Computer Science Education 2.0

© 2005 SRI International Center for Technology in Learning Computer Science Education 2.0 Chris DiGiano & Marie Bienkowski Center for Technology in Learning SRI International 12 October 2006


Computer Science Education 2.0. Chris DiGiano & Marie Bienkowski Center for Technology in Learning SRI International 12 October 2006. Computer Science in Crisis?. Students intending to major in CS between 2000 and 2004 dropped by 70% - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Computer Science Education 2.0

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© 2005 SRI International Center for Technology in Learning

Computer Science Education 2.0

Chris DiGiano & Marie BienkowskiCenter for Technology in

LearningSRI International

12 October 2006

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Computer Science in Crisis?

• Students intending to major in CS between 2000 and 2004 dropped by 70%– Women’s interest in CS at its lowest point since 1971 when data was first collected

• Mis-Perception of job off-shoring• Dot-com bust

– Can no longer “…write a bad idea on the back of a napkin and retire at 23”

- Eric Roberts

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Root Causes

Well known educational problems • Lack of role models • Too abstract• Not personally meaningful

Other issues• Limited impact

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Louis PasteurLouis Pasteur



Niels BohrNiels Bohr



Quest for fundamental





Considerations of use?

adapted from "Pasteur's Quadrant", Donald E. Stokes, Brookings Press, 1997

Pasteur’s Quadrant

(adapted from Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation, Stokes 1997)

Use-inspired basic research

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Quest for fundamental





Considerations of use?

Google’s Quadrant in CS

(adapted from Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation, Stokes 1997)

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Quest for fundamental





Considerations of use?

Google’s Quadrant in CS

(adapted from Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation, Stokes 1997)

Too abstract

Not personally meaningful

Limited impact

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Focusing on Design in CSE

• Early Design• Scaffolded Design• Professional Design• Design as Consulting

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Early Design: Build-IT

After school and summer youth-based curriculum for low-income middle school girls (grades 6-8) to develop IT fluency, interest in mathematics, and knowledge of IT careers.

• $900K NSF Grant• Partners: Girls Inc.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Girls create their own theme-based, chat-enhanced web sites

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Results & CSE Implications

• “I was thinking about being a teacher… Now I’m not so sure.”

• Positive, personal experiences may help students get through non-Google quadrant “gatekeeper” CS courses in college

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“Scaffolded” Design: Group Scribbles

• Part of $1.2M NSF Grant (“Tuplespaces”)• Partners: Virginia Tech, Christopher Newport University

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Results & CSE Implications

• High-quality artifacts without custom coding

• Helping college students think about distributed control

• Code-free CSE: Toolkits can help students think about Big Ideas in computer science without explicit programming

• See– Brecht, John et al. (2006) Coordinating networked learning

activities with a general purpose interface. Paper presented at mLearn 2006, the 5th World Conference on Mobile Learning.

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Professional Design: TRAILS

• Training and Resources for Assembling Interactive Learning Systems

• $3.2M NSF Grant• Partners: Stanford, Penn State, Drexel, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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• Approximately 200 students at 4 university sites

• 50 major projects generated, all with feedback with educational “clients”

“Working across disciplines, I got to experience a part of what real educational software designers do... In the process, I got to learn a ton about real-life software design, work with teachers and kids on building a great product, and meet lots of cool people to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with.” — Ankur Dalal, Computer Science, Stanford 2004

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Students Will Build Amazing Things in One Semester!

• Cannot stop them from creating working artifacts

• Students don’t want to build on others’ design

• But they do like to show off

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are needed to see this picture.

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Novice / Expert Design Thinking

N1: “Suggest thinking about time constraints, level of the students, costs and the overall learning good desired or how much the level of student education must increase.”N2: “Have two – prototypes; test within group; (If needed) test with other colleagues; (If needed) test with students.”

E1: …”I'd ask questions like: What were the features/variables of such studies? Under different conditions (different teaching styles, different visualization tools, different types of data sets or contexts, etc.), might [we see] different results?…”

N3: “Go to schools and observe the classrooms. Take a survey regarding teachers needs/desires.”N4: “Conduct a survey to get ideas what kind of technology is available and what level of technology knowledge do teachers have.”

E2: “…Principals and district administrators could also provide good feedback (especially since they control budgets and curricula). Check the literature or other reports for reviews on available applications, their strengths & weaknesses. Study the existing curricula and standards. Whatever we develop has to align with them.”

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Novice / Expert Design Thinking

N1: “Suggest thinking about time constraints, level of the students, costs and the overall learning good desired or how much the level of student education must increase.”N2: “Have two – prototypes; test within group; (If needed) test with other colleagues; (If needed) test with students.”

E1: “…I'd ask questions like: What were the features/variables of such studies? Under different conditions (different teaching styles, different visualization tools, different types of data sets or contexts, etc.), might [we see] different results?…”

N3: “Go to schools and observe the classrooms. Take a survey regarding teachers needs/desires.”N4: “Conduct a survey to get ideas what kind of technology is available and what level of technology knowledge do teachers have.”

E2: “…Principals and district administrators could also provide good feedback (especially since they control budgets and curricula). Check the literature or other reports for reviews on available applications, their strengths & weaknesses. Study the existing curricula and standards. Whatever we develop has to align with them.”



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CSE Implications

• Challenge is overcoming students’ school-survival strategies– Students are used to “Doing School” (Denise Pope)

– Design is about exploring a trade-off space• There is no “right answer”

– Good design is research-based• Need to look beyond ready-at-hand resources

• See our book on Educating Learning Technology Designers to be published by Springer in 2007

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Design as Consulting: Cybercollaboration

• Cybercollaboration between Scientists and Software Developers

• $250K NSF Grant• Partners: Univ. of Colorado at Boulder,

Agentsheets, Inc.

“Science will continue to surprise us with what it discovers and creates; then it will astound us by devising new methods to surprises us. At the core of science’s self-modification is technology. New tools enable new structures of knowledge and new ways of discovery. The achievement of science is to know new things; the evolution of science is to know them in new ways.”

—Kevin Kelly, Speculations on The Future of Science

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Collaborative Evolution of Scientific Tools

Scientist specifies

Developer interprets

Scientist clarifies

Developer formalizes

Scientist confirms

Developer builds

Scientist verifies

Developer inquires

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Research Platform: Computational Wikis

• Your browser is your IDE• Procedures are edited and run thru the Web

• Everything is inspectable and editable• Everything can be commented on, tagged• An example is the Web service oriented WubHub from SRI’s Cheyer and Levy

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Participatory Interactive Computation thru the Internet (PIKI)

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Location bar is your command line

PIKI emphasizes data first, procedures later

Everything is commentable

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Incremental Formalization

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Manual Unit Tests

Manual Unit Test #7The result of applying the method align() on parameters

“GAGGTAGTAA, GAGATAGTAA” is 87and on“GAGGTAGTAA, GAGGTAGTAA” is 95Is 87 slightly less than 95?

Please manually verify this assertion


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CSE Implications

• The computer science of requirements gathering

• Opportunities for informal participants and dilatants

• Service orientation means more human interaction but less control

• SeeDiGiano, C., Kireyev, K., Repenning, A. Evolving Tools Organically With Computational Wikis. Short paper presented at Computer Support for Collaborative Work (CSCW) 2006.

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Programs in Academia

• Connect directly to industry jobs (CMU-West)

• Entice students with new content: Introduction to Media Computation– Computing education must be relevant, creative, social, and results-oriented

• Start early (UCSC+ETR Associates): project-based, pair programming for middle school girls

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How should high tech industries respond to the crisis?

• Need to go beyond the classic models– Internships– Cheap tools– Projects for capstone courses– Supporting summer camps, after school programs

• Not systematic• SRI Workshop on Innovative Outreach in Industry, December 7

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One radical role for us to play:Educational “Labeling”

• Embedding informal learning opportunities into technology products

• What if kids could learn about their iPod while listening to music? – How it works– The kinds of teams involved in the design

• Behind the Scenes extras on a DVD can inspire new movie makers. Why not inspire new technologists?

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Educational “Labeling”

• Key is connecting these informal experiences with students lives in and out of school

• See– DiGiano, C., Kahn, K., Cypher, A., & Smith, D. C.

(2001). Integrating learning supports into the design of visual programming systems. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 12, 501-524.

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How Can We Work Together Revitalize CS?