Congratulations - FCSLA · Congratulations Fcsla 2014-15 scholarship recipients! see page 12. ... n...


Transcript of Congratulations - FCSLA · Congratulations Fcsla 2014-15 scholarship recipients! see page 12. ... n...

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ŽenskÁ Jednota

AUGUST 2014VOL. 100, NO. 10

CongratulationsFcsla 2014-15 scholarship recipients! see page 12

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Fraternally Yours™

4 22 1 ISSN 0897-2958

Fraternally Yours,ZENSKA JEDNOTA,

is a monthly magazine published by the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association.

National Headquarters at 24950 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44122EDITOR: Carolyn Bazik

P.O. Box 1617, Reading, PA 19603E-mail: [email protected]

Phone (610) 373-2743 • Fax (610) 375-8333Periodical Postage Paid at

Cleveland, OH 44101 and additional entriesSubscription Rate, Non-Members: $6.00 — 1 Yr.

Printed at Triangle Press6720 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17112

Postmaster: Send address changes to Zenska Jednota,

First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44122

Deadline for all articles is the 15th of the month, 1½ months prior to the issue date.

OFFICE HOURS — HOME OFFICEMonday through Friday — 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Phone: (216) 464-8015 • Toll Free: 800-464-4642Fax: (216) 464-9260 • Website:


Very Reverend Monsignor Peter M. Polando, The Cathedral of Saint Columba, 154 West Wood St., Youngstown, OH 44503. Residence: (330) 744-5233. Email [email protected]:

Cynthia M. Maleski, Esq., 24950 Chagrin Bou-levard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1011. Email: [email protected]:

Irene J. Drotleff, 17807 Nottingham Road, Cleveland, OH 44122. (216) 486-6950. Email: [email protected].

Larry M. Golofski, 1114 Surrey Lane, Vandergrift, PA 15690. Residence: (724) 845-8078. Email: [email protected].

Barbara Novotny Waller, 24950 Chagrin Bou-levard, Beachwood, OH 44122. Residence: (610) 207-0747. Email: [email protected]:

Sue Ann M. Seich, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1012. Email: [email protected]:

Stephen C. Hudak, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1016. Email: [email protected]. TRUSTEES:

John M. Janovec, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642.

Virginia A. Holmes, 1625 Vermont Avenue, White Oak, PA 15131. Residence: (412) 672-1565.AUDITORS:

Katie A. Esterle, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. Residence: (262) 720-7190. Email: [email protected].

Barbara A. Sekerak, 6312 Elmdale Road, Brook Park, OH 44142. (216) 676-9332. Email: [email protected].

Dorothy L. Urbanowicz, 27 Crescent Drive, Mones-sen, PA 15062. Residence: (724) 684-8243. Email: [email protected]:

Carolyn M. Bazik, P.O. Box 1617, Reading, PA 19603 (610) 373-2743.

COURT OF APPEALS:Mary Angeloff Jeanette PalancaBarb Shedlock Ralph SzubskiJoseph L. Szumski Carol YurechkoRon Sestak Joyce KellyRonald Paseka Ann SedlockBernard Drahozal Dawn LaBuda

n TODAY I WILL NOT STRIKE BACK:If someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind...I will not respond in a like manner.n TODAY I WILL ASK GOD TO BLESS MY "ENEMY":If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask God to bless that individual. I understand the "enemy" could be a family member, neighbor, co-worker, or a stranger.n TODAY I WILL BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT I SAY:I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.n TODAY I WILL GO THE EXTRA MILE:Iwillfindwaystohelpsharetheburdenofanotherperson.n TODAY I WILL FORGIVE:I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way.n TODAY I WILL DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE,n BUT I WILL DO IT SECRETLY:I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.n TODAY I WILL TREAT OTHERS THE WAY I WISH TO BE TREATED:Iwillpracticethegoldenrule—"DountoothersasIwouldhavethemdounto me" — with everyone I encounter.n TODAY I WILL RAISE THE SPIRITS OF SOMEONE I DISCOURAGED:My smile, my words, my expression of support, can make the difference to someone who is wrestling life.n TODAY I WILL NURTURE MY BODY:I will eat less; I will eat only healthy foods. I will thank God for my body.n TODAY I WILL GROW SPIRITUALLY:I will spend a little more time in prayer today: I will begin reading something spiritualorinspirationaltoday;IwillfindaquietplaceandlistentoGod'svoice!


aboutapplyingsomeoftheideasaboveandseeifyoudon’thaveabetterday!Remember people will remember us by our actions. UntilNextMonth... Warmly, Carolyn

Thoughts To Help You Have

A Better Day!10

FIRST CATHOLIC SLOVAK LADIES ASSOCIATIONWhat: SPECIAL CONVENTIONWhen: SundayOctober5,2014(ArrivalDate) Wednesday,October8,2014(DepartureDate)

Who: NationalOfficers RegisteredBranchDelegates

Where: DoubletreebyHilton/Beachwood 3663ParkEastDrive Beachwood,OH44122

Why: FCSLABylawsProposedRevision

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Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches(Orientalium Ecclesiarum)

AUGUST2014 3

Very Reverend Monsignor Peter M. Polando, D. Min., J.C.L., National Chaplain

My dear Sisters and Brothers,On 21 November 1964, Pope Paul

VI promulgated a decree of the Council Fathers of the Second Vatican Coun-cil that dealt with the Eastern Ritual Churches of the Catholic Church. In paragraph two, the Bishops declared, “That Church, Holy and Catholic, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, is made up of the faithful who are organi-cally united in the Holy Spirit through the same faith, the same sacraments, and the same government and who, combining into various groups held together by a hierarchy, form separate Churches or rites. Between these, there flourishes such an admirable brother-hood that this variety within the Church in no way harms her unity, but rather manifests it. For it is the mind of the Catholic Church that each individual Church or rite retain its traditions whole and entire, while adjusting its way of life to the various needs of time and place” (Orientalium Ecclesiarum [OE]).

As you may or may not recall, the Catholic Church is comprised of Churches of the East and of West (Latin). The largest rite of the Western Catholic Church is the Roman Rite to which most of the members who are Catholic of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association ascribe. But there are other rites of the Catholic Church as I will now lay out for you. These are the Churches of the Eastern Tradition:• The Alexandrian Tradition that is

composed of the Coptic Rite and the Ethiopic Rite;

• The Antiochian Tradition made up of the Maronite Rite, the Syrian Rite, and the Syro- Malankara Rite;

• The Armenian Tradition composed of the Armenian Rite;

• The Chaldean/East Syrian Tradi-tion made up of the Chaldean Rite and the Syro-Malabar Rite; and,

• The Byzantine (Constantinopoli-tan) Tradition composed of fourteen rites, namely, the Albanian Byzan-tine Rite; the Belarusian Greek Rite; the Bulgarian Greek Rite; the Byz-antine Rite of Croatia, Serbia, and

Montenegro; the Greek Byzantine Rite; the Hungarian Greek Rite; the Italo-Albanian Rite; the Macedonian Greek Rite; the Melkite Greek Rite; the Romanian Greek Rite; the Rus-sian Byzantine Rite; the Ruthenian Rite; the Slovak Greek Rite; and, the Ukrainian Greek Rite.These are the Churches of the West-

ern Tradition:• The Roman Rite;• The Ambrosian Rite (celebrated in

and around Milan, Italy);• The Rite of Bragia (celebrated in Bra-

gia, Portugal); and,• The Mozarabic Rite (celebrated in

Toledo and Salamanca, Spain).You can see there are many Ritual

Churches of the Catholic Church, some of which you may have some knowledge of and others that you did not know existed. Why such a diversity of rites? There is a history of each but succinctly each Ritual Church aligns itself within the cultural influences in the lands in which they are immersed, the differ-ences in their approaches to spirituality, their understandings of theology come from a wide variety of sources, and their ways of celebrating the sacraments dif-fer from that of the celebrations that other Catholic Ritual Churches are ac-customed. Each Ritual Church has its own churches, communities, bishops, priests, and religious communities. But all Catholics, both from the East and the West, are united as one under the Bish-op of Rome, Pope Francis.

There are rites of the Eastern Church established within the boundaries of the United States. Because of the influx of immigrants at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth cen-turies, those becoming citizens here felt the need and the comfort of worship-ping in the Ritual Church in which they were baptized. For example, in my Dio-cese of Youngstown, Ohio, there are five parishes that are of the Ruthenian Rite, two parishes of the Ukrainian Greek Rite and two parishes of the Romanian Greek Rite that are associated with the Byzantine (Constantinopolitan) Tradi-

tion. There are also a Maronite Rite par-ish and National Shrine that are of the Antiochian Tradition.

In regards to the Eastern Church, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council emphasized, “All Eastern rite members should know and be convinced that they can and should always preserve their lawful liturgical rites and their estab-lished way of life, and that these should not be altered except by way of an ap-propriate and organic development. Easterners themselves should honor all these things with the greatest fidelity. Besides, they should acquire an ever greater knowledge and a more exact use of them. If they have improperly fallen away from them because of circum-stances of time or personage, let them take pains to return to their ancestral ways” (OE, paragraph five).

Since there are the varieties of East-ern Churches in my own diocese (East-ern Churches have their own dioceses called eparchies), I have had the privilege of concelebrating Divine Liturgy (Holy Mass) because of a special holy day, a funeral, or a wedding. It is fascinating to listen to the chants, breathe in the co-pious amounts of incense, and become entranced by the repetition of interces-sory prayer. In many of the churches, the iconostasis (a screen with pictures of the Blessed Trinity, the Mother of God, the Prophets and Saints) separates the sanctuary from the nave of the church that brings about an air of the Divine Mystery taking place. And of course, the people and priests actively partici-pate in making their prayer to Almighty God awesome with sincere devotion.

The variety of Churches in both the Eastern and Western Traditions exhibits not only the universality of the Catholic Church but also the unity that is in place through the Gift of the Holy Spirit and the apostolicity that is maintained in the Successor of Saint Peter, Pope Francis. The Catholic Church has more than one point two billion members. May all of us go forth to bring the Gospel to the world by our prayers and by lives of ac-tive Catholic evangelization!

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Message from our National President Cynthia M. Maleski



12:00Noon–8:00p.m.St. Anthony of Padua Hall, 6750 State Road, Parma, OH

Music:CulturalProgramat3:00p.m.Homemade Slovak Food & Pastries

Admission is $5.00 / 12 and under free

99th Annual Milwaukee Area Pilgrimage Set for Labor DayOneof thegreatspiritual traditionsof theMilwaukee

areaSlovakcommunityhasbeenthetraditionalLaborDaypilgrimageto theBasilicaof theNationalShrineofMary,HelpofChristiansatHolyHill.Thisyear’s99thannualeventissetforLaborDay,Monday,September1.Itwillbeginat8:30a.m.withtheoutdoorStationsoftheCrossatthebot-tomofthehill.At9:30a.m.ReverendJosephHornacekwillcelebrateHolyMassintheShrine’sUpperChurch.


August is Founders Month!

Once again, to honor those bold women whostarted our Association in 1892, we will hold aspecial Founders Month Campaign.EveryFCSLArecommender and agent is asked to send a life or annuity application to the Home Office betweenAugust1andAugust31.Applicationsonnewmemberswill receive a $25 bonus plus earn a chance in a big cash drawing. To celebrate our 122 years inbusiness, we will draw for five $122 prizes, plus one grand prize of $500.Themoreappsaproducersubmits,thebetterthechancetowin!(Onlyannuityapplicationswithan initialpremiumofat least$500willcount,andonlySuperYouthTermcertificatesfor$50,000faceamountwillcount.)

DearSistersandBrothers:When this issue of Fraternally

Yours reaches you, we will be cele-bratingFounders’Month!In1892,our Foundress,Anna Hurban,alongwitheightotherSlovakimmi-grant women, called for a national convention in Cleveland,OH.Atotalof15delegatesfromvariousparts of our country came and participated with prayer, prudence, and fraternal spirit to establish the groundwork, purposes and objec-

tives of our society and to plant the seeds of growth for future generations.Whatagreatjobtheydid!

I have issued a call to our special convention for the purpose of considering and adopting a new revision of our bylaws, the key corporate documents which govern our method of decision making and managing for us from the branch level to the board level and provide the framework for membership and leadership.

With theHolySpirit leading theway, this documentprovides a reasonable path for our growth and success for many years to come. It succinctly sets forth membership criteria which will allow us to grow while recognizing our roots.Itconciselylaysoutreasonablestandardsforqualifi-cations for leadership of our association, which has grown

Urgent Call to the 2014 Special Convention!tooursizedoingbusinessacrossthecountrywithfinancialstrength and stability.

The2011quadrennialconventionauthorized thecre-ationofaBylawsRevisionCommitteemadeupofrepresen-tative leaders from across our nation and our board to meet and make recommendations to be considered and adopted at the 2014 special convention.Undermy direction thiscollectivebody,chairedbyBarbaraWaller,VicePresidentof our board of directors, has met many times both face to face and by telephone — to arrive at a document which is customized to meet our needs taking into account our his-tory and traditions, and has all the components to move us forwardwellintothe21stcentury!IntheSeptemberissueyou will receive a summary of essential sections of this coredocument.Ourbranchoffices,membersofourboardof directors and other leaders have received drafts of the document and have been given an opportunity for comments which have been reviewed by the committee.

WEhaveanopportunitytotakeaGIANTLEAPFOR-WARD,asourforemothersdidwithcourage,prudenceandwiththeHolySpirit’sguidanceifourdelegatesapprovetheserevisionsinOctober.Ifwedonotapprovethekeyprovisionsof the document we will indeed be taking several steps back-wards. We must act in concert and with urgency, prudence andcourageinapprovingtherevisionforthebenefitofourbeloved association and for generations to come. Please praytotheHolySpiritandasktheBlessedMotherandSt.Anntointercedeforallofus,especiallyourdelegates,aswemoveforwardduringthishistorictime!

WithGod’sBlessingsandFraternallyYours, Cynthia Maleski NationalPresident

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AUGUST2014 5

National Secretary


First, you come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses.


PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS:1.Peaceofmind 2. Peace of heart 3. Peace of soul

PLANT FOUR ROWS OF SQUASH:1.Squashgossip 2.Squashindifference 3.Squashgrumbling 4.Squashselfishness

PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE:1.Lettucebefaithful 2.Lettucebekind 3.Lettucebepatient 4.Lettucereallyloveoneanother

NO GARDEN IS WITHOUT TURNIPS:1.Turnipformeetings 2.Turnipforservice 3.Turniptohelponeanother


1.Thymeforeachother 2.Thymeforfamily 3.Thymeforfriends



Youmaybethinkingwhatdoesthishavetodowithfra-ternalismandvolunteering?Everything!Thebestpart,thisgarden can be kept growing year round. It all starts with you from deep inside. It starts out as a virtual garden and grows intothisbigwonderfulplentifulgarden.Thelittlethingsyoudo mean the world to others. I encourage you get involved with your branch, attend meetings, help plan ways to help yourgardengrowaswellasthebranchesgarden!

It is that time of year again when some of us begin to prepare for our return to pre-school through graduate school. Somemembersmaybeattendinganewschoolforthefirsttimeandthatwillbeabig change in their life. It can be a little overwhelming in some instances, that is why planning helps and so do gather-ings with future classmates to make the transition a little easier. Where ever your path leads you this year, we wish all of you a happy and successful school year.

Inthis issueyouwillfindthememberswhowerese-lectedtoreceiveoneofourFCSLAbenefits,ascholarship.In many of the categories there were numerous applicants whichmadetheselectionprocessmoredifficult.Ifyouap-plied and did not receive a scholarship this year please do notbediscouraged.Watchforour2015-2016applicationsinourmagazinethisfall.Thereareseveralchangesintheapplicationandthewaytheywillbegraded.Ourscholar-shipbenefitisonlyoneofthemanybenefitsweofferourmembers.

Ourmonthlymagazineisanotherfraternalbenefitthatisenjoyedbymany.Themagazinesharesmanyactivitiesand through the year offers various age groups different opportunities to participate and win a prize.

TherearesomechangesatthehomeofficeinpersonnelthatIwantedtosharewithyou.YouareawarethatDorothy,ourExecutiveSecretaryretiredattheendoflastyear.WearehappytosharewithyouthatwehavehiredanewExecutiveSecretary,JayneNeelon,asofMay1,2014.JaynecanbereachedatExt.1034.Pleasewelcomeherifyouhavetheopportunity to speak with her. We have realigned several of theofficeresponsibilitiesandtheyhavebeenreassigned.If you have a request for giveaway items for your branch sponsored activities, please submit the required form to Jackiebymailoremail.(FormsareonourFCSLAwebsite.)

InearlyJune,Michelleresignedherpositionatthehomeoffice.Wearepleased to sharewith you thatSamanthamade a smooth transition to that department and is working with the agents and licensed recommenders for all licensing, continuing education and new agent applications.

It has been said often that change is not easy and all ofusatthehomeofficehaveexperiencedmanychangessince last year. It is without a doubt that we have a remark-able staff that doesn’t hesitate to offer their assistance to another department when it is needed. We are very fortunate atFCSLAtohavededicatedindividualsworkinghereandwe do appreciate them.

Until next issue, may God keep you happy, healthy and loved.


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FCSLA Connects . . .

Patrick Braun

Tips for a Better Financial Position in RetirementIntheJulyissueofFraternally Yours

IwroteabouttheannualNAFICmeetingandthegreatspeakerandauthorTomHegna.Tomtalkedabouttheimportanceof having guaranteed life income to mini-mize the risk of living too long and run-ningoutofmoney.IstatedthatFCSLAmembers have available to them, one of thebestSinglePremiumImmediateAn-nuities(SPIA)intheinsurancebusiness.IpromisedtotalkabouttheSPIAinmynext article so here we are. I also have

a few other important tips to make sure that both spouses arefinanciallysolventintheirretirementyears.

First,aSPIAisaguaranteeofincomeforaslongasyoulive,evenifyoulivewellover100years!Thisisbecomingmore common today. In fact, I had a great grandfather that livedto102yearsofageandagreatuncleontheothersideofthefamilywhoalsolivedtobe102yearsofage!Bothwerefairlyactivewellintotheir90s!

WithaSPIA,themembergivesFCSLAalumpsumofmoneyandFCSLAgivesthatmemberamonthlyorannualcheckforaslongashe/shelives.Anactuaryhascomputedhow much the income will be for each age. Part of the in-comewhichthememberreceivesisprincipal(moneywhichhe/sheputin)andpartisinterest.Taxesareonlypaidontheinterestportionoftheincomeonnon-qualifiedmoney.(OnTraditionalIRA’sallmoneytakenoutistaxed.Pleaseconsultyourtaxadvisor.)SeveralthingsmaketheSPIAat-tractive.First,becausethememberisreceivingareturnofboth principal and interest, the income is much larger than just receiving an interest payment, especially at today’s verylowinterestrates.Second,FCSLAiscurrentlyusingarelativelyhighinterestrate(3.5%)tocomputetheincomeontheSPIA.Manycompaniesusealowerratesotheincomethey can provide may be lower.

Here’sanexampleofaSPIA.AmaleFCSLAmember(orprospectivemember)atage66givesFCSLA$100,000.FCSLAwillprovidealifeincomeof$7,008annuallyor$546eachmonth.ThereisatenyearguaranteeonthisSPIAso,ineventofadeathinthefirst10years,abeneficiarywouldreceive the balance of the money due for the remainder of the10years.(OnalifeonlySPIA,theincomewouldbealittlehigherbuttherewouldbenoguarantee.)The$7,008ofincomewouldbeequivalenttoearningabout7%onthe$100,000whichcan’tbedonetodayonaguaranteedbasis.And,onlyaportionoftheSPIAincomewouldbetaxableonnon-qualifiedaccounts,unlikeinterestpaymentswhichwould all be taxable.

Oneofthemostimportantconceptsinplanningforre-tirement is planning not to run out of money. Regardless of how much money a couple has, the day the paychecks stop coming in is the day they start worrying about how long their money will last if they haven’t set up a source of guaranteed


Thereareseveralotherveryimportantconsiderationstotakeworryoutofretirementplanning.First,peopleshouldmake sure, when setting up pension income that they have providedfortheirspouse.Thereareseveralwaysthatonecan take pension income. I always recommend the “joint and survivor” option. With this option, the pension will be a little lowerbutitwillbepaidaslongaseitherspouseisliving!

MakesurethatthebeneficiaryonyourIRAisuptodateandiswhereyouwantyourmoneytogo.Aformerspousewillgetthemoneyifhe/sheisnamedasbeneficiary!(Thatprobablywouldn’tsitwellwithacurrentspouse.)Thesameis not true for 401k accounts. Federal law says that thecurrent spouse gets that money in event of the death of thespousewhoownstheaccount.Thismeansthat,ifonewantstoleave401Kmoneytochildrenofthefirstmarriageoraformerspouse,thecurrentspousemustwaivehis/herrightstotheaccount.Obviouslyoneshouldseealawyertoget that done if it is desired.

Finally,oneofthemostimportantwaystoprovideforaspouse in retirement and therefore take some of the worry awayistohaveadequatelifeinsurance.HereI’mnottalk-ing about burial insurance. I’m talking about enough life insurance to provide income for a spouse if other provi-sionshaven’tbeenmade.There’sbeenalotofbadadvicegivenbyTV“experts”aboutdroppingone’slifeinsuranceatretirement.Howstupiddoesthatsoundwhenyoureallythink about it? I can only imagine what my wife would have saidifIhadcometoherwhenIturned65andsaid,“Wellhoney,IheardonTVthatIcandropallmylifeinsurancenow.” Being fairly well versed on the value of life insurance she might have told me that I should sleep with one eye open thatnight!Itreallyisabadidea.Theaveragewomanoutlivestheaveragemanbyatleast4yearsandweseealotmorelivingintotheir80sand90sthanwedomen.Infact,whenIturned65,Iboughtanother$100,000ofFCSLA’s20YearLevelTerm.Believeme,webothsleepalotbetterknowingthat she would have some extra income protection, and the cost is very affordable.

As always, Iwill close by saying, talk to a licensedFCSLAagentorrecommenderandaskquestionsaboutourproducts.Or,callmeattheFCSLAHomeOffice.

Slovak Language Classes OfferedTheWesternPennsylvaniaSlovakCulturalAssociation


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AUGUST2014 7

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Age:______

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip:_________________

Branch: ________________________________________ Phone #____________________________________

PLEASE MAIL ALL 5 PUZZLES IN AT THE SAME TIME. They must be delivered to the Home Office by Friday, Nov. 14, 2014!

Mail to:FCSLAFraternalDepartment, 24950ChagrinBlvd.,Beachwood,OH44122


Words may be found up and down, side to side, diagonally or words may share letters.

How is Your Vegetable Garden Doing?




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TheFirstCatholicSlovakLadiesAsso-ciation is proud to announce the selection of BonnitaC.VavruskafromTabor,SDasour2014FraternalistoftheYear.TheFCSLAhassenthernominationtotheAmericanFraternalAlliancetobeconsideredfornationalrecog-nition.The2014AmericanFraternalAllianceFraternalistoftheYearwillbeannouncedandhonoredat the128thannualmeeting tobeheldinAustin,TXinSeptember.

BonnitaC.Vavruska–herfriendscallherBonnie,isaproudmemberofherlocalFCSLABranchW093.Shehasbeenamemberforthepast 32 years and continues to be involved at multiplelevels.ShehasrepresentedBranchW093 at the national level and has beennominated as a delegate to the upcoming NationalSpecialConventioninOctober2014.Currently she has graciously accepted thepositionasbranchTreasurer.

BonniewasalsonominatedfortheSouthDakotaFra-ternalCongressFraternalistoftheYearAwardandweareveryexcitedtoreportthatshewasawardedthe2014SouthDakotaFraternalCongressFraternalistoftheYear!FCSLAwould like to congratulate her on this award as well.


Bonniealsoparticipates in theFCSLASouthDakotaDistrictmeetingsandcapturesthebranchanddistrictgath-erings, meeting events, celebrations, etc. with her photog-raphy.SheisdefinitelyanadvocateforFCSLAatthelocal,district and national levels.

Caringandcompassion for others is very important every daytoBonnie.Choosingthenursingprofessionandprovidingoutreach to other communities shows the everyday caring she has for people of all ages. Growing up in a small community everyone is “family” and you have the honor and privilege of participating in this “families” activities and traditions.

CzechDays isoneof theyearlycommunitycelebra-tionsinthesmalltownofTabor,SD.Bonnieputsinmanyhours of work from baking the dozens of kolache she do-nates, to cleaning, to helping organize the baseball game and fireworkswhichbegins theCzechDays celebration,to volunteering her time serving the thousands of people thatcometoenjoythetowns’heritageandfood.ShealsoparticipatesyearlyintheBesedaDancewhichinvolvesover200peoplebothyoungandoldandisagreatattractiontothe celebration.

ThroughouttheyearBonnieextendsherinvolvementand compassion to other communities by volunteering at different cancer fund raising events such as Walks and Zumbathons where the proceeds go to cancer patients in need.Shedoeswhateverisneededtomake them a success.

Church, religiousbeliefs and faith is asignificantpartofBonnie’slifeasisherfamily.Youth involvementandeducation isanes-sential part in most peoples’ lives, but Bonnie tries to take it one step further. Bonnie is the DirectorofReligiouseducationforherparishyouth and has helped organize eight levels of educationclassesalongwiththeConfirma-tionprogram.Sheisalsohelpingshapetheyouths’ religious lives by teaching 2nd grade religious education preparing them for two veryimportantsacraments–FirstConfessionandFirstHolyCommunion.

Trying tofindaway tokeepouryouthinvolved and interested in their religion is a challenge and because she is very organized andmotivatedshefindsawaytoincorporateseveral learning venues to keep their atten-tion. Recently she has worked with their priest

to help organize the altar server training program for the children of the parish.

October brings the parish’s local bazaar/fall festivalwhichinvolvesorganizingbothyouthandadults.Shevol-unteers her time to work at the church bazaar and donates items both baked and purchased to the various booths to help support the church. Bonnie is also very involved with the AltarandRosarySociety.Volunteeringhertalents,helpingwith serving funerals, organizing committees, helping plant andcare for thechurchflowersandvolunteerswherevershecan.ShenotonlyvolunteersoutsideofchurchbutalsoduringthemassasanExtraordinaryMinister.

Bonnie’s compassion and love for her family, church, community andFCSLAare displayed in all themultipleevents she partakes in. Bonnie is always eager to lend a handforanyeventforanyagegroup.Sheisactiveonmanylevelsinhercommunity,church,FCSLAeventsandfamily.By volunteering in such a wide variety of events she is help-ingbuildthegapbetweenallgenerations.Shecontinuesto help update programs to keep them moving forward and notlettingthemdie.Shetrulycaresandisveryhumble.Asinvolved as she is, she still has time to care for her husband, Joeanddaughter.Whatanawesomerolemodelsheisforherdaughter,Journey!

FCSLA congratulatesBonnieVavruska for receivingthis well deserved recognition. We are very proud to have Bonnierepresentusasour2014FraternalistoftheYear!

FCSLA 2014 FRATERNALIST OF THE YEAR~ Bonnita C. Vavruska ~

Attention Branches 88 and 157BranchesS88andJ157(Monessen,PA)areplanning


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AUGUST2014 9

FCSLA Announces our 2014 Jr. Fraternalist

of the Year Award Winner~ Rachael Funtal ~

We are proud to an-nounce that Rachael Funtal is our 2014 Jr.Fraternalist of theYearAwardWinner (formerlyknownastheYouthRec-ognitionAward).

Rachael is a member of Jr. Branch 157 andservesontheJr.AdvisoryBoard. Whenever she is calledupontohelpatSr.or Jr. branch activitiesshe is there! Ready todo what is needed such as assisting in wrapping gifts for needy children

in theHeadStartProgram, entertain anddistribute giftstoresidentsinalocalnursinghome,assistedintheirJoinHandsDayprojectofwashingcarsalongwiththeLeoClub.

InadditiontobeingactivewithherFCSLAbranchsheisalsoalectorandaltarserver.DuringLentshehelpedmakedinner rolls for those visiting the parish. Rachael is involved with the preparation of the parish grounds and set-up for the parishpicnicaswellasworkingthegamestands.ShehelpedpreparemealsforfamiliesstayingattheRonaldMcDonaldHouse, assists in preparing baskets for parish shut-ins,servedatadinnerfundraisertobenefittheFinleyvilleFoodBank.SheworkedaCraftFairtobenefitayoungparishionerwithMitochondrialDisease(whichraised$10,000).

RachaelalsoparticipatesintheGirlScoutDayCampandhelpstheyoungergirlswithcrafts,earnedaSilverAwardforplanningandcompletinga60hour serviceprojectofadopting a local nursing home, making crafts and gifts for the residents as well as visiting at least once a month over asixmonthperiod.Asabandmember,sheparticipatesinentertaining and honoring veterans and retirement village residents.Shealsodoesseasonalperformancesat localchurches.

RachaelisthedaughterofRobertandFloraFuntalandhasanolder brotherAndrew. In her free time she takesdance twice a week, is on a competition dance team and plays volleyball.

RachaelwasnominatedbySr.Branch88branchof-ficerDorothyUrbanowicz–“Astudent,providingthismuchservice, certainly deserves this recognition”.

TheFCSLAcongratulatesRachaelforrepresentingouryounger generation of members. Rachael and members likeherarethefutureofFCSLA.WeareveryproudtohaveRachaelasourmemberandasour2014Jr.FraternalistoftheYearAwardWinner.MayGodwatchoverherandallherfuture endeavors.

Annual Easter Celebration Held for Members of Branch W093Themembers ofBranchW093,Tabor,SDmet

fortheirannualEasterPartyonMay4th.Afteranoonpotluck meal, a short meeting was held. Monsignor Hermann,BranchChaplain,ledthegroupinprayer.Aspecialdinnerguestwasnewparishpriest,Fr.SteveJones.

PresidentGarySestakbeganthemeetingwithapresentationofaplaquetoBonnieVavruska,whoisthe2014FraternalistoftheYear.ShewasnominatedbySherryPovondra.Bonnierepresentedthebranchat theannualSouthDakotaFraternalAlliance.Shewasunabletoattend,butherparentsRonandJoyceSestak,wentonherbehalf.CongratulationsBonnie!

FollowingtheSecretaryandTreasurer’sreports,correspondence was read consisting of thank you notes fromSt.WenceslausCCD(pizzapartydona-tion),SallyWelter(radiorosary),DennisDuffekandRomaCimplfamilies(memorials),andFr.ChuckCimpl(Christmasgift).

In old business,DennisPovondra stated therecould be a state grant available for a service project. Cemeteryupkeepwasmentionedasapossibleusefor the grant if the branch wanted to apply.

In new business, requests were made from the Taborsummeryouthprogram,andtheCCDstudentswhowillbeattendingthe2014summeryouthconfer-enceinSteubenville,OHfordonations.Donationsof$75.00tothesummeryouthprogramand$50.00toeach of the seven students and two chaperones going to the youth conference.


MonsignorspokeabouttheSteubenvilleconfer-ence and how worthwhile it will be for students to attend.Hewaspleased thatsomeofouryouthwillattend.

ThebranchannualpicnicwillbeheldAugust3rdat5:00p.m.Withnootherbusiness toconduct themeetingwasadjournedanddoorprizesweregivenout!

L-R: Ron Sestak, Fraternalist of the Year, Bonnie Vavrus-ka, Monsignor Hermann, Gary Sestak, Sherry Povondra.

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We Want to Hear From You!• Did your children, grandchildren receive special

awards or achievements in school?• Baptisms? Confirmations? New Members?• Participated in Volunteer and Community


If they are members of the FCSLA please send us a photo and short article

about their special achievements!

Grandma JoyceKelly, J339Presi-dent, is proud to add her grandson VICTOR EDWARD KELLY to the roster ofJr.Branch339members.VictorwasbornAugust28,2012toproudparentsLauraGibson-Kelly (S287) andGeneKelly.VictorwasbaptizedonOctober21,2012atSt.SimontheApostleSlovakChurchinChicago,IL.Heworeabaptis-mal gown that has been passed down in thefamilyforthreegenerations.Victor’sgrandpaJohnKelly,hisaunt,uncleandcousin Brianna are also members.

AVA THERESE DUELGE, daughter ofStephenie andThomasDuelgeofBranch 23, Milwaukee, WI, received herFirstHolyCommuniononMay4,2014.She is thegrandchildofKathyandBobMueller, Branch 23.Ava isalso very grateful to be the recipient of the2014-2015elementaryscholarship.WaytogoAva!!

MICHAEL JOSEPH DUELGE, a gift from above (8 lbs., 20 in.),wasbornJanuary2,2014toproudparents Thomas and StephenieDuelge, Branch 23 ofMilwaukee.GodparentsareKatie(FCSLAboardofdirector)andMartinEsterle.

ROBERT (left) and ANDREW (right) SOKOL(J066)madetheirFirstHolyCommuniononMay4,2014atSt.PatrickChurch,Hubbard,OH.TheyaretwinsonsofLisaandSteveSokolofHubbard,OH.

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AUGUST2014 11

OnSunday,May4th atChrist theGood Shepherd Parish, St. John’sSlovakCatholicChurch,JACOB ZURA (J257)receivedtheSacramentofCom-munionatthe10:15a.m.Mass.HeisafourthgenerationmemberofFCSLA.Duringhisspecialday,Jacobwassur-rounded by his parents, twin brothers AdamandAlex,grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins.

EVA ST. ANGEL (J382)madeherFirstHolyCommuniononMay10,2014atSt.MaryoftheImmaculateConcep-tionChurchinLosGatos,CA.Evaisa fourth generation FCSLAmember.She is thedaughter ofNicolette andLindoSt.Angel.HergrandparentsareBobandEstherMaruskaofClarendonHills, IL andConstanceSt.Angel ofRockford,IL.

LOGAN JOSEPH SEBEK(J112)ofWestNewton,PAmadehisFirstHolyCommunion onMay10, 2014at theChurch ofSt.Anne inBelleVernon,PA.He is the son of Lawrence andMichelleSebek,brotherofAlexaandgrandson ofBuck andMarcySebekand Patty Baron.

The theme of the 19thAnnualPierogiFest inWhiting, INwas “TheYearofAuntieKoon”.Thiswasatributetoa formerNationalPresidentof theFCSLA.EachyearadifferentthemeisselectedbytheCommitteeandsinceHelenKocanwasaresidentofWhit-ing and still has many relatives in the CalumetRegionshewaschosen.

Thisannualevent,drawinganes-timated250,000people isheldeveryyearduring the lastweekend inJuly.Thisyearasinpastyearsthefestivalkicked off with the International Polka ParadeonFriday,July25thandcontin-uedthroughSunday,July27th.Duringthe past several years a well-known


CBSChicagoTVmeteorologist,SteveBaskerville was the parade Marshall. The weekend festivities includedentertainment by Mr. Pierogi and the Pieroguettes, the Babushka Brigade, thePrecisionLawnmowerDrillTeam,local polka bands, and well-known SlovakandPolishfolkensemblesfromChicago,Detroit,andToronto.


— packed with street vendors, selling food, drinks and novelty items such as t-shirts, along with imported arts and crafts.Thebeergardenstretchedtwoblocksandwas stockedwith 20 tapsand countless kegs, wine and canned beverages.

Duringlastyear’sfestivaltheCityofWhiting Mayor’s Proclamation honoring HelenKocanwaspresentedtoMarga-retAbildua,President;JoannSkvarek,VicePresident,andMaryBethKutcka,Auditor of theHelen KocanDistrictof FCSLA. SeveralWhiting BranchOfficers andmembers alsowere inattendance.Formore informationonthis event see or calltollfree1-800-659-0292.

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Seminarian Awards$1,750 Each

Justin t. FerkoColumbus, oHTrinity Lutheran Seminarysr. Branch sZJ0

Mark JaMes ryantCalmar, iaSt. Pius X Seminary at Loras CollegeBranch W033

Hillary Jo sCHMitZDekalb, ilNorthern Illinois Universitysr. Branch 66

Julie B. WolFingerFinksburg, MDTowson Universitysr. Branch 114

Theresa SajanAwards$1,750 Each

College GraduateAwards$1,750 Each

kelsey Marie BoBekelyria, oHCleveland State Universitysr. Branch 114

Brittany a. BoBovnyikyoungstown, oHOhio Universitysr. Branch 169



FCSLA Announces 2014-2015 Scholarship Awards

This issue of Fraternally Yours is one of the most if not the most anticipated issue of the year. It is my privilege as your Fraternal & Youth Director to present to all of you our many young members on the next several pages who are recipients of our 2014-2015 Scholarship Awards.

The FCSLA Scholarships are “one” of the most generous annual benefits our association offers to our membership. We believe that education is vital in the development of our future generations. We are proud of each and every one of our members who applied this year and thank them for participating in our scholarship program. If you did not

receive a scholarship this year, please consider submitting an application next year.

Congratulations to all our winners! Our wish to all the recipients and applicants is for you to have a future filled with success and happiness in all your endeavors! We are proud to have all of you as our members.

Kelly Shedlock Fraternal and Youth Director


Kelly Shedlock

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AUGUST2014 13

antoinette BoWerMentor, oHCleveland State Universitysr. Branch 292

sonJa ann CaPuZZiWest Mifflin, PaDuquesne Universitysr. Branch 200

leaH Jane DuFFiesan Diego, CaUniversity of MarylandUniversity Collegesr. Branch 101

MaCk Wilson FrantZMorgantown, WvWest Virginia Universitysr. Branch 406

laura r. gaJDosikspringdale, PaMarshall Universitysr. Branch 313

Holly anne HovaneCnewton, WiUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicinesr. Branch 81

valerie HuDakParma, oHOhio Universitysr. Branch 481

JessiCa l. JoyCeMentor, oHCleveland State Universitysr. Branch 30

katHleen rusBaCkyFairfield, oHUniversity of Cincinnatisr. Branch 156

Brian M. seDersPickerington, oHUniversity of Cincinnatisr. Branch 301

alexa Mary suHiCHoviedo, FlUniversity of Central Floridasr. Branch 344

kevin e. sverCekDoral, FlFlorida International Universitysr. Branch 77

BranDon J. urasekMaple Heights, oHUniversity of Toledosr. Branch 522

CHelsea anne vilkMentor, oHCase Western Reserve Universitysr. Branch 10

eriC M. BarWaCZParma, oHOhio Universitysr. Branch 481

raCHel a. FeDisHenMurrysville, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 262

College SeniorAwards$1,250 Each

aManDa Mary HollyBethlehem, PaLock Haven Universitysr. Branch 417



224 Scholarship Awards for a Total of $254,500 Presented by the FCSLA!

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BranDon l. klosterManMarshalltown, iaIowa State UniversityBranch W130

JessiCa l. kuDiaPlainfield, ilUniversity of Illinois Champaign/Urbanasr. Branch 485

valerie M. laskoBound Brook, nJThe College of Saint Elizabethsr. Branch sZJ0

MiCHael JoHn lyonsendwell, nyLemoyne Collegesr. Branch 435

Paul D. MaDsenPlano, txSaint Louis Universitysr. Branch 10

saMantHa M. niZnikyoungstown, oHYoungstown State Universitysr. Branch 169

kristen n. osiniakyoungstown, oHYoungstown State Universitysr. Branch 30

autuMn rae PaWeleCMonessen, PaCalifornia University of Pennsylvaniasr. Branch 88

asHley a. roZMarinPickerington, oHUniversity of MinnesotaBranch W018

lauren a. sklaDanynewtown, PaJames Madison Universitysr. Branch 522

antHony M. sPeeneyConnellsville, PaUniversity of Pittsburghsr. Branch 44

annMarie tuCkerallentown, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 319

Jenna C. WaMPlerBloomington, ilGoldfarb School of Nursingsr. Branch 66

College JuniorAwards$1,250 Each

kaitlyn l. CHiZekClear lake, iaUniversity of IowaBranch W051

WilliaM D. FrenCHPittsburgh, PaCarnegie Mellon Universitysr. Branch 90

Margaret M. HorniCkleavenworth, ksUniversity of Kansassr. Branch 211

ryan eDWarD kaniCksummit Hill, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 414

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tHoMas e. kuCinskynaperville, ilOhio State Universitysr. Branch 225

Martin J. kurtZDowningtown, PaRochester Institute of Technologysr. Branch 319

kaylie r. kvoriakMontclair, nJUniversity of Massachusetts-Amherstsr. Branch sZJ0

anDreW P. luCiaMount Pleasant, PaGeneva Collegesr. Branch 44

katHryn C. Moosevictor, nyUniversity of Pittsburghsr. Branch 262

JessiCa M. Miksaneksylvania, oHUniversity of Southern Californiasr. Branch 181

kyle W. Pottslatrobe, PaIndiana University of Pennsylvaniasr. Branch 44

WilliaM C. sokoloviCWinterville, nCEast Carolina Universitysr. Branch 185

CaleB a. straBavyWhiting, inIndiana State Universitysr. Branch 81

riCHarD l. straCHeChicago ridge, ilSaint Xavier Universitysr. Branch 421

Carol elaine vargoakron, oHYoungstown State Universitysr. Branch 156

raCHel M. ungvarskyCinnaminson, nJTowson Universitysr. Branch 172

College SophomoreAwards$1,250 Each

gaBrielle alBerigiWest Wyoming, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 350

asHley e. anDersonPleasant Prairie, WiCarthage Collegesr. Branch 273

eMily ann BallayWhiting, inLoyola University-Chicagosr. Branch 452

aBigail s. BigeloWCentennial, CoLoyola University Chicagosr. Branch 7

elliot a. BiBatWhiting, inColumbia College Chicagosr. Branch 452

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natHan M. BlaZeklincoln, neUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnBranch W187

MaDeline CHristoFFPoland, oHKent State Universitysr. Branch 30

MattHeW g. Connollyoakmont, PaIndiana University of Pennsylvaniasr. Branch 13

tyler W. CurryMckeesport, PaUniversity of Pittsburghsr. Branch 107

Brianne sHae Dankostreator, ilIllinois Central Collegesr. Branch 66

kayla a. CylkoWskioakdale, MnUniversity of MaryBranch W002

MiranDa anne FaZZiolathe, ksFort Hays State Universitysr. Branch 44

saraH e. gleyDuraPoland, oHYoungstown State Universitysr. Branch 30

Meagan l. HoFFManCedar rapids, iaUniversity of Northern IowaBranch W045

natHan JaMes iskralevittown, PaDrexel Universitysr. Branch 172

asHley Marie legingahanna, oHOtterbein Universitysr. Branch 218

PatriCk W. kistPittsburgh, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 90

aManDa M. lePovskyexport, PaUniversity of Pittsburgh-Johnstownsr. Branch 590

alBert MartineZ, Jr.Chicago, ilUniversity of Iowasr. Branch 181

anDreW P. Maruskanew Prague, MnUniversity of Minnesota-DuluthBranch W001

stePHanie n. novakaurora, ilUniversity of Nebraska-Lincolnsr. Branch 289

Molly Marie roCHegilbert, aZBloomsburg Universitysr. Branch 172

Hunter t. PriesolBurnham, ilDePaul Universitysr. Branch 258



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JeFFrey W. roDisomaha, neUniversity of Nebraska at KearneyBranch W018

Justin soMMerWhitehall, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 319

elaina M. WilesPlainfield, ilSt. Louis Universitysr. Branch 7

Casey M. ZelenakMount Pleasant, PaCarlow Universitysr. Branch 44

Danielle asHWortHFishkill, nyBloomsburg Universitysr. Branch 221

College FreshmanAwards$1,250 Each

eMily rose BaCHManCoplay, PaBloomsburg Universitysr. Branch 484

austin BenCkenDorFstreator, ilSt. Ambrose Universitysr. Branch 7

MegHan e. BoBekamherst, oHBowling Green State Universitysr. Branch 114

asHley n. BorrorCanal Winchester, oHMuskingham Universitysr. Branch 481

kylie e. BraBeCschuyler, neCollege of Saint MaryBranch W080

C.D. BoWser, Jr.Finleyville, PaPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 262

Jill M. BriCHaCekClarkson, neNebraska Wesleyan UniversityBranch W006

Marion M. BroskoChagrin Falls, oHPennsylvania State Universitysr. Branch 202

JonatHan C. CalaBreseChardon, oHKent State Universitysr. Branch 522

Carolyn M. CiBulaChelsea, iaLuther CollegeBranch W149

Deanna J. DeMeCHkoCopley, oHOhio Universitysr. Branch 161

Breann n. ClarkCharleroi, PaWaynesburg Universitysr. Branch 88



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tHoMas C. DoDDnorth royalton, oHBaldwin Wallace Universitysr. Branch 10

ryan M. FalCHekrichmond, txBelmont Abbey Collegesr. Branch 172

trenton J. Faltysschuyler, neNortheast Community CollegeBranch W040

Molly ann FoxJohnstown, PaIndiana University of Pennsylvaniasr. Branch 404

Mikayla H. gilesJordan, MnUniversity of Wisconsin La CrosseBranch W056

Hilary a. FuJanPrague, neSoutheast Community CollegeBranch W013

Maryssa l. gosnellPark Forest, ilBall State Universitysr. Branch 181

JaCoB a. HeJlikBritt, iaWartburg CollegeBranch W051

eliZaBetH a. JanousekClarkson, neUniversity of Nebraska LincolnBranch W080

Derek J. JansaWahoo, neSoutheast Community CollegeBranch W187

saraH e. kasCHkestreator, ilUniversity of Illinois-Champaignsr. Branch 66

ronalD logan kaPlanspicewood, txAustin Community Collegesr. Branch 161

kayla J. klouCekscotland, sDMitchell Technical InstituteBranch W093

Claire e. latskoFairview Park, oHSalve Regina Universitysr. Branch 221

Justin r. liZalekChannahon, ilMarquette Universitysr. Branch 287

Danielle l. MantiCHWhiting, inIndiana Universitysr. Branch 452

alyssa M. MCkulayoungstown, oHKent State Universitysr. Branch 169

JaMes J. Matis, Jr.uniontown, PaWest Virginia Universitysr. Branch 44

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natHan M. MeDunaColon, neUniversity of Nebraska at LincolnBranch W013

MaDison H. MiCeCHMenomonee Falls, WiGrand View Universitysr. Branch 23

JenniFer a. MiCHuDaMokena, ilCarthage Collegesr. Branch 180

Justin t. Milesambler, PaMillersville Universitysr. Branch 81

MattHeW lee PaulCorydon, inIvy Technical Community Collegesr. Branch 289

noaH s. Millergering, neUniversity of Nebraska at LincolnBranch W032

JosePH C. PavloviCHCarlisle, PaMessiah Collegesr. Branch 417

BriDget e. Petrostrongsville, oHUniversity of Rhode Island-Kingstonsr. Branch 481

niCHolas g. PiskuriCHJohnstown, PaCatholic University of Americasr. Branch 28

eliZaBetH e. PoCHoPatwood, ksMcCook Community CollegeBranch W074

aBigail M. PrevenslikMount Pleasant, PaCalifornia University of PAsr. Branch 44

eMily r. PoPelkala vista, neWayne State CollegeBranch W018

HannaH C. PruZinskyWhitehall, Past. John’sUniversitysr. Branch 319

Morgan n. reZaCCeresco, neUniversity of Nebraska at LincolnBranch W013

JorDen g. riekeolmsted Falls, oHCase Western Reserve Universitysr. Branch 519

quin PatriCk roWenPewaukee, WiCreighton Universitysr. Branch 23

MattHeW o. seManiCkeaston, PaPenn State Universitysr. Branch 89

reiley a. sCHraegerMukilteo, WaCalifornia Polytechnic State Universitysr. Branch 211

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MiCHael J. skvarekschererville, inPurdue Universitysr. Branch 452

raCHel a. stikaCresco, iaIowa State UniversityBranch W033

Martin a. sZuCkDowners grove, ilIowa State Universitysr. Branch 46

Molly Hanna sZuCsnovelty, oHOhio Universitysr. Branch 490

Craig a. WoJtalaBrooklyn Heights, oHYale Universitysr. Branch 1

Bailey l. tiMPspillville, iaUniversity of Northern IowaBranch W033

teresa a. yaniCkorussellton, PaSaint Vincent Collegesr. Branch 590

Joel a. ZaluskiCanfield, oHYoungstown State Universitysr. Branch 161

JosHua r. Zelonkanorth apollo, PaClarion University of Pennsylvaniasr. Branch 262

kyle a. BaHMerCuyahoga Falls, oHArchbishop Hoban High Schoolsr. Branch 161

kyle C. BlaCkBurnParma, oHPadua Franciscan High Schoolsr. Branch 221

High SchoolSenior Awards$1,000 Each

natalie M. CollinsCalhoun, gaDarlington Schoolsr. Branch 289

BrenDan t. killianWheaton, ilSt. Francis High Schoolsr. Branch 7

MiCHael r. kraFtParma, oHSt. Ignatius High Schoolsr. Branch 141

vinCent J. riCeomaha, neGross Catholic High SchoolBranch W018

MattHeW J. soosseven Hills, oHSt. Ignatius High Schoolsr. Branch 141

eMily ann sliaZasChicago, ilMother McAuley Liberal Arts High Schoolsr. Branch 421

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High SchoolJunior Awards$1,000 Each

ryan M. gavaliererie, PaMercyhurst Preparatory Schoolsr. Branch 161

anDrea lois HerBexton, PaBishop Shanahan High SchoolJr. Branch 318

kyle tHoMas MinCHoWlincoln, nePius X High SchoolBranch W055

alexanDra serranoChandler, aZSeton Catholic PreparatoryJr. Branch 58

aManDa a. skalkaomaha, neMarian High SchoolBranch W140

reBeCCa a. virglWahoo, neBishop Neumann High SchoolBranch W026

Peter JoHn volkertBrookfield, WiMarquette University High SchoolJr. Branch 130

niCole M. Woitavalparaiso, neBishop Neumann Catholic Jr./Sr. High SchoolBranch W026

High SchoolSophomore Awards$1,000 Each

JasMine a. aDaMsCharleston, sCBishop England High SchoolBranch W130

natHaniel a. anglinHammond, inBishop Noll InstituteJr. Branch 106

Brooke F. DePaulFanwood, nJUnion Catholic High SchoolJr. Branch 512

niCole k. HuDakBrecksville, oHWalsh Jesuit High SchoolJr. Branch 374

allison C. MeskoBethlehem, PaBethlehem Catholic High SchoolJr. Branch 75

JoHn t. MoyniHanCleveland, oHSt. Ignatius High SchoolJr. Branch 6

reBeCCa a. valekChicago, ilMarist High SchoolJr. Branch 382

aBBey eliZaBetH l. sitkoDunbar, PaGeibel Catholic Jr./Sr. High SchoolJr. Branch 157

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High SchoolFreshman Awards$1,000 Each

JoHn M. BlakeCleveland, oHHoly Name High SchoolJr. Branch 374

noaH P. CleMentsBelmont, MiWest Catholic High SchoolJr. Branch 106

MiCHael D. CouFalDavid City, neAquinas Middle-High SchoolBranch W184

JaCoB r. HiCksCanton, oHCentral Catholic High SchoolJr. Branch 29

MaCie e. HriCoveCavon, oHMagnificat High SchoolJr. Branch 457

reBekaH a. roHabie, neAquinas Catholic High SchoolBranch W184

saraH o. sMitHstreator, ilMarquette Academy High SchoolJr. Branch 470

eMily ann sCHMitPleasant Dale, nePius X High SchoolBranch W184

8th Grade Awards$750 Each

Devon J. Benesvalparaiso, neBishop Neumann High SchoolBranch W187

Zoe M. HeinZst. louis, MoSt. Peter Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 77

ColBy J. CanalesFullerton, CaSt. Angela Merici Parish SchoolJr. Branch 457

aaron M. kukuCkalorain, oHSt. Peter SchoolJr. Branch 380

MegHan e. MCkeogHChagrin Falls, oHThe LyceumJr. Branch 453

DaviD D. liPnitZDayton, oHIncarnation Catholic SchoolBranch JHo0

veroniCa t. Montaniseven Hills, oHSt. Columbkille SchoolJr. Branch 14

evan s. WirtHBethlehem, PaSt. Michael the Archangel SchoolJr. Branch 187

BenJaMin M. reZaClincoln, neSt. John the Apostle SchoolBranch W187

7th Grade Awards$750 Each

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MattHeW JosePH orosstrongsville, oHSts. Joseph & John Interparochial SchoolJr. Branch 481

Daniel J. PaoloniHanover township, PaSt. Nicholas St. Mary’s SchoolJr. Branch 73

alexa gaBrielle seBekWest newton, PaSt. Sebastian Regional SchoolJr. Branch 112

Magen r. Pettyyoungstown, oHSt. Christine SchoolJr. Branch 192

6th Grade Awards$750 Each

leanne M. CHanDlernew Middletown, oHHoly FamilyJr. Branch 192

saraH l. BuryMonessen, PaSt. Sebastian Regional SchoolJr. Branch 170

MattHeW M. lallyrocky river, oHSt. Christopher SchoolJr. Branch 374

BetHany a. ruPPreCHtClarkson, neSt. John Neumann Catholic SchoolBranch W080

JosHua M. sHutiCPainesville, oHOur Shepherd Lutheran SchoolJr. Branch 198

MiCHael J. starasiniCHJoliet, ilCathedral of St. Raymond SchoolJr. Branch 83

eDen C. skrePPenMechanicsburg, PaSt. Joseph SchoolJr. Branch 416

5th Grade Awards$750 Each

JosHua J. BeBlarJohnstown, PaSt. Andrew Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 364

evan J. JurCenkoChicago, ilSt. Paul of the Cross SchoolJr. Branch 96

Mary B. klueBerWest Chester, PaSts. Simon & Jude Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 362

ella M. loWryMascoutah, ilHoly Childhood SchoolJr. Branch 58

tHoMas M. MCBrooMnew Prague, MnSt. Wenceslaus SchoolBranch W001

natHaniel CHristian Zuroskeomaha, neSt. Wenceslaus Elementary SchoolBranch W018

Morgan J. Plagenselkhart, inQueen of Peace Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 58

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HannaH elise BranniganJoliet, ilSt. Dennis SchoolJr. Branch 339

Justine Marie HasCHakJohnstown, PaSt. Benedict Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 512

MegHan H. CallaHanle Center, MnMost Holy Redeemer Catholic SchoolBranch W056

4th Grade Awards$750 Each

syDney e. MaCkayHighland Heights, oHSt. Paschal Baylon SchoolJr. Branch 6

eleanor anna MetZemmitsburg, MDMother Seton SchoolJr. Branch 334

isaBella rose WHiteCranberry township, PaSt. Alphonsus SchoolJr. Branch 192

anDreW riCHarD Zanoninarberth, PaSt. Margaret Elementary SchoolJr. Branch 334

3rd Grade Awards$750 Each

sara i. BraunFort Wayne, inSt. Joseph SchoolJr. Branch 106

alexanDria M. DelgaDoWhiting, inSt. John the Baptist SchoolJr. Branch 58

ava tHerese DuelgeMuskego, WiSt. Leonard SchoolJr. Branch 130

BroDy siMon FerenCakCincinnati, oHSt. Dominic SchoolJr. Branch 126

Carley a. guyCleveland, oHSaint Paschal Baylon SchoolJr. Branch 458

CanDiCe C. MCneillMclean, vaSt. John AcademyJr. Branch 158

lillian teresa Weselylincoln, neSt. Peter SchoolBranch W032

2nd Grade Awards$750 Each

CHristoPHer e. Fakulttwinsburg, oHSt. Rita SchoolJr. Branch 386

CaleB M. Mayrosevermillion, sDSt. Agnes Elementary SchoolBranch W093

Justin M. MetZPittsburgh, PaSt. Thomas More SchoolJr. Branch 342

katHryn g. MiriovskyBuffalo, MnSt. Francis Xavier SchoolBranch W001

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AUGUST2014 25

alexis H. ortiZschnecksville, PaGood Shepherd Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 158

JosHua MiCHael snyDerMars, PaSt. Kilian Parish SchoolJr. Branch 18

Clare g. yakiCHBrunswick, oHSt. Albert the Great SchoolJr. Branch 453

1st Grade Awards$750 Each

kassie l. BraBeCFremont, neArchbishop Bergan Elementary SchoolBranch W013

JorDan M. CekloskyWapwallopen, PaWilkes-Barre AcademyJr. Branch 362

eliZaBetH v. HorniCaknaperville, ilSts. Peter & Paul Catholic SchoolJr. Branch 83

WilliaM J. roMeDanville, ilSchlarman AcademyJr. Branch 308

antHony v. startare, Jr.Belle vernon, PaSt. Sebastian Regional SchoolJr. Branch 157

CaMeron C. stringFelloWaustin, txSt. Ignatius Martyr SchoolJr. Branch 77

kenaDee n. WeitZelFremont, neArchbishop Bergan Catholic Elementary SchoolBranch W017

Since1978theSlovakCatholicFederationhasbeenconductingtheSS.Cyril&MethodiusAppealwhichbeginseachyearinthemonthofFebruaryduringtheclosestweekendtotheFeastofSS.Cyril&Methodius.TodateIwishtoreportthat $13,069.41 hasbeencollected,roughly$2,000.00shortfromlastyear’smid-year report. In its 36th year, this appeal has primarily been taken up in parishes intheUnitedStatesofSlovakheritage.Asweareallverymuchaware,thedaysof“ethnicparishes”arebecomingathingof thepast.MoreandmoreSlovaksreside in different parts of the country and no longer claim to belong to a parish of Slovakheritage.ForthisreasonmanySlovaksmaynothavetheopportunitytohearabout,letaloneparticipateinthisAnnualAppeal.IfitwerenotfortheSlovakCatholicFraternalSocietiesandtheirpublications,communicationtoAmericanandCanadianSlovakswouldnotbepossible.Inrecentyearswehaveseenanincreaseinindividualdonationsapartfromtheparishcollections.AlsomostoftheSlovakFraternalSocietieshavealsobeenmakingcontributionstothiscollectionfromtheirNationalBoardofDirectors,alongwithanumberof localbranches,wreaths,assemblies,andlodges.Theappealcontinuesduringtheentirecalendaryear2014.

ThisappealassiststheChurchinSlovakiabysupportingthetrainingmissionofthePontificalSlovakCollegeofSS.Cyril&MethodiusinRome,Italy(formallyknownastheSlovakInstituteorUstav).Inaddition,fundsaredistributedtothoseReligiousCommunitiesofbothmenandwomenwhichshareacounterpartwhichbelongstotheSlovakConferenceofReligious.TheseCommunitiesbeing:Vin-centianSistersofCharity(Ruzomberok);DominicanSisters(Dunajska Luzna); SchoolSistersofSt.Francis(Zilina);DaughtersofSt.Francis(Bratislava-Prievoz); ByzantineCatholicSistersofSt.BasiltheGreat(Secove and Presov);FranciscanFriarsMinor(Bratislava);andHouseofSt.Benedict(Bacurov).


Individuals, groups, picnics, etc. are all welcome to make a donation to this appeal,makeallcheckspayableto:SlovakCatholicFederationandsenddirectlytoDoloresEvanko,NationalSecretary-Treasurer,173BernerAve.,Hazleton,PA18201.

IpraythatAlmightyGodrewardallofuswhoparticipateinthesupportoftheChurchinSlovakiathroughtheSlovakCatholicFederation36thAnnualSS.Cyril&MethodiusAppeal. Fr. Andrew Hvozdovic

2014 SCF Mid-Year Annual Appeal Report

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In compliance with federal law and regulation, we are required to provide each member with information regarding the practices wehaveinplacetoprotecttheprivacyofourmembers.Thisnotice explains the types of data about you that we collect and disclose, with whom that data may be shared, and how we protect your data. We recognize that the protection of our members’ privacy is of the utmost importance.INFORMATION WE COLLECT

In theprocessofbecomingourmemberyou (orsomeonerepresentingyou)providedFCSLAwithcertain nonpublic personal information, such as your name, date of birth, address, marital status and Social Securitynumber. If youhaveapplied for lifeinsurance, you may also have provided us with employment and medical information and may have authorized us to obtain further information concerning your health history. With your authoriza-tion, we have collected only the minimum amount of information necessary to underwrite your application.INFORMATION SECURITY

Wemaintainthehighest levelsofconfidentialityconcerningyournonpublicpersonalinformation.Our employees have been trained in the careful handling and protection of such information. Only individuals who are trained to safeguard your data may use dataaboutyou.Thosewhouseyourdata must follow established standards,proceduresandlaws.Theyunderstandthatimproperdisclosure of nonpublic personal information is a serious mat-ter with severe consequences. If we should find it necessary to retain another organization to assist us with our operations, we will require that it maintain thesamestrictstandardsofconfiden-tiality as we do. In addition, we maintain physical, electronic, and proceduralsafeguardstoprotectthenonpublicfinancialinformationof our members.INFORMATION WE DISCLOSE

We are a fraternal benefit society that has always beencommitted to protecting the privacy of its members.Therearenoaffiliatedfinancialinstitutionsorthirdpartyaffiliateswhichhaveaccess to your nonpublic personal information, except pursuant to your authorization. We do not share data about you with other organizations,exceptaspermittedbylaw.Forexample,wearepermitted to share data aboutyouto(i)helpusunderwriteyourinsurance, (ii)openyouraccount, (iii)process transactionsand administeryourclaims,(iv)sharewithorganizationsthatactforusoronourbehalf,(v)complywithan inquiry by a government agency orregulatororinconnectionwithcivilorcriminallitigation,or(vi)assist usinprovidingbenefitstoyouaspartofyourmembership.We will not sell any list of our members’ names or addresses.

Our policy of protecting the security of nonpublic personalinformation also extends to certificate holders who no longer have coverage with us. Please be assured that the information in our insurance andannuityfileswillalwaysbeavailabletoourmembers for corrections and changes when a written request is submitted. Our policy is not to disclose financial information over the phone. We are pleased to have you as a member and will work diligently to maintain your trust.

BALANCE SHEET AS OF MARCH 31, 2014ASSETS Cash&ShortTermInvestments $ 15,734,485 Bonds 718,965,387 PreferredStock 3,130,553 CommonStock 5,514,168 InvestmentIncomeDue&Accrued 10,924,180 PropertyPlant&Equipment,Net 6,006,348 CertificateLoans&AccruedInterest 2,677,192 OtherAssets 190,265 TOTALASSETS $ 763,142,580LIABILITIES LifeReserves $ 249,577,878 AnnuityReserves 402,076,855 DeathClaimsPayable 1,097,965 UnearnedPremiums 545,310 MaturedEndowments 335,965 ProvisionforDividendsPayable 1,356,002 AccumulatedDividends&Interest 4,066,299 AccruedConventionDonations 550,000 ProvisionforFutureConventions 467,000 AssetValuationReserve 7,832,190 InterestMaintenanceReserve 1,117,400 OtherLiabilities 1,017,519 TOTALLIABILITIES $ 670,040,383 Surplus $ 93,102,197 TOTALLIABILITIESANDSURPLUS $ 763,142,580

INCOME STATEMENT For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2014

REVENUE InsurancePremiums $ 1,208,912 AnnuityPremiums 8,513,766 InvestmentIncome 9,800,831 AmortizationofInterestMaintenanceReserve 22,465 RentalIncome 91,118 OtherRevenue 4,538 TOTALREVENUE $ 19,641,630EXPENSE IncreaseinReserves—Life $ (511,122) IncreaseinReserves—Annuity 6,193,855 InsuranceBenefits 1,414,030 AnnuityBenefits 6,359,079 CommissionExpense 242,246 SurrenderBenefits 2,090,938 PostMortemBenefits 292,307 MiscellaneousMemberBenefits 15,755 MaturedEndowments 3,387 DonationExpenses 13,891 ChangeinAccruedConventionDonations 57,000 ConventionExpenses 57,000 BankServiceCharges 6,278 DataProcessingServiceFees 53,637 AccountingFees 9,792 ActuarialFees 45,208 ConsultingFees 29,428 BonustoBranches 220,985 FraternalActivities 23,590 OfficialPublications 105,487 ScholarshipAwards 60,751 MiscellaneousEmployeeBenefits 115,175 Fees—Directors 32,818 Salaries—Employees 327,319 Salaries—Officers 113,859 InterestExpense 69,426 TaxExpense 66,712 DepreciationExpense 70,109 UtilityExpense 16,015 PostageandPrinting 43,732 Advertising 33,008 TravelExpense 10,170 InsuranceDepartmentFees 39,420 SalesPromotion 15,390 RentalExpense 91,118 OtherExpense 116,098 TOTALEXPENSE $ 17,943,892

Income (Loss) from Operations $ 1,697,738 DividendstoMembers 348,965 NET INCOME (Loss) $ 1,348,773

Cleveland District Branches~ DISTRICT MEETING ~

v Saturday,August16,12NoonatLOHV~ 2014 EVENTS ~

v August3–TheFestatBorromeoSeminary,Willowickv August31–SlovakFestatPaduaHighSchool,Parma

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AUGUST2014 27

Perfect Endings!

Lemon Supreme CheeSeCake

Crust1½ cups vanilla wafer crumbs (40 cookies)2 tablespoons sugar½ teaspoon grated lemon peel¼ cup butter, meltedFilling3 packages (8 oz. each) cream cheese, softened¾ cup sugar3 eggs1 cup whipping (heavy) cream1 tablespoon grated lemon peel3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice¼ teaspoon saltTopping1 jar (10 or 11¼ oz.) lemon curd½ cup whipping (heavy) cream1 tablespoon sugar

Heat oven to 325°F. In medium bowl, mix crust ingredients. In ungreased 9-inch springform pan, press crumb mixture in bot-tom and 1 inch up side. (For best results, do not use dark pan.)

In large bowl, beat cream cheese with electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy. Gradually beat in ¾ cup sugar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. On low speed, beat in 1 cup whipping cream, the lemon peel, lemon juice and salt until smooth. Pour into crust-lined pan.

Bake 55 to 60 minutes or until set but still slightly jiggly in center. Cool in pan on wire rack 20 minutes. Carefully run knife around side of pan to loosen, but do not remove side of pan. Cool 1½ hours.

In small bowl, stir lemon curd to soften mixture; spread evenly over top of cheese-cake to within ½ inch of edge. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight.

Just before serving, remove side of pan. In small bowl, beat ½ cup whipping cream and 1 tablespoon sugar with electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form. Spoon or pipe whipped cream around edge of cheesecake. If desired, garnish with lemon peel. Store in refrigerator.

ChoCoLate & BerrieS Yogurt DeSSert

1 pouch (1 lb. 1.5 oz.) double chocolate chip cookie mix¼ cup vegetable oil2 tablespoons water1 egg1½ cups fresh raspberries4 containers (4 oz. each) raspberry yogurt1 cup whipping cream, whipped2 tablespoons hot fudge topping1 cup fresh blueberries

Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, stir cookie mix, oil, water and egg until soft dough forms.

On greased cookie sheet, drop dough by tablespoonfuls to make 6 cookies. Bake 8 to 11 minutes or until set. Cool 2 minutes, remove from cookie sheet to cooling rack.

Meanwhile, press remaining dough in bottom and 1 inch up sides of springform pan. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.

In medium bowl, fold ½ cup raspber-ries into yogurt; spread evenly over crust. Crumble cookies; sprinkle over yogurt mixture. Carefully spread whipped cream evenly over cookie crumbs. Freeze 4 to 5 hours or until firm. Remove sides of pan.

Drizzle 1 tablespoon fudge topping over dessert. Top with blueberries and remaining raspberries. Drizzle with remaining fudge topping. Store in freezer.

Brownie Fruit kaBoBS1 box fudge brownie mix (Water, vegetable oil and eggs as called for on brownie mix box)4 cups fresh pineapple chunks5 cups halved fresh strawberries10 large bananas, cut into 1-inch pieces½ cup semisweet chocolate chips¼ cup butter or margarine21 (10-inch) bamboo skewers

Heat oven to 350° F (325° F for dark or nonstick pan). Line pan with foil, letting foil hang 2 inches over side of pan. Spray or grease bottom only of foil. Make brownies as directed. Spread in pan.

Bake 28 to 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted 2 inches from side comes out almost clean. Cool completely. Lift brownie from pan; remove foil. Cut brownies into 1¼-inch squares.

Line cookie sheets with waxed paper. Alternately, thread 3 brownie squares, 2 pineapple chunks, 2 strawberry halves

and 2 banana slices on each skewer. Place kabobs on waxed paper.

In small microwaveable bowl, microwave chocolate chips and butter uncovered on High 1 to 2 minutes, stirring until chocolate is melted. Drizzle over kabobs.

pina CoLaDa Fruit Dip2 (6-oz.) containers Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt2 teaspoons dark rum3 tablespoons flaked coconut, toasted2 tablespoons finely chopped pineapple15 fresh strawberries, halved30 (1-inch) chunks fresh pineapple30 chunks kiwi fruit (about 5 medium)

In small bowl, combine yogurt, rum extract and 2 tablespoons of the coconut; blend well. Stir in pineapple. Serve im-mediately, or cover and refrigerate until serving time.

To serve, arrange fruit on serving plat-ter. Sprinkle dip with remaining tablespoon toasted coconut. If desired, garnish with pineapple leaves. Store dip in refrigerator.

griLLeD Beer-BrineD ChiCken

2 cups water¼ cup kosher (coarse) salt¼ cup packed brown sugar4 cans or bottles (12 oz. each) beer, chilled2 cut-up whole chickens (3 lb. each)Barbecue Rub1 tablespoon paprika1 teaspoon table salt½ teaspoon onion powder½ teaspoon garlic powder½ teaspoon pepper¼ cup vegetable oil

In 6- to 8-quart plastic container or stock-pot, mix water, kosher salt and brown sugar, stirring until salt and sugar are dissolved. Stir in beer. Add chicken. Cover; refrigerate at least 8 hours but no longer than 24 hours.

Line 15 x 10-inch pan with sides with foil. Remove chicken from brine; rinse thoroughly under cool running water and pat dry with paper towels. Discard brine. Place chicken in pan. Refrigerate uncovered 1 hour to dry chicken skin. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix all rub ingredients except oil; set aside.

Heat gas or charcoal grill for indirect cooking. Brush oil over chicken; sprinkle rub mixture over chicken. For two-burner gas grill, heat one burner to medium; place chicken on unheated side. For one-burner gas grill, place chicken on grill over low heat. For charcoal grill, move medium coals to edge of firebox; place chicken over drip pan. Cover grill; cook 15 minutes.

Turn chicken over; cover grill and cook 20 to 30 minutes longer, turning occasionally, until juice of chicken is clear when thickest piece is cut to bone (170°F for breasts; 180°F for thighs and drumsticks).

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The FCSLA Mission StatementWe provide financial security to our members

while embracing our Catholic values and Slavic traditions.

The FCSLA Vision is to:Be a Premier Fraternal Benefit Society

that offers quality financial products and benefits.