Connecting Themes Used in 7 th Grade Social Studies.

Unit One Connecting Themes Used in 7 th Grade Social Studies

Transcript of Connecting Themes Used in 7 th Grade Social Studies.

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Unit OneConnecting Themes

Used in 7th Grade Social Studies

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When there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.

There is conflict in all relationships. All conflict produces change

Conflict and Change

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The dictionary defines "conflict" as "a struggle to resist or overcome; contest of opposing forces or powers; strife; battle. A state or condition of opposition; antagonism; discord.

What is conflict?

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Write a two paragraph essay to answer the following questions

1. How does conflict with your friends, change your friendship?

2. What conflict have you experienced in your life and what change occurred?

Each paragraph must have a minimum of 5 sentences.

EQ: Assignment One

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Interest Conflicts-Interest conflicts are caused by competition over perceived incompatible needs.

Structural Conflicts-Structural conflicts are caused by forces external to the people in dispute. Limited physical resources or authority.

Value Conflicts-Value conflicts are caused by perceived or actual incompatible belief systems

There are 3 main types of conflict within or between societies

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Interest conflicts are caused by competition over perceived incompatible needs. Conflicts of interest result when one or more of the parties believe that in order to satisfy his or her needs, the needs and interests of an opponent must be sacrificed. Interest-based conflict will commonly be expressed in positional terms. A variety of interests and intentions underlie and motivate positions in negotiation and must be addressed for maximized resolution. Interest-based conflicts may occur oversubstantive issues (such as money, physical resources, time, etc.); procedural issues(the way the dispute is to be resolved); and psychological issues (perceptions of trust, fairness, desire for participation, respect, etc.). For an interest-based dispute to be resolved, parties must be assisted to define and express their individual interests so that all of these interests may be jointly addressed. Interest-based conflict is best resolved through the maximizing integration of the parties' respective interests, positive intentions and desired experiential outcomes.

Interest conflicts

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Structural conflicts are caused by forces external to the people in dispute. Limited physical resources or authority, geographic constraints (distance or proximity), time (too little or too much), organizational changes, and so forth can make structural conflict seem like a crisis. It can be helpful to assist parties in conflict to appreciate the external forces and constraints bearing upon them. Structural conflicts will often have structural solutions. Parties' appreciation that a conflict has an external source can have the effect of them coming to jointly address the imposed difficulties.

Structural conflicts

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Value conflicts are caused by perceived or actual incompatible belief systems. Values are beliefs that people use to give meaning to their lives. Values explain what is"good" or "bad," "right" or "wrong," "just" or "unjust." Differing values need not cause conflict. People can live together in harmony with different value systems. Value disputes arise only when people attempt to force one set of values on others or lay claim to exclusive value systems that do not allow for divergent beliefs. It is of no use to try to change value and belief systems during relatively short and strategic mediation interventions. It can, however, be helpful to support each participant's expression of their values and beliefs for acknowledgment by the other party.

Value Conflicts

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Write a two paragraph essay to answer the following questions

1. Why is there change when you have conflict between or within societies?

2. Why does change always follow conflict?

Each paragraph must have a minimum of 5 sentences.

EQ: Assignment Two

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The culture of a society is the product of the religion, beliefs, customs, traditions, and government of that society.


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EQ: What are the elements of culture?




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Symbols- Anything that has been given representational meaning by the members of a cultural group

Examples- Gestures, a flag, a statue

Elements of Culture

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Language- A system of patterned sounds, often with corresponding written symbols, that the members of a society use to communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another

Examples-Swahili, English

Elements of Culture

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Values- Cultural standards or judgments of what is right, good, or desirable.

Examples- Personal freedom, egalitarianism

Elements of Culture

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Norms- The rules of culture that tell the members of a culture how they are expected to behave in a given situation

Examples- Not talking out loud during a play, wearing black clothes to a funeral

Elements of Culture

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Mores- Norms that carry a strong social sanction if violated because the members of a culture consider adherence to them essential to the well-being of the society

Examples-The prohibition against having sex in public, the prohibition against destroying other people's property

Elements of Culture

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Folkways- Norms that carry only a weak social sanction if violated because the members of the society do not consider adherence to them essential to the well-being of the society

Examples-Washing one's clothes, eating with your mouth closed

Elements of Culture

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Laws- Norms that the governing body of a society officially adopts to regulate behavior

Examples-Speed limits, burglary, rape, murder

Elements of Culture

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Taboos- Norms so strongly held by the members of a society that to violate them is virtually inconceivable

The prohibition against incest, the prohibition against cannibalism

Elements of Culture

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Technology- The body of knowledge that members of a society apply to their physical environment to meet their survival needs

Examples- Using a digging stick to plant seeds, using a robot to paint a car

Elements of Culture

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Artifacts- The physical things that the members of a society make when they apply their technology to the physical environment

Examples- A bed, a hammer, a bracelet, a house

Elements of Culture

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Assignment 3- List the elements of culture and give three additional examples of each.

EQ: What are the elements of culture?

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Culture is learned and is not based on instinct.

It is handed down from generation to generation. This is reflected in basic needs. For example what is edible, when the right time and place is to sleep and how to satisfy sexual urges appropriately.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Culture is adaptive. We adapt to our environments with tools, boats, houses, growing different foods in different climates, etc.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Culture is shared by a group of people in a society and formed through interactions.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Culture is integrated/combined and consistent vs. random.

For example, hunters using the same techniques time and time again.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Culture is symbolic. How people see the world is based on symbols and the meaning behind those symbols.

Take religions for instance, they are filled with symbolic meaning.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Culture also shapes the way we think about the world, gender roles, stereotypes and how we view other cultures.

What are the characteristics of culture?

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Assignment 4- Write 5 paragraph essay describing the characteristics of your culture

EQ: What are the characteristics of your society’s culture?

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Religions share a group of common values or beliefs. Values are beliefs that people use to give meaning to their lives. Values explain what is"good" or "bad," "right" or "wrong," "just" or "unjust."

EQ: How does religion affect culture?

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Interest Conflicts-Security, food, economic, etc.

Structural Conflicts-Oil, water, coastline, et.

Value Conflicts-Religion, tradition, laws, etc.

EQ: Why do societies have cultural conflict?

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Assignment 5- Write 2 paragraphs to answer the following questions. (1 paragraph each)

1.What cultural conflicts have you seen within your school and the United States?

2.How can government actions (i.e. laws) affect

the culture of a society?

EQ: Why do societies have cultural conflict?

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Assignment 6- Write 2 paragraphs to answer the following questions. (1 paragraph each)

1. In what way do the rules in sports get more complex at different levels (from midget football to the NFL).

2. How has your school responded to your growth as an individual society?

As a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases.

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Assignment 7- Write 2 paragraphs to answer the following questions. (1 paragraph each)

1.Why do you think society has changed as government has become more complex?

2.How does government react when complex

societies interact or combine?

As a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases.