ConsensuS Creation - Synchronicity Expert · 2013. 5. 10. · shows how this looks very much like...

ConsensuS Creation The Unstoppable Method of Manifestation By Bill White

Transcript of ConsensuS Creation - Synchronicity Expert · 2013. 5. 10. · shows how this looks very much like...

  • ConsensuS CreationThe Unstoppable Method

    of Manifestation

    By Bill White

  • 8 months ago, I discovered a secret so shocking, so life-changing and so effective that it has literally changed the course of my life. And for me, that’s saying something. I’ve had a life I wouldn’t wish on anyone, yet wouldn’t trade for the world. I’ve survived 3 near fatal car accidents, cancer, MRSA (staph infection), divorce, bankruptcy...suffice it to say I’ve had my share of hard knocks, and I’ve been in every financial bracket at least twice.

    For decades now, I’ve studied world religions and doctrines, meditation, affirmations, holistic health, synchronicity, manifesting and more...and nothing has touched the reliability and the power of what I discovered by accident in a moment of epiphany. And this happened by “accident” though I think nothing in life is an accident.

    You see, I was referred by a friend to a video of a guy named Nassim Haramein. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?

    He’s a really comical, very animated and passionate physicist with some pretty strange yet impressive ideas.

    So I’m watching this guy, and he’s a lot of fun to listen to. He jokes a lot, and makes it fun to learn about physics. And so he starts talking about how physics currently has 2 different models for dealing with all of the “big” stuff in the universe and all of the “tiny” stuff in the universe. We’re talking here about the difference between galaxies and sub-atomic particles. And he’s saying that solving the equation for unification begins with flawed theory.

    Of course, this is a huge challenge to established science, and so my ears perk up. Now I’ll be the first to tell you, I’m not even an arm-chair physicist. This stuff amazes me, but it was never a major focus of my studies. But the way Nassim describes things makes it very simple to follow. And so I’m watching his conference unfold...

    And he starts talking about how he was in school and gets this idea riding home on the bus, and he starts thinking about how everything is made up of dots, and he starts extruding himself in his mind’s eye to be bigger than the bus, then the street, city, country, planet, solar system and on up...then turns around and does the same thing in reverse smaller and smaller, down to the sub atomic level. So he comes to the thought that eveything is made up of points of infinite division and samples them at different scales.

    So he starts pondering the thought, How do you get boundary condition? How does infinity and finite interact?

    The theory for infinity, and theory for bounded linear finite states don’t agree.

    There is a chasm between the two.

    So he rationalizes that Big things are made out of small things so the physics much match.

  • The chasm between the understanding between infinity and bounded state. How do you connect the two...

    So he then goes on to tell about a friend who meditated and taught him how to do it. And he learns to turn his senses from the outside to the inside. And as he describes it “There’s a whole world there.”

    There’s stuff going in, stuff going out, the two meet to make boundary condition.

    Simple geometric solution. So he starts drawing a circle and calls it a boundary state. Then he says, this could also be a sphere.

    Then he puts an equalateral triangle inside of it, and says this could also be a tetrahedron.

    He says, all things are in motion so let’s put some polarity on it, so we get some spin... and he shows how this looks very much like the Star of David.

  • So then he points out, if you look see you can create new boundaries, with the exact same geometry you started with. But one step or gradient smaller.

    And each of these boundaries define a very specific center. All centers are different from all other centers. Although a part of a similar geometry..

    One cannot exist without the other ones, but all have specific coordinates in space/time, and observe the rest of the fractal structure from its own point of view.

    And he goes on to suggest you can do this to infinity in either direction.

    So I’m listening and watching this, and I start getting this very strange feeling. I’m getting these waves of excitement and bliss. I feel almost giddy.

    But he goes deeper, and he says: What connect all things? If you had all the Universe..everything you see, find me something that connects all things.

    Everything is one. Right? How? Space. Is everywhere. It’s between galaxies. Between starsBetween atoms. Even the so-called Material World We live in is made of 99.99999...% SPACE

    Everything you say is so solid, so real, is actually mostly space.

    Oscillating, the oscillations interact. You haven’t actually touched anything at anytime, anywhere.

    The densest molecule is a diamond molecule. If you grew one the size of an orange, the next one would be a football field away.

    So then he says, we pay attention to the little stuff and ignore the greater proportion...the space.

    Instead of matter defining the space, space defines the matter.

    The space is defining you, rather than you defining the space.

    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Maybe Space is the part that is holding all the information.

    Well by now, I’m really getting excited. And I’m almost to overwhelm.

    Then he drops the bombshell on me, You are informing the Universe. Informing the Universe about your specific point of view. You create your reality. The part the other part of the feedback loop.

  • Reality is creating you.

    The Vacuum is defining your existence.

    If we were all creating our universe independently we would never meet. We would create exactly what we want every time.

    You’re feeding information to the has the information of everything from everyone in coordination with everything else. Consensus reality.

    One being cannot overcome all the scales. So in this morphogenic field, we have to bring enough mmph to the system so it can modify.

    We have to move’s a consensus reality.

    Take responsibility in what you’re feeding the vacuum. If it’s not all going the way you want it to’re interacting with all the stuff going on in the morphogenic field.

    And this is when I have the most significant “Aha” moment I think I may have ever had.

    I’m sure you may be much like me if you’re reading this. You’ve tried to shape your life, your reality into the life you want. You’ve perhaps tried manifesting things into your reality and maybe you’ve never quite understood why you’re trying to make this happen and often it doesn’t work. Am I right?

    So then I start meditating on all of these new concepts, and I’m thinking, ok, consensus reality. And I’m thinking about how this scaling thing works. So I’m going bigger and smaller, visualizing myself made up of all of these boundary states, and the spinning tetrahedrons. And I just let me consciousness flow into the realization of this.

    And I’m thinking about this idea of consensus reality. And I’m thinking, ok, so if I want something I have to get enough “buy-in” to make that mmph, that nudge to the Universe that says, ok, I got approval on this “desire” and so it must become inevitable.

    And I think of all the people of the world, and start pondering.

    If I wanted to become a millionaire, and I asked the permission of 100 people in my area, how many would say, “Hey, sure man, go right ahead.” And I realize, that not everyone would be ok with that. Like some people might think that means I’m going to take something from them right? And some people might think limiting beliefs like “money is the root of all evil” and they might even think they would be doing me a favor by denying this desire right?

    So then I start thinking about the scale again, and I’m thinking, ok, from a human perspective,

  • maybe I couldn’t get consensus. But if everything is built of the same “stuff ” and we’re just talking about scale, then ok, let me scale up, let me exert my awareness to the size of our planet, or maybe our solar system. Now I’m exerting my consciousness into a much larger “scale” and I’m dealing with consensus on a radically larger scale.

    So then I start wondering, ok, if I asked the same question to all of the solar systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, could I get consensus. Would solar systems care if I became wealthy in human terms? Now understand, I know it sounds outlandish to imagine something like a solar system as “conscious” but bear with me here. Because if you think about what Nassim telling us, all of the “information” in the universe is present in every scale, in every boundary condition, so actually, he’s implying consciousness at every level. So I follow this, and I start thinking in terms of, what would a million dollars mean to a solar system. Just in these terms, our planet is a speck of sand just compared to our Sun. And I realize that a solar system, or a galaxy, would think this is like asking for a crumb of bread. It would be nothing because of the vast difference in scale.

    Now I use the money request as a simple illustration. I like money, and I’m sure you do as well, but I can think of a whole lot of other things I’d love to have, and many of them, money can’t buy.

    But I work with this idea, and I keep doing these meditations each night. And wham! I start seeing that this consensus idea is working. I start setting intentions up as requests, and I direct my consciousness to these larger “scales” and I ask for consensus, and so far, I’ve always gotten a yes. And, I discover that now, when I want something to happen, I’m not sitting here plugging tiny thoughts into the pool of “collective consciousness” at the human-scale level. I’m doing it at a planetary level, or a solar system level or even a galaxy level. And it’s working!

    I’ve been working either extreme of the scale. There are approximately 100 trillion cells in the human body. Each cell consists of 100 trillion atoms in approximation. So from the small perspective, gaining consensus is just as vast. Have you ever heard of someone being internally conflicted? Well, now perhaps you can understand the reality of that possibility. And in working both the big and small scale, I follow the paradigm of, as above, so below.

    So, now, here is the exact process I use:

    1) Get into a comfortable position. I find reclined is best. You can also do this laying down, however, you don’t want to fall asleep mid-process. Make sure the temperature is comfortable and that you will be undisturbed for at least a 1/2 hour.

    2) Breathe in deeply, from your stomach and hold for a moment, then exhale. Maintain a nice rythmn of slow, deep breathing.

    3) Now imagine yourself encompassed in a sphere, and visualize the tetrahedron inside it. I visualize this as two pyramids, one with the single point up, the other with the single point down, both spinning at the speed of light.

  • Allow yourself to feel the spin, I feel it as a sort of breeze accompanied by a hum.Just simply allow this image to become clear in your mind.

    4) Now visualize the next smaller order of magnitude.

  • And again, feel the spinning, the humming, only this time of all of these units of division simultaneously.

    And then continue the units of division, allow yourself to dig down, further and further until you’re at the sub-atomic level. And remain there for awhile.

    I find sometimes when I’m doing this that I begin to recieve information. Sometimes it comes across as many whispers, other times it’s like flashes of insight. Begin visualizing your desired goal. Allow it to fully materialize in your mind’s eye and see it as already happening. When you can clearly see it, then simply say, “OK?” Be still and allow the response to come. When I see it, it’s as if protons will twinkle in agreement. And then I feel as if lights are turning on throughout the sub-atomic world, beacons of agreement. Allow this process to go on, understanding the magnitude of support you now have for reaching your desired goal.

    5) When you’re ready, begin ascending up the orders of magnitude, to the atomic level, the cellular level, back to our normal “human” level, then begin increasing it, becoming larger than your house, then larger than your street, your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country, on up...larger than your continent, the earth, the solar system, the galaxy. Then feel both the immensity of magnitude, and how small our world is by comparison, and the energy.

    6) Now clearly visualize your desire. See yourself as if you already have it, play it out in as much detail as possible. And now, just simply say, “OK?”

    Be still and allow the response to come. When I see it, it’s as if stars will twinkle in agreement. And then I feel as if lights are turning on throughout the universe, beacons of agreement. Allow this process to go on, understanding the magnitude of support you now have for reaching your desired goal.

    7) Allow yourself to slide back down through the orders of magnitude back to your normal state of being. And take your time, allow yourself to settle, then get up and go about your day.

    I have personally used this formula to radically alter the course of my life. It’s caused me to become a better painter, develop a new stream of business and completely change my life. I hope you will use it to create the kind of life you want for yourself as well. Use it wisely, as it is a very, very powerful technique.

    All the best!Bill White