Comp contrast bush

lysing the Controlled Assessment Quest H. Mc Glone



Transcript of Comp contrast bush

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Analysing the Controlled Assessment Question

H. Mc Glone

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Key Words: Pronouns, Emotive language, Rhetorical Questions, Rule of three, Imperatives, Exaggerations, Repetition.

Learning Outomes: I will

Lesson Title: Unit 3: Spoken Language

Learning Objective: We are learning to:

• Compare and Contrast rehearsed and unrehearsed speech.

• compare the language choices Bush makes in the two different places and explain the effect on the audience.

• Explain using PEE paragraphs

• Show that I understand why people speak differently depending on time and place

• Explain the effects of the language that people choose to use

• Explain, analyse and evaluate your findings

Date: 24/09/2012

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language


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Spoken Language

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

The Controlled Assessment Question



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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

We are going to compare two different types of

Spoken Language.

1. A speech delivered by George Bush (Extract 1 - Bush Speech) 9 days after 9/11

and we will comparing and contrast this speech to

2. A TV interview (Extract 1 - transcript) he did on Irish TV channel RTE.

Your task is to:

1. Read through both extracts.

2. Identify the Persuasive Language (PERRIER) used in Bush Speech

3. Identify the features of spontaneous speech used in Bush’s RTE interview.

4. Write a comparison of the language choices Bush make in the two different places and explain the effect on the audience.

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Bush Speech Bush Interview

• 9 days after 9/ll – the whole world is in shock and Bush has to show that America is strong and prepared to fight back

• Interview takes place 5 yrs AFTER 9/11. (Al Queda –Bin Laden) America had gone into war in Iraq; a war that many saw as illegal and unjustified

Bullet point the differences you see between Bush’s Speech and his Interview

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Bush: Speech Interview


• 9 days after 9/ll – the whole world is in shock and Bush has to show that America is strong and prepared to fight back.

• Formal and well rehearsed speech

• In his speech, Bush is trying to persuade the American people that he/gov is in control of the situation and knows what measures to take.

• Bush wants the country to see him as a strong, reliable president who does not fold in the face of adversity.

• Bush wants to come across as an effective leader of the country with a plan of defence and counter attack against the terrorists.

• He has the attention of the American people.

• Interview takes place 5 yrs AFTER 9/11. (Al Queda –Bin Laden) America had gone into war in Iraq; a war that many saw as illegal and unjustified - the American & British Gov reported WoMD were being manufactured by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. No WoMD was ever found.

• Formal interview but Bush uses informal language

• In Interview Bush is trying to command the interview, win over the interviewer and the Irish viewers. His intention is to justify his reasons for starting the war in Iraq, however his own abilities to do this are completely ineffective.

• Bush does not explain himself, starts answers that go nowhere, begins subjects which trail off into nonsense, is annoyed that the interviewer interrupts to point out he is not answering her questions. He is vague and unable to string a coherent sentence together.

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1. Why does Bush use certain words and phrases in both extracts? 2. What is the purpose of them?

E.g. In the formal speech he uses pronouns such as ‘we’ to show unity; we are in this together.Basically – in the speech identify the use of persuasive language. In the interview Bush starts with saying ‘listen’ to show he wants to get his point across. He starts talking about people getting their hands cut off to gain sympathy for his cause and reason why he went into Iraq.

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

This means the language used depends on who the audience is. Eg. If I was speaking to my friends I would be quite informal, probably use slang and idioms (good craic, foundered etc).

In Bush’s speech the audience is congress (American Gov) and televised to the rest of the world. It is formal and well rehearsed,

Whereas in the RTE interview, Bush has to ‘think on his feet’ (idiom)ie. He doesn’t have written answers or rehearsed replies. You will see how informal he is!

• How the audience affects the language that is used.

• How formal or informal the language is

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

The words used in the speech have been carefully chosen to inspire and persuade the listeners. Whereas in the interview Bush has to use his own initiative to persuade the interviewer and listeners.

How well do you think he does this? How effective is he in both extracts?

• How the language used influences other speakers and listeners.

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

Spontaneous /

Unrehearsed Speech

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

The first speech is carefully written so all listeners, whether in his own country or the world will clearly understand him. However in the interview, because it is spontaneous speech Bush’s own dialect and idioms will appear. E.g. it is more conversational.

• The use of dialect if appropriate

Dialect – the distinctive grammar and vocabulary which is associated with a regional or social use of a language.

e.g. Bush says ‘…they came to ma office’ not ‘my office’ That’s Boss (Liverpool), That’s Class (Ireland)

Idioms – are expressions of two or more words which mean something other than the literal meanings of the individual words. Idioms save the effort of explaining an entire situation in a matter of a few words. E.g. ‘Pull the wool over someone’s eyes’ - means to trick or decieve‘Pull your socks up’ – means to put more effort in‘ If pigs could fly’ – meaning something that will not happen.

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Paralinguistic Features - Paralinguistics are the aspects of spoken communication that do not involve words. These may add emphasis or shades of meaning to what people say.

Some definitions limit this to verbal communication that is not words.


Body language, gestures, facial expressions, tone and pitch of voice are all examples of paralinguistic features.

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• (Part 1)

1. Listen to the George Bush Speech2. Read the speech

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language


After listening and reading the speech, highlight the Persuasive Features used.

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= Grade E

= Grade D = Grade C = Grade B/A/A*

In order to write a PEE paragraph you must be able to identify the

features / techniques being used.

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“We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of

rescuers working past exhaustion.

We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles,

the giving of blood, the saying of prayers in English, Hebrew

and Arabic.

We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who

have made the grief of strangers their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has

seen for itself the state of our Union, and it is strong.”

Identify the Persuasive Features using PERRIER

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“We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of

rescuers working past exhaustion.

We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles,

the giving of blood, the saying of prayers in English, Hebrew

and Arabic.

We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who

have made the grief of strangers their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has

seen for itself the state of our Union, and it is strong.”

Rule of 3.

Pronouns (We)– to

show unity. Also Rule of

3 on pronouns.

Repetition of phrases ‘The…’

Alliteration on the ‘f’.

Emotive word – brave workers


Emotive – he’s together with them.

They’re all in this fight together.

My example extract of Bush’s speech

. .

Emotive – he instils



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P. In his speech, Bush has a carefully worded, rehearsed and formal discourse, which has been meticulously planned by his writers. They have chosen specific words and sentence structures to motivate the audience.

E. “We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers working past exhaustion.

We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of strangers their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for itself the state of our Union, and it is strong.”

E. In Bush’s speech he uses emotive words regularly to instil calm and confidence in the American people who watch with anticipation and trepidation. In this extract alone Bush uses many Persuasive Features. He uses the pronoun ‘We’ to engage the audience and show they are all together in this struggle. There are many images used also in his speech “unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers” etc which links to the images the American people would have watched on tv in the days following 9/11. The people would relate to these images and would justice for this crime against them.




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1. Listen to the George Bush Speech2. Read the speech

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Q. How does Bush come across to his speech to Congress and to the audience during the RTE interview?


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Bush Interview

• He begins stories that trail off with no endings - ) there’s bin great ties between Ireland and America (.) and (.) er (.) gotta lotta Irish Americans here that are very (.) proud of their heritage in this country (.) ere (.) but er (.) y’know er (.) they must not understand if they’re angry over Abu Ghraib if this is what America represents (.)

• His sentences are incoherent and without direction. They don’t make sense, therefore what he says is gibberish.

• I-I wish they could have seen the seven men that came to see me in the oval office (.) they had their right hands cut off by Saddam Hussein because the currency had been devalued when he was the leader (.) and guess what happened (.) and American saw the fact that they had bin had their hands cut off and crosses (.) or exes carved in their forehead and he flew em to America and they came to ma office with a new hand (.) grateful for the generosity of America and and and and with Saddam Hussein’s brutality in their mind (.) - what is the point to this sentence? He’s trying to make a point but no point is made. He sounds like a bumbling fool. This is not a man in charge. He cannot even control his own thoughts here. This would make people doubt his integrity and his effectiveness as a word leader.

. (Bushisms)

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Edexcel GCSE English Language Unit 3: Spoken Language

P. The interview is in complete contrast to Bush’s speech; it is spontaneous, unrehearsed and completely lack any direction. Instead of a purposeful and powerful dialogue Bush flounders on what he is trying to say which is shown through constant elisions (incomplete utterances), fillers (y’ know, er), contractions (we’ll, don’t) and his own dialect.

E. B: [American accent] listen (.) I-I-I-I-I hope the Irish people will understand the great values of our country (.) and if they think that a few soldiers represent the entirety of the America they don’t really understand America then (2) there’s bin great ties between Ireland and America (.) and (.) er (.) gotta lotta Irish Americans here that are very (.) proud of their heritage in this country (.) ere (.) but er (.) y’know er (.)

E. The Features of Spontaneous speech used by Bush show him as having no idea what he is talking about. He is not fluent and can’t articulate what he is trying to say. The use of fillers such as ‘er’ are repeated which is giving him thinking time which further conveys he is unsure of how to answer the question. .

On the other hand (Contrasting connective)




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( using Extract 2 - the middle part of Bush’s Interview)

Your task is to:

• identify the features of Spontaneous Speech and

• Write PEE paragraphs showing your understanding of how conversational language is used.

• Use Comparing and Contrasting connectives to link your PEE paragraphs

You will use Extract 3 - the end of Bush’s speech to analyse in your Controlled Assessment.

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Feedback your ideas / read your PEE paragraphs to the class.

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