Content & Audience Portfolio

spring 2013 content & audience


An overview of the work completed for my graphic design class, Content & Audience taught by John Fender in the spring of 2013.

Transcript of Content & Audience Portfolio

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spring 2013

content & audience

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table of contents

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table of contents

project 1 4

Project 2 6

Project 3 12

project 4 18

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project 1

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For my first project, I created a poster that was submitted to the Posterheroes competition, which is a global design competition. Posterheroes is a project specially designed for those in the creative field to further conceptualize and promote the idea of “Smart Cities.” The idea of Smart Cities stems from issues regarding energy, healthy living, and pollution, as well as many other problems in which Smart Cities attempt to tackle. There are several major categories that help make up a Smart City. These categories include economy, living, mobility, and people, with each having unique indicators. Designers were to choose from these categories and create a poster to promote certain aspects within these broad categories. In the end, I decided to submit two posters to the Posterheroes competition. One deals more with mobility, while the other deals with living.

For my first poster I was trying to visually show the benefits of using alternative resources as a way to offset carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. I wanted to show what the sky would look like if we didn't use alternative resources in contrast to what the sky would look like if we did. Essentially, the use of alternatives resources is not only better for our earth, but simply put, for our cities. Smog is a definite problem in cities, but if wind power is used, city skies have the potential to much cleaner, creating a better living environment for city dwellers.

My second poster revolved around the idea of "re" and how all of these "re's" make our cities cleaner and more environmentally friendly. It is essentially urging city dwellers to consider their own actions. Not only does it encourage them to "recycle" but it also, simply put, encourages them to cycle as well.


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6 Poster 1

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7Poster 2

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project 2

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For my branding project I really wanted to focus on materiality and form of the furniture. For me, it was all about the details and portraying some of those details to the audience through the brand by displaying textures, patterns, and forms. What separates this particular style of furniture from any other are the unique details, which is why I chose to highlight this aspect. I cropped images of wood grain and other textures and used them throughout my identity system. I also created my own texture that I used in my logo and throughout, which was inspired by the metal tulip shaped legs on many of the Charles Eames chairs.

I wanted to create a brand that was somewhat playful. Modern and contemporary furniture store branding can sometimes come off as very angular and modernist, and in some ways a little intimidating. I wanted to avoid this very structured look, so I decided to change things up a bit. Considering the client is a company that wants to make design accessible to all, I wanted to create a design that would be less intimidating to those who don’t actively partake in the design industry but also relevant to those who are knowledgeable of it. By using a bright green and a lowercase sans-serif typeface, it was already starting to feel more approachable. My layouts were also very airy and less structured, which was purposeful to avoid the strict modernist grid.

identity system

project 2

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Type treatments



Primary TextBody copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque interdum pretium arcu, lobortis molestie justo posuere vel. Integer vestibulum eros eget lorem convallis vitae pretium dolor egestas. Sed ut metus eu nunc faucibus pulvinar. Vivamus sed arcu eget odio pharetra varius. Ut quam lorem, iaculis eu porttitor pharetra, accumsan ac odio. Vestibulum massa dui, vulputate ac porta eu, suscipit at ante. Praesent nec tortor mauris, et faucibus dui. Curabitur metus leo, commodo ut egestas eget, pellentesque vitae mauris. Fusce dictum lacus ut ipsum dictum sodales vulputate sapien dictum. Suspendisse eu facilisis massa. Proin pulvinar nunc diam. Morbi vel augue sit amet odio luctus ultricies. Vivamus a lectus enim. Donec et leo in tellus ullamcorper faucibus non eget erat. Sed placerat enim id justo faucibus quis tempus risus tempus.

brand elements

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Type treatments


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12 envelopes

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13business cards

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14 mailer

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16 poster

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project 3

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After looking at all of the bike trail information, I found myself extremely overwhelmed with having to look in several different places to find maps and overall trail information. That being said, I wanted to organize all of this content into one place in a way that was simplistic and easy to use. The easiest solution was through an app, which was primarily why I changed my original idea. I felt that the app could better fill the holes that were missing in terms of how the bike trail information was being organized–it was all over the place.

My app has three categories that are all interconnected. The user can choose to be located to find trails closest to them, or they can look up all the trails and see the information about them, or they can look at just trail maps. Regardless, each page essentially references back to these main categories.

In terms of overall “feel,” I think my app is very simplistic in terms of how the content is arranged, but I think design is very dynamic and different. I think it definitely stands out in terms of app design–it’s rather unique. I enjoy the overall feel and color choices, which I think what really separates it from most app design. I wanted it to be progressive, because I feel as though that is how I look at biking. It’s naturally a forward moving activity (in the literal sense) and I also see biking as something that is rather on-trend right now in terms of sustainability, which is progressive. So while biking is considered and old means of transportation, I see it as a regression as a means to progression.

information design

project 3

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headingsub hEad

Body copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ultrices diam in est semper pellentesque.


Map Icons

trail head





type treatments

iPhone & android icons

app elements

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locate me

regional trail info

trail maps

NEAREST TRAILSChichaqua Valley Trail

Clive Greenbelt Trail

Downtown Des Moines Trail Loops Kruidenier Trail Meredith Trail MLK TRAIL PRINCIPAL RIVERWALK

Gay Lea Wilson Trail/4-Mile Creek Greenway

Racoon River Valley Trail

Summerset Trail

Chichaqua Valley Trail

Clive Greenbelt Trail

Downtown Des Moines Trail Loops Kruidenier Trail Meredith Trail MLK TRAIL PRINCIPAL RIVERWALK

Gay Lea Wilson Trail/4-Mile Creek Greenway

Racoon River Valley Trail

Summerset Trail

HOMEMap Icons

app architecture

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22 app pages

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23app pages

android examples

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project 4

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For our group project with the law students, we were to develop a clear, well-designed report publication and presentation for our law team to present and distribute to city council. Our law team’s report was called Urban Infill and Sustainable Redevelopment in the Des Moines area. Our law team was working to get the local government to redevelop areas of urban blight in Des Moines. These areas are seen as both environmentally hazardous and generally damaging to the appearance of the land. The group also promotes the incentives of making these redeveloped areas environmentally friendly by following LEED certification guidelines.

Our clients were two law students, looking to communicate the importance of revitalizing abandoned lots and turning them into something that would help revitalize the area while also being sustainable. Our law team wanted to make sure we approached these assets in a way that expressed a movement from dreary blight to renewal and growth through development. Thinking about their mission, we collectively decided upon the idea of a gradient color scheme that progressed from a dark grey (signifying urban blight) to a bright green (signifying the renewal and growth of redevelopment). This also adds a sort of narrative to the presentation. Each "step" of their report is assigned a different color, as shown in our motif of rectangles used under report headlines.

sustainability & the Law

Project 4

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Urban Infill

SustainableRedevelopmentKelli RussellKelsey Knight


Design credit: Rose Acland, Caitlin Angel, Rachel Bockert, Riley Brady, Darcy Dodge, Nicole Dyar, Kevin Granzow

Urban Infill

SustainableRedevelopmentKelli RussellKelsey Knight


Design credit: Rose Acland, Caitlin Angel, Rachel Bockert, Riley Brady, Darcy Dodge, Nicole Dyar, Kevin Granzow

title page

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There are four applicable Iowa State statutes to consider when implementing an infill and urban redevelopment plan. The first was passed and effective in the summer of 2012, so it is especially important to be aware of the requirements of this law. Iowa Code Section 403.5 governs the implementation of an “Urban Renewal Plan.”40 This requires the governing body to “determine [by resolution] the area to be a slum area, blighted area, economic development area, or a combination of those areas, and designate[…] the area as appropriate for an urban renewal project.”41 Essentially, the city must officially designate any area before redevelopment can occur, and this step also requires the city to have a plan in place. As a procedural step, this is also required to receive funding from the DNR Brownfields program. Furthermore, this section lays out procedural requirements including consultations for estimated growth and impacts, public hearings, and a specific requirement that if the area in question is open land, housing be the use of land if deemed necessary by the city.42 The section also governs the amendment process to plans and prevents an area from being taken off the “blighted” list if no improvements have been done.43 Lastly, this section also authorizes open land to be acquired by eminent domain if there are issues with title, tax delinquencies, or other characteristics of the site that make it otherwise unmarketable or unpopular for investment.44 The next statute to be conscientious of is Iowa Code Section 15.292, which is the Brownfields Redevelopment Program and was effected at the same time as the section above.45 This section is the codification of the DNR Brownfields program

and outlines the legal requirements for admittance to the program.46 Although there are publications from the DNR that simplify this information, considering the actual language is vital for success. Under this section, a redevelopment program and funding is created.47 Agreements are entered into with the governing body (in this case, the DNR), and depending on initial ownership this agreement may contain a clause that titles may be transferred upon completion of the project.48 Most importantly, this section contains the information required on any assistance application through this program, including a business plan, budget for any redevelopment, a statement of purpose for the project, evidence of sponsorship or funding, and any other information deemed necessary.49 In conversations with the department in charge of this program, the major concern for accepting applications is whether a clear and concise plan for the area is in place before any funding can occur. This thought process is required if the area is designated as an Urban Redevelopment Area and a positive exercise to garner investor and community support. Lastly, this section outlines the criteria of application review and the duties of the brownfield redevelopment advisory council.50 This council is primarily concerned with whether the site is appropriate for a brownfields designation, if there are any alternative forms of assistance available, and whether to exercise approval power. Next, specific code sections regarding tax credits are of particular interest because they present and govern the main incentive behind any brownfields redevelopment program. Iowa Code Section 15.293A outlines the redevelopment tax credits available to individuals who participate

Current Structure of the law in Iowa and why it is not sustainable



What other cities have done to address

these issues

In proposing an infill ordinance for Des Moines it is critical to look at what other cities have already done. Many ideas, regardless of where cities are located, can be translated to fit the needs of Des Moines and the central Iowa region. Examining what other cities have done also provides solutions to problems that arise with urban infill and redevelopment.

INCENTIVIZING DEVELOPMENT: LAND BANKINGPhysical barriers are perhaps what discourage infill the most. Vacant or underutilized lots are often small, awkwardly shaped, and not suitable to normal development. Land banking is a possible way to combat these barriers. Fresno, California recognizes that infill sites across the cities are often small, scattered and hard to find, as well as the fact that incremental purchasing of infill lots can be very expensive. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can identify small parcels, streamline the information exchange process for transferring City owned parcels and accelerate the entitlement and permitting process.63 They suggested that the City should consider a policy program to purchase, on a voluntary basis, and hold land in infill areas for future development to minimize developer risk associated with land assembly.64 Assembling small parcels into larger blocks of land under common ownership will greatly improve their development potential of these infill sites.65 The City will be acquiring land that has no immediate need but will be banked for a future day when market conditions are right for development.66

Maricopa County, Arizona also suggests implementing a land banking program. By assembling land or making improvements or removing encumbrances, the City believes it can improve the odds for development in an organized manner to support long-range plans.67 Land banking by the city will encourage development because assembly of land can be very costly.68

INCENTIVIZING SUSTAINABILITYPortland, Oregon’s Code reflects their commitment to sustainability in many respects, and infill development is no exception. In tackling infill development, Portland makes sure that developers design for sustainability by requiring use of durable building materials, use of energy efficient building technologies, and minimization of storm water runoff.69 In addition to actual building design standards, their code includes a host of other sustainable development standards including pedestrian friendly frontages, rear parking arrangements, courtyard-oriented housing, and minimizing impervious surface area.70 Fresno, California has adopted an infill development resolution to insure that infill development is sustainable.71 The city begins by prioritizing sustainable development, which means that developers who are willing to build

Assembling small parcels into larger blocks of land under common ownership will greatly improve the development potential of these infill sites.


in a redevelopment program.51 Upon review of a tax credit application, the authority deciding approval will make a preliminary determination as to the amount of tax credit for which an investor will qualify, based off the plans submitted.52 Of particular significance are the amounts of tax credits available under this section, and are as follows:

There is a maximum amount of tax credits available; tax credits cannot exceed 10% of the total allowable credits available to an individual for any one fiscal year.55 Furthermore, the authority is capped at issuing tax credits up to one million dollars for one fiscal year, which implies a standard for acceptance must exist to fairly allot funds.56 Lastly, this section also includes a set timeline for completion of any project. Any project must be completed within thirty months of the project’s approval, which prevents an area from sitting undeveloped and potentially using tax credits that could have a better use on other projects.57 Time

percent of qualifying investment in a grayfield site 12%




of qualifying investment in a grayfield site that meets the requirements of a green development

of qualifying investment in a brownfield site

of qualifying investment in a brownfield site that meets the requirements of a green development.

Figure 5 Tax credits under Iowa Code section 15.293A.

extensions are allowed, but these are still capped at no more than twelve additional months.58 Any plans by the city would have to keep these time requirements in consideration.59

Finally, the tax credit amounts listed above are divided by grayfield and brownfield development, with additional tax credits being granted if the new development meets certain “green development” standards. These standards can be found in Iowa Code Section 103A.8B.60 Under this section, developers must follow administrative rules (found in Chapter 17A of the Iowa Administrative Code) designating sustainable design and construction.61 These primarily incorporate nationally recognized ratings, certifications, and classification systems for compliance with certain green standards, such as LEED certification.62 Although our proposal for the city would not require redevelopments to attain such standards, we would include education about the benefits of doing so to incentivize investors and developers to consider such specifications.

Finally, the tax credit amounts listed above are divided by grayfield and brownfield development, with additional tax credits being granted if the new development meets certain “green development” standards.


more sustainably will get first priority over other developers.72 After the initial step of prioritizing, the city sought to relax and minimize standard parking ratios, encourage parking in the rear of the buildings, modify setback requirements and height requirements to accommodate higher density development, and minimize lot widths.73 All of these standards are common features of transit oriented development, which is a good place to start when considering sustainable development. Aurora, Colorado encourages sustainable development by focusing on pedestrian-friendly development. Their infill district overlay requires a complete system of sidewalks, bicycle, and pedestrian routes connecting to all uses on the site as well as to perimeter sidewalks, adjacent properties, and neighborhoods.74 The city also states that the amount of on-site parking generally required by Code does not apply to development within the infill district.75 Like Portland and Fresno, Aurora also has design standards to insure sustainable development. These include a pedestrian-friendly environment, promotion of foot traffic, use of durable materials on the exterior of buildings, and required outdoor gathering space like parks or pedestrian streets.76 Lastly, the city not only allows renewable energy sources, but encourages energy efficiency by requiring that development in the infill district have at least one of the following: passive solar energy, renewable energy, green infrastructure, heat island effect reduction, local production of healthy food, or construction that exceeds current code requirement for energy efficiency.77 Florida, as a state, has set out to combat vacant land in urban areas. The Florida Code states that when cities implement an infill program, that program must include financial incentives for redevelopment.78 Examples of these include lower transportation impact fees which encourages use of public transit and development of pedestrian and bike modes of transportation, and prioritization of infrastructure spending within the urban infill and redevelopment area which gives sustainable development priority.79

OVERCOMING SOCIAL BARRIERSPart of Portland, Oregon’s design principles for infill development include respecting context and enhancing community character. The design principles reflect this commitment by arranging building volumes and setbacks that emulate the

Not only does the city market the available infill programs, but it markets the city’s available infill incentives in order to advocate for infill development.

current neighborhood character, considering utilization of certain architectural features and landscaping, and using site design that responds to natural features of the site and its surroundings.80 Their principles also state that while keeping current community character in mind is necessary, contribution to a desired future character may be more important in some instances.81

Mesa, Arizona’s infill ordinance states that the overlay districts formed must include requirements to ensure that future development plans will be compatible with adjacent properties and surrounding neighborhoods.82 The ordinance also states that the development may not overburden the transportation system, utility infrastructure, or community facilities, which are generally concerns of opposing citizens.83

MARKETINGWhen Sacramento, California was developing their infill strategy, they realized that an infill program is only successful if it is put to use. Not only does the city market the available infill programs, but it markets the city’s available infill incentives in order to advocate for infill development.84 The strategy calls for creation of neighborhood based pilot planning efforts and including neighborhood representatives in the process for developing flexible development standards for infill.85 They

sought to do this by sending mailings to all property owners within certain target areas to let them know of the program and invite them to participate.86

Oregon’s infill development Code handbook states that cities need to strive to work with developers to advertise and promote infill sites identified in their inventories.87 Specifically, the handbook says the city should provide inventory and assessment data over the counter or on a website, to make the data easier for developers to find.88 The State says that either active or passive marketing should be used, depending on the type of community.89 Similarly, Georgia looks to stimulate developer interest with a more active approach including

sample document pages

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28 sample presentation pages

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29sample presentation pages

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colophonThis book has been designed by Nicole Dyar, under the direction of John Fender as part of the course Content & Audience at Drake University in May of 2013. It was designed using Adobe InDesign CS6 on a Macintosh computer. The type was set in Bebas Neue, created by the Dharma Type Foundry in 2005. Body copy was set in Baskerville Regu-lar, created by John Baskerville in 1757. This book has been produced in a digital edition.

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