Comparison in PHP & ASP.NET in Terms of Costs, Scalability & Performance

Comparison in PHP & ASP.NET in Terms of Costs, Scalability & Performance


ASP.NET and PHP are equally popular web development frameworks that come equipped with a host of features to simplify web development for developers.

Transcript of Comparison in PHP & ASP.NET in Terms of Costs, Scalability & Performance

  • Comparison in PHP & ASP.NET in Terms of Costs, Scalability & Performance

  • Overview of PHP

    PHP signifies Hypertext Preprocessor.Being open source, it is absolutely free and powers more than 244 million websites at present.
  • Overview of PHP

    WordPress and Facebook are some of the most prominent websites built in PHP.It boasts of a large developer community.The number of businesses looking to hire PHP developers (see detailed Infographic for more) for website development is constantly increasing day-by-day.
  • Overview of ASP.NET

    Developed by Microsoft, ASP.NET serves an an easy-to-use scripting tool for web development.Some of the most prominent websites built in ASP.NET are and MySpace.
  • Overview of ASP.NET

    Its a successor to Microsofts Active Server Pages (ASP). One of the major reasons behind its initial popularity upsurge was Microsofts domination of the web browser market in the earlier times.
  • ASP.NET Vs PHP - Cost Aspect

    As ASP.NET is a Microsoft product, it is available to developers for a fixed price.Buying Windows is essentially required with ASP.NET as development for this framework can take place on a Windows machine only.
  • ASP.NET Vs PHP - Cost Aspect

    Also, Windows Hosting is needed for ASP.NET that is far expensive than Linux Web hosting. PHP is open source and hence absolutely free.PHP can run on Linux Web hosting that is cheaper than Windows Hosting.PHP can be used on either Windows, Mac or Linux as per requirement.
  • ASP.NET Vs PHP - Scalability Aspect

    Both the web development frameworks are highly scalable. The degree to scale the web app using either of these platforms to a large extent depends on the skill of the developer
  • ASP.NET Vs PHP - Scalability Aspect

    Consider the example of websites built using these frameworks for scalability - MySpace built using ASP.NET and Facebook using PHP.
  • ASP.NET Vs PHP - Performance Aspect

    Database used for ASP.NET is Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)Database used for PHP is MySQL as it follows the LAMP stack which has been optimized for enhanced performance.Performance difference between the two is quite small - with PHP+MySQL gaining the edge over ASP.NET+MSSQL
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