COMPRESSED CALENDAR FOCUS GROUPS What Do We Need to Know? Las Positas College December, 2007.

COMPRESSED CALENDAR FOCUS GROUPS What Do We Need to Know? Las Positas College December, 2007

Transcript of COMPRESSED CALENDAR FOCUS GROUPS What Do We Need to Know? Las Positas College December, 2007.



What Do We Need to Know?

Las Positas CollegeDecember, 2007


Agenda for Compressed Calendar Focus Groups

A. Compressed Calendar Review Information & Resources (15 mins)

B. Open Q&A (10 mins)

C. Resources – What can we learn

from others? (15 mins)

D. Impact Models – How to complete (15-20 mins)

E. Wrap-Up – Next Steps (5 mins)


Why a Compressed Calendar

(CC)?•Focus on Students

–Access and Enrollment–Fiscal Stability–Student Retention–Student Success


Studies Available on Websites:

• LPC Grapevine:

• District Website: http://info/edservices/CLPCCDIntranet-EducationServices.php


What does CC really mean?

• Total contact hours remain the same (still adheres to the 175 day mandate)– No additional hours tacked on to the

curriculum– The curriculum is not re-written

• Class periods are longer (by 5 minutes each session for class meeting 2X/week)


What does CC really mean? (cont.)

Total term is shorter in duration (from 17.5 weeks to 16 weeks)

– Additional time prior to opening in fall and spring to give students access to student services (assessment, financial aid; staff time for lab set ups, maintenance.

– Special sessions (winter) are still possible but is a college choice


How long would this new structure be in effect?

• This would be a permanent structure, but …

• The dates for the 3 or 4* session calendar would be subject to modification.

*3 sessions: Fall, Spring, Summer; 4 sessions: Fall, Winter 6 wk, Spring, Summer 6 or 8 wks.)


Why would LPC want to convert to a Compressed

Calendar?• It is believed to be in the best

interest of the students to promote student success and access.

• Enables students to advance their studies with shorter semesters, and the possibility of a winter session.

• 16 Week semester more closely aligns with many UC and CSU formats – facilitating transfer.


Why would LPC want to convert to a Compressed

Calendar? (cont.)For faculty and administrators:

Adding “breaks” between semesters and summer/winter sessions provides more time to:

– Process grades

– Complete prerequisite checking

– Bring closure to previous term activities before the start of new term


Why would LPC want to convert to a Compressed

Calendar? (cont.)Compressed Calendar systems are:

• Consistent with a growing trend among California community colleges

• Half of California community colleges have successfully converted to compressed calendars


What are the possible challenges of a CC?

• Adjusting to the schedule changes may be difficult for students who are used to taking classes in certain time blocks.

• Examples: Some evening classes will start later, this may be a problem for some students.


What are the possible challenges of a CC? (cont.)

• Students will spend a little more time each week in classes than before.

• It will take work from Faculty and Staff to ensure that admission, registration, records management, and student service delivery processes are adjusted to accommodate the new schedule.


Possible Student Concerns:

• Will students have to take classes each term?

– No, to maintain continuing student status a student must only attend fall and spring semesters.

– Attending summer and winter terms would be optional.


Possible Student Concerns (cont.)

• Because terms are shorter, would students be in classes longer?

– Classes would be only slightly longer per week.

– In one semester classes would meet for the same total hours.

– Example: a 3 unit class in CC would meet for 3 hours + 10 minutes per week.


Proposed Calendar Implementation

• Decide on the calendar configuration: – 16 wk Without intersession OR – 16 wk With intersession

• If CC is adopted:– set up an assessment of its

success after one year– Decide how we comply with the

175 day rule


Example of an Impact Model – Administrator


Example of an Impact Model – Faculty


Example of an Impact Model – Faculty (cont.)


Example of an Impact Model – Classified


CC Research Sources

•District Intranet:http://info/edservices/CLPCCDIntranet-EducationServices.php


CC Research Sources (cont.)

• LPC Academic Services Intranet:


(Please contact Laurel Jones if you have other recommended sources]


What role do you play in the process?

• Be informed – Read the studies– Call colleagues in your discipline

at other CC colleges

• Share your input with your Dean, Senates, Divisions, etc.


How will we make this decision?

• Utilizing research and data of effective practices at other colleges

• Gathering input from the impact sheets

• Dialogue and listening to staff, faculty and students

• All focused on what is best for student success.