Complete f L f andUnited Louisvilleis House...

i THE BOURBON HEWS PARIS XY DECEMBER 2g I9Q8 1 J g- f f i Ii iJ1 T t lexinston Interurban Railways Co Bluegrass Traction Company M MPhe Central Kentucky V Bluegrass Routes We are closely watching the returns from the operation of the Iriterur r patrons As a result of this scrutiny ajictJih falling f ii to season we will put into service at 7 m 15th our Winter schedule There are many changes in the schedule over that use Briefly they are these The car leaving Lexington at 6 a m for Versailles and Frankfort will vt e taken off A car leave Versailles at 645 a m for Frank 4prt The car leaving Versailles at 615 a m for be taken off The 9ar leaving Lexington at p m for Paris and the leavingParis p m on Saturday nights will be taken off The car now leaving Lexington at 8 p m for Versailles and Frankfort hd the car leaving at 930 p m for Versailles and Lexington 4svil be taken off To take the place of the LexingtonFrankfort car to be taken off we 4 have a new service in that a car Will leave Lexington at 9 m The result of the new service will be a greater evenness of schedule and a closer connection from one Interurban to another in the hours ac Lexington in that cars will leave for Georgetown Paris and Versailles at 7 9 Time cards or folders will be ready for delivery at our offices and at the Center at Lexington on and after 15 1908 iY t t t 1bJll TraIn WIth the Idea of ascertaining the traIns WhIch are most our 1CicleIt a December nowin 40wev s Lexington t9 Ji 7t Fr fort 1 k OtnpanY a usual will S car t > < > < Pritchard Wins Big Land Suit Anine Pritchard daughter of 3lr and Mrs L J Eretwell has re ceived a telegram from ner attorneys in Huntington W Va announcing 9 favorable decision in a large land suit in which she was interested which was decided Thursday by the Court of Ap peals of West Virginia Mrs Pritchards husband the late Dr J T Pritchard was one of ten persons who invested a number of pears ago in a tract of 143000 acres timber land in Logan county W Va The title to the property was other parties asserting Suit was brought in the Court and an appeal taken highest Court in that State with the above result The property is yery valuable thickly covered with fine tim ber and underlaid with rich vein of coal l eady for Business The Paris Itoriumental Works Manufacturers of Granite and i Marble Monuments J We ready to take r V for future delivery V South Main Street opp Ceme tery Entrance E T Phone 734 I Lf rs Mrs tJi of- f d the i I jf 5 ff rs I Jldahls Wall n k own- ership Cir- cuit ti now o t > < ¬ < > > + = LIVE STOCK AND NOTES 3uDf Booth of Cane Ridge Thurs day bought of Ben Woodford a farm of 156 acres on the Spears Mill turn pike for 21000 or about 135 per acre The purchase of this tract of land gives Mr Booth 400 acres of Bour bon land all in a high state of The next annual of the Kentucky Swine Breeders Association will be held Friday and Saturday Jan 2 and 3 1909jn the lecture room of the State University at Lexington This is to be a very important meeting one of the lecturers will be Prof Wm H Dietrict professor of swine hus bandry at the Illinos Experiment Sta on probably jf est man on swine husbandry in the United States U S G Pepper has purchased the farm of Letton Vimont one mile from Millersbug and containing 205 acres for 19000 Mr Letton Vimont in turn has bought of E JP Gamble his farm of 52 acres on the Lexington Mays ville pike for which he paid 40 per acre Mr Vimont gets of the farm once but Mr Gamble will oc cupy the residence till Nov 1st 1909 when he and family will locate in California Thoii McClintock Sons of Mil lersburgsoid last week toCaywoocI and of North Middletown mules for 1200 to Joseph Plummer 2 mules 325 to Plummer 2 mules 300 to John 2 for parties 3 teams at from 150 tql0 per head They have about 60 head on hangs Anyone of them bought with the money Among the coming team in Bourbon weigth 2200 Iba perfectly broke mate close Wanted a driving mare afraid of James E Clay sold to Jonas Weili of Lexington 435 for 6 cents per pound B T Bishop sold to twoyearold mare mule for 350 county The high price for is causing many farmers to feed s aringly of this product Stock on many farms are thriving splendidly upon a mixtara of fodder hay and bran the two former ingredients being cut finely and mixed with the latter CROP cultiva- tion at Thomason 49Q to Wm cab t f J weather WalterClark individuals p session perma- nently Peed fore Hamilton 2 them corn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = Deputy Janet Stt t Mat Youny who with hi moth er on a farm in county ibe caraed mented Saturday and his family away from home He then his uncle Deputy Jailer Logan Young pobahly fatally wounding him Some of the shot deputy Sheriff George Goes Into Effect Friday The twocent postage rate with Ger many will go into effect oh January I ously proclaim the uniform fUhery regulations which have been for the boundary waters between them Killed in Wreck One man was instantly killed and another dangerously wounded when the day coach and two Pullmans of an L N Cincinnati train jump ed the track and sideswiped ahanricar oh a siding on which two men were The accident occurred at Sulphur Ky Riders Cause Suicide Brooding over the fancied disgrace to his family bceause his a of near Hopkinsville committed yesterday Fine Remitted As a result for the honesty of Elliott Slayersnf Magoffin county al prisoner who walked 32 n ile to catch a train to come to surrender himself to Bridges and serve out a three m the county jail Federafjudge A J Cochran of Maysville has suspend jail and a part of that sentence has been remitted I Holloway andUnited oAled passenger i er had RoyRogers t1 der Jai e fit SlayersSlayers lives Jese amine rare slot L w sui- cide th1 rankfo tan a e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 4 i sot f th ylll est1nt J qr fti Vq1dg t r j JOiF1 t- Ag heaPpearedlsr in char TIIFb 2tti arcs a 1- r4 d n 881 Womens finest quality E flexible sol Worth 3 J ht Nullifiers Special IDAN COHEN I PI QH AL MENTION Mss Emma Scott is quite ill Mrs J B Northcott is seriouely ill Mrs Bacon of Wichita Falls Tex is the guest of Miss Clara Bacon rMf Buckner Clay of Vak is visiting hiss father Col E F Clay v Vine street f Russell Mann Miss Corinne is Miss Fairie Templin left Friday Miss Tommie Jett of Cynthiana Mrs Phil Foley of Danville is James B McChesney in Louisville The little of Mrs FederickAWallis was quite ill Sunday and Hay den of Louis vile arrived Friday for a visit to the parents Mi and Mrs J aydeh DrMartha Petree was successfully operated on at a hospital at Kirkvsille Mo Saturday and is reported as do ing nicely Miss Lucile Price is home from the University of Cincinnati to spend the with her parents Mr and Mrs Ike Price Misses Sallie Adair and Ellen Cincinnati Miss who forher home7at Rcihmond she has accepted a position as teacher in the publicsch at place Mr and J D Bnier daughter Mis Louie Bruer of Mays Mrvand Mrs W A Wallen and Foster left Saturday to spend days vjfth relatives in Owen County v Cot Mrs Sheridan of St Mo accompanied by their son are guests of Mr arid Mrs W Hinton at Woodlawn neau j r ur Mfs E M Wheeler had ai their guests Friday Mr Wheelers parents Mrs and Mrs George Wheeler vand iarift Mrs George Whittaker pf Mr aria Mrs Wm Merritt Shobe today tobe the guests of parents Mr and flrstJ H Butler if ter which they will r their future ft of Philadel s his parents Mr Mrs L Christmas holi day with Mr Bells parents Mr and Mrs John A Bell in Georgetown leading 1aW th CTohn Griffith Corn pany iVe to the club women keir friends at Otis t Carlisleis Louisvilleis spending parkin MissesMason MissClara herparentsMr theChrIstmas Mrand improving MissElizabeth inCarlisle MrsLeo fprm W visitingMiss lrem Buckwalker heYoung today that r and andMrs son and H tHe holi slid JJ Yc t no 0 < > county wilt r f r Mr iir rty Mr and pent J L the talk Charleston r Collin s Mr Hills was aol sal Dr E and daughter ra homer c i nest of Il an rs i rditlyslratten McGrath ai Rar sand MX11 > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ = House Comforts for Women I Useful gifts that are fe to please and be remem bered are to be found in our large selection f Womens House Slippers Womens Felt NullifierS Green and Brown Black l r stare Black trimmings ¬ 12f Womens good quality Fur Trimmed Nullifiers small buckle Worth 1 25 Special i We call your attention to our magnificent showing in very styles of Ladies Winter Footwear Greater vat ues for less money ¬ Special Womenrs Felt Slipper very comfortable 75c Special Ladies Patent Leather Shoes Worth 2 Old SXand 3S6 main Strttt TheijnThemans IiWOOLl5ALI WAREHOUSE PEARL VINI Ai110 h r CORNER ANO SRFTCINCINNdT1 = = Wins No 956 S P the Elks Club room on Thursday after noon at 2 30 oclock Miss Amelia Leer and Measr Vernon Leer John L Buckley and Clyde Buckley were hostess and hosts Thursday evening to the Country Club at Idywilu the attractive country home of Mr and Mrs B F Buckley More than sixty guests were present Miss Virginia Booth of Danville is the guest of Miss Louise Davis to attend the dance this evening Misses Lois Finnell and Cornelia Blackburn of Georgetown are guests of Mr and Mrs N C Fisher The Jolly Fellows entertained last tfith a delightful german at Elks Hif1 Webers orchestra made the Miss Artie Cynthiana Misses Withers and Katherine Lexington are with Miss Katherine Davis to attend the dance tonight Miss Virginia Sullivan of Versail South JelWeo COAL Iss The Article rGet our Prices before buying We are po tv- A located in our ew r yard the Old Midland Depot and are to fill all orders Prompt Iy Roth Phones 52 Statin Co of Headley- of 1 J3NQIN t W reedy j I eveni music Ashbrook Real y v t ¬ > A Complete Line of Ladies Fur Trimmed House Slippers In all colors Red Gray Brown and Black Also Mens Kid Opera Everett and Nullifies in Brown and Black Nothing nicer fc Christmas present I f f t y Geo VlcWillams9 The Leading Shoe Man jst V Y r i les Mayme Shropshire of and Mary of Centerville guests of Miss Bayless frt the dance tonight The Bourbon Dancing Club wi dances a the this Musi will he made by Webers orchestra o Cincinnati j and Whipple c Little Rock Ark and Mrs E M Dickson leave tomorrow to visit th latters father Rev Dr L H Blai ton at Danville for several days i Terrible Earthquake in Italy Southern Italy was visited by a si Tious and fatal earthquake yesterdd morning The center of the efisturJ ance was in Sicily and the greatei of life and occurred i this isalnd Thereport is not yet con a condition of panic I Paris firand S E BORLAND Manager One Night Only ar give one of their enjoyable Mrr Mrs Durand plete people everywhere we to IItoV iana Elks building abut throwi = December t Thursday 3 Special engagement of the disti Shakesperian aetor GriM Mephisto in Goethes Poetic Draida of FAUST PRICES 25c Seats on sale at Oberdorfers hn I As 4 50c I cI Mio 3 75c ll Great Reduction on Holiday Shoes and Slippers i All remaining Slippers to be sold below cost Nothing reserved Now is your chance to buy your New Year at the price ever this time f We take this to express our sikc re thanks to all our friends and patrons for their liberal pat ronage We wish you one and a happy and New Year u itIf M TtB B B B B r ga 11 IY Y N I I I offeredat ity j k prosperous ¬ = House Comforts for Men a An elegant assortment of Mens Comfortable Slippers in all styles at a great saving Mens Fverett Slippers Tan or Black Kid Tan Soles Hou- seS II I S Special 99c Mens Extra Pine Opera Tan or Black genuine hand turned Worth 2 if pars iiII1ri Slip 11 Spe X Cial 149 Mens Nullifiers extra good quality Worth 175 t Special SlippersTan Special Also great bargains in Mens Dress Shoes that will please all particular men Satisfaction guaranteed Special I 49c 199 I GunMetal Special CEIEBRATE0 STUB THE Footwear for Boys and Girls This Shoe Combines style and durability in one 0 keep the feet dry and warm They wear well and cost less See them counters Worth S250 I extraheavy a Special 5174 calf I patent ¬ Special 5199 Misses Tan Shoes in all leathers and styles including the very Tan Button Worth 1 I S3 Special I X199 I Misses Fine Shoes made Kid and Gun Metal Calf in Vici Special Soecial 99c IIII Infants and Childrens Shoes We make a specialty in and We can half Come save the difference II I lnf nts your Shoe Bill nOS reduce n gen I For Infants Kid Moccasins Worth 2oc fl PARISKY AT THE BIG ELECTRIC SIGN J j o M

Transcript of Complete f L f andUnited Louisvilleis House...

Page 1: Complete f L f andUnited Louisvilleis House of Granite and i Marble Monuments J We ready to take r V for future delivery








iJ1 T tlexinston Interurban Railways Co

Bluegrass Traction CompanyM MPhe Central Kentucky V

Bluegrass Routes

We are closely watching the returns from the operation of the Iriterurr

patrons As a result of this scrutiny ajictJih falling f iito season we will put into service at 7 m

15th our Winter schedule There are many changes in theschedule over that use Briefly they are these

The car leaving Lexington at 6 a m for Versailles and Frankfort willvt e taken off A car leave Versailles at 645 a m for Frank4prt

The car leaving Versailles at 615 a m for be taken off

The 9ar leaving Lexington at p m for Paris and the leavingParisp m on Saturday nights will be taken off

The car now leaving Lexington at 8 p m for Versailles and Frankforthd the car leaving at 930 p m for Versailles and Lexington

4svil be taken off

To take the place of the LexingtonFrankfort car to be taken off we4

have a new service in that a car Will leave Lexington at 9 m

The result of the new service will be a greater evenness of schedule anda closer connection from one Interurban to another in the

hours ac Lexington in that cars will leave for Georgetown Parisand Versailles at 7 9

Time cards or folders will be ready for delivery at our offices and atthe Center at Lexington on and after 15 1908

iY t

t t1bJll TraIn WIth the Idea of ascertaining the traIns WhIch are most

our1CicleIt a









S car






Pritchard Wins Big LandSuit

Anine Pritchard daughter of3lr and Mrs L J Eretwell has received a telegram from ner attorneysin Huntington W Va announcing 9favorable decision in a large land suitin which she was interested which wasdecided Thursday by the Court of Appeals of West Virginia

Mrs Pritchards husband the lateDr J T Pritchard was one of tenpersons who invested a number of

pears ago in a tract of 143000 acrestimber land in Logan county

W Va The title to the property wasother parties asserting

Suit was brought in theCourt and an appeal taken

highest Court in that State with theabove result The property is yeryvaluable thickly covered with fine timber and underlaid with rich vein of coal

l eady for Business

The ParisItoriumental

WorksManufacturers of Granite and

i Marble Monuments

J We ready to taker V for future delivery

V South Main Street opp Cemetery Entrance

E T Phone 734










jf5 ff rs


Jldahls Wall n


own-ership Cir-cuit


now ot









3uDf Booth of Cane Ridge Thursday bought of Ben Woodford a farmof 156 acres on the Spears Mill turnpike for 21000 or about 135 peracre The purchase of this tract ofland gives Mr Booth 400 acres of Bourbon land all in a high state of

The next annual of theKentucky Swine Breeders Associationwill be held Friday and Saturday Jan2 and 3 1909jn the lecture room of theState University at Lexington Thisis to be a very important meetingone of the lecturers will be Prof WmH Dietrict professor of swine husbandry at the Illinos Experiment Staon probably jf est man onswine husbandry in the United States

U S G Pepper has purchased thefarm of Letton Vimont one mile fromMillersbug and containing 205 acresfor 19000

Mr Letton Vimont in turn hasbought of E JP Gamble his farm of52 acres on the Lexington Maysville pike for which he paid 40 peracre

Mr Vimont gets of thefarm once but Mr Gamble will occupy the residence till Nov 1st 1909when he and family will locate

in CaliforniaThoii McClintock Sons of Mil

lersburgsoid last week toCaywoocI andof North Middletown

mules for 1200 to Joseph Plummer2 mules 325 to Plummer 2mules 300 to John 2

forparties 3 teams at from 150 tql0per head They have about 60 head onhangs Anyone of them boughtwith the money Among thecoming team in Bourbon

weigth 2200 Iba perfectlybroke mate close Wanted adriving mare afraid of

James E Clay sold to Jonas Weiliof Lexington 435 for 6cents per pound

B T Bishop sold totwoyearold mare mule for 350

countyThe high price for is causing

many farmers to feed s aringly of thisproduct Stock on many farms arethriving splendidly upon a mixtara offodder hay and bran the two formeringredients being cut finely and mixedwith the latter





49Qto Wm

cab tf





p session


Peed foreHamilton 2











Deputy Janet Stt tMat Youny who with hi moth

er on a farm in county ibecaraed mented Saturday and hisfamily away from home He thenhis uncle Deputy Jailer Logan Youngpobahly fatally wounding him Someof the shot deputy SheriffGeorge

Goes Into Effect FridayThe twocent postage rate with Ger

many will go into effect oh January I

ously proclaim the uniform fUheryregulations which have beenfor the boundary waters between them

Killed in WreckOne man was instantly killed and

another dangerously wounded when theday coach and two Pullmans of an L

N Cincinnati train jumped the track and sideswiped ahanricaroh a siding on which two men were

The accident occurred atSulphur Ky

Riders Cause SuicideBrooding over the fancied disgrace

to his family bceause his

aof near Hopkinsville committed


Fine RemittedAs a result for the honesty of Elliott

Slayersnf Magoffin countyal prisoner who walked 32 n ile tocatch a train to come tosurrender himself to Bridges andserve out a three mthe county jail Federafjudge AJ Cochran of Maysville has suspend

jail and a part of that sentence hasbeen remitted I





er hadRoyRogerst1


Jaie fit


livesJese amine





th1rankfo tan

a e







f th ylll est1ntJ qr

fti Vq1dg tr

j JOiF1t-Ag heaPpearedlsr in charTIIFb2tti arcs

a 1-




881Womens finest quality E

flexible solWorth 3






Mss Emma Scott is quite illMrs J B Northcott is seriouely

illMrs Bacon of Wichita Falls

Tex is the guest of Miss Clara BaconrMf Buckner Clay of

Vak is visiting hiss father Col E FClay v

Vine streetf

Russell MannMiss Corinne is

Miss Fairie Templin left Friday

Miss Tommie Jett of Cynthiana

Mrs Phil Foley of Danville is

James B McChesney in LouisvilleThe little of Mrs

FederickAWallis was quite ill Sunday

and Hayden of Louisvile arrived Friday for a visit to the

parents Mi and Mrs Jaydeh

DrMartha Petree was successfullyoperated on at a hospital at KirkvsilleMo Saturday and is reported as doing nicely

Miss Lucile Price is home from theUniversity of Cincinnati to spend the

with her parents Mr andMrs Ike Price

Misses Sallie Adair and Ellen

CincinnatiMiss who

forher home7at Rcihmond

she has accepted a position as teacherin the publicsch at place

Mr and J D Bnierdaughter Mis Louie Bruer of Mays

Mrvand Mrs W A Wallen and

Foster left Saturday to spenddays vjfth relatives in Owen County v

Cot Mrs Sheridan of StMo accompanied by their son

are guests of Mr aridMrs W Hinton at Woodlawn neau

j r urMfs E M Wheeler had ai their

guests Friday Mr Wheelers parentsMrs and Mrs George Wheeler vand

iarift Mrs George Whittaker pf

Mr aria Mrs Wm Merritt Shobetoday tobe the guests of

parents Mr and flrstJH Butler ifter which they willr their future ft

of Philadels his parents Mr

Mrs L Christmas holiday with Mr Bells parents Mr andMrs John A Bell in Georgetown

leading 1aW th CTohn Griffith Cornpany iVe to the clubwomen keir friends at







fprm W

visitingMisslrem BuckwalkerheYoungtoday

thatr and

andMrsson and H

tHe holi

slid JJYc

t no0 < >




r Mr iir

rty Mr andpent

J L the




Collin s




Dr E

and daughter

ra homer

ci nest ofIl

an rs

i rditlyslratten McGrath

aiRar sand










House Comforts for Women I

Useful gifts that arefeto please and be remem

bered are to be found inour large selection fWomens House Slippers

Womens Felt NullifierSGreen and Brown Black l r






Womens good quality FurTrimmed Nullifiers smallbuckle Worth 1 25



We call your attentionto our magnificent showing invery styles of LadiesWinter Footwear Greater vatues for less money



Womenrs Felt Slippervery comfortable 75c


Ladies Patent Leather ShoesWorth 2

Old SXand 3S6 main StrtttTheijnThemans





= =

Wins No 956 S P

the Elks Club room on Thursday afternoon at 2 30 oclock

Miss Amelia Leer and MeasrVernon Leer John L Buckley andClyde Buckley were hostess and hostsThursday evening to the Country Clubat Idywilu the attractive countryhome of Mr and Mrs B F BuckleyMore than sixty guests were present

Miss Virginia Booth of Danvilleis the guest of Miss Louise Davis toattend the dance this evening

Misses Lois Finnell and CorneliaBlackburn of Georgetown are guestsof Mr and Mrs N C Fisher

The Jolly Fellows entertained lasttfith a delightful german at

Elks Hif1 Webers orchestra madethe

Miss Artie CynthianaMisses Withers and Katherine

Lexington are with Miss KatherineDavis to attend the dance tonight

Miss Virginia Sullivan of Versail

South JelWeo


The Article

rGet our Prices beforebuying We are po tv-

A located in our ew r

yard the Old MidlandDepot and are tofill all orders PromptIy Roth Phones 52

Statin Co
















A Complete Line of

Ladies FurTrimmed HouseSlippersIn all colors Red GrayBrown and Black

Also Mens Kid OperaEverett and Nullifiesin Brown and Black

Nothing nicer fc

Christmas present



yGeo VlcWillams9

The Leading Shoe Manjst V Y

r i

les Mayme Shropshire ofand Mary of Centervilleguests of Miss Bayless frtthe dance tonight

The Bourbon Dancing Club widances athe this Musi

will he made by Webers orchestra oCincinnati j

and Whipple cLittle Rock Ark and Mrs E MDickson leave tomorrow to visit thlatters father Rev Dr L H Blaiton at Danville for several days


Terrible Earthquake in ItalySouthern Italy was visited by a si

Tious and fatal earthquake yesterddmorning The center of the efisturJance was in Sicily and the greatei

of life and occurred ithis isalnd Thereport is not yet con

a condition of panic I

Paris firandS E BORLAND Manager

One Night Only


give one of their enjoyable

Mrr Mrs Durand

plete people everywhere weto



Elks building




tThursday 3Special engagement of the disti

Shakesperian aetor


Mephistoin Goethes Poetic Draida of


Seats on sale at Oberdorfers








Great Reduction on Holiday Shoes and Slippersi

All remaining Slippers to be sold below cost Nothing reserved Now is your chance to buy your New Yearat the price ever this time f

We take this to express our sikc re thanks to all our friends and patrons for their liberal patronage We wish you one and a happy and New Year

u itIf M TtBB B B B r ga11 IY Y N


I offeredatity j




House Comforts for Mena

An elegant assortment ofMens ComfortableSlippers in all styles at agreat saving

Mens Fverett Slippers Tan orBlack Kid Tan Soles



Special 99cMens Extra Pine Opera

Tan or Black genuinehand turned Worth 2





Cial 149

Mens Nullifiers extra goodquality Worth 175




Also great bargains in MensDress Shoes that will please allparticular men

Satisfaction guaranteed








Footwear for Boys and Girls

This Shoe Combines styleand durability in one 0

keep the feet dryand warm They wearwell and cost less

See them

counters Worth S250



Special 5174calf

Ipatent ¬

Special 5199

Misses Tan Shoes in all leathersand styles including the very

Tan Button Worth1 IS3

Special IX199 I

Misses Fine Shoes madeKid and Gun Metal Calf

in Vici



99c IIIIInfants and Childrens ShoesWe make a specialty inand We can

half Come save the difference

II Ilnfntsyour Shoe Bill nOSreduce

n gen IFor Infants Kid MoccasinsWorth 2oc fl


J j
