Compromises and not solution

Compromises, not solutions! Francesco Fullone ff AT


One of the biggest problems perceived in the agile's world is "how do I make it clear to the sales dept. that I can't sell an application to the client without having discussed (and evaluated) it with the development team?". One of the biggest problems perceived by agile salesmen is: "How can I make it clear to the development team that without an economic evaluation I can't sell anything?". Bargaining is necessary not only to customers but also within the company. This is the talk / confession of a former developer passed to the dark side ...

Transcript of Compromises and not solution

Compromises, not solutions! Francesco Fullone

ff AT

Who am I Francesco Fullone aka @Fullo

- PHP developer since 1999

- President

- and Open Source Evangelist

- CEO @

- founder @

- conference organizer

- Nerd and geek

Warning! «works for me» talk

Once upon a time...

… a Log, is a Log...

Sysadmin to CFO and HR, webops, ...

All for code... code for all!

Dev to CTO and Coach, Product Owner, ...

Do things, see people...

Consultant to CEO and Sales, Mkt, ...

Do people, see things...

Consultant to CEO and Sales, Mkt, ...

Study, Do, Repeat do less, get more

The Zen approach “Floating customer, river sitting”

Upsell! You don’t love us!

Study, Do, Repeat sharpening the blade

The perfect Salesman Half Templeton «Faceman» Peck - half Stan

Agile... What?

Be a good salesman, is enough (at least for me)

Clienti? Customers?

Stime e story points

Just pick two and don’t get too cocky

Prompt reply, Patient in getting it

Customers want products Or a service that is sold as a product

Study, Do, Repeat Salesaman as company MVP

Lean Manufacturing for a salesman

Compromises, not solutions!

Search the true goals are sometime hidden, even to clients

Avoid the «imprinting effect» Don’t let your clients lose the focus

Getting to yes needs euristic approach

You are not a real salesman!

Business Synergy As Partners not Client-Vendor


What about Contracts? ad hoc: starto, time&mat, fixed price, fixed scope, etc...

jsDay + phpDay 2013 16-19 Maggio 2013 Verona /

via Quinto Bucci 205 47023 Cesena (FC) info AT

Francesco Fullone [email protected]



Once upon a time Mario by Imprinting photo by LIFE

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Kerning Conference Logo TM from Kerning Conference Stan is a character from Monkey Island TM

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