CONSERVATIVE CARE Douglas Koontz, M.D. Neurosurgery Specialists.

CONSERVATIVE CARE Douglas Koontz, M.D. Neurosurgery Specialists

Transcript of CONSERVATIVE CARE Douglas Koontz, M.D. Neurosurgery Specialists.


Douglas Koontz, M.D.

Neurosurgery Specialists

What does conservative care entail?

• In neurosurgery, conservative treatment is treatment for neck or back pain with therapies other than surgery

• Often utilizes medication, physical therapy and/or injections

First Evaluation

• Physical exam of the patient

- many times, the patient comes to us after they have seen one or two other physicians such as primary care

• History taken of pain and all complaints

- ie: numbness, tingling, etc.

• Discussion of options with the patient


• Many times the patient can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication, steroids and muscle relaxers.

• Take into account patients complaints, history and medications they are already taking


• NSAID’s or anti-inflammatories reduce inflammation in and around the spinal area

• Steroids may be prescribed for a SHORT amount of time. This is often known as a Medrol Dose pack.


• Muscle relaxers can be prescribed when the patient is experiencing spasms.

• Common forms of muscles relaxers are: Flexeril, SOMA, Valium, Skelaxin and Robaxin

• Side effects can include drowsiness and dependence so these should be prescribed with caution


• Gabapentin

• Lyrica,

• Cymbalta

• All used to treat neuropathic pain

Physical Therapy

• This should be considered if back pain has lasted from between 2-6 weeks and the patient has experienced no relief

• Physical therapy evaluation is the first step

- The therapist can then develop a specific treatment plan for the patient including many different modalities

Physical Therapy

• Aquatic therapy

- low impact exercises for patients who are in severe pain or might have a disability that precludes them from participating in land based physical therapy

Physical Therapy

• TENS Unit

-involves high or low frequency stimulation

-placement of electrodes on or around the painful area

- trials are available to see if patient responds well to the TENS unit

Physical Therapy

• Land based, or traditional physical therapy involves exercises meant to reduce pain.

• This can involve strengthening certain muscle groups

• The therapist is also able to instruct the patient with home exercises to improve their outcome

Other Modalities

• Acupuncture

• Biofeedback

• Massage

• Manipulation

• Ultrasound

Diagnostic Testing

• Xray

-used to investigate if there is a fracture

• CT

-more in depth test to investigate any bone injuries


-more common to order in neurosurgery

-used to diagnose soft tissue injury

Diagnostic Testing

• MRI cont.- this diagnostic test most often helps

neurosurgeons diagnose things like herniated disks

Diagnostic Testing

• Discogram

- This is used to locate the disk that is generating the pain

- Performed by a pain management doctor

- Usually involves the disk above and below the suspected “problem disk”

- Controversial

Diagnostic Testing

• CT Myelogram

- used to diagnose herniated disk, tumor, spinal stenosis and infection

- Many times this is used after an MRI is performed for a more detailed study

Diagnostic Testing

• EMG- Performed by a neurologist

- Used to record activity by the muscles

- An order is an EMG of the left/right upper extremities or the left/right lower extremities

- EXAMPLE: A patient with negative MRI but persistent leg numbess

Epidural Steroid Injections

• Performed by a pain management physician, usually in the hospital

• Outpatient procedure that should not interfere with patient’s daily activities

• Using x-ray guidance, a thin needle is inserted into the epidural space and a steroid (cortisone) is injected

Epidural Steroid Injections

• Can be ordered in a series

• Patient will come back to see his or her neurosurgeon approximately 2 weeks after the procedure to gauge whether it was a success

• Injections are considered safe and effective as treatment for pain

Injections: Continued

• Selective Nerve Root Block

• Trigger Point Injections

• Facet Injections

• Rhizotomy


• Surgery is indicated if:

- Patient fails conservative treatment

- Their condition interferes with their ability to function

- The benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks

- In some cases, the symptoms may be so severe that conservative treatment is not an option and surgery must be performed immediately.
