Constructive Response Questions Who were the … · Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?...

Islam Outcome: Islamic Empires 1. Setting the Stage: Islamic Culture a. The Qur’an says “Men are the ______________of the affairs of _____________” and “______________ ______________ are therefore ________________.” b. Qur’an also declares that men and women, ____ ______________, are __________ c. After the fall of Rome in 476, ______________ ______________ ____________ and expanded much of the ____________ ______________ that had been gained d. In early 800s, the _______ of _______ was built in Baghdad; place where different cultures worked side by side to ______ _____ from Greece, India, Persia and elsewhere into Arabic e. Muslim scientists made many advances in _____________ and _______________ f. Islam led to the rise of three important empires: The __________, ________, and ________ 2. _________________________ a. Where were they located? i. ________________ & _____________ (Modern day _____________) ii. By 1566, lands included ____________in the North, _________ in the South, ___________ in the West, and ______________ in the East b. Who were they? i. Anatolia was home to many descendents of nomadic, ________________ ________ who had a long history of _________________________________ ii. Many Anatolian Turks saw themselves as ____________, or warriors for Islam iii. ________ was the most successful ghazi; followers called ___________ in the West iv. Ottomans successful military relied on _________________ v. _____________ and _______________ led expansion of empire through 1566 vi. Mehmed II captured ____________________ and opened it to Jews, Christians, and Muslims; Muslims renamed it ________________ vii. _________________ captured __________, __________, & Cairo for the Ottomans viii. By 1526, _____________ the ___________ controlled the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, added Tripoli in North Africa, and extended power into Europe; was most powerful Monarch on earth c. Why they are significant i. The Ottomans _________ ____________ to those they conquered; often _____________ the lives of peasants living in their territories ii. Had one of the largest empires in history; lasted until _____________________ Constructive Response Questions Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids? Constructive Response Questions Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?

Transcript of Constructive Response Questions Who were the … · Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?...

Islam Outcome: Islamic Empires

1. Setting the Stage: Islamic Culture

a. The Qur’an says “Men are the ______________of the affairs of _____________” and “______________ ______________ are therefore ________________.”

b. Qur’an also declares that men and women, ____ ______________, are __________ c. After the fall of Rome in 476, ______________ ______________ ____________ and

expanded much of the ____________ ______________ that had been gained d. In early 800s, the _______ of _______ was built in Baghdad; place where different cultures

worked side by side to ______ _____ from Greece, India, Persia and elsewhere into Arabic e. Muslim scientists made many advances in _____________ and _______________ f. Islam led to the rise of three important empires: The __________, ________, and ________

2. _________________________ a. Where were they located?

i. ________________ & _____________ (Modern day _____________) ii. By 1566, lands included ____________in the North, _________ in the South,

___________ in the West, and ______________ in the East b. Who were they?

i. Anatolia was home to many descendents of nomadic, ________________ ________ who had a long history of _________________________________

ii. Many Anatolian Turks saw themselves as ____________, or warriors for Islam iii. ________ was the most successful ghazi; followers called ___________ in the West iv. Ottomans successful military relied on _________________ v. _____________ and _______________ led expansion of empire through 1566

vi. Mehmed II captured ____________________ and opened it to Jews, Christians, and Muslims; Muslims renamed it ________________

vii. _________________ captured __________, __________, & Cairo for the Ottomans viii. By 1526, _____________ the ___________ controlled the Eastern Mediterranean

Sea, added Tripoli in North Africa, and extended power into Europe; was most powerful Monarch on earth

c. Why they are significant i. The Ottomans _________ ____________ to those they conquered; often

_____________ the lives of peasants living in their territories ii. Had one of the largest empires in history; lasted until _____________________

Constructive Response Questions Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and


How was the development of Islam similar or different to Christianity?

Constructive Response Questions Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?

3. ________________________

a. Where were they located? i. East of _______________ but West of ______

ii. Part of the __________ __________ ________ b. Who were they?

i. Part of the _________ branch of Islam ii. Concentrated on building a powerful ________

iii. In 1501, Isma’il conquered modern day ______; gave himself Persian title of Shah & established ________ ________________ in that region (Still there today)

iv. Isma’il was a ___________ __________ who put anyone to death who didn’t covert to Shi’ism; also ____________ ___________ population

v. Ottoman leader Selim the Grim responded by ordering ____________ of upwards of ___________ _____________ in the Ottoman Empire

vi. ________ ___________ reformed the Safavid military and civilian life vii. He also ___________ __________ severely and hired foreigners in the gov’t

viii. Shah Abbas built beautiful city of ______________ in Iran 1. Esfahan had ___________ ___________ __________ in the city 2. Esfahan had intricate __________, metalwork, _______ & _______ work

ix. Shah Abbas __________________________________ leading to incompetent leaders and a swift decline of the empire soon after

c. Why they are significant i. Established ____________ __________________ in modern day _______

ii. Created ____________ _______________ still on display in Esfahan iii. Were an example of _________ _________ of Persian, Ottoman, and Arab cultures

Constructive Response Questions Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?

How was the development of Islam similar or different to Christianity?

4. The Mughals

a. Where were they located? i. Northern ________ eventually reaching _________ ______

b. Who were they? i. Descendents of the ______________

ii. A brilliant general named ___________ swept down into India and laid the foundation for the Mughal Empire

iii. Babur’s __________ ___________ ruled India with tolerance from 1556-1605 iv. Akbar had a strong military backed with ____________/_____________ which

allowed him to move south into the Deccan Plateau v. ____________ a land of _______ _____________ people

vi. Akbar believed in __________ _______________; he married, among others, two _____________, a ____________, and a ____________

vii. ______, ____________, language, and writing ____________ under Akbar’s empire viii. Akbar’s grandson ________ __________ built the beautiful ______ ____________

for his wife Mumtaz Mahal who died at age 39 giving birth to her _______ child ix. While Shah Jahan built, the country was ___________ and _____________ x. Shah Jahan’s 3rd son Aurangzeb drained the empire of resources, 2 million people

_______ of ___________, his subjects ___________ _________ to him anymore and the empire was crumbling

c. Why they are significant i. The Taj Mahal has become one of the most _____ pieces of __________in the world

ii. The decline of the Mughals _______________________________ to slowly come to dominate India, which will later lead the ______________________________

Constructive Response Questions

Who were the Ottomans, Mughals, and Safavids?

How was the development of Islam similar or different to Christianity?