Conventions of cd advertising

Conventions of CD advertising

Transcript of Conventions of cd advertising

Conventions of CD advertising

Name of Artist

Name of Album

Record Label Logo

Artist websiteArtist logo

Main image

Date of release

Name of the Artist

• Advertising the artists name is the main purpose for the Digipak advert and it is curtail that any CD advertisement has it.

Name of the Album

• Like the artists name, the album name is also crucial to have on the advertisement. The bolder = the more memorable and eye-catching.

Main Image

• The main image will usually be on the digipak/album too ensure that people can identify with the bands look.


• There will usually be some kind of artist logo on the advert. This acts as something small and recognisable which is usually placed on all all of the artists merchandise.

Artist and Label Website

• The website of the artists and the record label will usually feature on the advert at the bottom in smaller text.

Release Date

• There will always be a date where the album is released as it is the main purpose of the advertisement to inform the public. If there is not a date it will say ‘Out Now’.


• There will usually be reviews and ratings from bigger companies like ‘The rolling stone’ .

Record Label Logo

• The record label which the album belongs to will have its logo on the advert; usually at the bottom and is fairly small.