Content Marketing World Sydney - Top Insights (Day Two 2014)

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Top insights from day two at Content Marketing World Sydney 2014. If you couldn’t attend the conference or were just a little overwhelmed with the amount of content presented on the day, we’ve put together the SlideShare below to summarise the key insights from day two. Enjoy!

Transcript of Content Marketing World Sydney - Top Insights (Day Two 2014)

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Page 2: Content Marketing World Sydney - Top Insights (Day Two 2014)

When you engage the CEO to sell your

strategy, it’s often the quality of the

content that engages them first.The roles of communications and marketing areblurring, and the single biggest factor in thatconvergence is the emergence of social media and‘buying influencers’. These individuals represent the

ability to prove ROI because they’re trackable. The company puts inplace a series of pathways and metrics to understand and track buyinginfluencers’ impact on the bottom line. As long as you’re beingtransparent and consistent with the stories you’re telling, customerswill sense the authenticity and your bottom line will improve.

How to Structure Your Content Team

Ray Kloss, SAP Australia & New Zealand(While Traditional Media Channels Are Dying)


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Content is resource-intensive. We’re not

going to hire anyone into marketing who

can’t write.AMP launched content marketing on a small scale to reduce risk and allow them to prove real resultsbefore rolling out the plan across the organisation.The company launched a microsite around SMSF

advice, Q&AMP, to answer consumer questions and establish thebrand’s expertise in the space. AMP found that the expertisedemonstrated through the SMSF advice created a halo effect around theentire organisation. The initial test drove more than 300,000 uniquevisitors to the microsite and drove 15 to 25 per cent uplift for business.

Starting and Scaling a Content

Helen Livesey, AMPMarketing Program

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Effective content takes time. Start small,

start smart, but start something!

Selling your ideas into the C-suite is an importantpart of any marketers job – no sign off, no budget! So how do you hunt the hippo, a hippo being theHighest Paid Person’s Opinion?

From approaching with caution to choosing the right target, there arecertain steps one can take on this hunting mission. But the key thing toremember is that your CEO doesn’t care about Facebook likes – theycare about sales, leads, reducing expenditure... A good content strategytargets every stage of the buying cycle. And it outlines KPIs that canmeasure returns.

Hunting Hippos — Winning Approval from

Jonathan CrossfieldC-Level for Content Marketing


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One of the keys of content analysis according toColleen Jones is qualitative analysis. How well isyour content aligned to your overall goals? How isit serving the user? Auditing the quality of your

content can help you prioritise your topics going forward. It’s alsoimportant to keep in mind the context of your content. Is itappropriate for the audience? Make sure you produce a thoroughreport on your findings as well. It’s not enough to dump aspreadsheet on someone’s desk and expect them to understand it.

Don’t rush into a website without

knowing your content needs.

How to Do a Content Audit?Colleen Jones, Clout and Does Your Content Work?


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In a whirlwind 30-minute presentation, Kevin Cainpresented his matrix for a successful contentstrategy that consisted of four driving principles:context, conversion goals, contact points and

content. At the end of the day it comes back to content. Marketers needto think of the audience first when developing content strategies andfollow Cain's six characteristics of successful content: content that isuseful, optimised for search, customised for your buyers, demonstratesyour brand aspirations, drives conversions and promotes engagement.

Why do most content marketers fail?

Because they try to be all things to all


The (Content) Matrix: How to Align, Prioritize,

Kevin Cain, Content Marketing Strategistand Fuel a Successful Content Strategy


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The panel was focused on how to get content found throughsearch, social or discovery channels. The key message was that,regardless of the platform, content marketing is about pull ratherthan push. No one is in the business to create content – there isalways a product or service that brands are trying to sell – but ascontent marketers know, content builds trust. When considering distribution channels, reflecting on theobjectives of the content will help define the way you distribute it. Remember: the calibre of the websites where content is found willreflect back on your brand, so choose wisely.

How Big Brands Are Getting their Content Found Panel

Trust is our currency, not the dollar.

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The worlds of technology and marketing have

converged.This panel tackled one of the biggest challenges for contentmarketers: how to effectively integrate technology to create,distribute and measure content marketing efforts.The served content trend: Distribution and amplification tools cannow be used to deliver content rather than waiting for it to befound. Falling short: Marketers need to adequately train and invest time inthe technologies they have purchased. Strategy comes first: Marketers lack a strategy that can effectivelyutilises the technology solutions out there to achieve objectives.

What Content Marketing Technologies Are

RoundtableYou Missing?

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Trust your instinct. If you ask 10 people,

you'll get many opinions.There’s no real way to teach people to be creative– creativity is a mindset. But there are somethings you can do to help get into that mindset. Draw on experience: You’re human, just like your customers. Draw on your own life experiences, as well as from those of your audience and staff. Consider your environment: Is your office cubicle conducive tocreativity? Get in a good headspace, both physically and mentally. Look at things from a different perspective: Think like a child – theirview of the world is much more creative, and therefore more beautiful.

10 Workable ways to get more Creative

Chris McWilliams, Triple Mwith your Content Creation


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The grass grows with a daily watering, not a

drowning once a while.

Brad and the SEEK marketing team know they arenever going to be Oreo or create an Old Spicecampaign. They also aren’t expecting to competewith LinkedIn. But they do want to create a crediblerelationship with their audience and help people with their job and career aspirations. Along with King Content,they adopted a seven-step approach to content marketing. It was astructured approach and, while not as sexy as Old Spice, it’s just aseffective. They had to take their traditional brand marketing to'always-on' engagement via social media and blog-style channels.

From every once in a while to always on:

Brad Smith, SEEKHow SEEK Publishes Consistently and Wins


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We’re drowning in content. There’s so muchcontent streaming onto the web that it’ll grow by600% in the next six years! Granted, most of it iscat memes. Or selfies. Still, we’re alreadyconsuming content 10 hours a day. Mark Schaefer

is convinced that there is a limit to how much we can consume. Hesays marketers are working harder than ever, but people are seeingless and less, because there is too much stuff. Marketers must look tothe next technological revolution to cut through the clutter. Marketerswho act early and embrace the next wave of immersive technologywill win a first mover advantage and customer share of mind.

Content Shock: Strategies to Cut through

Mark Schaefer, Return on InfluenceInformation Density

How do we cut through information density?


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The Content Opportunity for Small Business

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How Big Brands Are Getting their Content Found

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The Amazing Opportunity in Printed Content

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Presented by King Content, Australia's most

awarded digital content marketing agency.

Check out our blog for more content marketing

insights and advice.
