Contracts - Warranties And Indemnities 2011

33 Warranties and Indemnities- Contract Considerations Steve Brown


Presentation by Steven Brown on use of warranties and indemnities in drafting contractings

Transcript of Contracts - Warranties And Indemnities 2011

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Warranties and Indemnities- Contract Considerations Steve Brown

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Warranties and Indemnities - Contract Considerations

IntroductionWe have the knowledge of terms warranties

and indemnities Do we use it in a practical way

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What is a contract?

All contracts are agreements


not all agreements are contracts

I’ll pick you up for dinner at 8 o’clock

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The Difference Between Agreements and Contracts?

Contracts are ALWAYS Legally enforceable

Courts will enforce as the law dictates

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Contracts – what are they?Contracts – what are they?

Legal Analysis –Enforceable forms of agreements that: comprise promises to performThe breach of which courts will give remedies

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Formalities and terms

Terms of a contract


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Formalities and termsTest for a term being a condition or warranty:"the test of essentiality is whether it appears from the general nature of the contract considered as a whole, or from some particular term or terms, that the promise is of such importance to the promisee that he would not have entered into the contract unless he hadbeen assured of a strict or substantial performance of the promise, as the case may be, and this ought to have been apparent to the promisor."

Tramways Advertising Pty Ltd v Luna Park (N.S.W) Ltd (1938) (SR) (NSW) 632 at 641-642 per Jordan CJ

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Formalities and termsWarrantiescontractual terms that act as an assurance. Damages for breach not termination of contract.

EG ‘The statutory books of the company are not up to date.’

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Formalities and termsWarrantiescontractual terms that act as an assurance. Damages for breach not termination of contract.

EG ‘The statutory books of the company are not up to date.’

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Formalities and termsIndemnitiesAre contractual terms whereby a party undertakes expressly to make good a loss that arises from a stated set of events

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Formalities and termsIndemnities EG‘In consideration of payment by the buyer of the consideration, the seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the buyer against any liability, damage, loss or expenses (including legal fees and expenses of litigation) incurred byor imposed on it in connection with any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments (including, but not limited to, actions in the form of tort, warranty or strict liability) arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with bringing the statutory books up to date and in accordance with all applicable legal requirements.’

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Difference Between

Warranties Damages only Must prove loss Only damages if party

can show warranty breached resulted in reduction of value of asset acquired (loss)

Onus on party asserting loss

Duty to mitigate loss

Indemnities Provide guaranteed

compensation where a breach of warranty might not give rise to damages

Compensation could be damages or some other remedy

No clear duty to mitigate

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Difference Between In the example warranty assuming NO disclosure

had been made, the buyer claiming under the warranty would have to showThat the statutory books were not up to date;

ANDThe value of the business was reduced as a

result of this Whereas with the example indemnity the buyer

would simply demand repayment of its costs in updating the statutory books

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Risk and (Expected) Return

NegotiationTo get obtain

bargain by minimizing risk of non performance

Because risk inherent in all commercial transactions

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Because “ an ideal world the risk pendulum would lie perfectly balanced..

However, in reality the position depends upon the bargaining position of the two sides.”

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Examples of Inherent Risk

WR Ruffler Pty Ltd v Idohold Pty Ltd

Codelfa Constructions Pty Ltd v State Rail Authority of New South Wales

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Lawyers Role In Practice

Assist in the negotiation to Identify the inherent risksAssist in negotiation the sharing of the risksThereby minimizing the risks occurring

by drafting clauses that are simple and human for the parties to read and use as management tools not to be hidden away in a drawer.

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Contracts – what are they?Contracts – what are they?

Practical Analysis – Contracts are:1. Risk Minimization tools2. Checklists or Rule Books Attempting to ensure performance

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Contracts – as risk management tools Contracts – as risk management tools Buying an apple To construct a project

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Contracts - As Checklists or Rule BooksContracts - As Checklists or Rule Books

Who is to do what? - That is what has to be performed.

When are the services\goods to be supplied– when are they to be paid for?

How are the services\goods to be supplied.

Consequences of good or poor performance.

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Why have a Contract instead of an Agreement Why have a Contract instead of an Agreement

least formal to most formal form form of Agreement oral contract of written



Formality &Legality

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Why we need to understand how courts interpret contracts

Maple Flack Co Ltd v Universal Furniture Products (Wembley) Ltd

16th installment of 200 defective not enough to terminate contract for failure to perform

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How courts interpret contractsHow courts interpret contracts

Courts use rules of construction as pointers to discover the presumed intention of the parties to a contract.

The rules are not slavishly applied. The rules are used to produce as

reasonable and just result as possible.

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Rules of Contract ConstructionRules of Contract Construction The object of construing a contract is to ascertain what the mutual

intentions of the parties were as to who is to do what, how and when from the words they used to express the obligations each assumed by entering into the contract.

The intention of the parties is the meaning of the words they have used. There is at common law no intention independent of that meaning.

The intention of the parties must be ascertained from the words used, in light of the surrounding circumstances and the object of the contract, in so far as the object has been agreed or proved.

Courts construe the objective intention of the parties not the parties actual intention.

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Evaluated list of legal requirements compared to business units functions

Cl 4.6

AS 4360 - Risk Evaluation

Riskacceptable Accept





Transfer infull or in part


Consider feasibility, costs and benefits, and levels of risk

Recommend Treatment Strategy

Choose treatment strategy



Transfer infull or in part


Riskacceptable ?


Unacceptableresidual risk

Prepare systems to embed plans to reduce, transfer, avoid risk

Implementtreatmentplans cl 4.5.4

cl 4.5.3

Assesstreatmentoptionscl 4.5.2

Identifytreatmentoptionscl 4.5.1

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Drafting for Performance

1. Understand the legal aspects.

2. Identify potential risks by drafting a contract as a checklist .

3. Take practical steps to eliminate/minimise those risks.

By taking these actions you can then draft to: Reduce the likelihood of an event; Reduce the consequences of an event; Transfer in full or in part the consequences of an

event (Negotiate a price to accept the risk); and/or Avoid the event.

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Drafting for Performance

Reduce the likelihood of the event of non- performance.

Due Diligence

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Drafting for Performance

Reduce the consequences of an event [of non- performance] by drafting the following clause: Warranties Indemnities Liquidated Damages Restraints of Trade Post employment of key personnel Exclusion clauses

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Drafting for Performance

Firm Price A price which is not variable for any reason

Fixed Price A price, the final value of which is fixed by reference to some variable parameter such as inflation, currency exchange rate, or maintainable profits of the businesses

Earnout/Workout Price

A price based on the post acquisition profits of the business so that the seller shares in the on going growth of the businesses

Transfer in full or in part the consequences of an event

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Drafting for Performance

Avoid the event [of non performance]

Don’t proceed with the contract if the terms cannot be agreed upon

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Drafting for Performance

Use standard forms and established precedents where possible

Always ascertain if what the parties are seeking to achieve is achievable

List the items to be performed (draft a checklist)

Obtaining performance is the key

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Drafting for Performance

Know what the parties want; Do their calculations; Think long term; think strategically; Recognise the risks of both action and inaction; Be prepared to constantly measure performance

against the established bench marks; Review the process to ensure continual improvement; Invest the time and the resources to do it right and Analyze the risks of non performance eg use of


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