Constructing Cavities 2

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Transcript of Constructing Cavities 2

  • 7/31/2019 Constructing Cavities 2


    Constructing cavitiesor wall claddings

    To be read in conjunction with

    Acceptable Solution E2/AS1

  • 7/31/2019 Constructing Cavities 2


  • 7/31/2019 Constructing Cavities 2


    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 1


    This booklet is a guide to drained and vented cavity construction or timber-

    ramed buildings, as described in the Acceptable Solution or Building Code

    Clause E2 External Moisture (E2/AS1). It does not explain the cavity behindmasonry veneer wall claddings.

    Drained and vented cavities (reerred to in this booklet as cavities) are an

    important component o weathertight construction in higher-risk situations.

    Their proper construction is important to guard against the eects o leaking.

    Cavities are not intended as a drain down which water can be deliberately ed.

    Correctly installing the cladding is still the primary means o excluding water.

    Cavities act as a second line o deence to manage water that might inadvertently

    get past the cladding.

    For timber-ramed buildings in New Zealand, recent science and research

    has identied drainage and drying o water as critical unctions o cavities.

    This booklet will help you construct cavities according to E2/AS1 to ensure

    buildings are well built and healthy.

    For more inormation on materials, details and using common cladding materials,

    reer to E2/AS1. Copies o E2/AS1 are available to download ree o charge rom

    the Department o Building and Housings website at

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    2 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    E2/AS1 is based on the 4Ds o weathertightness (a concept developed in

    Canada). In this approach, Defection, Drainage, Drying and Durability

    are the our key elements important to managing water on walls (see Figure 1).

    Defection: The rst line o deence is a well designed and constructed

    cladding system to defect the water away.

    Drainage: A cavity provides a second line o deence by draining away water

    that may leak behind the cladding.

    Drying: By ventilating the cavity, any moisture that has not drained away

    is removed by drying.

    Durability: Materials or wall and cavity construction must be suciently

    durable to resist decay or a period that will allow time or a leak to be

    discovered and repaired.

    A masonry veneer cavity is dierent rom the cavity described in this booklet.

    With masonry veneer cladding, it is expected that some water may pass through the

    masonry veneer itsel, so the cavity is wider and has top as well as bottom venting.

    (For inormation on masonry veneer reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph 9.2.)


    The cavity described in this booklet is intended as back-up protection i water

    leaks past the cladding.

    A cavity constructed behind a cladding provides a method o managing water

    that might enter behind the cladding:

    through gaps or joins in the cladding

    around penetrations in the cladding, such as windows, doors or vents

    along the path o pipes, xings or other elements that penetrate the cladding.

    The cavity separates the cladding material rom the timber raming. It protects

    the timber raming rom any occasional leaking by providing a gap allowing water

    to drain down the back o the cladding and out through the base o the cavity.

    Any remaining moisture within the cavity is able to dry through ventilation

    provided along the bottom edge o the cavity.

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 3


    4 Durability

    of materials

    roof cladding

    2 Drainage of

    water down inside

    of cladding

    direction of rain

    1 Deflection of

    water by eaves

    and cladding


    3 Drying by ventilation (some diffusion

    of water through the structure also occurs)

    wall cladding

    wall framing

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    4 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph 3.0.)

    E2/AS1 contains a risk matrix that requires the designer to give a score to

    each wall ace o a building. The score indicates the risk o water penetrating

    the cladding posed by the building design. With this score, the designer

    reers to a selection o claddings in Table 3 o E2/AS1 (some without a cavity,

    some with a cavity) and chooses an appropriate cladding system.

    The designer includes the risk matrix score and calculations in building consent

    documentation, and details the cladding in accordance with E2/AS1.

    You can download the guidance document External moisture A guide to using

    the risk matrixor ree rom the Departments website (

    or more inormation on when a cavity is needed.


    The wall underlay is either a fexible wall underlay (paper-based or synthetic)

    or a rigid wall underlay (plywood or bre cement) in accordance with E2/AS1

    Table 23 ( Properties o roo underlays and building wraps).

    Install the wall underlay directly over the raming.

    Install the cavity battens directly over the wall underlay as described in Cavity

    battens on page 9.

    No additional wall underlay is needed between the wall cladding and the cavity

    battens except in the ollowing situations.

    Metal claddings need a separation layer between the cladding and cavity

    battens containing copper-based treatment (reer to Timber cavity battens,

    page 9).

    Stucco on a non-rigid backing needs a fexible wall underlay as the non-rigid backing.

    Fix wall underlay as ollows to ensure water will be directed to the bottom o the

    cavity. Fitting the wall underlay correctly is essential, as the underlay helps orm

    a second line o deence to protect the raming rom moisture.

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 5


    (Reer to Figure 2 and to E2/AS1 Paragraph 9.1.7.)

    Run fexible underlays horizontally with the upper layer overlapping the lower by

    at least 75 mm. This will ensure the direction o laps sheds water to the outside.

    At vertical joins in the fexible underlay, lap at least 150 mm over a stud.

    Freshly LOSP-treated timber can aect bitumen used in some paper-based wall

    underlays. Ensure the solvent in timber raming or cavity battens has evaporated

    beore placing wall underlay and timber in contact.


    min 75 mmhorizontal lap

    additional flap of flexible wall underlay over

    upturn of head flashing or seal flashing to

    underlay with flexible flashing tape

    min 150 vertical lapover stud

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    6 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs

    At windows, doors and other openings, cut the fexible underlay and dress

    into all sides o the opening (see Figure 3).

    Apply fexible fashing tape to ully cover the triangle o exposed raming at

    the corners o the head and sill. Extend the fexible fashing tape across the silltrimmer also (see Figure 4 and reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph 9.1.5). The fexible

    fashing tape at the sill does not need to be in three separate pieces as shown

    in Figure 4 it can be a single piece.

    Provide an additional fap o fexible underlay over the upstand o horizontal

    fashings that bridge the cavity, such as head fashings. Extend the fap o

    fexible underlay rom under the top layer o the nearest lap above. Alternatively,

    seal fashings to fexible underlay with fexible fashing tape (see Figure 2

    and reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph c)).


    cut flexible

    wall underlay

    at 45o

    and fold

    into opening

    staple and trim

    to inside face

    of framing

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 7


    ensure tape laps over exterior

    face of wall underlay by50 mm minimum

    fit flexible flashing tapefull width of opening(may be a continuouspiece of tape along silland up corners)

    50 mmmin

    50 mm min

    100 mmmin

    fit flexible flashing tape toall corners to cover framing

    50 mm min

    Fitting insulation into the wall raming (see Figure 5) may cause the fexible

    underlay to bulge and block the cavity. I studs are spaced at more than 450 mm

    centres, t one o the ollowing to prevent bulging o the fexible underlay.

    Polypropylene tape to provide maximum 300 mm spacings

    Extra battens to provide maximum 300 mm spacings

    Galvanised wire to provide maximum 300 mm spacings

    75 mm galvanised mesh

    (See Figure 5 and reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

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    8 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs



    battens fixed to studs

    intermediate support required where

    studs >450 mm centres (polypropylene

    tape shown see text for alternatives)

    insulation to wall cavity


    Fix rigid underlays so that vertical joints are made over studs and all horizontal

    joints are fashed with a z-fashing (metal, uPVC or butyl).

    Seal horizontal fashings, such as head fashings, to the rigid underlay with fexible

    fashing tape or a fap o fexible underlay.

    Install fexible fashing tape to the sill and the corners o the sill only (similar to

    the method described in Flexible wall underlays, page 5). Flexible fashing tape

    is not needed at the corners o the head o the opening or rigid underlays.

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 9


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

    Cavity battens may be either timber or polystyrene. The nished thickness o the

    cavity battens must be between 18 mm and 25 mm, and they must be at least

    45 mm wide.


    Use radiata cavity battens o merchantable grade that are treated to a minimum

    o H3.1. Do not rip battens rom larger members, as untreated timber may

    be exposed.

    Most cavity battens are treated using LOSP treatment. However, i copper-based

    timber treatment is used, the batten must not be in contact with proled metal wall

    claddings as this may lead to corrosion o the cladding (reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph In these situations, place a separating layer between the batten and the

    cladding, such as:

    wall underlay (as per E2/AS1 Table 23)

    pre-priming o the cavity batten

    actory painting o the metal cladding (except in seaspray and zone 1

    corrosion zones reer to E2/AS1 Table 21).

    piUse expanded polystyrene Class H or Class S or extruded polystyrene

    (or more inormation, reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

    Vapour rom reshly LOSP-treated timber may melt polystyrene battens.

    Ensure that LOSP solvents in raming or cladding have evaporated beore



    sifxiFix vertical battens on stud lines. Vertical battening must be the ull height

    o the cavity, but battens may be joined (butted) to achieve this.

    Take account o where cladding xings will be needed or the exact location

    o the battens. For example, at corners or cladding junctions, provide additional

    or wider battens as required or xing the cladding, back-fashings or acings

    (reer to Figures 6 and 7).

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    10 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    separate the battens at corners

    to provide drainage path

    back-flashing to cladding

    bevel-back weatherboards

    50 mmmin



    cavity battens

    wall underlay


    flashing with


    foam edges

    additional or wider battens

    and framing to allow fixingof the cladding

    Note: for other plywood cladding

    junction details refer to E2/AS1.

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 11


    Where an intermediate or horizontal xing is required, or example to x the top

    or bottom edge o sheet cladding, install a cavity spacer (short length o batten)

    on a minimum 5 slope. Leave a minimum 50 mm gap between the spacer and

    the vertical battens (the gap is to provide drainage and ventilation) (see Figures 8,

    11 and 16).


    50 mm min gap to vertical battensto allow drainage and ventilation

    cavity spacerset to fall

    or 1:12



    Temporarily tack timber battens in place. Battens are permanently held by

    cladding xings passing through them into the raming. Size cladding xings

    to achieve a minimum 35 mm penetration into the raming. For more inormation

    on nail penetrations with particular claddings, reer to E2/AS1 Table 24.

    Polystyrene battens may be temporarily glued to the wall underlay. Consult the

    manuacturers instructions to ensure the glue is compatible with the wall underlay

    and the polystyrene.

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    12 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    E2/AS1 Table 24 requires timber bevel-back weatherboards to be xed using large

    (85 mm or 90 mm) nails to achieve sucient penetration through the batten into the

    raming. As an alternative, BRANZ Limited has investigated structurally xing thebattens to the studs, which enables normal nail sizes to be used to x the cladding.

    For inormation on this alternative xing method, E2/AS1 reers to Structural Test report

    ST0589 in comment under Table 24. This inormation is now incorporated into BRANZ

    Bulletin 475 Structurally Fixing Cavity Battens for Horizontal Timber Weatherboards,

    available rom August 2006. This Bulletin can be purchased rom the BRANZ bookshop

    (call 0800 80 80 85 (Press 2) or visit

    This alternative batten xing system does not orm part o E2/AS1.

    Thereore, it must be detailed and presented to the building consent authority

    as an alternative solution proposal to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


    (Reer to Figure 9 and to E2/AS1 Paragraph c). )

    Ventilation is not required at the top o a cavity (note that masonry veneer uses

    a dierent cavity system that does require top ventilation reer to Introduction,

    page 1).

    Close o the top o the cavity to prevent damp air rom the cavity getting into

    interior spaces, roo raming or eaves. This is particularly important where the

    cavity nishes beneath a sot or other area that might be open to a roo space.

    One way o closing o the top o the cavity is to use a continuous length o

    horizontal batten as shown in Figure 9. The horizontal batten also supports xings

    at the top edge o sheet claddings where required.

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 13


    carry underlay

    up to top platetop chord of rafter

    soffit framing

    soffit lining

    continuous horizontal batten ensures

    damp air from the cavity does not

    pass into the roof space

    vertical battens

    butted to top batten


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

    Allow drainage and ventilation at the bottom o the cavity. Fit a cavity closer

    to the base o every cavity, allowing drainage and ventilation but preventingthe entry o vermin (see Figure 10). This also applies where cavities occur over

    a window, door, roo or other interruption.

    It is important to construct the cavity to exclude damp air rom a subfoor space

    directly entering the cavity.

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    14 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    height to suit fixings

    35 mm holes or slots to provide area

    of opening of 1000 mm2/metre length

    for drainage and ventilation

    cavity depth (1825 mm)


    Use a cavity closer made o a durable material such as aluminium, stainless steel

    or uPVC. It needs an upstand to allow it to be xed to the raming, and drainageand ventilation slots or holes in the base. The slots or holes must have an opening

    o 35 mm and provide a total area o opening o 1000 mm2 per metre length.

    Provide a drip edge at the bottom o the cladding by positioning the cavity closer

    a minimum o 20 mm above the bottom edge o the cladding (this dimension

    can be reduced or specic cladding types reer to E2/AS1).


    concrete slab and foundation

    wall underlay

    wall framing

    cavity battens

    indicative cladding type

    cavity closer

    if cavity spacer required,fix min 20 mm clearof cavity closer holes


    225 mm min

    175 mm min



    Note:these minimumground clearancedimensions mayneed to increasefor raised timberfloors.

    50 mm min

    100 mm min

    floor level

    20 mm mindrip edge

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 15

    Garage foors need to be low enough to drive onto and high enough to provide

    a minimum 50 mm step-down to exterior paving, while maintaining cladding

    clearances either side o the garage door. To achieve this it may be necessary

    to construct the garage foor lower than the foor level o the building.

    In these situations, providing a nib at garage doorways (see Figure 12) allows

    the cladding to continue in a straight line while maintaining minimum clearances

    at the bottom o wall cavities or ventilation.


    At roos or decks, nish the wall cladding a minimum o 35 mm above the surace

    o the roo or deck (see Figures 13 and 14).


    100 mmmin

    175 mmmin

    225 mm min

    cavity batten

    cavity closer

    garage floor

    20 mm step

    ramp down

    Note: extension of foundation as nib

    allows continuation of cavity and cladding



    finished floor level of building

    indicative cladding type

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    16 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs



    cavity closer

    apron flashing



    overlap of claddingto flashing upstand

    carry roof underlay upbehind apron flashing

    75 mm min

    35 mm min

    carry underlay overflashing upstand

    indicative cladding type


    cavity batten

    cavity closer

    carry underlay over upstand

    membrane upstand must extend

    to a minimum of 50 mm above

    the floor level (fold down to

    form flashing at doorways)

    100 mm min

    at highest point

    of deck

    35 mm min

    membrane roof or deck

    roof/deck structure

    indicative cladding type

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 17


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

    Cavities may be continuous up to two storeys but not more, due to limits on

    drainage and drying. I the wall is greater than two storeys, divide the cavity using

    a horizontal fashing that bridges the cavity, as shown in Figure 15. Provide

    ventilation to the cavity above the junction, as described or the base o the wall.



    5 mm gap

    35 mm minoverlap to cladding

    35 mm min cover

    underlay dressed over flashing

    wall underlay

    framing (indicative only)




    indicative cladding type

    20 mm drip edge

    cavity spacers

    set to 5o fall


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph

    Fit windows and doors to the openings prepared as shown in Figures 16 and 17.

    For all window and door details, reer to Paragraph 9.0 o E2/AS1.

    Install the head fashing and seal it to the wall underlay with fexible fashing

    tape or an additional fap o fexible wall underlay (reer to Figures 2 and 16).

    The head fashing must bridge the cavity so that any water that has leaked into

    the cavity above the window is directed to the outside.

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    18 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs

    additional flap of wall

    underlay over head flashing

    wall underlay

    head flashing

    wall underlay

    flexible flashing tape

    cavity closer

    full width

    of opening

    battens above


    block off open ends wherenecessary for vermin proofing

    stop-end to flashing

    terminate the stop-end

    at the back of the

    cladding so that it does

    not pass through the


    batten to jamb set back

    20 mm from edge to

    form capillary break at

    edge of cladding

    provide cavity spacers

    for cladding fixing

    if required

    Extend the head fashing a minimum 20 mm beyond the fange or scriber o the

    window or door at each side o the opening, and provide a 10 mm upturn as

    a stop-end. Terminate the stop-end at the back o the cladding so that it does

    not pass through the cladding and cause a urther water-entry point.

    Fit a cavity closer along the window or door head, ensuring a minimum

    20 mm drip edge is created by the overhang o the bottom edge o the cladding

    (this dimension can be reduced or specic cladding types reer to E2/AS1).

    When installing the cladding, ensure the cavity above the window or door is

    ventilated by leaving a gap between the bottom edge o the cladding and the

    head fashing. The gap must be at least 5 mm to get an anti-capillary break.


    Install cavity spacers where horizontal xings are required (reer to Support

    or horizontal xings, page 11).

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    constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs 19


    wall underlay

    trimmer studs


    flashing tape

    at corners

    batten to jamb

    set back 20 mm

    from edge to form

    capillary break at

    edge of cladding

    flexible flashing tape

    full length of sill

    vertical battento stud

    50 mm min

    wall underlay


    cavity spacerto fall of 5


    where required

    for cladding



    support of

    flexible underlay

    where required


    (Reer to E2/AS1 Paragraph 9.1.6.)

    Seal the gaps between window and door rames or liners and the structural rame

    to prevent air fow between the joinery unit and the structural rame. This air seal

    must be on the interior (dry side o the opening). The same applies to openings

    ormed by xtures such as meterboxes (see Figure 18).

    The air seal is to ensure variations in pressure between the exterior and interior

    o a building will not cause air fow through these junctions, as this can drag water

    in behind the cladding.

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    20 constructIngcavItIesorWallcladdIngs


    trimmer studs

    closed cell PEFbacking rod

    self-expandingpolyurethane foamor sealant air seal

    internal lining

    architrave orslimline jamb

    wall underlay



    door liner


    cladding type


    The Acceptable Solution or Building Code Clause E2 External Moisture

    (E2/AS1) is available to download ree rom the Departments website.

    Hard copies can be bought rom Victoria University Bookcentre

    (phone 0800 370 370, or visit

    This document and External moisture A guide to using the risk matrix

    can be downloaded ree rom the Departments website or call our

    reephone number or a hard copy.


    Freephone: 0800 242 243

  • 7/31/2019 Constructing Cavities 2


    This document is printed on Works Laser, a 100% recycled stockmanuactured using a totally chlorine-ree process.

  • 7/31/2019 Constructing Cavities 2


    Published in June 2006 by

    Department o Building and Housing

    PO Box 10-729

    Wellington, New Zealand

    This document is also available

    on the Departments website:

    ISBN: 0- 478-29722-X (document)

    ISBN: 0-478-29723-8 (website)