Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National...

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences Innovative Congress, Astana, 1-2 July 2010

Transcript of Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National...

Page 1: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Competitiveness and InnovationFramework Programme

2007-2013 (CIP)

Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński

National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences

Innovative Congress, Astana, 1-2 July 2010

Page 2: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

FP7, CIP and Structural Funds

Synergy and complementarity!

Different tools and approaches Same Objectives: success of the Lisbon Strategy

Page 3: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.


Contribute to the Lisbon/ Renewed Lisbon/ EU 2020 strategy for Growth and Jobs

• by supporting the improvement of the business environment

• by enhancing competitiveness of European companies, particularly SMEs

• in the framework of a sustainable development

Page 4: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

CIP: Legal base

Decision No 1639/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 Oct. 2006 establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 to 2013)

Page 5: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

CIP objectives

1. Foster the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of SMEs through innovation

2. Promote all forms of innovation, including eco-innovation

3. Accelerate the development of a sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society

4. Promote energy efficiency and new renewable energy sources in all sectors, including transport

Page 6: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Time frame, structure and budget

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme

2007-2013€ 3621 million

Entrepreneur-ship and

Innovation Programme


€ 2166 million€ 430 million

for eco-innovation

Information Communication Technologies

Policy Support Programme


€ 728 million

Intelligent Energy Europe



€ 727 million

Page 7: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

CIP/EIP objectives

• Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment

and loan guarantee instruments - € 1129 million

• Business and innovation support services delivered through a

network of regional centres: Enterprise Europe Network

• Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation

• Support for eco-innovation

• Support for policy-making that encourages entrepreneurship and


Managed by the DG Enterprise & Industry of the EC.

EIP website:

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CIP/ICT PSP objectives

• Developing a single European information space and strengthening the European internal market for ICT and ICT-based products and services • Encouraging innovation through the wider adoption of and investment in ICT • Developing an inclusive information society and more efficient and effective services in areas of public interest and improving quality of life

Managed by the DG Information Society and Media service of the EC.

ICT PSP website:

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CIP/IEE objectives

• Fostering energy efficiency and the rational use of energy sources• Promoting new and renewable energy sources and energy diversification • Promoting energy efficiency and new energy sources in transport

A large part of the IEE programme is managed by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) on behalf of the EC,

IEE website:

Page 10: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Intervention mechanisms

1) Community financial instruments for SMEs

2) Business and innovation support services

3) Pilot and Market replication projects

4) Policy development at Community level as well as at national, regional and local level

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1. Community Financial Instruments for SMEs


Venture capital Fund

EU budget






Provides funds

Guarantee Society


Page 12: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

2. Business and innovation support services

600 partner organizations in more than 40 countries, including Russia and Armenia

Proximity, full geographical coverage, extension beyond EU

Free-of-charge services: Information

• on EU legislation and policies• on EU funding opportunities

Assistance• to find a business partner for cooperation or technology

transfer• to achieve internationalization • to foster innovation

Feedback to the Commission (listening to SMEs)

Page 13: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

3. Pilot and market replication projects

Projects:First applications or market replications of techniques, products or practices

which have been technically demonstrated with success, but owing to residual risk, have not yet significantly penetrated the market and support to

interoperability (for ICT based services).


ICT-PSP programme

Intelligent Energy Europe programme

To partially cover the eligible project costs


Page 14: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

4. Policy development

• Networking and cluster schemes

• Mutual learning for excellence

• Benchmarking

• Best practice exchange

• Meetings of experts

• Data collection and surveys

• Analysis and monitoring performance

Pro Inno Europe & Europe-Innova

Develop and test new or better innovation support tools and promote their wide adoption

Support policy analysis, learning and cooperation

Page 15: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Who can apply?

A wide range of businesses, organisations and individualsAll EU Member statesCertain third countries:

(a) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA), in accordance with the conditions laid down in the EEA Agreement;

(b) accession countries and candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Community programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements and Association Council Decisions;

(c) countries of the Western Balkans, in accordance with the provisions to be determined with those countries following the establishment of Framework Agreements concerning their participation in Community programmes;

(d) other third countries, when Agreements and procedures so allow.

Page 16: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Non-EU-member countries participating in the three specific CIP programmes


- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP): Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey and Serbia fully participate in the EIP; Israel and Albania, participate in certain parts.

- ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP): Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia and Serbia. Work on participation arrangements with Turkey is under way.

- Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE): Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Croatia.

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How to apply?

Each of the three CIP pillars has a specific annual work programme and support measures

Grants for projects and other intervention mechanisms

Through calls for proposals (based on the annual WP) launched by the Commission

Contracts for studies and other services

Covered by calls for tenders launched by the Commission

Community financial instruments for SMEs

Implemented by the EIF through financial intermediaries (e.g. banks) or specialised funds

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Your first step:

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researchtechnology developm ent

investm entstra in ing,socia l fund





58 b illion euro 67 b illion euro

FP7, CIP and Structural Funds in Poland

Page 20: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

CIP Government support in Poland

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No 313/2007

Ministryof Economy

Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

Polish consortia of the Enterprise Europe Network

National Contact Points for the CIP

Page 21: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Tasks co-finansed from national budget

Provide the financial contribution at the national level for Polish consortia awarded in action ENT/CIP/07/001 (Enterprise Europe Network)

Financing of dissemination and promotional activities provided by National Contact Point for the CIP

Provide financial contribution for Polish participation in other initiatives under the CIP

Page 22: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Polish Consortia of Enterprise Europe Network

Central Poland – Business Support Network

Coordinator: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

Business Support Network South Poland

Coordinator: Cracow University of Technology

Business and Innovation Support for North-East Poland (BISNEP)

Coordinator: University of Warsaw

B2Europe West Poland

Coordinator: Wroclaw University of Technology

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Enterpreneurship and Innovation Program EIPFinancial Instruments: Polish Bank AssociationNon-financial Instruments: Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the UE

Information Communication Technologies PolicySupport Programe ICT PSPPolish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the UE

Intelligent Energy Europe IEEPolish National Energy Conservation Agency

National Contact Points for the CIP

Page 24: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP) Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute.

Enterprise Europe Network in EECA countries

Russia:Moscow: Russian Agency forSmall and Medium EnterprisesObninsk: Russian Technology Transfer Network Zelenograd, Moscow: RussianUnion of Innovation and Technology Centres

Armenia:Yerevan: Fund „Small and Medium EntrepreneurshipDevelopment National Center of Armenia”

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Enterprise Europe Network in EECA countries

Services offered by Enterprise Europe Network:

BBS (Bulletin Board Services): technological offeres and requests by comapnies, universities and resaerch centres from abroad.

BCD (Business Cooperation Database): comprises the number of business cooperation offers and request inserted by European companies working in different sectors

Events – information on events offered by the Network abroad (and in the country)

Acctual information on legislation, policies, standards, possible finacial sources etc.

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Enterprise Europe Network in Russia

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Enterprise Europe Network in Armenia

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Thank you very much for your attention!

National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EUInstitute of Fundamental Technological

Research PAS ul. Żwirki i Wigury 81 02-091 Warszawa

tel: 0 22 828 74 83 fax: 0 22 828 53 70 e-mail: [email protected]


Katarzyna Walczyk - [email protected]

Zygmunt Krasiń[email protected]