Constituições de James Anderson - Copia.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 Constituies de James Anderson - Copia.docx




    I will make some remarks about the first article of the

    Constitutions of James Anderson, concerning God and Religion.

    Irei fazer algumas consideraes, sobre o primeiro artigo dasConstituies de James Anderson, concernente a Deus e a Religio.

    "A Mason is obliged, by virtue of his position, to obey the moral law, andwell understood the art, will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligiouslibertine. Although in ancient times Masons were required in eachcountry to belong to the religion of that country or of that nation,whatever it was, it is now considered more convenient not to have toforce him but this Religion in which all men agree, leaving aside his

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    private opinion, they are good men and true, men of honor and honesty,by whatever denomination or beliefs that can distinguish them, whichresults in the Masonry becomes the Centre of Union and the means to

    reconcile a true friendship among people who without it would haveremained in constant distance. "

    Um Maom obrigado, em virtude de sua posio, a obedecer a leimoral; e se compreende bem a Arte, nunca ser um ateu estpido nemum irreligioso libertino. Se bem que nos tempos antigos os Maonsestavam obrigados, em cada pas, a pertencer religio do dito pas ouda dita nao, qualquer que fosse, atualmente se tem considerado mais

    conveniente no obrig-lo seno a esta religio em que todos oshomens esto de acordo, deixando de lado sua opinio particular; quesejam homens bons e verdadeiros, homens de honra e probidade, porqualquer denominao ou crenas que possa distingui-los, donderesulta que a Maonaria se converte no Centro de Unio e o meio paraconciliar uma verdadeira amizade entre as pessoas que sem ela teriampermanecido em constante distncia.

    It is interesting to consider the fact that James Anderson had mentionedonly atheist and used under very heavy calling him a "stupid atheist" and"irreligious libertine".

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    interessante considerar o fato de James Anderson ter mencionado

    unicamente o ateu e usado termos pesadssimos chamando-o de ateuestpido e irreligioso libertino.

    Apparently, James Anderson was worried about something moreimportant, which could shake the image of the Grand Lodge of London,newly founded in 1717, and had gone through huge troubles caused bythe Grand Master of the Order, elected in 1722, named Philip, Duke ofWharton .

    Aparentemente, James Anderson estava preocupado com algo maisimportante, que poderia abalar a imagem da Grande Loja de Londres,recm fundada em 1717, e que havia passado por enormes dissaboresprovocados pelo Gro Mestre da Ordem, eleito em 1722, chamadoPhilip, Duque de Wharton.

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    Going back in time, we know that at that time began to appear in some

    London clubs closed for the practice of debauchery and were called "HellFire Clubs" (clubs flames of hell).

    Retroagindo no tempo, sabemos que naquela poca comearam aaparecer em Londres certos clubes, fechados, destinados prtica dalibertinagem e eram denominados Hell Fire Clubs (clubes das chamasdo inferno).

    Some had statutes, rituals and dignitaries. Knew that atheism was linkedto debauchery. Ali, blasphemy was almost mandatory. Normally, bothwere frequented by men and women and their members sported namesof prophets, saints and martyrs. The fashion of Hell Fire Clubs spreadwith astonishing rapidity, and had taken the form of secret societies"atheists".

    Alguns tinham estatutos, rituais e dignatrios. Sabia-se que o atesmo

    estava associado libertinagem. Ali, blasfemar era quase que

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    obrigatrio. Normalmente, eram frequentados tanto por homens comopor mulheres e seus membros ostentavam nomes de profetas, santos emrtires. A moda dos Hell Fire Clubs se estendeu com rapidez

    espantosa e haviam tomado a forma de sociedades secretas de ateus. The president of one of these clubs was the young aristocrat, PhilipWharton, elevated to Duke in 1718, calling himself Duke of Wharton.Maybe because of its influence on the nobility, perhaps for politicalinfluence, or for any other reason which is unknown, was elected GrandMaster of the Grand Lodge of London. It was a bad character, analcoholic, atheist and libertine tremendously.

    O presidente de um desses clubes era o jovem aristocrata, Philip deWharton, elevado a Duque em 1718, denominando-se Duque deWharton. Talvez por sua influncia na nobreza, talvez por influnciapoltica, ou por qualquer outro motivo que desconhecemos, foi eleitoGro Mestre da Grande Loja de Londres. Era um mau carter,alcolatra, ateu e tremendamente libertino.

    Its management was scandalous and the Duke of Wharton waseventually expelled from 0, Freemasonry, having been his gavelsolemnly burned. After years of living crapulosa was dying in Spain, atthe age of thirty-three years.

    Sua gesto foi escandalosa e o Duque de Wharton acabou sendoexpulso da 0,Maonaria, tendo sido o seu malhete solenementequeimado. Depois de anos de vida crapulosa, foi morrer na Espanha,com a idade de trinta e trs anos.

    Why this society open to all religious beliefs, Anderson made anexception only to atheists, who at the time were rare?

    Por que nessa sociedade aberta a todas as convices religiosas,Anderson fazia exceo somente aos ateus, que na poca, eram raros?

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    What can be concluded is that when James Anderson wrote the firstarticle of the Bonds, an atheist was thinking of great importance,blasphemous and licentious, and when pointed out "stupid atheist" and

    "irreligious libertine" was referring to the same person.O que se pode concluir, que quando James Anderson escreveu oprimeiro artigo das Obrigaes, estava pensando num ateu de grandeimportncia, blasfemo e libertino, e quando assinalou ateu estpido eirreligioso libertino estava se referindo uma mesma pessoa.

    Anderson's contempt for a man who did not believe in God, was more

    moral than philosophical. It was a precaution against certain types ofmen to avoid interfering in the proper development of the Grand Lodge ofLondon, recently founded. Undoubtedly, the exclusions of "stupid atheist"and "irreligious libertine" were linked to the recent scandal provoked bythe Duke of Wharton.

    O desprezo de James Anderson por um homem que no acreditava emDeus, era mais moral do que filosfico. Era uma precauo contra

    determinados tipos de homens, evitando que interferissem no bomdesenvolvimento da Grande Loja de Londres, recm-fundada. Semdvida, as excluses de ateu estpido e libertino irreligioso estavamligadas ao recente escndalo, provocado pelo Duque de Wharton.


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    However, as stated by Alec Mellor - "The alert was dangerous. If a manso regarded and influential as Desaguliers had not been his DeputyGrand Master, we ask what it would have been the young Grand Lodge

    under the direction of a Wharton degree that united with the GrandMaster of the Hell Fire Clubs. But it was not enough just to have driventhe black sheep. It was necessary to think ahead and make it clear thatthe quality of atheist and libertine was incompatible with Freemasonry.The drafting of constitutions arrived opportunely to this effect. Thisexplains the wording of the first article as well as the indignant term usedby Anderson. In other circumstances there would have been no need

    pejorative adjective. L The article was not an application of principles,but a reaode defense. "

    Entretanto, como nos diz Alec MellorO alerta havia sido perigoso. Seum homem to considerado e influente como Desaguliers no tivessesido seu Deputado Gro Mestre, podemos perguntar em que teria seconvertido a jovem Grande Loja sob a direo de um Wharton que uniaseu grau de Gro Mestre com os dos Hell Fire Clubs. Mas no bastava

    somente haver expulsado a ovelha negra. Era preciso pensar no futuro edeixar bem claro que a qualidade de ateu e libertino era incompatvelcom a Francomaonaria. A redao das Constituies chegouoportunamente a esse efeito. Assim se explica a redao do primeiroartigo como tambm o indignado termo empregado por Anderson. Emoutras condies no haveria sido necessrio nenhum adjetivopejorativo. O l artigo no era uma petio de princpios, seno uma

    reao de defesa.

    * Sergio Roberto Cavalcante is Master Mason (Installed) the jurisdictionof the Most Respectable Grand Lodge of the State of Paraba (CMSB).

    * Sergio Roberto Cavalcante Mestre Maom (Instalado) da jurisdioda Mui Respeitvel Grande Loja Manica do Estado da Paraba (CMSB).

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    Cavalcante, Sergio Antigos Manuscritos: As Origens daFrancomaonaria 2011;

    Oliynk, Anatoli Emulao (Histria, Ritualstica e Rituais);;;;;