Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More ...

Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More So JW Broadcasting June 2016

Transcript of Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More ...

Consider, Incite, and Encourage One

Another All the More So

JW Broadcasting June 2016

Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. Organising Literacy classes .................................................. 1

2.1 Moises Bailen - Central America Branch – Service Desk 1

2.2 Pascual Pech – Reading Student – Yucatan, Mexico ..... 2

2.3 Jezaziel Balam – Literacy Class Instructor – Yucatan, Mexico ................................................................................... 2

2.4 Amalia Poot – Reading Student – Yucatan, Mexico ........ 2

2.5 Teresa Dominguez Pech – Pascua’s wife – Yucatan, Mexico ................................................................................... 3

2.6 Helped more than 152,000 .............................................. 4

3. Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More So .............................................................................................. 5

3.1 Northern Finland .............................................................. 6

3.2 Importance of Physical gathering .................................... 7

3.2.1 Ex 34:24 “gather 3 times a year” ............................... 7

3.2.2 No invasion during festivals ...................................... 8

3.2.3 1 Cor 14:23 “coming together to one place” ............. 8

3.2.4 Rev 2:7 “hear what spirit says” ................................. 9

3.2.5 Ps 26:12 “gather to praise Jehovah” ....................... 10

3.3 Heb 10:24, 25 discussion ............................................... 11

3.4 Singing together ............................................................ 12

3.4.1 Antiphonal singing ................................................... 12

3.5 New meeting format ...................................................... 13

3.6 How to locate a meeting location ................................... 14

4. Soten Yoeun - My Search for the True God ........................ 14

4.1 Prayed to the true God .................................................. 15

4.2 God’s name Jehovah ..................................................... 16

5. Receiving Jehovah’s love – Dramatization (28:40) ............. 19

5.1.1 Ps 100:3 “Know that Jehovah is God” .................... 20

6. Chong-il Park – Trained by Jehovah’s Organisation ........... 22

6.1 Missionaries arrive ......................................................... 23

6.2 Korean War broke out .................................................... 23

6.3 Gilead ............................................................................ 25

6.3.1 Life story in Awake Dec 2008 .................................. 26

7. Francis Rodrigues – Happy to Be a Tool in God’s Hand ..... 26

8. Viewpoints on the Origin of Life (46:46) .............................. 27

8.1 Rocio Picado Herrero - A Chemistry Teacher Explains Her Faith .............................................................................. 27

8.2 Davey Loos: A Biochemist Explains His Faith ............... 29

9. Don’t Run Fast Music video ................................................ 31

10. Conclusion ........................................................................ 33

11. Greetings from Las Perlas-Ngabere, Panama .................. 34

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1. Introduction

Welcome to JW Broadcasting! In this month’s program, we’ll meet a brother who preaches in the Indian Sign Language field. What can we learn from his view of the challenges he faces in his assignment? Jehovah’s sheep belong to him. This dramatization shows a special way that Jehovah uses shepherds in the congregation to care for his flock. And have you witnessed the life-changing moment when someone first learns God’s name? We’ll see the results of this sister’s lifelong search to know the true God. This and much more is ahead on the June 2016 edition of JW Broadcasting!

2. Organising Literacy classes

Jehovah’s people have always considered the studying of his Word to be an essential part of life. God’s Law to Israel commanded that the king “must read from [the Law] all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear Jehovah his God.” In the Mayan territories of Yucatán, Mexico, our brothers are helping people learn to read God’s Word for themselves. People’s lives change when they can finally read the Bible on their own and more readily ‘learn to fear Jehovah their God.’

2.1 Moises Bailen - Central America Branch – Service Desk

One out of every six people on earth doesn’t know how to read.

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Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world have organized literacy classes to help such ones.

2.2 Pascual Pech – Reading Student – Yucatan, Mexico

I don’t like to read. I used to sleep at the meetings.

2.3 Jezaziel Balam – Literacy Class Instructor – Yucatan, Mexico

In our territory, most people speak the Mayan language, but very few can read it. On occasion I would give a talk, and when I would cite a scripture, most of the audience would look it up. But then I would see a blank stare on their faces because they couldn’t read the text.

2.4 Amalia Poot – Reading Student – Yucatan, Mexico

I was moved to learn how to read because I wanted to learn about Jehovah and study his Word, the Bible. So a sister came to my house to teach me. Literacy classes are often conducted on an individual level. After a person has had their Bible study, they can spend some time to practice reading skills.

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But when the local elders notice that there are many that can benefit from this training, they can schedule a larger class at the Kingdom Hall. The study material used for this purpose is the brochure Apply Yourself to Reading and Writing. It’s available in 30 languages in the Central America branch territory. Other study materials can be used as well, as long as they help the development of the students enrolled in the class. And we use a board on which we write, for instance, words that are difficult to pronounce. This helps in the reading of complicated words. There are some who are, well, very quick learners. On the other hand, others go word by word. But as they practice, they start getting the hang of it. I’m good at masonry work, but learning to read is not easy.

2.5 Teresa Dominguez Pech – Pascua’s wife – Yucatan, Mexico

Reading at his age is a big challenge. You need to understand that each student learns differently. With some, you need to be very patient. The first word I learned to write was Jehovah. “It’s like this,” I tell him.

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He says, “It’s ‘cause you’re not being patient with me!” Having a sense of humor is a big help in the learning process, so as not to focus on errors and mistakes.

2.6 Helped more than 152,000

Since 1946, when records began being taken in Mexico, more than 152,000 people have learned to read and write, thanks to these training efforts. The Secretary of Public Education in the State of Mexico has recognized the work and the great help these literacy classes have been to the local citizens. The skills they learn help in their day-to-day life, but also it helps them to learn more about Jehovah and to be able to teach others. I used to have to memorize everything I was going to say, but now I can read short scriptures to people directly from the Bible. As the students progress in the class, they demonstrate the words found at 1 Timothy 4:15, which says in part “so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people.” And these benefits are plainly seen in the students. My husband was an alcoholic, he smoked, and he used bad language. But he made big changes in his life, and we see that this training has been a big help. We really see these great blessings. Reading helped me to get baptized.

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Helping other people to improve their reading skills makes me feel very happy. I feel great because I see on their face the joy they get from reading and understanding the information. Well, I’ve benefited so much. For instance, now we read the Bible together as a family. It makes me very happy. We’re more united as a family. Our children respect my husband more, like the father he is. Now I’m a ministerial servant. When I go preaching door to door, some people say, “I don’t know how to read.” But then I tell them, “I didn’t know either, but I learned about Jehovah. And you can too!” If I learned to read, anybody can.

3. Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More So

David Schafer – Helper to the teaching committee Our theme for this month is “Consider, Incite, and Encourage One Another All the More So.” JW Broadcasting —why do we enjoy it so much?

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Many of you have expressed how the monthly broadcast draws you closer to our brothers and sisters and to Jehovah’s organization. If you’re homebound or isolated, you especially treasure these programs. And yet, while we appreciate the advances in technology that have made all of this possible, we know that your sincere desire is to be present with your brothers and sisters in person at our congregation meetings. Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world share this feeling.

3.1 Northern Finland

In northern Finland, for example, winters are especially cold, even by Finnish standards. At times, temperatures plummet to minus 50 degrees Celsius, or minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit! Under those conditions, it’s very difficult to drive, much less walk long distances. Still, the brothers love to gather together. How do they manage it? In one small village, there is a brother who lives near the Kingdom Hall and has a warm garage. On meeting nights, he uses his car to bring each family in the congregation to the hall. Then he parks in his garage and runs the short distance back to the Kingdom Hall.

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When the meeting is over, he returns all the friends safely to their homes. In the Bible, gatherings for pure worship were occasions for personal association with fellow believers. Such association required travel to a designated place. This involved work, sacrifice, even risk.

3.2 Importance of Physical gathering

3.2.1 Ex 34:24 “gather 3 times a year” Consider what is stated at Exodus 34:24. This verse has to do with the command that every Israelite male should gather three times a year for the festivals in Jerusalem. What would that mean in practical terms? Wouldn’t the nation be left vulnerable to attack if no men were left to guard the land? And if word spread among the surrounding nations that practically everyone congregated in Jerusalem three times a year, like clockwork, year after year, wouldn’t it be just a matter of time before some invading army would come and pillage an Israelite city? At Exodus 34:24, we find Jehovah’s remarkable answer: “For I will drive the nations away from before you, and I will enlarge your territory, and nobody will desire,” yes, even desire, “your land “while you are going up to see the face of Jehovah your God three times a year.” Jehovah kept that promise.

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3.2.2 No invasion during festivals It’s a historical fact that from 1513 B.C.E. all the way down to 66 C.E. no foreign nation ever came to invade Israelite territory during those three annual festivals. Jehovah placed high value on having his people gather together in the same space.

3.2.3 1 Cor 14:23 “coming together to one place” In the Christian era, the apostle Paul wrote at 1 Corinthians 14:23 about ‘the whole congregation coming together to one place.’ Now, although modern broadcasting technology didn’t exist in those days, there were other viable methods of communicating, such as writing letters, that didn’t require people to be physically present in the same location. Still, the apostle John, though a capable writer, preferred face-to-face interchange with fellow Christians as he expressed at 2 John 12. Or consider what is stated at Job 1:6: “Now the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah.” Job 2:1 speaks of another such day. Just imagine! Here Jehovah himself, though having all conceivable methods of communication at his disposal, set specific days for his spirit creatures in heaven to assemble in his immediate presence. Clearly, the Scriptures encourage regular personal association with fellow servants of God.

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Virtual attendance through modern communication technology has value, and we’re happy to use it, but it’s no substitute for being together. And why not? Because of what association with the congregation achieves. It’s not just that we receive nutritious and varied spiritual food. Meetings inform us, but so does JW Broadcasting. Meetings encourage us, but so does JW Broadcasting. Fellow Christians who offer comments and sing from the heart build us up, and yet we can hear that also on JW Broadcasting. It’s when we’re together —all together in one place— that others can hear us and draw encouragement from our heartfelt convictions, our smile, our handshake. Meetings give us opportunities to show our brothers and sisters that we esteem them as worthy of our time, attention, and concern. That is why we go and visit our brothers who are homebound or isolated because we want to show them that we love them. Moreover, in a special way, our meetings bring us under the influence of holy spirit.

3.2.4 Rev 2:7 “hear what spirit says” At Revelation 2:7, the glorified Jesus said: “Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations.” We need that spirit to help us resist temptation, to embolden and equip us for the ministry, and to enable us to make sound decisions.

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Still, there’s a reason to attend meetings that’s even more important than the pleasant company, the peaceful atmosphere, the genuine refreshment, the sense of belonging, the opportunities to give, or even the fact that meetings are a means by which we receive Jehovah’s holy spirit.

3.2.5 Ps 26:12 “gather to praise Jehovah” The key reason why we gather together is stated at Psalm 26:12: “My foot is standing on level ground; in the great congregation, I will praise Jehovah.” Yes, the principal reason why we gather together in person is to give Jehovah what he deserves —praise, glory, yes, worship. Our meeting attendance shows Jehovah that we want to draw close to him and his Son. In his abundant love, Jehovah invites many more to serve him and keep living. Because he lives eternally, Jehovah can nurture those relationships forever. The Adversary can offer no such hope of endless life, so he promotes selfishness, pride, and other negative traits that isolate people from one another, even when they are in the same room, engaged in the same activities. In contrast, our great God is drawing his people closer to himself, to his Son, and to one another so that we “may all be one,” as Jesus prayed as recorded at John 17:21. And it’s not just the act of converging on the same location that unites us either. Lots of people coexist in the same space when they go to a market, attend a sporting event, or use public transportation.

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Crowding of itself does not equate with unity. What makes the true Christian congregation different?

3.3 Heb 10:24, 25 discussion

Notice how Hebrews chapter 10, verses 24 and 25 answers this question. Now here we find the divinely inspired standard for all our gatherings: “And let us consider one another so as to incite “to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together, “as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, “and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.” Now, what does it mean to “consider one another”? What does it mean “to incite to love and fine works”? And in what way might we ‘encourage one another’? The verb “consider” could also be rendered “be concerned about; pay attention to.” So when we “consider one another,” we show interest that goes far beyond a brief greeting. And when we pay careful attention to one another, we’re better prepared to incite, that is, to motivate one another, to stir one another to action. And how might we do this? Not by making comparisons or shaming our brothers, for that would hardly be “encouraging one another,” we endeavour to lift one another’s hearts when we’re together. And when we do this to the best of our ability, then we can be confident that Jehovah’s spirit will do the rest, and that our brothers will feel strengthened. It’s evident, then, that true worship means participation; it requires a response.

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3.4 Singing together

Another noteworthy example of this is the encouragement we both give and receive when we sing together with our brothers and sisters. In ancient Israel, at times they had a chorus, such as the one described in Nehemiah chapter 12 that we talked about in our midweek meeting back in February.

3.4.1 Antiphonal singing Much of Israel’s group singing was antiphonal, that is, some of the singers prompted others to respond. For instance, Psalm 106 which begins and ends with the words “Praise Jah!” or “Hallelujah!” encouraged the people to say in response: “Amen!” Psalm 136 was written to allow for different choruses to answer one another. Now just imagine responding choruses singing these alternating lines: “Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; “his loyal love endures forever. “Give thanks to the God of gods, “for his loyal love endures forever. “Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his loyal love endures forever.” And on it went for 26 verses! To this day, singing demonstrates our heartfelt response to the goodness of Jehovah.

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What a joy it is to sing in company with others who are moved to pour out the depths of their feelings to Jehovah! And now at our Kingdom Halls, we’re accompanied by orchestral renderings of many of our songs —another reason to sing out at our midweek and weekend meetings.

3.5 New meeting format

And speaking of the midweek meeting, how are you enjoying the new format? More of the program is devoted to delving into the Bible itself. Time spent on preparing us for our public ministry focuses more than ever on situations we face in field service. And the meetings move along at a satisfying pace. Yes, JW Broadcasting is a wonderful blessing, a powerful means to talk to and fortify our brothers around the world —simultaneously. Still, nothing can replace the experience of worshipping Jehovah in concert with our fellow servants of God at congregation meetings. When a meeting concludes and we lift our heads after the final prayer, we find ourselves surrounded by others who love Jehovah and support his sovereignty. These important benefits are detailed in the April 2016 study article “Why Should We Meet Together for Worship?” This month, we’re studying that article worldwide. Later, in October, we begin a special campaign to invite the public to our meetings.

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3.6 How to locate a meeting location

If you do not yet regularly associate with Jehovah’s Witnesses or if you travel away from your congregation, use to find a meeting you can attend.

Click: “About Us,” “Meetings,” and “Find a Location Near You” or simply scroll to the bottom of any page and click “Attend Our Meetings.” At our meetings, you’ll experience what it means to consider, incite, and ‘encourage one another all the more so as we see the day drawing near.’ We’ve discussed vital ways we benefit when we come together for worship at Christian meetings. What many notice when they first attend meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses is that they hear God’s name, Jehovah.

4. Soten Yoeun - My Search for the True God

In this life story, Soten Yoeun relates the impact that learning God’s name had on her after surviving the killing fields of Cambodia. On the killing fields in Cambodia, I prayed to God, but I didn’t know his name. When I was a very young girl, they separated our family and they put me to work in the rice field from five in the morning till nine in the evening. When you see some other children that get killed, you really desperately cry for help inside. You always think that you are next.

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But in my heart I always believed that there had to be a true God somewhere, somehow that can help me get through this. One year later, my family decided to escape Cambodia. We walk close to six or seven months to Thailand. And I have 20 brothers and sisters —only 4 of us survived. I have a blind aunt that holds on my shoulder all the time. But one day, we got caught. As they start shooting, I push my aunt down to the ground and try to pretend that we are dead. And when I get up, I had no idea where my parent was. We spent many months in the jungle. As I try to survive, I eat whatever I can find, and I also help my auntie to survive. One day when I go out to look for food, I walked so far away I couldn’t find my way back. I start crying really hard underneath a tree and look up to the sky and pray to the true God. I was raised as a child to pray to Buddhas.

4.1 Prayed to the true God

But on this night when I start praying, I specifically said that I’m not praying to Buddha —I’m praying to the true God.

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And I say, “True God, if you are really here, “please help me “because I am really scared and I’m hungry and I’m cold.” After I pray, I just fall to sleep under the big tree. Eventually, I make it into the refugee camp in Thailand, and I was reunited with my family. We lived in the refugee camp in Thailand for about ten years before we come to United States. My searching for the true God, it didn’t stop there. We tried to go to different churches, but we didn’t understand anything. One day when I come home from school, I met this gentlemen named Herold, and he asked if he can talk to me about God. I agree because I saw he have a Bible; he must be a good man. When he talked to me, I tried to pay attention so hard, but I still didn’t understand what he was saying. And he went very slow.

4.2 God’s name Jehovah

And then he said, “Your name?” I said, “My name Soten.” And then he said, “Your name, Soten; my name is Herold. God’s name, Jehovah.” I never thought that God had name. And ever since that day on, I never forget Jehovah’s name. It’s superglued in my heart.

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He gave me his phone number. He say he gonna ask his wife to stop by someday, but then I move away from where I lived. Even though I didn’t do the truth at that time, I always pray to Jehovah. After I learned God’s name, I went back to the church. The priest would start out with “heavenly Father” but leave out Jehovah’s name. So I raised my hand. I asked him, “Sir, “when you pray “heavenly Father,” why don’t you say “‘heavenly Father, Jehovah’? Why you not using God’s name?” And then he told me that God does not force me to be here, so I’m welcomed to leave or stay if I want. So because I realized that they don’t use Jehovah’s name, I left and never returned. And after many years, I tried to call Herold, but no one picked up the phone. So I leave a message. I was hoping that they remembered me. Two weeks later, Herold comes to my door, but at the time, I was working at night and asleep during the day. But Herold never give up; he come back.

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And I keep on praying to Jehovah, asking for someone to knock on my door. And finally, one day I open the door, and when I saw him, I almost couldn’t talk. I was teared up. I was so happy to see him because this is the man who introduced me to Jehovah’s name. Eventually, I start to study with a sister, and she helped me grow spiritually. To know that you have a heavenly Father that cares about you —that was the best feeling on earth. It makes me want to know more about him —want to learn more about him. I would ask questions: “Did he like this? Did he like that?” And then when I go to the Kingdom Hall, I hear Jehovah’s name so many times. I feel, that’s it! I found my place. I got baptized in 2013. My blind aunt that I help her survive through the jungle, she’s still living until today. And now that I can get a chance to talk to her about Jehovah, that was a blessing. And I can’t stress enough how wonderful and big privilege that I receive from Jehovah —just to know who he is and to learn that there is true God.

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He have a name, and his name is Jehovah. Sister Yoeun still carries painful memories from what she and her family suffered because of man’s ruthless wars. But she now has hope for the future and the comfort of knowing her heavenly Father, Jehovah —something we all share with her. Sister Yoeun has the added joy of worshipping the true God together with her husband and young daughter. When we’re at our meetings, we help the congregation to stay close together, part of the “one flock” that follows the “one shepherd.”

5. Receiving Jehovah’s love – Dramatization (28:40)

In the following dramatization, note the way in which one young man receives Jehovah’s love through faithful under shepherds. I always loved music. I got my first guitar when I was 15, and since then it’s been my way of expressing myself. When they asked, “Dave, do you want to join the band?” I didn’t have to think twice. Making music, that’s all that really mattered to me. I thought being a musician would make me happy. So that is the path I followed. Only it is not what I thought it to be.

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I work here during the day to pay the bills. I thought my life would turn out better. But something was missing. Instead of being happy, I just felt lost. Man, I’m distracted! They are friendly and look happy. He gave me a tract and said: “Many people are searching for true happiness. Maybe you are one of them.” This could help. I quickly wrote down my address and asked whether they would mind passing by after I finished my shift. I was searching all right. Actually, the answers were in front of me all along. How come I only get it now? You see, I was baptized. But I never gave the truth a chance. Roy did come as promised. I told him, “I’m a baptized brother.” He really listened to me.

5.1.1 Ps 100:3 “Know that Jehovah is God” Then he shared Psalm 100:3: “Know that Jehovah is God. “He is the one who made us, and we belong to him. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.” In the Bible, Jehovah is likened to a shepherd.

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He knows every single one of his sheep, and he knows when one goes missing. A lost sheep is not a lost cause; it still belongs to him. And Jehovah doesn’t spare any efforts in searching for it until he finds it. I was like one of those lost sheep. But I still belonged to Jehovah, and he has never forgotten about me. Roy promised we would keep in touch and invited me to the Sunday meeting. Man, I was nervous that morning. I wanted to look my best. Roy and Matthew were waiting for me, giving me a warm welcome —something I’ll never forget. How I missed this! This is indeed Jehovah’s congregation. This is where I belong. The truth has never been so clear to me. How I enjoy the close company of my brothers and sisters! What I enjoy most is helping others to find our loving Father, Jehovah. With Jehovah’s help, I will never be lost again. The November 2015 broadcast stressed that there is no better place to be than in Jehovah’s protective arms.

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Those who have drifted away from Jehovah were then, and are still now, warmly encouraged to act without delay. As we saw depicted, Jehovah provides shepherds who care for his sheep and lovingly guide them back into his organization.

6. Chong-il Park – Trained by Jehovah’s Organisation

When the preaching work was getting started in such countries as South Korea, Jehovah often used missionaries to help strengthen our brothers. In an archived interview, Brother Chong-il Park describes the effect this had on his sacred service and how it prepared him for the trials he would face. From 1939 on, our brothers didn’t have any contact with Jehovah’s organization, and they thought that no organization existed. Then, in 1948, a brother read from a newspaper about the activity of Watchtower Society. And it surprised the brothers. So brothers wrote the Society, and the Society was so happy hearing from Korean brothers, and they answered with many booklets in Korean. There were two different reactions. Some brothers was excited about preaching work.

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Yet, another group questioned: “Is that true organization of Jehovah?”

6.1 Missionaries arrive

First missionary group —Brother and Sister Steele— arrived on August 9, 1949. All the questions were answered by Brother Steele, and then right away brothers were preaching in unity. I began pioneering in January 1950. And then in March 1950, six more missionaries arrived from Gilead School. We had only one congregation in Seoul. And the missionaries were busy for many Bible studies. So many interested persons coming to the meetings. The public talk was arranged in school auditorium —first time. And there were over 360 people attended, whereas the publishers was about 60.

6.2 Korean War broke out

The same day, Korean War broke out, and the missionaries had to leave on 27th of June to Japan. And then our brothers had to take refuge to southern part of Korea. I was hiding in the country. Then few days later, the secret police from Communist found us.

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We explained to him as a Christian we cannot participate in the war, so we had to hide ourselves. And then he says: “Well, I do not know much about religion, “so I better take one of my friends “who knows about religion. “So I will come back tomorrow. Don’t leave from here.” So, then, we waited until next day, and he came with another. So I started preaching from the Bible about why this war broke out and the many problems in the world and so on, because the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24. And then they say, “Well, thank you very much for your preaching.” And then say, “Goodbye.” Then two days later, the latter one came with another friend so that we could preach to them. During three months they were staying in Seoul, and, in fact, they protected us. I was picked by South Korean army to serve the back support of the military in front line to carry arms to the soldiers, which I could not accept, so I refused it. And then I was beaten. And then one day this company has to move to another place. I hide myself in behind the ceiling so that they don’t notice when they leave the place. And the next morning when I came down, there was nothing left.

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I walked on one street, toward one direction, and then I found a sign that said “International Bible Students Association.” So I stayed with the brothers for six months. Brother Steele came back from Japan by himself to take care of the brothers.

6.3 Gilead

In 1952, Brother Steele recommended me to Gilead School. So that I was invited in 22nd class. So I took the steps to get the passport. And then the government find out that I didn’t serve in military. They gave me draft notice instead of passport. So I had to stand for the neutrality instead of going to Gilead School, which made me to be confined in military prison for two years. Then 1958, I was enrolled in Gilead School in 32nd class. I really appreciate that great Gilead School training. Since my job in the branch, especially in translation work —and translation work involves much deep knowledge— the Gilead training has certainly helped in translation work. The real appreciation about the truth and the organization, the brothers’ qualities, the humbleness and meekness, certainly it helped me to follow the examples to apply in the full-time service.

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Did you note what Brother Park said he appreciated most even after enduring persecution and prison for his faith? It was the Christlike qualities of his brothers and the training he received from Jehovah’s organization —another example of the benefits that result from our meeting together.

6.3.1 Life story in Awake Dec 2008 If you’d like to find more ways to imitate Brother Park’s faith, you can read his life story beginning on page 12 of the December 2008 issue of Awake! Like many older ones before them, younger brothers and sisters are taking on challenging assignments that bring them rich spiritual rewards.

7. Francis Rodrigues – Happy to Be a Tool in God’s Hand

We go next to India to hear from Brother Francis Rodrigues. He’s using his training from the School for Kingdom Evangelizers to teach people in the Indian Sign Language field. Brother Rodrigues searches for those rightly disposed for everlasting life wherever he can find them despite the obstacles. And you may have noted that his joy comes from directing people to the congregation to be part of our true spiritual brotherhood. That example is repeated millions of times over through the diligent efforts of publishers and pioneers around the world.

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Why not examine your ministry to find ways to help yet more people to build a good relationship with Jehovah? As we’ve seen just in this program, examples of faith come in a variety of forms.

8. Viewpoints on the Origin of Life (46:46)

In the April 2016 program, we saw the first two installments in the series “Viewpoints on the Origin of Life.” We’ll now enjoy two more examples of those whose backgrounds in scientific study enabled them to cultivate strong faith in the Creator.

8.1 Rocio Picado Herrero - A Chemistry Teacher Explains Her Faith

My name is Rocío Picado Herrero. I studied chemistry at the University of Salamanca, in Spain. I specialize in organic chemistry. This field focuses on the study of the carbon atom and all the compounds that are derived from this atom. I believed that life came about through evolution. I remember seeing a picture in a natural science book that depicted the embryos of different vertebrates, and in the early stages of development, the similarities were outstanding.

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But when I started studying at the university, I began studying in detail the process on which the evolution theory is based. To my surprise, I discovered that these processes were not proven facts. As a chemist, I’m fascinated by the distribution of atoms within a molecule. In living creatures, the 20 amino acids that are vital for the synthesis of life, the basic proteins required for life, interestingly, are all levorotatory or left-handed. So when a ray of polarized light arrives, these amino acids divert the light toward the left. There is no explanation for this because the logical thing would be that if this were a random process, half would be right-handed and the other half would be left-handed. I asked myself, ‘How could evolution produce compounds that are levorotatory and precisely the ones essential for life?’ In the end, I had to conclude that there must be a force, a Designer, a Creator of life and of the elements and the amino acids required for life. Even though I had a religious upbringing, my ideas were not clear as to who God was. I merely viewed him as a Supreme Being before whom we would be held accountable. The Bible is not a science textbook. Its purpose is not to describe the universe we live in or the laws that regulate our universe.

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But when it does mention science, and when it discusses scientific matters, it does so with great accuracy. And undoubtedly the greatest benefit is that it allows me to enjoy a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe —a universe that fascinates me from a scientific perspective.

8.2 Davey Loos: A Biochemist Explains His Faith

My name is Davey Loos. I studied biochemistry at the University of Leuven in Belgium, and after that time I did a PhD in the same area. When I was a young child, I believed in the Bible. But growing up, I kind of lost my interest in it. When you go to university and you study life sciences or biochemistry, for example, you get introduced into the idea of the origin of life very quickly and also into the principle of evolution. The professors who taught these courses, they were really scientists with long careers, and they were well-established scientists, and we had a lot of respect for them. So there was just no way to really question the principle of evolution. In 1999, there was a war in Europe—in Kosovo— and I remember reading in the Bible as a child about the future events that would take place, and I started wondering whether the war in Kosovo was one of those events.

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So that lead me to pick up the Bible again. At the time, I felt that I had to re-examine my beliefs about the origin of life and also about the principle of evolution. Based on the theory of evolution, we would expect to see an abundance of transitional forms to be present in the fossil record. But when we do look at the fossil evidence, we just don’t see that. We see that the major species come into existence at specific times, and their form and structure is still exactly the same as their form and structure today. It was actually Darwin himself who wrote in his book that the biggest objection that could be brought against this theory would be the fact that the fossil record does not show an abundance of transitional forms. And that’s what really happens if you look at the set of data —the fossil record seems to prove the opposite of evolution. As a biochemist, I had the opportunity to learn about and study many different biomolecules. And I observed that pretty much every biomolecule is really a complex molecule. We can look at them as nanoscale molecular motors or machines that are performing very complex and specific tasks. For me, the complexity that we see in nature and the complexity in those molecules points to the fact that there really is a Creator.

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Did you see common ground that could help you in your next discussion with someone who believes in evolution? When Sister Picado Herrero’s chemistry research showed evidence of design, she called to mind her view of God from her religious upbringing. The person you meet who believes in evolution might also have unanswered questions about God from their upbringing, and they may respond to the simple evidences of a Creator that you present. Brother Loos was moved by world events to pick up the Bible and reexamine his beliefs. Everyone we meet, even firm believers in evolution, are affected by world conditions and may listen to our message of hope. So when someone says that he believes in evolution, don’t be quick to assume that he’ll reject the good news.

9. Don’t Run Fast Music video

Really, our ministry and other aspects of life often improve when we slow down, take our time, and as our music video admonishes: “Don’t Run Fast.” You can walk, but please don’t run. It’s hard to do when you’re having fun. But there’s a reason we don’t race; When you’re with the friends, It’s not the time or place. Don’t run so fast. Take your time and make things last.

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Learn to love the things you do. Just don’t run fast. You’ve got things you have to do, People to serve, who depend on you. But don’t forget why you’re here; Learn to love the friends; Let them know you care. Don’t run so fast. Take your time and make things last. Learn to love the things you do. Just don’t run fast. You can run to someone’s door. Is there someone home? Well, you’re not real sure. But look around and see everyone, People walking by. Can you talk to one? Don’t run so fast. Take your time and make things last. Learn to love the things you do. Just don’t run fast. Oh. Just don’t run fast!

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10. Conclusion

Of course, we shouldn’t run at all in the Kingdom Hall. But in a figurative sense, this counsel, not to run fast, applies to more than just our young ones. As we saw, even when we’re busy with important theocratic work, we can still take the time to consider, incite, and encourage our brothers. And rather than rushing through our field service, we want to imitate Jesus’ focus on finding people and reaching hearts. Jehovah reaches our hearts in ever so many ways, such as when we attend our spiritual gatherings. By now, some of you have already attended the 2016 “Remain Loyal to Jehovah!” regional convention. But millions of us still have an exciting three days ahead with 47 well-prepared talks, sing to Jehovah, and more than 50 audio and video presentations, including 2 feature-length dramas. All of these program parts have been prepared to help us remain loyal to God despite serious challenges. For instance, how can we maintain our loyalty when under stress or temptation? What did Jehovah personally teach Job that can strengthen our loyalty? And why does the Bible say that Jehovah’s loyal love is more precious than life itself? To find out more of what you can expect, review the full convention program, which can be downloaded from You won’t want to miss any part of the “Remain Loyal to Jehovah!” convention program!

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11. Greetings from Las Perlas-Ngabere, Panama

As we close, we bring you greetings from the Las Perlas-Ngäbere congregation in Panama. The Volcán region is the highest point in the country, enjoying a cool climate for growing coffee and a variety of vegetables. The busy harvest work from October to December brings large numbers of Ngäbere-speaking people to the area. Their kind nature gives our brothers excellent opportunities to teach them about God’s Kingdom. Local brothers and sisters provide regular support to the Ngäbere Remote Translation Office. And some are making the effort to learn the language to assist in the congregation’s spiritual harvest. We send them our warm Christian love and greetings in return and pray for them to continue in their zealous spirit. We thank you and hope you’ve enjoyed our program. This is JW Broadcasting from Brooklyn, New York!