Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)

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Transcript of Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)

  • 7/27/2019 Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)



    Contrail WP16 D16.2 Exploitation and Technology Transfer

    Questionnaire B Market requirements and analysis

    Thank you for completing this questionnaire. The Contrail project team appreciate you committing

    your time and your feedback.

    The Contrail project ( is an 11.29m FP7 project with 11 consortium

    partners from various countries within the EU to develop the next generation cloud computing open

    source operating system. Along with the current advantages of cloud computing, the new

    technology will deliver additional benefits such as federation, enhanced security and easy to use and

    comprehensive SLAs.

    The questionnaire is part of the Exploitation and Technology Transfer work package and the

    information gathered will be used to deliver a better solution

    1 Information on the person/company completing the questionnaireDate

    Name of contact Contrail institutions (if


    Name of person completing

    questionnaire (voluntary)

    Name of company

    Business/sector of company

    Short description of company (academic

    institution, large company, small

    company, public sector, etc). What do

    they do etc

    Relationship of Contrail partner & person

    completing questionnaire (if any)

    Other relevant points

    2 Market analysisa. Main questions

    i. Do you use the cloud now? How?ii. How will use it in the future?

    Do you use the Cloud at the moment? Yes/no
  • 7/27/2019 Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)



    If Yes, what do you use it for? What

    applications, types of jobs, size of jobs),

    How do you use it? (is it a group policy decision,

    are individual users allowed/encouraged to use

    it, do you use it a lot?)

    Which cloud are you using? Amazon (AWS)









    Local ones?


    Are you familiar with cloud technologies? If so,

    do you know which ones you are using or have



    Open Nebula



    Local ones?


    Why are you using these clouds and not the


    What are your future plans (in next 1-3 years)?

    Are you going to increase the use of cloud in

    your business?

    What do you think you will be doing on the

    cloud in 3 5 years time?

    3 Specific market/customer requirementsa. Contrail is a project under the FP7 Internet of Services programme (http://contrail-
  • 7/27/2019 Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)



    Have you heard of it? Yes (how)


    If yes, what do you know of it?

    Have you heard of any other project/service

    doing the same thing? If so what?

    Marks 1 to 5 (1 least important; 5 most

    important). Try to encourage a variety of

    scores (i.e. not everything gets 5. There

    should be a few 1 or2s if possible to add

    relative strength in these features

    Security - marks 1 to 5 in importance Security 1 2 3 4 5

    Security why is important (what data are you

    trying to protect from whom)?

    Security what security standards do you

    require (your own or world standards)?

    What type/size of data do you store?

    What is your experience in this area?


    Security how do you think that your current

    position might change in the future?

    Security Other comments, if any?

    Costs - marks 1 to 5 in importance (5 most


    Costs 1 2 3 4 5

    Costs Is the lowest cost the most important


    Costs How do you measure costs? At a simple

    level or at a total cost of ownership level?

    What is your experience in this area?Good/bad?

    Costs how do you think that you current view

    of costs might change in the future

    Costs other comments, if any?

    Scalability - marks 1 to 5 in importance (5 most


    Scalability 1 2 3 4 5

    Do you need scalability? How big are your jobs?

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    Data or computation?

    How long do you need scalability for?

    Is network broadband an issue for your


    What is your experience in this area?


    Scalability - how do you think that you current

    view of infrastructure might change in the


    Scalability other comments, if any?

    Federation (the ability to move jobs from one

    cloud to another cloud) marks 1 to 5 in

    importance (5 most important)

    Federation 1 2 3 4 5

    Federation is this of interest to you now?

    Why? What does see at the benefits?

    What is your experience in this area?

    Good/bad? Why?

    Federation - how do you think that you currentview of federation might change in the future

    Federation other comments, if any?

    Location of work/data (does it matter where

    you work is performed?) - marks 1 to 5 in

    importance (5 most important)

    Location of work 1 2 3 4 5

    In what way is location important? Does it have

    to be in the same company, region, country,

    continent (within EU)?

    What is your experience in this area?

    Good/bad? Why?

    Location - how do you think that you current

    view of location might change in the future

    Location other comments, if any?

  • 7/27/2019 Contrail D16.2 - Questionnaire B (to Send)



    Performance - - marks 1 to 5 in importance (5

    most important)

    Speed 1 2 3 4 5

    Performance how do you measure

    performance (speed, accuracy, security, other)?

    Performance Is this better on the cloud than

    using your old infrastructure?

    What is your experience in this area?

    Good/bad? Why?

    Performance - how do you think that you

    current view of performance might change in

    the future?

    Performance other comments, if any?

    Ease of use - marks 1 to 5 in importance (5 most


    Ease of use 1 2 3 4 5

    What is your experience in this area?

    Good/bad? Why?

    Ease of use how do you define this? Do you

    have expert/non-expert users?

    Ease of use - how do you think that you current

    view of ease of use might change in the


    Ease of use other comments, if any?

    Infrastructure - marks 1 to 5 in importance (5

    most important)

    Infrastructure type 1 2 3 4 5

    In what way is this important are you

    interested in certain types of processors, certain

    sizes of memory, etc

    What sorts of jobs are you doing on the cloud to

    require this specific infrastructure?

    What is your experience in this area?

    Good/bad? Why?

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    Infrastructure - how do you think that you

    current view of infrastructure might change in

    the future

    Infrastructure other comments, if any?

    Others might be Redundancy

    Adherence to standards

    Other 1 (in case they mention another feature

    that is not mentioned above)

    Other 1 1 2 3 4 5

    Other 2 (in case they mention another feature

    that is not mentioned above)

    Other 2 1 2 3 4 5