Competency Snapshot: Consensus building approach to influencing others


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Transcript of Competency Snapshot: Consensus building approach to influencing others

Page 1: Competency Snapshot: Consensus building approach to influencing others

CONSENSUS BUILDING APPROACH TO INFLUENCING OTHERS:Is driven to influence both the direction and outcome of group processes by fostering collaboration and drawing input from all constituents; works to maximize team effectiveness by taking advantage of the synergy from building on multiple frames of reference and experiences; uses a participative approach when influencing others; will work to achieve the best compromise rather than promote his own solution or method.

Page 2: Competency Snapshot: Consensus building approach to influencing others

© GrowthPlay

HIGH PERFORMERS…• Seek to have impact on his/her surroundings by sponsoring cooperation and collaboration among his/her

cohorts• Draw ideas and suggestions from all sides to be sure of buy-in to the final approach• Are willing to concede his/her preferred method or solution to arrive at consensus• Have a participative style when influencing a group

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