Conformity Packet 1680.2 4 - Green Electronics Council...Sample Conformity Packet 1680.2

download Conformity Packet 1680.2 4 - Green Electronics Council...Sample Conformity Packet 1680.2 Required—Compliance with provisions of European Union RoHS Directive 1680.2

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Transcript of Conformity Packet 1680.2 4 - Green Electronics Council...Sample Conformity Packet 1680.2

  • Conformity Guidance 1680.2: Required: Reporting on amount of mercury content in light sources


    Applicable Interpretations,

    Clarifications, Outcome Reports

    Document/Evidence Request Document Review Standards Common Conformity Issues and Details to Remember

    No EPEAT Clarifications or IEEE

    Interpretations Available

    Outcomes Reports

    IE 2015-03

    IE 2014-02

    IE 2013-04

    Declaration of number of mercury

    containing light sources in product with

    the amount of mercury1 in each light

    source AND

    Document to support listed mercury

    amounts (e.g. analytical test data,

    supplier tech sheets) for each light



    Copy of representative aggregated

    mercury content report

    If declaring that this criterion is not

    applicable (N/A), evidence that the

    product does not contain light sources

    The number and amount of mercury in light sources

    must match what is declared on the registry.

    Document should confirm the declared mercury content

    for each light source. If lab reports are presented, they

    must be dated, contain the lab method used, and show

    the detection limit.

    Report must confirm the declared mercury content for

    each light source.

    If N/A is declared, evidence must support that no light

    sources are used in the product (e.g. design documents,


    Manufacturer may declare N/A to this


    Currently, LED light sources do not contain

    mercury. If the product contains LED light

    sources, documentation must be

    presented to support that (e.g. spec sheet,

    product manuals).

    To date, no representative aggregated

    mercury content reports have been used

    to show conformance to this criterion.

    1 Mercury content can be reported in actual amounts per light source or in accordance with the following ranges: 0 mg (less than lower limit of detection; >0 mg to ≤ 5 mg; > 5 mg to ≤10 mg; > 10 mg to ≤50 mg; > 50 mg to ≤100 mg; > 100 mg to ≤1 g; Greater than 1 g.

    Easy to demonstrate conformance

  • Sample Conformity Packet

    1680. Required–Reporting on amount of mercury content in light sources


    The following data samples and explanation are intended to illustrate examples of acceptable data. Other types or forms of data may also be acceptable in conformity documentation.

  • # of mercury containing light sources and amount of mercury in each


    The # of mercury containing light

    sources and amount of mercury in each must match what is declared on the EPEAT registry

    Light Source #Product X Model Z

    Mercury Content

    1 >0mg to 5mg

    2 >5mg to 10mg

    3 >5mg to 10mg

    During desk review or verification, provide a declaration of # of

    mercury containing lights and amount of mercury in each

  • Evidence to Support Mercury Content in Light Sources


    This lab report supports that this light source contains 0-5mg mercury, as

    reported on the EPEAT registry. Documentation like this must be provided

    for each light source. Notice the report contains the detection

    limit, test method, and date.

    Scanner lamp homogenous materials

    If the product contains light sources that are free of mercury content (e.g. LED lights), documentation must be presented to support that. This list of light sources from a product manual confirms that all light

    sources are LEDs.

  • Conformity Guidance 1680.2:—Use of non-mercury containing light sources


    Applicable Interpretations,

    Clarifications, Outcome Reports

    Document/Evidence Request Document Review Standards Common Conformity Issues and Details to Remember

    No EPEAT Clarifications or IEEE

    Interpretations Available

    Outcomes Reports

    IE 2014-02

    IE 2013-04

    List of all light sources in the product

    If all light sources use only non-mercury

    technology (e.g. LED), provide evidence

    showing that only those light sources are

    used (e.g. spec sheet, block diagram,


    List must indicate the type of light source (e.g. CCFL, LED,


    Documentation must show that all light sources use non-

    mercury technology such as LED, OLED, etc.

    Currently, some light sources do not contain

    mercury (e.g. LED backlit, OLED backlit). If

    the product contains these light sources,

    supporting documentation must be

    provided (e.g. tech specifications, product


    In the unlikely event that the product

    contains light sources that could potentially

    contain mercury (e.g. CCFLs), a CAS1 and

    supporting documents for this criterion may

    be required to show conformity.

    1Conformance Assurance System (CAS): A process to ensure conformity to a design requirement where the key consideration is control of the supply chain of components, materials, packaging and/or services, and can also include recyclers, test laboratories and even internal designers. A CAS will include elements addressing the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    Easy to demonstrate conformance

  • Sample Conformity Packet

    1680. Optional—Use of non-mercury containing light sources


    The following data samples and explanation are intended to illustrate examples of acceptable data. Other types or forms of data may also be acceptable in conformity documentation.

  • # of Mercury Containing Light Sources and Amount of Mercury in Each


    The # of mercury containing light

    sources and amount of mercury in each must match what is declared on the EPEAT registry.

    This data is declared under

    Light Source #Product X Model Z

    Mercury Content

    1 None/LED

    2 None/LED

    During desk review or verification, provide a declaration of # of

    mercury containing lights and amount of mercury in each. Indicate

    if mercury content is 0.

  • Evidence Demonstrating LED Light Sources


    If the product only contains LED light sources, evidence showing those light sources must be

    provided. This technical specification is an example of documentation proving the light sources are only LED.

    Note: If the product contains light sources known to utilize mercury (e.g. CCFL) but mercury has been eliminated from the light source, you must also provide a CAS and supporting documents for those light sources. See Conformity Guidance for information regarding CAS.

  • Conformity Guidance 1680.2: Compliance with provisions of EU Battery Directive


    Applicable Interpretations,

    Clarifications, Outcome Reports

    Document/Evidence Request Document Review Standards Common Conformity Issues and Details to Remember

    No EPEAT Clarifications or IEEE

    Interpretations Available

    Outcomes Reports

    IE 2014-02

    Description and documentation of the

    Conformance Assurance System (CAS)1

    that covers the material restrictions of

    the EU Battery Directive2 used by the

    manufacturer for all relevant

    manufacturing operations and/or


    Provide list of batteries in the product

    from which auditor will select one or

    more (if applicable). If product does not

    contain batteries, manufacturer may

    declare N/A on the registry.

    For batter(ies) selected by auditor (at

    the time of desk review or verification),

    evidence that supports active

    implementation of the CAS (e.g. audit

    reports, analytical or empirical data,

    component supplier declarations of

    conformity, corrective action reports)

    The CAS should include all elements of Plan-Do-Check-

    Act for the specific restricted material requirements and

    should demonstrate control of the supply chain.

    List should include all batteries in the product. If N/A is

    declared, evidence should support that the product

    does not contain batteries (e.g. BOM, specification).

    Evidence/data must demonstrate that the manufacturer

    checking/monitoring assures conformity to the

    requirements of the criterion.

    The CAS must be designed for the

    restricted materials.

    All elements of a CAS must be proven.

    These include Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

    If no non-conformances have ever been

    found and therefore no corrective actions

    have been taken, manufacturer must still

    provide evidence of a corrective action


    There is no threshold for lead in the EU

    Battery Directive. Consequently, test

    results are not required for lead.

    1Conformance Assurance System (CAS): A process to ensure conformity to a design requirement where the key consideration is control of the supply chain of components, materials, packaging and/or services, and can also include recyclers, test laboratories and even internal designers. A CAS will include elements addressing the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action). 2 European Commission Directive 2006/66/EC - Also known as the “EU Battery Directive”. Thresholds for mercury: 5 ppm (0.0005%) by weight of battery and for cadmium: 20 ppm (0.002%) by weight of battery. There is no stated lead threshold.

    Somewhat difficult to

    demonstrate conformance

  • Sample Conformity Packet

    1680. Required—Compliance with provisions of EU Battery Directive


    The following data samples and explanation are intended to illustrate examples of acceptable data. Other types or forms of data may also be acceptable in conformity documentation.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Plan


    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

    CAS Element

    Description of CAS for each element

    PLAN Describes and communicates requirements that the supply chain must meet.

    System to specify environmental requirements to suppliers:

    • Description of the requirement (e.g. specification for specific criterion)

    • What suppliers must submit to show the requirement is met (e.g. declarations, test data, samples, MSDS, etc.)

    • Method of communication to suppliers (e.g. on-line training, supplier summits, written specification available for web download, etc.)

    • Periodic review of requirement (e.g. written policy that indicates the frequency of review and requirement to update relevant documents, annual review of the restricted materials specification, etc.)

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Do


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    DO Collect documents from the supply chain that show conformance.

    System to ensure suppliers understand and meet requirements, and to receive and manage submitted documents/data:

    • Documents collected (e.g. supplier letters, declarations of conformity, analytical test data, tech sheets, certificates, purchasing records, online declarations, Joint Industry Guides, etc.)

    • Process / procedure for collecting documents that indicate conformance.

    • Controls to ensure all documents are collected prior to production.

    • System for storing supplier data.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Check


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    CHECK Verifying that the supply chain is conformant.

    System to audit, monitor and inspect suppliers against the requirements.

    • Description/details of the program to validate supplier submissions:

    − Actions for auditing, monitoring and/or sampling.

    − Frequency of sampling and percentage of parts/materials to be sampled.

    − Types of data (requesting test data from suppliers, sampling components and performing testing, etc.)

    − Corrective action procedures for non-conformant findings.

    • Samples of test results to support the auditing/monitoring/sampling program.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Act


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    ACT Describes how corrective actions will be taken.

    System to communicate results of corrective actions.

    •Identification / description of corrective action plans that will be taken in order to meet requirements if a finding of non-conformance was found.

    •If applicable, evidence of actions taken in past.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2013

    Notice to Supplier: We, Company XYZ, hereby notify Supplier 123 that batteries supplied to us cannot exceed thresholds (by battery weight) for cadmium and mercury in the current EU Battery Directive.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    Once the auditor selects batter(ies), evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation

    for them.

    This supplier notification shows implementation of “Plan”.

    Notice that the notification is specific to the criterion requirements and selected part(s).

    From the BOM (or equivalent list), the auditor will select batter(ies) for which the manufacturer must provide evidence of active implementation of each

    element of the CAS


  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2016

    Supplier Self Declaration of Conformity EPEAT4.1.5.1

    We, Company XYZ, declare that Part XYZ supplied to Company 123 are as follows:

    Do not exceed thresholds for restrictive substances in the current EU Battery Directive.

    All changes to batteries are declared to manufacturer to ensure continued compliance with the EU Battery Directive.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    Once the auditor selects parts, evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for

    those parts.

    This supplier declaration shows implementation of “Do” and the audit report shows implementation of “Check”

    Notice that the declaration and audit report are specific to the criterion requirements and selected part(s).

    Audit Report Jan 1, 2015Battery XYZ

    EU Battery Directive Thresholds

    Conformant Mercury (0.1 %)

    Conformant Cadmium (0.01 %)

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Date Supplier Part(s) Relevant regulatory citationDescription of Nonconformance Root Cause Analysis Action

    4/12/2014 Supplier 123 Part 123 RoHS Battery Directive

    Failed to provide annual declaration of "no changes" to relevant parts

    Supplier was not sent an annual reminder to provide declaration.

    Create automatic annual reminders for declarations; follow up with additional reminders if necessary

    5/16/2015 Supplier XYZ Part XYZ RoHS Battery Directive

    Supplier audit report shows battery contains mercury exceeding threshold in RoHS Battery Directive

    Supplier indicates that part was manufactured with alternate material resulting in increasedmercury content.

    Discontinue use of Supplier XYZ for Part XYZ until two audits are received free of nonconformances

    Once the auditor selects batter(ies), ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for those


    This corrective action log shows implementation of “Act”. In cases where nonconformances have never been found with a part, it is acceptable to have no record of corrective actions.

    However, you must still show a plan in place to conduct corrective actions.

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2013

    Notice to Supplier: We, Company XYZ, hereby notify Supplier 123 that components supplied to us cannot contain more than 0.1% by weight of bromine or chlorine attributed to BFRs, CFRs, or PVC.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    Once the auditor selects parts, evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for

    those parts.

    This supplier notification shows implementation of “Plan”.

    Notice that the notification is specific to the criterion requirements and selected part(s).

    From the Annex 1 (or equivalent list), the auditor will select part(s) for which the manufacturer must

    provide evidence of active implementation of each element of the CAS

    Description of Component Weight [g]paper tray, front cover 108

    Paper tray (frame cassette) 270

    back cover 106

    Front Cover, clap (cover manual) 33

    Front Cover, clap (cover front) 160

    Cover Harness Front 82

    cover right 215

    cover left 197

    cover rear 82

    cover exit 30

    cover top 484

    Frame Exit 101

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2016

    Supplier Self Declaration of Conformity EPEAT4.1.6.1

    We, Company XYZ, declare that Part XYZ supplied to Company 123 are as follows:

    Do not contain bromine or chlorine in excess of 0.1% by weight attributed to BFRs, CFRs or PVC.

    All changes to parts are declared to manufacturer to ensure continued compliance with these thresholds.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    This criterion requires risk-based analytical testing –therefore some analytical testing must be provided. See Clarification 28

    Black plastic casing

    Evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation.

    This supplier declaration shows implementation of “Do” and the analytical test data shows implementation of “Check”

    Notice that the declaration and test results are specific to the criterion requirements.

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Date Supplier Part(s) Relevant regulatory citationDescription of Nonconformance Root Cause Analysis Action

    4/12/2014 Supplier 123 Part 123 BFRs, CFRs, and PVC

    Failed to provide annual declaration of "no changes" to relevant parts

    Supplier was not sent an annual reminder to provide declaration.

    Create automatic annual reminders for declarations; follow up with additional reminders if necessary

    5/16/2015 Supplier XYZ Part XYZ BFRs, CFRs, PVC

    Supplier audit report shows part contains brominated fire retardant

    Supplier indicates that part was manufactured with alternate plastic resulting in use ofdifferent fire retardant.

    Discontinue use of Supplier XYZ for Part XYZ until two audits are received free of non-conformances

    Once the auditor selects parts, ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for those parts.

    This corrective action log shows implementation of “Act”. In cases where non-conformances have never been found with a part, it is acceptable to have no record of corrective actions.

    However, you must still show a plan in place to conduct corrective actions.

  • Conformity Guidance 1680.2: Eliminating or reducing BFR/CFR/PVC content of product


    Applicable Interpretations,Clarifications, Outcome Reports

    Document/Evidence Request Document Review Standards Common Conformity Issues and Details to Remember

    EPEAT ClarificationsClarification 28

    Outcomes ReportsNever been verified (as of May 2016)

    Description and documentation of the Conformance Assurance System (CAS)1 that covers the thresholds2 for brominated flame retardants (BFRs), chlorinated flame retardants (CFRs), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in all plastic materials used in the product used by the manufacturer for all relevant manufacturing operations and/or suppliers

    Provide list of all parts containing plastic materials in the product (e.g. Annex 1) from which auditor will select materials.

    For parts selected by auditor (at the time of desk review or verification), evidence that supports active implementation of the CAS (e.g. audit reports, analytical or empirical data, component supplier declarations of conformity, corrective action reports). The CHECK element must include analytical test data.

    The CAS should include all elements of Plan-Do-Check-Act for the specific restricted material requirements and should demonstrate control of the supply chain. The CHECK element must include analytical data collection.

    List should include all plastic materials and should include printed circuit board laminates.

    Evidence/data must demonstrate that the manufacturer checking/monitoring assures conformity to the requirements of the criterion. Analytical test data provided for the CHECK element must show that selected parts/articles do not contain >0.1% by weight of bromine or chlorine due to brominated and chlorinated flame retardants or PVC. Analytical testing means for this criterion: performing risk-based screening procedures in order to exclude the presence of the restricted materials. See Clarification 28 for more details.

    The CAS must be designed for the restricted materials.

    All elements of a CAS must be proven. These include Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

    If no non-conformances have ever been found and therefore no corrective actions have been taken, manufacturer must still provide evidence of a corrective action process.

    Minor plastic materials such as solder masks and plastic glues are included in the scope of this criterion.

    1Conformance Assurance System (CAS): A process to ensure conformity to a design requirement where the key consideration is control of the supply chain of components, materials, packaging and/or services, and can also include recyclers, test laboratories and even internal designers. A CAS will include elements addressing the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action). 2 Plastic materials in the product shall not contain more than 0.1% (1000ppm) by weight of bromine or chlorine attributable to BFRs, CFRs, or PVC with exceptions. See IEEE standard for exceptions.

    Very difficult to

    demonstrate conformance

  • Sample Conformity Packet

    1680. Optional– Eliminating or reducing BFR/CFR/PVC content of external plastic casings


    The following data samples and explanation are intended to illustrate examples of acceptable data. Other types or forms of data may also be acceptable in conformity documentation.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Plan


    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

    CAS Element

    Description of CAS for each element

    PLAN Describes and communicates requirements that the supply chain must meet.

    System to specify environmental requirements to suppliers:

    • Description of the requirement (e.g. specification for specific criterion)

    • What suppliers must submit to show the requirement is met (e.g. declarations, test data, samples, MSDS, etc.)

    • Method of communication to suppliers (e.g. on-line training, supplier summits, written specification available for web download, etc.)

    • Periodic review of requirement (e.g. written policy that indicates the frequency of review and requirement to update relevant documents, annual review of the restricted materials specification, etc.)

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Do


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    DO Collect documents from the supply chain that show conformance.

    System to ensure suppliers understand and meet requirements, and to receive and manage submitted documents/data:

    • Documents collected (e.g. supplier letters, declarations of conformity, analytical test data, tech sheets, certificates, purchasing records, online declarations, Joint Industry Guides, etc.)

    • Process / procedure for collecting documents that indicate conformance.

    • Controls to ensure all documents are collected prior to production.

    • System for storing supplier data.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Check


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    CHECK Verifying that the supply chain is conformant.

    System to audit, monitor and inspect suppliers against the requirements.

    • Description/details of the program to validate supplier submissions:

    − Actions for auditing, monitoring and/or sampling.

    − Frequency of sampling and percentage of parts/materials to be sampled.

    − Types of data (requesting test data from suppliers, sampling components and performing testing, etc.)

    − Corrective action procedures for non-conformant findings.

    • Samples of test results to support the auditing/monitoring/sampling program.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Elements described by Conformity Assurance System - Act


    CAS Element Description of CAS for each element

    ACT Describes how corrective actions will be taken.

    System to communicate results of corrective actions.

    •Identification / description of corrective action plans that will be taken in order to meet requirements if a finding of non-conformance was found.

    •If applicable, evidence of actions taken in past.

    Documentation of the conformity assurance system (CAS) should describe the following elements: Plan (i.e. a description of the requirement to the supplier), Do (i.e. the collection of documents that show conformity), Check (i.e. demonstration of how conformance is assured), and Act (i.e. corrective action).

    The CAS must be tailored to the specific criterion.

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2013

    Notice to Supplier: We, Company XYZ, hereby notify Supplier 123 that components supplied to us cannot contain more than 0.1% by weight of bromine or chlorine attributed to BFRs, CFRs, or PVC.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    Once the auditor selects parts, evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for

    those parts.

    This supplier notification shows implementation of “Plan”.

    Notice that the notification is specific to the criterion requirements and selected part(s).

    From the Annex 1 (or equivalent list), the auditor will select plastic part(s) for which the manufacturer

    must provide evidence of active implementation of each element of the CAS

    Description of Component Weight [g]paper tray, front cover 108

    Paper tray (frame cassette) 270

    back cover 106

    Front Cover, clap (cover manual) 33

    Front Cover, clap (cover front) 160

    Cover Harness Front 82

    cover right 215

    cover left 197

    cover rear 82

    cover exit 30

    cover top 484

    Frame Exit 101

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Jan 20, 2016

    Supplier Self Declaration of Conformity EPEAT4.1.6.3

    We, Company XYZ, declare that Part XYZ supplied to Company 123 are as follows:

    Do not contain bromine or chlorine in excess of 0.1% by weight attributed to BFRs, CFRs or PVC.

    All changes to parts are declared to manufacturer to ensure continued compliance with these thresholds.


    Joe SmithGeneral Manager, Components Department

    Once the auditor selects parts, evidence of ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for

    those parts.

    This supplier declaration shows implementation of “Do” and the analytical test results shows implementation of “Check”

    Notice that the declaration and test results are specific to the criterion requirements and selected part(s).

    This criterion requires risk-based analytical testing –therefore some analytical testing must be provided. See Clarification 28

    ABS plastic, grey

  • Evidence of Active Implementation of CAS


    Date Supplier Part(s) Relevant regulatory citationDescription of Nonconformance Root Cause Analysis Action

    4/12/2014 Supplier 123 Part 123 BFRs, CFRs, and PVC

    Failed to provide annual declaration of "no changes" to relevant parts

    Supplier was not sent an annual reminder to provide declaration.

    Create automatic annual reminders for declarations; follow up with additional reminders if necessary

    5/16/2015 Supplier XYZ Part XYZ BFRs, CFRs, PVC

    Supplier audit report shows part contains brominated fire retardant

    Supplier indicates that part was manufactured with alternate plastic resulting in use ofdifferent fire retardant.

    Discontinue use of Supplier XYZ for Part XYZ until two audits are received free of nonconformances

    Once the auditor selects parts, ALL elements of the CAS must be supplied to show active implementation for those parts.

    This corrective action log shows implementation of “Act”. In cases where nonconformances have never been found with a part, it is acceptable to have no record of corrective actions.

    However, you must still show a plan in place to conduct corrective actions.

  • Conformity Guidance 1680.2: Reduce fluorinated gas emissions resulting from flat panel display manufacturing


    Applicable Interpretations,

    Clarifications, Outcome Reports

    Document/Evidence Request Document Review Standards Common Conformity Issues and Details to Remember

    No EPEAT Clarifications


    Outcomes Reports

    IE 2014-02

    IE 2013-04

    List of suppliers for all flat panel displays in

    the product

    Letter from each supplier regarding current

    compliance to F-GHG1 emission control as

    specified in the criterion

    List must include all suppliers for all flat panel displays in

    the product. If the product does not have flat panel

    displays manufactured with F-GHGs, the manufacturer

    shall declare N/A on registry.

    Letter from each supplier must include baseline and

    conformity assurance information, including:

    1. Declaration that control technologies designed specifically

    for F-GHG emission control cover at least 90% of the

    equipment used in each and every type of operation that uses

    F-GHGs in the production of flat panel displays

    2. Declaration that the control technologies are designed

    specifically to recover or destroy FGHGs, and are installed,

    operated, and maintained in accordance with the control

    technology supplier’s specifications

    3. Declaration that the control technology supplier and the flat

    panel display supplier have created a maintenance plan that

    ensures that the specifications are being met

    Suppliers may determine success in

    recovery, destruction, or removal of 90%

    of the F-GHGs by using the U.S. EPA

    Protocol for Measuring Destruction or

    Removal Efficiency (DRE) of Fluorinated

    Greenhouse Gas Abatement Equipment

    in Electronics Manufacturing [B23] or

    another nationally acceptable method

    that has been demonstrated to produce

    results equivalent to or exceeding the

    accuracy and precision of EPA’s DRE

    Protocol, where the relative error of true

    fraction emitted does not exceed 5%.

    1 F-GHG’s include: CF4, C2F6, C3F8, C-C4F8, C4F8O, CHF3, NF3, and SF6

    Easy to demonstrate conformance

  • Sample Conformity Packet

    1680. Optional– Reduce fluorinated gas emissions resulting from flat panel display manufacturing


    The following data samples and explanation are intended to illustrate examples of acceptable data. Other types or forms of data may also be acceptable in conformity documentation.

  • List of flat panel display suppliers using F-GHGs


    List should include all suppliers of all flat panel

    displays used in the product. If none of the suppliers use F-GHG’s in the manufacturer of flat

    panel displays, then manufacturer must declare N/A on the


    Part (Flat Panel Display) Supplier Uses F-GHG’s?

    LCD Module (1) Company XYZ Yes

    LCD Module (2) Company ABC None

  • Supplier Letter Details


    This supplier letter has an option to declare whether F-GHGs are used in the manufacture of the product. In this case, the supplier does

    use F-GHGs and thus more information is needed. If the supplier does not use F-GHGs

    in the manufacturing, then no further information is needed to prove conformance.

    Column(A) Column (B) Column (C) Column (D)Type of operation using certain Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-GHGs)

    Number of production equipments using F-GHGs

    Number of production equipments for which control technology (control equipment) is installed/equipped, out of the number of Column(B)

    Percentage of the equipments using F-GHGs covered by the control technology/equipments (C/B x 100)

    Dry etching X Yes□No 20 19 95 %

    Cleaning of chamber X Yes□No 10 9 90%

    Others (Please describe):N/A %

    Others (Please describe):%

    Supplier letters must assure that the supplier has installed control technologies designed

    specifically for F-GHG emission control cover at least 90% of the equipment used in each

    and every type of operation that uses F-GHGs in the production of flat panel displays. This table represents the data to help assure this.

  • Supplier Letter Details Continued


    This supplier letter (continued from previous page) addresses all aspects of

    conformance as stipulated by the criterion.

  • Conformity Packet 1680.2 4.1Conformity Guidance 1680 2 4 1 1 1Conformity Guidance 1680 2 4 1 2 1Sample Conformity Packet 1680 2 4 1 3 1 FinalSample Conformity Packet 1680 2 4 1 3 2 FinalConformity Guidance 1680.2:�Optional: Reduction of substances on the EU REACH Candidate List of SVHCsSample Conformity Packet���1680.2� Optional– Reduction of substances on the EU REACH Candidate List of SVHCsElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - PlanElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - DoElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - CheckElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - ActEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASSample Conformity Packet 1680 2 4 1 5 1 FinalConformity Guidance 1680.2 Guidance 1680.2:�Optional: Eliminating or reducing BFR/CFR content of printed circuit board laminatesSample Conformity Packet���1680.2 � Optional – Eliminating or reducing BFR/CFR content of printed circuit board laminatesElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - PlanElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - DoElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - CheckElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - ActEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASConformity Guidance 1680.2 Guidance 1680.2 Guidance 1680.2 Guidance 1680.2:�Optional: Inventory of intentionally added chemicals residing in the productSample Conformity Packet���1680.2� Optional—Inventory of intentionally added chemicals residing in the productElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - PlanElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - DoElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - CheckElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - ActEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CAS

    Sample Conformity Packet 1680 2 4 1 4 1 FINAL V3.pdfConformity Guidance Imaging Equipment:�Optional: Reduction of substances on the EU REACH Candidate List of SVHCsSample Conformity Packet���Imaging Equipment� Optional– Reduction of substances on the EU REACH Candidate List of SVHCsElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - PlanElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - DoElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - CheckElements described by �Conformity Assurance System - ActEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CASEvidence of Active Implementation of CAS