Contracting Blueprint

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  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint


    Make Big Mo

    Swagger Essentials LLC, i12bacontr

    Contact via email to: nigel@i1

    Congratulations on do

    report and taking an

    towards securing a lu

    rewarding position wo

    government contracts f


    About the information in this

    This ebook Make Big Money in

    report) contains proven tips th

    contractor provided that you foll

    The information presented in thi

    Hiring/Program managers fromtrusted colleagues, and from inp

    and personnel officers.

    I reserve the right to make any cany updates to the report will breport.

    Nigel LeBlanc May 18th

    P.S. all subscribers to this repor

    personal email for a period of 3the report. I can be contacted at

    ey in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 981 or at,- http://

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    Defense Contracting (occasionally referred to

    t will dramatically improve your chances of bec

    w them diligently and systematically.

    report has been gathered from various In-The

    arious companies, from my own experiencesut obtained from interviews with experienced H

    hanges or amendments to this report but assue made available at no charge to existing su


    t have access to me by direct

    days from the date of [email protected]


    04-2818 USA


    hereinafter as

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    e all users thatscribers to the

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint


  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    6. Locating the Jobs You Qualify For ............................................................................. 8

    7. Applying for Multiple Jobs........................................................................................ 9

    8. Other Methods in the Application Process ............................................................ 10

    9. Working with HR Depts. & Hiring Managers .................................................... 11-17

    10. Be Persistent but Not Bothersome ......................................................................... 17

    11. Getting Security Clearance...................................................................................... 17

    12. The Importance of Exercising Patience .................................................................. 19

    13. Appendix,- sample cover letters & rsum & website links.............................. 21-25


    The information presented in this report can be extremely powerful when applied

    according to the guidelines set out herein and when coupled with your own diligence,

    commitment and enthusiasm. On the other hand if you dont apply any of those things

    then the information will be completely useless and you are almost destined to fail.

    The reason I decided to create this report was not because I need the money

    generated from the sales thereof, but because I knew that the information I was sitting

    on was a virtual goldmine to anyone with reasonable skills, talent and education that

    had a desire to join the ranks of contractors like myself and my colleagues in the

    lucrative government defense contracts sector.

    Ive seen firsthand the difference that giving relevant insider tips and information to

    some of my friends has done for them and Ive gained great personal satisfaction in

    seeing them succeed and advance. Even so, they have achieved their successes with

    only a partial amount of the information that Ive now presented in this report, and

    therefore Im highly confident that if you take this information and diligently apply it that

    you will be rewarded. When you decided to download this report and lay out your hard

    earned cash to get your hands on it, you will have done so with an expectation of not

    only receiving information, but to receiving a blueprint for action and success coupled

    with my promise to personally support you should you require it. To that end you havemy full support and I welcome you to make contact with me if you need to clarify any

    specific aspects of this report or if you feel youd like some feedback regarding your

    personal application of the information.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    1.Write a rsum, if you dont know how to,- pay a


    If you dont already have a rsum then youre certainly going to need one. Most

    people do have a rsum of some description that they can use as a framework fromwhich to build upon. Dont make the mistake of thinking that the rsum you last used

    2, 3 or 5 years ago will be good enough and that you can simply update it with an

    extra page because if you do that it will be clear to see the cut & paste routine youve

    applied and there couldnt really be a better way to contribute to making a poor first

    impression with the hiring manager. The thing is, that when you take currently

    acceptable formats for presenting rsums (especially for this kind of work

    opportunity,- the HR & hiring managers are looking for a particular style and format in

    a rsum,- more on that in the next topic) then you demonstrate to the hiring

    manager/interviewer that youve taken the time and effort to prepare a fresh up-to-date

    rsum that delivers everything that theyre looking for. Theyll warm to the fact that

    youve gone to the effort or acquired an understanding of just the style and format of

    rsum that theyre interested in.

    If you dont have the time or you dont feel comfortable in putting your rsum together

    then simply hire a professional to do it for you. You can easily find someone that

    specializes in such things if you Google some phrases like professional rsum

    writing etc., and these days with the Internet being so handy you dont need to find

    someone that lives in your town or city because they could be on the other side of the

    world and still do a great job and simply send you the document (and working drafts)

    when its done.

    2. Rsum should not be more than two pages , using Times New

    Roman 12pt as the selected font

    Too many people make the classic mistake of handing over a rsum the size of a

    phone book whenever they go to an interview. They think that theyll impress the hiring

    manager by shear weight and size alone of all the written references, certificates,

    diplomas, degrees, year book excerpts, samples of their with distinction final year

    thesis,.. etc, etc. The thing is, that while all that stuff is important and relevant because

    it represents who you are and what youve achieved, it really doesnt interest the hiring

    manager to have to go wading through all that stuff.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    Heres the thing,- your rsum has to be concise and clear, short and punchy. Keep it

    relevant, and of course youll note all your relevant qualifications in a serial format, and

    youll give names of folks that can be referred to as references once the interview

    process gets that far. Thats what HR and hiring managers do,.. they leave the

    verification process to the last stages, otherwise theyd waste a truckload of time

    reading through glowing rsums and calling up the writers thereof to ask thequestion of yeah but whats he/she really like. I mean, did you ever see a bad

    reference,.. ex employers typically dont write bad references and if they did then

    theyd never see the light of day anyway.

    So dont make the mistake of stuffing your rsum just for effect,- the hiring manager

    will smell that a mile away and it just wont achieve anything. Also, dont go using

    fancy fonts or too much Bold and Underline,.. use Times New Roman font

    because its easier to read and is a nice clean basic font that does the job. I can tell

    you from my own experience and from that of many friends and colleagues that a

    simple and concise 2-page rsum in Times New Roman 12 point is what goes downbest. Ive included a sample here in the blueprint (its in the appendix section at the

    end) so you can work from that and simply replace the sample information with that of

    your own,- no need to go reinventing the wheel here folks,- just keep it simple and

    follow a proven format. When you hand that over or send your neat 2-page Time-

    New-Roman 12pt rsum to the relevant hiring manager theyll really appreciate that

    simple and straightforward layout and itll be clear to them that you understand this

    interview process very well and that the most precious commodity these HR

    executives have available to them is time !

    3.Find Companies from the list and visit their sites to see a

    list of advertised jobs.

    OK,.. this is an important part of the process, so lets elaborate on it a bit. Now that

    youve got the list and have glanced up and down over it umming and aahhing youll

    need to out it into perspective and start to use it as the useful tool it is.

    Firstly, if there are any companies on the list that you recognize and perhaps know a

    little about then those are worth noting down. Take a sheet of foolscap paper and start

    writing notes, by the time youre done, your sheet of paper should resemble something

    of a final-exam scratch-sheet. Just go ahead and write and scribble a whole bunch of

    notes, thoughts, mind-map, whatever, that will get your creative juices flowing and

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    give you something to start preparing a plan around when you get to the stage of

    isolating the prospective companies and positions that youre interested in.

    One of the first things you should do after youve had a good look at the list detail and

    made your relevant notes (this is the preliminary stage of narrowing down the key

    opportunities best suited to you personally), then head over to the website of the

    respective companies and check out the advertised jobs that they have posted on

    their website (yes,.. they do exist look for links such as hiring vacancies

    employment opportunities and so forth). Once youve done that youll then be in a

    position to add even more information to your folio on the various prospective

    opportunities. You see, not only will you see what positions are currently available,

    youll also get an idea of the qualifications theyre seeking, the type of personnel

    theyre focusing on, personality types, etc. It will also give you an insight as to the

    personality of the company which you should always be aware of and focused on

    when preparing your presentation and eventual personal interview should you pursue

    it to that extent. The other thing to be doing is to have a look at any profiles ofprospective candidates seeking positions that have posted their profiles on the

    companys website. Just apply your own sense of evaluation and see if you can spot

    a good profile from a bad one, or an outstanding profile from a good one. This will

    give you ideas for creating your own profile which well cover in the next topic.

    4.Create your profile on websites of listed companies

    Once youve found a company from the list that youre interested in (and dont just

    stop at one,.. go for as many as you find interest or opportunity in) then you should

    create a profile of your own and post it on their website. Most sites make the process

    of posting a profile easy to understand, but on some sites if its not so clear, just send a

    brief (very brief) email or make a brief call to the HR dept (or even the webmaster) and

    ask them how to post a profile on their site in the relevant section.

    OK,.. so once youre ready to put your posting profile on their website, again you

    have to keep simplicity and conciseness in mind. If theres provision to upload a photo

    then make sure its up to date and that it represents you properly (no eyes-half-

    closed or passport mug shots) if you have to, find a photo shop or photographer that

    specializes in profile shots for real estate agents,.. because thats the image you

    should be projecting,- professional intelligent friendly, approachable and

    trustworthy. If it costs you a few bucks to get done then it may be the best investment

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    you make this year (apart from investing in this e-book). Keep the facts on your

    posted profile clear and relevant and dont overdo it,.. just enough to show that youre

    a candidate worth considering. The objective is to wet the hiring managers appetite

    enough for them to want to know more about you and perhaps give you a hearing.

    The other really valuable thing that youll be doing (actually,.. this is mega-important

    so listen up),.. is that youll be getting your profile open exposure in the circles of the

    companies and hiring managers that frequent these sites. If they keep seeing your

    excellent and attractive profile on a few different websites then that alone could be

    enough for them to contact you. Even if they dont contact you, it will help to build an

    awareness of who you are so that when you do send out your rsum or attend an

    actual interview youll either be recognized or at least seem familiar. That feeling of

    familiarity will improve your chances of acceptance more than I can describe,- it can

    work wonders!

    5.Adjust Your Rsum to Suit Respective Positions

    Earlier I spoke about keeping your rsum clear, concise and simple,.. BUT,.. that

    doesnt mean that you should use it in cookie-cutter fashion to send or show to every

    single hiring manager that you target. Dont just upload a generic/general rsum and

    then use it for every job you apply for, because if you do that it will simply broadcast a

    message that youre not really focused on the specifics of a particular companys or

    job function requirements and that alone could send your neat little 2-page Times-

    New-Roman 12pt rsum to the bottom of the heap or perhaps straight into the under-

    desk round-file

    Just as every company and every job is different you also need to differentiate your

    rsum to make it relevant to the company and position that youre applying for. That

    doesnt mean that you need a completely new rsum for every application, just a

    modification in part so that it reflects the relevance of the position youre seeking and

    also echoes your skills that would particularly suitable to the task. For instance, if a

    chef was applying for a position as head chef in an exclusive restaurant, then he/she

    would emphasize his/her experience in creating award winning cuisine and the various

    special training that went along with it, but the same chef applying for the position of

    catering and restaurant manager would emphasize skills acquired in kitchen logistics,

    staff management, food quantities estimating etc. Of course the other skills are

    relevant and merit mention,.. but the emphasis needs to be placed appropriately.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    However, one thing to be careful of is to not stretch the truth and facts too far, or send

    out so many widely variable rsums that you start to lose sight of your individual core

    talents and focus, or begin to appear as a Jack of all trades amongst hiring


    Bottom line here is to keep it relevant, make it interesting, and make it clear that you

    understand the position and/or company to which your applying by focusing on

    appropriate facts and giving the right kind of emphasis. At the risk of stating the

    obvious,-please for your own sake and sanity keep a record of what the information

    that youve provided to the respective companies because unless you do it could end

    up creating some stress or embarrassment for you later.

    6.Locating jobs that you qualify for

    Initially, the jobs that youll be most interest in are those that may jump out at you and

    seem to be ideal (or close to ideally suited),. However, you shouldnt only be making

    notes of and applying for jobs that you are obviously qualified in, you should also

    investigate more deeply into the various positions to uncover job opportunities that

    your skill and experience could be relative in. Sometimes it requires thinking outside

    the square a little and more thoroughly exploring every opportunity that you think you

    could perform well in.

    The first thing to do of course is to make an A list of positions that you think would besuitable, ideal or even perfect for you. Place a big red circle around them so-to-speak

    and start preparing your plan of approach and presentation.

    There may be other positions for which you feel semi-qualified or even over-qualified

    which Ill talk about in a moment, but for now just go with the A-list and start to build

    upon your various suitabilities to the positions so that you begin to form a mental

    outline of the presentations that youre going to make and how youll personalize those

    presentations to reflect your highest and best skills that would be ideal to the position.

    If you find a job opportunity that you think that youre ideally suited to or that would be

    perfect then dont go making claims in your presentation or rsum that you thinkyoud be perfect to the position (let them come to that conclusion), but you should

    make a list of reasons why you think your perfectly suited, so that when it comes time

    to present yourself in the interview that focused energy and confidence will come

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    through loudly and clearly and any hiring manager would have a difficult time in

    denying such an applicants suitability.

    If those opportunities dont seem to jump out at you straight away, then go over the list

    again and this time, start to make notes about positions in which you think you have

    relevant skills. With careful research you could find several positions that would be

    most suitable and that you could fulfill the job tasks of admirably. From there its just a

    matter of focusing on the job in more detail and skewing your application so that it

    reflects the skills and experience that you have that would be suitable to the job. Once

    you get that far its just a matter of applying more focus and raising your confidence to

    the level that youre ready to make a presentation and to subsequently impress the

    hiring manager with your energy, focus and enthusiasm for the job.

    7.Apply for as many jobs that you qualify for

    Earlier I spoke about apply for jobs that you were qualified for but now Id like to add to

    that and make the process for increasing your chances of success a little clearer.

    Once youve gone through the list and from it compiled youre A-list of prospective

    companies you should write to all of them, that may be one company and it may be six

    or more,- write to them all.

    Then in addition to that you should also start working on your B-list if you havent done

    so already. Dont wait for replies from the A-list before you send out to your B-list,..youshould be sending off as many rsums for all the jobs that you apply for. The simple

    reason for that is that you dramatically increase your chances of response when you

    send out multiple applications. There also seems to be a hidden inertia of energy

    when you simultaneously send out multiple applications,- I cant really explain except

    to say that it does work and seems to operate under a kind of catalytic effect that

    affects action.

    Dont forget, that just because you send out an application doesnt mean that youll

    automatically get an immediate response (or any response),. So youve got to follow

    up as per the strategies set out in the other topics Ive covered.Therefore, If you send out say 6 applications, dont start feeling dejected and

    disappointed when you dont get spontaneous responses, because you need to follow

    up and go through the processes described in order to achieve the objectives that

    youre aiming for. No one is going to hand this opportunity to you on a silver platter,-

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    youve got to be prepared to work the system and apply yourself actively and diligently

    so that you actually influence the successful outcome yourself.

    The thing you need to bear in mind is that most (if not all) of these hiring managers

    and HR staff members are usually always overworked and are constantly wading

    through piles of paperwork and applications as well as arranging and conductinginterviews and then reporting back to their superiors. In short, theyre extremely busy

    and therefore even when they encounter an application that looks really great, they

    may not respond straightway. They could even get distracted and forget about having

    seen such a splendid application for a week until something reminds them that they

    intended to follow up on it. That may be a prompt from a colleague or a superior, or

    perhaps a follow up call from the applicant themselves.

    So, hang in there and be positive and proactive because it will win the day in the end.

    Important Footnote: Use an email address that has a combination of first name/last

    name,- eg. [email protected] (if you dont have an email like that.YOUNEED TO GET ONE) Doing this will help you in the identification process and give

    your email some credibility and personality. It was also give it a higher chance of

    success and give some added assurance that your email transmission doesnt end up

    in the spam filters.

    8.Other Methods in the Application Process

    Uploading your rsum: In addition to sending out application letters you should also

    be uploading your rsum to the appropriate portal of the hiring company. When you

    do this make sure that the rsum matches that of any other direct application that

    youve made and be sure that it has been tailored to the specifications and description

    of the job thats been advertised.

    Uploading a Cover Letter: Whenever you upload your rsum you should also

    simultaneously upload a cover letter to go with it, because although your rsum may

    contain all the relevant criteria to fundamentally qualify you for the position, a coverletter just provides that added information that gives further dimension to your

    suitability and also shows a little of your personality and a genuine interest rather than

    simply posting a basic rsum that would probably go unnoticed if it didnt correlate

    to a personalized letter.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    The thing to bear in mind with rsums and cover letters is that hiring managers tend

    to have developed a kind of rsum blindness after having seen so many. Sure they

    also see a lot of cover letters but the distinctive difference with a cover letter (if you

    prepare it properly as per the style and example given) is that its really simple to read

    and can be scanned by the reader in about 7 seconds,.. Plus it contains a little bit ofpersonality and therefore has more interest content than a factually based rsum

    that cant be scanned in 7 seconds and generally presents as a task to the reader

    unless he/she has been given a reason to take more interest in it by way of a good

    concise cover letter.

    9.Working With HR depts. & Hiring managers

    OK,.. so by now youve laid the groundwork for one of the most important steps in the

    entire process,- making the initial call to the hiring manager.

    Firstly, if youre a little concerned or trepidatious about actually calling to hiring

    managers then you really shouldnt be,- let me explain why:

    Although youve never called this person before and such a call could be classified as

    a cold call,- its not really a cold call at all. The reason for that is that the hiring

    manager is actually expecting you to call,- well maybe not you personally at any given

    moment, but for sure he/she expects to gets loads of calls every day of the week from

    applicants seeking positions. So if you dont call, youll not only be letting yourself

    down,- youll be disappointing the hiring manager.

    Another thing to bear in mind here is that because youve already sent off and

    uploaded your rsum and cover letter and perhaps posted your profile on some

    websites, is that you have an ENORMOUS advantage over the other applicants that

    have not done so. You can virtually take for granted the fact that the hiring manager

    will be receiving calls from people that havent yet sent or uploaded a single scrap of

    information,- just to kind of stick a toe in the water so to speak,.. or even in the hope

    that they can impress the hiring manager so well with their personality imbued

    telephone skills that the hiring manager will virtually beg them to send in an application

    or come in for an interview; believe it or not it does happen virtually every day and

    those are what we can refer to as cold calls. Of course those are the calls that the

    hiring manager mostly just cant wait to terminate and often times could even have a

    secretary to ascertain whether or not the caller has already sent in an application.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    So when you eventually make your first call to the hiring manager be sure to do it with

    confidence because you will have done all the ground work and part of the hiring

    managers daily routine is to go through the process of taking calls from applicants,-

    thats what they are there for so dont be shy,.. make that follow up call and youll find

    theyll be ready to hear from you. This is an essential step in the process so just go

    along with it and all will be as fine as wine!

    Now,- here are some finer points to help you prepare for making your calls:

    a) Research the companies prior to calling: You dont need to spend too much

    time on this,.. just make sure that you use the information provided in your list to

    clarify in your mind what the company is all about and what it is that you think

    theyre looking for. You will have already prepared notes from your scratch sheet

    and by now you should have transcribed and elaborated on those notes into a file

    and either printed it out (which is a good idea because you can add hand written

    notes relating to the follow up calls you make to the company) or have it on cue

    ready on your PC screen when you call them. The only thing Ill add here (and

    maybe this is just a personal thing) but whenever I try to follow notes or information

    from my PC screen I tend to not be as focused in the conversation as when Im

    making a call and just relying on written details thats laid out before me. Its up to

    you how to do it but the main thing is to be clear about the objectives of your call

    and make sure youre clear in your mind about the company, the dynamics of the

    position theyre seeking to fill, and the actual company itself.

    The more you understand about the company youre calling and the position that

    youre going after, the more youll improve your chances of a successful response.

    This will put you at a distinct advantage over the applicants that dont adequately

    prepare themselves and that just treat every call to every company in exactly the

    same way. They tend to just go through the motions of following the steps in the

    process without being focused and also just kind of rushing through it as though its

    a task. Make sure you set yourself apart from those guys and be prepared for

    whatever scenario you may encounter when you call because it could be the

    difference between getting the hiring managers attention or just appearing as

    another call that is grist to the mill in the hiring managers boring day!

    Call before 8:30 am and after 5:30 pm (HR mangers may go through hundreds of

    rsums a day so you want to catch them as soon as they come in to work or at

    the end of the day)

    b) Write down what you plan to say: HR managers are busy and will appreciate

    you getting straight to the point. Bear in mind that at the point of calling, the HR

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    manager doesnt know that its you on the other end of the line. He/she may have

    been alerted to the fact that the caller (you) is an applicant making a call, but apart

    from that they really havent yet put 2+2 together and attached any significance to

    your call. They may also be taking the call at a time when they were busy doing

    something else (even if you did call at the most relevant time of day,. as described

    in the paragraph above) so you have to quickly get their attention on to you andonto your objectives otherwise theyll start to mentally switch off and probably only

    really hear a fraction of what youre saying. Therefore, working from some kind of

    script is an ideal way of staying on track. You dont need it to be a word perfect

    performance,- its just a guide to prompt you in the right direction. If you show that

    you respect the hiring managers time by sticking to the point and keeping the

    initial conversation brief theyll appreciate that and then when you next call them

    (dont be afraid to follow up because they do expect it,.. more on that topic later)

    and then theyll be even more receptive to talking with you and you may even find

    that theyve had a look over your rsum and are starting to form a clearer picture

    of who you are and what you may be able to offer. From this point on all yourcontact with the hiring manager should start to get warmer and warmer as you

    move closer to getting that actual first interview,- and by that stage youll no longer

    be a stranger and youll find that theyre very happy to greet you!

    c) Make it easy for them to identify you: When you call, just politely introduce

    yourself and tell them that youve already visited their companys website and

    verified your suitability and at the same time that have you created a profile and

    applied to a few of the advertised openings.

    Now at this point, if you havent already sent in an application by email you should

    ask if its ok to email your rsum along with a cover letter for their consideration.

    You may have already sent your details via fax,..and you may also have emailed

    it,- but that email could have gone to another department or it may have escaped

    someones attention so now that youve actual been able to speak to a real live

    human being you can certainly make mention of the fact that you sent your details

    earlier, but this time ask the hiring manage for his/her specific email address so

    that you can be sure it gets to them. Then when they actually do receive and readthe email it will put a voice to your rsum which theyll place on file.

    The fact that you show this kind of persistence and preparedness demonstrates

    that youre keen to move forward and that you have initiative. These are all positive

    contributing factors toward your eventual success. By getting this far (which really

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    is not hard if you simply follow the previous steps Ive already laid out) you will

    have achieved one major objective in the whole process,- which is making

    personal contact that you can now build upon to ensure that you get the interview

    that youre seeking. The way in which you go about building on that relationship is

    important and there are a few things that you should bear in mind in order to keep

    it working for you and not making any mistakes that could lose you ground or evensabotage your chances, so Ill now cover them in the paragraphs below.

    d) Call no more than once a week for updates: One really important factor that you

    need to bear in mind is that this process often takes several weeks to produce a

    successful outcome. It may even take a couple of months depending on how busy

    the HR manager is, and making allowances for contingencies, days off, holidays,

    etc. So you need to be appreciative and tolerant of the due processes involved and

    dont try to force a conclusion. The hiring managers know exactly what theyre

    doing and they also know within a certain time-frame precisely when their

    superiors expect them to have the various positions filled. So you have to work inwith them and just let them do their jobs.

    Having said that, it does help both you and the hiring manager if you are gently

    persistent in your follow through,- it helps keep the HR manager on track and also

    keeps you in the loop as far as being a top of the mind prospective candidate.

    So you should definitely be calling for an update but make sure you DONT call

    every other day or the HR manager will start to refuse to take your calls or just

    mentally tune you out as being a bit of a nuisance (even if you are highly qualified

    for the job). Simply put it in your diary to call once a week to check in on the

    progress of things. There may be issues or delays in the process that the HR

    manager can inform you about in a brief call rather than having to stress over the

    matter,- so in that regard youd be doing them a big favor by relieving that stress.

    Its a good idea when calling to remain calm and do not appear to be stressed or

    anxious at all. Just be very pleasant and before you end the call you could say

    something like Ok, John/Jane, thanks for your time today,- Ill give you a quick call

    next week to see how things are going if thats OK?. Youll find that the HR

    manager will always say something like yeah,..sure thatd be fine,.. bye. Now if

    and when they get to the point where they refer to you by name,- like yeah,..sure

    thatd be fine Nigel,.. bye,.. then you know for sure that youve made animpression and that youre really on the right track. This brings me to the next topic

    of building rapport.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    e) Build good rapport with hiring manager: This is the essence of building a

    relationship with anyone;- building rapport, but what does it mean really and why

    is it important to understand the dynamics of rapport building?

    When we say building rapport and building a relationship were actually talking

    about two distinctly different things. The building of rapport is simply an essential

    stepping stone thats required to get us to the point where the other party now feels

    comfortable or trusting of us enough to consider getting into a relationship and

    taking things further. So, if you dont get the first part right in building rapport youll

    never get to the next stage of developing that trust further to the point where you

    can start to develop a relationship.

    In this case, such a relationship would start with you being granted an interview

    and being considered as a worthwhile applicant. The second stage would be even

    deeper in so much that once you get hired then you would become an employee

    and as such theres an inherent and substantial relationship between employees,

    HR managers, senior staff members and the company itself. So the way that you

    go about building the rapport in the first place is a very important part in arriving at

    a successful outcome.

    The simple way of building rapport is to be pleasant and polite and to be gently

    persistent. Just use your personality to make the HR manager feel comfortable

    with you. If you happen to call at a time when the HR manager appears to be

    relaxed and a little talkative then use that as your cue to strike up a small

    conversation or let him/her lead into a bit of topical chat. This is one of those things

    that you just have to apply a bit of intuition to and just relax and be yourself. If the

    manager asks you something specific about your history or achievement or

    objectives, remember to keep it brief and do NOT waffle on endlessly and lose the

    ground advantage that you made earlier. You can use a little humor and banter as

    long as its not offensive or politically/racially incorrect,- again, just be yourself and

    remain relaxed and pleasant throughout the whole process. If you are actually

    currently experiencing some financial challenges or hardship, DONT make the

    mistake of broadcasting that otherwise the HR manager could get the wrong

    impression and form the opinion that your primary interest in this position is purely

    driven by financial desperation then it is likely to work against you. I realize that in

    such circumstances that financial pressure is usually the primary motivating factorand that it can be a very worthwhile motivational force,.. but just dont admit that to

    the HR manager because it wont win you any favor!

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint


  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    The key to bringing all of the elements together that Ive covered is to apply

    persistence, to be proactive and diligent in pursuing a successful outcome. Having

    said that, theres a distinct difference between being persistent and being bothersome.

    If you lose sight of your objectives and let anxiety and frustration rule youll lose out

    and end up being seen as a pain in the butt and that will absolutely sabotage your

    chances of success.

    Youve really got to look at this as an assignment in which there are specific steps and

    due process to observe:

    Review the list

    Do research on the company and the jobs

    Prepare your rsum and cover letter

    Upload documents and create website profiles

    Plan your conversation and approach for the first phone contact

    Focus on building rapport

    Follow up once a week

    Talk with other section managers if appropriate

    Show that youre keenly interested but NOT desperate

    I recommend that you should simply use this blueprint and the points herein to form

    your own written strategy (yes,..write it down and make it a very clear step by step

    personal plan that you will feel comfortable following and that will help you stay on


    If you use your plan and remain focused and clear in your objectives and always be

    pleasant and as relaxed as possible when calling and following up then you wonthave any risk of being bothersome and thus shooting yourself in the foot. Just be

    confident in your own ability and above all; be patient.

    11. Getting Security Clearance

    In order to work in the government defense contracts sector youll need to obtain a

    security clearance certificate.

    If you already have a security clearance thats fine,- youre ahead on that count, but if

    you dont yet have one then youll need to get one and thats not such a daunting task

    provided that you dont have any major black marks or felonies on your record.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    It doesnt necessarily mean that you need to have a squeaky clean background,

    because almost everyone at some stage has received a parking or speeding ticket or

    something of relatively minor and explainable nature.

    In fact, the holding of a Security Clearance is not only a valuable thing to possess for

    government defense contract work, it can be very valuable (if not mandatory) in other

    areas of government contract work (local or national) and in other fields and

    professions such as educational, finance and banking, medical, hospital, medical &

    special items transportation, the telecommunications sector, educational, media

    industry, and private security & surveillance. This is just part of a rapidly growing list of

    professions and industries where HR managers routinely seek out and favor

    individuals with current Security Clearances. Therefore, its not a bad idea to obtain

    one,- and furthermore it is known that simply by possessing a Security Clearance that

    an individual will be able to attract a higher salary because of the money it saves the

    hiring company in conducting the check themselves or in running the risk of hiring the

    wrong candidates in the first place.

    So,.. now Ill give you a guide as to whats required for you to qualify but you should

    only take this as a guide and then make your own inquiries into the full particulars

    including anything that you may need to do to clean up any blemishes or issues that

    could otherwise be impediments in the process. There are in fact various consultants

    and processing agencies that will assist you in your application process but of course

    there is a fee attached so unless you are in a real hurry or have the extra funds

    available to invest in such a service then you may as well handle it yourself.

    Firstly youll need a sponsor when you apply for your security clearance. Often

    this is the prospective employer, but in this case the objective is to possess the

    Security Clearance prior to being inducted into your new employment because

    this is one of the tools youll be using to make your application appealing to

    your prospective employer. Therefore youd need to find an independent third

    party sponsor.

    Youll also need some personal reference of friends and family who can vouch

    for your upstanding conduct. Thats done by way of providing names, phone

    numbers and physical address of your referees that you will of course have

    obtained permission from prior so that when they receive a call theyre

    expecting it. You should clear up your personal credit history as much as possible and

    endeavor to keep all your bills up to date. If you do have credit issues then

    youll just have some explaining to do to the processing official handling your

    application as there may be some extenuating circumstances which are

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    explainable. If you have any other unresolved debts it may be a good time to

    make contact with your creditors and make some payment or settlement

    arrangement that they would accept or you could at least explain it away as

    currently being under discussion or under review. Youll need to be totally

    honest about any credit record within the past 7 years including bankruptcies,

    discharges, defaults or judgments. Youll need to list all of your travel outside of the US within the past 10 years.

    That means listing every country youve been to over that time so make sure

    its a complete list and dont leave anything at all out.

    The primary thing to bear in mind when preparing for the interview is that you

    MUST be totally honest with the interviewer or you could find yourself having to

    do some embarrassing back-peddling later. If youre applying for a top security

    position you should also undertake a polygraph test.

    Lastly, be patient because these processes can take anywhere from a month to

    a year to process (1 to 3 months would be normal).

    Conclusion: You could probably skip this procedure if you feel that you have a clean

    record anyway, and if youre willing for your prospective employer to order the Security

    Clearance,- however, bear in mind that if a company has a job fulfillment deadline

    thats looming, and the shortlist is down to 2 people and one of them has a Security

    Clearance and the other one doesnt then its likely that the person with the Security

    Clearance is going to win out.

    12. The importance of applying patience:

    They say that patience is a virtue and it certainly is. For some folks it comes easier

    than others. Its also said that Rome wasnt built in a day and neither was anything of

    any worthwhile value.

    Youve got to bear in mind that the objective here is for you to score one of the best (if

    not THE very best) career opportunities that youve ever known. So the fact that it

    takes some specific moves and applied strategy is just part of the process.

    Youre building a stepping stone into new opportunities that over the next few years

    have the potential to transform your life by quickly providing you with a substantial

    income that could be the foundation of financial security for the rest of your life. When

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    you place it in that perspective it should help you to develop the patience thats

    required to achieve the successful results that youre aiming for.

    In conclusion to this report I wish you every success in your endeavors to secure a

    very financially rewarding and personally gratifying position with one of the companies

    from this list.

    Remember, that as part of your investment in this report you qualify for access to me

    personally directly via email for 30 days so if theres anything that you need to get

    some clarification on you can do so. I will answer all emails to the best of my ability

    usually within a period of 24 hours. Youll find my responses are straightforward and to

    the point as I like to be clear and concise and to keep control on my time


    Again, congratulations on making an investment in your future by securing this report.

    Now all you need to do is apply everything here to your best advantage. I have

    endeavored to be as specific and straightforward as possible in making this ebookblueprint and I know this system to work. I have been instrumental in helping many

    friends and associates that now have lucrative positions,- and yet they didnt have the

    privilege of working from such a comprehensive blueprint as this,.. nowhere near like


    Finally, I wish you every success possible in achieving your objectives and securing

    the position and salary of your dreams.

    See section 13 Appendix on pages 21-25 for sample letters and sample rsum and

    also for the comprehensive list of 92 contract holding companies.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    13. Appendix

    Contents: 1) Rsum Sample 2) Cover Letter Sample 3) Decline Letter Sample

    Rsum Sample

    YYoouurr NNaammeeYour Mailing Address

    [email protected]


    Ready to excel as a job title using extensive skills and experience, with a strong foundation,willingness to learn, and to contribute by measurably improving on your companys already

    superior IT status.


    Superior leadership skills! Supervisor of the year for 2005 and 2006, # 1 out of1230


    Received four (4) President level Achievement citations for meritorious service and


    Knowledge of Military Communication Systems.

    CEO level recognition for nine (9) years of outstanding leadership through ethical


    Air Force certified Electronic Diagnostic Test Technician.

    Served in Operation Enduring Freedom, will fill position in Middle East & World wide.

    Hold a Security Clearance


  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    Organized: Spearheaded X Air Force Base $25,000, 000 snow/ice equipment summer

    rebuild; 26 assets mission ready 15 days early--saved 960 man-hours.

    Analyzed: Troubleshot and repaired over 40 vehicle electronic and computer circuits/systems

    saving over $60K in parts and labor and over 700 hours of asset downtime.

    Managed: Flawlessly managed X annual scheduled maintenance program; 300 assets,

    none overdue; resulting in 100% mission/operational capability.

    Orchestrated: Companys Morale Club President. Volunteered 504 hrs at fund-raising events;

    raised over $10K for companys annual holiday party--cut attendees cost by half.



    Set-up and configure operating system utilities and other programs.

    Troubleshoot the main components and peripherals of microcomputer systems.

    Networking. Advanced technical knowledge to solve complex problems


    Labview, CommSim, MultiSim, MicroCap, Visio/Visual Studio 2008, A+ Training, C+Programming, Linux, Microsoft Sliver light, Microsoft Blend

    MS Office 2003 & 2007, and Windows 98, NT, XP, & Vista.


    Analyze and troubleshoot basic DC, AC, Analog and Digital Circuits.

    Soldering techniques.

    Measure AC signals frequency, amplitude and phase angles with Oscilloscope.

    Analyze and adjust NPN and PNP transistor amplifier circuits.

  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint


  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    Contact via email to: [email protected] or at,- http:// /contact/

    Cover Letter Sample

    NNaammeePhysical address

    Phone Number

    [email protected]


    Human Relations Department

    Hello Sir/Maam,

    Im applying for the position of in response to you ad on

    I was particularly attracted to this position because of my interest in technology, travel, and the

    opportunity to use acquired skills from ITT Technical Institute. This seems like a perfect

    opening to combine my nine-year career in the United States military with a possibility for an

    exciting future at [company name].

    I have an excellent command of [Job name], as well as international exposure through my

    career travels and self-education.

    I believe that I would be a good candidate for your position as [Job description]. I would like

    to follow up with you at you earliest convenience. Thank you for reviewing my attachedrsum and for your consideration.




  • 7/27/2019 Contracting Blueprint



    Make Big Money in Defense Contracting by Nigel LeBlanc

    Swagger Essentials LLC,, 93 S Jackson St, #24285, Seattle WA 98104-2818 USA

    // / /

    Decline Letter Sample


    Company Info

    Dear Ms.\Mrs. :

    Thank you for offering me the position of Job description with your company. I appreciateyour confidence in my ability to handle the many challenges of this position.

    This would, indeed, be a challenging opportunity and would make good use of myeducation and experience while allowing me to enhance and strengthen my overall skillsand qualifications. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to pursue otheroptions that will more closely match my long-range career goals.

    Again, thank you for your time and consideration. It was a pleasure talking to you and

    learning more about your organization and development strategies.You have been most kindand gracious throughout the interview process, and I only wish that circumstances allowed meto accept your offer. Best wishes for your continued success.

    Sincerely,Your Name

    Some other worthwhile links to websites where you can source job opportunities:

    Comprehensive list of companies: See accompanying PDF document that you should have

    downloaded as a separate PDF document to this report which contains 92 pages of the 92 different

    contract holding companies that you can make contact with.