Context expressi on by digitiz ed relations among digita l fil es · 2012. 11. 8. · Context...

デジタル表現された多様な文脈 Digital expression of context by relations “カタログ”閲覧システム The system of "Catalogue" viewing AR技術を用いた展示イメージ An image of the virtual showing by using AR technique. 羊飼いの暦の1ページ A page of "the calendar of sheperds" MoSaIC(モザイク)プロジェクトでは、膨大な数のデジタルデータを関連づける多様な文脈 のデジタル表現に挑戦しています。自然言語によって表現された文脈をデジタル化するの ではなく、デジタルデータの関係性をシンプルなグラフ構造でデジタル表現した"カタロ グ”を構築し、多数のカタログの重ね合わせや組み合わせを用いて、データ間の関係や文 脈の多様性をデジタル表現する試みです。「暦の宇宙」と「キャンパスミュージアム」は MoSaICプロジェクトで構築したカタログ基盤上で動作します。 16 世紀仏英でベストセラーとな った「羊飼いの暦」はめぐる季節に おける人間社会,宇宙,宗教、人体 のさまざまな営みを多層的に同時 に扱う暦です。この過去の文化資源 と慶應義塾の知的資源を暦という 枠組みを用いてカタログ化を試み ました。カタログの可能性を示す展 示になっていると考えます。 デジタルデータを関連づける文脈表現のデジタル化 「羊飼いの暦」にまつわる 文化的コンテクスト Context expression by digitized relations among digital files The cultural context about “the calendar of shepherds ” 慶應義塾のキャンパスには弥生時代・古墳時代の遺跡や、文化財 として価値のある近現代の建物や構造物が多くあります。 キャンパスを舞台に 現在の 、バーチャルリアリティやクラウドコンピュー ティング技術を用いて、これら無くなってしまったものや普段気 付かない資産を観察することで慶應義塾を再発見できる展示を目 指しています。 慶應義塾のキャンパスを再発見 Rediscover our past of Keio University 暦の宇宙 The cosmology of calendar キャンパスミュージアム Campus Museum Museum of Shared and Interactive Cataloguing Museum of Shared and Interactive Cataloguing (MoSaiC) Project challenges natural context expression by huge amount of simple digital relations among digital objects bypassing digitalization of detailed context description written in natural languages. This approach comes from the fact that the way of expression in digital is very limited in contrast to unlim- ited number of way of expression in natural languages. We develop “cata- logue“ which simply links two digital objects and a distributed shared “cata- logue” collections. We embody our approach through "the calendar of shepherds" and "Campus Museum." The calendar of shepherds” which was the best seller at England and France in 16th century was a calendar written in multi layered about the human society, Astronomy , Religion and human health. We made a trial of cataloguing this past cultural property and intellectual property of Keio University using the framework of calendars. We think that the demon- stration of it shows the possibility of the “catalogue”. On the campus of Keio University, there are a lot of ruins of Yayoi and Kofun period, and modern properties of cultural-historical significance. As many are lost or unaware of these discoveries, we aim to exhibit the contents on the current campus by using the techniques of virtual reality, cloud computing and so on. Through them, we will rediscover our past of Keio University. 共有カタログを用いたインタラクティブミュージアムを目指して DMC研究センター 金子、宮下、石川、亀村、安藤、斎藤、松田

Transcript of Context expressi on by digitiz ed relations among digita l fil es · 2012. 11. 8. · Context...

  • デジタル表現された多様な文脈

    Digital expression of context by relations


    The system of "Catalogue" viewing


    An image of the virtual showing by using AR technique.


    A page of "the calendar of sheperds"










    Context expression by digi t ized relat ions among digi tal f i les

    The cultural context about “the calendar of shepherds ”





    Rediscover our past of Keio University

    暦の宇宙The cosmology of calendar

    キャンパスミュージアムCampus Museum

    Museum of Shared and Interactive Cataloguing

    Museum of Shared and Interactive Cataloguing (MoSaiC) Project challenges natural context expression by huge amount of simple digital relations among digital objects bypassing digitalization of detailed context description written in natural languages. This approach comes from the fact that the way of expression in digital is very limited in contrast to unlim-ited number of way of expression in natural languages. We develop “cata-logue“ which simply links two digital objects and a distributed shared “cata-logue” collections. We embody our approach through "the calendar of shepherds" and "Campus Museum."

    The calendar of shepherds” which was the best seller at England and France in 16th century was a calendar written in multi layered about the human society, Astronomy , Religion and human health. We made a trial of cataloguing this past cultural property and intellectual property of Keio University using the framework of calendars. We think that the demon-stration of it shows the possibility of the “catalogue”.

    On the campus of Keio University, there are a lot of ruins of Yayoi and Kofun period, and modern properties of cultural-historical significance. As many are lost or unaware of these discoveries, we aim to exhibit the contents on the current campus by using the techniques of virtual reality, cloud computing and so on. Through them, we will rediscover our past of Keio University.


    DMC研究センター 金子、宮下、石川、亀村、安藤、斎藤、松田