connecting people - Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre · Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre will be working...

ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 BALMORAL BUSH NURSING CENTRE connecting people Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

Transcript of connecting people - Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre · Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre will be working...

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connecting peopleBalmoral Bush Nursing Centre

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As the sun rises on each new day, we routinely bury ourselves in the busyness of life. If we stop and consider the people with whom we cross paths, the people to whom we give and in turn give back to us, we are creating a “cobweb”of connection. This is our community.Our service continues to be a pivotal point of connection. We value our community partnerships and are dependent on consumer input to guide us in delivering quality, safe care.Our connections are our strength. They allow us to evolve and grow in a complex health and social support environment. This ensures we can continue to provide local access to quality, services and meet the changing needs of our community.Please refer to page 25 to see a list of our key partners.

Lisa HutchinsHealth Service Manager, Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

The Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre respectfully acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and live and recognise the continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

We thank those who have supplied photos for this years annual report including Clare Ryan’s photo of CFA volunteers on Page 4.

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ContentsConnecting people

through quality, safe care locally

our Board .......................................................................................... 2

President’s rePort .................................................................... 3

our Vision, our Values ........................................................... 4

BBnC CommuniCation /struCture .................................. 5

Centre manager’s rePort ................................................... 6

Key aChieVements ....................................................................... 7

Quality & risK rePort ............................................................. 8

FinanCial PerFormanCe oVerView .............................10

snaP shots .....................................................................................12

CliniCal nursing rePort ...................................................14

Community serViCes

• CommunityServiCeS .................................................15

• reSpite/DiSability/nDiS ..........................................16

• tranSport ........................................................................16

• balmoralSoCialSupportGroup ..................17

•men’SSHeD ........................................................................18

• CaSemanaGement .......................................................19

• volunteerS .......................................................................19

our history ...................................................................................20

stories oF serViCe ..................................................................21

our staFF .........................................................................................22

serViCes ProVided ...................................................................23

doCtors ............................................................................................23

donations .......................................................................................24

Key Partners ................................................................................25

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our Board

treasurerryan lloyd-Jones

Teacher: Bachelor of Mgt. (Info & H.R.) Graduate Certificate Supply Chain Mgt Graduate Dip EducationElected: 2015Board Meetings Attended: 9/9

megan mcleish

Credited Diabetes Educator / Registered NurseDiploma Applied Science (Nursing), Bachelor of Nursing, Graduate Diploma Acute Cardiovascular Nursing, Diploma of Management, Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education & HealthcareElected: 2018Board Meetings Attended: 7/7

Brent reed

Leading Senior Constable,Victoria PoliceElected: 2018Board Meetings Attended: 4/5

President neville trotman

Bachelor of Commerce,Diploma of Education, former PrincipalElected: 2011Board Meetings Attended: 8/9

Vice PresidentKatie little

Senior Health & Safety Specialist, Master of Business Management, Graduate Diploma of Strategic Business, Advanced Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety Elected: 2015Board Meetings Attended: 7/9

dan Pekin

Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business, CPA, Member Australian Institute of Company Directors, General Manager/Director HTL Australia Pty LtdElected: 2012Board Meetings Attended: 4/9

elaine Bowen

Bachelor of Nursing RN, Diploma of Business Management, Graduate Certificate Renal Nursing, Certificate IV Training & Assessment. Elected: 2018Board meetings attended: 5/5

Friends of the Centre, past and present Board and Staff members, Georgie Leeming, Sabrina Watt, Katie Little & Bruce Laidlaw chat with

Bendigo Bank representative Grant Little at the 2017 AGM.

We are grateful community volunteers who also sit on our sub committees:

Rosey Leeming, Clare Ryan (Balmoral Development Association), Jo McCure (Balmoral Community College), Brenda Bath (Ambulance Victoria ACO), Ann Vaughan (Harrow Bush Nursing Centre),Rowena Wasley (Uniting), Rosemary Langley (Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club),Beth Smith, Carol Ellis and Betty Weaver (Balmoral Opportunity Shop).

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President’s rePort

neville trotman

President, Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

As I write this annual report I am perplexed by the fact that I could quite easily insert last year’s report and comment that “nothing has changed”. On reflection, though, that would be inaccurate.

Last year I reported a situation of outstanding organisational and community strengths – ‘the good’, threatened by concerning external factors - ‘the bad’. These external threats were things such as a lack of government commitment to a sustainable recurrent funding model. This is needed if we are to maintain current service provision and meet growing demands and regulatory expectations - many imposed by the government itself.

This year, I believe it is more a situation of ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’.

‘The good’ is an adaptable, flexible and highly performing organisation that forms a vital and supportive base to the economic and social wellbeing of this wonderful, but isolated rural community. It is made possible through outstanding leadership, partnership, staff and volunteer contributions. These are combined with engaged, supportive clients and a community and individuals that are very strong in their support.

‘The Bad’ is an ongoing refusal by governments to fund recurrent costs at a sustainable level, let alone at a level that would in any way meet increasing cost pressures, service demand pressures and growing accountability and compliance costs.

‘The Ugly’ refers to the fact that we have reached what might be termed ‘situation critical’ in relation to sustainable funding. The BBNC has for years managed underfunded wage increases and other increasing cost pressures and demands by refining roles and duties, improving organisational efficiencies, seeking alternative funding and reducing service provision. Unfortunately we have reached a stage where further funding shortfalls and cost increases will clearly result in direct and significant service cuts and viability issues.

Through negotiations, additional government supplementary funding has enabled us to agree to the current EBA for two years, not the preferred four years. Under current funding arrangements we will after that time move to significant budget deficits and the need for staffing and associated service cuts.

We can only hope that governments who speak so highly of their support for such things as decentralisation and the provision of adequate rural health, might see the value of funding the 15 Victorian Bush Nurse Centres that currently exist in a realistic manner.

In closing I would like to thank all Board members, staff, volunteers, donors and supporters who work so hard to ensure the continued success of this organisation.

I would particularly like to thank retiring Board member Katie Little for her skilled and dedicated support and work over the past four years.

AdaptabilityWe go through the good, the bad and the ugly all together.Emily Robison

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Connecting people through quality,safe care locally

Our VisionOur Values

Service Quality:Delivering quality, safe care

Community Engagement:Linking with and knowing our community

Effective Resourcing:Enabling service quality and development





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BBnC CommuniCation/struCture

Jodie Russell

eXeCutiVe suPPort

Anita Weaver

Quality & risKenVironmental

serViCesCoordinator Jodie Russell


Kim Dufty

CliniCal nursingCoordinator

Rebecca Kearns

Community serViCes


Lisa Hutchins

Centre manager

Balmoral Bush nursing Centre Board

Effective Resourcing

Community Engagement

Service Quality

Board suB-Committees


enVironmental serViCes staFF


nursing staFF

resPite & Community

serViCes staFF

CaPital worKsand ProJeCt management

disaBility serViCes staFF

men’s shed

CommunityCommunity is tangible; community is cohesive; community brings people together in ways that allow them to do things they couldn’t have done in isolation.Ref. Sky Blue –

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Centre manager’s rePortI am pleased to present the 2018 annual report. Once again I would like to thank the Board, our committed and professional staff and volunteers for their significant and ongoing commitment to our service.

This year we have focused on delivering progress in quality management, in particular clinical governance and investing in partnerships that will contribute positively to the long term sustainability of the service. I thank our partner organisations for working with us so positively, in particular Western District Health Service. This year the Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support development of a reporting and consultation framework for clinical governance with WDHS. Balmoral BNC now has the opportunity for case review by the Quality and Safety Committee of WDHS. This valuable objective oversight will support the Board in meeting clinical governance responsibilities as well as providing a platform to develop ongoing relationships in the quality improvement space.

Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre will be working towards accreditation under the - National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards Version 2, the same standards that all publically funded hospitals and health services in Victoria must meet. We welcome the challenge and acknowledge the resource input that must be provided to achieve this. We will continue to liaise with DHHS to negotiate a funding package that is reflective of the demands of this process.

I would like to acknowledge Ambulance Victoria with whom we continue to work actively on achieving a colocation infrastructure project. We look forward to delivering this long-awaited project over the next 12 months.

Our local partnership with the Balmoral Opportunity Shop has been highly valued this year allowing us to purchase many items of equipment, fittings and furniture that would not be possible without the tireless work of Beth, Betty, Carol, Nancye and their many, many helpers. We are most grateful for the significant financial contribution you have provided to the Centre.

I thank our retiring staff member, Lyn Iredell for her tremendous contribution to the organisation as both a Board member and staff member for over 17 years.

In conclusion I thank the community for actively supporting us in what we do and we encourage active consumer participation as we develop our programs and services into the future.

Lisa Hutchins

Health Service Manager, Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

small rural health service flexible service hours

Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-180

Target HoursActual Hours




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Key aChieVements 2017 - 2018Core Values: Teamwork, Respect, Adaptability, Community, AdvocacyPriority areas of the Centre’s Strategic Plan are identified for action each year. Achievements within these priority areas are listed below:

Linking with our Board via teleconference

Opportunity Shop volunteers Carol Ellis and Betty Weaver

BBNC Treasurer Ryan Lloyd - Jones

SERVICE QUALITY: (Delivering safe quality services) Adopted a revised Clinical Governance Plan in partnership with Safer Care Victoria based

on the newly adopted DHHS Victorian Clinical Governance Framework and the National Clinical Governance Framework

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) developed and signed with Western District Health Service to support clinical governance, case review and quality and safety

Further developed our operational board reporting document inclusive of graphed indicators of risk to enhance the decision making and risk management monitoring capacity of the Board

Continued to trial revised client feedback process for service areas that allows for improved client experience data capture and timely feedback into program development

Education audit and monitoring annual education completion for all staff Further developed credentialing and scope of practice process for staff and visiting

service providers Active progression of the Ambulance Victoria colocation project to enhance a timely,

high quality response to medical emergencies. Budget confirmed by Ambulance Victoria and currently preparing to submit Council planning application

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: (Linking with and knowing our community) Evidence of engagement with our consumers across many platforms e.g. revised

publications, social media, consumer feedback on programs and services Membership of Community Engagement Meeting providing an active forum for input

from consumers, community groups and clubs Encouragement, governance consultancy and project management for Balmoral

Recreation Reserve Community Centre project Partnering to promote Chameleon Arts program and events Balmoral Opportunity Shop partnership Active communication and collaboration with Harrow Bush Nursing Centre

EFFECTIVE RESOURCING (Enabling service quality and development) Budget performance within 3% of target Progressed review of client management software Additional recurrent funding sourced from DHHS to assist with quality and safety Continue to actively negotiate a fair and appropriate resource allocation for nursing EBA

negotiations with DHHS Continued consolidation of staffing base and role integration to maximise employee

capacity Two applications submitted to the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) to assist

with future capital development Fundraising targets and donations strategy reviewed Opportunity Shop donations increased Preferred supplier list review completed and new register established Replacement community services car actioned

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A major focus in the area of Quality and Risk at BBNC over the past year has been to fur ther develop the existing organisational repor ting to not only include quality data but also leading indicators. Leading indicators allow us to anticipate risk better and deliver improved governance outcomes for our Board. Alongside our hazard repor ting system, clinical and non-clinical audits and incident repor ting system they provide important oppor tunities for continuous improvement. Fur ther work is to be done over the next year to refine our repor ting and audits aligning them directly with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.We continue to think about ways we can engage the community to have a say about our services at BBNC and currently collect feedback in a number of ways including:• Consumer members on committees• Annual members survey• Individual program surveys• Formal complaints or compliments - verbal or written• Suggestions box• Facebook

Community feedback is invaluable for service planning (what worked, what didn’t?) and continuous improvement (how can we do it better?). Our internal processes at BBNC mean that all feedback is managed by the most appropriate person, in a timely manner. If you receive one of our surveys please consider taking some time to complete it and you can be assured that your comments will help guide and develop services at the Centre.In addition to annual first aid training for all non-clinical staff, a diverse range of online courses through the Regional Health Service eLearning Network have been under taken this year, providing the opportunity for professional development in areas such as dementia, disability, cultural diversity, health literacy, governance, compliance and communication. As a result of our strengthened par tnership with Western District Health Service we have been for tunate to be able to access onsite Fire and Safety training with excellent staff feedback on the learning outcome from this session. In the coming year we will be working with WDHS to develop our own online competency module in Fire and Evacuation providing our staff with information that is specific and appropriate to our facility and will complement the face-to face training.Clinical staff have completed Remote Area Nurse training delivered by Ambulance Victoria and we are proud to have five qualified RANs delivering services at BBNC. Our role in emergency response in the local area is integral to community safety and working closely with Ambulance Victoria will enhance and improve outcomes. Behind the scenes there has been much progress made on the Ambulance Victoria colocation project with works likely to commence during 2019. Refer over page for concept drawings.I would like to take this oppor tunity to thank all staff for contributing their time, ideas and enthusiasm to fostering a culture of safety and continuous improvement in our organisation. In par ticular I commend the Environmental Services staff who quietly and competently work in the background to keep the facility functioning.

Quality & risK rePort

Anita WeaverQuality and Risk Coordinator

The chart illustrates the type of risk data collected at BBNC over a 12 month period. Adverse event is defined as an event that had the potential to cause, or did result in, harm to people or damage to property or reputation. Staff incident includes any injury or near miss that occurs specifically to staff.

Risk Management Data 2017-2018 AdverSe eveNTS
















Environmental Services staff Nicole Lease, Louise Guthrie and Anita Weaver


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Quality & risK rePort

Key achievements for 2017-2018

• Further refining of Quality Data reporting to include lead indicators and increased consumer feedback enabling more robust governance

• Strengthening our partnership with Western District Health Service to include access to training and other useful resources

• Development of a concept design for the Ambulance Victoria/BBNC colocation project

Challenges for 2017-2018

• Sourcing appropriate professional development opportunities for staff, volunteers and Board members to build organisational capacity

• Securing funding to implement critical safety and security upgrades to improve staff and visitor amenity

• Limited resources to meet increasing compliance requirements

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FinanCial PerFormanCe oVerView 2017-2018

*the Centre’s normal operating performance is best measured on the basis of its net result prior to depreciation & capital projects .

1. Depreciation is included in our books for corporate audit purposes. In practice though, when we replace a significant depreciable asset it is usually funded by a one off capital grant or donation. As the funds to replace the asset do not come from our normal operating revenue we would be overstating our losses if we charged the depreciation cost against our normal operating revenue.

2. Capital works projects are also funded by single one-off grants. By considering these one-off activities as separate from our normal operations we are better placed to assess our financial performance in terms of everyday operations.

FinanCial oPerating PerFormanCe - for the year ended 30 . 06 . 2018OPERATING REVENUE Clinical Services $ 544,082.60

Community Services $ 316,202.71TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $ 860,285.31

LESS OPERATING EXPENDITURE Total Payroll $ 696,148.54Other Expenditure $ 182,118.89




Operating Income 2017-18

The following chart shows the major sources of total operating income by percentage with Government funding being the largest provider.

Operating Expenditure 2017-18

Employee related costs make up the service’s largest category of

operating expenditure

The past financial year 2017/18 has been a challenging one from many angles. Astute financial management has been imperative as the BBNC continues to ensure efficient and effective health care delivery for Balmoral and surrounding districts.Whilst State Department of Health and Human Services funding contributes 69.52% of revenue to service delivery, continued community support is increasingly crucial to the BBNC budget. This support is predominantly provided through BBNC memberships and gratefully received donations. Once again we have valued the strong partnerships with the Bendigo Bank and the Balmoral Opportunity Shop.Careful management of our revenue and expenses has become increasingly crucial and the local financial support received, is sincerely appreciated. We must acknowledge the generous donations from many supporters of the Centre (please refer to page 24).As you are aware, during the previous financial year (2016/17) a substantial amount of our reserve funds were used to acquire the adjoining block (32 Stirling St) with a view to extend and develop our Centre’s facilities and resources. Movement in this area has been slower than expected, however with much negotiation between BBNC management, Ambulance Victoria and the Department of Health we are totally committed to the fruition of this project.There are some obvious differences in our figures this year. We report a net operating deficit of $17,982.12 ($89,655.12 after depreciation of $71, 673).The higher deficit is due to factors beyond our internal control, (H.R. and asset depreciation). Although revenue through clinical services increased on the previous year, operational costs associated with running the Centre became heavier (ie. payroll, backpay, RAN training and general running costs). Our revenue streams have not been able to counterbalance this. **Figures not factored into these calculations are donations and Long Service Leave payouts. The Board acknowledges the careful and thorough financial management delivered by staff in trying circumstances. In our commitment to contemporary quality health services, the development of facilities and resources will continue to be a priority in order to provide quality health care in our community.

MeMBerShiPS 1.19%iNTereST 1.32%LyNdoCh 9.25%

CLieNT ServiCeS & NdiS 11.91%

CLieNT feeS 1.26%CoMMuNiTy TrANSPorT 0.43%

GoverNMeNT fuNdiNG 69.52%

fuNdrAiSiNG doNATioNS 5.13%

BuiLdiNGS/oCCuPANCy 2.92%MoTor vehiCLe 3.08%iNforMATioN TeChNoLoGy 4.67%ServiCe CoSTS 4.59%

ACCouNTANT 0.93%

AdMiNiSTrATioN 4.01%

PAyroLL/oN CoSTS 79.80%

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FinanCial PerFormanCe oVerView 2017-2018


REVENUE reserves & Provisions $417,055.92.00Accrued Capital Works $209,373.00

Current Year Capital Works Grants $0.00 LeSS eXPeNdiTure To dATe ($12,814.00)

SurPLuS $613,614.92

BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY - The table below shows the Centre’s major Balance Sheet categories in the past four years.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Current Assets 839,303 864,948 789,051 638,586 612,179

fixed Assets 1,013,243 968,268 898,505 994,805 1,120,764

Current Liabilities (375,482) (389,872) (342,602) (376,293) (390,025)

Non Current Liabilities (37,069) (15,312) (9,489) (3,963) (34,250)

Net Assets / Equity 1,439,995 1,428,032 1,335,465 1,253,315 1,308,668

neville trotman

President, Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

ryan lloyd-Jones

Treasurer, Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Total Assets 1,852,546 1,882,216 1,687,556 1,632,687 1,732,943

Cash & investments 824,464 840, 040 752,221 588,220 575,467

reServe fuNdS 20.99%

vehiCLe ChANGeover 17.60%

LoNG ServiCe LeAve 18.91%

SiCk LeAve 4.07%

STrATeGiC & ServiCe deveLoPMeNT 0.83%CAPiTAL & SPeCiAL ProjeCTS 4.90%

Av Co LoCATioN ProjeCT 32.03%

diSABiLiTy (AidS & equiPMeNT) 0.67%

Cash Holdings Allocation at 30th June 2018

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1928 Clinical Presentations

175 Immunisations

479 GP Visits

1357 Vital Sign Assessments

445 Wound Care Assessments

2291 Occasions of Health Promotion

Through quality, safe care locally

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24 Emergency Care Responses

75 Post Hospital Care

343 Pathology Clients

612 Live Active Sessions

26 Telehealth with GP & Specialists

only BNC in Victoria to offer Onsite Childcare

Through quality, safe care locally

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The BBNC Nursing Staff continue to provide a high level of service delivery locally. We are fortunate to have staff with diverse nursing backgrounds aiding the multi-skilled function of a Bush Nursing Centre. These areas include intensive care, theatre, midwifery, surgical, community and outback nursing. Our core values of teamwork, respect, adaptability, community and advocacy are very strong in our workplace to deliver positive health outcomes for the Balmoral community.

We farewelled Hannah Perks at the end of March 2018 who resigned to relocate to Melbourne to experience city living and working.

Heidi Newley joined our nursing staff in April. Heidi has worked in outback Australia delivering nursing care to Aboriginal communities and has worked with WDHS in a variety of nursing areas. She has a strong understanding of the needs and challenges of nursing in a small rural community.

All our nursing staff successfully completed the 2018 Remote Area Nurses (Victoria) Emergency Care Update Program through Ambulance Victoria. This training allows our nurses to provide first line emergency care in the event of a medical or trauma emergency.

We continue to maintain existing partnerships with other health agencies and establish new ones to enhance our service delivery in connecting people through quality, safe care locally. Our partnership with Ambulance Victoria continues to grow and sharing “thank a Paramedic day”, shows the importance of our RANs working together with paramedics to provide first line emergency care to our community. The appointment of a Paramedic Community Support Officer to the area to provide additional emergency support and training to Balmoral and the Southern Grampians Shire is another example of Ambulance Victoria investing in our rural communities.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff of the BBNC for their assistance and support throughout the year.

CliniCal nursing rePort

Kim duftyClinical Nurse Coordinator

BBNC RANs Heidi Newley, Kim Dufty, Sarah Roberts & Lisa McClure

BBNC Clinical Activity 2017 - 18

TeLeheALTh 26


eMerGeNCy PreSeNTATioNS 24

heALTh ProMoTioN 2291

PoST hoSPiTAL CAre 75

PAThoLoGy 343

PhArMACy SuPPLy 390

PhArMACy CoLLeCTioN 713

PrACTiCe NurSe SuPPorT 64

iMMuNiSATioN 175

AdvoCACy & SuPPorT 2007

TWEET: Tony Walker Ambulance Victoria CEO & Lisa Hutchins BBNC Health Service Manager & RAN

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Community serViCes

Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre Community Services Staff, Janette Matthews, Tallie Talay, Rebecca Kearns, Jannette Tinning & Barbara Nel

Key achievements for 2017-2018• A holistic person-centred approach to care, promoting

wellness and individual goal setting

• Delivering flexible services that respond to a person and their needs

• Maintaining Respite staffing levels, competence and qualifications

Responsibilities:• Provide a local contact for carers and clients to access support• Involve clients in decisions about their health and care• Assess activity needs and preferences of clients and carers• Network with best practice service providers• Assist with referral to other services if required• Assist with transport needs• Respect the independence, cultural and religious needs and life

style choices of clients• Ensure privacy and confidentiality of clients• Ensure health and safety requirements are met for clients and


Funding Partners:Commonwealth Home Support Program- Lyndoch Living

Respite- DHHS direct funded

Community Aged Care Packages- Lyndoch Living Brokered

Individual Support Packages- DHHS direct funded

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Challenges or Impacts on Capacity:• Continuing to provide a diverse service focused on

community needs within resource constraints

• Transport costs and distance of travel to specialist appointments

• Meeting the increasing demand for service in the community

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Community serViCes

Respite/Disability/NDIS Transport

The Respite Program offers support to carers, provides transport to medical appointments and assists frail aged clients and people of any age with a disability to remain living independently in their own home, or with family, for as long as possible.The Active Service Model (ASM) assists people to live in the community as independently and autonomously as possible. Person-centred care planning is a key feature to our services and programs. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of funding disability services and support in Australia. It provides ongoing financial support for Australians with significant and permanent disability. It is designed to empower people with a disability to work towards their personal goals, to identify the disability related support they need and to choose where they would like to buy this support.

Our Community Transport program provided 24 safe journeys out of Balmoral this year. This service allows community members to access services available in the larger centres of Hamilton and Horsham. A team of volunteers and staff support travellers in attending to personal business not accessible locally.BBNC continue to offer our buses for private hire. Through this service we ensure people remain connected to the wider community with safe transport and quality care.

Matthew Carr and Janette Matthews

Aileen Cantwell, Hazel & John Norris supported by volunteer Rosey Leeming

BBNC SRHS & CHSP Respite 2017/2018SrhS - Small rural health Service delivered(forMerLy kNowN AS hACC)

ChSP - Commonwealth home Support Program delivered(forMerLy kNowN AS NrCP)















BBNC Community Transport 2017/2018


































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connecting peopleBalmoral Bush Nursing Centre

BBNC Respite Trips 2017/2018

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S (P

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S (P

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Community serViCes

Balmoral Social Support Group













• VisittolocalAlpacafarm

• HistorytourofCavendish

• Welcomebacklunch

• Waterexercises

• Sheepvention

• LunchatTarringtontoseeteacosydisplay

• ChineseNewYearcelebrations

• Visittolocalsunflowercrop

• VisitfromAustralianHearing

• TwonighttriptoSwanHill

• VisittoBalmoralCommunityCollege

• GuestpresenterfromWDHSPhysiotherapyDepartment

• VisittoBalmoralOpportunityShop

• SeniorsFestivalConcert“MeandMeMates”

• OrchestraVictoriaatStMary’sChurch

• TriptoArarattovisitthePickersMarket

• GuestspeakerDiabetesEducatorMeganMcLeish

• CPRandFirstAidinformationsession

• Men’sShedtriptoArarat

• MovieatHamiltonCinema“CatonaHotTinRoof”

• VisittoWandoDaleHomesteadandgardens

• Christmasbreakupparty

• Rememberingourschooldays

• CraftProject

Key achievements for 2017-2018• Promoting and maintaining independence • Building and maintaining relationships • Providing a wide variety of activities and experiences

to meet personal, emotional, and cultural needs of clients

• Attending events to maintain and strengthen connections within our local and wider community

The goal of our Community services team is to continue to work towards better mental and physical health and wellbeing for our service users. Creating opportunities for socialisation, Connecting People, enabling group members to become involved in a broad range of Quality activities, provided in a Safe and well managed program. Group members enjoy a meal once a week with companions in the Local environs of the Bush Nursing Centre and further afield.

This year the Social Support Group has had 702 interactions with clients who enjoyed 25 external trips, 7 guest speakers and involvement in 4 community projects. In the past year, Balmoral Social Support Group provided 504 individual meals at the Bush Nursing Centre. In an isolated aging community these outings give group members the confidence to get out of their houses for the day and engage with the community and surrounds.

Challenges for 2017- 2018• Working within the funding constraints of current allocations

• Engaging new members

• Continuing to strengthen social support opportunities

• Providing a timely and flexible service

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Community serViCes

Men’s ShedWhile Community Sheds are now common, the Balmoral program was one of the first in Western Victoria, starting in 2006 as an avenue to enhance the Planned Activity Group. The program numbers have increased each year. Since that time membership has doubled and included women.Men’s Shed is a weekly program where men and women in the district gather, socialise, build, upholster, paint and repair.With the exception of coordinator wages, the Men’s Shed program is self- funded by donations from community members.

The Balmoral Men’s Shed is an important community hub providing local men the chance to get together, work on valuable community projects, learn new skills about health and wellbeing issues and importantly providing a sense of community involvement.

We would like to acknowledge the generosity and great support the Balmoral Lions Club and the Balmoral Opportunity Shop provide the Balmoral Men’s Shed.This year the Balmoral Lions Club purchased for us, a pedestal drill and a router. Both pieces of equipment are a great addition to our program enabling us to take on some terrific projects in the community.The ladies at the Opportunity Shop have generously donated funds that have assisted us in the purchase of timber and consumables to work with for our new projects.

Challenges for 2017 - 2018• Funding for equipment and materials

• Storage space for equipment and timber

Key achievements for 2017 - 2018• Monthly BBQs at the Shed

• Creating opportunities and activities that enable socialisation and an active life.

• Making projects for the community and display of goods for sale at the Balmoral Community Store

• Regular social interaction, learning new skills, promoting mateship

Arthur Hole, John Rees, Bob Paterson and Nancye Merryfull

Len Thompson using the new pedestal drill James Parker and Barry Matthews (Balmoral Lions Club) present Len Thompson and Lyn Iredell with new equipment

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Community serViCes

Case Management provides care coordination and advocacy. We assist clients to access funding to support their healthcare and social support needs. It is about connecting people with the right care and service to enable them to stay in their own home and local community for as long as possible.

Staff at BBNC are able to provide targeted quality, safe care to support individual needs. The local knowledge staff have can ensure each individual can access the support for which they are eligible.

Backed by our qualified nurses and respite carers, the Case Management program provides great peace of mind to clients and their families, particularly those who are more isolated.

Case Management Report

Key achievements for 2017-2018• Continued strong partnerships with Lyndoch Living and

Southern Grampians Shire Council to ensure clients are able to access quality care

• Advocating for clients as they journey through the health care system

• Ensuring clients are informed and have a say in their care to enhance their ability to live independently at home

Challenges for 2017-2018• Ensuring all client needs are met • Assisting clients to navigate the Aged Care system• Advocating for clients accessing the NDIS program

Our partner services for case management include:• Lyndoch Living• Southern Grampians Shire Council• Barwon Health Carer Respite Services• Local contractors

The services provided to clients include: • Home Care• Personal Care• Advocacy• Home and Garden Maintenance• Meals on Wheels• Assessments and Referrals• Respite Services i.e. transport• Personal Alert Alarms• Personal Health and Equipment Supplies


Balmoral Social Support GroupVolunteers are an integral part of our Social Support Program. Without their help and support we would be unable to offer such a broad range of activities and experiences for our clients to enjoy. Our volunteers provide help with serving of meals and afternoon teas, provide support to clients and staff, share new ideas and skills and most importantly lots of laughs and companionship to our clients.

DriversVolunteers continue to drive the Community Bus on regular trips to Hamilton and Horsham. This helps to make the Community Bus a far more cost effective program.

Thank you to our VolunteersThe amazing support of our many volunteers is greatly appreciated by the Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre. To show our gratitude the bush Nursing Centre holds an annual Christmas party for staff, volunteers and community members who have been involved with the Centre throughout the year. This important occasion gets the community together to celebrate and say thank you for the myriad of contributions that go towards making the Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre the amazing place it is.

Nancye Merryfull and her famous sponge cake

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The Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre commenced on July 4, 1925. Mrs Ethel Wood and Lady Smyth were the inaugural executive and faced many challenges

establishing the service. Throughout the first year the Bush Nursing Centre provided 447 visits, 81 days in residence, 10 all night sittings and 11 maternity cases.

Volunteers built the original Centre in 1928 on land donated by Mr A J Walter. The current site, 26 Bell Street, was purchased in December 1970, and opened in 1972. As the service expanded, the residence was converted to make way for increased services.

In 1994 a Commonwealth funded Respite Program commenced. In 1997 a capital redevelopment resulted in a function room, which provided the physical capacity for modern service delivery.

As the Centre grew, governance needs changed. The Committee of Management became a Board. Community members from all walks of life gave their time as volunteers to better the service. In 2006 a major facility redevelopment was completed.

In 2012 technological advancement allowed the BBNC Board to try something new. Melbourne-based Dan Pekin was the first board member to serve remotely and attend meetings via video link. The initiative enabled the BBNC to utilise technology and attract Board members with specialised skills to our governance group.

In July 2015, 90 years of Bush Nursing in Balmoral was recognised with a community celebration and the unveiling of an honour board recognising nurses who worked as sole Bush Nurses or Centre Managers.

Late in 2017 the neighbouring residential block was purchased in strategic pursuit of future sustainability and advancement of our ever developing service.

Our proud history has brought us to the sound position we are in today. We are embarking on an ambulance colocation project that will ensure we can continue to provide quality, safe care to our local community long into the future.

our history

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stories oF our serViCe

I love the outdoors, animals, horse riding and farming but with it comes risk.

Two years ago my Dad had an accident, he was hit in the head. Our lovely and helpful Bush Nurse came to the rescue. They helped my Dad by wrapping him in blankets and trying to keep him conscious for every second until the ambulance arrived.

I love being able to enjoy what I love to do without being worried that I might fall off my horse or have an accident. I know I will be able to receive the quickest and most professional care anytime from the Bush Nurse Centre. This makes the risks of what I like doing so much smaller.

Most of all the Bush Nurse brings happiness to everyone with one of the best doctors ever, Dr Coulson and the world’s best nurses in our community. The Bush Nurse brings people so much happiness by helping loved ones, organising community events and coming into the school to have health talks about what to do in every situation.

Everyone in our community should be proud to have such a caring Bush Nurse. They have been around helping people for over 90 years.

The most wonderful thing about having a country Bush Nurse is the extra step they take. When my Dad had his accident, my Mum had to go to the hospital with him, so they arranged for someone to come and take care of Chloe and I. You just wouldn’t get this kind of care or thoughtfulness in the city, would you!

Sacha Laidlaw

Sheree McPheeThe Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

is an invaluable resource to have because we are so far away from access to medical attention. We have access to highly qualified nurses which is great for those times when there is no doctor on the spot. I know I am in good hands, I know these people, they really care about my welfare.

The Bush Nursing Centre run great programs in the community that keep people socialising and participating in exercise.

The nurses were encouraging and helpful following my Mum’s illness, getting me into a position where I could care for Mum when I have never done anything like this before. The Centre provided respite that enabled me to go to town and do other things. I can see where they have helped my friends who are unable to drive to get out of the house and this is really important.

Joe & Betty PerryThe Bush Nursing Centre over the years has been many things for our family. On more than one occasion we have needed emergency care and we are certain the quick response time to access medical attention has provided better health outcomes for us.

The Centre has a warm, welcoming atmosphere staffed by kind, caring, supportive and expert people. Our community is so fortunate to have this wonderful service and we will always be grateful for the care and attention we personally have received.

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our staFF

Centre Manager lisa hutchins:RN Div 1 Dip App Sc (Nsg), VRAN, RIPERNDip. Business (Human Resources),Nurse Immuniser

Clinical Nursing CoordinatorKim dufty: RN Div1, RM, BN, VRAN, Nurse Immuniser

Nursing Staff:lisa mcClure: RN Div1, BN, VRANsarah roberts: RN Div 1,BN, VRANhannah Perks: RN Div 1, BN, VRAN (resigned 8/4/18)heidi newley: RN Div 1, BN, VRAN

Community Services Coordinator:lyn iredell: RN Div 2, Cert III Home & Community Care, Level II First Aid (retired 8/1/18)

Community Service Coordinator:rebecca Kearns: Cert III Home & Community Care, Level II First Aid

Respite Staff:Joy Brody: Cert III Home & Community Care, Level II First Aid (retired 31/8/17)Janette matthews: RN Div 2, Level II First Aid

Barbara nel: Cert III in Individual Support, Level II First AidLive Active & Respite:tallie talay: Cert III Fitness, Level II First Aid, Cert III Home & Community Care, Cert III in Aged CareJannette tinning: Cert III Fitness, Level II First Aid

Administration Staff:lauren mason: Level II First AidFiona Jagger: Worksafe approved Health and Safety Representative OHS training course, Level II First Aid

Executive Administraton OfficerJodie russell: Associate Dip App Sci (Farm Management), Associate Dip App Sci (Wool & Fibre Marketing), Level II First Aid

Quality and Risk Coordinatoranita weaver: Cert III Retail Pharmacy, Worksafe approved Health and Safety Representative OHS training course, Level II First Aid

Environmental Services Staffmargaret (louise) guthrieleah Vansomeren: Cert III Animal Studiesnicole lease: Cert III in Business, Cert III in Hospitality

Connecting people through quality, safe care locally

FarewellAfter 17 years of service in Community Services with the Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre, Lyn Iredell, retired in January 2018. We also farewelled respite carer Joy Brody. Joy retired in August 2017 after 15 years of service to the Centre. Hannah Perks resigned in April to embark on new opportunities in Melbourne.We thank Lyn, Joy and Hannah for their wonderful contribution to the Centre and wish them all the best for the future.

Administration staff Jodie Russell, Fiona Jagger and Lauren Mason

TeamworkAlone we can do so little; Together we can do so muchHelen Keller

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Clinical Services: •District Nursing

•Accident & Emergency Nursing

•Palliative Care

•Post Acute Care

•Hospital in the Home

•Collection of Pathology Specimens

•Continence Care & Advice

•Access to Medications & Pharmacy Services

•Wound Care

•Domiciliary Midwifery

•Community Nursing – DVA

• Immunisation

•Women’s Health Nurse

Allied Health Services:•Maternal & Child Health Nurse

•Podiatry Service


•Diabetes Educator

•Community Health Days

•Fitness Programs

•Virtual Services


•Hearing Screening

•WDHS Psychologist

•South West Dental Service

Community Services:•Respite Program

•Social Support Group

•Case Management

•Community and Youth Transport Services

•Volunteer Program

•Health Promotion

•Disability Services

•The Men’s Shed

•Live Active


•Balmoral Bookworms


•National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Referral Services:•A wide range of referral services

serViCes ProVided

Southern Grampians Shire Maternal & Child Health Nurse

South West Healthcare Dental Service Western District Health Service Podiatrist & Diabetes Educator

Dr Brian S Coulson MBBS Dip RACOG FACRRM

Practices with Coleraine/Casterton Medical Clinic and visits Balmoral every second Tuesday. Dr Coulson has been with the practice since 1982. He graduated from Adelaide in 1978. His special interests are dermatology, psychiatry and infectious diseases.

Dr Jan Slabbert MB ChB FRACGP

Practices with Hamilton Medical Group and in the past has consulted at the Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre. While obstetric commitments in Hamilton have required him to discontinue his visits to Balmoral, the BBNC offers video consultations between Dr. Slabbert and his Balmoral patients to ensure continuity of care.

James Smith with Dr Brian Coulson Dr Jan Slabbert telehealth link up with Kevin Bloomfield


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Balmoral excavation & ConstructionBalmoral opportunity shop

w & B Bathl Cameron

d & J Cant (arundale Pastoral)a Cantwell

t CarrCavendish redgum Festival

B Cumerfordg & a daffey

a duftyJ dundon

P & C greyJ & l howman

ha, sF & md Jarvis (aramis P’ship)g & a Kemister

P Koendersm & r leemingt & g leeming

l lenay & d BlackK & g little

a & r mcleanB & F mutch

i mutchP & F mutchh & J norrisr Paterson

Pigeon Ponds social Cubl & K rees

g & m scholfieldC & r seymour

i & e smithe & J staude

J tolemanr toleman

n & C trotmanm & m waddington

wardlaw trustg & s watt


The Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre recognises the financial donations provided by our community. The Centre is grateful to each person or business who has contributed to BBNC.

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The Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre continues to formalise and integrate planning with key partners.

Darcy Penrose - Mooree

Remedial Massage

Balmoral and DistrictRecreation Reserve

Key Partners

Balmoral Opportunity


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Connecting people through quality, safe care locally

connecting peopleBalmoral Bush Nursing Centre

Ph: (03) 5570 1304F: (03) 5570 1482

E: [email protected]

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