CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and...

STUDENT ATTENDANCE Thank you to all parents who contact the school regarding your child’s absences. Please only give permission for your child to stay at home if they are genuinely ill. Children are required at school on sports days and when their class is on an excursion or camp. If it is at all possible make appointments for the Doctor or Denst outside of school hours. When children are away they miss learning with the class and will have extra class work to catch up on when they return. Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher as early as possible. From the 1st March 2014, new laws mean that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason. If you’re having aendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day. Please note only a parent or guardian over the age of 18 can ring to inform the school of an absence. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS OF THE WEEK: Week commencing 10th March: Week commencing 10th March: Week commencing 10th March: Week commencing 10th March: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Tyson Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Crystal and Taloula Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Tianna Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Owen Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Willow Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Zac Week commencing 16th March: Week commencing 16th March: Week commencing 16th March: Week commencing 16th March: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Callum Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Kane Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Isaac Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Mollie Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Josh Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Devlin and Dakota Bell monitors: Mackenzie and Brendan Library: Issabelle and Katelyn Art: Melissa and Jesse Flag: Ebony and Aaron Technology: Ayesha and Stuart Sport Shed: Lauren and Kade Environmental: Sophie Dignitary Leaders: Mackenzie and Stuart PBS Shop: Mollie, Jake and Klare With the centenary of ANZAC day approaching, here are some facts you may not have known: “Less We Forget” is a phrase popularised in 1897 by Rudyard Kipling, which was adopted as the final line of The Recitation along with the “Ode of Remembrance”, taken from Laurence Binyon’s “For the Fallen” More than 11,000 ANZACs died on the Gallipoli Peninsula, despite only being there for eight months. GOLD HOUSE: Captains: Aaron and Sophie V. Captains: Ayesha and Jake M GREEN HOUSE: Captains: Ebony and Brendan V. Captains: Klare and Mollie RED HOUSE: Captains: Melissa and Jesse V. Captains: Issabel and Katelyn BLUE HOUSE: Captains: Kade and Lauren V. Captains: Ally and Daniel HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! ANZAC DAY APPEAL Again we ask for your support for the Anzac Day Appeal. We have badges available to purchase at the office. Prices range from $2 to $10. Our senior students will be visiting each classroom to offer badges and arm bands for purchase. There will also be an Anzac Appeal fundraising tin at the front office for those who wish to make a donation.

Transcript of CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and...

Page 1: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and Bonnet Parade This Friday at assembly we will be drawing the Easter Raffle after the

STUDENT ATTENDANCE Thank you to all parents who contact the school regarding

your child’s absences.

Please only give permission for your child to stay at home if

they are genuinely ill. Children are required at school on

sports days and when their class is on an excursion or camp.

If it is at all possible make appointments for the Doctor or

Den!st outside of school hours. When children are away

they miss learning with the class and will have extra class

work to catch up on when they return. Remember, every

day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your

classroom teacher as early as possible.

From the 1st March 2014, new laws mean that

parents can be fined for not sending students to

school without an acceptable reason.

If you’re having a%endance issues with your child, please let

your classroom teacher know so we can work together to

get your child to school every day.

Please note only a parent or guardian over the age of

18 can ring to inform the school of an absence.



Week commencing 10th March:Week commencing 10th March:Week commencing 10th March:Week commencing 10th March:

Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Tyson Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Crystal and Taloula Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Tianna Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Owen Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Willow Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Zac

Week commencing 16th March:Week commencing 16th March:Week commencing 16th March:Week commencing 16th March:

Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Room 1: Callum Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Room 4: Kane Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Room 2: Isaac Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Room 5: Mollie Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Room 3: Josh Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Room 6: Devlin and Dakota

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Bell monitors: Mackenzie and Brendan Library: Issabelle and Katelyn Art: Melissa and Jesse Flag: Ebony and Aaron Technology: Ayesha and Stuart Sport Shed: Lauren and Kade Environmental: Sophie Dignitary Leaders: Mackenzie and Stuart

PBS Shop: Mollie, Jake and Klare

With the centenary of ANZAC day approaching, here are some facts you may not have known:

“Less We Forget” is a phrase popularised in 1897 by Rudyard Kipling, which was adopted as the final line of The Recitation along with the “Ode of Remembrance”, taken from Laurence Binyon’s “For the Fallen” More than 11,000 ANZACs died on the Gallipoli Peninsula, despite only being there for eight months.

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GOLD HOUSE: Captains: Aaron and Sophie

V. Captains: Ayesha and Jake M

GREEN HOUSE: Captains: Ebony and Brendan

V. Captains: Klare and Mollie

RED HOUSE: Captains: Melissa and Jesse

V. Captains: Issabel and Katelyn

BLUE HOUSE: Captains: Kade and Lauren

V. Captains: Ally and Daniel


9th Ieesha RM3 13th Grace RM6 14th Samuel RM1 21st Dallas RM6 26th Dana RM6 ANZAC DAY APPEAL

Again we ask for your

support for the Anzac

Day Appeal. We have

badges available to

purchase at the office.

Prices range from $2 to $10.

Our senior students will be visiting each

classroom to offer badges and arm bands for purchase.

There will also be an Anzac Appeal fundraising tin at

the front office for those who wish to make a donation.

Page 2: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and Bonnet Parade This Friday at assembly we will be drawing the Easter Raffle after the



Families are always welcome to contact staff regarding issues concerning their child. The best way to do this is to phone the Office to arrange a mutually convenient time. Teachers and office staff are busy in their roles but value communication between home and the school.






One Strong


E-mail: [email protected]


Phone: 5977 4324 Fax: 5977 4858



Thursday, March 19th, 2015

2015 -The Year to Achieve! INSPIRE DREAM ACHIEVE

The Yabbie Shack!! The students have been working on gaining their Yabbies for positive behaviours observed by the school staff, crossing supervisors and local business owners. The Yabbies will be traded as currency at the Yabbie Shack each Thursday. Global Links During the past month we have welcomed staff from the UK and our new Indonesian sister school SDN 7 Sintang. Gunawan and Misnari spent 3 weeks in Australia and have shared with the students of our school, traditional stories and games from West Kalimantan, Borneo. Bu Macnab, Gun and Misnari are developing a sustainability project for both schools to work on over the next few months. I thank Narelle (Bu) and her family for hosting our visitors. Melbourne City Camp The year 5 and 6 students are heading into Melbourne for their city camp experience. I thank the staff who once again take leave from their families to provide this wonderful experience for our children. Attending the camp will be Melanie Bluff, Teresa Hennekam, Ross Wettenhall – Monday and Tuesday, Michael Hogg – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and myself for the full week. School Council Representatives 2015 I would like to welcome to the TRSPS School Council; Stephanie McDonald, Jennifer Lee and Nekataria Mappouridou as new parent representatives and Rebecca Bastow as a DET representative. I would like to thank retiring members Eleanor McKenzie and Kristy Rogers for their dedication and hard work over the past two years. Easter Raffle and Bonnet Parade This Friday at assembly we will be drawing the Easter Raffle after the Easter Bonnet Parade at 9.10 am. Children are welcome to wear their Easter Bonnets to assembly in preparation for the parade. Inaugural Luke Batty Award Congratulations to Aaron in year 6, who was the recipient of the Luke Batty Award for the 2014-15 season at the Tyabb Cricket Club. Working Bee Many thanks to the families and staff who participated in the working bee at the school last Friday afternoon. The working bees assist in ensuring that the school and the grounds continue to look outstanding! Carole Mayes - Principal

BANKINGBANKINGBANKINGBANKING Student banking is a great way of fundraising for the school. The school receives $5.00 for each new account opened by a student. For every deposit the students

make the bank donates 5% of each deposit, which goes directly back to the school. So all in all it’s a win-win situation for all concerned. Students are saving money, and at the same time raising money for the school to get new books, sports equipment or whatever is needed most. So if you don’t already have an account, why not open one today!!!!!!

** Deposits are made each Thursday.

Any students wishing to partake in student banking can obtain the forms from the office.

Kitchen Garden – Autumn

The children have continued enjoying time spent

looking after the Kitchen Garden. Our pumpkins are

getting bigger and bigger, especially our Giant Atlantic Pumpkin. It is

now the size of a basketball, with quite a few more weeks of growing

to go. Unfortunately on the weekend of the 14th & 15th of March,

someone came into the school and picked our second best Giant

Pumpkin. This is a real shame, as they are not particularly nice to eat

and are more for show than produce.

We’ve begun preparing a bed for next year’s giant pumpkins and will

be growing crops in it over winter which will be cultivated back into

the soil so there are lots of nutrients there for the pumpkins to feed on.

On another sad note, all the beetroot and carrots we sowed were eaten

by snails or slugs, so we need to research environmentally friendly

ways to combat these pests! Some of our beans were planted at the

same time survived the pests and have begun climbing up the arch. Our

lettuce that was sown from seeds we collected from the last previous

crop are flourishing and popping up in some unusual places. Our

strawberries are thriving and we’re hoping for a bumper crop coming


Harvest markets continue to be successful, particularly our cucumbers.

Cucumbers will be available on Fridays until the end of term. All

money raised from the markets goes towards seeds and seedlings for

future plantings, so bring along some loose change to Friday

assemblies, support the Kitchen Garden and the children will really

enjoy eating the crops they’ve helped produce.


If anyone has some chicken wire lying around not

being used, or a small roll left over from a

previous home project, we would really appreciate

some pieces to cover over our seeds to protect the

seedlings from pests.

Crossing Roads!

Important Reminder to


Children must always use the school crossings provided when crossing the roads and NOT cross at any unsafe roads and/or intersections.


A big thank you to Kane and his mum Pip for

donating some wonderful books to our library.

They will definitely be put to good use and

enjoyed by all.


Mr Wettenhall, Mackenzie and Taloula attended the

Disabled Surfers Association’s event at Point Leo beach

on Saturday. There was an astounding 100 surfers and

243 volunteers, making for a

fabulous day. It was the last

event for the year for the

Mornington Peninsula

Association, however if you

would like to get involved in the

next volunteer day contact Mr


Page 3: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and Bonnet Parade This Friday at assembly we will be drawing the Easter Raffle after the
Page 4: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! FOLLOWING … · 2015. 3. 20. · Easter Raffle and Bonnet Parade This Friday at assembly we will be drawing the Easter Raffle after the



Each !me you scan your Community Benefit

Card, it donates 1% of the money spent on

groceries to our School.

Not only does the school community benefit

by using the CB Card, but by having a

Community Benefit Card you are en!tled to

instant discounts on various products

throughout the Ritchies Store.

Download the TIQBIZ App for

all special events and reminders !