Community Introduction & SMEs

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  • 8/14/2019 Community Introduction & SMEs


    October 21, 2009

    McAfee Community

    Advocate Engagement and Training

    April Jacobs

    Global Online Services

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training2 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Community Strategy

    Our strategy is to understand what services our competitors and the worlds most admired companiesprovide and leapfrog them by doing it better. This is a key objective as we build a new online supportcommunity for McAfee.

    McAfee will launch a new support community, with main areas forBusiness users, Home and HomeOffice users, and Security Awareness. Each of these spaces will have its own structure and adifferentiated design.

    We are scheduled to launch the week ofNovember 2nd .

    The McAfee Support community will offer a differentiated customer experience which will increasesatisfaction, loyalty, and self-service, while decreasing overall call volume and support costs.

    The new community will fostercollaboration and idea sharing among our customers throughdiscussions, blogs, wikis and documents, user groups, profiles, and community polling.

    McAfee has partnered with Jive Software, a leader in social business software to develop and host ournew community. The community will run on Jives Social Business Software platform (SBS). For moreabout Jive, see

    Sharing information among peers is an increasing preference for our customers and an integral part ofour social media strategy. The new support community will enable us to evolve beyond traditionalphone and email based services and focus more on collaboration with our customers throughdiscussions, blogs, wikis, user groups and community polling. The community will tie into our socialmedia presence elsewhere on the web where customer activity is increasing, and provide a hub withthe tools to make conversations easier.

    Barry McPherson
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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training3 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Community Key Objectives / Benefits

    Delight the customer

    Become the "Place to go" Increase customer satisfaction

    Take market share from ourcompetition

    Increase customer loyalty Learn from the experts and community

    Community feedback influencesproduct and portfolio direction

    Maximize customer self-help solutions Knowledge sharing among peers

    Enhance online customer solutions Support sites, MVT, Knowledgebase,

    Tutorials, Threat Center Product and industry training

    Increase loyalty and participation ofSuper-Users and Volunteers

    Take Super-Users" away from ourcompetition

    Increase McAfee employee job

    satisfaction Empower technicians to have positive

    interactions with customers

    Increase sales through personalized


    Technology and security education

    Increase KnowledgeBase content


    Technicians share knowledge with

    community customers

    Customer solutions and training fed into


    Effectively mine data through robust

    analytics and customer feedback

    Top Issue Reporting / Customer

    Feedback mechanisms

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training4 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Community Landing Page (Segmentation)

    Preliminary Mockup

    Where customerswill self-identify

    and choose their


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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training5 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    CommunityCorporate Homepage

    Preliminary Mockup


    Where Corporate

    customers will go

    Linked from

    ServicePortal and

    Enterprise Support

    main page

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training6 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    CommunityConsumer Homepage

    Preliminary Mockup


    Where Consumer

    customers will go

    Linked from Home

    and Home Office

    Service & Support


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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training7 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    What are Community Advocates?

    Advocates are key to the adoption strategy, serving a number of important

    functions. The advocate roles are: Community Leaders = Business Owners Mentors = Moderators SMEs = Content Contributors

    Advocate levels are cascading;

    Leaders can also be Mentors and SMEs Mentors can also be SMEs

    What does an advocate do? Become an expert in the community. Populate the community with examples of how the platform can be

    used. Help peers learn by example. Provide training and evangelize the platform to other users. Spread the word about the community within your network.

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training8 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Community Leaders

    These are the business owners of their respective communities -- the

    champions in charge ofguiding the moderators and ensuring the communityis structured and configured properly.

    The Community Manager can also fill the roles ofMentorand SME.

    Time Commitment: Medium 25% first month, 10% later.

    This role can be shared among multiple resources, reducing the timecommitment.

    Activities: Champion and advocate for the community within McAfee Contribute or coordinate blog posts, wikis or docs, user polls Monitorprivate area to partner and communicate with the moderators Invite peers and SMEs to participate Participate in pilot UAT environment leading up to launch Partner with Community Manager on space layout / widget configuration,

    hierarchy, content mapping, community guidelines, etc.

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training9 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    McAfee Mentors

    McAfee Mentors are the content moderators who answer questions andenforces the Terms of Service by determining the best course of action for

    issues such as improper orprohibited messages, off-topic discussions, etc.

    The Mentor can also fill the role ofSME.

    Time Commitment: Medium - 25% first month, 10% laterThis role can be shared by multiple resources, reducing the time commitment.

    Activities: Provide guidance tonovice users and train people how to use the community Be familiar with the guidelines, range of acceptable material, topics, and culture Monitor the community forunanswered questions, violations, and abuse reports Remove inappropriate posts or content, and lock, move, or branch discussion

    threads if necessary Point customers to properservice request and resolution procedures Point members to external support sites when appropriate Partner with volunteer moderators (non-McAfee) Utilize private area to advise on emerging issues or solicit help with unanswered

    questions Participate and moderate anywhere in the community if possible

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training10 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) / Content Contributors

    Time Commitment: Low: 1-2 hrs weekly / contributing: 4 hrs monthly

    Subject Matter Experts help to serve as founding core members of your community.

    They are able to create engaging content for community consumption and can weigh in

    on top issues that are raised in the community.

    SMEs should subscribe to their product community (or discussion threads) so

    information can be provided in a timely manner, and post new threads or blogs toannounce changes or discoveries in the areas of expertise.

    May also be Mentorand Leaderresources.

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training11 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Advocate Incentives

    The most common type of incentive that an advocate receives is the intrinsic reward of

    promoting something they believe in, as well as increased worldwide visibility within thenetwork. However, recognizing advocate with other types of rewards can also be helpful.

    Management recognition effective advocates are recognized by senior leadersor thanked by email for their support of the community

    Quarterly MBOs for advocates who help customers in the community, promotethe community, and train their peers, etc.

    Networking - Advocates will have a great opportunity to expand their network andbe recognized as a leader in social media among their peers.

    Exclusivity - Private areas and social groups within the community forcollaboration with other advocates

    Advocate badges - Advocates will receive special status in the community with adifferent title and icon next to their name to identify and recognize their contribution

    Email signatures should be updated for community advocates adding theircommunity title to their signature file with URLs

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training12 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Attributes of Successful Advocates

    Enthusiasm Want to be involved in the community Think there are better ways to do things than current approaches Be happy to try new things Put in time and energy now for the potential of worthwhile results later Actively suggest and try new ideas to make the pilot work better

    Roles and Functions An existing team leader/ champion who is respected and energetic Work overmultiple locations or are frequently remote Staff who already work on multiple projects / functions

    Skills Aptitude in learning and using new technologies Good communicators, including the ability to write well Have already used similarweb 2.0 tools (iGoogle, etc)

    Personality Think in terms ofpossibilities rather than problems

    Doesnt settle for the status quo Critical ofcurrent business processes while having alternativeideas to propose

    Network Social and outgoing Boundary spanners, communicating frequently with people outside their core team or network Credible and respected in the organization Fairly long term employees (or existing community members)

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training14 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    User Bar, Content types, Widgets

    Content Types Discussions, Documents, and Blogs

    Each content type has a different icon The content types allowed within a community are determined by the

    Community Leader

    Widgets Modules for viewing content and

    interacting within the community Customizable by Leaders and Admins

    Example widgets at left

    User Bar Create new content, view your content, revisit recently accessed content, browse groups and

    people, and search the community

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training15 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Question threads

    Question Threads

    The author designates whether their

    original post is a question

    Author chooses a reply as the correct

    answer, or multiple replies as helpful


    Question threads have a different icon

    than regular threads.

    Users get points for providing


    The thread icon changes when a

    thread is marked as answered.

    Unanswered question threads can be

    monitored through an RSS feed

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training16 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Status Levels, Content Tags

    Content Tags and Tag Clouds Tags are keywords assigned to any type of content

    (discussions, blogs, documents, groups, profiles, bookmarks)

    Tag clouds help users discover relevant content

    Status & Reputation Levels

    Special icons and titles (badges) for CommunityAdvocates

    Users get points for creating content and

    helping others in the community

    Title and icon changes as reputation level







    Bookmarks Access important content quickly

    References frequently used content

    Tag your bookmarks as desired

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training17 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    User Profiles

    Profile Pages

    On the left: Member Details &Photo, Stats, Recent Activity

    On the right: Actions (editprofile, upload photo, etc)Personal Blog, PrivateMessages, Members Tags,Similar People

    Profile Tabs Your Stuff- View & filter your

    content and bookmarks

    Friends - Manage friends andview their activity

    Email Notifications - Turn offemail content subscriptions

    Private Messages - Interactprivately with other communitymembers

    Moderation - Moderators seethis tab when abuse reportsare in queue

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training18 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Groups OverviewGroups

    Groups are another way for usersto interact with other communitymembers

    Groups are accessed through theBrowse dropdown in the user bar.

    Structure is flat as opposed tohierarchical in a community; can browse groups but notdrill down into sub-groups

    Best forvertical markets(Healthcare, Banking, etc) orpeople who share an interest

    Anyone can create a group andinvite people to join

    Group members are visible on theMembers tab

    Groups are customized andmanaged by their creators withinthe community as opposed toAdmin Console

    A groups permission can be opento all, hidden, and "by invitationonly.

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training19 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Blogs Overview


    Four types of blogs:Personal, System,Community, and Group

    Personal blogs aretied to members profilepages

    System blogs are atthe root level

    Community leadersdetermine who blogsfor their respectivecommunity

    All Group memberscan blog in their group

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training20 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Your View Tab Accessed ONLY from

    main page

    Personalize yourexperience -- see onlythe content you want tosee in one place

    See recent content inyour followed


    Quickly access groupsyou are a member of

    See activity for all ofyour friends in one place

    Watch tags and users

    Enter status updates,see others statusupdates

    Change page layout

    Drag & drop, and thenedit your widgets

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training21 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only


    Advocates must read and agree to the Employee Participation Guidelines (coming soon), as well

    as the Community Guidelines (posted in the community) and Terms of Service (upon registration) After go-live, you will need to register again at

    Community is meant to be peer-based support, not an avenue for free tech support. You have no

    SLAs. Employees provide thought leadership and best practices for using McAfee technology.

    Provide insight on product design orfunctionality, or answer questions that are not break / fix


    Community can be accessed outside of COE. Will not behind McAfee firewall. No VPN.

    Pilot UAT environment is a work in progress Existing content in pilot UAT environment was imported from vBulletin.

    User names should match yourNT domain user name (ajacobs) and McAfee email address to

    bridge with upcoming employee community.

    Employee community coming soon, Q1, which will allow better collaboration internally.

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    October 21, 2009McAfee Community Advocate Engagement and Training22 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Next Steps

    1. Go to:

    2. Create an account.

    3. Edit your profile, upload a picture.

    4. Send Friend Request to April:

    5. Review Community Guidelines and provide input.

    6. Browse the pilot UAT Communities and review imported content:

    7. Test interface functionality and create content.

    8. Check in every day and ask questions in Community Help area.

    NOTE: I will need help SMEs with moving certain imported content to the proper areas at launch.