Community Economies Research Network (CERN) …...Community Economies Research Network (CERN)...

Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020 *Note referencing format varies, so please do your own checking if using. 1 Alakavuklar, O. N. (2017). Labour of becoming a (critical) management scholar: Ambivalences, tensions and possibilities. Ephemera, 17(3), 641-651. Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). [Book review] Anti-capitalist entrepreneurship: Lessons about and for the multitude. Counterfutures: Left thought & practice Aotearoa, 2018 (6), 175-183 Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). [Book review] Living in the new dark ages: Is there a hope? Organization, 25(5), 681-683. DOI: 10.1177/1350508417753027 Alakavuklar, O. N. & Alamgir, F. (2018). Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(1), 31-43. DOI:10.1007/s10551-017-3631-2 Alakavuklar, O. N. & Dickson, A. (2016). [Editorial] Social movements, resistance and social change in Aotearoa/New Zealand: An intervention for dialogue, collaboration and synergy. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 11(2), 83-88. DOI: 10.1080/1177083X.2016.1192047 Alakavuklar, O. N., Dickson, A. & Stablein, R. (2017). The alienation of scholarship in modern business schools: From Marxist material relations to the Lacanian subject. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 16(3), 454-468. DOI:10.5465/amle.2015.0004 Alamgir, F. & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). Compliance codes and women workers’ (mis)representation and (non)recognition in the apparel industry of Bangladesh. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-018-4080-2 Araujo, E. (2016). Consensus decision-making as a research method for generative justice: Empirical practices from a money-less economy in Chiapas, Mexico. Teknocultura, v.13(2) Araujo, E. (2016). Collective exchanges: Reflections from a decolonial feminist moneyless economy in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal on Sociology and Social Policy Araujo, E. (2016). What do we resist when we resist the State? In Lopes de Souza, M; White, RJ; and Springer, S. (eds.). Theories of resistance: Anarchism, geography and the spirit of revolt. Rowman and Littlefield International Araujo, E. (2017). Resource-full organized communities undermine systems of domination: How the poor rise up in San Cristobal de las Casas. In Truscello, M. and Nangwaya, A. (eds.) Why don't the poor rise up? AK Press. Available at: ise_up_in_San_Cristobal_de_las_Casas Barca, S. (2017). Book Review: In defense of degrowth. Opinions and manifestos/ Doughnut economics. Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist. Local Environment,

Transcript of Community Economies Research Network (CERN) …...Community Economies Research Network (CERN)...

Page 1: Community Economies Research Network (CERN) …...Community Economies Research Network (CERN) -recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020 *Note referencing format

Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

*Note referencing format varies, so please do your own checking if using.


Alakavuklar, O. N. (2017). Labour of becoming a (critical) management scholar: Ambivalences, tensions and possibilities. Ephemera, 17(3), 641-651.

Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). [Book review] Anti-capitalist entrepreneurship: Lessons about and for the multitude. Counterfutures: Left thought & practice Aotearoa, 2018 (6), 175-183

Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). [Book review] Living in the new dark ages: Is there a hope? Organization, 25(5), 681-683. DOI: 10.1177/1350508417753027

Alakavuklar, O. N. & Alamgir, F. (2018). Ethics of resistance in organisations: A conceptual proposal. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(1), 31-43. DOI:10.1007/s10551-017-3631-2

Alakavuklar, O. N. & Dickson, A. (2016). [Editorial] Social movements, resistance and social change in Aotearoa/New Zealand: An intervention for dialogue, collaboration and synergy. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 11(2), 83-88. DOI: 10.1080/1177083X.2016.1192047

Alakavuklar, O. N., Dickson, A. & Stablein, R. (2017). The alienation of scholarship in modern business schools: From Marxist material relations to the Lacanian subject. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 16(3), 454-468. DOI:10.5465/amle.2015.0004

Alamgir, F. & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2018). Compliance codes and women workers’ (mis)representation and (non)recognition in the apparel industry of Bangladesh. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-018-4080-2

Araujo, E. (2016). Consensus decision-making as a research method for generative justice:

Empirical practices from a money-less economy in Chiapas, Mexico. Teknocultura, v.13(2)

Araujo, E. (2016). Collective exchanges: Reflections from a decolonial feminist moneyless

economy in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal on Sociology and

Social Policy

Araujo, E. (2016). What do we resist when we resist the State? In Lopes de Souza, M; White, RJ;

and Springer, S. (eds.). Theories of resistance: Anarchism, geography and the spirit of revolt.

Rowman and Littlefield International

Araujo, E. (2017). Resource-full organized communities undermine systems of domination: How the poor rise up in San Cristobal de las Casas. In Truscello, M. and Nangwaya, A. (eds.) Why don't the poor rise up? AK Press. Available at:

Barca, S. (2017). Book Review: In defense of degrowth. Opinions and manifestos/ Doughnut economics. Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist. Local Environment,

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Barron, E.S. (2017). Who cares? The human perspective on fungal conservation. In White Jr., J.F. and Oudemans, P. (eds.) The fungal community: It’s organization and role in the ecosystem (4th ed.). London: CRC Press

Beling, A. E., Vanhulst, J., Demaria, F., Rabi, V., Carballo, A.E. & Pelenc, J. (2018). Discursive

Synergies for a ‘Great Transformation’ towards Sustainability: Pragmatic Contributions to a

Necessary Dialogue between Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir. Ecological

Economics, v.144, 304–13

Bergeron, S. (2017). Transgressing development: Beyond smart economics. In Dinerstein, A.C. (ed.). Social Sciences for an other politics: Women theorizing without parachutes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 65-77

Bergeron, S. and Barker, D. (2017). Marxism, Feminism and the Household. In Brennan, D., Mulder, C. and Olson, E. (eds.), Handbook of Marxian Economics. London and New York: Routledge

Blencowe, C., Bresnihan, P. and Dawney, L. (eds.). (2017). Problems of Hope. Bristol, UK: ARN Press

Bogadóttir, R. and Olsen, E.S. (2017). Making degrowth locally meaningful: The case of the Faroese. Journal of Political Ecology, v.24, 504-518

Borowiak, C. (2019). “Poverty in Transit: Uber, Taxi Coops, and the Struggle over Philadelphia's

Transportation Economy.” Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography.

Borowiak, C. & Minsun, J. (2019). “Taxi Co-ops versus Uber: Struggles for Workplace Democracy

in the Sharing Economy”. Journal of Labor and Society 22, No.1: 165-185

Borowiak, C., Safri, M., Healy, S. and Pavlovskaya, M. (2017). Navigating the fault lines: Race and class in Philadelphia’s solidarity economy. Antipode. DOI:10.1111/anti.12368

Bottaro, G., Roco, L., Pettenella, D., Micheletti, S. & Vanhulst, J. (2018). Forest plantations'

externalities: An application of the analytic hierarchy process to non-industrial forest owners in

central Chile. Forests, n.9, v.3

Braun, B., Oßenbrügge, J. and Schulz, C. (2018). Environmental economic geography and

environmental inequality: Challenges and new research prospects. Journal of Economic

Geography, v.62, 120-134

Bresnihan, P. (2017). The (slow) tragedy of improvement: Neoliberalism, fisheries management and the institutional commons. World Development. DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.09.017

Bresnihan, P. (2019) Water, our relative: trauma, healing and hydropolitics, Community Development Journal, 54(1): 22–41

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Carnegie, M., McKinnon, K. & Gibson, K. (2019). Creating community‐based indicators of gender

equity: A methodology. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12235

Casellas, A. & Sala, E. (2017) “Home Eviction, Grassroots Organization and Citizen Empowerment in Spain” In: Brickell, K., Fernandez, M. & Vasudevan, A. (eds.) Geographies of Forced Eviction: Dispossession, Violence, Insecurity. Palgrave Macmillan

Chatterton, P; Dinerstein, AC; North, P & Pitts, FH (2019). Scaling up or deepening? Developing the radical potential of the SSE sector in a time of crisis. Peer-reviewed paper submitted for United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) 2019 forum: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? Geneva: UNFTSSE.

Chitondo, M. & Dombroski, K. (2019). Returning Water Data to Communities in Ndola, Zambia: A

Case Study in Decolonising Environmental Science. Case Studies in the Environment. doi:10.1525/cse.2018.001552

Chowdhury Arnab, R. & Lahiri-Dutt, K. (2019). Hirashasan: Governing Diamonds in Central India, Geoforum.

Cid Aguayo B., Letelier E., Saravia P., Carroza N. & Vanhulst J. (2019). Mapping social economy

discourses in Chile. International Journal of Social Economics, v.47(1), 1-15

Crosby A, Fam D, Mellick Lopes A. (2018),‘Transdisciplinarity and the 'Living Lab Model': food waste management as a site for collaborative learning’, In: Fam, D., Neuhauser, L. & Gibbs, P (Eds.) Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education: The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning, pp.117-131. Springer International

Davies, A. R., Edwards, F., Marovelli, B., Morrow, O., Rut, M., and Weymes, M. (2017). Creative construction: Crafting, negotiating and performing urban food sharing landscapes. Area. DOI: 10.1111/area.12340

Davies, A. R., Edwards, F., Marovelli, B., Morrow, O., Rut, M., and Weymes, M. (2017). Making visible: Interrogating the performance of food sharing across 100 urban areas. Geoforum, v.86, 136–149.

DeFilippis, J., Stromberg, B. and Williams, O. (2018). W(h)ither the community in Community

Land Trusts? Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI:10.1080/07352166.2017.1361302

Dickson, A. & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2016). (Un)ordering intellectual freedom. Continental Thought & Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom, 1(1), 58-61.

Diprose, G. (2016). Negotiating interdependence and anxiety in Community Economies. Environment and Planning A, v.48 (7),1411-1427

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Diprose, G. (2017). Radical equality, care and labour in a community economy. Gender, Place & Culture, v.24(6), 834-850.

Diprose, G., and Dombroski, K. (2016). Diversifying and moving through the hidden city. In The Occasional Journal, Enjoy Gallery.


Diprose, G., & Hill, A. (forthcoming, 2019). ‘A community economies perspective for ethical community development’, In S. Banks and P. Westoby (eds) Ethics, Equity and Community Development, Bristol: Policy Press. Chapter 10.

Diprose, G., K. Dombroski, S. Healy and J. Waitoa. (2017). Community Economies: Responding to questions of scale, agency, and Indigenous connections in Aotearoa New Zealand. Counterfutures, 167-184.

Dombroski, K. (2016). Hybrid activist collectives: Reframing mothers' environmental and caring labour. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, v.36(9/10), 629-646.

Dombroski, K. (2017). Learning to be affected: Maternal connection, intuition and “elimination communication”. Emotion, Space and Society.

Dombroski, K. (2018). Thinking with, dissenting within: Care-full critique for more-than-human

worlds. Journal of Cultural Economy, v.11(3), 261-264. DOI:10.1080/17530350.2018.1427614

Dombroski, K., Diprose, G. & Boles, I. (2019). Can the commons be temporary? The role of

transitional commoning in post-quake Christchurch. Local Environment, 24, 313-328. Doi:10.1080/13549839.2019.1567480

Dombroski, K., G. Diprose, D. Conradson, S. Healy & A. Watkins. (2019). When Cultivate Thrives: Developing Criteria for Community Economy Return on Investment. Milestone Report 1 (peer reviewed). Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise. NSC 11 Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities.

Dombroski, K., G. Diprose, D. Conradson, S. Healy and A. Watkins. (2019). Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise. Final report (peer reviewed). NSC 11 Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities.

Dombroski, K. & Do, H.T. (2019). The affect of effect: Affirmative political ecologies in monitoring

climate change adaptation interventions. Nordia Geographical Publications Yearbook 2018, 47, 7-

20. [Open Access]

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Dombroski, K. & Healy, S. (2018). Surviving well together. Tui Motu, v.223, 4-5.

Dombroski, K., Healy, S. & McKinnon, K. (2019). Care-full Community Economies. In: Feminist

Political Ecology and Economies of Care, (eds.) Harcourt, W. & Bauhardt, C. 99-115. London:


Dombroski, K., McKinnon, K., and Healy, S. (2016). Beyond the birth wars: Diverse assemblages of care. New Zealand Geographer, v.72(9), 230-239.

Dombroski K., Watkins A-F., Fitt H., Frater J., Banwell K., Mackenzie K., Mutambo L., Hawke K.,

Persendt F. and Turković J. (2018). Journeying from “I” to “we”: Assembling hybrid caring

collectives of geography doctoral scholars. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, v.42(1), 80-

93. DOI:10.1080/03098265.2017.1335295

Dörry, S. and Schulz C. (2018). Green financing, interrupted. Potential directions for sustainable

finance in Luxembourg. Local Environment, v.23, 717-733.

Drake, Luke. (2019). Network analysis of local food in California: A study farmers’ markets in Los

Angeles and their farm supply chains. The California Geographer, 58, 1-19.

Drake, L. 2019. Surplus labor and subjectivity in urban agriculture: Embodied work, contested work. Economic Geography, 95 (2), 179-200. DOI: 10.1080/00130095.2018.1492875

Drake, L., Ravit B. & Lawson, L. (2016). Developing a vacant property inventory through

productive partnerships: A university, NGO, and municipal planning collaboration in Trenton,

New Jersey. Cities and the Environment (CATE), 8 (2), Article 6. Available at:

Edensor, T & Smith, TSJ. (2019). Commemorating economic crisis at a liminal site: Memory, Creativity and Dissent at Achill Henge, Ireland. Environment & Planning D: Society and Space. DOI:

Erdem, E. & Kamuran, A. (2019). “Emergent Repertoires of Resistance and Commoning in Higher

Education: The Solidarity Academies Movement in Turkey” South Atlantic Quarterly vol. 118 (1):


Feola, G. (2019). Degrowth and the unmaking of capitalism: Beyond 'decolonization of the

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Fisher, J. (2018). In search of dignified work: Gender and the work ethic in the crucible of fair trade production. American Ethnologist. DOI:

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Fisher, J. & Nading, A. (2017). Zopilotes, alacranes, y hormigas (Vultures, scorpions, and ants): Animal metaphors as organizational politics in a Nicaraguan garbage crisis. Antipode. DOI:

Fisher, J. & Nading, A. (2020). The end of the cooperative model (as we knew it): Commoning and

co-becoming in two Nicaraguan cooperatives. Environment & Planning E: Nature and Space. DOI:10.1177/2514848620901439

Gabriel, N. (2016). Mending fences: Constituting the urban through environmental stewardship. In Bezdecny, K. and Archer, K. (eds.). Handbook of cities and the environment. London: Edward Elgar Publishing

Gabriel, N. (2016). No place for wilderness: Urban parks and the assembling of neoliberal urban environmental governance. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, v.19, 278-284.

Gabriel, N. (2016). Visualizing urban nature in Fairmount Park: Discipline, economic diversity, and photography in nineteenth-century Philadelphia. In Braddock, A. (ed.), A Greene Country Towne: Art, culture, and ecology in Philadelphia. Penn State University Press

Gabriel, N. (forthcoming). Paradox and possibility: Voluntarism and the urban environment in a

post-political era. Social and Cultural Geography. DOI:10.1080/14649365.2018.1474376

Gabriel, N. and Campbell, L. (2016). Editorial: Power in urban social-ecological systems: Processes and practices of governance and marginalization. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, v.19, 253-254

Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2020). Reading for difference in the archives of Tropical Geography:

Imagining an(other) Economic Geography for beyond the Anthropocene; The 2016 Neil Smith

Lecture. Antipode, v.52(1) 12-35

Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J., Dombroski, K., Healy, S. and Miller, E. (2017). Cultivating Community Economies: Tools for building a liveable world. In Alperovitz, G. and Speth, J.G. (eds.) The Next System Project. Available at:

Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J., Healy, S. & McNeill, J. (2019). Roepke Lecture in Economic

Geography – Economic Geography, Manufacturing and Ethical Action in the Anthropocene.

Economic Geography. DOI:10.1080/00130095.2018.1538697

Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J., Healy, S. & McNeill, J. (2019). Economic Geography and Ethical

Action in the Anthropocene: A Rejoinder. Economic Geography. DOI: 10.1080/00130095.2018.1538696

Gibson-Graham, J.K., A. Hill and L. Law, (2016). Re-embedding economies in ecologies: resilience building in more than human communities’, Building Research & Information, 44:7, 703-716

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Gibson, K., A. Hill and L. Law. (2018). ‘Community economies in Southeast Asia: a hidden economic geography’, In A. McGregor, F. Miller and L. Law (eds) Handbook of Southeast Asian Development, London: Routledge. pp 131-141

Gibson, K. Rini, A., Carnegie, M., Chalernphon, A., Dombroski, K., Haryani, A-R., Hill A., Kehi B., Law

L., Lyne I., McGregor A., McKinnon K., McWilliam A., Miller F., Ngin C., Occeña‐Gutierrez D., Palmer

L., Placino P., Rampengan M., Than Wynn, L-L., Wianti Nur I. and Wright. S. (2018). Community

economies in Monsoon Asia: Keywords and key reflections. Asia Pacific Viewpoint v.59(1), 3-16. DOI:10.1111/apv.12186

Giovannini, M. and Vieta, M. (2017). Cooperatives in Latin America. In Michie, J., Blassi, J. and

Borzaga, C. (eds.), The Oxford handbook of mutual, co-operative, and co-owned businesses. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, pp. 335-347

Gordon, R. (2018). Food sovereignty and Community Economies: A Spanish case study. In Shevellar, L. and Westoby, P. (eds.). The Routledge handbook of community development research. London: Routledge

Grabel, I. (2016). Capital controls in a time of crisis. In Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M. (eds.) Financial liberalisation: Past, present and future, Annual Edition of International Papers in Political Economy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-223

Grabel, I. (2018). Reflections on the economics profession, the neoliberal conjuncture, and the emerging democratic crisis: An analysis in the spirit of Albert O. Hirschman.Forum for Social Economics, Papers and Proceedings from the ASSA 2018 conference, 47(2), 173-83. DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2018.1451761

Grabel, I. (2018). Toward a pluripolar global financial architecture? The Bretton Woods institutions and the new landscape of developmental finance. Review of Radical Political Economics. Papers and Proceedings from the ASSA 2018 conference. DOI:10.1177/0486613418761894

Gritzas, G., Kavoulakos, K. I. (2016). Diverse economies and alternative spaces: An overview of approaches and practices. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(4), 917–934

Harcourt, W. (2016). Gender and sustainable livelihoods: Linking gendered experiences of

environment, community and self. Agriculture & Human Values. Available at:

Hart, G., Healy, S., Lake, R., Shaw Crane, E. and Roy. A. (2017). Territories of poverty: Rethinking North and South. Progress in Human Geography, v.41(3), 395-402

Healy, S. (2017). Why the Ecocity needs to be a just city. The Conversation. Available at:

Healy, S. (2018). “Basic Income and Postcapitalist Imaginaries: From Surplus Humanity to

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Healy, S. (2018). Beginning with care, touching feminist materiality. Journal of Cultural Economy. DOI. 10.1080/17530350.2018.1433706

Healy, S. 2018. “Commoning in the City: Discerning a Post-Capitalist Politics Now and Here.”

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Healy, S. (2018). Corporate enterprise as Commonwealth. Journal of Law and Society, v.45, 46–63. DOI:10.1111/jols.12078

Healy, S. (2020). ‘Alternative Economies’. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 2nd Ed.,

Oxford: Elsevier. pp.111–117

Healy, S., Borowiak, C. Pavlovskaya, M. and Safri, M. (2018). Commoning and the politics of

solidarity: Transformational responses to poverty. Geoforum. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.03.015

Healy, S., Dombroski K., Diprose G., Conradson D., McNeill, J. & Watkins A. (2019). More than monitoring: Developing impact measures for transformative social enterprise. Peer-reviewed paper selected for United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) 2019 forum: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? Geneva: UNFTSSE.

Healy, S. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2019). Fred Block, capitalist illusions, inhabiting postcapitalist desires. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Healy, S., McNeill, J., Cameron, J. and Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2018). Pre-empting apocalypse? Postcapitalism as an everyday politics. Australian Quarterly, v.89(2), 28–33

Heras, A.I. (2017). Revisiting Sándor Ferenczi in light of current educational practices. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 17 (3), 1162-1180

Heras, A.I. (2018). Self-managed and cooperative alternative educational processes in Argentina.

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Heras, A.I. (2019). Ferenczi's theory on power and its pollination to and within Latin America.

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Hicks, J. (2018). Community Power: Understanding the outcomes and impacts from community-owned wind energy projects in small regional communities (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Available at:

Hicks, J., and Ison, N. (2018). An exploration of the boundaries of ‘Community’ in community renewable energy projects: Navigating between motivations and context. Energy Policy, v.113, 523–534

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Holland, P. & Alakavuklar. O. N. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting and

seeking legitimacy of Māori communities: A case from Aotearoa New Zealand Energy Sector. In

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Hossein, C.S. (2016). ‘Big Man’ politics in the social economy: A case study of microfinance in

Kingston, Jamaica. Review of Social Economy, v.74(2), 148-171

Hossein, C.S. (2016). Going local in downtown Kingston, Jamaica: Using qualitative methodologies

in complex urban settings. The Politics of Hard Times, v.16(4), 345-361

Hossein, C.S. (2016). Money pools in the Americas. The African diaspora’s legacy in the social

economy. The Forum of Social Economics, v.45(5), 309-328

Hossein, C.S. (2016). Politicized Microfinance: Power, Money and Violence in the Black Americas.

Toronto: University of Toronto.

Hossein, C.S. (2017). A black perspective on Canada’s Third Sector: Case studies on women

leaders in the social economy. Journal of Canadian Studies, v.51(3)

Hossein, C.S. (2017). Fringe banking in Canada: A study of rotating savings and credit associations

(ROSCAs) in Toronto’s inner suburbs. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research,

v.8(1), 29-43

Hossein, C.S. (2017). Living Garveyism in the social economies of the African diaspora in the

Canada and in the West Indies. National Political Science Review, 19(1), 169-186.

Hossein, C. S. (Ed.). 2018. The Black Social Economy in the Americas: Exploring diverse community-

based alternative markets. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan

Houtbeckers, E. (2018). Framing Social Enterprise as Post-Growth Organising in the Diverse

Economy. Management Revue, 29(3), 257–280. DOI:10.5771/0935-9915-2018-3-257

Hudson, L. (2018). New York City: Struggles over the narrative of the solidarity economy, Geoforum. DOI:10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.04.003

Hwang, L. (2017). Butler’s tourism area life cycle and its expansion to the creative economy. In Lowry, L. (ed.), The Sage international encyclopedia of travel and tourism. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, pp. 202-208

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Jerne, C. (2016.) Performativity and grassroots politics: On the practice of reshuffling mafia

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Williams, O. (2017). Book Review: Theories of resistance: Anarchism, geography, and the spirit of

revolt by Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Richard J. White and Simon Springer (eds). Antipode. Available at:

Williams, O. (2017). Book Review: The spirit of revolution: Beyond the dead ends of man by

Drucilla Cornell and Stephen Seely. Gender, Place, and Culture, v.24 (1), 150–1

Williams, O., DeFilippis, J., Martin, D., Pierce, J., Kruger, R-E. and Hadizadeh, A. (2018). Controlling

land collectively: The CLT groundlease reimagined. Shelterforce. Available at:

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Williams, O. & Pierce, J. (2016). Iterative parallelism as research praxis: embracing the discursive

incommensurability of scholarship and everyday politics. Area, v.48(2), 222–28

Williams, O. & Pierce, J. (2017). Inserting scales of urban politics: The possibilities of meso-urban

governance shims. Urban Geography, v.38(6), 795–812.

Women and Gender in Geography Research Network, Adams-Hutcheson, G.; A.E. Bartos; K. Dombroski; E. Le Heron; and Y. Underhill-Sem. (2019) 'Feminist geographies in Aotearoa New Zealand: cultural, social and political moments'. Gender, Place & Culture, 26, 1182-1197. DOI:


Wood, B., & Mullen, M. (2016). Rangi Ruru Walk: Social and spatial connections through hybrid intermedial practices. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 21(3), 406-412

Yamak, S., Ergur A., Özbilgin, M. & Alakavuklar, O. N. (2016) Gender as symbolic capital and

violence: The case of corporate elites in Turkey. Gender, Work and Organization, 23 (2), 125-146. Doi: 10.1111/gwao.12115

Yamashita, A., Gomez, C., and Dombroski, K. (2017). Segregation, exclusion and LGBT people in disaster impacted areas: Experiences from the Higashinihon Dai-Shinsai (Great East-Japan Disaster). Gender, Place & Culture, v.24(1), 64-71. DOI:

Zanoni, P., Contu, A., Healy, S. and Mir, R. (2017). Post-capitalistic politics in the making: The imaginary and praxis of alternative economies. Organization, v.24 (5), 575-588

Published refereed works: other-than-English


Knudsen, B.T., Jerne, C. (2019) ”Oplevelsesøkonomi og begivenhedskultur”, in Ny Kulturteori, Schiermer, B., Eriksson, B. (Eds.), København: Hans Reitzels


Houtbeckers, E. (2018). Yhteiskunnallinen yrittäjyys kasvutalouden jälkeen. In S. Viljanen & P.

Juuti (Eds.), Arvovallankumous - Eettisyys innovaatioiden lähteenä yhteiskunnallisissa yrityksissä

(pp. 48–54). Keuruu: Edita.


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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Beling, A. E. (2019). Sinergias Sur-Norte para una ‘transición civilizatoria’ a la sustentabilidad.

Propuesta para un diálogo de saberes entre Buen Vivir, Decrecimiento, y Desarrollo Humano.

Revista Colombiana de Sociología, v.42 (2)

Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J. and Healy, S. (2018). La construction du commun comme politique post-capitaliste. Translated by P. De Roo and A. Querrien. Multitudes, 2018/1(70), 82–91

Kruzynski, A. (2016). Réinventer l’économie, réinventer nos vies. Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, 15.

Kruzynski, A. (2017). De l’écologie sociale aux économies de communauté: Pour un autre vivre-ensemble. In Collectif, V. Lefebvre-Faucher and M.A. Casselot (Eds.). Faire partie du monde: Réflexions écoféministes (pp. 53-73). Les éditions du remue-ménage.

Kruzynski, A. (2017). L'autonomie collective en action: du Centre Social Autogéré de Pointe-Saint-Charles au Bâtiment 7, Nouvelles pratiques sociales, L'action communautaire: Quelle autonomie? Pour qui?, 29(1), 139-158

Kruzynski, A. (2019). Le commun dans la ville : pouvoir citoyen à Pointe-Saint-Charles. Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, 21, 135–144. Https://

Khieng S. and Lyne, I. (2016) L'entreprise sociale au Cambodge: Typologie et institutionnalisation. RECMA - Revue Internationale de l'Economie Sociale, v.342, 36-53

Vanhulst, J. & Beling, A. (2017). Esquisse pour une généalogie glocal du Buen Vivir. Synergies Chili,

N.13, 15-25.

Vanhulst J. & Zaccai E. (2019), Le paysage intellectuel du développement durable en Amérique

latine. Une analyse de réseau à partir des citations d'auteurs latino-américains. Natures Sciences

Sociétés, V.27(3), 278 - 296


Cubillo-Guevara, A.P., Vanhulst, J., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. & Beling, A. E. (2018). Die

lateinamerikanischen Diskurse zu Buen vivir: Entstehung, Institutionalisierung und

Veränderung, Peripherie, v.149, 8-28

Erdem, E. 2016. "Differenz als immanente Kategorie des Ökonomischen: Betrachtungen zu Klasse

und Gender im Werk von J. K. Gibson-Graham". Quer 22: 12-15.

Schulz C. (2018). Postwachstum in den Raumwissenschaften. Nachrichten der ARL, 47: 11-14

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Bajoit, G. & Vanhulst, J. (2016). Las acciones colectivas conflictivas. El caso del movimiento

estudiantil chileno. Anuari del Conflicte Social 2016. Universidad de Barcelona

Beling, A. (2016). “Límites y potencialidades de la teoría del reconocimiento como génesis de la gramática moral de la sociedad frente al cambio climático global”. En: Luna Bravo, J.L., Beling, J.L.,

A.E. y Bonet de Viola, A. M. (Eds.) Pluralismo e interculturalidad en América Latina en tiempos de

Globalización. Buenos Aires: Grama

Beling, A. & Vanhulst, J. (2018). “Aportes para una genealogía glocal del Buen vivir”. En: Alcántara,

M., García Montero, M. y Sánchez López, F. (Coord.), Memoria del 56.º Congreso Internacional de

Americanistas. Salamanca

Beling, A. & Vanhulst, J. (Eds.). (2019). Desarrollo non Sancto: La religión como actor emergente en

el debate global sobre el futuro de la humanidad. Siglo XXI: México D.F.

Beling, A. & Vanhulst, J. (2019). “Introducción: Laudato Si’ o la antigua novedad de la religión para

dinamizar el pensamiento y la acción socio-ecológicas”. En: Desarrollo non Sancto. Siglo XXI

Editores: México D.F.

Beling, A. & Vanhulst, J. (2019). “La Gran Transformación: desde un desarrollo “non sancto” a una

ecología integral”. En: Desarrollo non Sancto. Siglo XXI Editores: México D.F.

Carballo, A.E., Beling, A., Vanhulst, J. (2018). Peripherie Stichwort: Buen vivir, Peripherie, v.149,


Cid Aguayo B., Saravia P., Letelier E., Sandoval D., Carroza N. & Vanhulst J. (2019). Discursos de

diversidad económica en el centro-sur de Chile: Definiciones en disputa en torno a la economía

social, solidaria y autogestionaria. Miríada. Available at:

Cid Aguayo B., Vanhulst, J. & Rojas Alday, C. (2019). Procesos retro-innovadores para la

sustentabilidad socio-ecológica: el caso de la producción campesina de quesos de leche cruda en

el Golfo de Arauco. Revista Mundo Agrario.

Foio, M. del Socorro and Heras, Ana I. (2018). Frontera cultural, límite y trasvasamiento. Análisis de la noción de territorio para interrogar la interculturalidad. En Ledesma Narváez, Marianella (2018), Justicia e Interculturalidad. Análisis y pensamiento plural en América y Europa, pp. 583-608. Centro de estudios constitucionales, Lima, Perú. Available at:

Gandesha, S. y Heras Monner Sans, A.I. De la personalidad autoritaria a la personalidad neoliberal, Revista de estudios políticos 41. (2017): 127-155.

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J., and Healy. S. (2017). Retomemos La Economia: Una Guía Ética para Transformar Nuestras Comunidades. By Maria Juliana Florez (translator). Bogota: ASEUC

Heras, Ana Inés (2018). Mutuo. Aportes del pensamiento de Ferenczi al trabajo con grupos e instituciones Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones INCLUIR

Heras, A. I. y Miano, A. (2017). Educación, auto organización y territorio. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 22, (73): 533-564.

Heras, Ana Inés, Miano, Amalia, and Pagotto, María Alejandra. (2017). Una apuesta por la vida: ética y estética en formas colectivo-solidarias. Nómadas, (46), 129-149.

Heras Monner Sans, Ana Inés. (2016). Análisis de la interacción y análisis institucional. Algunos encuentros y desencuentros como punto de partida para una reflexión metodológica. Interseçoes, 18 (2): 324-346. UERJ: Río de Janeiro, Brasil.

Letelier F., Micheletti S. & Vanhulst J. (2017). Prácticas instituyentes en el espacio vecinal: el

barrio como común. Revista Polis, v.15(45)

Letelier E., Vanhulst J., Cid Aguayo B. & González R. (2019). Panorama de la economía social en

Chile: la brecha entre definiciones formales y sustantivas. REVESCO, Revista de Estudios


Luna Bravo, J.L.; Beling, A., Bonet de Viola, A.M. (Eds.) (2016). Pluralismo y Multiculturalidad en

América Latina en Tiempos de Globalización. Buenos Aires: Grama

Luna Bravo, J.L., Beling, A. y Bonet de Viola, A.M. (2016) “Presentación”. En: Luna Bravo, J.L, Beling,

A. y Bonet de Viola, A.M. (Eds.). Pluralismo e interculturalidad en América Latina en tiempos de

Globalización. Buenos Aires: Grama

Miano, A., Burin, D. y Heras, A. I. (2016). Tecnología y auto gestión en cooperativas de trabajo. De prácticas y Discurso s, Vol. 5, (6): 1-33.

Miano, María A. & Heras, Ana I. (2018). Niñas y niños toman la palabra. El potencial formativo de la narración. RLCSNJ, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 979-994, jul. 2018. ISSN 2027-7679. Available at:

Miano, M.A. & Heras Monner Sans, A. I. (2019). Un análisis histórico y geográfico de la articulación

de actores sociales en la apertura de escuelas de alternancia. Estudios Geográficos, v.80(287),


Monje, Ana M., Burin, D., MTA & Heras, Ana I. (2018) Dislocando la propiedad. Un analisis sobre usos del espacio en una experiencia colectiva en Rosario, Argentina. En Revista Huellas, 22 (2), 35-54. Available at:

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Community Economies Research Network (CERN) - recent publications compilation: from 2016, as at January 2020

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Pagotto, M. A., Foio, M. del S., Burin, D. y Ricca, C. (2019). Prácticas y sentidos sobre el valor político

de las fronteras. Estudios Fronterizos, v.20, e040

Vanhulst J. (2019). La construcción del campo de la ciencia para la sustentabilidad en América

Latina. Retrospectiva a partir de un análisis de citas entre 1970 y 2012. Revista Colombiana de Sociología, n.42(1)

Vieta, M. (2018). Autogestión ayer, hoy y mañana (prologue). In A. Ruggeri, Autogestión y

revolución: De las primeras cooperativas a Petrograda y Barcelona (pp. 16-22). Buenos Aires:

Ediciones Callao.