Complete Streets in Minnesota - MnDOT · Complete Streets in Minnesota Some 2009 Complete Streets...

Complete Streets in Minnesota MnDOT Updates on Flexibility in Design & Some Other Efforts Scott Bradley – MnDOT Director of Context Sensitive Solutions – September 28, 2011 Marshall Ave 3-Lane Conversion in St. Paul Hwy 61 Reconstruction along Lake Superior For The Complete Streets External Advisory Group – Meeting # 4

Transcript of Complete Streets in Minnesota - MnDOT · Complete Streets in Minnesota Some 2009 Complete Streets...

Page 1: Complete Streets in Minnesota - MnDOT · Complete Streets in Minnesota Some 2009 Complete Streets Feasibility Study Findings • The “goal” is not all modes on all roads … it

Complete Streets in MinnesotaMnDOT Updates on Flexibility in Design & Some Other Efforts

Scott Bradley – MnDOT Director of Context Sensitive Solutions – September 28, 2011

Marshall Ave 3-Lane Conversion in St. Paul Hwy 61 Reconstruction along Lake Superior

For The Complete Streets External Advisory Group – Meeting # 4

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Complete Streets in MinnesotaSome Selected Topics for Updates & Discussion

• Introducing David Larson & Mary Jackson and their Roles

• Revisiting our Charge & Direction

• Towards Articulation of a Complete Streets Vision & Policy

• Flexibility in Design Evaluation (13 CC) and Initiative Status

• Status of Revisiting MnDOT Cost Participation Policy

• Next Report to the Legislature Due in January 2012

• A Funding Need / Collaborative Opportunity … ComprehensiveSummarization & Analysis of Federal and State Laws and Rules

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Complete Streets in MinnesotaAdded MnDOT Resourcing & SupportIntroducing Mary Jackson, David Larson and the Program and Project Solutions Unit from the Office of Environmental Stewardship and their Roles …

Mary Jackson (651-366-4619)[email protected]

David Larson (651-366-4637)[email protected]

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Complete Streets in MinnesotaSome 2009 Complete Streets Feasibility Study Findings

• The “goal” is not all modes on all roads …it is a balanced transportation system thatintegrates all modes via planning inclusiveof each mode (motorists, freight, transit riders,bicyclists and pedestrians)

• Complete Streets implementation is easierif all levels of government are involvedand policy is developed with stakeholders

• Complete Streets is inherent to applyingthe philosophy & principles of CSS and flexibility in planning & design is critical

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Complete Streets in MinnesotaSubsequent MnDOT Direction & Commitment

MnDOT made a commitment to partner with a broad coalition to build upon its approach to Context Sensitive Solutions in developing and implementing a Complete Streets Vision & Policy for its road system.

MnDOT’s State Aid Division was initially designated to provide the leadership.

An external advisory group was set up to advise MnDOT on Complete Streets work planning and implementation efforts.

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Complete Streets in Minnesota2010 MN Complete Streets Legislation

The commissioner shall implement a complete streets policy after consultation with stakeholders, state and regional agencies, local governments, and road authorities. The commissioner shall address relevant protocols, guidance, standards, training and requirements and shall integrate related principles of context sensitive solutions.

Complete Streets legislation was also part of a transportation policy bill signed into law in Minnesota on May 15, 2010.

The legislation supports MnDOT’s efforts to lead a statewide partnership approach for implementing Complete Streets.

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Visioning & Policy - Homework for You …Complete Streets in Minnesota

One articulates a desired futureand what we are trying to achieve (but not how we will do it)

The other helps us answer the question of how will we do it ?

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Enabling & Sustaining Change ManagementVisioning & Policy Are Important Ingredients



Action Plans


Case for Change



ProcessesSkill Building

Sustained Change

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Growing out of ISTEA 1991 and NHSDA 1995, this 1997 FHWA Guide explored and illustrated flexibilities and opportunities that already exist to balance community, environmental, safety, and mobility objectives in our transportation projects ... and consistent with AASHTO’s “Green Book” guidance

FHWA Promotion of Flexibility in DesignProvocation & Guidance To Think & Act Differently

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Design Flexibility vs. StandardsAASHTO “Green Book” A series of “guidelines” and geometric design concepts and criteria … with ranges of flexibility used to help establish physical features of a roadway … not intended as design “standards”

Sufficient flexibility permitted to encourage independent designs tailored to particular situations

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Flexibility in Design

It’s Difficult To Balance Competing Objectives Within Overly Conservative Design Approaches & Standards

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www. (Search A to Z for Context Sensitive Design / Solutions)

MnDOT Flexibility in Design ForumLearning From Ourselves & Others - February, 2009

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Learning From The Forum & Advisory Group

• Emphasize Purpose & Need & Scoping Processes

• Expand Training & Resources

• Review & Update Design Standards & Criteria for Flexibility … start with AASHTO’s 13 critical design elements

• Develop & Define the Vision

• Involve the Right People & Perspectives

• Develop Policy & Guidelines

• Research, Document & Disseminate Case Studies

• State-Aid Rules & Standards should be addressed

Brainstormed Next Steps With Highest Vote-Getting Frequency

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MnDOT Flexibility in Design Initiative

1. Design Speed2. Lane Width3. Shoulder Width4. Bridge Width5. Horizontal Alignment6. Superelevation7. Vertical Alignment8. Grade9. Stopping Sight Distance10. Cross Slope11. Vertical Clearance12. Lateral Offset To Obstruction13. Structural Capacity

Ongoing Flexibility in Standards Review & Approval ProcessFocused on 13 Controlling Design Criteria

Frames PAC & TAC Roles

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MnDOT Flexibility in Design Initiative “My Own” Performance Based Definition

A broadly informed and structured decision making process that explores and evaluates design options and trade-offs … what might be gained and what might be lost … to determine the best solutions and risk management approaches for balancing competing objectives and for optimizing the ratio of benefits to costs consistent with system level needs and goals and the clearly defined purpose, need, objectives, and scope for a project as agreed to by a full range of affected stakeholders.

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Revisiting Cost Participation PolicyCurrent Direction & Approach:

• Work scope to fall in between a) policy andguidance review with addition of new processand procedural updates and b) full policy review and revision

• Timeline (from today) includes develop and put out an RFP, execute a consultant contract andanticipate a 1.5 to 2 year duration for the work

Goals Include:• Guidance and policy clarification related to new initiatives

• Consistency in application across all funding initiatives

• Conformance to statutes, rules, policies and FHWA Stewardship Plan

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Next Complete Streets Report to LegislatureBy January 15, 2012:• Summarize the results of the collaboration under

MN Statutes, Section 174.75, Subdivision 3

• Identify modifications made to or recommendedfor protocols, guidance, standards, or otherrequirements to facilitate CS implementation

• Report status of development of CS performanceindicators

• Outline other work planned related to CS policy

• Identify statutory recommendations to facilitateCS policy implementation

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A Funding Need / Collaborative OpportunityComprehensive Summary & Analysis of Federal & State Laws & Rules

• The non-profit Public Health Law Center(housed at the William Mitchell College of Law)started a comprehensive identification,summary, and analysis of Federal and State ofMinnesota laws and rules related to bicyclists,pedestrians, and ADA from a “legal context” two weeks before the end of FY 2010 and thenthe SHIP grant funding ran out

• $15, 000 in grant funding would enable completionof the basic scope of work (30 days of attorneytime plus research assistance) with basic user-friendly formatting

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Scott Bradley – Mn/DOTContext Sensitive Solutions Director(651-366-3302)[email protected]

MnDOT Complete Streets Points of Contact

Mn/DOT CS Website …

Julie Skallman – Mn/DOTState Aid Division Director(651-366-4831)[email protected]