· Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection...


Transcript of  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection...

Page 1:  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection 3-slide PPT document Go further 1 months Sélection


Page 2:  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection 3-slide PPT document Go further 1 months Sélection

Who are we? •  Studyka  is  a  FREE  online  

plateforme  organizing  various  student  contests  with  major  companies  on  different  themes.    

•  Our  goal  is  to  give  students  a  chance  to  get  a  professional  experience  during  their  studies.  

•  With  this  plateform  you  can:  -­‐  Ask  us  quesCons    -­‐  Meet  up  with  other  students  from  a  

different  schools  or  countries.  -­‐  Communicate  with  professionnals  


Page 3:  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection 3-slide PPT document Go further 1 months Sélection

How to participate? It’s really simple!

1/  Register  on  www.studyka.com  

2/  Select  your  favorite  challenge(s)    

3/  Create  your  team  :  2  or  3  students  from  the  same  school  or  from  different  

schools  with  complementary  profiles  

4/  Add  your  friend  to  your  team  or  propose  your  talent  to  a  team  

5/  Dowload  the  preselecCon  file  

6/  Complete  it!  

7/  Put  it  back  on  your  team  space  

8/  That’s  it!  You  just  have  to  wait  for  the  results.    

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Contests in 3 steps :

Team up 2 months

≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams

Preselection 3-slide PPT document

Go further 1 months

Sélection 15-slide PPT document Podium

Oral presentation

Oral presentation Vote Vote

≈ 100 teams

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3 challenges to choose from!

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City of Tomorrow Challenge

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Document to provide

For the 2nd step, all documents must be uploaded before the deadline specified on the platform www.studyka.com

Step 1:

March the 22nd Create   a   team   of   2   or   3  members.    The   first   3-­‐slide   PowerPoint  document   in   French   or   in  English  will   help   the   members  of   the   jury   to   select   the   most  relevant  ideas.    Objec:ve:   Provide   managers  with  an  aZracCve  document  

Step 2:

April the 26th The   30   preselected   teams   will  have  to  upload  a  detailed  finale  file  of  15   slides   (PowerPoint  or  PDF)   in   an   English   or   French  version.      Objec:ve:  Provide  the  manager  with  a  complete  project    

The final presentation:

End of May

The  5  finalist  teams  will  present  their  project  in  front  of  the  Top  Management   of   the   challenge’  partners.    The   final   presentaCon   will   last  10   minutes   followed   by   a   5  minutes   quesCon-­‐and-­‐answer  session.      

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The Challenge

 Imagine  the  Sustainable  City  of  the  Future  with  your  team.  

Here  are  some  ideas  for  areas  you  might  like  to  consider:    •  Energy  efficiency/op:misa:on:  how  do  we  encourage  people  to  adopt  new,  more  sustainable  energy  consumpCon  

pracCces  and/or  create  new  services  and  products  to  encourage  greener  consumpCon?  

•  Ci:zen  comfort  and  quality  of  life:  how  do  our  ciCes  need  to  change  so  that  they  provide  beZer  quality  of  life  for  their  inhabitants?  

•  Informa:on  systems:  what  new  services,  apps  or  systems  do  we  need  to  support  the  transfer  of  informaCon  to  and  between  city-­‐dwellers?  

•  Air  quality:  how  can  we  help  to  improve  air  quality,  both  indoors  and  outdoors  in  our  ciCes?  

•  Eco-­‐mobility:  how  can  we  help  develop  a  safer,  cleaner  and  more  connected  road  network?  

•  Distance  working:  Think  about  our  ciCes  in  2030.  Imagine  how  city-­‐dwellers  will  work  remotely  in  the  sustainable  city  of  tomorrow  –  telepresence,  new  spaces…  


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Your mission Slide  1:  Choose  your  topic  :  Air  Liquide  or  Michelin  Issues    •  «  Breathe  in  the  city»  -­‐  Come  up  with  ideas  for  new  products,  services  or  apps  that  can  help  to  

reduce  polluCon  in  our  ciCes.    •  “Build  inclusive  and  efficient  urban  mobility  for  every  inhabitant  of  tomorrow's  sustainable  

city”  -­‐  Propose  new  soluCons  to  simplify  access  and  use  of  all  means  of  transport  to  all  city  inhabitants.  

 Slide  2:    Your  recommendaCons    •  Your  project  must  be  innovaCve,  clear  and  achievable.  Rather  than  covering  all  possible  topics,  

you  should  focus  on  one  or  two  core  issues    Slide  3:  Background  and  stakes    •  Your   project   needs   to   be   realisCc,   in   terms   of   both   technology   and   economics.   Think   like   a  

young  entrepreneur  and  consider  every  aspect  of  your  project.  


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The  5  finalist  teams  will  present  their  project  during  a  big  final  +  special  partners  prizes    (Michelin  and  Air  Liquide)  

+  Many  gigs  for  each  member  of  the  finalist  teams  

   •  1st  team:  a  trip  for  a  value  of  €1000  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  2nd  team:  a  week-­‐end  for  a  value  of  €500  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  3rd  team:  an  iPad  Mini  for  a  value  of  €339  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)    •  4th  team:  a  Kindle  Fire  for  a  value  of  €159  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  5th  team:  a  gig  voucher  worth  €50    


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2020 Global Climate Challenge

Page 12:  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection 3-slide PPT document Go further 1 months Sélection

The Challenge

2020  Global  Climate  Challenge      The   Group's   acCviCes   involve   imagining,   designing,   financing,   building   and  managing   infrastructure  and   faciliCes   that  help   improve  daily   life  and  mobility   for  all,  namely  buildings,  roads,  energy,  motorways,  stadia  and  airports.        Propose   innovaCve,   easy-­‐to-­‐implement   soluCons   involving   the   Group’s   acCviCes  that  have  a  rapid  and  significant  environmental  impact.  

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Your mission Choose  a  category  below  and  present  your  solu:on:  

 1.   Building  energy  performance  -­‐  How  can  we  construct  beZer  buildings?  How  can  we  beZer  involve  users?    2.  Infrastructure  and  the  road  of  the  future  -­‐  How  can  we  encourage  the  emergence  of  the  circular  economy?  How  can  we  design  

and  build  the  road  of  the  future?    3.    Mobility  -­‐  How  can  we  reflect  ciCzens'  pracCces  and  behaviour  in  mobility  policy?  How  can  we  

encourage  intermodality?      4.    Urban  services  and  the  connected  city  -­‐  How  can  we  connect  eco-­‐districts  and  ciCes?  How  can  we  use  new  informaCon  and  

communicaCon  technologies?  


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Your mission

Slide  1:  Choose  your  category    •  Why  did  you  choose  this  one?  Show  how  the  context  is  interesCng.      Slide  2:    Your  recommendaCons    •  Your  project  must  be  innovaCve,  clear  and  achievable.  Rather  than  covering  all  possible  topics,  

you  should  focus  on  one  or  two  core  issues    Slide  3:  Background  and  stakes    •  Your   project   needs   to   be   realisCc,   in   terms   of   both   technology   and   economics.   Think   like   a  

young  entrepreneur  and  consider  every  aspect  of  your  project.  


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A 4 step contest

Team up 2 months

≈ 40 preselected teams

12 finalist teams (3 for each of the 4


Preselection 3-slide PPT document

Go further 1 months

Sélection 15-slide PPT document

Oral presentation

During the Vinci Innovation

awards 2015

Vote Vote

≈ 100 teams

Oral presentation

4 finalist teams (the best team

of each category)

Page 16:  · Contests in 3 steps : Team up 2 months ≈ 30 preselected teams 5 finalist teams Preselection 3-slide PPT document Go further 1 months Sélection

Document to provide

For the 2nd step, all documents must be uploaded before the deadline specified on the platform www.studyka.com

Step 1:

April the 19th Create   a   team   of   2   or   3  members.    The   first   3-­‐slide   PowerPoint  document   in   English   will   help  the   members   of   the   jury   to  select  the  most  relevant  ideas.    Objec:ve:   Provide   managers  with  an  aZracCve  document  

Step 2:

June the 14th The   40   preselected   teams   will  have  to  upload  a  detailed  finale  file  of  15   slides   (PowerPoint  or  PDF)  in  an  English  version.      Objec:ve:  Provide  the  manager  with  a  complete  project    

The final presentations:

September the 24th

The  12  finalist  teams  will  present  their   project   in   front   of   the   Top  Management   of   the   challenge’  partners.      

October the 13rd  The  for  4  best  teams  will  present  their   project   during   the   Vinci  Innova:on  Award  2015.  

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Each  members  of  the  40  teams  preselected  for  the  2nd  phase  will  receive  :      

A  bicycle  worth  €200  !    

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The  12  finalist  teams  will  present  their  project  during  a  big  final    +  

Many  gi`s  for  each  member  of  the  finalist  teams        •  1st  team  of  each  category:  a  week-­‐end  for  Berlin  for  a  value  of  €1,000  

•  2nd  team  of  each  category  :  a  week-­‐end  for  Bordeaux    for  a  value  of  €700  

•  3rd  team  of  each  category  :  an  eco-­‐tourism  week-­‐end  in  tree  house  for  a  value  of  €300  




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 Vinci  Innova:on  Prize  2015    

•  1st  team  out  of  the  4  best  teams:  a  trip  to  a  major  capital  city  (Paris,  New  York,  Tokyo  or  Montreal)  or  for  a  value  of  €3,500!  


Vinci  reserves  rights  to  invest  €50,000  if  the  winners  decide  to  develop  their  project  by  crea:ng  a  start-­‐up.    

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The Campus of Tomorrow Challenge

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The Challenge  

Imagine  the  campus  of  the  future!    Support  the  new  urban  development  of  Paris-­‐Saclay  by  coming  up  with  innovaCve  soluCons  to  create  a  dynamic  and  inspiring  campus  environment.    In  partnership  with:  

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Document to provide

For the 2nd step, all documents must be uploaded before the deadline specified on the platform www.studyka.com

Step 1:

March the 15th Create   a   team   of   2   or   3  members.    The   first   3-­‐slide   PowerPoint  document   in   French   or   in  English  will   help   the   members  of   the   jury   to   select   the   most  relevant  ideas.    Objec:ve:   Provide   managers  with  an  aZracCve  document  

Step 2:

April the 26th The   30   preselected   teams   will  have  to  upload  a  detailed  finale  file  of  15   slides   (PowerPoint  or  PDF)   in   an   English   or   French  version.      Objec:ve:  Provide  the  manager  with  a  complete  project    

The final presentation:

Beginning of June

The  5  finalist  teams  will  present  their  project  in  front  of  the  Top  Management   of   the   challenge’  partners.  The   team  7   to  10  will  be  rewarded  and   invited  to  the  final.    The   final   presentaCon   will   last  10   minutes   followed   by   a   5  minutes   quesCon-­‐and-­‐answer  session.      

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Your mission Slide  1:  ObjecCves    •  What  criteria  will  your  concept  need  to  meet?  What  are  your  objecCves?    •  What  community(-­‐ies)  are  you  targeCng?  What  are  their  needs?    Slide  2:  Concept    •  Describe   your   concept   and   explain   why   it   is   original,   innovaCve   and   based   on  

pracCces   and/or   new   technologies.   Remember   that   your   concept  must   be   suitable  for  the  Paris-­‐Saclay  area  and  be  compaCble  with  exisCng  projects.    

Slide  3:  Feasibility  

•  Your  project  needs  to  be  realisCc,  in  terms  of  both  technology  and  economics.  Think  like  a  young  entrepreneur  and  consider  every  aspect  of  your  project.  


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Awards The  6  finalist  teams  will  present  their  project  during  a  big  final  +  special  partners  

prizes  (SODEARIF,  SODEXO  and  EDF)  +  

Many  gi`s  for  each  member  of  the  finalist  teams    •  1st  team:  a  trip  for  a  value  of  €1000  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  2nd  team:  a  week-­‐end  for  a  value  of  €400  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  3rd  team:  a  gig  voucher  worth  €300    •  4th  team:  a  Kindle  Fire  HD  for  a  value  of  €139  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  5th  team:  a  Kindle  for  a  value  of  €59  (or  equivalence  in  gig  voucher)  

•  6th  to  10th  team:    a  gig  voucher  worth  €50      


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Criteria of selection

Quality of the projet

Originality of your project

Impact and Relevance Presentation

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Students’ advantages

Get  an  internship,  training  course  or  a  first  job!  


A  huge  impact  on  the  résumé  and  on  students  employability  


Develop  innovaCon  and  entrepreneurship    


To  be  spoZed  by  the  Top  Management  of  companies  



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