trends and the objectives. 0 (More of Dr. Fisher’s remarks will be carried when Mr . Ritchie’s address is published in a later Chronicle.-Ed.)

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W E C E-B--A R L

Mrs. A. M. Menzies , BA’16, cuts the birthday cake. Dr. H . T . Logan, LLD’65, and Keith Brimacornbe, BASc, 1966 Grad Class president, assisted.


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It was a lively Annual Meeting!

Counting the votes cast i n t h e first Association election in m a n y years.

ONE OF THE L I V E L I E ~ , and best- attended, annual meetings of the Alumni Association was held on May 11 last. The record attendance of over 800 persons at the dinner could prob- ably be credited to the guest speaker, Dr. Laurier LaPierre of ‘This hour has seven days’ fame. The liveliness was most certainly provided by a group of younger graduates who had entered the names of several contestants for the elective offices of the Association, in opposition to the slate brought in by the Board of Management Nomi- nating Committee.

Eduard M. Lavalle, BCom’65, Sonja Sanguinetti, BA’64, Bryan Belfont, BA ’63, Peter K. Nimi, BSP’56, and Eric Ricker, BA’61, had accepted nomina-

tion in opposition to the slate of the Board’s nominating committee for the three vice-presidencies and two mem- bers-at-large offices. However, before the Annual Meeting convened, Mr. Ricker had withdrawn his candidacy.

When the election proceedings be- gan Mr. Belfont and Chancellor-can- didate Randy Enomoto rose to ques- tion their legality on the grounds that only 2-3% of the qualified voters were present, that the candidates had not been notified in writing of the date of the election, that the ballot boxes were not locked, that no measures had been taken to check the qualifications of those voting.

On being over-ruled on each point by Chairman R. W. Macdonald who

referred them to the relevant sections of the bylaws, Mr. Belfont challenged the Chair. Mr. Stan Evans then moved that the Chair be sustained, a motion which was carried by an overwhelm- ing majority.

In expectation that some hundreds of alumni who had not bought dinner tickets might wish to attend the busi- ness meeting, the Association office had arranged to have the proceedings piped in to the foyer. As it turned out, there was no influx of ‘voters only.’

When the ballots were counted the Nominating Committee’s slate was re- turned in its entirety. The table offi- cers, appear on another page of this Issue. Also elected to the executive were three new members-at-large, for

2 1

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the 1966-68 terms: Messrs. Vern J. Housez, BCom’57, and Arthur G. Woodland, BA’49, BSA‘49, and Mrs. B. M. Hoffmeister, BA’27. The names of the degree and regional representa- tives will appear in the next publica- tion of the Board of Management list.

With the election over, several other interesting though uncontroversial items on the agenda were given attention.

The Alumni Merit Award which goes to an alumnus who has distin- guished himself in his field although he has not necessarily received recog- nition elsewhere, went this year to Dean Walter Gage. In presenting it, Chancellor Ross said: “He does the most prodigious work in handling loans, bursaries, scholarships-and for the other two universities as well as UBC. We worry about Dean Gage if he doesn’t work at least eighteen hours a day.”

Recipient of an honorary life mem- bership in the Association was Mr. Leon Ladner. His interest in UBC predates the institution itself, for it was in 1909 that he presented the government with a petition for a law school when the University should be formed.

First winner of the Shenvood Lett Memorial Scholarship is Michael Wil- liam Hunter, BA‘63, now completing his second year in Law.

Terrence Mullen, presently teaching in Prince George, was awarded the Alumni Scholarship, value $3,000. Mr. Mullen hopes to complete his work for a Master’s degree in Education next year.

A final, but not least, ‘award’ was a scroll presented by retiring president R. W . Macdonald on behalf of the Association to retiring chancellor Dr. Phyllis Gregory Ross. The scroll cites Dr. Ross’s work on behalf of all seg- ments of the University community, the standard of public service which she has set, and “especially for her faith in the bright future of her Alma Mater.”

At the dinner to help UBC alumni celebrate the fiftieth anniversary year of their Association were many Mc- Gill graduates. Their presence was a reminder of the McGill College out of which grew The University of British Columbia. 0


Dr. Ross was presented with n scroll of appreciation.

Mr. Leon Ladner (right) was proposed for an honorary life membership by Dr. Howard Green.

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LaPierre discusses CBC Crisis

“The CBC belongs to all of us, it must make itself the expression of our con- cern, of our thoughts, our ideals, and point the way to the future.”

The controversy over the ‘This hour has seven days’ program arose after Dr. Laurier LaPierre had accepted the invitation to speak at the Alumni Association Annual Dinner and after he had announced the title of his address. Rightly judging that his audi- ence would be most interested in the topic that was hitting the headlines at the moment, Dr. LaPierre gave his Guest speaker Dr. Laurier LaPierre of McGill (centre) poses with McGill grads. views on what the CBC should be Dr. H. T. Logan ( L ) and Mr. T. S. Hughes. and do.

The CBC, he said, has the respon- sibility of making Canadians aware of one another, and in this it has failed. The CBC has not been providing the answers, let alone asking the questions. “To my knowledge no significant Canadian program has questioned our leaders on the Vietnamese crisis.” Never, said LaPierre, has the CBC analyzed the bankruptcy of Canadian leadership.

And there were other areas in which he felt the CBC has not played its part. The present problem, he said, suggests that we are on the threshold of a development which may be very frightening for the future of CBC. The issue is the right to be controversial, to challenge and ask questions. That right is being endangered by the top management of CBC.

In summing up Dr. LaPierre said that in a country like Canada there must be a CBC or the country cannot hold together very long. It is the only instrument the Canadian people have in order to build a meaningful country. 0 (A tape of Dr. Lapierre’s speech may be obtained from the Alumni Office by any interested Alumni group.)

Chancellor lates Dean

Ross congratu Gage.

Dr. W . G. Hardwick, BA’54, MA’58 ( L ) and his former student Bryan Belfont, BA’63 contested the third vice-presidency.


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Table Officers 1966-67

This year’s Association treasurer is Mr. David L. Helliwell, general mana- ger for British Columbia of Steel Brothers Canada Ltd.

Extra-curricularly Mr. Helliwell is vice-president of the Vancouver Row- ing Club and on the UBC VRC Advisory Committee.

His chief claim to fame, of course, is that he was a contributor to a Chronicle ‘Loggerheads’ in 1964.

Kenneth R. Martin, BCom’46

The Association’s new president for the 1966-67 year is Mr. Kenneth R. Martin, elected by acclamation at the annual meeting in May. Mr. Martin has served the Association in various capacities, including that of third vice- president last year, but perhaps most notably as chairman of the highly successful “B.C. ’76” Conference held early in March.

David L. Helliwell, BA’57

R. W . Macdonald, LLB’50

Immediate Past President Rod Mac- donald has finished an extremely busy year in office, a year which saw the Association win a place in the top 1% of alumni associations in Canada and the United States. Also in the past year the Association received the award for improvement in alumni giving during 1963 when Mr. Macdonald was chair- man of the campaign.

First vice-president for the coming year is that very able alumna, Mrs. John M. Lecky (n6e Beverley K. Cun- ningham.) She was first elected to the alumni executive in 1964, chaired the Annual Dinner in 1965, chaired the Student-Alumni Committee in 1965- 66, and, among other activities, is presently on the Board of Directors of the Vancouver Girls’ Club and the Children’s Foundation.

A former degree representative and then member-at-large, Stan Evans has been elected second vice-president of the Association. Mr. Evans has served on the Chronicle editorial committee for some three years and in the past eighteen months as its chairman. In his spare time he is assistant general secretary of the B.C. Teachers’ Federa- tion.

Mrs. J . M . Lecky, BA’38


Stan Evans, BA’41, BEd’44

A newcomer to the Association exe- cutive committee is Dr. Walter G. Hardwick. Dr. Hardwick, associate professor in the UBC department of geography, was one of the President’s Committee which prepared the Mac- donald Report on Higher Education. In addition, as one of the ‘gypsy band,’ he addressed alumni groups on the Report. He also served on the “B.C. ’76” Committee.

Dr. W . G. Hardwick, BA’54, MA’58

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Dr. A. D. Scott, BCom’46, Pat Carney, BA’60 BA’47

W. HEN I ORIGINALLY STARTED to prepare a piece arguing against the ‘brain drain,’ I collected a great many

statistics and patriotic arguments. With them I built a case showing that Canada could not afford the loss of skilled and professional people to other countries, either in mone- tary or real terms. Therefore, I argued, the outflow of our ‘human capital’ must be discouraged.

I still believe this to be true. But I also believe it to be irrelevant.

The central issue behind the brain drain was revealed to me by a close friend during the recent controversy between CBC management and producers.

At the height of the fracas, when it was clear that some of the best technical and creative people in Canadian tele- vision were prepared to leave the corporation and the country, he said bitterly: “Do you know why Canadians go to the US.? It isn’t the money. It is because Canada is dull, dismal and provincial. I feel it has no challenge to offer me.”

If his assessment is true, the brain drain is only a symptom of a deadlier ailment. The real problem, then, would be Canada’s willingness to tolerate a substandard level of opportunity, a ready acceptance of mediocrity.

I hear echoes of this attitude in the remarks of friends and relatives who have already left for the U.S. There is the doctor who was attracted to a big American hospital because of its superb research facilities. And the economist

T HE ‘BRAIN DRAIN’ is the most visible aspect of the high mobility of scientists and professionals. It got its name

when English newspapermen found they couldn’t fit ‘the increasing emigration O F engineers, scientists and pro- fessionals’ into a headline. That was in the 1950’s, when the Royal Society complained that too many of their top research men were drifting abroad to be replaced easily. At that time, the number of British scientists going to the United States alone amounted to about seven per cent of the number graduated each year-not to mention the numbers going to Aust.ralia and Canada as well. But Britain was doing well compared to Greece, which lost almost 10 per cent, or to countries like Persia, which struggle desperately to hang on to any of their few scientists.

In the space available here, it is possible to make only a few points about the propensity of highly-educated people to move from country to country. So far as the facts of the matter are concerned, everyone agrees that the data are shot full of holes-there is no standard international balance sheet of migration of ordinary people, let alone ‘brains’. We have to depend on immigration returns of separate countries, because most nations take little trouble to count their emigrant:. Thus, when a man enters a country and applies for some kind of citizenship paper or visa, he has to write down his occupation and where he came from. If he says ‘chemist’, coming ‘from Canada’, he winds up months later ig some statistical compilation of


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~ Carney

who would dearly love to return to Canada but has no opportunity here to pursue his highly specialized field.

If this is indeed the case, and Canada does not offer her young people the capacity to utilize their potential, the implications go far beyond the brain drain.

It is sometimes claimed that the most brilliant, most talented Canadians are among those who emigrate. By implication, those of us who remain are at best unadven- turous, at worst second rate.

Sheer pride apart, this generality can’t be true in all cases. If limited opportunity forces some Canadians to leave, it must also restrict those of us who stay. There are far more of us. The loss sustained by the brain drain might be substantial, but it is minor compared to the losses incurred by failure of the stay-at-homes to utilize their resources to the maximum.

The loss to the country, therefore, is two-fold. The factors which siphon off professional and skilled workers to the U.S. deplete the country as a whole. What are some of these factors? At the top of my list I would put lack of access to adequate levels of education.

According to the Economic Council of Canada, 11.1 per cent of the U.S. males in 1960 had completed university education. The comparable Canadian figure in 1961 was 5.6 per cent, or roughly half. The difference in educational levels is significant, for the ECC estimates that the Ameri- can worker’s higher education accounts for at least one- third of his higher productivity, and thus his higher income.

The chiel reason for the educational gap is clearly financial. Despite the gratifying increase in the number of loans and scholarships available, it is still a struggle for the average young Canadian to achieve his bachelor’s degree. To continue the struggle beyond that level to a postgraduate degree may be beyond his financial and emo- tional resources, particularly if he has a family.

The second factor is lack of adequate incentive in in- dustry, research and government to develop optimum skills. I sometimes think that we export our brains as we do our physical resources, in the raw or semi-processed stage for further manufacture elsewhere.

A third element is failure to appreciate what job-and manpower-opportunities do exist in Canada. Often the young postgraduate looks south of the border without de- termining fully what the local demand might be.

Similarly, industry can rob itself of needed skills. An executive ‘phoned me recently in search of an economist. He wanted one already employed in industry. I attempted to explain to him that in the past local demand had been SO small that most economists had sought employment elsewhere. He would be well advised to repatriate one of these experts, or seek his candidate among economists in the civil service, which employed the bulk of those who remained here. The executive, however, persisted in his determination to hire an ‘industry’ economist.

Some people argue that the brain drain does not exist. They point to the recent Economic Council report show- ing that Canada actually gains through immigration more


skilled and professional people annually than she loses through emigration.

The Council estimated that it would have cost the country $536 million to train and educate here the equiva- lent of our ‘imported’ skills. On the other hand, the cost of educating skilled manpower exported abroad is estimated at $292 million, leaving the country with a gain of $294 million on human capital account.

These arguments do not impress me. Some of our profes- sional and skilled immigrants are nurses who are working their way around the world and do not intend to stay here. And many Canadians emigrating to the U.S. are those in the most highly skilled career categories.

Recently the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development conducted a study on the migration to the U.S. of scientists and engineers from Western Europe and Canada. The OECD calculated that Canada’s annual loss to the U.S. was 1,239, almost equal to the combined total of 1,305 for the four major countries of Britain, France, West Germany and the Netherlands.

In terms of population and educational facilities the impact on Canada was greater than on Europe. Emigration to the U.S. was equal to 2.5 per cent of science graduates and 8.7 per cent of engineering graduates in the four European countries in 1959.

In Canada, the brain drain took 12.5 per cent of the science graduates and 48 per cent of the engineering graduates. The OECD commented: “There is evidence that the loss thus sustained is more serious in terms of quality than of mere numbers.”

Without question, the skills which immigrants have brought to Canada have enriched the country. Unless the underlying malaise of mediocrity can be remedied, how- ever, our imported treasury of skills will he soon spent. Either the immigrants or their children will follow the steps of native Canadians south in search OF more challenging opportunities. 0

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the ‘Canadian brain drain’. The impression usually given by such statistics is that

they measure the number of Canadians, trained in Canada, that were lured from Canadian scientific work to the higher pay and better conditions of the United States. Actually such data grossly overstate their number. For example, categories such as ‘chemist’ often include druggists and persons who failed to get any degree; and ‘persons com-

own country and recent immigrants to Canada from Europe and Asia who have been waiting for quotas to allow them to continue their trek to the US. Thus while the data do not well measure Canada’s outflow of ‘her own’ scientists and professionals, they do remind us of the fluid world-wide mobility of all highly-trained people. (Indeed, for eight western countries the percentage of the professional population that moves is ten times the percentage of the total population.) At the same time as some are moving out, others are moving in.

In this criss-cross, as it happens, Canada is a consistent gainer.

The best example is the provision of professional services in British Columbia. We are well provided with medical services, yet two-thirds of our doctors have migrated to us. Much the same is true of other professions. Does anyone really believe that if British Columbia had no professional schools she would have no lawyers, doctors, accountants, scientists, engineers or architects? Our whole historical experience tells against this proposition.

What our recent setting-up of graduate and professional schools has permitted is that more of our own children can realize cheaply their potential as scientists and pro- fessionals. We try to train them to a high international standard, so that they can take jobs anywhere: on campuses, in businesses, laboratories, mines, construction sites, and on stages, screens, platforms, and at control desks.

It is a matter of pride that our matriculants and graduates are in demand everywhere. Would we want to change this situation? T o dilute their training to a quality where only local nepotism could find them jobs; or restrict their leaving till, like Spain or India, we were flooded with under-employed intellectuals? Obviously not-the aim of our schooling must be to give children the resources to make the best of their native abilities. Further- more, the fact that we must compete with the rest of the world, at the risk of having no scientists or engineers, ensures that our salaries and facilities are approximately equal to those elsewhere. Hence, if our children wish to stay here, they need not suffer the indignity of grossly sub-standard returns to their long personal investment in schooling.

Thus we cannot complain that our schools and colleges open foreign doors to our children. Nor can we complain that our doors have been open to brains trained elsewhere. For we have gained immensely from immigration.

The point can be proved, laboriously, with statistics: their lesson, again and again, is that Canada’s establish- ment of scientists and professionals gains more from immigration than it loses from emigration.

1 ing from Canada’ includes Americans returning to their

The point can be made more vividly by appealing to the experience of readers of this Chronicle. Older readers can remember when almost all UBC teachers were ‘imports’; while younger graduates will know that it is not to Canada that we owe professors like McDowell, Bartlett, Jacobs, Hawthorn, Stankiewicz, Holland, Chapman, Savery, Elder, Wilimovsky, Nicholls and St. Clair-Sobell, to mention but a few of the senior men of the past few years. Deans and administrators, from Wesbrook to Harlow to Scarfe, would yield a similar list.

Perhaps even more important than our gain from immigration has been our gain from foreign training. Here are a few statistical examples: more than three-quarters of Canadian academic economists have been given part of their training abroad, and probably most of these have had teaching or research experience abroad as well. A recent Canadian Union of Students’ questionnaire revealed that about one-half of all last year’s Bachelors who are going further plan to take their graduate work outside Canada. And in a survey of the non-clinical professorial staffs of twelve randomly-chosert UBC departments it was found that fully 170 out of 230 academics received some or all of their training in other countries.

What does all this mean? Simply that, because the brain drain is one part of a system whereby we prepare our own students to enter the world-wide forum of science and university, while enabling us to draw on schools here and elsewhere to form our own stock of scientists and engineers, it is to be recommended. For it liberates our children from whatever limitations thcy find in our environment, while enabling us to attract and to hold as many of their equals as we are prepared to pay for.

It follows that we should not complain about the brain drain and the world-wide peace and communication that make it possible. Instead of listening to such complaints, we should ask: Why are so many of our children attracted to better themselves elsewhere? The answer is, obviously, that we do not try hard enough to attract them here.

Instead, we rely on their patriotism, or loyalty, which draws some; and we attempt to instil feelings of guilt in those who leave, which infuriates them. They know that the world of science a n d professions is made up of highly- trained people, the demand for whom is signalled by facilities and amenities. It is no use telling them what they ‘owe’ us-they move, like musicians and artists, in circles where this ‘debt’, if repaid by their repatriation, would lead to the deterioration of research, and intellectual progress. All of the following short list, for example, were emigrCs: Hans Selye, Lord Rutherford, Albert Einstein, Wilder Penfield, and all the Australian Nobel prize winners, at the times of their greatest contributions.

If we want more brains here, we have an easy remedy: attract them here. The imaginative investment of money in research positions and facilities is all that is required. Till we do, let us be thankful that the international mobility of scientists and professionals allows them (our children among them) to deploy themselves most productively across the world’s economic landscape.


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Our Readers debate chancellor election coverage

I understand the Chronicle intends publishing a sampling of the letters re- ceived regarding the coverage given by the Spring Issue of the magazine to the election of our chancellor.

As president of the Alumni Associa- tion at the time the Spring Issue was published I wish to make it clear that the first section of the Chronicle, relat- ing to the election, was planned by the Executive Committee of the Board of Management of the Association.

“R. W. Macdonald, LLB’5O

Though I am not an alumnus of The University of British Columbia I am a member of Convocation and of the University and received a copy of the Chronicle in today’s mail. I was astonished to see a publication which is a public trust engaging in a lamentably heavy-handed and unfair representation of the issues involved in the coming election for chancellor.

Either you are afraid of Mr. Enomoto or you show him injudicious disrespect by failing to allow him some expression of the reasons behind his decision to seek the chancellorship. At the same time as you have noted that he has created an issue, there has been no opportunity provided for any of these issues to be clearly stated either by himself or by Mr. Buchanan.

The fact that Mr. Enomoto is will- ing to assert his qualifications and interests in the office and Mr. Bucha- nan is apparently unwilling to make public statements with respect to a public office is surely no justification for a magazine such as the Chronicle to print one side of the question only. While one may agree or disagree with the Alumni Association executive’s statement on page 5, which is at least a signed editorial, the action of the Chronicle in placing Mr. Buchanan’s picture on the cover, and in the

general treatment of the issue, suggest a clear bias which to my mind represents a gross disservice to the cause of creative public interest and alumni interest in the University, and is furthermore clearly prejudicial to one of two alumni of this University seeking its highest office.

-Lionel Tiger, Asst. Professor,

Anthropology and Sociology.

4 4 4 You seem to have a vast quantity of

lawyers wishing to stand for election to the Senate, and surely one of them could have advised you that the UBC Alumni Association is hardly in a correct legal position in taking sides and moreover, using the Alumni Association Funds, in an endeavour to have a candidate favored by the Executive win the chancellorship.

You have no permission whatsoever to speak for me in this way. Whatever the merit of the candidates may be, and whichever may, or may not, be suitable, you have no right to enter into political propaganda of this nauseating kind. . .

I have been carefully and soberly voting for chancellor and members of the senate since 1932 and I have never run into anything like this. Public morality is not very high in this province, but I certainly never ex- pected to find such public immorality in university alumni circles.

-Dorothy Fraser, BA ’32, Osoyoos Branch Contact,

Okanagan-Mainline University Association.

Permit me to disagree with the executive’s stand on the question of chancellor. We must face it that our current organization of education has become obsolete. The students’ action does not strike me as an attempt to

achieve self-government. I think that the choice of their candidate shows a genuine desire for ‘a renaissance of humanistic thought in opposition to the spirit of consumer culture.’ (Eric Fromm.)

In North America and lately in Britain, we have had a rapid rise of a ‘functional meritocracy.’ (Michael Young.) Today, every person is veri- tably tested and consequently selected, from his cradle to the end of his days, according to his merit, his aptitudes to contribute competitively to society’s materialistic success and prosperity.

While this selective process un- doubtedly benefits the business com- munity, it is a disastrous force in the realm of education. . .

The only way to guarantee a free society a free education is to let the educators and their students handle their own problems. The role of society is to enable good education by estab- lishing public educational councils where elected and appointed represen- tatives from the educators, the community and the government assess educational and economic needs and negotiate satisfactory financial arrangements between those who possess the fiscal means and those who provide the educational services.

--.Anne-Marie Orno, MSW ’62, Vancouver.

4 4 4 I have received your brochure

“Convocation must choose,” and let me say I resent it to the uttermost, and that is a far piece as we say in Indiana. I make my protest on three points (this at first glance). 1. While tradition is great, I gather that much of your support for one candidate lies in his ability to cadge support for the University. 2. I detect, first, a note of discrimina- tion against students, and next, against Canadian Japanese. I can’t tolerate this nonsense.


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3. Finally, I feel that you have wasted the Association’s money in your pom- pous revelation of issues that were perfectly clear to anyone who could read the literature sent out in the voting envelope.

-David K. Cunningham, BA’41, Minneapolis, Minn.

I received today the enveloped papers for the forthcoming election. I was distressed to see appearing on the ballot for chancellor a name of a candidate so thoroughly and complete- ly unqualified as to represent an insult to the intelligence of the University alumni. The most charitable way of viewing this is as an undergraduate prank.

I have contacted other alumni in this area to insure the prompt return of their ballots and to insure the election of the chancellor of whom we may all be proud.

-Henry H. Gale, M.D., BA’54

4 4 4 I should like to register my strong

objection to the use, by the Alumni executive (and possibly a minority of it) of the ChronicZe to advance the cause of a particular candidate for the office of Chancellor.

It seems to me that your unwar- ranted and quite presumptous action rests on an indefensible assumption. The assumption is that the graduates of UBC-surely one of the most liter- ate and responsible sections of the community-are unable to make their own decisions on the occasion of the election of a chancellor.

In this particular instance, the can- didate you have so enthusiastically supported, obviously does not require the kind of “huckstering” you felt impelled to provide. All that was re- quired-as with any other c a n d i d a t e was an objective recall of relevant data about his career.

Unfortunately you have quite gra- tuitously introduced an unpleasant element into the election which will engender many perhaps emotional rather than disinterested responses. I suspect that your action will per- suade-or has already persuaded- many graduates to vote for the candi- date whom you have so ungraciously attempted to defeat.

Finally, I assume that the regular staff of the Chronicle had nothing to do with preparing the first section of the issue. I suggest that in the next issue you will issue the necessary statement to exonerate them from any complicity or blame in an almost unbelievable display of bad taste.

“Francis C. Hardwick, MA’34 ( T h e writer of the above letter is cor- rect in the assumption he makes in his last paragraph.-Ed.)

There is no way for a graduate of UBC who is living outside the immediate environs of the University to become aware of important issues at the University, except through the biannual, predominantly social, gatherings, and through the Chronicle. It is for this reason that I am particu- larly appreciative of your letter regard- ing the chancellorship elections which was published in the Spring issue.

There is no doubt in my mind, after comparing the qualifications of the two gentlemen, that Mr. Buchanan is the more suitable man for this particular position. I assure you that if there were, nothing you might say, or have said, could change it.

Your letter did, however, make me aware of the importance of my vote as a concerned member of Convocation, in this election.

-Marilyn (Shaver) Dow, Arts ’50.

4 4 4 I wish to register my protest against

the Alumni Association executive and their use of that Association’s maga- zine and resources to promote the interests of one candidate for chancellor over another.

Mr. Enomoto is legally entitled to run for the office of chancellor. Because he is younger than Mr. Buchanan and has not taken part in as many community activities is no reason for throwing the entire weight of the Alumni Association against him.

Had the editorial in the Chronicle been written by its editor in support of one or other candidate this would have been palatable to me, but to have an executive group transcend the boundaries of their authority and en- dorse one candidate over another and send out a printed flyer is reprehen- sible.

If Mr. Buchanan had openly solicited the support of the alumni organization and paid for the space in our magazine, then this would cast a different light on the matter. From the information that I have however, this action was taken solely on the initiative of our executive committee and paid for out of alumni funds.

This is discrimination of the highest order against a member of our alumni and which I believe warrants a public apology to Mr. Enomoto.

Perhaps what is even more disturb- ing is the apparent lack of communi- cation and understanding our execu- tive has toward alumni members. That the executive believe our alumni to have such a shallow understanding of the chancellorship so as to enable Mr. Enomoto to be elected is an indication to me of how out of touch the executive is with reality.

Believing our alumni to know what the office of chancellor requires, I look forward to the election of Mr. Buchan- an,

-Richard D. Hayes, LLB ’65

The University of B.C., my alma mater, means a great deal to me, and over the four years since I was graduated I have taken every opportu- nity to say so. A sense of pride has always accompanied the claims I have made about our campus, our academic and student life, the standard of our curricula and, not least, our strong and effective alumni association.

Yesterday morning I received your publication entitled ‘UBC Chancellor Election’, in which the nominees for the present chancellor election are pre- sented to us, along with a few notes on the previous chancellors. The very existence of this sheet is as much a shame as it is a disappointment. The bias you show and the unfair advan- tage you give to Mr. Buchanan is nothing for an alumni association to be proud of. If UBC can boast an intelligent leadership and the gradua- tion of intelligent men and women, why must it stoop to such a ‘power- play’ as this to force an election in one direction? Are we not responsible and considerate enough to think for ourselves?

Not every university alumni has the good fortune to be allowed the privilege of electing its chancellor. I recently attended a British university


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Letters which, a few months ago, appointed a new chancellor on the advice of the academic upper crust only. Many of the students and members of convoca- tion were displeased with the continu- ance of the aristocratic air of the appointment. I mention this not as a comparison with our candidates, but to voice an opinion that we are fortunate to have a democratic system which is placed in the hands of a very capable membership. I do not think that the alumni of UBC need to have their intelligence insulted like this again.

-David Birdsall, BASc '62, Montreal, P.Q.

I had already mailed my ballot when I received your mailing on the forth- coming elections.

First I wish to express my un- qualified disapproval of the UBC alumni executive for meddling in the decisions of individual alumni. I con- sider it most improper and foolish that the body which represents all

graduates has chosen to publicly prefer one candidate over another and to attempt to influence the private choice of members of the Convocation.

This is an act of deplorable partisan politicking and an insult to all gradu- ates. Perhaps the alumni association executive has forgotten that it repre- sents thinking human beings, the products of a fine university, an intellectual institution. That, given the facts, an alumnus could not make a wise choice, is an assumption that is unforgivably arrogant. . .

Even if there were the slightest justification for this public stand, the grounds for this stand are extremely dubious. The factors separating the candidates are age, race, academic accomplishment and a great deal of money.

On the basis of these conclusions I am forced to express my complete

lack of confidence in the UBC alumni association executive. I submit that the only honorable course for you all (whose names I note are missing from the offensive document) is to resign.

"Mrs . Theresa Padgham, BA '59, Regina, Sask.

4 4 4 I protest my Association's entry into

the chancellorship election issue. I think it improper and tendentious. I believe it sets a precedent, upon which the membership was not con- sulted. I object to your spending our money on a partisan political pamphlet.

If Mr. Enomoto is elected what will then be the position of our Association?

-N. Parker-Jervis, BA '49, Dept. of English, U. of Alta.

formula to catch the eye

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Page 31: Cool - University of British Columbia

I Letters

Thoughts of home . . . On thinking of UBC and my sojourn in the Far East I recall with especial pleasure and interest two items. One, entertaining President Macdonald in Tokyo at luncheon at the time of the international meeting

August ’65. The other was an oppor- tunity to spend some time with Dr.

Secretariat, Privy Council Office, an old friend and former UBC faculty member, during his visit to Tokyo to observe the organization of science in Japan.

I hope to visit Vancouver this summer and see some old friends-and I expect that the changes in UBC since Fairview days that I have been hearing about will become more real to me.

-Carl Tolman, Arts ’24.

* of universities held in Tokyo in late

I Frank Forward, Director, Scientific

In the spring issue of the Chronicle I was shocked to read ‘Convocation must choose’ on page 5. To my mind this article is an insult to the intelli- gence of your readers as well as to Mr. R. K. Enomoto.

Surely this effort could not have been too carefully weighed by all members of the Alumni Association executive as suggested in the article. It seems to me we fought a war to stamp out this type of thinking. It is obvious from Mr. Buchanan’s background and experience that he did not need the support of anyone in seeking the office of the chancellor of our University. The partiality shown in this instance must be an embarrassment to both candidates.

It is my sincere hope that you will initiate the necessary action to be taken to have this unfortunate in- justice corrected. The Japanese people on the West Coast suffered enough during WW I1 without further in- dignities being directed to one of their prominent sons who represented UBC at ‘Democracy in the University Com- munity’ in Fredericton only last year. Such irony!

“Michael A. Haddon, BASc’43

You may imagine my surprise after having received the ballots at being further campaigned to support one particular candidate for chancellor. Tl-is partisan approach struck me as unnecessary, unfair and, really, just a little too obvious.

‘The unfortunate part is that your propaganda sheet arrived here at an inopportune moment. It was inspected, incredulously, by friends from Carleton IJniversity (Ottawa) and from the University of Manitoba. The impression received by them of the UBC Alumni Association was not favourable.

My husband and I, both graduates of UBC, remember it as a place where fairness could always be depended upon towards all candidates in any election. W e are faced with the dilemma of repudiating “our” alumni association, or of wondering if it really had been UBC that we had admired for its sense of decency.

--Deborah (Mrs. Mark) Underhill, BA ’59.

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Page 32: Cool - University of British Columbia

News of the University

Geology plays

in medical

Dr. H . V . Warren , BA’26, BASc’27

“MOSI. EXCITING!” was Dr. Harry War- ren’s word on his return from a meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences. O n May 4 he had given a paper there, co-authored by himself, Miss Christine H. Cross and Dr. Robert E. Delavault, entitled ‘Possible correlations between geology and some disease patterns.’

His audience of 150 persons was at least three-quarters composed of medi- cal people. Doctors had helped in collecting for his research soil samples from ten areas known to have unusual prevalence of certain diseases and a control of samples from ten other areas which had normal prevalence of those diseases. The significant finding was that the differences in the quan- tity of copper, lead and zinc in the soils was matched by the difference in the prevalence of the diseases under study.

Thus, the age-old interest in the geographical distribution of diseases has shifted rapidly to the distribution of diseases according to geological for- mations involved. In many disease fields, notably cancer and heart disease, this possible geological connection is being pursued actively today.

Dr. Warren had scarcely got settled back at his UBC desk before the mail began coming in, from California, New York and all points between.


a part

research today

Bio-geochemistry was pioneered at UBC twenty years ago and the present study is a part of it.

The meeting which Dr. Warren addressed was chaired by Professor Emeritus Paul Kerr of Columbia University.

Commerce Dean plans course changes

Prof. P. H . White

EIGHT YEARS AGO Professor Philip Herbert White came to UBC from Britain to be head of the division of estate management in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administra- tion. Now, at 41, he has been appoin- ted dean of that faculty.

With a student body of 899 in the faculty last year, Dean White says: “We are confronted with a rapid rise by almost one-half in the last two years in our under-graduate enrolment, yet there is an urgent need to make substantial changes in the curriculum. These changes are required to in- corporate the new methods of analysis and skills in business administration and to reflect the higher standards of those entering the University.”

Dean White took his degrees of

bachelor of science and master of science (estate management), at the College of Estate Management, Univer- sity of London.

In Canada, Dean White has served on a number of commissions and committees concerned with land use and evaluation, and has written papers on local taxation practices and the mortgage market. He is a regional vice-chairman for British Columbia of the Canadian Housing Design Council.

UBC acquires new property FOURTEEN MILES north of Powell River on Homfray Channel, there is a small property called Prideaux Haven which is the latest addition to UBC‘s far-flung campus.

This forty-acre property, with its three-quarter mile shoreline, has been given to the University by the Reed and Sarah Hunt Fund. It will serve UBC as an area for research in fisheries and oceanography and as an ecological reserve, and in return the University has undertaken to preserve i t in perpetuity for transient use by pleasure craft.

Academically Prideaux Haven will, it is expected, prove very useful to the University. Dean Ian McT. Cowan says: “The area has unique values even in a region which is so amply supplied with magnificent wild land and foreshore. As a biological site, the waters adjacent are the warmest in British Columbia and offer very in- teresting opportunities for studying the influence of temperature on reproduc- tion, survival and population densities of a number of inter-tidal species of marine organisms.”

Dean Cowan adds a hope that preservation of Prideaux Haven by the University will give impetus to the establishment of ecological reserves in other major biotic areas.

Mr. Reed 0. Hunt is chairman of Crown Zellerbach Ltd., San Francisco, and a son and namesake lives in West Vancouver.

~~ ~~

Returned mail costs money and is inefficient. If your alumni mail is not correctly addressed, please clip current address label and send it to us with the change.


Page 33: Cool - University of British Columbia

Dean F . H . Soward

Au Revoir, but not good-by DEAN EMERITUS SOWARD has bade UBC an official farewell after more than forty years of teaching here. He retired two years ago, but continued on a temporary basis, giving his course in the Diplo- macy of the Great Powers until the University could find a qualified suc- cessor for him. He was also during that time acting secretary of the Board of Governors.

Now he and Mrs. Soward are plan-

ning a leisurely vacation in the Medi- terranean area, leaving here in August.

Ghana and B.C. have common interest TEN YEARS AGO Professor T. Lionel Coulthard was asked to investigate an algae-choked reservoir in the Okana- gan. Five years later he was in Ghana as an agricultural adviser to the government and a lecturer in agri- cultural engineering and dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at the Univer- sity of Ghana.

The two experiences, half the world apart, came together when he dis- covered in Ghana a German-manu- factured chemical called Dimanin which is used widely in the tropics for treating algae-choked water. Professor Coulthard and his graduate students are now carrying out tests at UBC to determine if the chemical would be useful in the Okanagan.

This summer Professor Coulthard will present a research paper entitled ‘Biological investigations into the pol-

lution of water supplies’ at a twenty- six day conference on water resources at Yew Mexico State University. He is one of 30 persons selected to read papers.

Professor Coulthard is head of the department of agriculture engineering and mechanics in UBC‘s faculties of Applied Science and Agriculture.

Our file is complete! Thanks to Mr. James R. Mitchell who has kindly given the Chronicle a 1918 AnnuaZ, our file of Annuals and Totems is now complete, a great help to the editor.



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Page 34: Cool - University of British Columbia

Alumni Association News

Our Association Wins high place How DOES IT FEEL to be in the Top Ten? UBC Alumni Association mem- bers can begin to get used to the idea now that their Association has been singled out for that honour by the American Alumni Council.

Actually, it is not ‘Top Ten’, but top one per cent in a competition in which thirteen American universities and one Canadian, UBC, qualified for the award. This award, the Alumni Administration Award, given for the first time this year, was sponsored in its initial year by the Sears Roebuck Foundation. It “recognizes those insti- tutions whose alumni program seeks to fulfill the goals of the American Alumni Council, which the Council describes as ‘mobilizing behind educa- tion the full strength of organized alumni support.’ ”

So there we have it, not only a recognition of achievement, but a very high standard to maintain.

Joan Arnold Award Winner

Joan Arnold, BSc’63

A STUDENT whose name had never appeared in the Ubyssey-‘which in itself may be the best kind of recogni- tion,’ the citation read-was honoured with the Alumni Award of Student Merit at the annual Student-Alumni banquet held last March.

The award winner was Miss Joan Arnold, chosen by a selection board

v?b, v

Gayle Hitchens, Ed IV Marilyn Palmer, Ed I

UBC students in maior golf event

Two YOUNG EDUCATION STUDENTS, Mari- lyn Palmer and Gayle Hitchens, will carry UBC colours in the U.S. Wo- men’s Collegiate Golf Tournament this June.

The girls, both members of this year’s Western Canada Inter-collegiate Athletic Association championship team, have singly won many major tournaments. They have each held B.C. titles in junior and senior com-

Gayle, 22, a fourth year student, has been a Canadian Open finalist three times and champion in 1962. She was also a member of the 1963 Canadian Commonwealth team that toured Australia and New Zealand.

Marilyn at 19, a first year education student, possesses a two handicap and is the current British Columbia women’s champion.

A grant from the Alumni Association petitions and have been perennial has made it possible for these two members, first of junior, then of senior, student golfers to represent our Uni- B.C. teams competing in the Canadian versity in this major United States championships. competition.

composed of both alumni and students. This award is given annually to a Students honour

student who has made an outstanding contribution to this University, who has Dr. Phyllis Ross maintained a satisfactory academic BEFORE WINDING UP the business of record, and who is of good character. the 1965-66 academic year, UBC stu-

Miss Arnold graduated from high dents honoured one of their alma

I .

” v

school with an average of 87%, gradu- ated from UBC in 1963 with first class honours, and is currently a doctoral candidate in chemistry.

She has worked on a number of sig- nificant student committees, but her greatest contribution has been in a field which she herself opened up, that of bringing together students, faculty, alumni and administration in a variety of exFeriences and settings.

mater’s most notable alumnae at a special ceremony last April.

The ceremony, at a meeting of the Student Council, was held to present Chancellor Phyllis Ross with a scroll to express the students’ appreciation of her services as citizen, as chancellor, as friend to the student body.

Dr. Ross was honoured by the ztu- dents of 1954 with the Great Trekker Award.


Page 35: Cool - University of British Columbia

U.B.C. Almni Association Directory University Associations

Central B.C. CHAIRMAN-MTS. G . C. Kellett BSc (Alta.),

100 MILE HOUSE-Alan MacMillen, BA’62, Box

QWESNEL-Douglas Feir, BA’33, P.O. Box 308. VANDERHOOF“A1Vin W. Mooney, BA’35, MD.

WILLIAMS LAKE-Mrs. C. Douglas Stevenson,

2293 McBride Cresc., Prince deorge.


MSc (Alta.), P.O. Box 56.

BA’27, Box 303.

E. Kootenay Post-Secondary Education Association

PRESIDENT-Ray Cooper, BA’49, LLB’50, Box 28, Creston.

VI~E-PRESIDENTS-Maurice G . Klinkhamer, BA 34, BEd’47, Box 849. Cranbrook; Frank

Goodwm, Box 810 Kimberley; Judge M. Provenzano, LLB’49, Box 2406, Cranhrook.


Box 88. Box 9; Mrs. Marion PenAington, BSN’32,

CRESTON-AhI B. Staples, BA’39, Box 280; Dr. J. V. Murray, BA’29, Box 270.

FERNIE-H. D. Stuart, BEd’60, Box 217; F. C. Hislop, LLB’SO. Box 490.

INVERMERE-Mrs. G . A. Duthie; Tom Hutchison. KIMRERLEY-L. F. H. Garstin, BA’40, MA’46,

1 SECRETARY-Bill Phillips, BA’64, BOX 158, Cran-

CRnNBROOK-Percy B. Pullinger BA’40, BEd’56,

Box 313; Mat Malnarich.

Fraser Valley P R ~ D E N T : Dr. Mills F. Clarke, BSA’35, MSA

37, c/o Dominion Experimental Farm, Agassiz.

P A ~ T PRESIDENT: Norman Severide, BA’49, LLB

SECRETARY: Hunter B. Vo el, HA’58, 19952 New 50, Drawer 400, Langley.

McLellan Road, R.R. 40. 7. Lanelev. ABBOTSFOR>JOhII Wittenberg, 33351 Braun

Maple Street, Box 37. Avenue, Box 1046; William H. Grant, BEd’47,

AGASSIZ-Dr. Douglas Taylor, BSA’39, c/o Dominion Experimental Farm.

CHILLIWACK-Judge F. K . Grimmett, BA’32, Box 10, Sardls; Frank Wllson, MA’37, 25 Clarke Drive ._

CLOVERDALE-Harold S. Keenlyside, BA’35,

CULTUS LAKE-W. N. Swanzey, BEd’57, 379

HANEY-MeTVyII M. Smith, BA’34, 12283 North

HOPE-Eugene Olson, BA’48, BEd’56, Box 221. LANGLEY-Dr. Chapin Key, Box 636. MISSION-Wilfred R. Jack, BA’35, MA’37, Mc-

Drawer 579.

Cedar Street.

8th Avenue.

Taggart Road, Hatzic.

Okanagan Mainline PRESIDENT: Mrs. H. J. MacKay, BA’38, Box

PAST PRESIDENT: Dr. E. M. Stevenson, M D

ARMsTRoNCRonald R. Heal, BSA’47, Box 391. GOLDEN-MTS. Trevor Burton. KAMLooPs-Roland G . Aubrey, BArch’51, 242

KELOWNA-John Dyck, BSP’SI, Dyck’s Drugs

LuMBY-Ken B. Johnson, Merritt Diamond

OLIYER-Rudolph P. Guidi, BA’53, BEd’55, P r x -

osoyoos-Mrs. Douglas Fraser, BA’32, R.R.

PENTICTON-MTS. Howard J. Hamilton, LLB’56,

REVELSTOKE-MTS. H. J. MacKay, Box 129. SALMON ARM-Dr. W. H. Letham, BSA’42, Box

129, Revelstoke.

(West. Ont.), 3105 - 31st St.. Vernon.

Victorla Street.

Ltd., 545 Bernard Avenue.

Mills, P.O. Box 10.

clpal, Elementary School.

No. 1.

789 Carmi Drive.


CHEMAINUS-MIS. A. A. Brown, BA’45, BOX 266. LADYSMITH-MTS. T. R. Boggs, BA‘29, Box 637. N A N A 1 M ” A h E. Filmer, BCom’62, LLB’63,

2340 Holyrood. PARKSVILLE-QUALICUM-J. L. Nicholls, BA’36,

Quallcum Beach. BEd’53, Principal, Jr.-Sr. High School,

SHAWNIGAN LAKE-Edward R. Larsen, BA’48,

SooKE-Mrs. John Lancaster, BA’63, 1962 Mur-

VICTORIA-David Edgar, BCom’60, LLB’61, 929

Shawnigan Lake School.

ray Road.

Fairfield Road.

West Kootenay Regional Committee CHAIRMAN-R. J. H. Welton, BASc’46, 1137

ARGENTA-Mr. Stevenson. Columbia Avenue, Trail.

CASTLEGAR-Edwin McGauley, BA’51, LLB’52,

GRAND FORKS-E. C. Henniger, Jr., BCom’49,

NELSON-Leo S. Gansner, BA. BCom’35, c/o

RIONDEL-Herman Nielsen. Box 75. mIr-Mrs. T. S . Mathieson, 310 Willow Dr.

Box 615.

Box 10.

Garland. Gansner & Arlidge, Box 490.

Other B.C. Branch Contacts ASHCROFT-Gordon H. S. Parke, BSA’52, Bona-

BEFLA COOLA-Milton C. Sheppard, BA’53, BEd

BRALORNE-J. S . Thompqon, BASc’SO. Box 301. CHETWYND”J3meS McWilliams, BSF’53. CLINTON-Kenneth Beck, BSP’57, Box 159. DA,WSON CREEK-Michael R. de la Giroday, LLB

57, 841-105th Ave. FORT ST. JOHN-Art Fletcher, BCom’54, Super-

vising Principal, North Peace River High School, Box 640.


7, Fort St. John, B.C.

parte Ranch, Cache Creek.

54, Box 7.

GRANTHAM’S LA:DINO”. R. Kitson. BASc.56,

HUDSON Hope-w. 0. Findlay, Bag Service No.

LILLooET-Harold E. Stathers, BSP’53, Box 548. LYrroN-David S. Manders, BA’39, Box 5 . MERRITr-Richard M. Brown, BA’48, LLB’52. POWELL RIVER-F. A. Dickson, BASc’42, 3409

PRINCE RUPERT-Robert C. S. Graham, Box 188. PRINCETON-Robert B. Cormack, BA’49, BEd’57,

SICAMOUS-W. Ellaschuk, BA’50, Box 9.

TERRACE-Ronald Jephson, LLB’56, P.O. Box SQUAMISH-Mrs. G. s. Clarke, BOX 31.

TEXADA-MTS. Dorothy Halley, BA’29, BOX 91,


Box 552.


Gillies Bay.

Gran Bay Logging Co. ZEsALLos-Mrs. Joan St. Denis, BSN’59, c/o

Alberta CALGARY-P. T. Kueber, BCom’57, LLB’58, 600-

6th Ave., S.W.

44 Street.

First Street S.E.

EDMONTON-Gary Caster, BA’47, BSW’48, 10507-

MEDICINE HAT-Harry H. YUill, BCom’59, 473

Saskatchewan MOOSE JAW-MelVin Shelly, BASc’55, MBA’57,

REGINA-Bob Talbot, BA’47, BSA’48, 144 Dur- 1156-3rd Ave. N.W.

ham Drive.

BASc’56, 202 S . Cumberland. SASKATOON-Dr. Alex J. Finlayson, BA’55,

Manitoba WINNIPEG-Harold A. Wright, BCom’63, c/o

Great West Life Assurance Co.

Ontario SU,MMERLAND-PTeStOII S. Mott, BCom’60, LLB

VERNON-MTS. Peter G . Legg, BA’37, BOX 751. 61, West Summerland.

Vancouver Island PRESIDENT: Harold S. MacIvor, BA’48, LLB’49,

VICE-PRESIDENT: Robert, St., G . Gray, BA‘53,

SECRETARY: Mrs. J. H. Moore, BA’27, Norcross

Box 160, Courtenay.

1766 Taylor Street, Vlctorla.

Rd., R.R. 4, Duncan. ALRERNI-PORT ALBERNI-W. Norman Burgess, BA

CAMPBELL RIVER-Mrs. W. J. Logie, BA’29, Box ’40, BEd’48, 518 Golden Street, Alberni.


DEEP RIVER-D. D. Stewart, BA’40, 4 Macdonald

cueLpH-Walter H. A. Wilde, BA’50, 4 Cedar Street.

Street. HAMILTON-Ham; L. Penny, BA, BSW’56, 439

LONDON-Mrs. Brian Wharf, 134 Biscay Road.

OTTAWA-Thomas E. Jackson, BA’37, 516 Gol- MANOTICK”JOhI1 W. Green, BCom’39, Box 295.

PORT ARTHUR-sYdIIey Burton Sellick, RSF’52,

TORONTO-Arthur Aspinall, BCom’64, Apt. 1201,

WELLANE-JO~ Turnbull, BASc’55, MASc’58,

Patrna Dnve, Burlmgton.

den Avenue.

389 College Street.

199 Roehampton.

Box 494, Fonthill.

Quebec MONTREAL-L. Hamlyn Hobden, BA‘37, MA

Milne, Ltd., 1980 Sherbrooke St. West. ’40, C/O Pemberton, Freeman, Mathers and

Nova Scotia SACKVILLE-Dr. David M. MacAulay, BSW’61,

SYDNEY-Robt. Algar, c/o Dosco Steel Co. Ltd. WOLFVILLE-Bruce Robinson, BA’36, BASc’36,

Dean’s Apt.

Box 446. P.E.I.

CHARLOTTETOWN-MTS, Robert Dubberley, 76 Parkview Drive.

Newfoundland ST. JOHN’S-Dr. V. S . Papezich, c/o Memorial

University. Commonwealth

ENGLANGMTS. J. W. R. Adams, BA’23, Thurn- ham Grange, Thurnham near Maidstone, Kent. Mrs. C. A. S . Turner, “Blue Shutters”, 120 Myton Road, Warwick.

CANADIAN UNIVERSITY SOCIETY-46 Ferry Road, Barnes, London S.W. 13.

sCoTL.sND-Mrs. Jean Dagg, BEd’61, 35 Tweed Street, Ayr.

mINIc~A,o-Lorne D. R. Dyke, BCom’56, ,Corn- merclal Division, Box 125, Port of Spa~n.

United States FR1ENi)S OF Wsc-Stan Arkley BA’25, 9009 N.E.

ARrzoNA-John E. Mulhern, BA’16, Casas 37th St., Bellevue, Washiniton.

CALIFORNIA-(Chairman) Charles A. Holme Adobes Lodge, 6810 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson.

CISCO. SAN FRANCISCwDr. Oscar E. Ander- BCom’SO, 81 Morningside Drive, San Fran:

son, BA’29, MA’31, 185 Graystone Terrace. SANTA CLARA-Mrs. Fred M. Stepheq, B4’27, 381 Hayes Avenue. STANFORwHarOld J. Dyck, BA’53, Bldg. 315, Apt. 14, Stanford Village.

FLORIIIA-Dr. Cora L. Paton, BEd’57, MEd’62,

HAWAII-Donald M. McArthur, BA’21, 295 Wai- Box 983, Tallahassee.

ILLINCIIS-Mrs. Richard H. Thompson, BA’59, lups Cir., Honolulu.

2255 St. John’s Avenue, Highland Park,

MISSOURI-Dr. Carl Tolman,. BA’24, MS., PhD Chicago.

University, St. Louis. (Yale), Dept. of Earth Sctences, Washmgton

MONTANA-MTS. Glennys Christie, BA’54, 509 W. Cleveland, Bozeman.

NEW MEXICO-Dr. Martin B. Goodwin, BSA’43, Box 974. Clovis.

MISSOURI-Dr. Carl Tolman,. BA’24, MS., PhD Chicago.

University, St. Louis. (Yale), Dept. of Earth Sctences, Washmgton

MONTANA-MTS. Glennys Christie, BA’54, 509

NEW MEXICO-Dr. Martin B. Goodwin, BSA’43, W. Cleveland, Bozeman.

Box 974. Clovis. NEW YoRK-Miss Rosemary Brough. BA’47, 340

E. S8th St., New York. ROCHESTER-Dr. E. T. Kirkpatrick, Dean, College of Applied Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, 65 Ply-

OHIO-Mrs. Milford S . Lougheed, BA’36, MA mouth Avenue S .

Green. (Bowl. Green) 414 Hillcrest Drive, Bowling

OREGON-Dr. David B. Charlton, BA’25, 2340

nxAs-Wilfrid M. Calnan, BA’39, MSW’48, Jefferson St., Portland.

307 Chenoweth, Corpus Christi. WASHINGTON-SEATTLE-PRESIDENT: John A. M.

G u m , 9010 N.E. 37th Place, Bellevue. VICE-

SPOKAYE-Don W. Hammersley, BCom’46, Sym- PRESIDENT: Miss Nora Clarke, 5041 N.E. 22nd.

WISCONSIN-H. Peter Krosby, BA’55, MA’58, mons Bldg.

PhD(Co1.) Dept. of Scandinavian Studies, U. of Wisconsin, Madison.

Other Countries D0,MlNICAN REPusLlc-John E. Kepper, BCom

ETHIOPIA-Arthur H. Sager, BA’38, BOX 3005, 63, Apartado 1393, Santo Domingo.

FRANce-Nigel Kent-Barber, BA’61, 80 rue United Nations, ECA, Addis Ababa.

GREECE-Edmond E. Price, BCom’59, Canadian Gabriel PCri, Massey, Seine-et-Oise.

INDIA--KnUte B. Buttedahl, Dept. of Adult Embassy, Athens.

ISRAEL-Arthur H. Goldberg, BA’48, 57 Ben Education, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

JAPAN--MTS. Yuriko Moriya, BA’36, 210 Tama- Yehuda St., Tel Aviv.

KENYA-Dr. Gordon M. Wilson, BA’49, Box gawa Kaminogowe, Setagsya-ku, Tokvo.

NIGERI4”Mrs. Lucian Gallianari, BA’49, P.O. 5837, Nairobi.

Box 2403, Lagos; Mrs. Barbara M. McLean, BEd’62, Box 427, Enugu.

NORWAY-Bjorn W. Meyer, B’Com’62, Blok- kvien 34, Sandvika, nr. Oslo.

PANAMA-LeSter D. Mallory, BSA’27. MSA’29 c/o Inter-American Development Bank, Bo; 7297, Panama.

SOUTH AFRICA-Donald H. Leavitt, Box 683, C a m Town.

SWEDEN-Mrs. Helen Frey, BA’28, Skogsmyrsva- gen 11, Uppsala.


Page 36: Cool - University of British Columbia




Send the edifor your news, by press clippings or personal leffer. Your classmafes are inier- ested and so are we.

Arnold A. Webster, BA’22

1922 Arnold A. Webster, BA, MA28, was

honoured recently at a dinner given by friends at the Ukrainian Community Centre. It was a tribute designed to tell him how much his public service had been appreciated. Mr. Webster retired last year after thirty-three years in poli- tics, during which time he served at all three levels of government. He has been a member of UBC’s Senate for fifteen years, and is a freeman of the City of Vancouver.

1924 R. Murray Brink, BA, MA’25, was

re-elected to the board of directors and the executive committee of Allied Van Lines Ltd., at the company’s annual meeting in Toronto. Mr. Brink is presi- dent of Johnston Terminals Limited.

Carl Tolman, BA, MS, PhD(Yale), former Chancellor of Washington Uni- versity, has compIeted his assignment of two years with the U.S. State Depart- ment. He served as science attach6 at the American Embassy in Tokyo, with similar responsibilities in Seoul, Manila

Taipei and Hong Kong. He has now re- turned to the department of earth sciences at Washington University.

1925 William C. Cameron, BSA, retired at

the end of March as director-general of the Canadian Department of Agricul- ture’s production and marketing branch. He had been with the CDA since 1927, moving to Ottawa in 1935. He became the department’s assistant director in 1959, and assumed his most recent position in 1963.

Dr. A. Earle Birney, BA, MA‘27, PhD’36 (Toronto), after many years with the department of English at UBC, has resigned. For the past year he has been on leave of absence at the University of Toronto as poet-in-residence. Dr. Birney, one of Canada’s foremost poets, has re- ceived many honours for his writing. In 1965, at the fall convocation ceremonies at the University of Alberta, he received an honorary doctor of laws degree.

What‘s In It For Me, They Keep Asking IT’S A QUESTIO’N which may not be viable (viable . . . a good IN word this week) as a complete philosophy for living, but it has i ts uses, not always entirely crass. For instance, when people subscribe to and read a newspaper they quite rightly do so because it provides something for THEM, each and every one. Until computers start turning out people, people will continue to differ from each other in tastes and attitudes in a most disorderly and humon way and The Sun will keep right on being a paper in which as rnony as possib!e find what they want. SEE IT IN THE@ 36

Page 37: Cool - University of British Columbia

Professor Jacob Biely, BSA, MSA30, head of UBC’s poultry science depart- ment, has been elected a fellow of The Royal Society of Canada. Professor Biely, a member of faculty since 1930, is a member of several learned societies, and has attended several international conferences including the World Poultry Science Association, and the Biochemical Congress in Moscow in 1961.

Charles D. Schultz, BASc, is the first British Columbian to have been ap- pointed to the Board of Directors of the Association of Consulting Engineers of

Canada. His four year term will end in 1970.

1928 The Hon. James Sinclair, BASc, has

been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lafarge Cement Co. Ltd., succeeding the Hon. Frank M. Ross. He has been president of the company since 1961.

1933 Graham B. Ladner, BA, has been ap-

pointed a County Court Judge by the federal government. Mr. Ladner, nephew to Leon Ladner, a member of the Board of Governors of UBC, has practised law in Vancouver since 1938, and was lat- terly associated with the firm of Ladner, Southin and Roberts.

Laurence 1. Nicholson, BA, BASc’34, is the new superintendent of control services for COMINCO at Trail, B.C. In this position he will be responsible for effluent control and industrial hygiene for all operations of the company.

1934 Beatrice Cooke, BA, (now MacLeod)

has been appointed to the English de- partment of the West Kootenay Regional College. She is presently a staff member of the J. Loyd Crowe High School in Trail, where she has taught for the past six years.

1937 Ralph E. Cudmore, BSA, sales opera-

tions manager for Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. since 1963, has been ap- pointed general manager of the tractor and equipment division for that com- pany.

At Home on the Campus UBC-trained bacteriologists staff the Dairyland laboratory; UBC’s Faculty of Agriculture has worked in close coopera- tion with Dairyland for many years.

Dairyland is proud of this long and happy association with the University of British Columbia.

A Division of the Fraser Valley Milk Producers’ Association.

Thomas A. Dohm, BA, former Van- couver city magistrate, has been ap- pointed to the Supreme Court of B.C. He had been the youngest magistrate to be appointed in Vancouver when he was named to that position in 1954.

1938 James W. Hudson, BCom, has been

appointed by the British Columbia pro- vincial government to the Vancouver Police Commission. Mr. Hudson, was also elected President of the United Community Services at the annual gene- ral meeting held in April.

Judge James A. Macdonald, BA, has been appointed to the B.C. Supreme Court. by the federal government, suc- ceeding the late Mr. Justice Hutcheson. Judge Macdonald is a past president of the Alumni Association and is a candi- date in this year’s senate elections.

1940 Victor C. Moore, BA, is the Canadian

Embassy’s newest diplomat in South Viet Nam, where he has been stationed since Christmas. He had previously been posted as a counsellor in The Hague, Netherlands, since 1962. He is Canada’s senior delegate on the international truce commission in Viet Nam-the one inter- national body with direct dealings in both the rival war capitals of Saigon and Hanoi.

1941 John R. Meredith, BA, BEd‘55, has

been appointed assistant superintendent of education in charge of instructional services for the Department of Education in Victoria. Mr. Meredith was formerly



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director of curriculum for the Depart- ment.

Robert H. Parkinson, BA, has been appointed national director of family al- lowances, youth allowances, and old age security with the Department of Health and Welfare in Ottawa. He joined the Department in 1946 after service with the Canadian army.

1942 Dr. William H. Letham, BSA, DMD

(Oreg.) Chairman of the Salmon Arm UBC Alumni Association, has been ap- pointed to the Okanagan Regional Col- lege Council.

1944 Trenna G. Hunter, BASc, has retired

after twenty-six years as director of nursing with the Metropolitan Health Service of Greater Vancouver. Miss Hunter, a former president of the Cana- dian Nurses’ Association, was at one time nursing supervisor of the Japanese Evacuation centre in Vancouver during W.W. 11.

David J. S. Smith, BA, a commerce teacher in Port Alberni, is the author of a new book to be issued in the Depart- ment of Education’s commerce curricu- lum. “The Citizens’ Business” has been approved by the Department, and will be issued to all students in the General Business 12 course in B.C.

1945 Fred D. Cook, BSA MSA’47, PhD

(Edin.) and Douglas C. Gillespie, BSA ’48, MSA’51, PhD(U. West Res.), were two of the three co-discoverers of a new potent antibiotic called Myxin. The dis- covery is the culmination of three years of research by a team of three doctors, and has already been found to prevent the growth of thirty-four species of bac- teria, 49 species of fungi, and 12 species of yeast.

Burton Kurth, BA, associate professor of English at the University of Victoria, has been granted a Canada Council scholarship to study English renaissance literature in California.

Walter J. Williams, BA, has been ap- pointed chief selection officer for the B.C. Civil Service Commission. He is the Commission’s former co-ordinator of accident prevention.

1946 William P. T. McGhee, BA, BSF’47,

chief forester for Crown Zellerbach since 1964, has been appointed woods mana- ger of interior operations for that firm. Mr. McGhee has been associated with the forest industry for twenty years. In his new position he will be based in Kelowna.

George W. McLeod, BASc, has been appointed resident engineer at the Rayo- nier Canada (B.C.) Ltd. kraft mill at Woodfibre. Mr. McLeod spent several years in the pulp and paper industry on the west coast as a resident engineer.

1947 Basil McDonnell, BASc, MASc’48, is

the new superintendent of development in the chemical and fertilizer division of COMINCO, Trail, B.C. He has been associated with the firm in various positions since 1948.

Donovan F. Miller, BCom, has been promoted from his present position as


executive assistant to the president of the Canadian Fishing Company to that of President and General manager. Mr. Miller is a member of the Senate and the Board of Governors of UBC.

1948 J. B. (Jack) Brown, BCom, was the

unanimous choice of the Board of Direc- tors of the Riverside Community Hospi- tal, Riverside California, as administra- tor for the hospital. Mr. Brown has been at Riverside hospital since 1963 as assistant administrator.

Emerson H. Gennis, BCom, has re- signed as production manager of the fresh and frozen fish division of B.C. Packers to head a new fishing company on the Atlantic coast. The new company is being formed by the Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd., and will operate a fleet of stem trawlers on the east coast. Mr. Gennis, Alumni Association director for a time in 1961, has been in Toronto since January working on the formation of the company.

William C. Leith, BASc, MASc’49, PhD(McGil1) has been elected to full membership in the Society of Sigma Xi, in recognition of his research into cavita- tion damage of materials. Sigma Xi is an international professional organization dedicated to the encouragement of origi- nal investigation in pure and applied science. Dr. Leith is the consulting en- gineer and scientific co-ordinator and adviser for the energy section of the “Man and Resources” exhibition for Expo ’67.

Alan M. Murray, BA, comptroller for COMINCO, was appointed Director, Fi- nance, in May. Mr. Murray has been with COMINCO since 1953.

S. B. (Sig) Peterson, BSA, is the B.C. Department of Agriculture’s new director of development and extension, succeed- ing Gordon L. Landon, BSA’23, whose retirement the Chronicle announced in its last issue. Mr. Peterson has been with the BCDA since 1948, first as district agriculturalist in Creston and Courtenay, and then as supervisor of 4-H Clubs in the department.


Now‘s the time to get your house on the market. We speciolize in personalized service. 30 competent sales personnel t o assist you. Call for Professional Service.

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Wilfred E. Barnes, PhD, has been ap- pointed head of the department of mathematics at the Iowa State University of Science and Technology. He had been a member of faculty at Washington State University since 1954, latterly as professor of mathematics.

1949 Earl W. Beninger, BCom, was recently

appointed resident systems representa- tive for Systems Equipment Ltd., in Sudbury, Ontario.

Murray D. Bryce, BA, is the author of the first book, so the publishers claim, to be completely devoted to describing methods and policies for industrial de- velopment. Its title is just that, “Policies and Methods for Industrial Develop- ment.” Mr. Bryce, now a director of his own firm, Projects International Inc., was at one time an industrial projects analyst with the World Bank.

R. Harold Carlyle, BASc, has been appointed to the position of Calgary Zone Exploration manager for British American Oil Co. Ltd. He had been manager-geophysics for BA since 1957.

George M. Greer, BA, LLB’61, has been appointed secretary of Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. Following an associa- tion with a Vancouver law firm, Mr. Greer joined Columbia Cellulose in 1962. He is a member of the Law Society of B.C. and the Canadian Bar Association.

Terence Hall, BCom, has been offi- cially named superintendent for the Canadian Pacific Railway in Regina. Mr. Hall has been with the CPR since 1939, and had latterly been acting superin- tendent at Regina.

Allan D. McEachern, BA, LLB’SO, was recently named first vice-president of the Canadian Football League. Mr. McEachern was the law degree repre- sentative for the Alumni Association for

Edward R. Peck, BCom, was recently appointed general manager of both Peace Power Constructors and Columbia Hydro Constructors Ltd. The two organi- zations represent B.C. Hydro and Power Authority on the Peace Power Project and the Columbia Treaty Dams.

Dr. Ernest Peters, BASc, MASc’51,




I AND MAILING 8 “40 Years‘ Experience”

Page 39: Cool - University of British Columbia


PhD’56, has been awarded a COMINCO grant of $16,900 to further basic research in the extraction of metal from sulphide ores. Dr. Peters said he will investigate the way in which sulphide ores are chemically attacked by solutions of reagents.

Stuart B. Smith, BA, MA‘53, is the new director of the fish and wildlife division of the Alberta Department of Lands and Forests. Mr. Smith has pre- viously been chief of fisheries manage- ment for British Columbia.

Eleanor M. Sortome, BHE, director of dietetics, Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- real, has been elected president of the Corporation of Dietitians of Quebec.

1950 Albert R. Cox, BA, MD’54, was one

of two Canadian doctors awarded a $50,000 scholarship by the Canadian Life Insurance Association to continue his heart research. At Present Dr. Cox is working on four special projects at UBC. One involves the recording of electrical activity of single heart cells to discover their reaction to various drugs; another is the evaluation of new teaching meth- ods for medical students, and two deal with the effects of exercise on the heart.

New senior district magistrate for the East Kootenay Region is David LUM, LLB, president of the Rossland-Trail Bar Association.

James A. MacInnes, BASc, employed with B.C. Telephone Co. for the past sixteen years, has been appointed Direc- tor of Public Relations for the company. Prior to this appointment he had been coastal division engineering and con- struction manager.

Donald H. MacKay, BASc, recently took over office as the new chief techni- cal services officer at the RCAF Station, Greenwood, N.S. Since 1963 Wing Com- mander MacKay had been at Maritime Air Command Headquarters, serving as staff officer, aeronautical engineering.

Hugh F. Ross, BA, hospital adminis- trator for the new Richmond General Hospital, gave approval recently to the opening of the hospital and admittance of its first patients. The 132 bed hospital expects to have 3,000 patients per year. N. Hume McLennan, BA, has been

appointed to the position of district manager for the Vancouver area of United Investment Services Ltd.

Gordon A. Saunders, BA, has joined the staff of the University of Saskatche- wan as assistant director of alumni affairs. In this position he will assist the director with planning and management of the university alumni relations pro- gram, which includes executive assis- tance for volunteer alumni groups at the university.

1952 John R. (Jack) Cameron, BA, MA’60,

has been awarded a $3,600 Alberta

Dissertation Fellowship for continued work on his PhD thesis. He is presently investigating the English usage of edu- cated Canadians.

Trevor L. Horsely, BASc, mine super- intendent for Cassiar Asbestos Corpora- tion, has been appointed manager of exploration and development for Con- west Exploration Co. Ltd., with head- quarters in Toronto.

Donald J. Hudson, BA, has assumed the position of merchandise manager for the central division of T. Eaton Co. Ltd. In his new position he will direct all buying, promotion and inventory control activities for the division in Ontario.

Milla Andrew, BA (Mrs. Seva Koyan- der) was one of the leading singers at a recent production of Die Fledermaus presented by the Sadler’s Wells Opera Company in London. She was given a lead role in the opera, after a successful stand-in as understudy in an earlier production of Madama Butterfly.

Kenneth C. Lucas, BASc, has been posted as director of the new resource development service of the federal Fisheries Department. This new service will be responsible for measures to maintain and increase stocks of fish, and will carry out expanded programs asso- ciated with the previous fish culture development branch.

Douglas G. Reid, BA, has been ap- pointed staff services manager for B.C. Hydro’s metropolitan region. He will be responsible for personnel administration, labour relations and training programs for Hydro employees in the Vancouver and adjacent coastal regions.

1953 Rev. Robert D. MacRae, BA, BSW’59,

MSW62, rector of the parish of West- syde, Kamloops since 1962, has taken over duties as assistant secretary of the Department of Social Service of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Arthur Phillips, BCom, has been ap- pointed to the board of directors of Pemberton Securities Ltd. He will con- tinue as president of Phillips, Hager and North.

1954 Alex D. Burton, BA, formerly geo-

logical supervisor for Noranda Explora- tion Co. Ltd., has moved to take up the directorship of exploration and de- velopment for BrenMac Mines Ltd.

Gerard Duclos, BCom, New Bruns- wick‘s deputy minister of labour, has been appointed director-general of man- power services in the proposed federal manpower department.

1955 Robert Affleck, BASc, is now assistant

technical superintendent for Prince George Pulp and Paper Limited.

Gordon A. Elliott, BCom, divisional

R. H. (Bob) LEE B.Com. Commercial Properties

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personnel manager for the western divi- sion of T. Eaton Co. in Winnipeg has moved to Vancouver to take up the same duties here for the Pacific division. Mr. Elliott had been the Alumni Association branch contact in Winnipeg.

Allan G. Leinweber, BCom, a member of the teaching staff of the W.E. Hay Composite School at Stettler, Alberta, was recently granted his BEd from the University of Alberta.

Matthews, L L B’55

G. Richard Matthews, LLB, is now assislant secretary of Columbia Cellu- lose Co. Ltd. He joined the firm in 1964 as property manager.

1956 Dr. Donald J. Henderson, BA, PhD

(Utah), has been awarded a $7,000 Sloan Research Fellowship for research into the theory of liquids and dense gases. He will begin his work this September at the Commonwealth Scientific and In- dustrial Research Organization in Mel- bourne, Australia.

Phillips, Hager


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Page 40: Cool - University of British Columbia

Gordon A. Thorn, BCom, MBA(Mary-

Evening Classes at the British Columbia land) has been appointed vice-principal,

Institute of Technology. Mr. Thorn has served the University and the Alumni Association during the past four years, first as Assistant Director of the Alumni Association, and most recently as Direc- tor of Alumni Annual Giving. Prior to his association with the University he was employed by Imperial Oil Ltd. Mr. Thom is a member of the Chronicle’s Editorial Committee, and is also working with the Association as Reunion Chair- man, Commerce ’56. He is a member of the District VI11 Executive of the American Alumni Council.

1957 Trevor R. Bagot, BASc, has joined

CLM Industries as Vancouver district manager. Prior to joining CLM Indus- tries Mr. Bagot was involved in the electrical industry in eastern Canada for several years.

John R. Longstaffe, BA, LLB’58, is a member of the 1966-67 executive of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Alexander (Sandy) Ross, BA, story editor of CBC’s “This Hour Has Seven Days” has been appointed managing editor of Maclean’s magazine. Mr. Ross joined the Vancouver Sun in 1960, and in 1963 was appointed staff writer for Maclean’s. He went to CBC TV in 1965, while continuing to write for Maclean’s.

1958 Bruno F. Gandossi, BA, has been

promoted to the position of supervisor,

merchandising, in the Vancouver office of Texaco Canada Limited. He has been with the firm since 1962.

Bryan E. Husband, BCom, BLS’64, librarian in charge of reference services for the Vancouver Island regional library, has been appointed assistant librarian reference at Royal Roads Cana- dian Services College in Victoria.

1959 John M. Cashore, BA, is the new

minister of East Trail United Church. He had been serving at the United Church of Canada Mission at Port Simpson for the past four years.

A. J. Stewart Smith, BA, MSc’61, was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship for research studies into nuclear physics with the Deutsches Elektronen Synchro- ton of Hamburg, Germany. He is spe- cializing in fundamental nuclear theory.

Ian D. Wallis, BSW, MSW’60, writes us that he has been appointed superin- tendent of the Ontario Department of Health’s new Adult Occupational Centre at Edgar, Ontario. The centre is a reha- bilitation unit and sheltered community for mentally retarded adults, and as such is an entirely new concept in train- ing mental retardates. Mr. Wallis had previously been Adult Program Director at the Ontario Hospital School in Orillia.

1960 Ronald Graves, BEd, has been ap-

pointed principal of 100 Mile House High School, a promotion from the posi- tion of vice-principal.

Glyn M. Jones, BEd, MEd’63, will attend a special seminar at Stanford University under a Shell Merit Fellow- ship from June 20 to August 13. Mr. Jones was one of four teachers from Western Canada chosen for outstanding merit and leadership qualities.

J. Donald Jones, BA, has been ap- pointed to the physics department of West Kootenay College, effective August 15.

1961 Sidney M. Shakespeare, BA, was re-

cently named to the post of Lady-in- Waiting to Her Excellency Madame Vanier. Miss Shakespeare had previously

been with the Canadian Government Travel Bureau, where she was special assistant to the director.

Robert C. Stuart, BCom, who is pre- sently studying at Moscow University, has been awarded a Canada Council fellowship for study of Russian agricul- tural economics.

1962 &an E. FeEtham, BCom, LLB’65, is

now senior analyst of the Ontario divi- sion of British American Oil Co. Ltd. Prior to this appointment he had been intermediate analyst in the planning section of the marketing department of the company at their head office. Dean was the first winner of the Alumni Student Merit Award.

Glenys M. Parry, BA, MA(Smith) has been awarded a $2,500 Canada Council award for graduate studies.

Stuart T. Robson, BA, a Rhodes Scholar, is to be an assistant professor of history at Trent University, Peter- borough, Ontario. Since his graduation at UBC he has been doing postgraduate work at Oxford, England.

1963 John V. Hicks, BPE, a teacher in

North Vancouver, was awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the National Advisory Council on Fitness and Amateur Sport. He plans to begin studies toward his I

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Page 41: Cool - University of British Columbia

master’s degree at the University of Oregon in September.

Zenna Ann Jones, (Now Mrs. J. Latham) BSc, writes us from Calabar, Eastern Nigeria, where she is teaching biology at a girls’ school. She says “the system of education and methods are decidedly different from those in B.C. schools.”

Wayne M. Osborne, BCom, formerly labour relations assistant in the Hilton Works of the Steel Company of Canada, has been promoted to Industrial rela- tions assistant at the general office of the company, Hamilton, Ontario.

Felix Sannes, BSc, has been awarded a fellowship to McGill University, through an aid-to-education grant from Canadian Kodak Co. Limited. The fellowship is one of four awards to permit students to devote full time and effort to their research problems.

1964 John P. Farmer, MA, is now assistant

executive director of the Canadian High- way Safety Council. He is a past presi- dent of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce of Canada, and a registered professional engineer in Ontario.

Virginia Ritchie, (Now Mrs. Hunter), MA, who is working towards her doc- torate at Bryn Mawr College, has been awarded a fellowship in Greek at that college.

Adam Mitchell, BEd, is the new vice- principal of 100 Mile House Senior

Secondary School. John B. Price, BSA, who has served

with the B.C. Department of Agriculture at Kelowna for the past two years, has been appointed horticulturalist for the Oliver-Osoyoos area.

Michael L. Wayman, BASc, is now at Cambridge University, England, on a two-year post-graduate fellowship from Shell Canada Limited to continue his studies towards his doctorate. Michael was a Norman McKenzie Alumni Scho- larship winner in 1961.

John D. Read, BA, was awarded a $2,500 Canada Council pre-doctorial scholarship for study at Kansas State University.

Two CUSO volunteers, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ward, BSA’64, are returning to India. after a holiday at home, to con- tinue their volunteer work in 20 Indian

villages. Jim is an agriculturalist, and Sheila (nCe Brown, BSN’63), is a nurse. The Wards have spent two years in India and are returning for a further two-year period of service.

1965 David M. Ablett, BA, has been named

winner of The Vancouver Sun scholar- ship for graduate studies in journalism at Columbia University, New York. Dave worked on the Ubyssey for three years while attending UBC, and is now a reporter for The Vcncouver Sun.

William D. S. Earle, BCom, has been hired by the Greater Vancouver Visitors and Convention Bureau to help run the bureau’s expanding convention business. Mr. Earle, as assistant manager of the convention department will be in charge of assisting organizations plan their con- ventions in the Vancouver area.

Bruce McKnight, BASc, has been granted a $3,500 scholarship from Ber- keley University in California. C. N. (Nick) Crawford, BCom, has

been appointed manager of Klondike Helicopters Ltd. in Whitehorse. Prior to joining Klondike he had been associated with Pacific Helicopters for four years.

Patricia Smith, BA, has been awarded the British Commonwealth Fellowship to sludy at Somerville College, Oxford University, England. The fellowship is an award of $2,500 each year for two years, and includes travelling expenses, tuition and living expenses.

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Page 42: Cool - University of British Columbia

Births MR. and MRS. JOHN L. ADAMS, BSF’62,

BEd61) a son, Robert John, February 27, 1966 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

MR. and MRS. KANDULA v. s. REDDY, MASc ‘63, a son, Ramu, August 12, 1965 in Kitchener, Ontario.

MF65(California) (n& JOYCE PETTIT,

Marriages BETTENDORF-JAMIESON. Thomas Bctten-

dorf to Jill Ann Jamieson, BA’64, in Huntsville, Alabama.

BJORNSON-HEMBLING. Bjorn Bjornson, BA ’63 to Verna Lynn Hembling, April 2, 1966 in Vancouver.

CALLENDER-MCKINNELL. Graham Callen- der to Rosemary Susan McKinnell, BEd‘63, April 9, 1966 in Alberni.

DAWSON-KESTER. Garnet A. Dawson, BSA ’63 to Judith A. Kester, August 28, 1965 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

DIXON-RODNEY. Bryan Arthur Dixon, BASc’65, to Sharon Ann Rodney, BSN’65 April 30, 1966 in North Vancouver.

FOSTER-CARROLL. John Foster to Theo- dora Carroll, BCom’60, LLB’61, De- cember l l , 1965 in Montreal.

GRIFFITHS-WOOD. Brian Griffiths, BMus ’65 to Diana Wood, February 18, 1966 in Vancouver.

HARGEST-FINLAY. Michael Hargest to Ann H. Finlay, BA55, BSW’58, April 23, 1966 in Twickenham, England.

HOUSE-CAVE. John Russell House to Donna Mary Cave, BA65, April 11, 1966 in Vancouver.

MCDIARMID-PERKINS. David S. McDiarmid BCom’65 to Joan Perkins, BEd‘64, July 1965 in Vancouver.

MACRAE-OWEN. Graeme King Macrae to Linda Ruth Owen, BA65, May 7, 1966 in West Vancouver.

MCRAE-SIDDALL. William Allan McRae, BSc’65 to Jean Siddall, BA’65, March 1966 in Geneva, Switzerland.

MCGINNIS-GREGORY. Brig. John Archibald McGinnis to Elizabeth Gregory, BA ’58, March 25, 1966 in Toronto, Ontario.

RENWICK-WALMSLEY. Robert James Ren- wick, BSc’63 to Carol Elizabeth Walmsley, April 16, 1966 in Vancou-


lippe Ralout-Lapointe to Ruth War-

kentin, BSP’58, March 5 , 1966 in Vancouver.

RHODES-BUCKHAM. Harold James Rhodes, BA‘65 to Brenda Jean Buckham, BSC ’65, May 16, 1966 in Vancouver.

SANKEY-CANNON. Neville Vernon Sankey, BSc’65 to Donna Cannon, May 6, 1966, in Vancouver.

SMITH-ASKELAND. A. J . Stewart Smith, BA59, MSc’61, to Norma Askeland, May 6, 1966 in New York.

TAYLOR-KENNEDY. Gerald David Taylor, BSc’63 to Lynne Janneen Kennedy, May 7, 1966 in Brandon, Manitoba.

VOPNI-MCDERMOTT. Richard Vopni to Valerie Ann McDermott, BEd’63, Sep- tember 25, 1965 in Vancouver.

Deaths 1919

William G. Sutcliffe, BA. January 4, 1966 in Cambden, Maine, U.S.A.

Owen J. Thomas, an original member of Convocation, and a teacher and ad- ministrator in the Vancouver school system for forty-four years, April 23, 1966 in Vancouver. The year before his retirement, the B.C. Teachers’ Federa- tion awarded him the Fergusson Memo- rial Award, given to the person teachers believe contributed the most to educa- tion. He later lectured at UBC in secondary education. He is survived by his wife and son.

1924 Gordon A. Lewis, BA, late of Oil

Springs, Ontario, a practising physician since 1930, March 26, in Toronto. He is survived by his wife, a son and two daughters.

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1928 Robert M. Petrie, BA, MA, PhD (U.

Mich) Dominion astronomer and direc- tor of the Dominion astro-physical ob- servatory in Victoria, April 9 in Victoria. He was responsible for the radio tele- scope at Penticton, and the new $10,000 telescope to be built in southern Alberta or British Columbia. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and one son.

1948 J. B. De Long, LLD, April 7, 1966 at

Deep Cove, B.C. Dr. Delong was for many years a school inspector for the Provincial Department of Education be- fore his retirement in 1946. In 1948 UBC conferred on him an honorary doctorate of laws. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

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Page 43: Cool - University of British Columbia

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No words or pictures can fully de- scribe all that goes on at this famous boarding school in the country. Because it goes on within a boy.

Your son, perhaps. You may not notice the change at first. But under- neath you will find that his associations here-among his T.C.S. companions and especially with the masters-are introducing him in a practical way to the values of goodness, truth, honour, loyalty, self-control and hard work.

On the playing field and in the class- room, T.C.S. stresses character develop- ment within a disciplined community. A boy learns to think . . . and to act accordingly.

This is indeed a school for “the whole boy”. And the time to take up resi- dence is in the formative years-Boulden House for younger boys starts with Grade 6.

If you are interested, or would like to have an informative brochure on T.C.S., write to the Headmaster, Angus C. Scott, M.A.

Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario A distinctively Canadian school since1865. I


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For a cool Summer on the move, the look you need is crisp and fresh. The crispness is Arnel in striped seer- sucker . . . the freshness is the cool blend of Arnel and

New now in the Bay Mirror Room, third poor