Cookie Decorating

Autumn Carpenter

Transcript of Cookie Decorating

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Autumn Carpenter

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RecipesThe Bwrery SlIgor COOkie's, Chor%ft' Coosics for CUI-OlliS and Gingerbread recipes are a/I ideal for

roJ/ing OUI or molding ccoiees. Tiley Of€: delicious, easy to mix and will noia 1l1eJrstJape wtlen

baked, which is a "must" when moIcfjng cookies:

Basic ShortbreadI c up b utte r, s ofte ne Q

1/2 cup sugar

Leggyolks2 1/2 cups Rour

Cream butter and sugar together until Itghi and fluffy, Stir In eg g yOlk;]:

W ork in the ~our, Knead dough on <In un/loured surface until it I~smooth.

P resS O Ough into a s horroread pan that hOI, been l ightly spr .; tyeCl With a

c oo kin g o il, P riC k V v ' i m a fork Bake a r 32 5' u ntil edges ar e gOlden

Delicate SpritzMe ll -1 rr .y o ur -m o u th s p ri lZ v vi Cha w o n de rf ul a lm o n d fl av o r

I 1 /2 CO nfe ctio ne rs sugar, SIltEd

I cup DLmer

I eg g

1 leilspoon vanilla l ' !a>/Qr

1/ 2 te a~ po on "im on d fla vo r

2 1f2 cups flour

1 /2 t ea ~p oo n baking soda

1 ;'2 te as po on c rea m o f rartar

Mix together ffour, baking soda and cream of farrar. C ream butter and

$tJgar together until light and /luffy stir in egg, vanilla and alm ond. S tir

in to the flour m ixture. Fill cookie press WltIl dougl1 W rap rem aining

dough in p la$ tl c w r ap unol needed. Pipe dough o n a silicone txll::ing mat

or parchm ent paper, B ake 6 to 7 m inuresuna1Just golden,

Chocolate Chunk CookiesI cu p butter

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup brawn sugar

Z t ab le spoOns Inve rt sugar2 t easpoor s var111~

1gg 5

4 c : u p S / lovr

I tea sp oo n b ak ing soca

I te as po on _ -; all

2 cups coarsely chopped dar!: chocola te

Cream sugar5 a nd b ut te r t ogemer untrllight and sm oom Beat in eggs alld

vahi(la Add ,dry ingredients. m en chocolate chunkS . Roll dough m ro balls

and bake at 350" for 8-!2 m inu tes ,

Buttery Sugar CookiesI cup bu tt er , so ft ened

I 3 -o un ce p ac ki3 ge c re am C he es e, s olte ne d

3/4 c up su gar

IeggI t ea sp oo n v an illa

3 c up s a l'- 'p urp os e f lo ur

In large m ixer bow l com bine all cool;le ingredients excepr Hour , B eat at

medium speed , scraping bowl often unnl cream y, R e.duce speed t o lo vy ;

add f10lir 8ea~ scraping bow1 o ft en , U r tt !J1 .- .e 1 lm tx :e d . DMde dough Into

2 equal p ortio ns ; 'M ap In p la sr ic w ra p an d refrigerate until firm (allEBst 2

hours), H ear ov en to 375', F OJ low Im rructions-on pages 7-1 1 fo r cut-outs

or molding, Bake for 7 to 10 m inutes or until edge afe vel}' ii{i/"ltlybrow nec [ R em ov e fi"am cooue Sheets; cool completel y.

Chocolate Cookies for Cut-outs or Molding1 cup butter

I 1/2 cups sugar

2 eggs

2 tea spoons vanilla

3 cups a il -p u rpO$E f lo u r

2 1 3 ru p unsweetened cocoa1 /2 te as po on s alt

II1'Jarge m ixer bow l beat butter, sugar, eggs and v anilJa until w ell blended.

In m~ium baw l, sor together flour, cocoa an d 5;31 1;add to butrer mixl'Ui'e

anel b lend well. Refrigerate dough about I hour or um !1 firm enough toroll P re he et o ve n to 3 25 '_ Follow i f1S!fucoons on p ag es 7 -1 I fo r cut-aul,>

o r mo ld in g, Bake 5 ro 7 m in ul es Of unol n o in den ta tio n r er na ns w t l l o n

toucnec. Rem ove from cookie sheers: ccol com plete ly_ T h is d ei ic Q « !

dough m ay crack while being foiled. S i m P l Y knead with hands a b i r : . . a , n r ireI/again.

Gingerbreadif4 cup butter

1/ 2 cup brow" 5ugar

1/ 2 cup molasses

3 oups f lour, w edI te as po on c in namo n

I t ea sp oo n g in ge r

1/4 t ea sp oo n n utm eg1/3 (UP water •

Mix butter andb/tlwn ~ugar together until cream y. Beat in the m o/~,

Add I cup iJ.our, c innamon. ginger and nutmeg and blend_ r'\.cJd the

m maining flour altern iiltely W Ith 1f3 O Jp waxer. I[ may b e n ec es sa ry to

knead {he las t (UP of ~OUJby hand as the dough may be still F orm E he

Govgh into a ball .and cover \vitIJ plastic wrap_ P reheat oven ro 3 5 0 · _

F ollo w In SlT uc tio ns o n p ag es 7 -1 I fer cut-oU ts or m olding B ake for S 10 10

minutes or until golden brown, TIlis dough YvQ rk'; b est whefl used imme-



F6 r o il l ig l1 t C-olomd g in ge rb re ad . r .e pla (. e_ th e 1 /2 c !,J p

ffi!l)1\1$Se5t;IIth 1/2 (U P J ighGtom syrup Th~reope is '[1a t v el)' f ta Vblf ul. tw! iJ : provjde> a_ pleasfng 'ilillFla1ion

f ur deco r. at iy e P rq jeC6 .such as Cltroarrieri~.ginger-

or .eaClno ases, et c I t c an a lia I : l e ' cdacoo- tJe lbre t l ( r l -l ng , u s ing f ood col br ing .

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~,e50" .

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Successful Cut-outsThe followin.g method 01"rolling dough is sure [0 give a perfectly baked cur-our cookie every lime.

Thf' perfection strtps will give an eX<lCI thickness. quickly and auromaucauyr Avoi[j dlsrorred

shaped cookies by rolling oui tile dough on a silicone baking mat or parchment paper, cutring out

shapes. removing excess dough. then sliding ihe mar or paper onto a cookie sheet,

if required in e recipe Place cookie dough

between perfection strps on a silicone baking mat [sho'Nnl or

parchment paper. Rollover the per fection strips. leveling me


2Cut our shape:; uSing a cookie runer leave approximately

1/2- space between cookies. Note-This IS a suggested

. . amount of space for the teclpes included In t tu: book !(you

h ave a re cip e /:hat c re are s p uffie r c co ne s. m o re s pa ce snoua beallowed between each coone.

cone baking mat or parchment paper onto a COOKie 5heet

and bake according [0 recipe instructions.

Supplies Neededroiling pin

perfection strips

silicone baking mat or parchment paper

cookie sheet


I f t h e dough is (08 sticky to the dough in me

refrigerawr for an hour or tNO_ AddIng extri'I ftGur will

inc;(ease d r yn e s~ t n me finished roaldf'. If it is st W roo'

sticky, roll tleillveen t\'I.<Qslliconemats·Qf 1 : \ 0 1 . ' 0 sheets 0


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Molding with Hardc,andy/Cookie MoldsQuickly buke a bwdl of beoutiful1u ·derailed cookies wirh }-Iard CQnduf(. 'ookie Molds. simply press cooxte

rlouQh tnro molds Ql1d[ioke. Por 1]<"51ff'..5ulrs, use the Bwrero SugOf Cookie, CllOcniate Cookies for CUI-

OlliS or ,"v!Oldingor Gingl"rbread cookie recipes on page 6 If uSino Clny orner recipe. be sure 1/10/ir wilJ

rnaiHIllin ns shape w/' l I ! rJ bnked. Cookies baked in rnese molds have nice dewil und can be made faster

rhan any orner rnerhod. This nJethoc( is a/sO idecu Jor chjJdren. Kids loue pressing the dougl} illlO the

molds. plus there is lillIe ClemlLlp involved!

Supplies eededhard candy/cOOkie mold IT he 5 c a re whi r e p la5t iC ma id s that

ca r , be tesea Do n o : cO l1 fu S et re rn vvith t ra d il io n a l c a n d y

mold, wnich wi i f mf{t in your oven.!

'" cooking spray

R our fuse a flour ~ h< 3te r fo r e ve n a nd e asy control)rookie sheet

, [he I fa a

2 b21keat 32Sa until t i l e edges oegl h [0b rown . A llo v v [0coolin hard candy/cDolde molds until mojo. is cool enough [0

handle. Turn molel ever ro relea.>EcookieS. Wipe mold clean with

a p ap er towel and repeal

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Molding with Candy MoldsOJ.1Kl~Jmolds ore QUQiJable in hundreds %es/Uns tlll(t Sh'lPCS and Gin (',eal<" beautiftll coukies U'llcn

~Oll ore seleCiing a Ut'sit]17. n COllCi!,l Inola with consister» lhickncs.<J IhrOlIf/hOW is best suuec: Jor cookies.

SimplH press dOlifjh in n sp1u!)ccl moJd. pJoce in freezer 10 chill. W lei releQ<:e from mold tIe/ore baking.

Bememcer. candy molds DO NOT willlsland lu:,or and ({'Ill melT if pur i l l l G > the oven For best r('sulb,

L(se1/1(:'BwrclY SUQar Cooki«, Criocoku« C',ookwt> [c« Cur-oll/s or Mo/djng, or Uingcrbre:a{/ Coo!de reCipes on

page 6. 1 / using any other recipe; be SUH' rhal il will ITIflimain its slwpe when IJQJ(c(f .

SuppHes cededcandymOJd

c oo kin g s pr ay

flo ur Iu s€ , a flo ur s ha ke r fu r even and easy cont ro l)

S ili co ne ! ;l ak in g m a t Of parchmE'n[ PapeF

COoki e shee t


C " ' r l P

5elect a f J O I m : l y rrr®ld 'Mt/1 unifQ{1]l thiclmess ttlrough-'Q u t fo r ev en _D ak ing.

spray.ffour. P r e s s cookie dough into th e mOld cavities. Note-use

jus.[ enough cooking spray for the nou r to 5Ikk. Toom umc oo kin g sp ra y w i!1 cause th e c oo id e c lo ug h [0 stick, mafdng i .1J!ffK;vt

to re move the m old ed co okie . Re-ffo ur m e m ota be fo re e ac /": c o o k "i e , bu n1 0 not I ( ! "Spt<JY the mote ;

2Chill. Flex mOld to r em oVe Chir le d. (nalded dO l.J gh , P la ce

molded qOlJgh on parchm em paper or a silicone bakingma

S tr" par chm ent paper o r silico ne m at Onto a c oo kie Sheet andb ak e a cc ord in g to r ec ip e in str uc tio ns .


U s !: ' a 5h~ a lum in um , t hi f' l. , € ook i e s n eel InstAated

opk ie s heeB Wi ll pmdU<ze<@: '~e ' lr I :eceQ~ c.atiSlhgGe,tqil tQ be I~(

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Thinned Cookie DoughTJwse cookie.s haue CInostalgJC fed. The simplicity of IllC designs make rhem an eleganr [real.

Supplies NeededBut te lY SUg2 li COOkl e r ec ipe . Chocola te Cookies fo r cur-O urs, o r

G inge rb re ad r ec ip e, p age [ ,

ro ll ing p inperfect ion str ips

SjlicQnemat 01 parChment paperf oo d p ro ce ss or

P a s t r y bag


7 . S et a sid e (do n or ba ke ). (over with p la s!ic w rap to keep cut-

o urs fro m o .rying o uL

cup . . . cup . a

2food processor .. Blend unt~ thoroughly mixed and the

dough rums [0Q [hic!( Idr.g wnslSt en cy. Pu tmixture in to apasuy bag witt! a number 3 tip Remove plaEticwrap and

o v tl in e and' d et ai l t he cut -o ut cook ie s. Bake a cc or di ng to r ea pe



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Royal Icing RecipeI pound powdered )ugar

3 la rg e e gg W hites . roo m tem pe rature

!fB teaspoon r ream o f t ar l: ar

Keep everything g re a se -fr ee . G re a se a nc o !ls w ill o re ak down the i c ing, S i ft tt1€

powder-ed sugar toge!her with the cream of tartar. P ut (h e e gg w hites into it

mixer bowl ..Gently ble nd the eg g Whites with t he powde red sugar an d creamof tartar. W henal! the sugar is blended. turn m ixer to high and beat unril tlljr.~

an d very W hite. T he king should form a stiff peak. Beat a t l ea st 8 m in ut es . K ~p

ic ing cov ered with a IN €'!di5h ,O WE Nw hen not U Sing as ir dries quickly:

Yields 2 1/2 cups

S to ra ge : C a nn ot be ~wh i pped for f a r e r use . U se the c omme rc ia l r oy a li c i n gm i x. i f n a "'d in g to u se la te r.

Run Sugar GlaZeRun sugar ISone oj [he most 1mdi/lonal alld commonJU used cookie icings Hun suqar is made by lfsitlQ

royal icIng and rhlnninQ Iiwirh wmer 10a consistency Ihol will jlo!l.). l-oilow Ihe recipe below. or use a

commercial royal king mix. This iUng r " l . ) i l l nOI odd rlll.lCfl .'iweemess. but flovoring may be adde(1 10

enllQl1Ce fk u lOr: The icing will dry very hard wiI!1in 34 !lOWS.

Supplies Neededr oya l i ci ng

Food color

P < l S t T y ba gs v vrth tip # 3 orp;archment bag c ut v v it ll a hole

" ..' . or '.

1oyal·' d irectioh~. If several colors a r e desired. separate

ic ing in to ih div .idu .'ll c onta ine rs an d C Olorw ith ro oc c olo ,. A dd

enoughwatf:r to the rOja l icing so IMt the icitig will smooth itselfwithin seven o r !;:J ghH ec O.r)d s. B [en d th e w ate r in to the r oya l i ci ng

by hand. A mixer wil l whip too q uickly. adding tiny ,o ir bV bbles.

No te · T he I Cin g o n th e fe lt is royal ic in g (n o w ate r a dd ed ). T he i an g

on the right isrun sugar iC ing i royal icing W i th W a te r a d de d) .

1 2


Ql.ItJif)ing in tlle .lB me ro lor a fter th e firs tJ aje f is rorc J..

ened <:r,eates a " f . £ O f t s€ipl1ll obltline. {3r,· ¥o u mer!

c po o se to ·eliminatf; ltJe_d1Jtllr l~cornp(ereJj. t"dth-glve

a u )' :J rq tJe l oOk Gene ri il il y. cooki t; 1swith mii1n~ c;oJors

/ s uC h a s m t > b 'e a c M MIl sr e s&t r e f i t IMtflout' a f l wt-l in e . £ook ie~ .t ba t nee.d.'d;1ltail f l l l ' p - e d [{1 ~hD.ante the

b ackg rq, und' o o l e, ( f - S tl ): h~$ . tI ' )e l:j?[by bu ggy w M e e!s{

a re te sr o u t J 1 I J e ' . d . <9de ing the d e E q / r s il'ltM e~ rn e e elo r,

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Painted Run SugarCreme bem lfijU/, edible work., oJ orr by uSing (1wl1i1e run Sugar-glazed Cookie for Q okm k canvas. This

Icinu w i J J not acid much 5Weefrless (fnd will dr!,l I)ery harel u IjlJlin 24 howS,

M ix royal iC ing fo llow ing rec ipe on page 12 or according to

Iomme rc ia l r oy al iCing directions. K . e e p ic ing covered ar alJ

ames. Add enough w ater to the royal icing so tha t the Icing

will now ro ge l1 1e r w ith in s ev en o r e ig ht seconds. Blend the

w at er in rQ me royalldng by [land. A m iX er w ill v .th ip to o q uic ld y,a dd in g rin y a ir b ub bJ es .

SuppHes Neededroyal icing

fooo c olo r a nd /o r fo od color penstip 11 3

p as tr y t Ja gs


' T e f l ?

T i D Y ai~ tj~eg fVay Qf{;(.lr Wfl lle - ;O<l il1 ling th e fUr l

s w g a r iclog. Mill l ess ,\W t fi r' l' q r l e5Ya if buWes

2 O utline rne area to be covered Q uickly m l i n [ h. e.outiine: IF

the icmg is running off the rOOkie, [00 mUch water was

a dd ed to m e ro ya l icing. If th e icing i s n o r smootn. add a bie

m ere wate r to the royal ic Ing . A llow the run sug ar glaze to dr y

completely (approximately 2 4 h ou rs ).

painL Color m e white iced cookie with the "paint", le-aVing

a thin White !ine between colors to prevent colors frombleeding. A llow to dl)' before proc eeding w ith step 4.

Food color pens are anorher ti~sav ing technique for tnlS long.

A lthQ ugh the pens do not aI/ow fo r s ha d in g Q ri jn e ( Je lil il t ! n e y ar ea quiCk and easy altem arive to painting. and an i dea l m e m o C J fo l

ch ildren . ~

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re, r

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Fondant Molded CookiesRolled londOn! is an icing wilh Q sweer flaVor and C I clau-Iik»:consislen cy. 11s a fun and untoue mentum

10 lVOrk wilh. Thejondanr wJlJ form Q crust. bur will be sOfrtchen blUf'll Into. Fondam is available COHl-

merdally. or fO/lOll' 'he recipe below. choco·n-;rI1T• Is mloti1er roUed icing ihar is m'aiJo.ble commercially

and is a delicious all 'em(Uive 10 lolled Jondam

SuppUes Needed


cOOk ing sp ra y

mOld s

food color

buttercream ICingor piping ge l


dust in g pO 'Nder s ( op ti ona l) : Th e ouaerflies. ·5 0' and "25: snowflake.

roses and Santa h a V f : ! been bruSNXI \ lVith dusting powders aftermold ing .

Select from the following methods of

creating a molded piece.

Fondant Recipe

I tablespoon gt'larin

1 /4 c up w ate r

3 tablespoons glucose

3 tea,spoo/1S gly<:erlT1e

7 cU ps po w dered sugar

Siftpowdered sugar and put Into large bowl; make a well in center

an d s et as ide . S oak ge la Tin in w are r .in a small saucepan. W hen gel.

a lin is So fte ne a, d is so lv e o ve r lo w hear un til g rain s d isa pp ear. A dd

gluco,e ao o glYCerine. Let mixture co me n ear ly to b.olling poinr .

Pour mixture into well in powdered sugar. Mix with a wooden

spoon. pulling sugar Inro the liquid from me center, Continue mix-

ing ~)milstiff. Tum onto ~rd an d knead. M ix tu re S ho uld b e firm.

Arnoum of sugar needed m ay \/Q ry. Form Into a ball.and grease

l i@htJYwi th V lOrren ing . P lace in a h ea.v y ba g.

Solid color malden piece

Fondammolded in so lid co lo rs is a quick and easy w ay to g e l a ll ee -

o ra tl ve Cook ie . Se't' 30'an d "25· Cook ies on next pag e.

Mulrtple COlOr molde.d piece

P la ce c ol or ed f on da nt in de rails of m old. F ill with bacKground rotor

a n d follow inSlfUCtionson me left. S e e f ? o s" e s and F - a r m A n im a lc oo kie s o n n ex t p ag e.

1Bake cookies u .s 1n g c er am ic m old s rpage 8 ), h ard candy /COOK.

. ie molds rpage 9 ) or candy rnolos jpage fa). Alloi' l to cool.

Wash and dl}' m old thoroughlY. Decide lNhich of the three

methods .(rig1 lti to m ak e C olo r fon da nt with f ood co lo ri ng if need-

ed. Lightly spray mold vvittl a cooking spiay. P ress fondant intomold.

addiaortal fondant ro help release Fonoont piece F rom

2mOld. Spread bl.1rrercream icing or piping ge l on (h e b ak edand cooled cookie and arrach molded piece.


P<:;lintedmolded piece

Mold wim whlre fonodnt and paint t he de l< 'l Il s WIt!1 F o o d color

thinned With waler . makIng an edible watercolor paint jee San@

Oa()s.Playing Grill and BuaertJywdldes on ne« p l r g e .

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To Createa Textured Background:

Fo llow one of the in structions be low before c uttin g o ut the fondant piece an d

placing it o n the coo~ie,

a. CakeDecorating Tips

T ips a re IdeE I to g IVe texture to fO ndan r IlJ

g ra ss , h a ir o r fU r Imm ed ia te lY a ft er ro llin g o ut

fo ndanl e mbo ss texrtJre us ing the tip, Santa-" ~~~~~0~Sheep. 30. Yo u may also us e tlp ill Of #2 ~t

ro ya l ic in g fo r d ain ty p ip in g_ Oress- 3 t; Cross-

S as em ll M itl- 31; O i, !! pe r P in s- 3 0 : Bib- 3Q · H a y -

O on key- 3 0; Dress- In sid e C o ve r

b. Creative CUller Impression Mats

These mats will quickly prDouce a lovee m bo ss ed d es ig n (0m e c oo kie s,

lightly grease the 5 1Y tO O th Side of the impression

m a r w it h s ho rt en in g, E v en ly ro Ji fo nd an t b er v. re en

l ar ge s t t h ic~ness p elf ec do n s tr ip s. Rep la ce penec -

tier"! strips w ith the m edium th ICknesS , lay

impreSSion mat smooth, greased-5.ide dwm

t he f on d an t a nd r oll f ir m ly o v er t he t op i in lp re s si n~ IL .. :. .: .. .. .. j, ~: __

the m at into the fondant A t th is point, d_ustCNefr-.,....._,...,..-'__

the mat with dusting powder. Gently peel mat

from fondant and cut ou t fondant pece, S I M ' J :


c. Impression Mats

Im press ion m jt5 com e in _severa l sc y fes '

r iF l e /( c obb le s t o ne , 50! boa rd ana m ore .

.s pray im press io n m at and pres s onto rolleddane Castle- 3!

d. Qutlted Design

Us i'7g a coo lin g ra c k and a qUIJGhg to o l m akes a

u niq u e im p re ss io n. Roll rondant bef\Neen perfec-

t io n s tr ip s, Gently p re ss c oo lin g ra c~ into rolled

tonoant Go ove r th e c oo lin g ra c~ im pre ss io ns

with the quiltjng tool. H e arr - 3 0; The quilting rooc an also be used as stitc hing. Stodang- 31; Mitt-

3 1; B ab y b !a n ke t- I ns id e C o ve r

e. Texlured Rolling Pins

The r e i ! l1"f: a number o f ro ilin g p in s a va ila ble thalJ

a re tex tured , in clu din g d es gn s s ue t: a s fa bric . bas-

k etw ea ve , ffo ra l a nd m ore R oJ lf on dam b et we en

largest thiCkness perfection S t r i p 5 . Replace

lion s t r i p s wirh the m edium thickness E venlyacros s th e F onda nf u sing the texture rolling

Easter Baske lc 31: Ma rem lr y O re s s- 3 0

Fondant Cut-out CookiesThepc:dbiliI!J oJfan dam allows lor a uoriery Of rexrurcs and unique finishes while prot'idinQ Q sweer flavor

10 Q baSiC SUgOf Cookje. Decorated ,samples on pages 3V and 31.

Supplies Neededr ol le d fo ndaor

r ol li ng p in

p er fe c t io n s rm s

SI li cone ma t

food color

cetterrream icing o r p ip in g g el.spatula

I. .

method on page 7. Set c ls id e. C o lo r f ol l'd an r with food

coloring i Fdesi red . P lace Fd l' lda f) { on a sUicone mat o r s ur-

face dusted with pOWdered s ug ar ( ma ke s ur e s ur fa ce is v e ryclean). Ro ll f on d am b e! vV e e n p er fe cl "l on s tr ip s , T e xl ur iz e uling

one of the m ethods show n, if d es ire d. C U[ O U t fondant piece

with tile s am e c oo kie C UI Te ru se d in b ak in g



veining Mats

V ein in g m ats a re id ea l to q uic kly ve in a ie a fc ~ , ,, ,, - ,, ,?" ,_ , __ ,, ,, ,

ie. Roll fondant b e tw e en p er fe ct io n ~tlips.

m <1 t. fac e dow n, o n rolled fo ndant G e r m y pres,

to em bo ss des ign, C ut out s hape. l .eaves- 3 J

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Accenting Cookies with FondantO"t'TIr~ lexlure~ ami dimensions Wil11 gum pasle tools Of Hemsfrom the k i r r . .hen. 1\ good ser of jOTldanrmold-

IlIg tools is cssenttot tor hand mOJdin9and will come In handy for many more oj file. ,echnlqlles. Artach

pieces 10 the cookie with piping gel.

J ? : . andh. Hand~Ioldingand


H and m old in g g ives a p erson al tou ch to a l/Y O/J(

a ea TiO ns . FO i"II1 an l m ofd in g to O/s are avai lab le

for help ': - 'xJ tosnape , t ees re a nd ?!d d d l( ne H Sio n.

,~ To crea te a face: Ro ll f te S h- cO l or ed f on d an r i nt o

a balL U .sea round ~popening an d press in,ol i1e B a l i f or I he mo ll lt l. RO il f ie s h; co J or ed fondant

In to 5ma l l b a I I 5 ro r th e e ars ,a nd n os e. U s e i) ton-

da~( tool with a point ro a dC l h ole s ro rm e ea r

dennibon a nd th e - e y e s . R oll " Wh it e f on da nt in to

t l n y · b < l 11& [0 fi t insIde me ey e opening Co lo r f on -

dant t o'~ p re s en t h ai r < 3 m p re 5S i n to a [hln patty

I'I<Jc-eair on head and create textu re u.sing a

~niFef Q n d C I n t rool.

Fo r v a t i o o s colors used on one cookie: RO ll t he

Fondan tt h in and CU I ou t with m e sam e cookte

cut ,ler !Jsed If) baking. Cur r1 era ~s v ll ir h a p 3( in g

~n~e,Utt1 ; ; 1 5 wiring the' leg~a pa rr i n t he s o ld ie r.

M o > l : o f f , 1 " J e COOkiE'So n pa ges 30 and 31f/ave

ro rne ~ o f /Wldmold ing or cu[- {)ur detailing

!'lila S~ me m m n y cookies in me rstae cover:

i. Food Color Pens

A lloW fondant ro crust several hours . Wrire

detailS with food color pens. A F i r l e b/l,.lsn c a n be

us€i;l \/IIlth f oOd CO lo r t hi nn ed with water .

BiDIe- 31..B as eb all C ap - 3/; Basebal l - 31•.Spa c e

Sn l )t tl e - 3 0 : As tr o o iJu ( - 30

l COOkie Cutter Cut-Ours

Cut out piece; of the r ondam with m in i c oo uecutte rs and replace w irn a contrasting color.

Stock ing - 31; B i I : r 30

k, l. and rn, Molds

Use candy molds, push molds gum paste mold.

or i'J1m01(any Dlher mold co create dai17ry

accents . Ugh tly s pr ay mold \\lith a cook ing spray:

W ipe any excess spray. F iJIthe m old w ith ton-

(Jam Push additional fondant onto fo Iictanr in

mold and pullou t A rtach to cookie 'h1th piping

gel. Seve ra l o f the C OOk ies o n pages 30 and 31


n. Bead Jl.laker

Form (he silicone be ad-m aker o ve r a fonde (lt

rope C O creare edible r ea li st ic -i oo K in g p e a rl s.

Heart" 30 , Wedding Cake-30

o. Lace MakerD ain ty la ce c an De m a de w ith S I7ic on e la ce ma k-

ers Weddinf) Cake-3D

p. Plunger Cutters

T he se p lu ngers a re a q uick end e a . o / way to ge t

detailed lea,'les and f iCM'efS. RoJI fondant th in.

C ut OU[ \ 'v i th p lung ing [001.

q. Ruffle

Ro l l Fondan t thin an d cu r in to s trips . U se a m old·

ing tool a rounded point to ruffle the fan-


Babybib. 3Q Ballerina (from cover)

r. Clay Gun

This g un h as a v 3rie l)! of i n r e r changeab ie d is ks t o

ach ieve a n um ber o f th ickne ze5 a nd s ty les . Roll

the fondant into a -snake". P lace in gun and

plunge "snake· through. Note: W arm Fondan t

sl ightly befor€ placing in gun for ease in plung-

ing. UniCorn- 31 ; f J. :J sk er - 31 ; B ib le - 3 1

2 9

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 17/29

More Candy Coated Cookies

Creole I,llImm~, decorariue cookies using commerdaJ crackers; cookies, etc.., dipped ln candy coating,Place SHOOTS and edible decorations on the wer candy CODling OJ" pipe designs on ine nipped cookies with

melted candy from candy wrirers. Squeeze-it ,\Iold Paintcr, or parchment paper cones (see page 18).

Melting Candy Coatmg

Place candy coaong ',varer, or coarsely chopped candy coating in

a microwave-safe bowl, Microwave For 30 seconds. Stir,

Microwave again ro r 30 seconcs , Stir , Continue microwaving only

a few s e conds at a ~me. stirring between each time. until candy is

nearly melted. Remove from m ic ro w av e a nd stir uncil all [he wafers

are melted.

General Dipping InstructionsDipping tools are a

when dipping

crackers They make

COOK iespractical and I

Use a screen dipper for

crackers and cookies. Dip

t re ar in co melted candy

ing. Completely coat

trea L Bring out [feat 'Wirh

ping tool. Let excessdn p back inlo the bovvI.

the dipped treat on

mem paper or s il icone mal

San dW ic h C oo kie s

There are a number of detiaous comblnar/ono to oweeten sand-

wich cook ies Choose lemon s an dW lc h C O ok ie s dipped in while

candy caaring or peanut buue: sandwich cookies dipped In milkcnOcolate candy coating. Chocolate sandwich cookies ere

scrumptou; in white. dark or milk.chocolate coating. /sad IS

drops of peppermint oil t9 a s r « Chocolate coating and dip choco-late sandwich coooes for a r ia: and minty cook ie l

I pound candy coaling30 sandw/en coodesscreen dipping tool

Mel t candy coa~ng. O 'P cookie into melted candy. Coat com-

pletely. Bring our cookie \'JIth dipping tool. Let excess candy dnp

back IntO the bowt Place the dipped cookie on parchment paper

or Si licone mat

Makes apprOXlma[eIy 30

Mint COOKies

I pound dark chocolate canclycoat ing

I S drops peppermint oil

45 round buttery crackers

screen dipping [001

Melt candy coal ing. S ti r I n peppermint oif. Dip cracker into melt-

ed candy. Coat completely. Bring our cracKer With dipping tool.

Let excess candy dr ip bac~ into the bowl. Place the dipped (r,ack-

er on parchmenr paper or silicone mac

Makes approximately 45

Graham Cracker Cookies

I pound milk chocolate candy coating

graham crackers 1'8 squares)

screen dipping tool

Melt candy coating. Dip cracker in to m e lte d candy . Coa t c om -

pletely. Bring out cracker with dipping tool Let excess candy drip

back imo the bowl. Place the cracker on parChment paper or SJli-

co ne m at.

M ake s a ppro xim ate ly 1 8

\Iarshmal!ow-Graham COokies

I pound InJlk Chocolate candy coatmq

5 ounces marshmallow cream

graham crackers (24 squaresl

screen dipping tool

Spread marshmallow cream on one graham cracker square Place

another square on top. Melt candy co.ating. DIp cracker into melt-

ed candy. Coat completely. Bring out cracker 'With djpping tool.Let excess. candv ririn h"',k inrn rh'" hn..,/ PbrQ....Or"~"~_~.~ _

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 18/29

Chocolate Shortbread Surprise

Ind ulg e in [h e rIC h s hor tb re ad , c ove re d in c ho co fa te , w ith a so r-

pnse ch~ c a ra m e l c e ote «Basic ShOrtbread re ope; p age 6

canl1ywaringI pound c ommerc ia l c ara m el b lo ck

dipping t o o l

F ollo w th e B as ic S ho rtb re ad re cip e o n p ag e 6. Instead o f p re so lr Lg

the dough into a shortoreao pan, ro ll the dough into 2' balls ano

place on a silicone mat or parchment pape r. US ing your finger,

p us h a n rncienraoon I(\fO the c enter of the coo kie. B ake a t 32 5' for

1 0-1 2 m inute s. P lace a 1 /2 ' p iec e of cara mel on each c ookie in the

indenl<ltion and bake I minute m ore . C oo l c oo kie c om ple te ly .

W hen cool. im merse cookie in c an dy c oa tin g. COOt comple te ly .

Bring eoome out with dipping root Let excess candy drip back into

t ile bowl. Place t il e d ip ped cookie on parchm ent p aper or silicone

m a t a nd immed ia te ly p a c e p ec an o n c oo kie ,

M a ke s a pp ro xtm ate {y 3 0

Gourmet shortbreao

B as ic S ho rtb re ad re <lp e. p ag e 6

ca nd y c o at in g

nuts. o r to ne e p ie ces . f in e ly chopped

ceramic snonoreac pa nFollow the BasicSh or tb re ad r ec ip e on page 6. (Theabove COOKies

were made in a ceramic shor tbread pan With b ut te rf ly d et ai lS ,'

Allow the snortbreacrto coo l in t ile pan until me pan is warm (not

hot) to t ou ch . C are fu lly re m ov e s h- Orr: bre ad from pan and cut into

p ie ce s w hile s till w arm . A llo w p ie ce s to cool c om p le te ly . 8 ru .s h t he

backs with m elted candy [mting a nd imme-d i8 te ly s prin kle with

nuts or toffee pieces. To oecoaue: Wash and thofOughly d ry

shor t b read pan. LJghrfy sp ra y c era mic m old W ith a c oo kin g sprayP our m elte d c andy coa tin g in to th e de ta ils o n th e pan . P la ce in

fre eze r u ntil c an qy is c old . T o r em o v e /T om pan, use a (o otn pic k to

re le ase d eta i/5 . A aa ch d eta ils to th e s no uxe ea iM th m etre d c an dy

coat ing,

iv'larshmaHow Cookie Pies1 /2 P Ou nd m ilK Chocolate candy coating

3/S'brum1 0 1 Ia [ C 1 11 a" "a r el c o o ki es

4 Q u n e ! : 's I 7 1 < lr 5 fl 1 T l2 l1 1 o W c r ea r n

r na rs hma ll Q\ <vc oo lo e p ie c a nd y mo ld

Melt c an dy c oa tin g. U se a 3 /8 " b ru sh to c oa t th e S id es -a nd e on orn

o f th e c av itie s o n !he candy mold, LeISe! a t r oom temperature.

R e p e ? t untlllJght is O Ot seen through the m old. lJV hen set fi n me

Il~ mok! Q l V i d e s ha lf f u ll with m ars hm allo w c re am . P I? ce a v an il-

la ~l IR lfern ro p of the mars nm allo w c re arn S ea l th e wafer an d

cream with m ore cand y c0 3~ng . P lace In f reezer. W hen the m old

is ( r C l : J d y an d the cookie feelHold, inver t the (hold arJ .t1 the caokte

Should fa!! fro m th e m old .

M i l l r e s r o

3-D ChrlSlmas 'nees

green tandy coatmg


3/8- bruSh

M ix des ired cootie dough. CuI out C lNO trees for each 3-D tree

desired. Cut one of th e two in halt Bake all pieces until golden.

Rem ov e F r~m ov en and allow to cool comp le te ly . O lp m e slJ<lighc

edge of the half tre e in ro gre en m elte d, G lo dy C OQ lin g. !'la ce in th e

m iddle of a w hole tree and allow [0 s et up co mplete ly r a . . j 0 m in -

utesl D ip the other stra ight edge of (he half tree imo g re en m en -

ed candy coatihg and stand in a ball o f e x tr a cookie dough, Allow

coating' toset up comple te ly . P ain t the jn:;ld e of ea ch tr!:~ vvJth

melted green candy co.1lt1ng. Spnnkle 00 nO l 'l -p < lr ei ls be fo re th e

green c an dy c oa tin g s ets u p.

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 19/29

Fondant Cut-out Cookies


8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 20/29


8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 21/29

Miscellaneous TechniquesTie-Dye Cookies

Glaze the cookie with white ru n sugar icing

!page 1 2 ) _ Imme dia te ly a ft er th€ cookie IS

glazed_ pipe on lines with celOred piping

gel. Drag a toothpick rhrO!Jgh the piping

gel and the iCing to achieve a unfql ,le

oesign. Pip,~'1ggel is a clear edible prOdUC~

fhar 15 a va i/a 1J le in r ea q y- to -u se lu be s.

Fruit-Filled Designs

P repare buttery sugar co okie recipe fnao"'I,.....~

6 1· CU1 QUI two of [tie same

designs ou[ of on e w ith a s ma ll r!" lin!

Bake and cool cookies. W hen the

res are c oo l. s an ov vic h to ge th er W ith

Fruit pastry lilling_ Note: The baked

coo led ccosee v ve re b ru sn eC 1 with <1 /hin

layer of piping gel. men sprinkled with cot-

olBd 5anding rugar.

Baby FootprintsT hese cook ies w ill rem ind you of . . - " ,Jr lh,nnr i

d¥. sramping the car window withhands [Q cre(JcetVf1 ims ica i footPfllit$. T o o ec

orate wokies. you ' w il l ! 7ave food cok» direa-!y on yo u r r era a n d m an y WashingS m a y .be necessaW lO ffim ov e m e food c o k» s ta in .

Glaze [he cookie with white run sugar icing

(page 121.lertne icing dr y overnight Pour

Iquid foOdcolor,such a s airbruShcolor, Into------- .. ----~

a dry fe lt pad. Anow color (0 absorb , Malee

a Ii~{,and stamp t he s id e of your hand. oooo-

Site your thum b, "v ith food c olor fe lr paa

StQmp the glazed cookie wi[h the sIde of

your hand for the foot Stamp yD ur p alM I er

~nger to .stampthe toes .

Pizza CookiesBake and cool 6" round cookies, Use fruit pastry filling for <he "sauce- Usea

variety of lrui~can dies and n u{s for t il e " to p p ing s"_

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 22/29

Miscellaneous TechniquestJ I ere.""&'" b·a,se.

Z r e ve

Lee Cream Sandwiches .Prepare chocolate cookies for CU [ >OU ! 5 [page

6). Cui out r : W D of the same shape. Cut

de5igns 01)[ of on e with a smaIl mini couer,

Bake and cool cookies. When the tWO cook-

iesare cool. sand'Nich together with softened

i ce cream. linmedl<:!,ely roll side5 in chocolate

jimmies. prace in freezer until ready to serve


Cookie BowlsC oo kie tJ o'N Is a re a n e fe ga nf lM3y to s erv e

ic e c re am , m o us se o r o th er d es se rr .

Roll out cookie dough using the medium

thickness perfection strips. Form the rolleddough over the back ofa sil icone pan. Place

si licone pan on a baking sheet ,and oake at

350.' for a pp rox im ately 1 0. minutes or until

lighrlY golden Allow ro cool completely

before releasing from pan. N ore : C ook ie

s poon sh ow n is m ade from ha rd c 811 l1 y /

c oo k ie m old . T he baked a nd coo le d cook ie

is f iN e d w ith c h /; !c o la re c an dy maring. and a

pe can is p la ce d o n the \Net coo t ing

Stained GlassPfepare your favorite cookie reope. Of

choose one from page 6. C ut out shape,

then cut out designs wfrh mini cutters

Crush hard candy and fill cut - oot s , Bake

accoroing [0 recipe ihStruction$. Be sure to

bake on a sil ic one bak ing m a c fo r

r e lease of th e h ard c an dy :

Spritz:Prepare a batch 6fthecleHcate sprilZ£poldes

(recipe page 6) . Use the disks to create

, some unique s ra pe s a s w ell a s rra ditiO l"1 <li.

I such a s [)~ e candy cene and wream. The

chocolate 5prir;; "vere decorated With candy

coating (page 18) and nets, The ChriSlnias

spritz were bf.llShed with a thin layer of pip-

ing gel.then SPrinkledWIth line sugar mixed

with dUS{lng powders.


8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 23/29

Supplies eededSucker :>tlcks

s ilic on e b a'k in g m at o r p afc ~,m en t p ap er

cooce sneet


v a se o r c o nt ain er

Decorating the Bouquets

Fas te r and T ea po t bouq ue ts W f:'re de co re te d u s in g run suga r

lC in q to su ua co : p ag e I

Cookie Pops and Cookie BouquetsCQokJr;:son Clsrick are fun Jor kids. or a couecuo« oj cookies orronqea in a bouquet

make a louely presentatiOn.

Winte r boUqLlet Wi!S (Je co ra (e (1 u srn g c an dy m old ed m eth od .

ins£J1xtionspage 2 1 1 then brushed wirh pearl dusring cowo«.

Wedding bouquet was aecosuea .. ,v im ibnCfan{ cut-out king

inttrU(llOill page 28, '

Cut-out Cookies

FOl low instruct ions lO r S u cCei li ul C u r - o ut s o n page 7, C ur out [he

shapes, k eep ing all Th e shapes in the sam e direction, S ta rti ng a t m ebottom, gentiy <wist a s uc ke r s [rc k unti l itre ac hes ro 3 /4 o r th e ro p,

while using your pointer ftnget from the other hand to prevent [h e

s uc ke r s tic k from brea~ing through the dough_ Sl ide the bakrng

parchment OJ silicone- baking, paq onto a cockle sheet and bake

ao:;ording (0 rec ipe in stru ct io ns . A llo w to cool, and decorate asdeslred_

Hard Candy/Cookie Molds

Jf sticks are to be used that 'Nil! no t fit in to (he hard candy ccoue

m old cav ity, CUt the m old to aI/ow room for the sucker s_tiCKo

extend. Lightly spray mold With a cooking spay_ Pressin cookie

dough, Placea sucker stick Over the dough in the mold, Ad d a l l e -

ue bi\ more dough COCOver the back of [he 5 uc~e r s tic k . an d b Je nd

\"Iith rhe d0Ugh in the mQldcavity Transferthe ha rd candy /cook ie

m old to a cookie sheet: and bake at 325· unol th e e dg es beg in to

brow n, A llow to cool in the mold and remove wnen mold is cool

enough tohandle De co ra te a s d es ir ed ,

Ceramic Mold or Candy Mold

FOIJow Insti 'UCDO[ lSfo r Mo ld ing with Ceramft; MOlds on page 8 or

M olding llliith candy M olds on page 10 Placem olde d c ook ies o n

a Si li cone bakcing m al o r pa rchmen t paper, k ee fiin g a U th e ~ ha pe s in

the s am e d ire ctio n. S ta rtin g a nh e b Ott om . gehtly llNist a s uc ke r . so ck

until it reaches [0 3}4 of the top. Vlihile uslngYQur p O i n t e r finger

From the other hand to prevent me sucker stick from brea~ing

[hrougn the dougll_ Slide !he bilking, parChment or s i li cone bak ingpad o nto a c oo!Q e sh eer an d bate accoroi'ng t o r ec ip e im tr ud }o f1S_

Allow [.0 c oo l a nd decorate as des ired,

Assembly Instructions

F ill a v as e w ith styrofoam, Arrange the .sucke r s l ides. us ing d"lestt

ro to am for SWp p.ort. (ot th e su ck er moo a! thebotrdm Ib, a va ri et y


8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 24/29

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 25/29

Ornaments and Gingerbread GarlandDecum'p your t."11ristmo8 tree with beauliful c()Qkies. Practically OilYcookie can be made info an

omnment by plncing (J hole ill rhe doufJll hefore /.Joking. An adomble garlond simply decomred

dresses up (lny C.'hrislmos tree, or pernonl1lize rile garland I)y decololing tne gingf"fIJread [0 repre-

scm your gmndchi/Clren. your j<1lniJy(don', forger/Ile pens) , 0 scnoo! class, Of Q special group.


On !,!siJicone mat or parCh-

ment paper. rOIl cookie

d ou gh a nd c ut o ut s h.3 pe ~lormOld cookie dough and

place On ma t! . Cut out a sm all

hole I r o r hanging) vvith ~p

1 i ' 5 . Bakeaccording to recipe

directions Decorateasdesired, detorar ing around

me h ole .

Gingerbread GarlandOn a silicone mat or par(h~ .------- ..........1 !! !1 1 1 . - _ _ - .

menr paper. roll cookie

dough and cut our ginger-

bread bOys. C ut small holes in

the hands using t ip I tS. Bake

according to recipe instruc-

tions. Ail.Qw toc oo t B ru sh o nGo ld S par kl e d u st in g pOW(l'eL

Altac h edible confett i hearts

and gold dragees with piping

gel. Tie togerl1er with ribbon.

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 26/29

SuppU Sperfection str~s

s il ic on e ma t


cook ing spraycaokl e cLI !r er s

o og pattem, page 4' 1


1Enlarge (he pattern on page aM cut around deSi~n. Spray

the bag psttern with a cooking spray. Cur around the pmtem

B ake for ) 5" 1 8 m inutes or until edges a re go ld en.

2 Decorate'the ba g and the cookies. us ing run sugar icing.

using one of the -glues" on

Use cans to k~p bag from CO!!apslnguntil "glue"

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 27/29

A Great Day for a PicnicSuppliespffl8:rJOO $mps

$ll Icoo,. mat

~et.';eave fOiling Pin

b a s k e t P < J ! l e r T 1 . page 44

3' r o u r r o cake p ;ms

c i J O l : l e to t t e r s

[ 1

. ,.'~on s tr ip s [0le ve l. R em o ve perfectlori strips. W ith a lot o f p re s-

s ure , r ollo ve r a ga in . u sin g a b 1J" sk etW e8 ve ro llin g p in . S pr ay th ebaSt;et patterns wirll a cooking spray. Placepattern on dough aM

c ut a ro un d m e p atte rn . ,R em o ve e xce ss dO l. Jg h. Bake for 15- r 8 m in -

u te s o r until edges are golden and center ISMrm

2Ught lySP r ay 2-3" round cakepans. Rollout dough using the

thinnest perfections,strips, Cu t two 1/4' wide strips and form

, Of'! the cake pans for the handles. Bake for 10-15 minutes

u n D I firm. flSsdllble the basket using one of the gingerbread

ammbling instrucDons on page 39.

3Prepare your favo~ite cookie reope, Bake and cool fruit

shape cookies. Decorate fruit cookies using Painted Run

Sugar Merhod, page 14.


8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 28/29

T~,l,ere's110 cookie r.utter in the

shape Ineedl Now what?

rv~ake-Your~Ovvncookie Cutter KitA cooke C L J l 1 ' e r kj~ r s ava iJable to des[.gn and cre-

ate y our own snape, Idea/when m a kin g £e ve ra t

o f one sty le .

Draw a r : : ! a ttern

S i m p J y draw a d : e s r g n ana regu~ ar p~ ece o f paper .Cut out the design and sp ra y ge nero usly w ith a

cooking spray, P l'ace pattern o n r osec-o o r doughand (wr around. the pattern. I f n ee t1 in g s eve ra l In

one a e s o n . cons ide r the cookie cutter k it ecove-'

fo r a n e ffic ie n t c u r- ou t process.

Be 'Creative

Sornetmss ,a cooke curter can be used fo r ocher

deslqn s [han it's In ten de d. E xamples ; The monster

heads are actua l, ly f lowe rs .and a w reath cu tter . T he

compass is an ornament cutter" tile tent is from a

t epee cur te r : eoa th e sun tan botue is if baby c ome

cu t te r with the nipple cut off:

8/3/2019 Cookie Decorating 29/29