Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - Winter 2013 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2013 Scotiabank Marathon Participants raise $31,694.86! On Sunday, October 20th, 2013 over 30 people participated in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon on behalf of the Ukraini- an Canadian Care Centre. Our team of walkers and runners, made up of family members, staff, community members, Board members, volun- teers, ranged in age from 12 to 82. Their efforts and enthusiasm raised much needed funds to support the emotional and physical well-being of our residents. ...continued on page 4 The Care Centre and Sup- portive Care Services at St. Demetri- us Residence have been preparing to complete our first accreditation sur- vey. Accreditation will demonstrate that we have met the standards es- tablished by CARF (Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Fa- cilities) International for person-cen- tered long-term homes and com- munity services for the quality of our services. The hallmarks of the stan- dards set by CARF are: autonomy, individual choice, cultural compe- Continuing Our Quest for Quality tence, and flexibility. In partner- ship with persons served and their families/support systems, care pro- viders will show their understand- ing of what services residents/ten- ants want, how the services should be delivered, and how the persons served can be engaged in their homes. Organizations commit to continuous learning and growth, empowerment, responsiveness, and spontaneity. Foundational to CARF’s standards are that person-centered plans of care drive high-quality service delivery, while cultivating relationships amongst residents/ tenants served, families/support sys- tems, and staff. In March 2014, the Care Centre and St. Demetrius Support- ive Care Services will be visited by a team of surveyors from CARF Inter- national. They will view our opera- tions in action, perform an on-site survey and evaluate our services for quality and a person-centered focus. During their time here, they will consult with front-line staff, resi- dents, clients receiving Supportive ...continued on page 5 Value of CARF Accreditation CARF accreditation signals a service provider's commitment to continually improving services, encouraging feedback, and serving the community.

Transcript of Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Page 1: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - Winter 2013 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2013

Scotiabank Marathon Participants raise $31,694.86!

On Sunday, October 20th,

2013 over 30 people participated in

the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront

Marathon on behalf of the Ukraini-

an Canadian Care Centre. Our team

of walkers and runners, made up of

family members, staff, community

members, Board members, volun-

teers, ranged in age from 12 to 82.

Their efforts and enthusiasm raised

much needed funds to support the

emotional and physical well-being

of our residents.

...continued on page 4

The Care Centre and Sup-

portive Care Services at St. Demetri-

us Residence have been preparing to

complete our first accreditation sur-

vey. Accreditation will demonstrate

that we have met the standards es-

tablished by CARF (Commission on

Accreditation for Rehabilitation Fa-

cilities) International for person-cen-

tered long-term homes and com-

munity services for the quality of our


The hallmarks of the stan-

dards set by CARF are: autonomy,

individual choice, cultural compe-

Continuing Our Quest for Quality

tence, and flexibility. In partner-

ship with persons served and their

families/support systems, care pro-

viders will show their understand-

ing of what services residents/ten-

ants want, how the services should

be delivered, and how the persons

served can be engaged in their

homes. Organizations commit to

continuous learning and growth,

empowerment, responsiveness, and

spontaneity. Foundational to CARF’s

standards are that person-centered

plans of care drive high-quality

service delivery, while cultivating

relationships amongst residents/

tenants served, families/support sys-

tems, and staff.

In March 2014, the Care

Centre and St. Demetrius Support-

ive Care Services will be visited by a

team of surveyors from CARF Inter-

national. They will view our opera-

tions in action, perform an on-site

survey and evaluate our services

for quality and a person-centered

focus. During their time here, they

will consult with front-line staff, resi-

dents, clients receiving Supportive

...continued on page 5

Value of CARF Accreditation

CARF accreditation signals a

service provider's commitment

to continually improving services,

encouraging feedback, and serving

the community.

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Дорога Адміністраціє, Мешканці, та Правівники Українського Дому Опіди!

Коли Церква радіє народженням Спасителя у Вифлиємі, наші серця і уми є сповнені надією коли ми споминаємо світанок нашого спасення. Мир і радість, які випромінюють із життя Пречистої Діви при народжені її Єдинородного Сина, є відзеркалені Церквою, яка випромінює світові надію, котра народжується у наших серцях коли святкуємо Різдво Христове. Святкування Різдва Христвого сповнює нас радістю, і рівнож пригадує нам нашу місію – щоб поновно засвічувати світло в нашому серці, яке прийшло на світ у святу різдвяну ніч. Ми, як учні Христові, випромінюємо це світло через святість життя. Лише через святе життя ми будемо відзеркалювати любов і надію, так як це чинила Пречиста Діва Марія, яка була подана для світу коли Син Божий воплотився задля нашого спасення. У моїх Різдвяних Богослуженнях я буду пам’ятати про Вас і про всіх Ваших дорогих.

Благословення Господнє на Вас!

+ Стефан Хміляр, Єпарх

Dear Members of the Administration, Residents and

Staff of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre!

As the Church rejoices in the birth of the Savior

in Bethlehem, our hearts and minds are filled with hope

as we recall the dawn of our salvation. The peace and

joy which shone forth in the life of the Virgin Mary at

the birth of her only Son, are mirrored by the Church as

she radiates to the world the hope born in our hearts at


Just as the celebration of Christmas fills us with

joy, so also are we reminded of our mission to rekindle

the light which entered the world on that holy night. We,

as disciples of Jesus, radiate that light through the holi-

ness of life. It is only through a holy life that we will mir-

ror, as did the Virgin Mary, the love and hope that was

offered to the world when the Son of God became flesh

for our sakes.

Be assured of a special remembrance in my

prayers and Liturgies for you and your loved ones during

the sacred season of Christmas and in the coming year.

+ Stephen Chmilar, Eparch

Христос Раждається! Славім Його!Christ is Born!

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Дорогі Брати і Сестри – Вельмишановні Сеньйори!

“Різдво Твоє, Христе Боже наш, засвітило світові світло розуміння, в нім бо ті, що звіздам служили, від звізди навчилися поклонятися Тобі, Сонцю Правди, і пізнавати Тебе, як Схід з висоти.Господи, слава Тобі.”

Тропар Різдва Христового Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!

У день радісного свята Різдва Христового, всі християнські серця у всьому світі наповненні піснею ангелів “Слава на небі Богу,а на землі мир між людьми благовоління”. Різдво Христове відкриває нам Божественну Правду. Христове Євангелія навчає нас любити один одного, нести один одного тягар, допомагати бідним немічним, ділитися всім тим , що посилає нам Господь. Тому радіймо Різдвом Христовим! Звернімо наші серця до Вифлеємських ясел! Святкуймо всі разом цей день, що Господь нам дав, щоб духовно народитися і відродитися у Христі. Сердечно вітаю всіх Вас мешканців, працівників і провідників Українсько-Канадського Осередку Опіки і Пансіону Св. Димитрія з нагоди Христового Різдва. Нехай Вифлеємська радість наповнює ваші серця і перебуває у ваших домівках! Від усієї душі бажаю всім Вам радісних Різдвяних Свят і щасливого Нового 2013 року Божої благості.

З Божого Благословення, +АНДРІЙ, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Dear Brothers and Sisters – Honoured Seniors!

“Today the Virgin gives birth to Him who is above all being,

and the earth offers a cave to Him whom no man can ap-

proach. Angels with shepherds give glory, and Magi jour-

ney with a star. For unto us is born a young Child, the pre-

eternal God.“

Kondak of the Nativity of Christ

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

By the Grace of God the great feast of the Na-

tivity of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ ap-

proaches, bringing us joy in the salvation of mankind.

The Pre-eternal God through His great love for us willed

to become man, that he might abide with us. He took on

our human nature, our human soul, in order to free us

from sin, which separates us from the Creator. The con-

sciousness of the nearness of the Lord causes us with

even greater inspiration and joy to sing: “God is with us,

understand, all you nations!”

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ, our Orthodox

Church calls all of us, her faithful children, to partake of

the banquet of faith and open our hearts to this super-

natural joy and spiritual solemnity. On this majestic day

may our hearts be filled with peace and the Grace of

God, and become those mangers in which Jesus Christ,

as a new-born babe, rests.

Beloved in the Lord! On the occasion of the

feasts of the Nativity of Christ, the Holy Theophany, and

the new year of 2014, I extend my most heartfelt greet-

ings to all the residents, the staff, volunteers, and mem-

bers of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre and the St. Demetrius Residence for Seniors.

May the new year be a year of God’s mercy, goodness,

peace, and good health for all of us, that we might pass

through it in piety and purity, on the way to Eternal Sal-


With Archpastoral Blessings,

+ANDRIY, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy, Ukrainian

Orthodox Church of Canada

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Everyone illustrated tremen-

dous fundraising efforts which re-

sulted in us exceeding our original

goal of $25,000. The top five fund-

raisers were Christine Coote, Nadia

Ruzycky, Patricia (Sirant) Hantzsch,

Sylvia Kowal and Dr. Peter Derkach.

We saw a great amount of support

from community members, family

members, staff and the Board of Di-


We would like to thank

Cardinal Funeral Homes and Sipco

Oil for supporting the efforts of the

Care Centre with the Marathon. We

would also like to recognize the

Community Outreach Committee;

Irene Kucherenko, Christine Coote

and Nadia Ruzycsky, for their sup-

port and help with the recruitment

of participants for the Marathon and

the organization of the post-race

party. Thank you to our 5km walk-

ers/runners, ½ marathon walkers/

runners, resident, family members,

staff, volunteers, friends, and board


Inessa Abysheva

Susanna Beliavsky

Olena Beliavsky

Fred Bilasz

Bohdan Bodharuk

Christine Coote

Anna Denkova

Dr. Peter Derkach

Roxanne Gural

Patricia (Sirant) Hantzsch

Myroslava Horich

Helen Kerekes

Sylvia Kowal

Daria Kowalyk

Christian Linkletter

Katherine Mamalyga

Alexandra Mamalyga

Lyubomyra Matviyas

Annemarie McKay

Julia Metelitsa

Marusia Migus

Laura Oda

Halyna Polischuk

Everardo Quiel

Maria Ratchis

Glenn Ross

Nadia Ruzycky

Rameena Shiwram

Maria Stojanovic

Edward Szpular

Nadia Wegierak

Teresa Wierzbicka

...continued from page 1

The 2014 Scotiabank

Marathon is scheduled for

Sunday, October 19th. Please

mark this date in your calendar,

get involved and join us for this

fundraising event!

Susanna Beliavsky, daughter of staff member Olena, joined the Care Centre team by running the 5k. Olena wrote in to us afterwards expressing her thanks for the experience Su-sanna was able to obtain; “I am so happy and excited that we did it...Susanna has built differ-ent values for the future and we will definitely run again next year, to do something good for our community.” This is a great example of our fourth wave generation getting involved in our efforts to care for our aging community.

We had some participants really travel the distance in order to take part in the Marathon on behalf of the Care Centre. Pattie (Sirant) Hantzsch, a veteran marathon runner, flew in from Calgary to show her support. Her mother was a former resident of the Care Cen-tre and her mother-in-law is a current tenant at St. Demetrius Residence.

Fred Bilasz, 82 year old resident of the Care Centre participated in the Scotiabank Mara-thon walking the 5k alongside his daughter Annemarie McKay, who was also prepared with his wheelchair. Fred said he participated because he wants “the Care Centre to be there for other seniors like me today and in the fu-ture.”

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Care Services, family members, vol-

unteers, board members and other

stakeholders. Based on the review

and other information provided to

the CARF Team, the Care Centre and

Supportive Care Services may be

awarded accreditation for a term of

one to three years from CARF.

Why are we (the Care Centre and

Supportive Care Services) going

through the accreditation pro-


Sandy Lomaszewycz, Execu-

tive Director of the Care Centre and

Supportive Care Services, explained

that “the accreditation process will

give us the opportunity to be as-

sessed against international stan-

dards and show our commitment

to quality care and services. The

process gives us the opportunity to

ensure we have the best practices

in place, and shows us where we

can improve. Although Accredita-

tion happens at a specific time, our

integration of quality, including the

CARF standards into our care and

services is continual and ongoing.”

What is involved in the prepara-

tion for accreditation?

Kathy Snow, Manager of

Supportive Care Services, identified

three major tasks that she and her

team have undertaken in prepara-

tion for accreditation: 1) review op-

erations and processes, 2) create

new procedures and fine-tune exist-

ing ones, 3) work with all staff to pre-

pare them for what to expect, while

reinforcing the great job they are do-

ing .

Lynda Alexander-Boxhill,

Project Assistant says, “It has been

a detailed process involving the

review of all our policies and pro-

cedures to making sure they reflect

current regulations and that all staff

training and education is up to date”.

Lynda notes that the preparation

process has given all the staff further

insight as to one another’s jobs, bro-

ken down siloes naturally created by

the division of departments and re-

sponsibilities while bringing every-

one together, working towards the

same goal.

The preparation has also

given us a chance to reflect on our

accomplishments and what makes

us unique. Entitled “Spotlight On

the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre,

The Home with a Heart”, this picto-

rial book, compiled by Laura Oda,

Director of Development includes

comments and observations from

staff, volunteers, members of Fam-

ily Council and residents on what

makes the Care Centre unique and

our pride in being the Home with a


How does CARF affect the Care

Centre and Supportive Care Ser-

vices in the long-term?

“Accreditation is not a one-

time project to do with a deadline

but rather an incorporation of the

importance of standards in our ev-

eryday activities and services”, says

Deborah Kroeger, Director of Opera-

tions and responsible for Health and

Safety and Technology. She states

that “accreditation is continual qual-

ity and life improvement for our

residents, families, staff, volunteers

and physicians. By staying current

and continually raising the bar, we

will see an upward climb and will be

cutting edge in quality care and ser-


What are the overall benefits of


Kroeger adds that “CARF

pushes you to think outside of the

box and makes you think what you

can do in your job to make the lives

of our residents/clients more com-

plete.” Snow mentioned that “the

goals of CARF for Supportive Care

Services are very similar to the Care

Centre as they include helping their

clients at the Residence remain safe

and secure and provide as much

support as needed. This has includ-

ed the strengthening of programs

and the increased transparency be-

tween clients and staff.” Alexander-

Boxhill added that “the staff have a

better understanding of everyone

else’s roles. Working teams have

been established which include a

variety of people from various de-

partments which allowed us to con-

solidate staff efforts and improve

understanding of how and when we

can help each other out.”

We hope our most recent

efforts to provide our residents and

their families at the Care Centre and

our clients receiving Supportive

Care Services at the Residence with

top quality, culturally sensitive com-

passionate care will be rewarded

with Aspire to Excellence© CARF

Canada Accreditation in 2014.

...continued from page 1

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3rd Annual Family Day Celebrations!

Family Council and the staff of the Recreation Department,

put together a great day of socializing and entertainment for the resi-

dents and their families at the Care Centre. Nika Goutor, recreation

assistant, was the wonderful MC, with musical performances from

Sonechko Daycare and Ulyana Goutor and a dance performance

by Yavir. The event wrapped itself up in the dining room where resi-

dents and family were invited to enjoy some refreshments and treats.

It was a great way to celebrate family. We thank everyone that helped

make this a wonderful day!

National Holodomor Memorial DaySaturday, November 23, 2013

The Holodomor was a Famine-Genocide in Ukraine,

a political action perpetrated by an occupying Soviet regime

which resulted in millions of Ukrainians perishing from starva-

tion. The residents, families and staff of the Care Centre and St.

Demetrius Residence came together for a Panachida, a tradi-

tional Ukrainian memorial service, that paid tribute to all the

victims of the devastating Holodomor. It was a touching cer-

emony for an unfortunate event that is a part of our Ukrainian

History. Vichnaya Pamyat.

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Halloween Fun at The Care Centre

The staff, volunteers and residents indulged in a little Halloween fun this year by dressing up in some ex-

ceptionally creative costumes. There was a Halloween Trick ‘o’ Treat and Halloween Bingo that gave everyone the

opportunity to bring out the silly side of them.


Pani Antoinine gives the Benches a Face Lift! One of the Care Centre’s residents, Pani Antoinine, decided to lend a

helping hand one lovely fall afternoon. She had noticed the benches needed

a bit of love and care so she took matters into her own hands by requesting

paint and brushes to get the job done. “This is my home and anything I can

do to help it look nice is a pleasure” says Pani Antoinine. Pani Antoinine also

helps by displaying flowers donated by family members to the Care Centre

and looks after our bird feeders. Thanks to her we were able to enjoy freshly

painted benches before the snow arrived.

The Care Centre Welcomes Dr. Bikramjit Dhillon!

It is a pleasure to announce that Dr. Bikramjit Dhillon has joined the medical team at the Ukrainian Cana-

dian Care Centre. Dr. Dhillon graduated from St. George’s University in Grenada (2009) and completed his family

medicine residency training at Cornell University in New York City (2012). Previously he attended the University of

Toronto where he received a Bachelor of Science degree and the University of Calgary obtaining a Masters of Sci-


Dr. Dhillon is the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships. He has been involved in research and has

co-authored multiple peer reviewed abstracts and articles in diabetes, metabolism and heart disease.

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11th Annual Joy of Lights Christ the Light of the World Celebration

Christmas Bazaar

On Thursday, December 5th,

the St. Demetrius Development Cor-

poration hosted its 11th Annual Joy

of Lights at the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre, sponsored by Cardinal

Funeral Homes Ltd. The festive event

brought together aspects important

to the residents – faith, family and

tradition - adding to the cultural and

spiritual uniqueness of the Care Cen-

tre and St. Demetrius Residence. Ire-

na Dounets, Manager of Programs,

was the evening’s MC of a program

full Christmas greetings from Or-

est Kobylansky, Vice-President of

the Board of Directors and Sandy

Lomaszewycz, Executive Director,

and wonderful performances by

Trio Lira, Kapela Bandyrustiv, carols

sung by the residents and a perfor-

mance infused with Spanish guitar

by the band Razom. The evening’s

program led up to the lighting of the

Christmas tree which was officiated

by Bishop Andrij and Right Rev. John

Tataryn. The evening closed with a

social afterwards. It was a beautiful

way to kick off this Holiday Season.

This year’s Annual Christmas

Bazaar, organized by the St. Deme-

trius Volunteer Committee and the

Recreation Staff at the UCCC, was

held on a bright Saturday Decem-

ber 7th afternoon in the Care Cen-

tre. With over 14 vendors this year,

there was more than enough to see

and buy. The Residents Council had

a lovely table full of crafts and dec-

orations, and Family Council had

their cookbooks for sale. There were

many yummy treats and dazzling

jewelry, more than enough gift op-

tions to easily finish up (or start) your

Christmas shopping with.


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The residents at the Care

Centre participated in a presenta-

tion of a new book that surrounds

the life of Peter Jacyk. Petro Jacyk

was involved wth the Care Centre

from its inception, sharing his exper-

tise and financial support. The Jacyk

family tradition of supporting the

Ukrainian Community continues as

Prombank Investments, now run by

daughter Nadia, continues to sup-

port our home!

Презентація про книжку Петра Яцика в Українсько-Канадському Домі Опіки В Україні та діаспорі ім’я Петра Яцика лунає вже десятки літ. Цього року, у Ванкуверському видавництві “Figure 1 Publishing” вийшла нова англомовна книга Джона Рейнольдса про життя Петра Яцика Leaving Home з підзаголовком The Remarkable Life of Peter Jacyk. Офіційна презинтація книги відбуласяв в Українсько-Канадському Домі Опіки в п’ятницю, 15-го листопада, 2013 року. До участі у презентації було запрошено

A New Book

всіх мешканців дому а також зацікавлених ентузіастів та гостей. Пані Дануся Глух вміло відкрила формальну частину урочистості, та як видуча запросила до слова дочку пана Яцика, Надю Яцик. Пані Яцик, являючись президентом фундації розповіла як розпочався проект цієї книги та представила деякі відгуки різних громадських діячів. Пісня цієї розповіді, сеньйори мали нагоду послухати невеличку пресентацію про книгу та про освітню фундацію Петра Яцика. Петро Яцик пережив найстрашніші події ХХ століття: хвилі вторгнення та масових вбивств з боку радянської Росії та нацистської Німеччини. Живучи в Галичині, він часто чув про голод 1933-34-их років, який відібрав життя мільйонів невинних українців. В 1949 році, рятуючись в післявоєнній Європі, Петро Яцик прибув до Канадил. В кишені нараховуючи всього $7 готівкою а в пам’яті жахливі образи війни. Нова земля надихнула Петра Яцика глибокою та довічному любов’ю. Нарешті в Кананді, як він висловився, він був “вільним, щоб жити і вільно добиватися успіху”. Заснувавши свою будівельну фірму, він став економічним і культурним авторитетом. Пан Яцик хоч i був чітким і докладним в його відносинах з іншими людьми, але завжди залишався щедрим наставником в пошуках досконалості.

З часом, чоловік який розпочинав як “бідний емігрант” став одним з найвідоміших меценатів країни. Петро Яцик жертвував значними частинами свого багатства на проекти присвячені українській історії, мові та культурі. Найвідоміші університети світу, такі як Гарвард, Колумбійський університет, Торонто, та університет Альберти можуть засвіджити його щедрість. Він був діяльним меценатом та активно заохочував інших до діяльності. Завдяки наполегливій праці, Яцик продовжував пожертви на розвиток українознавства не тільки закордоном, але згодом і на батьківщині. В Україні, міжнародний конкурс української мови започаткований та фінансований Петром Яциком, а також його величезна віддача енергії, принесла Яцику найвищу нагороду відмінності. За плідну меценатську діяльність він був нагороджений “Почесною відзнакою Президента України”. Фундування університетів, мовних конкурсів, літературних програм, нових історичних видань, перекладів надалі приносять користь Україні у вихованні свідомого нового покоління. Освітня Фундація Петра Яцика продовжує розвиток українства та підтрумує різні програми в діаспорі на в Україні. Leaving Home зосереджує увагу на житті видатного чоловіка

...Продовження на стор 11

“Leaving Home: The Remarkable Life of Peter Jacyk”By John Lawrence Reynolds

Page 11: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

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та зацікавить не лише молодих честолюбців, що з грандіозними планами кидаються у вир бізнесу, чи політиків, соціологів, філософів, а й старших читачів які також перейшли тернистий шлях післявоєнної іміграції.

...Продовження зі стор 10

The inspiring story of a

penniless wartime refugee’s rise to

prominence in Canada’s business

and cultural worlds Petro (Peter) Ja-

cyk survived two of the most hor-

rendous events of the twentieth

century: the Ukrainian famine of

the 1930s, instigated by Stalin and

responsible for the deaths of untold

millions and waves of invasion and

slaughter from Soviet Russia and

Nazi Germany. Fleeing post-war Eu-

rope in 1949, he arrived in Canada

with $7 in his pocket and horrific

images in his memory. His adopted

country would inspire a deep and

life-long love in Jacyk. Here at last,

visits St. Demetrius Residence! Shoppers Home Health Care

focuses on providing and deliver-

ing quality products that meet the

needs of all Canadians. Their special-

ty home care products are tailored

to meet a variety of needs including

those of our tenants at the St. Deme-

trius Residence. On Wednesday, No-

vember 6th, 2013, Shoppers Home

Health Care came into the St. Deme-

trius Residence and gave the tenants

product demonstrations of many

items that could assist them in their

day to day life by making certain

tasks easier to complete. There was

a great turn out with refreshments

and sweets provided by Shoppers.

It was an eventful and educational



as he put it, he was “free to live and

free to succeed.” Through the To-

ronto building and land develop-

ment firm he founded, he estab-

lished himself as an economic and

cultural powerhouse. Exacting in his

dealings with others, yet a generous

mentor, he sought excellence in all

of his pursuits. In time, the man who

had begun as a “poor-penny immi-

grant” became one of the country’s

most prominent philanthropists.

Jacyk donated substantial portions

of his wealth to projects dedicated

to Ukrainian history, language, and

culture. Universities such as Harvard,

Columbia, and the University of To-

ronto benefited from his largesse.

The programs Jacyk sponsored in

Ukraine, and the enormous energy

he devoted to them, earned him his

homeland’s highest award of dis-

tinction. Leaving Home celebrates

the life of a remarkable man deter-

mined to make a positive impact on

an often hostile world.

Leaving Home is being sold

on and can also be found

in select large-scale Chapters/Indigo

stores across the GTA as well as Ben

McNally Bookstore and A Different

Drummer Books.

If there are any inquiries

about the Petro Jacyk Education

Foundation please contact: 5080

Timberlea Blvd. Suite 202, Missis-

sauga, ON L4W 4M2 905.238.0467

or email [email protected]

From left to right: Nadia Gereliouk and Nadia Jacyk pictured at the Care Centre after their presentation about the new book Leaving Home which highlights the struggles and victories of no-table Ukrainian Petro Jacyk.

Page 12: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Page 13: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will


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Thank You Very Much! дуже дякую !

At this time of year, we want to express our sincere appreciation to all of our supporters for their thought-


Our cost to care for our seniors exceeds funds received through the government and residents’ accom-

modation fees. We rely on the generosity of our community and donors to help us provide first quality care and

exceptional programs and services for our seniors, in our clean and bright Home with a Heart!

This year, donations came from a variety of sources and in a variety of ways. Not sure what to do, or how

to support us? Here are some ideas for you to consider.

Is Employee Giving to sup-

port United Way part of your an-

nual charitable giving plan? Did

you know you can designate your

United Way donation to the Ukrai-

nian Canadian Care Centre, while

still counting towards your work-

place goal?

When completing your do-

nation form for the United Way,

indicate that you would like your

donation to be designated to us.

Our charitable registration number

is 124076555RR0001, your dona-

tion will flow through to us after it

is processed by United Way.

There is a $12 designation

fee charged by the United Way to

cover costs associated with pro-

cessing and remitting funds to the

Care Centre. However, your tax re-

ceipt from the United Way will be

Does your Workplace Support The United Way?

for your total donation.

Your donation will count to-

wards your company’s United Way

Workplace Campaign goal and will

benefit the residents of the Ukrai-

nian Canadian Care Centre.

If you have any questions or

would like to learn more about this

option, please contact your United

Way Workplace Co-ordinator or call


Give a Special Gift This ChristmasBuy a Bed to support comfort, independence and

safety An important part of life for

our residents is their bed. Residents

rarely think of their bed as a piece

of equipment – to them it is vital to

their comfort and care.

The recent construction of

the 4th floor allowed us to outfit

those 32 rooms with a contemporary

style/design of beds; however, the

120 beds on the second and third

floors require replacement. They no

longer comply with the standards

legislated by the new Long-Term

Care Homes Act, and do not have

features that promote comfort, in-

dependence and enhanced safety.

You can help by supporting Buy a

Bed today and make a commitment

to the comfort and dignity of pres-

ent and future residents. Help us

help seniors …. one bed at a time!

The beds are $3,000 each.

With the support of our generous

community, our goal is to fund 120

new beds for our residents on the

2nd and 3rd floor. You may con-

sider donating for a bed in one pay-

ment. In this case, your gift will be

celebrated immediately (see Rec-

ognizing Your Generosity), and your

charitable tax receipt will be mailed

immediately. OR consider making

a pledge and paying in instalments

over a one-year or two-year period,

customized to your needs. You will

receive a receipt immediately each

time a pledge payment is received

and your gift will be celebrated on

completion of your pledge.

Page 14: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Visit the Gift Shop for your Christmas Shopping!

Become a Home with a Heart Monthly Club Donor Today!

You can make a difference in the lives of our seniors by be-

coming a member of “Home with a Heart” Club member! With an

automatic monthly contribution to the Ukrainian Canadian Care

Centre through your direct debit on your credit card you will ensure

excellence in the quality of care and services for our residents. It’s

quick, easy & convenient, a contribution that you may not notice

every month but the residents surely will.

As a member your benefits are:

• A consolidated tax receipt by

the end of each year.

• Contribution can be directed

monthly in the honour or mem-

ory of someone special

• Your name will be recognized

in our Annual Report under spe-

cial category of “Home with a

Heart Club” supporters.

For more information call the Development Office at 647-725-0843 or visit our website:

“I wanted to initiate a monthly donation to the

Care Centre as it will add up and support the

Care Centre for many more years to come. It’s

easy to set up and the on-going withdrawals

accommodate my busy schedule, I don’t have

to worry about forgetting to contribute as it’s

already being done. As one of the doctors at

the Care Centre, it makes me feel good that my

donations can help in the sustainability of the


Newest Member: Dr. Peter Derkach

Looking for a unique gift for

your friends or family?

Stop by the Ukrainian Canadi-

an Care Centre’s Gift Shop and explore

our amazing selection of Ukrainian

ceramics, figurines, trinkets, candles,

blouses and much more. There is

something for everyone!

All proceeds raised from the

gift shop support the quality of life of

our seniors. Come in today!

We are currently accepting

donations of gently used Ukrainian

figurines, Ukrainian ceramics (plates,

bowls, cups, mugs, etc.), novels writ-

ten in English, collectibles, crystal

and bone china. Donations can be

dropped off at the reception desk of

the Care Centre during regular busi-

ness hours.

For more information please

call 647-725-0844 to donate. Thank

you for your support!

Page 15: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Page 16: Continuing Our Quest for Quality

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Contributors: Anna Denkova, Laura Oda and Halyna Polischuk Editor: Laura Oda, Director of Development

Layout: Anna Do and Halyna Polischuk

For more information, please contact the Development Office at 647-725-0843

The Central Community Access Centre

(CCAC) coordinates and controls admissions to

the Care Centre. To be considered for admis-

sion, you or a family member on your behalf,

must complete a Placement Application Form

which is available from the CCAC. The CCAC

will provide a case manager to complete an as-

sessment and facilitate the placement process.

Once a bed becomes available, you

will be contacted by the CCAC with an offer of

admission. This offer must be accepteed with-

in 24 hours and if accepted, admission to the

Care Centre must occur within five days. For

further information, contact the CCAC at 905-

763-9928 or 1(888) 470-2222 or email info@

Admission to the Ukrainian Canadian Care


St. Demetrius Residence accepts ap-

plications from seniors who are over 65 years

of age, are Canadian residents and able to take

care of themselves and their apartments. The

Residence offers market value rental units and

rent-geared to income (subsidized housing)

units. You may be eligible for a subsidy based

on family income and assets owned.

For more information, please contact

St. Demetrius Residence Office at (416) 243-

9051 or by email [email protected].

Application to st. demetrius residence

Date Event LocationSave these Dates

In lieu of flowers, the Care Centre is honoured to be a recipient of

donations received from families and friends made in memory or

honour of the following individuals.


In Memory OfVeronica Dyback

Svitlana Hrybinsky

Christina Iwanchyshyn

Eugenia Janschula

Walter Jerome

Russell Klymas

Wasyl Kruzyk

Walter Lewicki

Kay Madill

Olga O’Charchin

Michael Rebryk

Richard Stephens

Sonia Tanas

From September 4, 2013 –

November 26, 2013

Remembering Our Residents Memorial Service

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre

Saturday, March 29, 2014