Confidence to Courage

victory goes to those with courage!

Transcript of Confidence to Courage

victory goes to those with courage!

confidence to courage!


• Step 1 - taking care of yourself

• Step 2 - social & conversational skills

• Step 3 - difficult situations, job interview & social environment


• What is Courage

• Everyday Acts of Courage

Risk Taking

• Why risk taking becomes difficult

• Change paradigm, redefine failure & comfort zone


what is confidence

confidence / ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns/noun

the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or

rely on someone or something

synonyms trust, belief, faith, credence, conviction

confidence is always

crucialfor your success!

how to develop confidence?

step 1

taking care of yourself

list your

strengths, talents & skillspersonality traits

taking care of yourself

maintain focus:

reaffirmationsand constantly remind yourself

taking care of yourself

taking care of physical self:

sleep schedule

maintain hygienehealth

step 2

honing your social skills

body language


loud and clear



improve your conversational skills

cultivate your listening skills

keep up with current affairs

take risks

enjoy the experience

take a chance

step 3

handling difficult situations

handling rejection

keep emotions aside

handling job interview

ride your nerves

body language

handling new social environment

work out worst case

be outgoing

self - confidence

self-efficacy self-esteem


what is courage

cour-age / kûr′ĭj, kŭr'-/noun

is the ability and willingness to

confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation

physical moral


courage is the

magicthat turns dreams into



is the main quality of

leadership, no matter where it

is exercised. usually it implies some

risk- especially in new



charms us, because it indicates that

a man loves an idea better

than all things in the world; that he is neither thinking of his bed, nor his dinner, nor his money, but will

venture all to put in act the

invisible thoughts of his mind

it is when we all play safe that we create a world of

utmost insecurity. it is when

we all play safe that fatality will

lead us to our doom

perfect courage is to

do without witnesses what one would be

capable of doing with the world looking on

everyday acts of courage


be yourself

take responsibility

rock the boat

let go of the past

help others


practice gratitude

follow your dreams

go the extra mile

love yourself

risk taking

why is risk taking so difficult

old paradigms

fear of failurecomfort zone


perceived set of rules we use

for evaluating information

and incorporating it

into our lives

re define failure

what would you doif you know

you would not


could not fail


feel safeand

avoid risk taking


• Step 1 - taking care of yourself

• Step 2 - social & conversational skills

• Step 3 - difficult situations, job interview & social environment


• What is Courage

• Everyday Acts of Courage

Risk Taking

• Why risk taking becomes difficult

• Change paradigm, redefine failure & comfort zone

My contact details:

[email protected]

+91. 90. 5102. 5672
